Hillary Clinton Pulls Out The Lie Book To Try And Stump The Trump At The First Presidential Debate

Monday night’s first Presidential debate, held at Hofstra University in New York, lacked some of the rhetorical fireworks between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton that many had anticipated. Still, the performances of both candidates confirmed earlier assessments made by Return Of Kings. Republican nominee Trump highlighted how America is continuing to lose out economically, socially, and in terms of its national security to other states and organized groups, including ISIS. By contrast, Clinton deployed a series of diversions and straight-out lies to bait again those perennial victims brainwashed by Democrats over decades: millions of blacks, Hispanics, young people, and non-SJW women.

(starts at 26:00)

The problem with Clinton’s performance is that she relied on “zingers,” as the mainstream media calls them, which are considered factual and superb just because she says them. They are either inaccurate or, just as bad, banal platitudes about “justice,” “fairness,” and “equality.” These feel-good lines are devoid of either context or proof. Compare this to Trump, who zoomed in perfectly on the cancers afflicting the US: deference to rivals and enemies, failing to ask allies for proper support, and a basic refusal to act in the ways that are best for America.

Here are three key areas in which the Trump-Clinton divide was most prominent during last night’s debate:

Hillary can’t shake off her globalist past—and future

Trump astutely homed in on Hillary Clinton’s previous “gold standard” description of the toxic Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) “free trade” proposal, support which the Democratic nominee claimed to have backtracked on only months ago. He linked this praise to her fawning endorsement of NAFTA in the 1990s. NAFTA, as Trump pointed out, has led to the erosion of American manufacturing and the strange situation where Mexico is allowed to export its goods into America with much smaller financial barriers than the reverse. The TPP promises to do the same and, when it comes to US based-interests, will only benefit transnational corporations.

Clinton was unwilling to categorically rule out backing the TPP again if elected President and avoided criticizing Barack Obama for wanting it implemented. She also said nothing of substance in relation to combating China’s extremely anti-free trade behavior, most notably the constant devaluation of its currency. In the context of a $20 trillion US national debt and trade deficits that balloon ever more, the likely Democratic inaction on this front is alarming and only surrenders national, rather than corporate interests. What she did do was to try to placate those wanting a welfare state, promising things like “debt-free college” and a minimum wage rise. But how can those she will get the money from, “the wealthy,” pay for both these shopping items and simultaneously pay down the debt?

When the topic switched to terrorism, the Democratic nominee refrained from discussing how ISIS began its rise when she was Secretary of State, an inconvenient truth she was quickly reminded about. Expanding on this bad judgment point, Trump alluded to a related national security failure of the “experienced” Secretary Clinton: the United States’ persistent bankrolling of other states’ safety at the direct expense of its own. The whole point of NATO is that it is an alliance, but America always seems to foot the bill, just as it does in its relationship with Japan. In response, Hillary Clinton was unable—or simply refused—to articulate how this is either a desirable or affordable state of affairs. This is telling as nationalist vs. globalist arguments grow more salient within the current American political discourse.

Gender pay gap madness

Hillary Clinton unsurprisingly brought up the gender pay gap, a long-discredited myth that ignores how women, even those employed full-time, work on average less hours than men. This political fiction, one perpetually drawing in millions of self-victimized female voters and emasculated white knights, fails to acknowledge the greater presence of men in higher-skilled and therefore higher-paying industries as well.

Despite the certainty that this kind of argument would be raised, Clinton took it to a new, far more delusional level by suggesting that women deserve the same pay for inferior work. She claimed that Donald Trump “said women don’t deserve equal pay unless they do as good a job as men.” He actually did not say this, as a fact check used in USA Today article illustrated months ago.

Yet even if he had made the statement, this is perhaps the least controversial soundbite, real or imagined, that anyone has ever used to try and discredit Trump. The falsely attributed words are one hundred percent in line with the idea of “equal pay for equal work.” If your work is not of the same quality as your peer, you should not get equal pay. How, for example, is a junior female lawyer who brings in less clients and billable hours than her male counterpart deserving of equal pay? What Trump did say is that he favors paying employees based on performance.

Necessary corrections aside, Hillary Clinton’s line is merely a prelude to the affirmative action she will unleash upon the American economy if elected. Having already implied that women deserve equal pay even if their work and performance cannot be described as equal, expect concrete legislation that will force employers to hire women over men, irrespective of their credentials, socioeconomic backgrounds (preferential treatment allows many Middle American men to be leapfrogged by women from privileged families), and the real requirements of the job.

Race-baiting… again

Hillary Clinton reverted to re-peddling the tired old fantasy that 2016 is the new Jim Crow laws era. Forgetting that countless non-blacks are in jail for non-violent offences, too, she falsely portrayed African-Americans as the victims of police harassment and racist hysteria over crimes that are not murder, rape or serious assault. To boot, she pushed aside the higher involvement of blacks in violent felonies. Clinton further outlined how outright (white) racism, not certain cultural values and black-on-black brutality, purportedly explains almost every conceivable problem confronting African-Americans today. Plus, she did not ever call out the truly deplorable rioters in Charlotte, nor condemn overall the opportunistic troublemakers that comprise Black Lives Matter.

Trump absolutely schooled his opponent, however, when it came to the astounding rate of violence in Chicago, Clinton’s city of birth. In a metropolitan area where gun laws are amongst the most restrictive in the nation, black-on-black crime especially has decimated African-American communities. Clinton’s crude racial politics quickly became stuck and the candidate herself appeared to be flustered. After all, Chicago, which Trump was using as an example of the general malaise of crime found across the country, is controlled locally by Democrats, like most major cities.

The desperation of Hillary Clinton, a representative of a party which has failed America’s minorities and made them poorer, became evident when she mentioned a racial discrimination lawsuit, not a finding of guilt, brought against Trump forty years ago. With nothing to offer blacks and Hispanics, other than the same old dud policies on a national and municipal level, she had to invent a boogeyman to distract people.

But the media still lauded Clinton

The post-Hofstra debate media coordination will be just like this.

Regardless of her cheap antics at the debate, almost every mainstream media editorial from CNN’s to the LA Times‘ waxed lyrical about Clinton’s supposedly epic performance on Monday night. That sycophancy will only grow from now until election day. But if takes so much concerted, stooge-like media support to help her win, what does that say about her as a candidate?

Right now, though, we should be both proud of and amazed at where Trump is at the moment. Only six months ago, people were bellowing that he would still lose the Republican nomination. He could never ever win, the experts said. Moreover, just a year ago, his candidacy was considered a laughing stock by elites and nearly all supporters of the Democrats.

So who’s laughing at Donald Trump now? Not many people, and certainly not a very concerned Hillary Clinton.

Read More: Hillary Clinton Calls At Least 20% Of American Voters “Deplorables” For Supporting Trump

411 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton Pulls Out The Lie Book To Try And Stump The Trump At The First Presidential Debate”

  1. I like how she denied that she didn’t start the birther movement. Her 2008 campaign total did and we all know it.
    I think Trump could have done better. The whole “not nice” thing sounded like he was just complaining like a beta chump toward the end. But, he wouldn’t let her get away with a lot of the lies and commanded the stage well.
    In the end, no clear winner. Trump sured up his base. Klinton did the same. Some undecideds are going to like Trump because he is brash, nothing that we have seen in an R since maybe Reagan. The sheeple will like Klinton becuase they buy into her lies.

  2. The manosphere’s hamster will now go into an overspin.
    Listen, call a spade a spade. Trump had a bad hair day – literally and figuratively. He lost this debate the witch was in good form and hold her frame much better than him.
    My biggest concern is Trump’s voice. It’s very weak.

    1. She was the alpha dog in that fight. He was merely showing the world his true colors on the most important night of that campaign. I couldn’t believe how badly he fucked up his responses to tough questions that he knew were coming.
      I do wish the site’s owners would quit the Sniffles propaganda. He’s a shitty political candidate because he’s a shitty person, and everybody knows it, even his supporters.

      1. I wouldn’t call her ‘alpha dog’, but she did better than Trump, that’s a fact. Trump looked passive and disoriented, and was clear that he was poorly fighting The Cunt and that nigger Holt, who was on The Cunt’s side.
        I’m worried about USA….Trump is not the best, but is the lesser evil in this election. If The Cunt wins, there is only darkness….

        1. Exactly. She didn’t do a very good job, but Trump fucked up big time. This was the first chance to sell himself to the on the fence everyday voter, and truthfully he bombed. Granted, the questions were biased as fuck and pandered to the liberal agenda big time, but he was on the defense the whole time. Made him look weak.

        2. Hasn’t he been supposedly bucking the liberal agenda the whole time? He knew what he was walking into, and who he was about to debate. if he or his preparers didn’t feel the need to take it more seriously, he should fire whoever he was working with to prepare him for this debate. He got his ass handed to him on most (not all) questions and responses, and by the middle of the debate he knew he was in over his head.

      2. Hahaha ruff ruff ruff!!! Completely biased moderation. Collusion between Shill and Lester. Pre-written responses and “zingers” yet nothing on policy but called all Americans inherently racists and said women need a leg up even if they can’t meet standards. This debate was for people on the fence and he won it for independents. She will be slaughtered in the next two. The shilling runs deep through your veins.

    2. “Listen, call a spade a spade. Trump had a bad hair day – literally and figuratively. He lost this debate the witch was in good form and hold her frame much better than him”
      Exactly. And it’s bothersome to see manoshpere men & bloggers rave on about how Trump kicked her ass. What are we, a bunch a delusional sjw’s who have lost the ability to objectively see and objectively think?
      Trump needs to get his ass in gear or the fate of America and the free world is fucked.

    3. “the witch was in good form”
      Today I overheard someone say Clinton reminded him of a smiling Merkel. All calm competence and wit to boot. Not sure I agree though..

    4. Trump was authentic and human , hillary was plastic and robotic. Did you head over to CNN to get the after debate scoop on who won ? As apparently most of this comment section appears to have done?

    5. Sadly. I wish he hit Hillary as hard as he hit Cruz. Given the hostile media environment, and liberal bias, he needs to hit harder than he hit Cruz.

    6. How many times did I hear this gay ass argument during the GOP debates? Trump is going to win because he is speaking to deeper emotional elements that America is feeling. Nobody gives a fuck about Hillary’s wonkish robotic sound bites. Can you even remember anything that cunt said last night? She made zero impact with the uneasiness people are feeling about the future of the country.
      Every time Hillary speaks in her shrill voice the testosterone level of the country takes a nose dive. You faggots need quit being autistic losers fretting over Hillary’s policy wonkery that most of the nation could care less about.

    7. I have to agree that Trump was much too defensive instead of being on the offence.
      But someone pointed out that he was trying to appeal to the people who think of him “Literally Hitler” (which is an idiotic assessment, but one that many of the sheeple actually believe). You guys think he held back on purpose to reel in some new supporters, while planning to hammer her harder next time?
      Personally, I’m not sure it’s a good idea. Look how far he got, and how wildly popular he was when being his normal un-filtered self. I really wanted the iron-frame balls-of-steel Trump to bring down the law on Shitlary. This loss is extra annoying because we know that he can do it so well and make it seem so easy.
      I really hope we’ll get to see that next time.

