How A Communist Brainwashing Method Was Exported To The United States

During the height of the Cold War, the CIA attempted to develop mind control techniques with the MKULTRA program. As it happens, the Communists already had a leg up on them. We’ll explore how this was done, along with some new twists.

The criticism and self-criticism technique in history

Chinese Communist struggle session

This is what happens to people who joke about Chairman Mao ripping off Hillary’s wardrobe.

The technique of “criticism and self-criticism” (kritika i samokritika) was developed during the early days of the Soviet Union. This got results. When the early Soviet show trials and purges took place, the targets would confess to committing treason—the details stretching credulity—and beg for execution. The Maoists (Chinese Communists) used it too, typically during “struggle sessions.” Also, forced confessions were required in Vietnam for prisoners in reeducation camps.

What happened wasn’t much different from a medieval inquisition. Those targeted would be badgered until they confessed to whatever it was they supposedly did. Of course, physical forms of coercion were also an option. These weren’t actual trials; their fates were already decided.

The lucky ones were released and got to resume their lives as before, after their memorable reminder to toe the Party line. Others faced stiffer penalties than that: from loss of Party membership (and accompanying status) all the way up to execution. No amount of compliance or abject groveling could save them if it was predetermined that they were going to be purged or killed.

After the ordeal, survivors were surely scared witless. With their egos beaten down, they were ready to do as they were told without question. It’s basically a form of brainwashing. As for those who were executed after that, the purpose of going through the motions was for benefit of the audience. It was political theater, convincing those present that they were delivering justice to wrongdoers, and serving as an example of what could happen to those who step out of line.

Other than that, the “criticism and self-criticism” technique—badgering and forcing a confession—also was picked up in the USA during the 1960s by certain cults and oddball encounter groups. Today, we might think of these strange and humiliating rituals as a thing of the past, but the truth is that they’ve merely changed form. As I’ve noted previously, cultural Marxism is a crappy and inherently destructive “for-export” variety of Communism, so it’s no great surprise that it has adapted this technique for its purposes.

Modern witch hunts


This is what happens to people who say that Bruce Jenner is actually a dude.

When people are encouraged to become incensed over even tiny things, this causes a “walking on eggshells” atmosphere. In today’s politically correct climate, it’s easy to run afoul of the Thought Police. This might result in a visit to the HR Department, or a campus “speech code” investigation. However, if the thoughtcrime is serious enough—or the target is prominent enough—then this can ignite a media circus. Also, someone could end up featured on a mailing list for Social Justice Warriors. Besides just trolling and harassment, this can result in doxxing (release of your personal information) or pressure on an employer to fire the thought criminal.

We in the Western world pride ourselves on the right to free speech. That was one of the main goals of liberalism, back in the 18th Century when liberalism was still a good thing. Actually, many “free” countries criminalize politically incorrect speech. Even in places that don’t have legal penalties for speaking your mind, it carries the risk of the loss of your livelihood. This effectively makes entire policy arguments forbidden to articulate, which naturally is the whole point. Other goals, of course, are information control and thus thought control. So much for freedom of speech! It took a few centuries, but liberals now oppose what they once stood for.

The following scenario has happened time and again. Someone points out an inconvenient truth, writes something that offends someone, donates to the “wrong” cause, mocks a feminist’s First World problems, tells an off-color joke, or even wears the wrong T-shirt. Then the feeding frenzy begins, resulting in torrents of criticism. Usually the target apologizes profusely, but loses his job no matter how abject or groveling his apologies are.

It’s possible to convince a judge and twelve jurors that you’re not guilty of something, but good luck getting the media or an online SJW mob to calm down and leave you alone! The traditional Communist session was better in one way. That is, they quit after breaking the target’s will. A modern feeding frenzy, though, can drag on for months, even after the target has been begging for forgiveness. What goes on the Internet can stay there forever, including lies about you.

If you get caught in a Social Justice Weenie witch hunt, never apologize. Explain and clarify if you absolutely must. This is for the benefit of the uncommitted; the SJWs will already have made up their small minds about you and won’t stop no matter what you do. Never let them break your frame! Instead, go on the attack. You have a right to your own opinion and to express it.

