Arrests Of Two Olympic Boxers In Rio Shows How False Rape Hysteria Has Gone Global

The opening ceremony flag bearer for Namibia, Jonas Junias, has been arrested for allegedly attempting to rape (by kissing!) an athletes’ village cleaner during the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics. Junias, a former Commonwealth Games silver medalist, joins fellow pugilist Hassan Saada of Morocco in having his Olympic dreams quickly ruined.

Saada, too, stands accused of trying to rape by kissing one housekeeper and groping the breasts of another. The Moroccan, arrested before the opening ceremony, has definitely lost his chance to compete and the same outcome is 99% likely for Junias. The two men’s ordeals demonstrate how “rape” hysteria has truly gone global.

Irrespective of whether the allegations are proven to be unfounded, insufficiently supported by the evidence (irrespective of any later conviction), or outright malicious, the men have inexcusably lost their right to a fair trial and the presumption of innocence. Perhaps the most troubling aspect of this news out of Rio is the farcical nature of Brazilian sexual assault and rape legislation.

Under the country’s perverse criminal laws, any “sexual” act without consent is considered within the ambit of rape or attempted rape. Return Of Kings is unambiguously against rape, but nonetheless supports (1) the bringing of hard evidence that fully accords with the standard of beyond reasonable doubt and (2) the proper separation and weighting of specific acts found within sexual assault allegations, especially between obviously different concepts like kissing and penetration.

Because men are almost always expected to escalate sexual activity, whilst women retain plausible deniability, “sexual assault” laws like those found in Brazil are sure-fire ways to convict men of acts that should not even be considered crimes. Comparatively benign moves such as holding a girl’s hand (before she has made it clear she does not want it) can be considered “sexual.” Combined with courts’ willingness to believe women without a shred of objective evidence like video recordings or clear proof of injury, it is now decidedly easy to either ruin the reputations and livelihoods of innocent men for life, or get them incarcerated for alleged crimes they did not commit or were not adequately proven to have committed.

A “positive” publicity boon for Brazilian police

Like his fellow boxer Junias, Hassan Saada is in a world of trouble for allegations that probably have no zero supporting, valid evidence.

Given the high-profile incidents involving serious, violent crimes in Rio over the last few weeks, the arrests of the Namibian and Moroccan Olympic competitors is something close to a godsend for local law enforcement. Instead of actually having to solve crimes where evidence exists, such as violent and/or bloody muggings or the theft of US$30,000 of photographic equipment caught on camera, authorities in Rio can make themselves look good merely by arresting two guys on the basis of women’s separate testimonies.

Olympic athletes, tourists and even Rio’s own residents are nearly completely vulnerable to dangerous crime. The police, despite the efforts of the majority of good officers in Rio, are at a loss in being able to crack down on local troublemakers, miscreants and sociopaths. What better way to shift the attention by arresting and imprisoning two guys in situations where the “evidence” comes down to a pathetic he-said-she-said dynamic?

The arrests make all the more political sense when we consider the parlous state of both the Brazilian economy and society. Under Dilma “Love me because I’m a female politician” Roussef, Brazil has suffered the worst economic downturn in living memory, senior politicians are under the pump for endemic corruption, and violent crime has spiraled completely out of control, leading to most Brazilians living in an outright or constant back-of-the-mind fear for their safety.

Evidence, evidence, evidence… where is it in these cases?

If someone is said to have stolen $50,000 from a bank, the police do not simply transfer someone to jail to await trial. They may interview them for some hours and go through the necessary checks, yet unless the money is found in the suspect’s possession, they have been caught on CCTV during a robbery, or something similar, continued detention and a trial, let alone a valid conviction, are not likely. The same goes for those accused of murder, serious assault, or other serious crimes.

With sexual assault and rape allegations, however, this general principle is easily and most often punted. I cannot get you put on trial usually for theft or assault just on my testimony, without supporting evidence or injury, but close to any woman nowadays can achieve this by crying sexual assault, rape, or even just “he kissed me!” Standards for making arrests, imprisoning suspects, initiating trials, and convicting defendants are watered-down and plain gerrymandered when it comes to men accused of sexual assault, rape, or attempted sexual assault/rape.

Another telling problem is why two Olympic boxers would be targeting athletes’ village cleaners and housekeepers. Rio de Janeiro’s crime and problematic living conditions for many aside, the city is home to some of the hottest women in the world. The influx of athletes and tourists has only added to Rio’s status as a mecca for hot women, as evidenced by my article this week about The 10 Hottest Girls Of The Olympics. Junias and Saada may not have the most ripped bodies of the male competitors or the best sporting pedigrees, but as Olympians they would be more than capable of getting at least some semi-quality tail consensually.

And what about the prospect of the two men having been extorted? Accusations against both of them mentioned the Olympians having offered “money for sex.” There is a distinct possibility and even the probability that the men were asked to hand over money and refused, leading to a dishonest counter-argument from the women that they were offered money for sex by the men and then “assaulted.” Most of the village cleaners and housekeepers for the Rio Olympics are poverty-stricken, after all.

The “rape culture” narrative must go on

Rape allegations + art project = man guilty!

Men are prone to rape and therefore the accusing woman is always right. This is what the “rape culture” narrative, now endorsed by enough police officers and prosecutors, boils down to. Just as kissing is now equated with penetration in jurisdictions like Brazil, looking at women, including those wearing basically nothing in order to get attention, is also part of the overall rape culture for feminist SJWs.

Even if we stopped criticizing the “attempted rape” charges leveled at Jonas Junius and Hassan Saada, there were measures that could have been taken to allow them to compete and respect their right to a fair trial. Their passports could have been easily seized and the Namibian and Moroccan Olympic Committees would have been able to provide strong guarantees for the athletes’ compliance. Rather than this kind of much more reasonable option, the men have been imprisoned based on women’s words.

If you thought vague, illogical notions of rape culture were merely part and parcel elements of college campuses, you have been proven decisively wrong. Rape hysteria has gone global and will continue to do so markedly in the coming years. Watch your back.

If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh’s book Free Speech Isn’t Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.

