4 Things I Learned From Being Falsely Accused Of Rape On Campus

It was my first year at college, and I was starting to immerse myself in the PUA community. I saw a pretty redhead, let’s call her Kayla for the sake of anonymity, sitting in front of me in one of my classes. After a couple of weeks, I managed to get her number—she told me that she wanted to “study” with me for a big test we had coming up.

“I’m here,” she texted me. I eagerly got up and let her into my dorm room; she was squeezed into some tight booty shorts and a low cut top that would make any man look twice. “Let’s go to the study room, here,” I said. I walked her to our dorm’s designated study space.

“What do you want to go over?” I asked her. “Umm, I don’t know—you’re really smart, what do you think?” she asked.

“Well, I already get most of the material—but do you have anything in particular you’re confused about?”

“Uhh, no haha not really,” she said. It didn’t take me long to figure out that she had no intention of studying. It was pretty obvious that she just wanted me to pull her.

“Do you want to go back to my room and just hang out?” I asked, my 18-year-old voice quivering from nervousness. I guess she thought it was cute, because she eagerly consented. “Yeah, that sounds good!”

We got back to my dorm room, and within two minutes she was biting my lips so hard I thought I might bleed to death. “OH GOD, why didn’t I kiss you sooner?” she yelled out in between kisses. “You look just like Nick Jonas!” she exclaimed. What the fuck. I guess that’s good? I don’t know, but either way she was into me.

She ended up giving me head and we had completely consensual sex—she left gleefully and I never spoke to her again.

Months passed, and I had almost forgotten about the whole thing, until I got a call one day. “Is this Mr. Anthony?” a stern voice asked.

“Uhh, yeah. Who is this?”

“This is Investigator Jackson with the Department of Judiciary Action. Do you recall having sex with a girl by the name of Kayla?”

Chills went down my spine. “Oh my god,” I thought. “Am I being accused of rape?”

“Can you come in and talk some time today?” he spoke. “Uhh, yeah sure—I’ll be there in 20 minutes,” I told him. Holy fuck.

I got there as fast as I could, and asked him if I could record the questions he was asking me. “NO,” he barked. “You can not record our conversation.”

“What the fuck kind of crooked legal system is this?” I said to myself.

“Sir, I’m sorry but I’m going to talk to my lawyer. Please send me a list of your questions and I will draft some responses with him.” I got the fuck out of there, and $500 worth of legal fees later (which is a lot when you’re 19), it turns out she didn’t want to press charges. I wonder why.

I’m glad that this happened early on in my life. Every man needs to understand what women are capable of, and I hope that you can all learn from my story. Here’s what I learned from my experience with campus police.

1. The Odds Are Stacked Against You

From the moment that Investigator Jackson called me, I could tell that I was guilty until proven innocent. My suspicion was only confirmed upon walking into the “Sexual Assault” office, or whatever the hell they called it.

I was greeted by a fat, feminist-looking secretary who gave me a scowl. She knew what I was there for. “Hi, you can take a seat,” she spat with an overt tone of hatred. “Sure, is here okay?” I asked. She didn’t respond.

I was sure to be as nice as humanly possible, but it didn’t matter—they had their minds made up about me from the start. And who knows how deep the problem really was? Maybe the person who appointed them was a die-hard feminist, and maybe the very president of my university was, too.

Regardless, they treated me like I was a criminal. Rather than asking me what my side of the story was, out of genuine concern, they simply asked me a bunch of loaded questions. “Did you bite and spit on Miss Kayla?” “Did you force Miss Kayla to have sexual intercourse with you?” “Did you verbally abuse Miss Kayla, calling her names such as ‘slut,’ and ‘whore’”?

What the hell, I didn’t do any of that. But again, it didn’t matter to them—they were out to prove their little world view that “all men are rapists.” It didn’t matter that I LITERALLY had text messages that she had been sending me asking to come over. “That doesn’t prove that you didn’t rape her,” they would say. In other words, I was guilty until proven innocent.

2. Women Can Be Incredibly Narcissistic

Now I want to be very clear—not all women have rape tourettes. And there’s plenty of women that are actually raped. Their rapists belong in jail.

But I DID NOT rape that woman. In fact, she WANTED me to have sex with her. She solicited it. But she didn’t care—all she wanted was the attention that came from this whole matter.

This point hit me very hard one day when I was at the university gym. I saw her over in the corner with some other girl, whispering in her ear and pointing at me. “Great,” I thought.

Based off of her behavior, it’s very obvious that she “got off,” so to speak, on being a victim. She liked the attention that she got from other women and probably manginas. She liked the emotional validation that it gave her. “I was raped,” is synonymous with “I’m attractive enough to be raped,” and she couldn’t get enough.

Thank god that she transferred soon after—word probably got out that she was a lying slut. If she had stuck around, who knows what would have happened to my reputation.

The fact that a woman can go around and spread rumors about how a man “raped” her, without ANY legal consequences is absolutely ridiculous. She could have gotten me expelled, socially ostracized, or thrown in jail. She could have ruined my life, all so that she could get her little emotional high. And there were zero legal or social consequences for her.

3. Manginas Are The Real Problem

This became abundantly clear when I first shook hands with the investigator. Based off of the fact that his office was plastered with pictures of his mother, I’d guess that he never had a father around.