If you beg for their forgiveness, then you will be allowing them to turn their criticism into your self-criticism. Remember that groveling is unlikely to save you! Apologies are for people who actually did something wrong. Having a difference of opinion isn’t wrong, despite some people’s curious notions about freedom of speech.

Here are some other particulars to remember:

  • You can’t reason with them; online mobs don’t know you and have been told that you’re an evildoer.
  • You’ll probably never know exactly what was said about you, who said it, and what email list all that was on. (If you do find out, sue for defamation of character.) However, you can be sure that you’ve already been deemed guilty.
  • They’re not interested in the truth. SJWs have great difficulty comprehending basic logic. Many of them don’t even believe in objective reality; only their feelings are real to them. Why would the truth matter to these idiots?
  • Finally, Social Justice Weenies are a bunch of losers. Their opinion of you matters less than that of a snotty child cursing you out. Therefore, don’t let these oxygen-wasters mess with your self-esteem.

Societal criticism and self-criticism


Wallowing in guilt at its finest

The Frankfurt School, a Communist think tank that moved to the USA and began subverting the educational system, developed critical theory. One of their top classics was Eros and Civilization by Herbert Marcuse. It contained lots of Freudian arguments on how our society was too repressed and we needed to loosen up our morals. Another was The Authoritarian Personality by Theodor Adorno. That too contained Freudian mumbo-jumbo, smearing right wing politics with accusations of neurosis and homo Daddy issues. All told, they wrote dozens of books along those lines, some attacking Western civilization directly. These vaporings wouldn’t have amounted to much, if they hadn’t become trendy in academia and influenced the 1960s zeitgeist.

Meanwhile, radical feminism—the Second Wave—was starting up. This too had lots of Communist influence, another front of cultural Marxism. This also was all about criticism of our culture. This caused friction between the sexes, driving a wedge deep into the heart of society. The results included the snarky, snotty, and spoiled attitudes you’ve surely encountered. Worse, this caused untold misery from high divorce rates and broken homes.

This was one of several movements that became prominent during the 1960s and are still with us today. (Surely you can think of many others.) The methodology was the same—all angrily made overblown complaints about how bad society has been to them. The way they tell it, they’re out fighting for their rights. The goal of cultural Marxism, though, was all about attacking our morale and softening us up. The people involved in those movements were merely tools, being used by leaders who were in it for power, money, and status.

The educational system has been dumbed down. History has been rewritten too. Figures like Christopher Columbus and the US Founding Fathers are bad guys now. Even as early as the 1980s, campuses were hell-bent in purging “DWEMs” (their charming term for “dead White European males”) from the literary canon. None of this was really about inclusiveness; it’s all about robbing our people of our heritage, making us ashamed of our accomplishments, and destroying our resolve.

The propaganda is everywhere. Television is full of social and political messages, even in shows for children, and piggybacked onto advertisements too. “Sensitivity training” courses deliver politically correct indoctrination. College campuses are notorious for pushing propaganda. This even happens to elementary school kids. (My first exposure was in second grade.) Some of the indoctrination exercises require audience participation, such as forcing them to fill out “privilege” checklists (with the facts cherry-picked) to instill a sense of “collective guilt.”

All this has worked according to plan. Many are out of touch with their roots, and don’t understand that they have a heritage worth preserving. Worse, others have been infected by guilt trips. Sometimes this leads to public spectacles of wallowing in guilt; again, there’s the self-criticism part.

The antidote to this is the truth. The fact is, every civilization has its good points and its bad points, and ours is no exception. It’s rotten hypocrisy for the bullshit merchants in academia and the media to dwell on our faults and overlook those of other parts of the world, while selectively ignoring our accomplishments and elevating those of others. The truth is that none of our shortcomings or misdeeds are solely found in Western civilization, but some of our good characteristics are indeed unique.

You can protect your children by home schooling them or sending them to a private school where they won’t be indoctrinated. You can always get rid of your TV too. Meanwhile, though, millions of other students will be putty in the hands of propagandizing professors and teachers, and of course the lying media. Those pushing this from the top down must be called out, exposed, and removed from power.