Read More: The 10 Hottest Girls Of The Olympics

291 thoughts on “Arrests Of Two Olympic Boxers In Rio Shows How False Rape Hysteria Has Gone Global”

  1. When will the false rape hysteria ever end? It is an absolute disgrace that our legal system continues to avoid examining the issue of false rape while devoting its full attention and resources to prosecute innocent men. From all of the stories we have heard over the last few years of so many innocent men being indicted, one would assume that there would be public outrage over this issue. But instead, as expected by those of us who read about these stories, the subject matter of the false rape epidemic is quitely swept under the carpet. Rather than raising the awareness of these issues, we now have charity organisations and media outlets who would rather, and this is true, show sympathy to all false rape accusers.
    It is a disgrace and without a shadow of a doubt, goes to show you how backwards our society has become over the last few decades. Anybody who has a son or is a young man about to venture out into the world of adulthood, should continue to raise the awareness of the false rape epidemic that continues to permeate throughout the world. The insanity of our society, will go on to treat all innocent victims of being falsely accused of rape, in a hostile and malicious manner without even hearing the real story of what is actually happening, which is that the accuser is making false allegations. Not only does this hurt a generation of innocent men who have been falsely accused, but also shows disrespect and hurts the genuine victims of rape.
    It is sickening and we as a society must be able to confront this issue because as long as we have more and more of these cases where innocent people are prosecuted, then you will continue to see the trend of young women who will falsely scream rape to achieve their twisted agendas of pure malevolence and animosity towards innocent men. How much further down the toilet will our society go when it comes to disregarding our morals and integrity? Never would I have thought that you would see a generation of women who would be willing to not even contemplate the morality of their own actions when it comes to taking these degrading and grotesque actions such as falsely accusing men of rape.
    This is why it is now imperative to continue to raise the awareness of the false rape epidemic. This is a serious subject matter that is going to have an impact on every man’s life regardless of how old or young you are. We are seeing it happen on a regular basis and as long as we as men and society as a whole can continue to warn people of the dangers that are attached to this sickening and repugnant activity that today’s generation of delusional women continue to undertake, then it will help to us to not only raise further awareness of the issue, but also allow us to combat this evil by helping to promote a better and positive influence in society.

    1. No one cares because there are still plenty of stupid men willing to woo and fuck girls no matter what.
      If most guys ignored women in favor of video games and jerking off, this shit would change.

      1. I don’t think so. These fools would fail to make the connection. They would say: Oh well, those men are losers and scared of confident women.

        1. A guy fapping to video games isn’t charged and arrested for rape until he leaves “moms basement” and “mans-up” and commits to being a mature family man.

        2. Got to keep those betas believing that if they just worked harder at being male feminists that they would be more successful with women.

    2. Stop fucking bitches you’ve known a few hours, that is how you avoid these accusations. Common fucking sense, lacking in abundance these days.

      1. How about that guy that spent two years defending himself from a rape charge by the 60 year old actress from GoT. She accused him (not really him, just any guy) of raping her in a public train station during rush hour under full CCTV coverage. The police arrested him and the prosecutors pursued the case when the video showed he may have brushed against her for less than a second. So, how are you safe by not fucking women you barely know. The witch trials caught up a lot of people that thought all they had to do to not be tried was not practice witchcraft.

    3. Rule of Law & due process are inconveniences to the ones running the narrative. And as things look at the moment, the sheep masses are too doped up to the eyeballs with distractions to give a flying hoot.

  2. This melds nicely with ROK’s oft repeated advice to “always escalate,” “always be closing.”
    Don’t cha know?!?
    If these men had run tight game…

  3. Funny, I thought oral sex was just a standard greeting in Brazil.
    BTW you boys will be happy to know that I penned and sent a letter to my alma mater about how disappointed I was with the mattress girl incident saying that the great pride I had taken in being a graduate of that prestigious institution has been forever marred by the cowardice displayed by its administration.

    1. I have a Brazilian friend and you can’t even begin to imagine how blue pill he is.

      1. I’m not really sure about South Americans, but from personal experience Central Americans are ultra blue pill. That’s also why it’s not hard to take their women.

        1. South America is truly different from country to country on this. Brazilian men for the most part however are so Neon Blue Pill. The women there are so proud its almost masculine. They are very sexual and will fuck all the blue pill men without hesitation but they will also cuck them at the drop of a dime. The men there have no reason to be red pill because the pussy is so easy to get there. I have some ExPat Brazilian clients that have ridiculously beautiful wives while they are limp armed blue pilled types and these women give the “look” to any man with any type of confidence and they always dress to impress.

        2. It’s… a little more complicated. Money talks, more than game or anything else. Most of the ‘macho’ men are gang-bangers raised under a matriarchy.

        3. I’m thinking of visiting a Latin American country. Which one has the best hotness + easy to bang girl ratio? Is Colombia as good as advertised? How about Bolivia?

        4. Depends. Although, having listened to mariachi music most of my life, every now and then, even the most macho man tends to display beta stuff every now and then.

        5. Never been to either one of those. Or anywhere in SA. There are some hotties in CA, but many of them are pretty ugly. From what I recall, Panama is allegedly supposed to be the best destination.

        6. Add in the 80/20 rule, too. In any given local culture, the 20% at the top can be super bright red, while the 80% at the bottom are glowing neon blue. In some other areas, maybe the distinction between the reds and blues isn’t as sharp.

        7. From having traveled there a couple of times for business, Panama is as good as the Colombianas you find in Panama city — either as prostitutes or those who traveled there digging for gold. As far as the indigenous girls… Meh. I’m not impressed. They’re also jealous as hell, which can turn vindictive if you’re not careful. That, in my book, is not worth the hassle. Besides Panama is not much to look at.
          Go to Panama to see the canal. However, I’m more impressed with the Hoover Dam honestly. And, you’ll find women as loose as the slots in nearby Vegas, as well as women with loose slots, whom you’ll want to avoid.

        8. Go to Venezuela – but don’t tell them that you are an american, tell them that you’re a canadian.
          Brings lots of personal care products, especially toilet paper, diapers, lingerie, soap/shampoo, socks, deoderant, toothpast, etc – these items are worth more than gold there and can easily be bartered for a romantic relationship with the most attractive women.
          Don’t expect to eat too well though, food is hard to come by.

        9. Venezuela was the place with the best hotness to easy bang, but with whats going on now..not the best idea. Colombia is probably the next best option.

        10. Panama was a Colombian province until the American government supported its secession and recognized it as a “sovereign” nation…in exchange for building the canal.

        11. <<fb. ★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★::::::!il81r:….,……

        12. So will an American man with Game get laid easily in Brazil. Is this incident with the two boxes because they though they could extort money from them. Does a normal man have to worry about this in Brazil?

        13. No, normal men don’t, but if you show up on brazil and appear rich or too well off. You can get targeted. Normal Joes can game well at the beaches and in the clubs. The language barrier is actually a plus. There is also the “take me out of here” aspect of some of these women, looking for a husband, so don’t game too hard or you may end up with a wife. lol

    2. I highly doubt they will even bother to read your letter. But at least you tried.

      1. I don’t know. Depends. I graduated with a lot of accolades and was given a prestigious fellowship afterwards. I am hoping it means something. Still, you are prob right

    3. Brazilians are sexual but not as ridiculously slutty as you’re imagining. The women have a good deal of pride in Brazil so the ‘oral sex as a standard greeting’ is a misperception, even though you were joking. That’s why Brazilian women are so great; very sexual, but very proud too. Nice combo.