He was a boy raised by a single mother, on a noble crusade to stop the evils of patriarchy—and he’s the real problem. That police officer who automatically assumes that the girlfriend is telling the truth, that judge who has a deep seeded hatred for men, because he thinks it will get him laid, and that mangina in your workplace who offers women endless emotional attention when they tell him that they were “raped”? They’re the real problems.

It’s very easy to get caught up in your anger towards women (I know that I certainly was for a while). But the problem isn’t women. It’s the men that raise them, the men that encourage them, and the men that appoint them.

If the investigator wasn’t a mangina, how do you think my appointment would have played out? I would have told him my side of the story, shown him my log of text messages, and he would’ve dismissed the case because there was ZERO evidence to support her claims.

If we want to have any hope of reclaiming our past culture, we must start with men. Modern women are merely a symptom of a larger problem, they are not the cause. The root cause is the lack of masculinity in today’s men. The patriarchs of the past weren’t complete morons, unaware of what women will do for attention or social status.

They weren’t desperate for sex, they weren’t socially retarded, and they sure as hell weren’t weak. They were strong, confident men who ruled with compassion. The idea that patriarchs are cruel is ridiculous. In fact, it’s quite the opposite—manginas are far more cruel when they gain positions of power than any patriarch would ever be.

4. There’s A Pattern Here

Although I had started slowly taking my daily dose of red pill around the age of 16, being falsely accused of rape was what really pulled the curtains up for me.

Now, all of a sudden, I started noticing that it wasn’t just me—false rape accusations were incredibly common, despite the media’s complete lack of coverage on them. I started doing my research and eventually found ROK. I took solace in the fact that other men were experiencing what I was experiencing.

The fact that there is an abundance of men who have been falsely accused of rape, yet that there are absolutely zero penalties for women who do the accusing, speaks to the media’s agenda loud and clear. They want to eliminate men. They want us to be weak, pathetic, sniveling little cowards under the thumb of their massive power. They want us to be good little cogs in the machine.

But we’re not going to play by their rules.

So What Do We Do?

I always like to end my articles with some practical advice, because pointing out problems doesn’t really do much to solve them.

The first thing that you have to do is cover your ass. Learn to tell when a girl is crazy. If she claims she was raped, DO NOT date her or sleep with her. It may even be a good idea to have some sort of a hidden camera in your room (although I’m sure the legality depends on your state or country).

Next, you have to work on creating passive revenue. Work on being self-employed. This is by far the most important thing that any modern day man can do. When you work under a mangina who has a fleet of HR feminists ready to kick you out at the slightest hint of assertiveness, it’s pretty fucking hard to be masculine.

Consider starting a consulting firm, learning how to day trade, or monetizing your passion. You want to be completely financially free so that you can speak what’s on your mind without fearing financial ruin.

Incorporate the principles of masculinity into your daily life. This is the only way that you can accomplish these things. Learn to be assertive, decisive, and confident. Start working out to develop strength of discipline. Consider meditating, and reading good books to expand your mind.

The goal is to eventually become a fully realized man—one who does not depend on others for his own sustenance, and who is thus free.

Go, and become a free man. Because if more men don’t start becoming free, in a few decades, none of us will be.

Read More: 3 Signs She’s Making A False Rape Accusation

277 thoughts on “4 Things I Learned From Being Falsely Accused Of Rape On Campus”

  1. At BYU, there was recently a case of an officer who wasn’t a mangina. The officer reportedly not only pursued the case fairly, but he also told the school about rule-breaking from the woman that was unrelated to her allegation, as I understand it. The “victim” cried to the media, and now there is an international uproar that the school isn’t take rape seriously. The SJWs are pressuring this religious school to remove its restrictions on extramarital sex, so that girls feel “safe” reporting rape. Of course, we all know that the real reason is so girls can cry rape and get out of any consequences of their actions. The rules actually help prevent rape. Girls who don’t act like drunk prostitutes tend to avoid rape, it’s remarkable.

    1. you’re talking about the BYU student who claims she was raped while on acid, right? i saw that and thought that the drug usage at a school where you specifically sign a statement saying that you’ll avoid such behavior didn’t lend a lot of credence to her story.

  2. “The fact that there is an abundance of men who have been falsely accused
    of rape, yet that there are absolutely zero penalties for women who do
    the accusing, speaks to the media’s agenda loud and clear.”
    off the top of my head, i actually can’t think of a high-profile rape case that hasn’t turned out to be false. duke lacrosse, that french guy from the IMF, brian banks, UVA, etc. all baseless and entirely motivated by female greed or spite. and yet, any time a woman cries rape, pitchforks are sharpened and torches lit, no evidence required.
    women actually do get in trouble for false rape accusations in the UK, but apparently UK feminists are against this and are pushing for false rape accusations to be handle like in the US, that is, no penalties. funny isn’t it, that this is like the one time that the brits think we americans got something right.

      1. I was falsely accused back in middle school (yes, really). The moment my lawyer informed the prosecution that we had grounds to prove perjury, the DA dropped her case and the judge dismissed it in pre-hearing. My lawyer told me that we could try to countersue, but there’s no way in hell the judge would ever go for it.
        Years later, I’m wondering if we should have gone for it, anyway, just because such a crime shouldn’t go unpunished. Records were quickly sealed, I moved to a better school, and my parents didn’t go broke in legal fees, but it still nags at me.