    8. Trump let her air out all the attacks on purpose. These were dry ammo fodder and the plan was to take it without breaking.
      He let her use all the ammo on one night. Knowing how quickly the news cycle is, the public will get focused on the next two debates.
      This is when the full frontal assault will happen. He has established in this debate that the moderator is incredibly biased and Hillary had spoon feed answers. Then, it’s time to destroy her like he did Jeb.
      Now, if this does not happen, then you might be on to something. who knows what Ol’ Uncle (((Bibi))) told him before the debates…

  3. The joke is on everybody that supported Trump….Little do they know Trump is in cahoots with Hillary Clinton

        1. Yeah, but I think he is taking a personal risk / hit doing this: there have been hundreds or thousands of death threats, actual attempts on his life, and his personal business dealings are suffering… he’s got like what 5 kids, 10 grand kids … he could kick back with his family for the next 20 years instead

        2. No such thing as bad publicity in Showbiz, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Clinton’s and media overlords gave Trump an offer he couldn’t refuse

        3. All signs point to him making his own alt-right TV network with Bannon/Breitbart immediately following his loss. Imagine — all Trump, all the time. Coverage begins the day of HRC’s inauguration.

    1. I was skeptical of Trump from the beginning but was giving him the benefit of the doubt.
      The red light that always stuck out for me was that he would approve marrying his daughter out of faith away to a tribe member.
      Says much about a man and his core values, especially when he has it all.

    2. I was skeptical of Trump from the beginning but was giving him the benefit of the doubt.
      The red light that always stuck out for me was that he would approve marrying his daughter out of faith away to a tribe member.
      Says much about a man and his core values, especially when he already has it all.
      In short, he’s really a leftist tapping into the prevailing insecurities of various demographics to catapult himself into another business venture.

      1. Trump was also bragging in the debates about meeting with the head of state of the tribe, and how “He’s really displeased with the way things are” or something like that. So what! He can go suck an egg! This is an election for president of the USA, not Israel.
        Anyway, a guy like Donald, I can see him setting up an opportunistic marriage to a wealthy banking family if it helps his bottom line.

      2. In your last sentence, just change “leftist” to “opportunist”, and you’ll be dead on.

    3. You know, I’ve been saying this for over 4 months now. They were friends before this election, they share many of the same social circles and Trump is repeatedly shooting himself in the foot. He was much more skilled debating Republicans. I’m betting that his pay off will be massive!

  4. I was disappointed. Trump did not perform well. Dr. Morale must have pumped Hillary up on a real good medicinal cocktail.

  5. I was expecting Trump to skullfuck her. I don’t know what happened. Trump seemed to have low energy. He should have downed 3 bottles of redline before the debate and brought the energy.

    1. Yeah, I have never seen him this weak before.
      Maybe he had a threesome with Melania and Ivanka right before the debate.

      1. He came out real strong in the beginning like he did in the primaries but unlike those he didnt have 10 others to jab at rach other

  6. Trump lost this debate on near every front. Most of his arguments appealed to those already biased to Hillary. It needs to be seen how his expositions during questioning affected his poll numbers, but he spent far too much time plugging his supporters and had far less precision with addressing voter concerns. Hillary hammered him on every front that he needed to sound articulate on except when it came to his view on female workers and supporting foreign states over national interests.
    Where he especially needs to focus in on are Stop and Frisk. It didn’t effect crime numbers in a positive way and increased arrests and the likelihood of repeat offense. Crime numbers went down when implementing it stopped. Doing this on a national level will target minorities across the board and knowing this, minorities will not support Trump aside from those who already live in white neighborhoods.
    I did like his mannerisms on addressing our foreign interests, but when asked a question on his own support of the 2008 market crash, when he called it ‘just business’, while this adequately noted his stance, it posts his bias towards the class of citizens who earn 150k or better. Why wouldn’t a general Democrat believe his ‘it’s just business’ rhetoric wouldn’t extend to outsourcing employment.
    Far be it for me to criticize him outright as the country needs a shift, but we need our own bias checked if him just standing upright and re-stating all that his supporters have said at past rallies would be considered a victory. He is supposed to trounce not be just another candidate, and last night, Hillary had the sound bites of a president. Trump sounds like he was more interested in challenging her presidency than being the president.

    1. Yeah that remark about opening a restaurant on Pennsylvania ave was really weak; that one way or another he’s going to DC … weak

      1. Harold Covington says: “democracy is especially designed to prevent change”. You can have the best political program in the world, but if you play with democratic rules you are going nowhere.

    2. Scott Adams’ take on the debate was beautiful spin. To summarize it, he’s been saying Trump needs to look less scary to Americans, and losing to weak Hillary should accomplish that. (blog.dilbert.com – “I score the first debate”)
      Trump’s demonstrated an ability to think long term when it’s come to this race. I’ve got to hope he planned to look weaker this debate (when the moderators were firmly on Hillary’s side), perhaps to establish a better position for the second or last debate.
      He’s surprised before, and he will again.

      1. Dude, Trump makes up his positions as he goes along. He didn’t even lay the groundwork for a GOTV operation.
        He has little long-term thinking. He’s impulsive to his core.

        1. And again, you don’t get to become a billionaire by being an impulsive, out of control wackmobile. What he’s doing with his outrageousness is well laid out in his book Art of the Deal. He’s staking outrageous positions, the counter will come from the other side, then he’ll “settle” for the “middle of the road” position that he wanted all along. This is a tried and true sales tactic. If he was some random low impulse control guy, he’d not gotten anywhere near where he is today.
          I note you didn’t answer my question above. You’re a Hillary supporter, aren’t you?

        2. The Art of the Deal is packed full of lies. The ghostwriter of that book, Tony Schwartz, has publicly repudiated everything that he put into Trump’s mouth. Again, here’s the link. Read Schwartz’s real opinion of Trump after spending every day for 18 months in his office, listening to phone calls:
          Schwartz is advising Clinton’s campaign for free as penance.
          BTW stop trying to throw that Hillary noose around my neck. I didn’t vote for her in the primary, and I wish the Dems would’ve found a better candidate with less baggage and more inspiration. That said, she’s going to be quite an effective president, depending upon what happens in Congress.

        3. I don’t care about your opinion of who wrote the book. I’m telling you what the strategy is. He’s executing it. If you don’t see this, then you’re willfully blind.
          I’m throwing the Hillary noose around your neck because, just say it, you’re voting for her and are a supporter of hers (if reluctantly). That’s relevant as it frames your constant smears of Trump as “expected”.

        4. Yeah, I’m probably the RoK member who wins the “Most Skeptical of Trump” award. I spent the better part of late 2015 and early 2016 trading barbs regarding Trump with some of RoK’s most noted commentators. Yet I am still voting for him.
          That anyone in the manosphere would not is surprising, given the alternative (Hillary Clinton).

        5. Where do you get off talking to him like that? With facts and logical arguments based on reason? You need to check yourself man.

        6. Notice he won’t give a straight yes or no answer. Of course he alluded to it by saying how her presidency will be all unicorn farts and rainbows.

        7. Art of the Deal was not written by him. It was ghost written. I love the book though. He did not get to money, he inherited money and would be worth the same if he had lived off the interest. I was in his pageants … he is as impulsive as anyone living off daddy’s money. I admire him though that he made something of himself with it and created jobs, took risks instead of let the money rot and turn into a hipster. I expected him to be stronger in the debate, and not cry that Hillary is a meanie, but prove that he is strong to verbally pummel her. She looked prepared, he looked impulsive. In politics facts don’t matter, how facts appear to people do. What matters is do independent voters and swing think he was prepared or not. For that we have to look at the data that will come. Let’s hope for the best.

        8. Vagina, as POTUS? That’s like installing Michael Jackson as the president of Boy’s Town… GTFOH

        9. Allan Sloan is one of America’s top business journalists. He’s been covering Donald Trump, and the world of high finance, for thirty years. He says that Trump’s Achilles heel has always been and always will be … his lack of impulse control. It’s what nearly destroyed him in 1990, and it’s what is destroying his chances for the presidency now.
          BTW Karl Rove has said the same thing.

        10. Actually look it up. Most books by famous people including Hillary’s books are ghost written. Let’s be honest here. If Trump is a billionaire running so many big businesses, where would he have the time of a detailed book like that? People who have the time to write books aren’t the ones who have the time to make money unless they are retired.

        11. I am not talking about the ghost written book that part was true the rest of what you said was absolute bullshit.

      2. If that’s true, I just hope he won’t save all the thunder for the last debate. Imagine if Shitlary weasels out of the 3rd debate after having been widely regarded as the winner of the first two. In that case, Trump would never even get to use the heavy artillery.

    3. No kidding. Part of neomasculinity is (or should be) intellectual honesty. This necessarily involves acknowledging when Donald Trump screws up.
      Otherwise, we become just like the SJW’s who prop up men like Che Gueverra or Hillary Clinton, even if they murder homosexuals for fun or brag about defending child rapists.

    4. This debate is a good example of how to dissociate yourself from the mainstream media’s frame. I just browsed through NPR’s “fact check” and I saw dozens of attacks on Trump, and not a single attack on Hillary. It was pure, brazen propaganda. When it comes to the media, you need to understand is everything is propaganda. There is not one drop of news reporting.
      It falls on you to do research and learn the truths. Crime rates fell before Stop and Frisk was really a thing, but there are many elements to consider, especially the current gentrification that pushes minorities out of the city. Also, just think about the issue logically. If police go around and search suspicious-looking people, will that reduce crime? Obviously yes. Is it right to do? That’s the question.
      Hillary took some great meds last night. She behaved like a 19 year old white girl in feminism studies class, smug and annoying. But that doesn’t matter. Trump’s voice tone or sound bites don’t matter. What matters is people’s ability to break the media propaganda. Nothing matters until the public breaks through the propaganda, and I see more and more people doing that from people I’ve talked to. So I think it was a success. Certainly, Trump could have done much better.

    5. I have to confess, I didn’t watch the debate, because I don’t give a fuck. I know who I’m voting for, and it’s not Hillary.
      I’ll take what you say as a true and accurate summary of Trump’s performance. But I still have to ask, are we not judging Trump by too harsh a standard?
      By that I mean this – most readers of this site, and the manosphere in general, have taken the red pill. Accordingly, they are likely more intelligent on average than most, and have made a transition to a position where facts and support are required in support of positions that have been revealed to be false. For people like us, Trump didn’t lay out all of the facts and crushing attacks we would like, and therefore it didn’t satisfy the red pill standard.
      But we must remember that Trump doesn’t have to convince most of us – very few of us were for Hillary anyway, and I would wager than none of us shifted allegiance based on whatever you perceive Trump’s shortcomings in the debate to have been. The only people Trump needed to perform well with were the rest of blue pill America, who does not require such exacting standards of argument, performance and proof.
      Of note, Drudge now has a link to a poll aggregate posted. The vast majority of polls of the unwashed masses show a decisive Trump win: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3809204/Most-snap-polls-Trump-winning-debate-landslide.html. The ones that seem to be Clinton wins (like CNN) appear to vastly over-sample democrats to achieve their results.
      So yes, to us Trump under performed. But don’t despair. He doesn’t have to win us anymore. He’s targeting the rest of blue pill America.