Read More: 13 Common SJW “Arguments” And How to Dismantle Them

121 thoughts on “How A Communist Brainwashing Method Was Exported To The United States”

  1. The SJWs and the Thought Police didn’t appear out of nowhere, just by accident. It all happened by design. And behind the designers are the wealthiest humans on the planet, who throw money at the causes that suit their long-range plans the best. It’s the 0.000001%, the BBB (Blue Blood Billionaires).

      1. I’ve read his stuff. I think he puts out disinfo. Snippets of truth…what do you think.

        1. I didn’t get very far with his ‘bloodlines’, so I can’t really say, but I try to keep an open mind. Aristocracy and great families were certainly involved with the Bavarian Illuminati (i.e. the documented group rather than the putative conspiratorial continuation) so the question does arise what was their game? Why would they seek to undermine a system they were a part of?

  2. Look at who doesn’t wind up on the receiving end of this public humiliation: Libertarians.
    Libertarians like Ron Paul can criticize the Federal Reserve System as much as they want, yet no one in power calls them out for uttering “hate speech” and pressures them to retract their statements against the Fed and apologize for engaging in thought crimes about it.
    Apparently our elites just don’t feel vulnerable through attacks on the central banking system, so what does libertarians’ obsession with it really accomplish, even if they have legitimate grievances?

    1. Perhaps it’s that elites don’t feel vulnerable to those attacks when they’re coming from Ron Paul, a man who was the lesser forerunner to Bernie.
      When The Donald attacks Janet Yellen and her politicization of The Fed, that seems to get their attention.

      1. Janet Yellen is politicizing the fed? I am against the Fed, but for fucks sake, she has certainly been the least politicized of the last 3, if not all the Fed Chairs for the past 40 years…

        1. Janet Yellen is likely the most politicized head of the Fed in decades.
          She’s spared no expense in propping up 0bama and his failed economic policies.

    2. Maybe because they know the masses don’t understand banking, or how a currency work and actually think money=wealth. Since they made sure most of the people were just dumb idiots, they understand they can never expect an uprising because the currency has been debased. The masses are too stupid for that. Besides, even Mises and Rothbard rejected open borders lunacy borders

    3. They have no power. They can and do criticize a whole lot more than the Federal Reserve, and you know it. The moment they get any power, this will be “addressed” by the Establishment.

        1. Which is a terror cell, Fabian socialism, while I disagree with it, is certainly not promoting terrorism.

    1. I like your diagram, although it insinuates that Communism started with Marx. Communism is nothing but a repackaging of tyranny in a way that the dumb masses out there think they can get something by having a ruling class tell them how what to do. Whether, feudalism, dictatorship, or widespread slavery, the ruling class forces the people to work, take the fruits of their labor and redistribute just enough to prevent revolt.

        1. And you’d be right…if you weren’t completely wrong. Feudalism was the product of the collapse of a civilization due to the barbarian invasions and the need for security in a turbulent world, not a political system. You weren’t completely free but neither a slave, at least in Western Europe. In the Slavic world that’s another story.

        2. The serf worked one day out of seven on the lord’s fields. In exchange the lord provided protection from the other abusive warlords. How many days a week do we currently work to serve our political masters?

        3. Not completely wrong!
          In both models, the individual is toiling (not working, keep in mind – important distinction) for some other entity which is supposed to represent his interests, but really only serves it’s own.
          ALSO, but systems are applied upon a populace rather than evolving organically, such as a free-trade system.

        4. A small group that owns vast property and lets the “common folk” work there how or where is dictated. All goods are taken from them and redistributed as they see fit, just enough for the peasants to keep from revolting……yes, totally different.

        5. Feudalism arose organically. It was imposed by the environment, in the beginning of the Middle Ages, all government structure had collapsed and it took centuries for something resembling a functional government beyond a chieftain to come up. The very peasants oftentimes chose the vassalage, knowing the perils of living without a lord backing you up (Viking marauders, Gothic barbarians, thieves, etc).
          Free trade system can only work in fairly homogeneous societies where the rule of law arises organically or is imposed from without.