        1. I hadn’t even kissed the girl. She was abusive – I dated her because I was a young White Knight martyring myself so she’d stop abusing my friends.
          Apparently this is a pattern with the family. Most of the women had used the courts to rape men of their cash, and they kept getting away with it.
          The problem is that I was so young that my parents were on the tap for any money. It was before the Innocence Project started funds to fight false claims, and Duke Lacrosse was still considered an aberration. Given the chance to give people the punishment they deserve (through years of legal battles and craptons of legal fees) and letting it die, we chose the path of least resistance.
          On the plus side, the whole situation messed me up enough that I eventually found my way here. Truly God can work all things for good.

        2. Yes, see my comments above.
          HOWEVER, if you ever deal with the justice system first-hand, you’ll quickly learn that even mediocre attorneys (most of them) will not press anything but a certain case. These guys have to work with the small pool of judges and local attorneys on a daily basis. They aren’t going to go on some foolish crusade for justice to get you compensated for lying cunts ruining your life unless it’s such an obvious affront to justice worthy of at least 6 if not 7 figures, and know that the bitch has the money to recover a sizeable judgment, or settle out of court. Sorry, but that’s life in our Amercian justice system.
          As far as prosecutors going after false accusers, good luck! The media has field days over perceived patriarchal backlash against women protecting their fat, tatooed and pierce bodies from the rampant rape culture in the west. Take note of the judge who’s being crucified in the media for handing out a paltry 6 month prison sentence for sexual battery because he followed state guidelines for young, first-time offenders. A prosecutors office, filled with the politically ambitious future legislators and governors will not risk their political careers championing your cause.
          So, if you can’t find an attorney with ball to file a civil action on your behalf, you can always go the small-claims route. Find as many counts as you can and file your suit to recover money damages for each count, staying under the miniscule maximum small claims award amount your state allows. You’ll be afforded almost all the due process of a civil proceeding that an attorney could provide, but you’ll have to DIY. It will take a substantial amount of effort on your part to become a successful lay attorney handling anything more complicated than a People’s Court type case.

        3. So she had a family history of many counts of divorce raping men did she? Divorce rape runs in the family as they say. Her sisters, mothers and aunts were divorce rapists were they? What a den of snakes. Back in the day they’d be branded as witches.
          This is why groups (families) of single divorce-raping females need to be broken apart and prevented from colluding and collaberating. Under the thumb of wise and weathered patriarchs, these women would still associate, but the association would be positive and the plotting would end.
          Women like that who are prior divorced but claim to live in some sort of hodge-podge ‘family’ arrangement that they’ve thrown together have no respect for the tradition of marriage. They’re disrespectfully cat-calling the whole institution of marriage and trad family. And the legal patchwork ‘arrangements’ these type of women live in, you really can’t call them ‘families’ in the trad sense since they’re all basically wed to the divorce rape industry and they consort with the nanny state extortion racketeers who deliver to them their blood money on a royal purple pillow every month. Some poor guy had his throat slit for the money they enjoy and take for granted.
          I’ve known women like this. I’ve known a few ‘all fem’ low life broods of family related single/divorced women and I will witness that they are indeed nothing but a den of vipers. They usually have a disgusting fat single mother, a bunch of damaged daughters and sometimes an old single grandmother festooned above the mess and with one foot in the grave. They live as a malignant parasite mutant-matriarchal cusp formation dangling off the side of the nanny state’s roster block for matching funds. The cancer that is the nanny state attacks healthy family units and turns their material form into more metastesizing cancer.
          The important thing is that these groups of bad bitches must be broken up. The coming resurgence of patriarchy will do just that mark my words. Honestly how long do you think these bands of slack women and their hack lawyers can continue to rip society to shreds? These silly foolish women never genuinely roost so they never truly come home either. They will be called in by the patriarchs and they won’t dare curse their home or call it a dungeon again. No more will the older divorce rapist bitches advise and coach the younger women on pulling off a big cash cow divorce rape and no more will these witches encourage or advise women to flee or run away from their master. The forces of our true patriarchal nature have been restrained for far too long and the result is that there is a massive amount of resistance built up at present day. Society shows on its face that something is dammed up and ready to explode. There is much much potential to release at this time. The tables will turn big time soon on for the feminists. Patriarchy will return with the speed of a tornado soon and with an amount of force that will easily and instantly capsize the whole collective of femboobs and that will completely wreck the gynofacist networks.
          Women get away with divorce rape when the divorce rape professionals in the industry reign free and safe and when they have a reasonable expectation of safety and when they have no resistance or retalliation that hinders their normal operation. When is the last time a kangaroo family court judge or feminazi casa team got picketed, called out or had their home doxxed?? But they all have a daily roster of OTHER PEOPLE’S homes to dox and wreak havoc upon don’t they??
          Above all, the dens of snakes need to be disbanded. They can only be feducaries of the nanny state system when the patriarchs are strapped and forcibly bound from exherting influence on the women. Righteous patriarchal command is natural and the will of the patriarch to restore natural order overrides the whole of the nanny state and its anti family minions. They are but rubble that will be dozed under when the foundation is laid, when the new pillars of patriarchal man rise and the new kings step forth.