      1. Interestingly enough, even when we appear as losers, the media are still reporting Trump as the winner of last night’s debate.
        Trump still will need to definitely address Stop and Frisk and it may be the definitive gateway argument for all things race related. If he can secure at least 10-15% of the black vote, he stands a chance of moving other minority groups as well. Middle America and conservatives are not enough to be his sole ticket in this election.

        1. Nobody seems to understand, “stop and frisk” is a misnomer. It should be called “stop and search.” Trust me, I’m from New York and I have first hand experience with this. They don’t just stop you and frisk you for weapons, they empty out your pockets and search your bag, looking for drugs, weapons, or anything else they can arrest you for. I don’t think it is racist, but I do think it is a clear violation of the 4th amendment for cops to search people without probable cause. I agree that it helps prevent crime, but following the constitution and bill of rights should not be optional.

      2. Agreed but if you look at the bigger picture, we are trying to keep the oval office from being handed over to to an evil criminal communist WOMAN (a twat, if you will) in that sense we are fucked, This is no honest contest, our opponents are not honorable people. Even if we win, in another 4 years the Dem nom will be a tranny.

        1. “In another 4 years the Dem nom will be a tranny.”
          I think this will be the case especially if we lose. Hillary’s main qualification is that she (allegedly) checks the vagina box, which is a first. I suppose after that they could go after first hispanic, asian, etc…, but tranny seems to be the current trajectory.
          What would be nice though about a Trump victory is that most of this tranny acceptance non-sense has been done by Executive Order, which the next president is completely free to repeal and replace. I don’t know that Trump would do that (though he should), but the right people could put the bug in his ear to do so.

    6. Just browsed through MSM news outlet. The roaches are jumping with glee, but sadly rightfully so. WaPo wasted no time in pointing out Hillary looked fit and fiddle while Trump audibly sniffed a few times. Truth is in this first debate, Trump has let us all down. He dazzled with his devil may care persona in the Republican primaries but he cowered like a pussy in the first debate. Hope he is not taking a page out of Governor Mittens playbook which is play nice and refrain from saying anything explosive so that minority feelings can be assuaged
      ( Obama, the Black Messiah last time, now Hillary, the powergrrllll).

      1. Did you people watch the same debate I did? Hillary was a shrill shrew whose voice sounded like finger nails on a chalk board. She even went into SJW mode saying “its wayciss to talk about the presidents birth certificate”. I don’t know how any man can hear or look at that women and not feel utter revulsion.

    7. He kept saying how Hillary was right instead of offering his own policy, and if he agrees with her, why not vote for her, the real MaCoy. She never said she agreed with him. She started off sounding like a robot. Cruz would have eaten her for breakfast. ” Most of his arguments appealed to those already biased to Hillary”. Yes. Sadly, and the other arguments were preaching to the choir who were voting for him anyway when he was supposed to appeal for independent and undecided voters.
      What I really didn’t like are “I agree with Hillary” … then why are you here? And “Hillary had mean election ads about me.” Weak. If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen. I was disappointed. He has to pretend she is Ted Cruz and hit harder, and also be more prepared – check if things he liked such as “stop and frisk” work, and if not what works. I hope he is prepared the next debate and doesn’t whine that the bitch fighting for his place is a bitch. I mean, isn’t that the job description when you run for office? The media is biased and yes Hillary is a bitch, and you have to be at that level in a competitive environment as a woman. He shouldn’t complain, deal with it and punch harder next time.

    8. Nope, no he didn’t, not by any measure. And certainly not in the mind of most people.
      And this goes for everyone else saying the same nonsense.
      Just because a bunch of idiots and flakes think he lost doesn’t mean he did.
      In fact, even if we knew nothing else, it would tell us he hadn’t lost, because idiots and flakes typically believe in something totally the opposite of reality.
      And they project their own insecurity and ignorance on others.
      In this case their lack of reason, and lack of confidence in trump, onto Trump “losing”.
      Sensible people and genuine supporters know the truth: he won.
      And he’ll win in november.
      But of course people like you will only know he won because it says it in big letters on the television.
      At which point you’ll surely say you were confident all along.
      People are funny.

      1. Don’t bother, ROK’s been over run by Hill’s Shills and libtarded faggots like Lolknee who think “it doesn’t matter, it’s all the same”..
        Fucking pathetic.

        1. Lolknee is anything but a Hillary supporter. Why are you so mad at him anyways? I just don’t get it… although I must admit that your trolling is very amusing.

        2. He is a nihilist poisoning the discourse here and the impressionable young minds with his contagious apathy for the world and the direction it’s headed in. He’s a traitor and needs a few feet of rope around his neck

    9. He missed so many opportunities to hit Hillary hard. He needs to paint her as a maniac who wants to start a war with Russia. He needs to criticize her for trying to prevent Russia from going into Syria to fight ISIS. He needs to show how irresponsible the Obama administration was for drawing a line in the sand with Assad. If Assad crossed that line, we could have had WW3 with Russia- and for what? Because Assad uses a little gas here and there? So what?

    10. The “””impartial””” host made more attacks against Trump than Hillary did. She just smiled and signaled when she needed to get her pre-written “zingers” in. It was still a poor performance, yes. Trump’s team were torn on whether to attack Hillary or appear more restrained. They went with holding back and it cost them. They won’t be so polite with the next debate, which is even more staged by (((CNN))) and the “””audience questions.””” The audience participation segment will be a never-ending stream of crying Mexicans, Muslim women who were chased by lifted pick-up trucks waving the Confederate flag, and hair-dyed feminists asking loaded questions about raycisms and abortion.
      >the number of blacks arrested for crimes went down when we stopped randomly catching blacks that have committed crimes
      Yes, that’s kind of how numbers work. If you’re embiggening the numbers by catching more criminals for outstanding warrants, drug, and weapon possessions then you stop catching those criminals, that means you have fewer criminals caught.
      Defending stop and frisk can only really be done by deflecting it back on libs and their desire to get more illegal guns off the street. You need to ride them on what this means, and how they plan on accomplishing it. (This also traps them as their policies are designed only to infringe upon law-abiding gun owners, and attacking the ownership of weapons used in only a fraction-of-a-percent of crimes.)
      When a single-digit percentage of the entire US population is responsible for nearly 80% of the shootings, it’s simply foolish to pretend this isn’t a problem that requires focusing your attention on the majority. Most of the lives saved are black, too… yet the lib never considers this fact when black neighborhoods are policed. Blacks are the victims of most black crime, yet they defend black criminals.
      How can a black insist that a thug that shot an officer dindu nuffin wrang? Because in their mind, he didn’t. Minorities don’t support any white laws, because white laws be rayciss. Just ask the peaceful terrorist groups calling for the murder of police officers and setting cities on fire what their opinions are on obeying white laws.
      That young negro didn’t break any black laws- only laws written by white people. That means it doesn’t count. That is how even the most violent murderer or rapist still has so much support among black “communities.” He only raped a white girl. That isn’t wrong under black law. Scuffing a niggas shoes will get you killed, though. That’s a killin’ under black law, and none of the black “community leaders” will defend a negro that ruined another man’s Jordans. Thems were brand new, too… just looted last week!

  7. Trump made a series of blunders. He even said something about his son being 10 years old and being a computer whiz. Don’t tell America you have a child younger than your grandchildren! The nasty loathsome Americunts will hate you even more!

    1. He sounded SO OLD when he said that. Implied: He doesn’t understand the modern technological world. There’s no evidence that he’s ever used a computer.

      1. Oh come now, you don’t become a multi-billionaire mogul in today’s world without some grasp of technology.

        1. Oh, right, forgot, there were no computers in the 1980’s. My bad.

        2. He was already 40 yrs old by the time the Apple revolution hit. He also has zero attention span (read what his ghostwriter Tony Schwartz has said, a man who advised HRC in the debate prep: http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/07/25/donald-trumps-ghostwriter-tells-all). And thru the 80s he worked in a Manhattan business environment in which everything is relationships, lunches, phone calls, on-site inspections.
          No need for a computer. He let other people learn software. And the further it went, the further it got away from him. My mother is the same age, and she’s the exact same way.
          Today, he makes money licensing his name to hundreds of projects every year. My hunch is that he makes his decisions entirely randomly. After all, he’s sneered at political data. Photos of his office show no computer on his desk.
          All we know is that he has a phone with Twitter.

        3. Well that’s a whole lot of speculation in one neat package.
          Still not proof. I suspect that he’s far more in tune with technology than the decrepit Witch.

        4. Sweet little Lindsay Graham proudly proclaims he has never sent an email. Pretty sure he’s a multimillionaire (they all are).

        5. The oval office has no computer on its desk. Guess Obama hand-writes all of his correspondence.
          I seriously doubt Hillary, Obama, or Trump has ever actually sent out a tweet. They have folks they pay to do it for them.

    1. NY Post Says Trump Won. NY Daily News Says Hilary won. At least in Hollywood the meaningless people are beautiful and in sports they are impressively athletic. Fucking pLOLotics. It is a close tie with professional curling for the most meaningless fucking thing in the world and at least curling looks fun.

        1. I miss Batboy. After he joined the U.S. Marine Corps we kind of lost touch.

        1. I saw on cbs.com one article that said he won and one that said she won. On time I say a half dozen articles some for him some for her and some saying it was a tie. All in all it just reconfirms my sneaking suspicion that the debates, the election and the office of POTUS is roughly as meaningful as a telethon for a terminal disease that only effects a special breed of mosquitos that only exist in the south pole.
          We should have them do a karaoke battle with LL Cool J instead.

        2. Change it up a bit. GOJ can handle all the presidenting. I will handle the vice.

        3. If lolknee gets elected he will surge the country with jews. Because he “wants every antisemite shot”.

        4. Speaking of vice, I’ve had my name in the hat first for head of the Ministry of Preservation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice for quite a while. I plan on flogging. Lots of flogging. Afterwards, I’ll happily release the suspects to you for debriefing.

  8. Personally, I don’t think he did that poorly, but he wasn’t on top of his game last night. Can’t deny that. He really has to hustle now.

  9. Trump played it too nice. Why didn’t he ask why the father of the worst mass shooter in american history is one of her biggest supporters, even attending a rally and sitting 10 feet behind her?

    1. Wondered the same thing. Why didn’t he point out that Hillary is a misogynist by cooperating with the House of Saud? Why didn’t he point out her racist slurs like she pointed out his chauvinist slurs?
      It was incredibly weak.
      It looked like in the recent South Park episode where Mr. Garrison (who is portrayed as Donald Trump for those who don’t watch South Park. In this season his face is painted orange and his slogan is ‘Make America Great Again’) was trying to destroy his own campaign because he realized he actually don’t want to be president because he can’t fulfill his promises.
      Seems like last night Trump went the Garrison way.

  10. Come Hillary’s election, I’m checking the “I identify as a woman” box on all forms. Fuck it.

    1. I keep trying to check into my gym that was but they steadfastly refuse to let me use the women’s locker room and sauna.

    2. Not a bad idea. Just identify with all kinds of shit. I will be a Muslim female cross-dresser. I still want to wear my blazer and tie.