      1. very sexual.. very proud…
        with my occidental references, it means “very narcissistic hypergamous”
        please tell me i’m wrong.

        1. Throw in the Catholicism and the generally advanced emotional intelligence of Latins and…no…you’re off the mark. If you’re trying so hard to insist that they’re nightmares like Anglo women then I think you can call it off. They’re a great group of women for the most part. Just go down there. They are far superior to Anglo nightmares but I see how resistant guys are to believing it. What people don’t realize is how utterly terrible Anglo women have become. Does that mean that other women are perfect? Not at all, but a quality steak doesn’t have to be the world’s most elite cuisine in order to not be a pile of dogshit.

        2. it was just by curiosity, just needed confirmation. Hope i’ll see by myself one day !

        3. Yup. Try to go. Stay safe at night though. You’ll be surprised with how cool they are.

    4. she was carrying that sad little dorm mattress with her … the thing so was so thin it looked like it had the stuffing fucked out of it. Must have been like trying to fuck on a surfboard. Can you imagine sitting next to her in class as she muscled that sad thing into the chair next to you …

      1. Makes me wonder. Did she ever Febreze that mattress? My spidey sense tells me she never did. You know, for “evidence”.

        1. ordinarily I’d recommend bi-carbonate of soda for a slightly soil mattress but given Sulkowicz’s is probably closer to a water bed of sexual fluids I think nothing short of dropping it into the fires of Mount Doom would do the trick

        2. Well, I think Emma wanted it in her ass (at least according to text transcripts).

        3. the moment that thing burst into flames you would see all these spirits and demon souls released – like when Homer has to burn his ceremonial Stonecutter underwear

        4. like that scene from the raiders of the lost ark….with a filthy mattress instead of the ark of the covenant

        5. true, but we’re talking about mordor here, and there’s nothing but SJW orcs in the vicinity

      1. They could have made a pit stop in Venezuela. They could have bartered a few pounds of flour and some cooking oil in exchange for high quality poon.

        1. I was banging a 23 year old Venezuelan a few years back, those chicks get breast implants as a birthday present. She was fierce in the sack, always dressed up for me, hair and nails done, heels…the whole nine. If she was a citizen I would have scooped her up but I’m not trying to marry an immigrant that will use me for citizenship.

        2. I don’t even know why you’d be trying to bag a cleaning lady. From what I’ve heard, the Olympics is a massive orgy.

        3. Exactly my thoughts. Even male athletes in obscure sports that don’t get on tv and never win a medal can bang 3 different women (female athletes) every day at the olympic village dorm. The story doesn’t sound right. Just being on any nation’s olympic team confers alpha status on a male, and all the attention that women provide to alphas.

        4. Looking at most of these female athletes, I can understand why male athletes might want to pull an “Arnold Schwarzenegger”…

      2. them favela bitches doe!
        My little bit from pirenopolis was a dream come true. As close to a unicorn as I had ever or will ever see. I had to enjoy my 2 weeks and let her pass since I didn’t want to marry and breed with her the way her mother kept asking me to.

        1. An older friend of mine says Latinas are like fresh fruit: pick them while they’re ripe because the rot fast!

    5. Hey Brasil (really spelled Brazil by your European masters), maybe you want to send your cops on dead bodies in the bay cleanup detail rather than pseudo crime crusades and Minority Report styled pre-crime raids.
      I’m scathing Brazil off my travel list. If I want hot Brazilian T&A, I’ll simply import it to my new location in SEA where men can still be men, and women don’t have a lot of options to run to big daddy guberment cry “Wolf!”
      I guess becoming a dominant economic player on the global stage also means pandering to the social and cultural narrative of the global elites. A kiss, a very endearing and benign greeting in many “third world” countries, is indication of intent to rape a female. Well the, I’d like to file charges against unwanted advances of females who eye-fucked me across the bar just last night.
      Tit-for-tat. All’s air in love and war, yes?

        1. Every single word looked like it was English. With the exception of ‘guberment’. I’m diagnosing some sort of Kratom related deficiency in the writer. The Reptilian overlords are slipping in their dosing schedules.

        1. As someone still in the USA, SEA still equates to the liberal hellhole of Seattle to me.
          Though the way things are going, I won’t have to learn any new terms for Asia as China is poised to do to it what the Soviets did to Eastern Europe.

        2. LOL I forgot SEA is the code for Seattle SeaTac airport.
          I remember the hellhole of Seattle you mention. I lived there for a short time many years ago while I still consulting. What a Marrakesh market of bizarre females and hipster beta males. It was a cool city. But the culture was fucked — especially in Fremont district.

  4. We should totally stop dealing with Western women, period. Of course if all of us go to Asia to get tail there will be a shortage of girls there. Maybe poor people there should be encouraged to breed more girls than boys and offered money for that. Currently 3rd world people prefer sons and create a global shortage of girls and I wonder how they can’t even see that themselves. Well, they slowly do, rape is now endemic in India for example.

  5. “Girls make your legs weak” – Mickey, Rocky
    Poor bastards had the misfortune to be horny during an international, televised, politicized event. They should have taken Mickey’s advice and stayed away, at least until the more insane elements of society were safely somewhere else.

      1. Women weaken legs. LOl. They also rob you of your time, money and freedom. They’re like a disease.

  6. I know it’s wrong and I’d never do it, but does anybody else have to overcome the overwhelming urge to wanna punch that dumb blonde bitch in that rainbow covered background meme?

    1. in fairness she probably has nothing to do with that meme, beyond having her image chosen to represent stupid chicks

    2. the ugly with her mattress too. especially after she released her ridiculous porn movie

  7. the olympics … what a joke … in the 21st century, in the information age, we’re going to somehow derive a sense of national pride from who can … literally chuck a spear or hurl a rock the farthest? Well, Kenya is a shithole but the Kenyan guy ran 1 millisecond faster so there’s that. Oh you spent 25 years training for this and all you have to show for it is that you beat the previous record by 1 millisecond. Talk about a waste of time. I’m sure china will feel a sting if they get bested by uganda in the 100 meter butterfly stroke.

    1. It always comes back to the Africans with you people, doesn’t it? Of course, if Africa wasn’t involved, or if they were Russians, it would be all good and fine, wouldn’t it?

      1. Nope, the whole thing is ridiculous, especially the white females who spend decades practicing how to balance on a beam like a retard instead of doing something productive like, oh I don’t know, breeding.
        I never understood why Hitler hosted the 1936 Olympic Games. Instead of showing off German achievement in science, philosophy, art, etc, he wanted to show that they could jump over a hurdle good? WTF? It’s asinine.
        Like leaping and creeping in Gulliver’s Travels

        1. It was genetic and social superiority. Why else would a guy focused on eugenics and ethnic cleansing focus on the physical prowess of his people? His scientists were already hard at work with psychologists getting things in order for the cleansing.