        6. As I told the other guy you’d be right if you weren’t so wrong. The “small group” were those able to defend their lands, not some handpicked elite that had money. Once the Roman empire of the West fell, the rule of law went with it and would be absent for at least 700 years in most Europe. In its place most of Europe was ruled by customs and tradition. And no, neither all the goods nor the majority were taken from them (Vassals). The relation between the lords and his peasants was two-sided. The Lords were compelled to defend the vassals and their property. The vassals were compelled to produce and deliver a portion of his products to the Lord and stay put in his land. Vassalage is by far a very bad condition but not as bad as the modern man thinks it was.
          You should study the sources and stop watching silly movies. I guess you also believe Norse women fought side by side along their men in the battles.

        7. Feudalism was “right to bear arms” when arms where very very expensive.
          The knights where defenders of villages. This changed around 1600 but that is history – because of arms.

    2. That diagram gives me a headache.
      Note: True communism is rare, because it doesn’t work except under the most delicate of conditions. Meaning: small homogeneous group with no shortage of resources. Even then, it usually doesn’t take.

  3. It bears repeating that esp. on a college you can absolutely not say anything leftwing enough, whether its white men should be killed, or that transgerders need to get married too, but if you even say anything remotely right-wing you’re outta here with your hate speech.

      1. do you remember that bit in Star Trek First Contact when the Borg beam over from the Borg sphere onto the USS Enterprise without anybody knowing.
        Same happened with the disintegration of the USSR.
        That would make Hillary the Borg Queen, but a whole lot uglier

        1. don’t know star trek stuff – but I get it…
          We grew up being “scared” of the commie invasion air-land,and sea..
          But it never happened.
          They invaded via the sewers*
          *the schools ala Bill Ayers…

    1. Tyler, is this the Tyler Durden who operates Zero Can I have your autograph? Please?

      1. No, and I’m not pretending to be. I do however have the utmost respect for what they’re doing over there.

  4. My wife grew up under the communists in post war Vietnam as her family wasn’t able to get out until the early 1990s. Her dad spent the better part of a decade in one of those wonderful reeducation camps. They gave up pretty much everything to come here and start a new life. Now watching the Bernie Sanders supporters on TV scares the crap of of her. Pretty much the only thing those ignorant turds are missing are the red scarves.

    1. Bernie Sanders and Maoism are nothing alike. if you don’t understand the difference, you should.

      1. They are different in their methods, but the results are the same, loss of freedom, loss of individuality, wealth redistribution to those with political power.

    2. Most Bernie supporters were either really young and idealistic, or really old and (still) idealistic. Being a middle-aged pragmatist, I didn’t feel too welcome in their camp — but they’re as harmless as a batch of sugar cookies.

      1. Idealistic students/youth were the backbone of every red uprising in the 20th century.

        1. lol that you compare Bernie supporters to Chairman Mao supporters. Bernie supporters just liked what he was saying about income inequality and climate change. So did I.
          Don’t worry — they’ve all returned to their hemp basket weaving projects.

        2. Do you think these movements started with ‘Purge the unbelievers!’ on day 1? It’s a warping of relatively noble intentions.

        3. All movements, bar none, have the potential to veer into mob violence. In the 60s, it was the liberals. Right now, the Trumplings and the alt-right are hurtling down that path.

        4. And yet who was directing violence at the enemy during the primaries? Those hemp-weaving peaceful socialists.

        5. That’s the best you’ve got? That’s lolworthy. Btw if we’re playing by those rules, throwing tomatoes at someone is assault. ‘Knocking the crap’ out of someone is actually justified if you feel they’ll bring harm to someone else.

        6. How does the old saying go? You can lead a horse to water, and you can teach him to fish, and you can even give the horse a Bass-o-matic, but you can’t make him drink the fish.

        7. Dammit Jammy, a BLM supporter massacred cops in Dallas, leftists have mob attacked Trump supporters nationwide, and you’re worried about a joke?
          C’mon man have some perspective. The barbarians are at the fucking gate and you’re worried that the only man willing to at least try to man it speaks like a typical New Yorker.

        8. I thought it was “you could lead some whores to water but you can’t make them think”

        9. Yeah because denying history will prevent it…oh and ignorance is strength and war is peace. Don’t forget it.

        10. When you can show us mobs of Trump supporters beating up liberals and leftists, expelling them from universities, violating their right to free speech, then might you have a case. So far, it’s the other way around and your arguments are leftist hyperbole.