      1. a transvestite male to female to male. The first triple vestite. I like it. I am a man who identifies as a woman who identifies as a man.
        Along with the fact that I feel I am a lesbian trapped in a mans body I should start getting handouts right away.

        1. I don’t know about handouts. I just don’t want any bachelor taxes/travel restrictions. I need to go lezz out in South America and the white male homophobia of the USA doesn’t allow me to lezz out with my pezz out. I’m a pre-op male to female lesbian cross-dresser.

        2. I know the feels. Why, when I was in the ladies room the other day and some woman saw my dick she was offended. Can you believe? In 2016. I tried to explain to her that I was a lesbian who identifies as a female transvestite so while I am dressed like a man and like fucking women, I am really a protected class. She had way too much female privilege so I just pushed her to her knees and fucked her throat but it wasn’t rape because I am a minority.

        3. Ha ha. She was penis-shaming. Isn’t that body shaming technically?
          How to work in cultural appropriation? Like when they shame you for being a “Frank-n-Beans Lesbian,” aren’t they appropriating white male bro-culture by being homophobic?

        4. If I didn’t think it would actually kill me to be there I would totally show up at the fag pride parade with an FNBL shirt to march for my rights.

  11. This is was a sloppier version of what Trump did in the primary debate where Cruz and Rubio tag teamed him. He was in a position where he needed to hold ground (avoid being shot down) and everyone expecting blood was disappointed Trump let Little Marco and the Canadian walk all over him.
    To this end, Trump did what he needed to last night.
    The problem most Trump supporters seem to have is that he was thrown a hanging curveball (Hillary is such a terrible candidate) and only managed to awkwardly tap it out of the infield.
    What will be concerning is if he pulls a Romney and does the same thing in the following debates.
    Side note: Also note the post-debate coverage…all about Trump. Just like in the primaries.

    1. Trump did what he had to do for the target audience– which wasn’t us. He just needs to keep his shit together and continue to talk around both opponents (moderator being one), look like a boss and he wins.

      1. Yeah, but will it backfire? Trump was frankly embarrassing last night. I’m still wasting my vote with a third party but can’t say that after hearing 90 minutes of the Donald’s empty platitudes and lack of any analysis of the issues made me Hillary sympathetic. I thought by running a giant corporation and brand, Trump could run the country, but now I wonder if he just doesn’t surround himself with people that actually do the work.

  12. Come on boys: better start training for a war with Russia. You better be willing to be fed into the meat grinder because Russia is mean to faggots.

      1. The United States government still requires all males to register for the draft when they turn 18. I’d slink off into the woods and forage for berries rather than be forced to kill my fellow man.

        1. I would refuse to kill white people, too.
          I would probably take a knife and cut a few Googles into pieces.

        2. There is a need: America was created to be white. Blacks were dumped onto America by Dutch jew slave merchants, and have over-stayed their welcome by 400 years. Our nation is our race; no niggers no jews.

        3. Don’t worry, our military is now armed with Girl Power, so you and I can feel free to draft-dodge all we want. If shit hits the fan, I’ll be in Mexico letting G.I. Jane save the world.

    1. I’m willing to fight a civil war, but I will not fight for a country that complains abouts “white privilege” and “patriarchy”. And judging from the kneeling during the pledge craze and women wanting safe spaces, a draft would be pretty unsuccessful.

    2. Lead by a commander in chief who isn’t signed to the draft
      Hillary as Secretary of State was completely weened under the liberal state to be the next president since the beginning. What’s the difference with this and North Korea’s president giving his position to his heir

  13. Trump had a terrible day at the office. Stop underestimating your readership, we are not blind, deaf or stupid. Don’t become a propaganda machine on par with the news outlets you loathe.
    ..Else you will lose us.

  14. I don’t think your average American understands how IS was formed. US helped overthrow the dictator and left a vacuum. We understand it, but the average reality TV watchers are thinking is it a Dyson or Hoover vacuum.

    1. 1) How can people not understand this. It is what happens literally (hitler) every single time we topple a dictator. It is like the weather man saying that it is going to be between -10-105 degrees today with a 50% chance of rain.
      2) The Dyson guy scares the fuck out of me. He is absolutely a Bond villain. I love the commercial where he talks about how he has spent the last 30 years trying to perfect the vacuum. I always picture him in a lair like Dr. No on Crab Key. That guy needs to be investigated.

      1. Well he ain’t no Freeman Dyson that’s for sure!
        Life’s accomplishment: slightly better way more expensive vacuum cleaner
        Epitaph: He sure did suck

        1. Not bad, but I think it is much more notorious. Like he is working on the vacuum that Mega Maid used in spaceballs to suck all the air our of Druidia. Someone needs to make sure that if he launches that operation that Mega Maid goes from suck to blow or we are all going to be in trouble.
          And if you don’t think that the eccentric vacuum scientist is plotting some kind of world domination then you clearly need to watch a lot more movies and a lot less news.

  15. By trying to be too much of a nice, polite gentleman, Trump is playing straight into the hands of the establishment now…
    Why didn’t he bring up Hillary’s constant lying, and her blatantly obvious poor physical condition ? It’s not a sin to question the very poor physical fitness of a presidential candidate.
    Trump could have won it last night if he asked Hillary straight on who her masters were pulling the strings behind the curtain, as obviously no one in as poor physical condition as Hillary would even be willing to endure an arduous presidential campaign of her own accord.
    Trump could have also turned on the biased moderator and asked him who was he representing, definitely not the interests of the people as they even tried to silence the crowd. He could have also mentioned how the whole mainstream is rigged, all of Hillary’s scandals swept under the carpet, and the entire race is set to favor the interests of the establishment…
    Instead Trump did none of that, and ended up looking mediocre at times. He is being misled by his advisors who are pushing too hard to tone him down. His devil may care attitude during the republican debates was far more sincere and powerful. He could have clinched this presidency yesterday night if he just spoke his mind, which is why the people loved him in the first place, instead of catering to what the delusional mainstream media thinks a man should act like…

    1. Either his advisors are giving him bad direction (“Stay low key, we don’t want to offend anybody and Hillary will act like a poor little girl being picked on by the school yard bully if you oppose her”) OR (get ready for it), Trump is what has been brought up since he entered the race on day 1: A very well documented and well known friend of Hillary who was thrown in the race to hand victory to her.
      I’m hoping for the former, of course. And if it is that, he needs to tell his advisors to shut up and then do what he does best. Standing on a stage with a meek voice letting the Witch sneer and gloat and do a weird zombie shimmy thing at will is not how he will win.

      1. I don’t think this debate was ever intended to be the one where he takes the offensive on her, even though I wanted that very much.
        I think the point of this one was to appear reasonable to the “undecideds” that are still plugged into the matrix.
        We also have to consider that debates like this, with scripted talking points and biased moderators, are enemy territory for him. Therefore, I think the key for him last night was to force a draw so he could get back on the trail today and resume doing what he does well.
        We also have to consider that it might be better for him to let these instances of civil unrest, hillary health issues, and the october surprise from Asange run their course. All the while, he goes around triggering people and undermining her supporters at every chance possible.

  16. I read that the Mexican peso surged as did Asian markets. So you see: Hillary is the candidate that other countries prefer.
    Hillary is the status quo and thus the choice for those are enjoying themselves, who are living the good life.
    The pricks in power want to keep things as they are, keep the borders open, keep the tchotchkes moving, keep enjoying the good life.
    You wanted something more? Succor for your soul? A sense of belonging? A sense of belonging to something greater than yourself? Too fucking bad you peasants.

    1. “You wanted something more? Succor for your soul? A sense of belonging? A sense of belonging to something greater than yourself? Too fucking bad you peasants.”
      Just decided to vote for you until I realized you weren’t being serious.

      1. I am serious. The establishment wants to keep the status quo. Any yearning for something beyond the material world, the bottom line, the almighty dollar be damned. If society could be overhauled, I would live in a cardboard box.

        1. But Waldemar, I am the establishment. I love life, why would I want it overhauled? I am having fun, making money, saving for retirement, getting laid with great regularity by amazingly beautiful women, eating good food, staying in shape, drinking good booze.
          Overhauling the world is not in my best interest. Thankfully I am fully convinced that it doesn’t matter…the world as we know it is unoverhaulable. Pick Kodos or Kang, in the end it will be business as usual and I will wind up doing just fine.

        2. It’s all just running out the clock. Without some sense of permanence, there can be no purpose.
          It used to be a legacy was safe. Against erasure, against appropriation, against censorship. Even the Catholic church kept heretical books in the library. Now it seems no legacy is safe: whatever the vagaries of the future, one runs the risk of becoming the vanishing commissar, edited out of history.

        3. And while materially I may do well and even prosper financially under the status quo, the same cannot be said for my soul, which gets blackened with every indignity I have to bear witness to and every slight I have to endure.

        4. I am not sure if legacy was safe or if, like national security, it was just an illusion of safety which has broken down. Yes, the history is being re-written. But hasn’t it always. Someone would win a war and then they were the good guys. I don’t know much about legacy or history really. I know it isn’t good to not know much about history (Ask Sam Cooke…he wound up dead in a hotel room wearing nothing but a blazer and one shoe– thank you family guy) but I know about the present and can approximate the future in a way that is beneficial.
          I was wise enough not to procreate so running out the clock is just fine for me so long as I can do it in style.

        5. Depressing to you….but uplifting to me. Why would I care about depressing you if I make myself happy?

        6. Yeah…..I gave up on my soul a long time ago. Holding on is just a Sisyphean exercise in futility leading to fear and misery.

        7. But you must consider yourself superior, right? Your mind is superior: would you not wish to see the world made in your image? See it populated with those who think and feel as you do?

        8. World made in my image? What? why in the hell would I want that. Not only would a world made in my image collapse under its own excess in like 11 minutes flat, but also wishing to do things that are impossible is a quick way to be let down. I like the world just the way it is. Sure, I would like to have 500 million dollars so I can go boating in the south of france with movie stars and models and never have to work, but as things stand everything is just fine the way it is which is actually lucky since it can’t be any other way.

        9. I don’t get it: why wear a suit or encase myself in some fancy car when I am swaddled in my own sense of superiority and the righteousness of my beliefs. I could be barefoot wearing a grocery bag and I would still have my mental and spiritual resplendence.

        10. And I enjoy wearing suits. I don’t have a car anymore, but I do enjoy them. I like the trappings of life. I have rose colored glasses. When I walk through time square I don’t see the filthy unwashed masses which all belong on the wrong end of a firing squad. The world is transformed in my eyes. I see men in suits and women dressed appropriately in dresses and heels.
          There is a photo I have always loved. It is Sinatra in his apartment wearing a shirt and cufflinks and a bow tie getting ready reading some magazine…TIme I think. He is looking at this picture of Janis Joplin in totally and utter disgust. His daughter explains that he just never was able to understand the hippie culture. I get that.

        11. If I could turn my brain off, perhaps I could learn to enjoy things.
          But I’m like a centipede, bristling with fine hairs, my antennae questing forth, aware of air currents, vibrations, everything.