        2. None of the Nazi elite seemed to be the embodiment of the Aryan ideal: Hitler had dark almost black hair, Goebbels looked like Adam Lanza, and Reinhardt Heydrich looked like a big nosed Jew if I ever saw one.

        3. Heh. I have noticed that as well and the hypocrisy is laughable. I would imagine one could say the same if they were able to pull the wool on a majority of the posters on any given site who cry out that whites need to breed amongst themselves alone. It is an empowering and strange event that occurs when people think they have solidarity with others.

        4. science, philosophy and art isn’t something the Nazis seemed particularly proud of.

        5. Heinrich Himmler, for being head of the SS, looked pretty Asian to me. And Goering was a fatass.

        6. I don’t know WP. Amateur athletic competition has been important to civilization since there was a civilization. @disqus_q7cnnyJ7N9:disqus wisely said that we should get rid of all the sports that involve a ball and go back to the true Olympic spirit. Seeing the worlds youth passionately compete athletically against one another is a good thing.
          Commercializing it, bringing in bs sports that don’t belong and things like this have dealt it a blow. But the pure core of the Olympics is an excellent thing.

    2. It is pretty silly, especially all the drama about which country is going to beat the other country in the race for medals! Well obviously, USA, Russia, China have the advantage due to their huge populations. The medal count means absolutely nothing unless you adjusted it for population. I am kind of curious who wins the most medals per capita…

  8. The modern Olympic games originated in Nazi Germany. They were designed as mass propaganda rituals and means for predictive programming. Even more so today with mass communication.
    They will no doubt use these games to further advance the cause of gender confusion. So far we had two lesbians manifesting their perversion in front of the whole world and now two boxers accused of rape.
    Is it a coincidence they chose boxers? Of course not, it’s a masculine sport.
    The best you can do is completely ignore the games like I do.

      1. That’s true, and I’m not sure what the OP was getting at, but they were the first *televised* games and the games changed quite a bit for television.

      2. The pomp and ceremony of the modern games is a Nazi invention. They introduced the moving the Olympic flame from Greece to the Olympic venue.

        1. Yeah that’s over-stated. Nazis haven’t been involved in a long time and the olympics are more fucked up than ever..

    1. It appears to be the way to mainstream trannies, the most extreme form of gender distortion. God knows why. But in our lifetime we will see almost all female records held by men crossing over.

  9. In New York it looks like an apparent serial killer has actually raped and murdered two young women. Elsewhere a young woman has made a rape allegation against a Pokemon Go character
    Beyond the evidence issue the political will to treat even mildly sexually ambiguous behaviour – a kiss or whatever – as falling within the same category as the most extreme violence should tell us a great deal. Focusing on the prevention of or solving of actual serious (sex) crimes would rob the ‘authorities’ of the opportunity to police people’s (men’s) sexuality, and behaviour. Maybe there’s more to these allegations than meets the eye, but the ever greater widening of definitions of rape / rapeyness is entirely about controlling the men who don’t rape, rather than the tiny minority of men that do. In other words young women who might actually benefit from sensible policies on rape-prevention will be sacrificed to the ‘greater purpose’ of state control of male/female relations (brazil / US / UK what’s the difference – it’s international), just as generally decent and harmless men will be sacrificed for the greater good of policing male desire.
    Re. particular suspects in questions, beyond the rape definition issue and the particular evidence available or rather lack of it (which I haven’t really studied) I would note that this Olympics is notable for being even more politicised than normal. Leaving aside all the controversy over Russian athletes aside, there was a feminist lobby involved from way back, as the ‘concern’ was always that the olympics would be generally exploitative of impoverished women. They will have been waiting to pounce on anything like this

    1. Ironically, if those females has not gone jogging alone but instead had a male chaperone with them (as Muslims practice), they would still be alive. I think women have internalized how women are portrayed in movies as being able to kick the ass of a room filled with huge guys. Moreover, the nyc woman was very attractive – she easily could have had a crew of 5 willing orbiters jogging with her but she wanted instead to play the strong independent woman and go for a jog in needle park alone.

      1. You read that one too? That was pretty horrific not only for the aesthetic loss, she was an easy nine or ten depending on your preference, but it happened the one night she chose to not run with her father during the early evening hours. Very sad day and a disturbing loss for her family.

        1. the father had hurt his back so I think he was out of action for the long term. It makes it doubly sad though

        2. Guaranteed that girl was raped. Maybe a few times before dumped. And knowing some of that city’s criminal activity, all evidence will be tossed to the unsolved mystery waters.

        3. You know, my father has been saying this for years. He doesn’t understand why these women go jogging alone in the park when its dark.

        4. She was, sadly. beaten pretty badly, a few teeth were knocked out. She had thousands of followers on instagram, how many followers became stalkers? I really despise social media

        5. I think it’s been confirmed that both were raped before being murdered. At least one of them seems to have had burns to parts of her body, presumably the killer or killers trying to erase forensic evidence or something

        6. 30 yr old woman in NYC who used to job with her dad. He hurt his back, so she jogged alone. I wish I could show you a picture of where she jogged, essentially marshland on both side of a narrow dirt path. Hell, I wouldnt jog there, some dude come jump out of the grass and smash your head in with a rock…its that desolate

        7. Even as a teen/young adult, there were some areas you just didn’t go near in any park. Prospect Park NY has an area known as boy’s land where all the faggots roam. It is disturbing because coincidentally, it also has the best hill terrain, and quiet space to practice a martial art, or meditate. No policing goes on in those areas either, because, what are you doing there if you aren’t a faggot?

        8. All the Howard Beach ginza-loons would like the handle this their way, and I wouldnt mind, waste tax dollars prosecuting this guy

        9. I jog in the park, bike ride too. It has become less safe, but it also depends on the park. Until about 10pm the great loop (6.2 mi) or the reservoir path (3.1 mi) is very safe, even for women alone. Not so much in some other parks like riverside park….which got to be very safe with Rudy and continued to be with Bloomy but has, since Mayor Faggot McGree took over, gone almost to late 1980’s standards of safety.

        10. She was jogging by the Jamaica Bay. Oliver Stone could have shot scenes for Platoon where she was jogging

        11. Jamaica Bay at night. Fuck, I am ripped and can handle myself in a fight and I wouldn’t have jogged there. lol. That is J train shit. I try to avoid places that aren’t central park adjacent.
          For what it is worth, I do not consider Queens, Brooklyn, The Bronx or Staten Island to be part of New York City.