    1. Same shit in my country, but the advices here against false rape are simple among anti-feminists:
      1. Spread the truth about false rape accusations, and expose and chase all the false accusers, especially through internet. Sluts and manginas will think better before telling lies if they know they will be exposed and chased by a mob.
      2. Don’t believe or help any women who claims rape, true or false. Women cry rape because they know that there are manginas (even inside manosphere) who still are worried about “poor wimmins feelings”. But when they realise that more and more men don’t give a fuck, they will stop crying “rape!”
      3. If you are falsely accused, record the liar sluts and white knights’ names who accuse you (and share the proofs just with close friends). In the future, when we change the laws, they will get what they deserve.

    2. What all these pitchfork mobs show is that “rape culture” is a complete myth. In a rape culture, if you claimed rape, not only would no one give a fuck, they would probably rape you again. They wouldn’t be out rushing to lynch dudes with no proof whatsoever.

      1. that’s an excellent point, not that i expect it to convince any feminists out there.
        i normally don’t do facebook political debates, but i got sucked into one about mass muslim immigration to europe a few days ago, against my better judgement. “why, oh why, would anyone be against helping the poor refugees?” she asked, followed by comparing anyone on the other side of the debate to the nazis. after i easily demolished her by focusing on the cologne new years attacks and taharrush, her parting shot was to bring up that recent thing with that college swimmer guy, literally the only high-profile rape case i can think of in the US where the guy does look guilty, and say “of course we also have a strong rape culture in the US.”
        you really can’t win with these people. a few months ago, the UVA case came up in conversation with a feminist relative and after presenting her with all the evidence that it was 100% false, her response was to start crying and say “i’m sure something happened to her.”

        1. Many of these women are simply pissed it’s not happening to them. Additionally, she made the appeal to emotion as her example, and neglected to mention that the diver will go through the rest of his life with an invisible “R” hanging over his head as long as the internet lives on.
          The same can’t be said for those Hadjis in Cologne.

    3. Only a few minutes of time and $500 bucks for lawyer? This guy didn’t really face a false rape accusation. That involves a call to the police, arrest, formal charges and anywhere from $10,000 to $25,000 for a lawyer to get the mangina prosecutors, feminazis, and media off your back.
      From a criminal standpoint, you could try to get a state attorney’s office to file charges on the bitch for filing a false police report. But since crimes against vaginas are so politically fueled these days, that”s unlikely to happen in anything buy the most egregious public accusations of false rape.
      As for internal college “policing” of such matters, this guy did the right think by lawyer up and, if I can infer, shutting up. If the witch hunt was only in the domain of administrative investigation, then by all means file civil suits against both the lying bitch and the college for anything from defamation, to negligence. Get a judge to impute financial losses caused to your tarnished reputation, the need to transfer out of school and associated costs, loss of future income potential due to inability to obtain a degree from an accredited university once you’re branded, etc.
      Subpoena the lying cunt and put her on the defensive in pretrial depositions and on the stand until she cracks under cross examination, admitting she lied about the whole thing. Settle for six figure, or take your big fat judgment and chase her around for the next 10-20 years, garnishing her meager bartending/Starbucks/Fast-food wages until her parents finally bail her out.
      Then write a manosphere blog of how you triumphed over the lying whores of the world, write a few books, and make 5x as much as your money judgment educating young men on how to prepare for the inevitable false rape accusation.
      Now that’s what I call being a King.

  3. […] let’s call her Kayla for the sake of anonymity […]
    She doesn’t deserve anonymity, although you do.

    1. perfect name though. They are all named kayla anyway. You know, the same way every bar has one girl who fucks everyone in the bar, she always looks like she would be cute if she lost 10 pounds and would clean up her complexion, and her name is always, always, always fuckin’ Tara.

      1. Lol, that’s true. In ours she’s “Jessie” though. She is just on the right side of thin to still be attractive, and she has a good complexion, but you know that she’s going right where you note. Great cans though, I mean super cans. Girls got milkers.

        1. Talk to here…I bet her middle name is tara or something. When you name a girl Tara you are just asking her to be right on the ok edge of the line between thin and not and for her to be a total whore.
          I actually have a friend who sent me a text from a pub in London when he was on vacation. It just said “they are called Tara here too.” I knew exactly what he meant.

        2. Next time I see her I’ll ask. That’s kind of funny if it turns out to be true.

        3. Here, it’s the “Sinkhole Trinity”:
          Legs – Kara Lexis Hopkins – “Carebear”
          Ass – Candace Lynn Stevens – “Candy Lynn”
          Tits – Nicole Lee Johnson – “Little Nikki J”
          All bleach blondes with high resistance to disinfectant and a reserved room at the free clinic.

    2. Shit, I knew a girl named Kayla who claimed to be raped. Thank god she wasn’t interested in me.

  4. This is why serial killers like Gary Ridgeway eventually go nuts. They already possess violent tendencies. But then they meet a few crazy chicks who get a kick out of playing games and pushing buttons. Next thing you know…there are dead bodies everywhere.
    Of course, we are starting to see this even more with people like Eliot Rodgers and the Germanwings pilot. Men who are not built to withstand these female “let’s destroy your life for fun” hi jinks. To a lesser degree, even Ray Rice is a good example. Domestic violence can be caused by a malevolent woman pushing the buttons of a man (note how she spit in his face prior to the knockout punch).
    The author was lucky to have this blow over. But the story really underscores how dangerous it is for an average man out there.

  5. When I think of how women get away with making false accusations I think of how just sitting back and letting radical Islam have it’s way with western women would be the best payback.

    1. I’d rather put up with false rape accusations than suicide bombings and beheadings.
      Luckily there is a choice to put up with neither.