        12. I understand this. I used to suffer the same problem…not as extreme I think, but similar. The truth is, a powerful mind is like a very powerful weapon. If you can not properly hold it, control it, aim it then you really ought not be in possession of it. I don’t know much about guns but I imagine that if I were to learn how to shoot there are some guns that just wouldn’t make sense for me as a beginner. If you learn to master your own cognitive abilities then you can use them when they are helpful and turn them off when they are not. Really is something that people, especially people who tend to be smart and tend to see patterns and connections (this is my issue…hermeneutics is my jam) should work on and master.

        13. I’m still at the stage where the mere existence of those people – for instance the POS on the subway – is an affront to my dignity and sense of what’s right and wrong. When I think of how many millions of Western men died needlessly – and what they might have accomplished had they lived – and I see these pieces of shit alive and breathing … it really does bother me: the phrase put them to the wall describes exactly the sentiment.

        14. Yes, alcohol helped to slow my thinking down. I definitely rediscovered how observant my mind is being totally sober. Otherwise, my mind is like a horse with a feedbag of sugar strapped on it. It’s a trade-off: a peaceful stupefied mind or a racing restless one.

        15. Not always a trade off and alcohol can help but isn’t necessary. It is simply a matter of being the master of your thoughts rather than letting your thoughts be the master of you. For my money I would much rather be happy than any other thing. So why not enjoy a little bit. I am not kidding when I say that weightlifting, meditation and journaling literally changed my life and made me a much, much, much happier person.

        16. “I am not kidding when I say that weightlifting, meditation and journaling literally (Hitler) changed my life and made me a much, much, much happier person.”
          Fixed it for you.

        17. I genuinely dislike people who smell and don’t look civilized and have no problem with their mass execution. Do you think I could run on that platform? Execute the people who aren’t stylish enough? It is one of the brilliant things that Giuliani realized right away. He came into office prosecuting heavy on the “quality of life crimes” Don’t know if you lived in a pre Giuliani new York but there were hookers walking the street, three card monte hustlers down in the village, couldn’t walk through a part without someone asking if you wanted to buy dope, graffiti was everywhere and bums lined the streets. Giuliani had the police start ticketing bums. It didn’t matter if they didn’t pay, sooner or later the charges would build enough to arrest them. He saw what other people didn’t. If you cleaned up new York, got rid of the bums and hustlers and petty crooks and squeegee guys and graffiti the other, more serious, crime would also drop. Since our new commie mayor came in the city has been sliding backwards. I really hope there is a blacklast back to someone like Rudy again.
          I don’t really care about all the Western Men who died uselessly. Most of them were probably jerks anyway. Most people are. But I wouldn’t mind rounding up all the peasants and putting them into Gramercy park and having the REALLY hungry games

        18. I’m totally sympathetic to you man. And I truly do respect your wit and intelligence.
          But perhaps due to youth, stubbornness, or sheer ignorance, I refuse to believe that happiness is the most important thing in life.

        19. I never claimed it was the most important thing in life, only that it was the most important thing in my life. If someone else out there wants to live for a cause, to change the world, to build a statue or paint a painting or see their children grow up and get divorced or whatever that’s great. I am generally a very live and let live guy so long as people respect public spaces and try to show a little bit of consideration and civilization. That said, what are all those other things if they are not just different avenues towards being happy. Maybe it is a different happy? A contentment? But I can tell you that getting an ulcer about shit that you can’t change and probably isn’t really all that important anyway is no way to live life.
          I find it very easy to live for myself and do the things that give me happiness and satisfaction. And no, that doesn’t mean I can just lay in bed and do heroin until I die. I like dressing well. I like lifting weights. I like making absurd pithy comments about shit. I like music and women and good times. All this stuff makes me very happy. I don’t give a fuck about the wage gap in Darfur or some abstract notion of rights. My life was good under Clinton. It got better under W. It got better yet under Obama. This has very little to do with any of the issues and seems, to me, just a general trajectory of my life getting better despite these absurd and meaningless political issues.
          I always feel bad for people who feel they have a true moralistic calling, that feel they need to fight for some abstract right. I am going to do my job and then go home and do the things I find interesting and at the end of the week I will have some excellent scotch and bang a very charming and attractive woman. What the fuck do I care about some “cause.” I have a cause….me.

        20. Happiness is a whimsical thing females endlessly chase in books like eat pray slut.
          Contentment is the thing.

        21. I never drop my cobbler’s name unless it is absolutely necessary. For once I mention Pavlos, the game is won. I am going to go to him this weekend. I will take some pictures.

        22. you have some strange fetish with anal sex. You should look into that. Meanwhile, are you done with your tough guy routine? Do you feel all manly now. Did being a tough guy online make you feel strong? You can go back to whacking it to fag porn now and won’t have to talk to strangers about what you would like to shove up their asses.

        23. Typical Gen X faggot. You guys were never as cool as you thought you were. Go back to sucking Kurt Cobains cock you fucktard.

        24. I’ve always known the ROK commentariat may not be too smart, but they must be sub IQ 85 to believe half the bullshit you spew here daily. It’s so obvious you’re a fucking LARPER. Only anime avatar kids would be fooled by your asininity.

        25. If I wasn’t already bored with you I would ask what a larper is but I will just ask more interesting people. In the meantime I will give you the stock advice I give mental midgets: grow a brain, heart and dick and for the love of pete figure out how to use them.

        26. You were a CruzCuck until it wasn’t cool. Then you jumped on the trump train. You were probably a goth kid in HS. Get fucked you johnny come lately fairy faggot.

        27. I think you have the wrong guy. None of that is true and pretty much everyone here knows that. So not only are you a butt hurt weirdo with strange homosexual fetishes about anal sex who is obviously of sub average intelligence who communicates like a 16 year old girl but you are also 100% wrong in your facts.

        28. Actually it IS true, and you know it, why not make your profile public? Scared of something?
          Also you are a poor troll, yeah i’m sure you’re banging 10’s all day long bro, and stacking “mad cash” so much that you don’t even care who our next president is. All your fanboys are faggot cucks as well.

        29. Yes I was a passionate advocate for ted Cruz and now am a bandwagon supporter for trump.
          I’m sure that’s the case
          Dude, you are pathetic. If I had to be you for 3 minutes I would fucking Kill myself

        30. Finally something constructive said by cucknee….that he won’t (further) contaminate the gene pool. Not that he’d get the opportunity to anyway (with a woman under 250lbs)

        31. Does anyone actually find these stupid fucking quips entertaining or interesting in the slightest? Christ people are stupid. Lolknee is a nihilistic prick who’ll be the first to go for a helicopter ride.

        32. Dude you are an ill informed, stupid and pathetic little faggot. Go peddle your shit away from me. I’d feel sorry for you if you weren’t such a weakling

        33. That’s ok. My way certainly isn’t the only way, it just sort of suits me. If everyone was like me the world would not be as interesting.

        34. ” If everyone was like me the world would not be as interesting.”
          You got that right, it wouldn’t be as “””interesting””” without retards like you spewing your idiocy all over the internet. You’re another libertardian fucktard, you don’t get that live and let live (in this context) doesnt work. It’s too late for that but faggots like you just want to have the right to their cummies at the cost of civilization. Get fucked you leftist, moral relativist, FAGGOT.

        35. You’re quite easily triggered…not a good quality in a troll. Might want to work on that.

        36. I’m done with your stupidity and childishness. You’re boring and dumb. You are worthless canon fodder. I’m going to ignore you and your sad little life now

        37. Seriously though, what satisfaction do you get from the asinine comments you make here on a daily basis? Does the worship of basement dwelling incels make you feel less pathetic about your very intact V card after all these years?

    2. One thing I really don’t get though. She wants to heavily increase taxes for the super rich. How do they shoot themselves in the foot like that?

      1. Because what they gain from donating and making deals with her FAR outweighs the extra taxes they will pay.

      2. Trust me, these billionaires backing Clinton are not just “stupid liberals” who value progressive causes over their own wealth. “They just care so much about the poor that they are willing to pay higher taxes and lose money.” Uh…no.

  17. Trump could have gargled with a mouthful of marbles and I still wouldn’t vote for Hillary.

  18. Seriously: anyone in NYC think we should go to Trump HQ and stage an intervention? I mean whatever his advisers are telling him ain’t working…

      1. Banging the Tsars wife, and oodles of other wives, go to a homosexual drinking party, get poisoned, survive, get shot several times and thrown into a freezing river?

    1. Three different teams of political advisers have tried. He ignores everybody.
      He was a great GOP primary candidate, and he’s a shitty general election candidate. He’s like a dog that won’t stop barking.

      1. If he’d ignored everybody during this debate he would have come out on a full frontal assault and battered her head into the floor rhetorically.
        You’re for Hillary aren’t you?

        1. Yeah, I’ve seen him here before. As a gen-you-ine libertarian myself, he doesn’t pass the smell test.
          He’s fine for PUA/woman issues, but politically he’s a staunch leftist. “I didn’t vote for Hillary in the primaries” means “I voted for Bernie” means “I’m a far left socialist”.

        2. He and I had a discourse or two and I arrived at the same conclusion. I’ll leave it at that.
          Saying that, I wish him to remain posting none-the-less.

      2. Yeah because Hillary is so much better. And you wonder why the US is in such a steep decline…

  19. Hey, today would be a fun day to organize attack a liberal message board the way we beat up xo jane last week.

      1. I am not sure what that is. I meant like when we hiked on over to XO Jane and collectively trolled the bejesus out of them until a mod banned us all.

        1. Ha. I still don’t know what that means. I am really a moron with computer stuff.

        2. Basically a remote person causing a computer to overload.
          In its simplest form, your computer responds to what are known as “pings”. Somebody “pings” you and your computer gives a response “Yo, whasup”. That’s it. Increasing the pings to your computer increases the work it has to do. So sending one ping is not noticable, but sending 1 million pings will grind it to a standstill. When your computer cannot work, it is denying others of service.

        3. This sounds a little too close to something that would be on the gray side of the law. I was just talking about the evil, vicious, patriarchy shitlord, nasty, vile attacks which include being reasonable and logical to feminists until they implode.

        4. “Hilary’s waffle” is a great cussword. Like Marcus Antonius’s “Juno’s Cunt” in the Rome tv series.

        5. I am ok with the French rising so long as they bring bourgeois culture with them

        6. We will impose it on our conquered peoples, to maintain them happy, well fed and apathetic.

        7. I’m ruthless. The French will rise.
          Good. Those white flags ain’t gonna raise themselves after all.

        8. Vive la France
          Now get me some foie gras, a good sauternes and a woman with excellent bone structure and pouty lips to alternate between blowing me and telling me about her ennui

        9. Depends what you want to do with it. As long as all the over priced hotel bars where everyone is wearing a tie and women are dressed to kill while a piano player is in the background and we ignore the plight of the suffering you can have the keys.

        10. Feminism is probably a French Invention. And so are gender studies. We’re the ones trolling you with our silly theories, which your college teachers always take at face value.
          It’s all a giant French Conspiracy going on, ending with a French Imperator rulling the galaxy.

        11. Yes. We’re taking all the ressources, while you and the other happy few will be living like rich Frenchmen in French movies from the 60s.

    1. No invite? It’s been far too long since I got to wax prolific on a troll. They would have been a great target.

      1. It was actually a very organic response to a link to one of their articles in an article here.

      1. oh it was oodles of fun. A bunch of us went over to a linked articles message board and did our level best to be our charming selves. Loads of fun.