        12. I need to work “Thats some J-train shit” into my list of catchphrases. It wasnt even dark- she went out for a run at 5pm

        13. I wouldn’t go to Jamaica, Queens if you paid me dude. In fact, I only go south of 57th street because I get a pay check. Queens I will not go to at all and Jamaica queens? Fuck that noise.

        14. wow, both in broad daylight. I predict treadmill sales will spike in the short term

        15. Nope. The selfie stick and live Facebook feeds will protect these girls. I imagine women, at this rate, will be the first to opt for retinal cameras. Until they realize how many other things it will film than rape. Or worse, it becomes information a spouse or boyfriend can ask to see with partner.

        16. your brand of snobbery is refreshing, I work with people who think the demarcation line for cool stops north of Union Square

        17. that is the demarcation line for cool. I am not cool. The demarcation for civilized starts at 57th street. I would say that 57th-96th from 1st Avenue to West End is where civilization happens.
          While all those faggots are dancing and checking out the ramp butter at some bs restaurant I am having a martini at Bemelman’s at the Carlyle.

        18. I’m so glad when one googles my name one doesn’t find dozens of photos of me ogling at the camera.

        19. There’s a 90% chance someone targeted her because of her ‘celebrity’ status.

        20. Someone should’ve told her attackers she was a strong, equal, and independent young woman. That would’ve stopped them.

        21. I bet no one ever sat these young lads down and sternly told them they should not rape. Hell, no one even talks about the killing. When will we start telling the urban youth of America to not kill! This murder thing is getting out of control.
          I should “start a nonprofit” as the broads love to say, that takes money and purports to go around to schools telling males not to rape. I bet SJW corporate HR departments would donate millions.

        22. I think so too, but where did you come up with 90%? Is there a “find friends nearby” feature in instagram?

        23. 90% is sort of a jest. But this chick had loads of followers. Wouldn’t really shock me if one of them got carried away.

        24. Columbia is a gay school. It wouldn’t be difficult for a male to get laid just by being straight.

        25. Ha, a lot of the people I went to school with were nerds. The fact that I boxed and had a night job which was considered a little shady (I worked as a bathroom valet at 3 strip clubs) and had an easy way with women pretty much made the poon all you could eat. However, the Columbia that exists now and the one I went to were very, very different schools. There was more of a sense of pride at being a very old and affluent university. This mattress shit would not have happened back then.
          I will say though–it is a very big university. You will find what you want. You could spend 4 years there and never see any super lefty politics. Stay to the library and the sports clubs and just ignore the idiots. Like in life, you need to ignore morons.

        26. According to Finnish officials all that had to do was hold up their hands in a “halt” position and say stop in a firm voice. In extreme cases they might have to hold up both hands. This has the effect of blasting the evil intent person practically to the ground with the force of feminist righteousness.

        27. She must’ve had a gun, and invited this upon herself. If she wasn’t armed, the criminal would cease his assault and retreat.

      2. they were both very attractive. I think there’s a degree of truth about internalising movie representations – women are being trained to think they live in an idealised world where they are physically equal. I was reading upon on the first murder of an italian-american girl. She actually used to jog with her father, who then – with hindsight very tragically – hurt his back and could no longer accompany here. He warned her against jogging alone, but unfortunately she didn’t take his advice. Moreover she was jogging in a part that seems to have the reputation for being a dumping ground for bodies (mob victims), occult rituals and sacrifices (don’t ask, but it seems to involve chickens) amongst other things. Why an attractive young woman would decide to jog in such a place alone is beyond me.

        1. One thing I can take away from this is, here clearly the father knew not to rape. At the same time, he told her daughter not to get raped.

        2. she was safe while she was with her father. He did his job, unfortunately the moment he was incapacitated, she entered a different world

        3. And that’s one difference between, say, a poor girl who has to go out at night because she has to work, and this girl. It’s still crazy in both cases, but the poor girl does it out of necessity. The other girl didn’t care.

        4. she didn’t take responsibility for herself, and that should require explanation. Many parks are perfectly reasonable places to run, but the one that she chose to run in seems to have been about as safe as Syria.

        5. It’s funny.I always cite the movie Havoc as reference whenever​ the topic comes up. Most American kids certainly don’t have street smarts.

    2. oh great, an actual rape. I think for every girl to actually get raped 1000 girls get to cry rape with no proof and be lauded as fucking heros. Ugh. Meaningless word. I am at the point where unless the girl is beaten within an inch of her life and tells me this mumbling through her wired shut jaw my response to I was raped is just “psst w/e”

      1. Actual rape = zero feminist fucks given. Conjecture rape where power can be taken = whores will flock faster than you can say selfie stick.

        1. yes. The only time fem fucks are given to a woman who was actually raped is when they want to rattle off a list of 100 “rape” victims. Watch, the first will always be some poor soul who was seriously fucked up and then the next 99 will be bullshit. It is such an easy tactic to spot. Always mention the believable one first. Oh, this poor girl who was gangbanged by 5 guys who beat her and left her to dead —- OH MY GOD THATS TERRIBLE —– and here are 99 other attention whores ——- yeah, rape is BADDD!!!!—

        2. You won’t get raped playing chess with me, but you’ll get hurt, really bad.

        3. ok bud you’re on. Get that white flag ready….who am I kidding…you always have it ready.
          Invite me, I haven’t figured out how to do that yet.

        4. I’ve already invited you. The pointy end of the white flag is soon going to pierce your belly.

        5. nice comic. I can’t find watch. I am in a game with @monsieur_de_charette:disqus but he hasn’t made his first move yet. Probably only has one white flag and is saving it for you.

        6. Then you got Derrick Rose’s ex girl friend that is crying rape after a scheduled gang bang.. lol. Rose’s response was that the gang bang was set up and she got pissed he didn’t reimburse her for the sex toys she brought to the party. I automatically believe the public figure who admits, with out shame, that the gangbang of his gf was a scheduled event. lol. It wont amount to anything against Rose, but I must say, Not the most quality woman to be associated with, play with fire and get burned if anything bad does happen to him.

        7. Like I said, if I ever end up rich and single, I’m just gonna get top-shelf escorts to be my girlfriend for the month.

        8. Variety as well. Japanese for the summer, Redhead when the leaves turn, Nordic when its winter. You get the picture.

        9. Brilliant Idea. Get rich, I’ll live vicariously through you. I’m in it for the long haul with my wife. lol

        10. Me too, hence the single part of “if I ever end up rich and single”
          My father looks like he’s about to remarry, and young. I haven’t voiced my opinions, but if I did, it’d look something like the scene from Mad Men where Lane Pryce’s dad beats the shit out of him and tells him to get his shit together. Me being the father in that scene.

        11. hahaha, yea I feel ya, my dad had it good then went and remarried recently. I wanted to lecture him with the back of my hand.