        11. I thought the Bernie folks liked what Bernie was saying about systemic corruption and how the system has failed everyone.
          From what I heard, Bernie spent a lot of time raging at corruption and globalism, which is how I come by the estimate that every “Berner” is 2/3rds a Trump supporter.

        12. Words so far, but considering the actual violence perpetuated by you leftists simps and the voter fraud that is ongoing, it woud be justified to use violence on you. You have it coming.

        13. Oh come now. It’s the Left that is out still going full apeshit with violence, and now they’re being sent out to Trump gatherings to agitate violence. This isn’t some secret thing, it’s out in the open.
          Unless you’re calling BLM an alt right movement….um…

        14. There are jagged edges to either camp. If one hopes to be more than a follower, the challenge is to distill the true positions and values of the person you’re voting for (or against!), independent of the noise and static of the mob.

        15. now, now….its helpful to have differing opinions here, otherwise we’re just an angry echo chamber. Or Breitbart.

        16. In my Navy days we always said you can lead a horse to water but sometimes you have to apply a 20# suction to his asshole to make him drink.

        17. Hey there! I have nothing but respect for an honest whore, thirsty or well hydrated. It is all the dishonest whores I object to; wifestitutes, paternity fraudsters, and false rape accusers.

        18. The last Trump rally I attended in Asheville NC, the people inside were well dressed, polite and generally speaking, the men looked masculine and the women looked feminine. Other than the DNC plants in there, some standing right next to my family.
          I wanted my young daughter to see the truth about Trump, his supporters, the protestors, and the media. And what do you know? It worked.
          The people outside the event (allowed by the local PD to crowd the doors and harass us all as we entered, then blocked the doors as we attempted to leave, were almost without exception some of the ugliest, fattest, most fucked up looking people you’d ever want to see. Dyed hair, tattoos, piercings, overweight, manboobs, foreigners — basically every stereotype writ large. Like Heartiste says, Physiognomy is real.
          I was cussed, verbally assaulted, and called every name in the book. As were my wife and daughter. At one point, when called a racist by a white cat lady/feminist I simply replied “You’re only saying that because I’m White”, then “Why do you hate White people so much?”. The look on her face was priceless.
          At any rate, the DNC plants inside the rally were steady dropping F bombs, flipping off people right in their faces etc. My daughter noticed this as well. It didn’t do much to win her over to their side. In fact it had the opposite effect. Which is exactly what I expected to happen.
          But I will say this: If Trump had said “I need 500 men front and center to go outside and kick the shit out of that human refuse in front, so these nice people can leave in peace, I don’t doubt that 2000 men would’ve run to the front begging for a chance. I would have been right there with them. No other group in American history has so richly deserved a good old fashioned ass-kicking as these SJW pieces of shit that were ‘protesting’ outside the rally. Even the black people in the rally with whom I spoke were echoing my sentiments about the mostly White crowd outside.
          But, it’s important to note, that no matter how much some of us may have wanted that to happen, he didn’t. He could resort to the same tactics as the left but he has not.
          Fortunately for the shitlibs, manlets, cat ladies, illegals, BLMs et al, it hasn’t happened. If it does happen, they will lose and lose big. I have no doubt. If the election is stolen by the #cunt, things might get a little dicey.
          I don’t want this to be about race. I want it to be about America and all Americans who are sick of globalism and insane cultural marxism.
          Some on the left try to make it about race. But it isn’t. However this excellent article does everything but name the problem. I suggest interested people pick up a copy of Kevin McDonald’s Culture of Critique and give it a read.
          Regarding race though, anybody seen the new video: The Hood for Trump?
          If you haven’t here it is:

      2. Quote from (maybe) Churchill”:
        “If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart. If you’re
        not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain”

    3. Tell wife about the second amendment and start prepping. I recommend that she look into purchasing a revolver.

      1. Wife loves 2A and is a fantastic shot. The funny thing is the commies had them learn how to field strip a SKS in grade school but they never got any ammo. She didn’t get to actually shoot one until she got over here.