      1. Look buddy, only women can be badass fighters, and don’t you forget it!
        What, aren’t you a Happy American Family? If you don’t know what that is, enter “Happy American Family” into Google and look at the images of Happy American Families!

        1. seems to accurately represent remographics.AMerica: 80% upper middle class black couples and happy fulfilled fags 20% evil shitlord patriarch whites trying to ruin the world by crushing people who have had to struggle with their self professed diversity.

        2. With 33% of those shitlord patriarch families used as memes against white people.

    1. Why did I watch that crap for as long as I did?
      My disbelief could not be suspended no matter how hard I tried. Is that normal…. yeah…. probably.

      1. Who are you to judge Predators as ugly?
        You are the problem because your beauty standard is dishonest and unhealthy.

    2. It’s based on a comic book series by Vertigo. All the males (animals too) were killed by unknown disease and the only surviving males are Yorick and his pet monkey Ampersand.
      The main villlains is a group of crazy feminists named Amazons who want to destroy everything male.
      It’s a great red and a satire of batshit crazy feminists.

  20. Trump was rough around the edges, let’s not lie about that. But what I saw made me support him a lot more, calling out the fed was insane in this day and age.
    When clinton relies on ‘zinger’ lies, of course she is going to ‘win’ in the media’s eyes. We just have to hope average america saw trumps passion

  21. Trump could use more prep, and ought to turn the psychological warfare up.
    That said, he still did better than McCain or Romney did in ANY of their debates.

      1. Yes they did, but he lost the ground game.
        I’d rather trump wins on the ground and undermines her identity voters, if it means draws at the debates.
        I mean, if we’re going to be honest, most people have already decided who they’ll vote for. These debates are merely televised validation sessions.

        1. I think it’s safe to say that Trump is dominating the ground game.
          Last I heard he does around 3 rallies a day while Hillary barely manages 1. Also, the crowds for Trump are YUUGE, while Hillary’s crew has to use creative camera angles to make the area look packed.

  22. Everyone breathe people this is the one u want to lose, i mean romney beat obama by 35 points in the first debate according to cnn. Reagan fot raped as well in 1st debate. Trump needs to be better next time

        1. I love that he said the organizers of the show had it down to him and Governor Brown…….”and I lost again”
          Being able to tease frank, make fun of himself, speak civilly with without too much seriousness, have some fun and be a fucking human being with timing and charm…..

        2. It’s a lost style.
          When he died in 2004 and had the public showing, I recall the media was freaked how many people across the country showed up. They were lined up through the night and actually had to turn people away and divert traffic from coming into DC.

  23. “She claimed that Donald Trump “said women don’t deserve equal pay unless they do as good a job as men”
    I’m sorry, I fail to see the problem with this statement. I’m not paid as well as anyone who does a better job than me, regardless of their age, skin color, sex, transdoodle affiliation, or hair color. Donald denied making this statement, but there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s simply the way things are.

    1. Yeah, I found this super strange, too.
      Hey, why am I – as a university student without salary – not driving a Ferrari?
      It’s obviously SEXIST!

  24. I surprisingly decided to watch this debate, despite not being able to stand Shillary speak, and not really caring about either of these two, or the election or democracy for that matter. I thought Donald sounded the worst when he was accused of not paying some of his workers. Instead of denying it, he basically admitted that he stiffed them, saying “maybe I wasn’t happy with the job they did.” I don’t know how many of these workers there are, but if there were more than a couple, and he held back payment just because “the law would allow him to” as he implied, then he just comes across as a greedy, manipulative, cold hearted businessman.
    Which is really what he is, I suppose, but his whole image is based on getting the little people to believe he cares about them. Combine that with his opportunistic bankruptcies, done just to shave off some more money in his favor because “the law allows it” and he comes across as pretty sleazy. Oh, and Shillary came across much much better than I thought she ever could.

    1. “then he just comes across as a greedy, manipulative, cold hearted businessman”
      Tautology. Business men (who are successful) are greedy, manipulative and cold hearted….at least when it comes to business. The great ones can leave that persona in business and actually be good human beings outside of business. But expecting a successful business man not to be manipulative and cold hearted viz a vie his business is a huge mistake. It is the same error people make when they complain that bankers made predatory loans. Like, yeah, they are fucking bankers. Being a creedy, cold hearted cock sucker is right there in the job description. If you signed the loan papers it is your own fault.

      1. But in a democratic election, you need 51% of the rubes to think you care about them and will do something to better their lives. These types of stories undermine the rubes’ faith.

        1. Actually I don’t think anybody is looking to feel warm and fuzzy this election. If Trump keeps up the attack dog mode in his ground game, he’ll do fine. Debates are for the “undecided” which in this election, basically accounts for 2% of the vote.

        2. I heard some of the pre-debate talking heads saying there was some incredibly large number of either undecided or “could change their mind based on the outcome of this debate” like around 15-20% I think.

        3. I think the words “in their dreams” apply. This is a very polarizing election. Trump being calm in the debate(s) makes him seem “not dangerous” to those timid little snowflakes who worry about being Triggered ™.

        4. I realized GOJ that if material conditions get worse but we get to keep the West… I’d be willing to take the hit.
          I respect the Japanese. I constantly see ads and infographics about how they are experiencing a demographic and economic timebomb, and all I can say to that is so what? In the next generation they will still be Japanese, and they will still have each other. They will still have their country.

        5. No, he needs to look presidential, which means letting your surrogates act as attack dogs.
          The undecided in this election are nearly 10%. Higher than usual.

        6. Well it’s a good thing we have shills like you showing everyone how retarded the average hillary supporter is.

      2. I disagree. Some successful business men are greedy, manipulative, and cold hearted. Some aren’t and put principle before money. My father ran a successful machine shop for many years and was nothing but honest and fair in his dealings with employees and customers.

        1. I am sure this can be and is often true on a smaller scale and I think it speaks volumes about your father. I will amend my statement to specifically regard people who play at the very top of this game, the people who wind up being CEOs of multi national corporations, playing in the billionaire league etc. I too have known a lot of very ethical small business men who were both principled as well as successful. But not at the level the Trump plays at.

        2. That sounds more accurate. Also why I shy away from large corporations. I can’t imagine working in a place where that is the predominant mindset. I don’t think a fixation on money is healthy.

        3. Yes. I work for what would be considered on the big stage a medium size company (400 employees with a net revenue of about 1.5b per year) and I see a mix of things here from the very high level to the small independent contractor and get a good idea of the landscape. However, the guys who are in C suite jobs of companies like Exxon or Johnson and Johnson or even, in my business, Extell, are really savage cold hearted bastards. The best of them compartmentalize and are that way when it comes to business and actually quite nice people in personal life. But a good deal of them are just that way across the board. It is one of the traits that makes success at that particular level possible so should always be assumed as a pre condition. That said, I will once again concede that on a small business level it is possible the be principled and ethical while still being successful. JUst don’t expect the top guys at Goldman or Trump Organization, much less Trump himself to be like that. They wouldn’t be where they are if they were.
          Kind of reminds me of the old adage about being president. Anyone qualified to win the election would be unqualified to be the president.

        4. Ha, I like that.
          I have such a hippie why can’t we all get along, work to live life view anymore that I find that cut throat mindset so foreign and strange. Living in a pretty remote community minded place doesn’t help. I work hard and try to advance my career, but I refuse to do it in a way that makes me uncomfortable or unnecessarily stressed.

        5. I think it probably takes all kinds ya know, if it was all one or all another it would be bad. I am pretty fucking ruthless because I see the people who have hired me paying for a service and it is my job to deliver value. I am also in a business that is super fast faced and incredibly aggressive so it is easy to get trampled if you don’t come out of the starting gate fighting to the death (it is the same business that Trump is in). That said, my nature is not really like that. I am much more laid back. I spoke to people here before both on board and in private and explain that it is a lot like playing a character. I am more silly and live and let live in person but when I am on the clock I am being paid to be pretty fucking vicious and so I will do that as best I can.
          I am eying my retirement spot and do see myself getting out of this pace for something much more slow before I totally burn myself out.

    2. I don`t really see anything negative in not paying someone who does a shitty job. (In principle at least)
      If you hire someone to say refurbish a hotel, and the work quality is so bad you have to redo the whole thing, why would you pay them?

  25. I hate to say it, but after watching this debate, you have to wonder if Trump is for real, or if he`s doing the Clintons a favour.
    I still thinks that`s very unlikely, but still, you have to wonder sometimes, he should have been much tougher.
    Was he holding back on purpose?
    Will he hand it to her, after creating the perfect “monster”?

  26. wow judging from the comments , i thought i accidently clicked the huffington post. Its amazing how a little prosperity in the manoshpere can create apathy in some individuals , i guess the manosphere is so successful that everybody has forgotten the past 8 years of obama already. Heres an idea for the “man”osphere. If Trump is so incompetent, then lets elect hillary clinton, and after she gets elected and sjw empowerment continues, and the country goes to hell , you can all come back to the rok comment section and bitch about it for the next four years. Lets keep our eyes on the prize gents, lets not start getting stupid at this point of the race.

    1. I don’t think anybody is deciding to not vote for Trump after last night’s performance: we just expected a better showing from him.

    2. What? I think there’s like one Hillary supporter in the group, though he won’t come out and say it (for obvious reasons). Being realistic is not being “against”.

    3. I just looked at a lefty site and the posters are all wetting the bed. Bias abounds, but a few ot them were taking flack pointing out the Trump did not perform as bad as they wished. A few admit the election is already over.
      Meh. We’ll see in 6 weeks.

      1. I pray to God its a Trump landslide. Nearly all the online “who won the debate” polls have Trump winning and in some Trump is killing it. CNBC poll had trump behind hillary for the debate , as of earlier this morning it was like 65 Trump 35 hillary.

        1. If Trump fumbled or foibled in not being a perfect mannered debater of an unequal female, then that’s still ok. There is no concrete score for the debate winner, only opinions of the most biased from each side. The left only thinks the debate was a Hillary victory so as to further justify their fraudulent poll numbers. If a landslide of real numbers goes to Trump, then the poll fraud can’t be pulled off no matter how the debates go. Trump could relax with a cigarette and pour himself a large glass tumbler of scotch and frame the debate as he sees it, somewhat like how comedian Ron White makes stage presence with cigarette and drink in hand.

          The dems only use a one or two time debate show and then judge it like an abstract art exhibit, using it to cover for the massive voter fraud. No amount of fraud, murder and mayhem can ever trip the election after a certain vote gap has been exceeded. Nor is it any more possible that three dollar store razor knives can take down three jumbo jets. The elites push the fairy tale with the fraud to the max.

  27. I always knew that the evolution of controlled opposition would almost be too good to be true, if Trump really is on the good side or not we may never know for sure. Regardless, everything is in cahoots for the Witch. Don’t forget, anyone who gets close to the Clintons illegal activities, humane or not, is mysteriously murdered. They are a shill mafia and they have sold their souls for eternal power on this earth. But even the devil can be trumped, so to say, you just have to fight fire with fire. Nationalists, stand up for your history, be willing to sacrifice your life for your children and family and their beliefs, and the globalists will lose. They are not willing to die for their dollars, they manipulate others into their grand schemes at the expense of millions of lives. The road to their shining life of riches and power, a castle on top of the worlds tallest mountain, is paved with the bloodied decomposing corpses of all the lives of all peoples and soldiers who fought and died for a cause that was never their own or their country’s. The Clinton’s know their own nature, that is why they will never change. The only way to save White Christiandom, or at least White genetics, is for a revolt against the Bolshevik marxist overlords that have usurped the once honorable capital of DC.