      2. well rape certainly happens but it tends not to happen in the places where feminists focus their rape goggles. That’s the thing: feminism is far more interested in virtual rape than real rape since it sees its role as policing male sexuality rather making the world safe for women. Unfortunately feminism’s great achievement is to ensure that most modern women are worried about rape in inverse proportion to the actual level of risk, and the creation of virtual rape (which has little if anything to do with the actual physical crime) makes this possible.

      3. Rapes and Police violence and just about everything else the SJWs take for granted and falsely cry about are about to get real for them… Cry Wolf, shit happens.

        1. depending on the girl, the circumstance and the definition of assault? Sure, why not…brotha

  10. You know if these were some real hood niggas, the women wouldn’t even report it. Women only report it when the guy has social presence or money – they never report an actual rape committed by some vagrant or refugee with yellow broken teeth and torn clothes.

  11. “Saada, too, stands accused of trying to rape by kissing one housekeeper and groping the breasts of another.”
    I call that Schwarzenegger game.

  12. Seems like about 80% of the Olympics coverage I’ve seen was women’s events. Watching female competitive sports ( with the exception of beach volleyball) is about like watching two mules fighting over a turnip.

      1. After meeting Gymnasts at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta I cant get up for that event anymore they are all midgets. Unless that’s you’re sort of thing in which case, no judgment here. lol.

      2. I will have to give them credit, with my sense of balance I couldn’t just walk from one end to the other of that board without falling.

    1. Archery would be much more exciting if they were shooting at one another. just my two cents

    2. even with the volleyball I was saying to my self, “almost naked super hot women jumping around on a beach and somehow this is still fucking boring as watching paint dry”

      1. I must say tho, the relay swimming has a pretty good competitive edge to it. The volleyball is way over rated.

        1. I havent watched it at all, and I wont, not until they let Michael Bay direct the Olympics

        2. The bar I frequent at lunch has it on all day. Captive audience. I’ve not voluntarily watched one event so I understand your aversion to it.

        3. I don’t make a habit of it but, if I turn on the television and hot chicks are jumping around on the beach I have a hard time changing the channel.

        4. If Bay was directing, you know there would be a tiger shark in the pool, just to jazz things up

        5. Rarely do I root against the home team, but something in me really wanted that wooktastic swimmer to lose after she was talking so much shit. Let your win speak for you, bitch.

        6. they would kill all of the swimmers. no good. we just need one swimmer to go down

        7. An explosive device on the end point of each lane. Touch last, get eliminated. Permanently.

        8. LOL I despise H’wood at this point, but introducing their sensibilities into the games could really jack up the ratings

        9. I always root against the US Soccer Team, Olympics, World Cup, it dont matter…a win means more to any/every team competing

      2. Better than watching the female fencer wearing a hijab that CBS has been worshiping for two weeks. She would have to tie a porkchop around her neck to get the dog to play with her.

        1. hahaha excellent! Though I have wanted to tap a hijab bitch so badly. I suppose an Olympic one would be a good option. Really don’t care about looks as long as not fat. I just want to add a ninja to the collection

        2. Not sure but, the hosts on CBS this morning have been ready to lick her boots since last week.

        3. That particular one probably wouldn’t be good option as she does have a pointed weapon that she can use. You should be good though if you can dodge fast enough?

        4. We used to have a bet when I worked in the ME about who could get a hijab-chick first. No one ever got one. I think in a place like Dubai it would be a cinch.

        5. I was offered and turned down a Dubai job. Didn’t work long run for me. I imagine the hijab chick would be hard even there because in Dubai the hijab chicks who will be DTF take the hijabs off

        6. Media members are apparently pissed that Phelps was carrying the torch instead of her.
          The greatest Olympian of all time…. vs a gimmick who got knocked out fairly early. Gee. Hard choice there.

        7. True. Most will go out with it on, tell their male relatives they’re to study and drive off….
          Then they’ll do their makeup first chance, take the scarf off, drink, get dicked out, and ‘stay the night at their study partner’s house.’

        8. So in other words she sucks but CBS is still under the impression that she is a strong super woman.
          I imagine from all the sweating she does under that hijab she is just strong smelling.

        9. Just like the Syrian girl. Gets knocked out even though she won her heat, but you’d think the damn chick medaled or something. If your entire heat is eliminated, it means you stumbled into the worst of the worst. Congrats on being a champion of losers.

        10. I’ve had a Hijab chick, top 5 bro. She was insatiable. She was 19 though so that might have had something to do with it. Even came by my place when I had another chick there and she stayed around and waited for the other girl to leave!. lol. Did whatever I said and came by at a moments notice. Her parents wanted her to be with another Muslim so I was free to not commit. Kinda put a damper on my enthusiasm for my now wife because my wife isn’t quite as submissive as this chick was, but hey, is what it is.

        11. Yup. I have banged a hijab chick but she did her make up and went out dressed like a party slut and put the ‘jab back on for the fam. That is just fucking a party slut. She was drinking too. I probably could have wrapped my cock in bacon. Haram to the bone. I want to bone the hijab girl that wears the hijab when no one is looking

        12. Find a young one, slow walk it at first. pretty face get name, check out her fb or gram likely will have pics of her without hijab on and you can know if its a go. that’s my advice.

        13. honestly more effort than I am willing to put in. I don’t have a FB page and in the time it will take to find, court and bang her I could have a pile of hungry twat

        14. I guess mine was easier, extremely unique name. Took me till the following day to bang. Not as much work as it seems. But I understand. I’m not on social media either.

        15. hmmm maybe I will give this a go. I could just put a turban on my dick

        16. There’s definitely an exotic quality that comes with it. I remember this moozey in HS. Always wanted to take a stab at her. Super lefty though. I’m sure I would’ve been accused of rape if I ever ended up tagging it.
          Some of the prettiest women wore it as well. Can’t blame them, most of the local men were straight savages. Glance in their direction, and get mobbed by them.

        17. Kratom juice cocktail is popular with muslim women because it isn’t made with alcohol so they think its halal. The buzz comes from cough syrup and tranquilzers.

        18. Absolutely. If the marriage issue is off the table then the only reason she’s doing it is because she wants to get her pussy destroyed.

        19. If muslim women are anything like, ya know, all women then they will love cock which has been forbidden, warned about or in any other way advised against.

        20. Personally FGM is something I’d rather not get “up close and personal” with.
          IMO The Boondocks summed up questing for hijab-clad women succinctly:

          I was lookin’ for bitches but they had that carpet all over them and I couldn’t see what they look[ed] like. All that was really exposed was the eyes and that wasn’t enough for me, cause you know shit I’m lookin’ at the eyes, the eyes be pretty and I take the carpet off and then I got a tragedy!

        21. You might risk having Haji come and cut your dick off with a scimitar because they always have dibs on their cousins. No pussy is worth that.