    4. It gives us Brits a good laugh when we hear how over in Yankland Bernie is considered dangerously left-wing. Then we see his policies and realise that over here he’d be considered a plodding, inoffensive middle-of-the-road candidate. And over in the rest of Western Europe (France, Scandinavia etc) he’d be running as a centre-right candidate.
      Compare and contrast Bernie with Corbyn; remember that, although Corbyn is more left-wing than the average Labour leader, he is nevertheless the leader of the official centre-left opposition. Us Brits don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

      1. I don’t think I’d be laughing in your shoes, mate.

        1. True, but Steve2058 is also not mistaken. The accepted paradigm in Europe is now so much “pushed” to the left that even soft american communism would be the absolute center in most countries (even if under different labels). On the other hand, our “cuckservative” right and old communists (weird that it might be) are morphing into a new extreme right (in France, but also in Poland or Hungary).
          Even if it is in the US that the political stage seems now more agitated, it’s in Europe that the great rifts are building up.

        2. On the issue of the right-wing merging with traditional Communists to form a new extreme right: just look up the economic policies of the British National Party. If you didn’t know about their “Darkies Go Home” policies, you’d think they were just another Leftist party.

        3. Exactly!
          Everywhere, from Eastern Europe to the former industrial areas of France, Italy and the UK, from Russia to the Iberian Peninsula (where old communists now protect the church and traditions like bullfight from neo socialist prohibitionism), is this strange phenomenon observable…

        4. This is just idle speculation woven into a just-so story, but my theory as to the reason behind this is as follows:
          Communism grew up out of militant Trade Unionism, which in turn was formed by working-class men. This time last century, Trade Unions represented what we today would call an ‘Alpha Provider’: Blue-collar white men who worked at manual labour jobs all day to provide for their families.
          Then, when Communism got softened into Socialism, it brought on board all the SJW Tumblr crap which we know and love today. In doing so, it alienated the kind of men who had originally been part of the Trade Union movement which was the Grandfather of Socialism. So these men who would have been Trade Unionists a century ago, or Communists a half-century ago, turn instead to movements which stand up for them instead of demonising them as being ‘Privileged White Het Cismales’ . That is, they turn to Nationalist movements and in so doing bring their Economic Communism along with them.

  5. Communism is not a philosophy or religion but rather a cult.
    You cannot argue with people who are members of a cult and if you try it with communists they’ll confound your commonsense and logic with the profundity of their dialectical rationality.
    In truth and I’m paraphrasing Adorno (again) who wasn’t a Communist (despite what some people here think) who stated that it was a form ” of pseudo critical thinking for intellectual dunces”. I believe he had a valid point even to an empiricist who looks at the world as it is, any actual historical evidence which maintains communist has any positive value on citizens who lived in such States, is alas sadly missing (North Korea, Russia under Stalin, China under Moa et al).

    1. You are making a mistake here.
      Cultists don’t care about the ideology they propagate. They can work with anything. They can take “absolute truth” (whatever that is) and make a cult out of it.