  28. Guys, we all know what happened here. Shillary used her power to manipulate the Federal Drug Administration and Kratom is now illegal. Without Kratom, Trump is a mere mortal and his poor nose was sniffling throughout the 90 minute ordeal trying to sniff out where she was hiding her stash. We’ve gotta get Kratom in his hands pronto. Who’se with me?

    1. Finally, a cause I can get behind. I volunteer 100 kilos of Kratom, sent directly to the Trump Tower.

  29. I think objectively Hillary was simply much better at this debate. Why did Trump keep rambling on about trade deals for so long? Yes, they’re important, but, they’re not everything. He was actually on a winner with the TIPP and NAFTA debate with Hillary in the first 15 minutes and she was really defensive because of Obama’s support for the flawed and job losing TIPP…but he let her over the hook by rambling on about business friends of his in Mexico.
    In the next debate he needs to say “I’m putting the best and smartest team of people around me in the white house when I’m president, I admit, I don’t know everything like the Insider, Hillary, but, that’s why this team will be the best that we’ve ever seen in the WH, people drawn not just from politics, but, business and academia” (A bit if humility could be very disarming in his debate strategy too). He should then name them…..
    Remember, Obama bombed at the first debate in 2012 and then went on to win.

    1. To be frank I was very,very disappointed with Mr.Trump’s low energy performance. It leads me to think whether any of us articulate commentators in ROK could have done a better job debating with Hillary. After spending considerable time in manosphere sites, I knew Hillary’s argument inside out. I knew which button to push and when to push it to to corner her into defensive mode. Trump seems to have taken the apathetic route in this first debate.
      Which leads me to another pertinent question, What the Hell was Trump thinking? What he has been doing all this time? Did he not polish his debating skills? I mean as a presidential candidate he has to know first impression means helluva deal. If he continue down this stupid path in the next debates, then he can kiss his presidential aspirations goodbye.

      1. Hillary is a seasoned debater. She did her homework and put in the time doing mock debates so from a strategical point of view she deserved to win it.
        He’s not a professional debater, he admits that, so why the hell didn’t he brush up even more than Hillary on these skills? He needs to also talk directly to the American people about their values during these debates, rather than simply reacting to Hillary’s comments.
        Still, it’s debatable whether these debates will win the election, I’m inclined to think not, as I believe they’ll be still a lot of voters who’ll not decide until the day.

        1. It appears, based on focus groups, that undecided voters REALLY didn’t like his offhand boast about avoiding federal income taxes. That could be what sinks him.

        2. That was more than stupid, especially when he said it was the smart thing to do. You can say these things to your buddies in the pub, but, not when you’re for President.

    2. ” Why did Trump keep rambling on about trade deals for so long”
      Sounds like the galactic senate trade federation debates in the first of the star wars prequels.

    3. I’m staunchly third party so I have no dog in this fight. It got embarrassing towards the end. Trump was literally just repeating buzzwords and platitudes. Read the transcripts. It reads like a 6th grade debate class. He literally backed up nothing he said with fact or evidence. Hillary sounded canned and rehearsed, but that’s just delivery. She obviously has a grasp of the issues even if I disagree with her analysis.

    1. Oh, they’re for real. Ha! If they think appealing to the insane feminist mindset is going to help their cause, they’re in for a surprise.

      1. I don’t know porcer. It seems that the insane feminist mindset has been running the boards on rational thought and civilized discourse for nearly 20 years.

        1. I think there are too many normals paying attention to this election. People that are usually disengaged from politics and haven’t ever come across terms like ‘manspained’. It’s not going to work on those folks.

    1. Breitbart will naturally attract more alt right people voting so I’d take such polls with a grain of salt.

    2. Conversely (and much more neutral than any poll), Vegas showed Clinton’s gap over Trump widening after the debate. Not only did Trump lose 5 points in 24 hours, but the more telling number is Clinton gained 35 points in 24 hours.
      Keep reading your online polls. I’ll stay where the money is.

      1. I have to agree with you. If there is any neutral and valid gauge of outcome it will probably be Vegas. It isn’t foolproof, of course, but if I had to pick one metric to guy buy it would probably be that one.

      2. Normally I would agree with you regarding the odds and what the bookies are offering, but they were the same ones who betted against Brexit (heard Soros laid down some bank that skewed the odds– who knows).
        Poll sampling biases (+/- 3 points) aside, let’s see where the odds lay on 2 Nov.

        1. Vegas odds aren’t foolproof, but have historically been more accurate than any political poll.
          And realistically, no one with any amount of money could skew Vegas polls. If you have the kind of scratch to skew serious betting lines, why not just buy the presidency?

        2. True. However Soros and others bought most of the political class a long time ago.
          I am honestly not sure about Trump. I do know the Clintons despise me and mine, so the Don gets my vote.
          I will buy more ammo though.

  30. Trump failed during a conventional election year. The thing is, this isn’t a conventional year. While he left a good bit of opportunity on the table, he didn’t royally screw the pooch, and he got in some good body-shots. Feels like he’s giving her the ole the rope-a-dope. Clearly he didn’t ‘win’ but I can hardly see how anyone could say Clinton got any kind of knockout.
    Hillary looked very Presidential. That’s probably a bad thing in this election, for her.

  31. Hillary did fine for people who already support her. Trump did fine for people who already support him.
    The only metric that matters are the thoughts of the undecided/uninformed. On this front, it seems like overall Trump did a little better. Trump displayed his weaknesses more than Hillary displayed hers. Hilliarys zingers play well with the faithful left, but undecideds don’t give a crap about the birther stuff and the insulting women stuff came too late in the debate – though Hillay and Holt were amazingly simpatico when it came to Holt setting up her zingers for her – maybe he’s a mind reader?
    Ultimately, Trump scored points with undecideds by saddling her with ISIS, TPP and NAFTA. Those are time bombs that are going to sit in people’s minds for a while and create lingering doibt about Hillary.

  32. Remember Alex Jones’ screaming outburst at Piers Morgan had no negative effect on Jones whatsoever. Jones then shot far above many networks in views. Morgan became coddling and slow talking like a therapist but most spectators saw it as insulting. More gatekeeper shit talk.
    This is the day to rock the boat and throw the old liberal guard out by their hair. Trump can be himself and let loose ranting and tearing on the bitch and it wouldn’t hurt him a bit. It worked for Jones. Trump could have even done some pantomimes of Hillary’s bobbling head. That would establish Trump’s frame if he could get Hillary to rhetort by mimicking Trump. Her vertigo would kick in and the plastered still life medicated stance of Hillary would be revealed. When she sat staring, doing the eyebrows, it’s because that’s all she could do physically. It was like she was doing a bunt in baseball. She’s limited to bunting.

  33. I noticed Clinton’s subtle dig at anyone disagreeing with her on race as being a bigot. Yawn. No substance, just race-baiting and pandering for votes.
    If I am a racist for expecting all races to be treated equally before the law AS LONG AS they respect the law, sign me up.

    1. Hillary Clinton calling anyone a racist is like a female porn star calling someone a hoe. It’s also funny how Bill Clinton’s wife had the audacity to try and pull the “misogynist” card as well. All she did was kowtow to the weak-minded SJW (and female) crowd by parroting the same mantras “He’s a racist. He’s a sexist.”, that she’s been spouting for MONTHS now. That’s literally all she has to offer. And did anyone really expect the media to claim anything but a Hillary win, no matter what transpired last night? They (aka the corporations who actually run the country) want the first president with a vagina (dusty and unused as it may be) because as we all know, women will do/say/think anything their bosses want them to.

  34. Disappointed that he didn’t bury her last night, given all the opportunities. But I also doubt that anything he said (or didn’t say) last night will hurt him.
    Too many people know the truth about Clinton and are fed up with inside-the-beltway business as usual.

  35. On a more positive note, I saw a compilation of every major poll of who won. Trump basically dominated

      1. “What’s your source?”
        How about you google online polls and stop being a lazy fuck

        1. as many others on ROK have told me before, your problem, is that you used Google. Apparently it’s not a worthy search engine because it’s run by Jews, SJWs, and virtue signalers.
          So, again – your source?

        2. If you don’t see the threat in a global conglomerate like Google, whose policies go against everything most on this site belive in, that is fine but, no need to bash it in that way, undermining a serious topic. That tactic is at the very least, weak and desperately Marxist. You either are a female, a jew yourself, or a minority I’m sure!

        3. I am unapologetically black, so 1 for 3 for you.
          And I agree, it is a serious topic. One where, if one were to make a claim, someone would reasonably ask for a credible source for such a serious topic, correct?
          I did not believe he had a credible source, so I called him on it. And he did not disappoint.

        4. and just so i’m on the same page as you – if i continue to read ROK, am I allowed or not allowed to use Google?

        5. Your so full of you own blackness and ” intelligence” it is almost amusing yet disdainful! You use whatever the fuck you want
          You silly sarcasm shows who you are.
          Now go talk Ebonics with your niggas.

        6. I didn’t say Google was bad. I said I’ve been told numerous times on this site that I shouldn’t use Google. I personally find Google very helpful, because I discern much of the information I find. Something I’m sure your little brother 06Belieber doesn’t do.
          The guy I was commenting to is a ‘typical’ ROK commenter, and he should know better than to use Google, right?

        7. I’d rather use my vernacular with friends, while also speaking ‘your’ language better than you. By the way…

        8. Yes, you probably tuck your shirt in with a belt when you want to look ” respectable” for whitey too, huh?
          Then proceed to let them rest below you buttocks when you speak vernacular and appropriate ” your” culture.

        9. Well, I am forced to read your comment objectively and take you at your word. I stopped using google a few months back but, such is my choice. What I loose in efficiency I gain in peace of mind.

        10. I wear a suit to work, so yes my shirt is tucked in. Do you tuck your shirt into your jean shorts before you start your scrap metal collecting?
          And i dont wear my pants below my butt, 1. Because its not 2004 and 2. I’m a grown up.

        11. Hahaha, that honestly made me laugh.
          Okay, you seem like a decent guy, I concede
          I wear overalls by the way.

        12. Are you from the south? Your willful disregard of easily spelled words is telling.

        13. Easy now, I’m typing on a forum not writing a fucking essay, I do not care
          Do you want to keep comparing dicks because, although I do not carry the radiator hose of an animal, you will lose. Your intelligence, though far above most blacks, is lacking. This I assure you.

        14. Your excitement is telling, the only creatures on the planet who value their dicks more than animals do, are black men.
          Good day.

        15. maybe it is only a figure of speech in the south.
          Either way I’m done with your Yankee self
          Long, live the confederacy!!

        16. Confirmed loser reveling in the past glory days of a loser ideal.
          But hey, at least you still have dicks you can compare. Gotta take the small victories.