    2. I rub it in feminists faces that when those four blacks raped a drunk woman in front of a hundred witnesses during Florida’s spring break last year nobody called the police because nobody gave a shit. Fuck western women.

    3. Being dominated by an masculine, “misogynist” isn’t payback. It’s what women crave.

        1. All secrets will be revealed at ROK. Just as the prophecy has foretold.

    4. They kill children for watching soccer games. This is not a case where the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

    5. I love pointing out the hilarious irony to feminist cunts that if they get their wish of destroying western men and western values that brown hordes bringing sharia law will fill the vacuum and stuff them under burkas so fast their heads will spin.

  6. Good article, though I would say fuck the legality of a hidden camera. Better to pay the fine for filming someone without their consent and be able to prove without question that she has rape tourettes instead of living with the consequences of a false accusation for the rest of your life.

    1. Absolutely. In many cases it’s perfectly legal, and if not, I’d say “illegal photographer” sounds much better than “Felony rapist” on your rap sheet.

      1. In the case of a campus rape accusation— they won’t care. They (as was the case with the text messages here) won’t allow a man to present it as evidence. Campus ‘hearings’ are kangaroo courts, the guy at Colombia who was accused by mattress girl wasn’t allowed an attorney or representative to speak at his hearing, wasn’t allowed to present the texts or social media post she sent him in the weeks afterwards. Luckily, he was still found not guilty, which shows how truly unbelievable her accusations really were. Of course, he maintained the confidentiality of the proceedings and she didn’t– with the assistance of the school itself. He’s suing and I hope he is awarded every penny they have in endowment and operating cash.

  7. Mentally and emotionally broken girls, systemic anti-male bias, hysterical ‘rape is everywhere’ culture, rewards for victim status is leading to ripe breeding grounds for false accusing, litigious crazed borderline harpies.
    Does anyone else feel like this sub-sect of society has a mental disorder and should be institutionalized?

  8. Most states you don’t have to ask permission to record nor even let the other party know you’re recording, as long as you yourself are there and are recording yourself. That’s not true in all states, but most are one party consent. If you are one party consent, don’t ask, just walk in with the recorder on and in a pocket.

    1. I feel that in this society we really need enact a record everywhere-all-the-time policy. It isn’t just fake rape threats, it is fake sexual harassment and bullying claims as well.
      Seriously, is there an app for that?

      1. I think that there is yes, but I don’t use it. I have an old school voice recorder that fits right into my front pocket.

  9. The primary way to avoid all of this, is simply 1. Date off campus and 2. Never, ever, under any circumstances hang out with any of these college women unless it’s in public.

  10. Good article…and I liked the mangina cartoon, too…speaking of which, if something like being falsely accused of rape ever happens to you, don’t be a mangina – get revenge.
    There are plenty of ways to make a false accuser head for the hills, or make them crack up and go insane. Men are smarter than women. So put that to your advantage.
    I once had an ex-girlfriend who got knocked up by another guy while we were living together (I paid for the abortion, thinking it was mine). I also caught her in bed with a mutual male friend of ours. I was a blue pill-chugging, unicorn-believing, total beta asswipe back then…but after I caught her in bed with our mutual friend, I snapped. So what did I do? I split up with her and plotted my revenge.
    She wanted me back, begged me for years to no avail, but four years later, I obliged. And by the time I was done with her, she was a cunt hair away from being in an insane asylum.
    A couple of highlights here:
    I fucked a stripper in her apartment, and she kept finding long, dark hairs all over the carpet and inside her car (I used her car to pick up the stripper while she was out of town), and she’d confront me with them, and just as she had done to me, whenever I found evidence of her cheating, I said, “You’re crazy.” Over and over, for months on end, she found these long, dark hairs all over the place. It drove her nuts.
    Next up, when she went overseas to Europe for a student exchange program (and I stayed behind in her apartment), I hooked up with this hot brunette who made over $100,000 a year, and on the night my ex was due back from Europe, I moved out and moved in with the hot brunette. I left a note that read, “I met someone. And I moved out. Good luck.” She called me for months on end at work, screaming and yelling. I never flinched. I took all her calls, never said a word, let her rant, scream and cry, and then hung up.
    Two years later I had dumped the brunette for this uber-hot rock singer. I had a listed phone number by that time, and my ex started calling me and asking if she could come over. I would talk to her patiently – but always told her no. Finally about a year later she called and asked if she could come over, and I said yes. When she showed up, I was sitting on the couch with my rock singer girlfriend, both of us half-naked, as we had just finished fucking. (To twist the knife in deeper, my new girlfriend was wearing a fleece-lined blue jean jacket that my ex had purchased for me – and this is what I mean by planning the whole thing out.)
    My ex’s face caved in after she entered my apartment and saw my current girlfriend sitting on the couch. The three of us sat there uncomfortably while my ex fumbled and stammered and did everything she could to keep from crying, as my current girlfriend glared at her, asking me over and over, “What the fuck is SHE doing here?”. My ex wound up being a total basket case after that. She was committed to a psych ward for a time. And all because she thought she had been too hot for mortal men…but I took her down to curb level and then some. My point being – don’t let cunts get away with things like false rape accusations, or false physical abuse accusations, or getting knocked up by someone and claiming the child is yours. Plan it all out and get revenge. The courts aren’t going to help you, society isn’t going to help you – so you have to help yourself.
    If more men retaliated when wronged, fewer women would behave in an entitled, psychotic manner. In addition, I think there’s a singularly effective method that men can utilize, in order to eradicate the epidemic of cheating female spouses and girlfriends.
    Whenever a guy fucks your girlfriend or wife, get together with like-minded males in your community and beat the asshole down. Never physically hurt a woman, that’s stupid – they are little children and you can hurt their minds very easily, and physically assaulting them is pointless, not to mention self-destructive, as you’ll wind up in jail and you’ll forever be thought of as a woman-beater. But if a man fucks your girlfriend or wife, get together with your crew, and beat the jackass down. If more men did this, fewer men would eagerly stuff their little dicks into various wives and girlfriends who are seeking attention.
    It’s really simple. If you want this type of serial abuse at the hands of females to stop, you have to take action yourself. There is no other way around it. And if you don’t take action yourself, well, for fuck’s sake don’t whine about it, because in the end, you are part of the problem, not part of the solution…