      “Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism.”
      Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935
      “The revolution in Russia is a Jewish revolution”
      The Maccabean (New York), Nov. 1905, p, 250
      “Jewry is the mother of Marxism.”
      Le Droit de Vivre, May 12, 1936
      “Judaism is Marxism, communism”
      Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 64
      “The communist soul is the soul of Judaism.”
      Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 143
      “We Jews cannot be called upon to denounce Communism.”
      The American Hebrew (New York), February 3, 1939, p. 11
      “The picture which the Soviet Union presents today is one that should bring rejoicing to world Jewry.”
      The Youngstown Jewish Times, Sept. 18, 1936, page 51
      “It would be absurd to deny the intensity of the Jewish participation in the Russian revolutionary movement.”
      Leon Dennen, in The Menorah Journal (New York) July-September 1932, p. 106
      “That achievement – the Russian-Jewish revolution – destined to figure in history as the overshadowing result of World War, was largely the outcome of Jewish thinking, of Jewish discontent, of Jewish effort to reconstruct.”
      The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920
      “The Bolshevik Government of Russia is the key-stone of the arch of the proof of the Jewish conspiracy for radicalism and world-domination.”
      William Hard, The Great Jewish Conspiracy (New York: American Jewish Book Company, 1920), p. 31
      “The Jewish elements provide the driving forces for communism”
      Dr. Oscar Levy, in George Pitt-Rivers, The World Significance of the Russian Revolution (Oxford, 1920), p. ix
      “The Jews [have been] furnishing for the Bolsheviks the majority of their leaders”
      The Jewish World (London), April 16, 1919, p. 11
      “Russian Jews have taken a prominent part in the Bolshevist movement”
      The American Hebrew (New York), November 18, 1927, p. 20
      “Jewry has come to wield a considerable power in the Communist Party.”
      Dr. Avrahm Yarmolinsky, in The Menorah Journal (New York), July 1928, p. 37
      “The East-Side Jew [Trotsky] that Conquered Europe”
      The liberator (New York), March 1920, pp. 26-27
      “The real East Sider [New York Jew Trotsky] is at the head of things in Russia.”
      M. L. Larkin, in The Public (New York), November 23, 1918, p. 1433
      “It is not an accident that Judaism gave birth to Marxism, and it is not an accident that the Jews readily took up Marxism; all this is in perfect accord with the progress of Judaism and the Jews.”
      Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 148
      “Karl Marx, who came from an old family of rabbis and brilliant Talmudic scholars, was to point the path of victory for the proletariat.”
      L. Rennap, Anti-Semitism and the Jewish Question (London, 1942), p. 31
      “Among his [Karl Marx’s] ancestors were Rabbis and Talmudists, men of learning and keen intellect.”
      Henry Wickham Steed, in The American Hebrew (New York), December 9, 1927, p. 206

    1. This is child abuse, and that adult on the left deserves a thorough beating for allowing it to happen, presumably to his own kin.

    2. I’m always hoping that these sort of stunts are just deep trolling, but I suspect not.

      1. Not deep trolling, but brainwashing the useful idiots, a.k.a. shabos goyim ??.. goyim = cattle … That old heifer above with the young heifer above describe it perfectly ??

  6. Hey guys, it was the Unitarians who took over Harvard and all of the other Ivy-League schools who began the subversion of America. Time to apply their standards to them. That and take pictures of their houses, cars and then find out where their children go to school. Go to the town and find out the assessed value of their property, look up the make and year of their vehicles and find out how many minorities go to their childrens school. In particular, find out how many times the police have been called to their schools and how many felonies have been committed. That will tell a lot and post it on the Internet.

    1. Info about Bernie’s multi-million dollar second home did him a lot of harm. Note that this was just before he fully supported Hitlery. Coincidence? I think not.

  7. Fighting back is the only option. Did anyone else notice how all these phony sexual harassment claims against Donald Trump stopped when he promised to sue each and every one of the accusers?

    1. They sure did didn’t they? Funny how that’s all receded back into the woodwork so quickly isn’t it?

      1. I’m hoping that every man who is on the receiving end of such slander does the same thing. Yes it is painful and possibly expensive but it is the only way to deal with it.

      2. I heard NPR trying to get an interviewed woman to trash Trump over this issue. This second generation Cuban immigrant woman said, “but all this is coming from the media, and they are not a credible source.”
        The Truth is out there, and it is becoming widely known.

  8. Contrary to popular belief the Soviet Communist Party did not fade away after the fall of the Soviet Union. They just relocated to the US. They currently call themselves the “Obama Administration”.

    1. Actually the Obama administration is only a subset of the American communist party. The whole is called the Democratic Party with its right wing being called The Republican Party.

  9. I’ve been at a Champagne socialite event with PresidentBill
    Was married to Wall St. My ex says she has also been to fund raisers/events with Hillary, and also one with Chelsea.
    She was incredibly impressed with the kid. Says she is fantastic speaker…
    What really surprises me is my ex and her wall st millionaire friends are democrats…
    But, I think I realize now, have heard an expression “can’t pull the ladder up fast enough behind them”…
    perhaps this is why. It eliminates competition.And they are already uber-wealthy…
    I think I will try and join them…

  10. If you get caught in a Social Justice Weenie witch hunt, never apologize. Explain and clarify if you absolutely must.