        17. Alright faggot boy, It’s easy to run that dick sucker on the Internet.
          I hate to sink to this level, as distasteful as it is but, God made Me White and he made You look like the Shits I take! So I will take that small victory, thank you!
          Go be a monkey with your monkey friends.

        18. I’m surprised it took you this long to throw out “monkey!” You even showed remorse before you hurled it. Your restraint is commendable; please don’t ever believe those that say southern hospitality is dead.
          And again, you and dicks…but that’s beside the point. I could continue blasting you with witty uppercuts, and you could continue misspelling easy words and throwing junior varsity insults, but where would that get us?
          You should quit while you’re behind.

        19. I do commend the self righteous, contempt and false certainty you convey in your writing. I tend to think it is of the egotistic type. The only attitude intelligent blacks can take, considering they have no culture. I do not blame you. Your ancestors lived in mud huts, sold each other to the white man and Muslim men, and then were slaves. After being released from your chains your people were productive for a while but, with that same old slave mentality, all it took was a few mtv videos and a couple rappers and blam!!
          Look at the state of black America now. So yes all you have is your pretend intelligence and that is for good reason. You have no culture of your own.

        20. Sure I have a culture! I’m American!
          My ancestors did what they did. I don’t judge myself by them though, so I’m fine. And hold on a minute, there’s no contempt in my comments. I haven’t once referred to you as a dirtroad barefoot backwoods mayo-sammich three-tooth dumbfuck yet, so relax with the false accusations.
          The state of black America needs help, and the leaders are emerging as we speak, whether you recognize it or not. While poor blacks and most whites see Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton as an authentic black leader, rest assured they don’t cut it. If you are curious, YouTube Boyce Watkins or Tariq Nasheed if you care to see the rise of the black intellectual. You don’t have to agree with it. Just know there are more of us than what you see on TV.
          As far as southern whites, you guys as a whole really need to get your shit together.

        21. One more thing:
          You better believe, o smartest of all negroes, that if the white man woke up tomorrow in a country that used to enslave its people, we would not be shooting eachother over drug money and territorial disputes, lmao. No, we would organize and attempt to enslave those who did our ancestors.
          Such is the difference in mentality between a naturally born Free Man and a naturally born Slave!
          Good day.

        22. I am not a southern white! Though I have nothing against southern whites! All whites will have there shit together very soon, do not worry.

        23. sounds like a great fantasy.
          southerners are like high school star quarterbacks whose lives peaked too early, and live to remind everyone of how they used to be “THE MAN” until they blew their knee out (lost the Civil War)

        24. You can throw your tired southern tropes at me, I see that is all you have. It makes me laugh that you believe all men with my views must be backwoods hillbillies from Georgia. Shows the infancy of your intellect.

        25. I have tired Southern tropes, and more intelligence than you.
          And by your own admission, a bigger dick.

        26. And you my friend are lucky my ancestors snagged you up, put you in chains and brought you here.

        27. much appreciated, now I live the American dream.
          Don’t be jealous. It’s unbecoming.

        28. and wouldn’t that just mean you failed your ancestors? You let us get away and establish ourselves.

        29. I am upset that I must share this land with uncivilized monkeys but, I do not worry because it will not last another hundred years.

        30. no.
          Is he also more intelligent than you? Then we’d have a discussion on our hands.

        31. Lol, my ancestors failed my ancestors. When I was born your people were already sagging your pants and selling crack

        32. next grammar lesson. “because [it] won’t last another hundred years.”
          Your [it] is a dangling participle. WHAT won’t last another hundred years; uncivilized monkeys, or sharing the land?

        33. My people? Well my dad was in the military and my mom was working on her Master’s Degree. Im probably not much older than you, but still, my little brother and I definitely weren’t selling crack.

        34. Lmao, good one, I see that is all you have.
          God bless. I would like to see black Americans get their shit together, by the way, although that is as likely as pigs flying.

        35. O what a said state of affairs when all a man has is his father and mother. You being black, I understand, your people were slaves, I would not be proud of that culture either.

        36. I have a pretty full and moderately successful family. There’s just no point going through the roster with you, though.

        37. Okay, good debate. I can no longer talk about such superficial topics.
          Good luck to you, it is clearly evident that you are above black ghetto culture.

        38. we’re on the way. like i said, YouTube Boyce Watkins or Tariq Nasheed for a good direction.

        39. I will check it out. For the record I have nothing against African American people because of their skin color. I personally would have left them on their continent if it were up to me. With that said, it is this ghetto culture and lack of respect for authority I despise. I will add that since my time out west I have met some good black folk who proactively left the ghettos.

        1. ah, so your source is reddit. an alt-right channel of reddit. with an image of major news outlets who all cater to one demographic or another, and allow unrestricted voting to come up with their results.
          sounds legit.

        1. but nevertheless, a site with no kind of verification before clicking the “Vote” button from Facebook.
          That’s something I’d take with a grain of salt, honestly.

        2. and Justin Bieber has 88 million Twitter followers.
          What do those numbers have to do with having no kind of gateway before clicking a button from your phone?

        3. Why does it matter if they can do it by phone, the people that follow those 3 sites aren’t all republicans so they data wouldnt be scewed

    1. More Trump voters were tuned into the debates. People holding their nose and voting Hillary don’t care. Decided Trump supporters and undecided people were watching. Hillary supporters are not emotional and passionate about Hillary. So what is interesting to see the polls of undecided and independent voters who did better.

  36. I’ve never been a big trump supporter , now I’m convinced he’s not worth my time ,nor my vote. Firstable that wasn’t even a debate on policies , it was just personal attacks on past mistakes and what not. But then on policies trump would often say “Ok, I agree with you on that”. I hated that line,if you agree with her then what’s the point of giving you my vote.
    So I don’t get it is he stupid or … what else could it be.Then I realized mehh ,that dude is 70 and he just started speaking out against leftism 2 years ago (before that he was a liberal), and There’s also something about him and Hitlery being related (might be just another conspiracy , but it’s still weird).
    I always read about Liberalism being a mental disease . So Donald Trump was mentally ill for his entire life but then was magically cured right before the Elections ,or Primaries ,whatever.
    SO yeah, We’re most likely being played by the big guys again . Trump and Hillary will both win. We will all lose.
    It’d be cool if we ALL (Maybe not the whole country, but just enough people to make a difference) , decided not to vote.
    Rejecting Democracy sounds like a good first step to get rid off Democracy

  37. Last night’s debate was just like most of the GOP primary debates after Trump was in the lead. The moderators worked in concert against Trump, focused solely on him despite the all the cucks that were on the stage with him. The audiences were packed with stooges and cheered for the cucks. Last night’s debate was no different because Holt was extremely one-sided, biased, and a total Democrat hack. In none of the GOP, debates did it become apparent that Donald won when the debate was going on, but over time it became evident. The fact that the media colluded with the other candidates in the GOP debates and that Lester Holt was shilling hard and for Hillary, last night was obvious to most people watching.

    1. Winning depends on your goal. Trump’s goal is to gain more votes of the undecided, he needed to dispel the false narrative the media has been pushing of him. That would have demanded he come off as serious, less brash, composed, and avoid name calling. Folks who aren’t comfortable with voting for Hillary need to see him as a sane option. I think that’s what Trump’s goal was, didn’t watch the debate so I don’t know if he achieved it. But it would have meant laying off vicious attacks for now.

  38. Didn’t watch the debates and I feel good about it.
    If you know the facts you don’t need a debate to tell you what you already know. Are you seriously voting for Hillary because she did good optically in a debate?

  39. Loads of Hillary shills in the comments here. Also lots of the ostensibly right wing ROK veterans showing their true colors…and it’s a shade of blue.

  40. The very first question was something along the lines of “all the experts agree that the US has had record wage growth over the past six years, but the problem we face is income inequality- what will you do about income inequality?” When the fag moderator asked that, I immediately knew that Trump made a mistake be even showing up to the debate. It was an ambush.

    1. You don’t know much about politics. That is the biggest issue of our time, and it’s been asked in every debate for the last thirty years.

      1. It’s the biggest issue for leftists. People on the right are more bothered by the fact that we have a bloated welfare state where the top 1% pays for about a third of all federal income taxes and the government wastes it on the growing, dysfunctional underclass of welfare recipients who pay no federal income taxes and breed like rabbits. The idea that the rich pay no taxes while everyone else foots the bill is totally bogus.
        It’s no wonder we have so much income inequality when our immigration policies are designed to drive down the price of labor and welfare policies dis-incentivize family planning. You can’t just go shit out a bunch of kids you can’t afford to raise, essentially selling yourself into slavery to the system by giving yourself no choice but to work 80hrs a week making minimum wage in order to support your kids, and then turn around and complain about income inequality. No one made you have a bunch of kids you can’t afford.

      2. So I guess trump speaks the truth when he talks about hearing the same old things for the last 30 years from Hillary and other politicians, yet nothing gets done.

  41. on the right hand we have a man who fight as an alpha dog, in the left hand a woman who was smart and firm, it doesn’t really matter who will be the next president, my opinion is that none of them are the right candidates, but the real question you should ask yourself is: who is the master of puppets who orchestrate the hands? when you will be able to find the answer, you will know the reason why, as i always said before, trump was just a decoy, hillary will be the next president.. because this! is what the master puppet wants, to continue their agenda. “Divide and Conquer!” (Caesar)

  42. Don’t feed the Hillbots. A bunch of new people suddenly are in here to say Donald lost the debate with ALMOST perfect English and private accounts and generic usernames.

      1. Exactly my point. Private profile and no one here knows who the fuck you are. Plus ROK readers are a little more civilized than your projecting leads you to believe.

        1. admittedly, unibrow jab was a low-blow, but you did come in hot yourself.
          you smoke weed? *high five*

  43. Actually, Trump did say that women should only make as much as men if they do as good of a job, (not that there’s anything wrong with that). It was in response to a girl in a town hall, during the beginning of his campaign, asking him “as president, how will you make sure I make as much as a man?” and Trump responded “you will if you do as good of a job.” Great response by the way.

  44. These presidential debates should require preparing and bringing documented evidence to the table and presenting them on the points through a projector.
    The wage pay gap of men vs women from Hillary was the most retarded ments ever

    1. I agree with this – maybe not during the debate because you’d lose the flow of discussion, but some kind of separate post-show analysis with the data the candidates want to present, and not fed through whatever network is displaying the data.

  45. Trump is only as racist as the average rich white american. Apathetic to say the least. Rich white people that don’t appear racist are just that way because they don’t deal with other races. Poor folk appear racists because they butt heads with other races more.

  46. Just read first paragraph…then the popup showed up. I’m leaving. Roosh, are you really this tone deaf? Or is there something else going on here?

  47. just like all gold diggers and sluts, Hillary is trying to hide her past for the next guy( america)

  48. When Hillary becomes president all free speech and your internet against the liberal agenda and imperative will be controlled, censored or eliminated considering it cyberbullying or rape. Obama’s SOPA was only the beginning
    This blog being taken down and publically executed is highly likely going to happen. You think Obama was bad, you haven’t seen anything yet

  49. (((Politifact))) also neglected to “””fact””” check Hillary’s one-liner about Trump calling for Russians to hack Americans. This was, of course, simply a coincidence.

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