    1. That’s some brutal psy-ops you had going on there. Bravo for having the balls to do it.
      A book every man should read is Getting Even. A bunch of great tricks to pull on people who fuck you over. Some of it is more childish, but there are some true gems in the book (Arranging a yard sale at the target’s house).

      1. Sounds interesting, I just had a look for it, is the author George Hayduke?
        I wouldn’t mind picking up a copy.

      2. I read a book YEARS ago about this kind of stuff, like calling up and ordering manure delivered to the front yard of your target. I think the book had some general ripoff rules as well, like renting a car and then swapping its new tires for your old ones.
        In my experience, it’s better for your mental health, and a better use of your time, to just move on. Sure, let others know about it, and yeah you can fuck with them a little bit. But in the long run this will gain you nothing. It may eventually harm your target, but if they are true narcissists they won’t care.

        1. Yeah, I’m not the kind of person who dwells on that shit, but if someone goes out of their way to do me wrong, I might throw a little something their way. Really depends on the situation. The ones I really like are the pranks that you can use against the government/city officials/etc. If nothing else, this book is great for teaching you how to incorporate psy-op tactics. Play the friend/victim while screwing over your opponent (ie-SJW/feminist).

        2. Yes, better to make your own life better and become more successful. It is the greatest revenge for your ex to see you happy and contented with your life while she is still living the “strong, independent woman” lifestyle with her cats…….

        3. The fun part is how years after the relationship ended, she has her husband cussing you out in e-mails when you haven’t spoken since the relationship ended.

        4. Government should always get a big cup of Fuck You thrown in its face. I need to look up the statute of limitations before I tell about some good revenge I’ve gotten…

      3. Reminds me of a friend of mine from Detroit. Back in the 80s (before caller ID) he would have a few beers and then begin “fun with the phone.” Some of his crank calls were epic.

      4. I have a hilarious books of pranks to pull too. Not that one. Will need to look and see what it’s called.
        Than said, getting even with men or women is usually a bad idea.
        All that time you spend focusing on some girl who did you wrong or that guy who back stabbed you is just more time that they are living right in your head rent free.
        Want to get even with a woman? Move on, get laid, have fun and forget whatever insult she gave you. Being nothing to you will hurt her. Even getting even is attention and they love it.
        Want to get even with a man? Rise above and move on. He is an insect.
        An old saying that I have found, over and over, to be true is that the best revenge in life is to love well.

        1. On an individual level that would be true provided you didnt damage the mans reputation by openly sleeping woth his wife. Or if the wife didnt use you to embarass her husband. In that case it would materially be in his interest to publicly harm you.
          On the communal level, any society that tolerated you would eventually be destroyed. Its like casinos and guys counting cards, right or wrong, if they put up with it once, they’ll eventually be overwhelmed.

    2. I don’t agree with the punish-the-man scenario. I’ll typically stay away from a taken woman, but a) if a girl is out for a one night stand, often the guy won’t know she is taken and b) the woman is the cheater, not the guy. Punishing a guy for taking advantage of free pussy that is offered to him seems pointless to me. If that guy didn’t accept it, there were dozens of others in that same venue who would. The cause of all this is the cheating woman, not the guy who agreed to accept her freely-offered snatch.
      Also, good job on the revenge, but I’ve found few women who have one-itis and will continue pining after a guy for 4 years. Typically, they seem to forget everything about a LTR after a month, in my experience.

      1. This reminds me of on of my favorite lines from a movie. In Tequila Sunrise Raul Julia plays the corrupt Mexican drug cop who is the major supplier to Mel Gibson’s drug wholesaler. In the course of one discussion he says he doesn’t fault Mel’s character for screwing the local DEA agent’s girlfriend. He said, “Blaming a man for where his dick goes is like blaming a compass needle for pointing north.”

    3. Excellent, very well done. Except this.
      Whenever a guy fucks your girlfriend or wife, get together with like-minded males in your community and beat the asshole down.
      Ten to one he doesn’t know she has a boyfriend, I’d bet you. You’re punishing him for her deceit. Now if you know he knew, then sure.

      1. Just this. If your girlfriend or wife is a whore, don’t blame the swordsman who she runs to for fucking her.
        Shit, if she shows up to my house with a wedding ring and, ya know, a DVD of your fucking wedding reception I will put the movie on and fuck her while we watch it.
        If a guy wants his wife not to suck other cock he needs to a) pick a good woman to be a wife b) never drop frame c) be a good and strong husband and provider.
        I hate when guys who can’t keep their women blame the guys they run to. It is just white knighting in disguise. By going after the guy who boned your wife all you are doing is giving your wife a proxy pussy pass.