        22. I have always felt that sooner or later my dick would be cut off by a scimitar. You just can’t fight fate

        23. Yes but I expect it would put up an incredible fight. Mine would arch up like a cobra and then wrap itself around the neck of any aggressor.

    3. Haven’t really watched sports since the beginning of the ‘chickification’ of coverage – focusing on the “behind the scenes, background sob stories, etc, etc, etc” – all about feelings instead of the sport itself.

    4. Actually, watching two mules fight over a turnip sounds at least mildly entertaining.
      The Olympics? I’d rather watch grass grow.

    5. …is about like watching two mules fighting over a turnip.

      That’s just too funny man. Love it! It’s soooo true.

  13. He said/she said. Used to be ‘standard of evidence, beyond reasonable doubt’, etc. Now – piss off the wrong girl and you’re screwed.
    With all of these – to be frank, depressing – trends in social interactions, my mind couldn’t help but outline a thoroughly dystopian story of a post-Hildebeast America – where men are de-facto second-class citizens and despite strong evidence, the myth of patriarchy has persisted to make life a living hell for alphas. One friend said of the concept “this is the stuff of nightmares”. And if Shrillary gets elected and appoints lots of judges, we’ll see things move that direction. Maybe I should write it….
    Glad I’m 56 and past dating / pickup time. Don’t know how I’d manage in today’s world. Feel sorry for my sons, though….

  14. Eh I think given the number of confirmed rapes by Arab and African migrants in Europe it’s not too far off base to assume one or both of these men are guilty. If they had any game especially given their status they could have pulled some of the adoring tourist sluts or Brazilian locals.

    1. I don’t think the point of the article, however, was to defend their innocence but rather to point out that once accused they are assumed guilty which is a problem for all men.
      Even if they are guilty, where is the proof? where is the questioning of witnesses? If they had been accused of murder or theft there would be an investigation. But they are accused of rape so they are automatically guilty. This is a problem endemic to a society that is hostile to men and masculinity which we need to defend ourselves from.

      1. That happens with all crimes though. Once a person is charged most people assume they are guilty, regardless of the facts. The problem with manospherians is their penchant for defending every man no matter what simply because the accuser is female. I saw comments justifying the migrant rapes which stemmed from the same mindset of automatically defending men for no reason other than the fact that they’re men, which is similar to feminist behavior.

        1. Demanding that the accused get a) a fair investigation before being labelled rapists and b) are held to account by a sensible definition of rape (not “he tried to kiss me”) is far from knee jerk defense of rapists. I see the news showing these guys are guilty of rape. Not “accused of trying to kiss a girl in a hotel room” Total bullshit.

        2. The more I think about it the more upset I get. Some stupid peasant chickenhead in a third world country has her first encounter with a man who has any SMV probably in her life and instantly is accusing him of rape under shady and suspicious laws which are made to make it impossible for men to defend themselves.
          Bitch is looking for a hand out. Someone should tie her down in Olympic village and let the whole team blow her back out.

        3. At least one of them said she grabbed her breasts and tried to kiss her. If that’s true it’s sexual assault. The media exaggerates everything, not simply rape accusations.

        4. so its she said he said and this young athlete’s life is ruined over the aggravation. Sounds like peasant money grab to me.

        5. Doesn’t change the fact they were stupid to go for the maid. Ever heard of DSK? Like I said they could have pulled far better looking women by going outside of their living quarters, but they probably suck at game.

        6. I agree with that sentiment all the way around. Doesn’t mean this guys life should be destroyed based on some spurious accusation but some third world bitch who is probably thinking this is her moment to shine.

        7. I must have my afternoon espresso and a mendiant first. Then I will gladly beat you again

        8. Standard French strategy. So who are you going to have beat him for you now that you’ve lost?

        9. Am I hearing some noise coming from a citizen of that country with transgendered toilets, that would still be a province of an English fart in the Ocean without our help ?

        10. Are the women demanding compensation for emotional injury from the olympic organization to make this bad publicity go away?

        11. I don’t know what the women are demanding. I know that women will, often times, find a bank account and try to latch on. Also, plenty of times a celeb or athlete taps a girl and then disses her afterwards and the girl wants revenge…there are a million reasons why gutter trash latch on to men of high smv and accuse them of shit. The point is, based solely on the word of some filthy peasant a young athlete will have his life ruined

        12. I’ve had unattractive women that I wasn’t receptive to, flash their tits at me, grab my butt, kiss me, hug me. That’s not assault, and pretending it is assault needs to end, it trivializes real rape.

        13. Until they have enough to convict he needs to be put under supervision and allowed to carry on with his event. Its he said she said like the knee said. Also im curious is Olympic village similar to an embassy or international ground? or is it just law of the land kinda thing? As for finding better looking women, I haven’t seen the girls. They may have looked THAT good. It is Brazil afterall.

        14. good question about law. Remember, this guy isn’t going back to whatever shithole country he came from to peruse his career. It is basically back to chasing zebra around the fucking jungle after this. The Olympics are literally his only hope to be anything in this world. They are going to rob him of that based on he said she said and based on a definition of rape that I think barely constitutes flirting.

        15. He was released and will fight. The Moroccan guy was released but missed his fight.

        16. that is good at least. Now for the 6 million dollar question: will he be held accountable to the absurd standard of rape set in brazil or will he be held accountable according to some definition of rape that is, ya know, not fucking bat shit crazy.

        17. Now that is a burning question also, how long is the judicial process, when will he get a court date so he can go back home?

        18. I agree. Similarly I can claim to have been sexually assaulted by women without my consent, and if these grab the maid and try to kiss her incidents are being called attempted rape, then I can put my hand up for being on the receiving end of that. When it comes to a grab and pull in kiss, it should get labeled attempted assault.Calling it attempted rape is extreme hyperbole. Even calling it sexual assault is fraught with having it lumped in with a number of more serious crimes. If these boxers were from the US they would end up on the sexual predator database, with vigilante nuts vandalizing their property or bashing them for the rest of their life. Maybe the Moroccan dude might get a canning back home. Two maids with two poor country athletes, its possible they are scam/blackmail attempts that didn’t work out with the maids not getting a payoff.