    By explain and clarify, I assume you mean “Agree and Amplify”? Remember those folks making the Beach Ready Body protein supplements? They agreed and amplified like class A shitlords. It boosted their popularity and sales. Take a lesson from that.

    1. Good point. It’s not about apologies or their absence, but resistance or capitulation in front of their rhetoric.

  11. >> SJW’ism is a form of state approved VIGILANTISM >>
    But how to ‘fix’ the damaged zombots that are now matured and walking the streets looking for targets to ‘socially justify’? Most people in society aren’t inclined to want to spend their energy waging a campaign of smear, vice and emotionally driven attack on anyone. But the media throws hints. It always has. A group, person or persons ostricised by the powers can be attacked by proxy when the media trips them and gives activation signals. Most law abiding citizens are concerned primarily with poking fast food in their hole, securing room and board and pursuing entertainment which is often artificially sweetened somehow to mask the regular dosing of propaganda being administered. Ergo: the sjw theme underwritten into video games and sporting events. The dosing of propaganda must be kept constant and metered to keep the response reflexes active and receptive to triggering.
    That’s ‘most people’. Outwardly astute, groomed, hardworking but with an instructive implant lying dormant. A propaganda command or commands from early education. Then suddenly the subjects are ‘green lighted’ to do what is within their physical or professional power to attack or destroy a specified target.
    The media promotes attacks on targets in a round about way. ‘Racist’, ‘Sexist’ and now ‘Traditionalist’ calls for bending the rules, to do whatever it takes to doxx these blacklisted parties. Most people can sense when the authority or the ‘mods’ if you will in the room become displeased at you. ‘The Gods’ being displeased or ‘the powers’ affirming their propaganda instructs to activate against you can culminate in a combination of batshit crazy loose cannons firing at you and also legitimate actors who think they’re acting in good will to the collective by removing the disruption to their ‘feel good’ utopian bliss, which is also an state of being and mind that gets approval by the elite powers. >>When you do as they say, the powers smile upon you and you feel good about your life. >> Or, it’s okay to join and partake in mob justice (sometimes) and it’s okay to suspend the law (break normal enforcement codes) for a moment when the smiling behemoth gold plated icon of powers ‘SMILES’ and radiates warmth upon you like an infrared heating unit in an efficiency apartment. When the powers blacklist a target, law is suspended and the good (dumbed down) sheep are allowed to stomp the vermin loosed in the pen . . . “baahahahaha-baaaaah-baa”
    Systems allow citizens periodically to devour and crucify one of their own because it actually empowers the citizen to better serve the state, to feel like they’re part of the power dynamic when in reality they are powerless. They’re only allowed to act as a ‘garbage collector’ and kill off an enemy of the state that the state doesn’t want to get its hands dirty dealing with for the immense repricussions that come about when the state itself openly hangs and lynches its reformers.
    SJW’ism is in effect state controlled vigilantism.

  12. Stellar article. The don’t apologize paragraphs need to be the 11th Commandment. Actually, can we make the “Ten Commandments of dealing with S/J/W’s/HR/fat faced cunts at work and in private/social life”. They always want the apology and that is basically providing the rope and tree to these bitches.

  13. If we used old law as a basis for current law, such as that of the early founding of our country, or that of the viking we could eliminate this. Back then there were certain words that you could say to a person that were basically “fighting words”.
    These words or defamations, had a legal name and if they were said to you you had the right to find that person and try to kill them in a legally regulated duel. If you won the duel you were considered right. If you did not challenge a duel it was assumed the acuser was right.
    I believe we desperately need this to restore honor and regulate our word usage. This would completely eviscerate the SJW .

  14. “It’s rotten hypocrisy for the bullshit merchants in academia and the media to dwell on our faults and overlook those of other parts of the world, while selectively ignoring our accomplishments and elevating those of others.”
    That’s why a nonconformist like me looks at every culture with very little respect. Cultures change all the time, old sets of values decline and the new ones come. There’s nothing good at clinging to the past nor at embracing everything new. Eventually, only the truth and real values survive, like the love for a man. Those who are now engaged in nuisances such as politicall correctness or the preservation of “our culture” are equally deluded.

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