        1. Eh, I’m not fond of intentionally fucking another dude over, no matter how cunty his bitch is. I still have some of that old school Bros before Hos thing in me.

        2. If I know the guy that is a line I wouldn’t cross. But if I am in a bar and I meet a woman who is in my would bang range I don’t care if she has a husband.
          That said, under no circumstance is this the guys fault I think. The man is doing what men do….fuck women they are attracted to….the wife is the one who is doing something wrong when she cheats.

        3. I totally get your angle about a woman being in your bang range, and you just say, “Fuck it”, and you go ahead and bang her. Believe me, I used to be in the same camp. But here’s a little sidebar angle that you might want to consider. You never know who you are fucking…and, consequently, you never know who you are fucking with. Case in point, a buddy of mine is in the mob (meaning, the real mob, not the mafia, which is all Hollywood-created cover; the mob owns everything, including Hollywood, and the mob runs everything in every city, and if you don’t know this, well, you are definitely not alone on that score, and that’s probably why you are indiscriminately banging any woman in your bang range). But anyway, my buddy was convinced that his girlfriend was cheating on him with a mutual acquaintance of ours. I tried to talk him out of it, but he wound up putting down both his girlfriend and the mutual acquaintance of ours. And the next day in the newspaper, it said the two of them had died in a car accident. So by all means, hey, run with that swagger all you want, young squire, and rely on your frame and your game, because I totally get where you’re coming from. But as the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhaeur once said, “Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.” And hopefully, I just broadened your field of vision. But if not, we all pay for our education, one way or another…

        4. I am not particularly worried. I’ve been at it a long time and all men must die. THat said, I don’t just fuck everything in bangable range. Each woman has her own issues and judgments need to be made on the spot. I will say that unless I know the boyfriend or husband personally, that they are connected doesn’t play a role in my thinking on a ONS though it would def play a role in seeing that person again or even exchanging numbers. Not out of worries of a mob or even a jealous boyfriend who might beat me up, but just to avoid the drama that is bound to ensue. I like my life simple.

        5. Funny thing GoJ there was a time about 5 years ago where I was fucking a few married women.
          It started with one and shit just got out of hand. Anyway, I thought it was great. Married women were perfect. They didn’t blow up your phone all the time, they couldn’t sleep over, in my case I wasn’t able to get in touch with them they could only get in touch with me. They erase our convos right after they have it. And there is no pretense.
          One girl and I had a standard Saturday date. This was her hubby’s guys night out. He would be home by midnight and she would be home by 11. No pretense. No date. I would order food, she would show up. We couldn’t go out incase hubby’s friends ran into us. She would hand and fuck from like 8-1030 and then leave with a kiss and a “See you next week”
          I would read a book or watch a movie or go to bed or take a shower and go out whatever I felt like.
          I thought I had the whole fucking world figured out.
          Then the other shoe dropped. First came the dreaded words “i love you.” She started talking about wanting to leave the husband. Instead of show up, fuckathon, go home sessions she would be crying about how she wants to have a new life, a happy life, with me….Christ these birds are dumb.
          I tried to explain to her that our relationship was predicated on me being emotionally unavailable and her being married. It wasn’t an impediment to me it is the very thing I liked. Your husband bought you lingerie for valentines day? great, bring it over.
          She got more and more unstable. Started to ask me to keep in touch more and know what I was doing.
          I eventually had to put an end to it (and to my other married dalliances because I didn’t want the same thing to happen) and move on. She was a nut for a while. Angry then Begging, then Crying blah blah blah.
          I weathered the storm, it didn’t last long. One day after a few weeks it just stopped. I figure she found a new cock.
          It’s a bad idea and now if I fuck a married woman it is strict ONS to avoid drama.

        6. Sounds like the husband wasn’t giving her the dicking she needed. Add in her mental instability, and let’s just say it’s a good thing you got the hell out of that.

        7. it was and he wasn’t. They got married young. He was a total hipster who focused on his band and she was supporting him. It started out with me being the fun little reward and fulfillment she got and that was great. She had a 90 pound husband who was going to change the world with revolutionary music and I would brutally fuck her until she couldn’t walk. She left me alone. I got a hungry woman in my bed. Win win. But yeah, when the demons started showing I didn’t just get out I totally changed my policies regarding the dicking of married or boyfriended women.

        8. Had a similar situation a few years ago. Got the hell out of it as quick as I could as well and lost count of the women I rejected who claimed to be “separated.” Additionally, whenever I hear someone say “it’s complicated” I normally start thinking, “Oh, so you haven’t gotten the point that it’s over yet?”

        9. yup. “complicated” and “separated” are both clues. Just like boyfriend, engaged or married, as long as it is a ONS and there is no info exchange I don’t care. If their men can’t keep em ill give em a tumble but I don’t want to even know their names.

        10. Yeah, that’s true. I’d just find a way to let him know, but not bang the bitch.

        11. Yeah, I just can’t do that to another man. I have this vestigial Code of Honor thing in me still. I would likely track him down if it wasn’t too much work and let him know she’s a whore though.