        19. It’s Brazil a third world county. Not Europe or the USA.
          The negros tried to muh dick them and they said get lost. This isn’t rocket science

        20. Are you a mangina?
          Men don’t get raped by women or assaulted by them unless you were Jewish in a German concentration camp.
          Then Ilsa the Nazi she wolf and her compatriots did the unthinkable. My friends grandpa says she used a riding crop on his backside and she and other German female guards took turns with him. He says being raped by them was terrible, but I’m not so sure I believe him

  15. There used to be a time when there were good, strong, moral men who were unafraid to do the right thing. There was a time when these men believed women were worthy of being respected and protected, and when women wanted to be respected and protected.
    In those times, a man who committed a ‘sexual assault’ against a woman by forcibly kissing her or touching her breasts would usually (not always, but usually) get what was coming to him. A strong, moral man such as her brother or father, or even a bystander, would step in and do the right thing… and make sure the offending man would (at the very least) think twice about doing that again.
    In the past, this kind of incident didn’t need police involvement. The definition of ‘rape’ did not have to be changed to arrest the men who did this. They were usually (not always, but usually) set straight in their ways. Were there times when groups of bad men got together and germinated bad behavior? Yes, but they were usually dealt with, as well.
    Over time, there are fewer and fewer of these good, strong, moral men. And those that remain have less and less evidence that women want/deserve to be respected and protected in the old way of doing things. Yes, they still wanted to be respected… for slutwalks and multiple ‘brave’ abortions. They still want to be protected, too, but the protection they seek is from the judgment and disapproval of those same strong, moral men.
    So, after the culture that once protected them is destroyed, they seek protection from the law, and everything becomes criminalized, even ‘unwanted advances’ in some places.
    To cast out the splinters of wrong they saw in a moral culture, they have destroyed it, and now we all suffer the consequences of the beams of wrong that dominate an immoral culture.

    1. White knight much? I don’t know the facts with these two accused. But its my understanding the men didn’t even get their pants off. So ‘assault’ or ‘attempted rape’ charges aren’t fair. I’ve had women try to kiss and handle me that I wasn’t attracted to, and I didn’t play the victim.

      1. Reading comprehension much? My entire point was that an unwanted kissing or groping should not be an ‘attempted rape’ criminal charge. I was not speaking specifically to what actually happened here as I don’t know all the facts.

      2. You touch a respectable woman that doesn’t wish to be touch or says F off, and it’s bloody assault and grounds for an ass kicking.
        That ain’t white knighting, it’s common sense and decency.
        Play your degenerate muh dick in Nigeria or South Africa. Some of us have standards and will reinstate them
        Men aren’t victims of female assault. No more cheese with your whine please.

        1. Most maids I’ve met very hard working and honorable… It’s a damn tough job
          That’s how

  16. I have a feeling these charges really stem from attempted blackmail scams whereby the maids promised “services” for a price then tipped off the cops once they got into the rooms with these pugalists.
    Being from poor countries I bet these guys didn’t have the cash to pay and thus got arressted creating an opportunity for the overwhelmed cops to try and distract the media and public about their security crises..
    I bet this has happened to a few other but they, or their teames paid and thus “rape” didn’t happen..
    This is an old 3rd World scam..
    Boys when you travel be carefull!

  17. Sounds like an extortion job, like that French IMF dude. The Olympic village is a fuck-fest, where tens of thousands of condoms are simply not enough. Given that, they could have easily scored with other athletes, why bang the hired help? No, why rape the hired help?

  18. As it is silly season in the main stream media the Rape Crisis Network in Dublin, Ireland, are instigating research into the composition of jury’s in rape cases. They believe that jury’s should be composed of equal numbers of men and women, not a random selection of the guilty party’s peers. They must have too much time on their hands, a lull in rapes perhaps…….

  19. The Olympics are just an excuse for a giant orgy and a sex fest in the athletes village on the tax payers dime. I am just surprised that false rape allegations don’t happen more often with all the sex that apparently goes on.

    1. Its like the females are auditioning for roles in porn movies. Male athletes who are invisible back home say they get more sex in those 15 days then in the rest of their life.Not only that consider half the female atheletes are under-age and are enthusiastically engaging in sex with as many male athletes as possible, multiple times a day. How long before daddy finds out and the females play the victim?

      1. I bet ya that within the next 4 Olympics (8 years, both winter and
        summer games included) they will ban sex between the athletes.

        1. Are you clueless idiot? Within 8 years sex will be an olympic sport with trannies winning the gold to show diversity.

    2. With numerous thousands of fit athletic dudes strolling around in training gear/shorts I gather quite a few of the female athletes are proactive in letting who they want know they are a sure thing for that night, so no false rape accusations on those encounters. Its jock village, no fatties, dweebs, nerds, skinnies and the guys there have the International world class athlete status tag for brag stories when she gets back home. Maybe if a Asian table tennis player made a pass at one of those euro hot instagram star female athletes, you might get a sexual harassment charge.

      1. Sure good points but you know woman these days, cant trust em. There has been numerous cases of the “jock” and athletes being accused of assault as well as the proverbial tall dark handsome man the woman who was also proactive in courting gets accused. A guy gets to “aggressive” or she feels “used” in the morning or some other bullshit excuse, she cries wolf, hes a dead duck.

  20. I totally agree that these incidents have been hugely over-played, probably by the brazilian government in order to demonstrate that they are in total control and are effective at punishing criminals – EXCEPT that reality shows that rampant crime, gang activity and murder in Rio has not reduced at all.
    This whole Olympics project by the brazilians has been a disaster from day one – instead of gaining prestige for Brazil, it has only revealed the corruption and incompetence of it’s government.
    As for the boxers who were arrested, I find it hard to sympathize with them.

        1. Please – anyone who’s not black or poor, who’s tries to speak in a “ebonics” or a slang-style is just an idiot and a wanna-be.
          There are plenty of poor white “crackers/trash” in the south that I can’t understand either.

  21. I hate stories of false rape allegations as much as anyone… but lets be honest, they look like they fucking did it!

    1. The Muslim in all likelihood probably did. That’s how they are because they’re so beta they resort to that.

  22. Incase it hasn’t been said, The Namibian Boxer has been released and allowed to compete.

  23. The Moroccan was released as well but missed his fight and can no longer participate or be with in a certain distance of the Olympic village, was made to surrender his passport and cannot leave until after the trial which has no date.

    1. At least he got released but I think its terrible that he misses out on competing after training for the last 4 yrs. He is at this point in time, innocent (until proven guilty later in court).

  24. well i am going ot put it this way. my friend that lives in brazil told me women call the cops to say she was raped. and the police NEVER arrive. they don’t do anything. so this let’s me know olympic village is full of scams by women trying to extort money or call a cop she is connected to because she is fucking him in exchange for protection

  25. BRAZIL !!!! I thought sex for them is no big deal, they are behaving like complete innocent virgins

  26. Bruthas tried to muh dick dem hoes
    They weren’t coal burners and bruthas got all jammed up now. Brazil isn’t Africa it seems

      1. The perp was black as midnight and tried to muh dick. She wasn’t having it.
        It fo sho was racial

  27. I dont see a rape hysteria conspiracy bullshit in this. They both have been stupid. Ok no rape but kissing someone by force and groping can lead to more, for sure it doesnt end with him just asking for a date.
    And they are a nigger and a muslim so…

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