        12. Is this the boardwalk empire mob, the loose alliance of local government and gangsters?

        13. That would be terrible. Being the chosen one stinks. I just said to someone the other day that the best thing that can happen when you meet a hot girl is you fuck her. After that, the best thing that can happen is she gets into a relationship and tells you not to call anymore.
          That shit is tops

        14. You get an lol thoigh it is heresey to quote the prequels

        15. Here’s the deal Lolknee. Women are property either to a greater or lesser degree. If more men enforce natural order, more women will respect more men for their natural authority. I think it’s like if you happened to find someone’s wallet lying on the ground. Maybe that’s someone’s bread and butter or maybe they don’t give a shit. I always judge when I’m out ‘finding’. Say it’s the wallet of a red pill bro, I’d definately return it. If it’s the wallet or purse of some notorious divorce raping ho, then I’d try to locate the man from whom the contents was raped from and I’d immediately spark some red pill convo once I found him, and then maybe we could plot to trip the nasty bitch up.
          Now a mother with dependent offspring who lives under an honorable patriarch will flake at times as will any woman. I’d do my part to return her wayward lost ass to her master. Any mofo out there could cork her but it’s much more important to build solidarity with other red pill men and with men who are battling to maintain a patriarchal domestic order in the face of the massive swarms of sjw zombies and white knights. Now there are a lot of trashy women out there putting out there wares but never go so far as white knighting for them. Some white knights will assist a runaway woman in calling out legal guns on a man just to blow him out of the way so as to secure a lay. That’s wrong. She’s trash either way. Ride her like the zipper amusement park ride and next her. Those women will get fucked by the garbage man and gang banged by immigrants regardless.
          A special case would be a woman who’s married with dependent kids. She’s flaking on some bro big time. I’d consider her to be property of her master like a prize lost dog. I’m just saying for the sake of arguement to try it once. Try getting righteous and return her. If her husband is back at the ranch dealing with toddlers while the ho mama runs stupid, then put on your turban so to speak and deliver that runaway mom back to her owner like an officer of the patriarchy.
          That’s one solid squared stone you just quarried for rebuilding the patriarchy. Men are largely atomized and their solidarity weakened in present day, but imagine squared ‘stones’ laying all about. The great patriarchal dam would rise higher and higher and would once again contain the massive bitch onslaught. Natural order to our species will be restored.
          It is the virtue of men to solidify the bass level, to pound solid a foundation, to beat bitch mother earth on her back. Beat down upon her a solid spot of firmament to build upon, a foundation spot that will weather her wylie and turbulent nature. Find that special spot, then grade it and beat it down to her solid tectonic layers and anchor a yoke. Then upward we build our shining gleaming patriarchal empire upon Earth. First we control our women and then we can control the real great ‘bitch mother’ of all MOTHER EARTH. With our reigns secure upon her and with our whips cracking, we ride her big green ass throughout space and through the universe. We are the great HOMOSAPIENUS ERECTUS.
          YEE HAW!!

        16. I have no disagreement with anything you say here. However, I am the one who really does not yearn for a world to move back to a more virtuous time. I like now. I like the collapse.
          Further, I don’t want to feel the yoke of oppression that comes from adherence to a moral system that I very simply do not share. If I find a wallet on the floor I will look left, look right, and if there is someone it might belong to I will give it to them. If not, I will remove the cash and toss the wallet back on the floor.
          You may say it is because I am a bad person. I say it is because it doesn’t matter and seeing as it doesn’t matter might as well reap some benefits.

        17. Indeed. I have been fortunate on that score mostly and the one time I wasn’t was a long time ago and it was only her boyfriend she lied to and not the police. But that is a very real threat that any man who is booking up with girls needs to be conscious of

        18. An economist would tell you that there wouldn’t be any cash in that wallet because if there was, somebody else would already have taken it.

        19. Bravo. Any man who thinks it’s okay to randomly bang any woman within his reach, just because her pussy is wet, is no different than a cock-carousel-riding slut. He’s just riding a carousel with a different name – the pussy carousel. But he’s no different than she is. This is about discernment, in the end. And women have no discernment. It’s discernment that gives men the upper hand. Lowering yourself to the point where you will bang anything that moves (married or not), is a fool’s errand. And it makes you no different than the sluts you randomly bang. All it produces is a flood of compliant progeny. Which is probably why the elite promote such behavior among both men and women – in the end, it creates more dumbed-down, totally willing wage-slaves, whose central focus is satisfying their crotches and their bellies. (“Give them bread and circus” – mission accomplished.)

        20. It’s “bro’s before ho’s”. Not “strangers who you’ve never met before ho’s”.

      2. Wanted to clarify on the “beating the guy who fucks your girlfriend or wife down” thing…I neglected to articulate the point that it should only be done to a man who knowingly fucks somebody’s wife or girlfriend. (Thanks for pointing that out…an error of omission there.)
        Also, as a sidebar comment, there is a definite upside to getting revenge. All of my ex’s female friends held me in total awe, after the fact. They wanted to fuck me in the worst possible way, after I destroyed the Cosmo Girl in question. So it is truly a win/win for the man who thinks outside the box (pun intended) and puts the slut in her place via cold, calculated planning.
        The guy who just lets it slide, and moves on, is perpetuating the epidemic. If more men, individually, stopped tolerating cuntish behavior, and got revenge, all of this crap would happen less frequently – until it slowed to a crawl. The point being, either we, as men, are trying to solve the problem, or we are perpetuating it. And we can only solve it by acting individually.
        If individual men embraced this concept of getting revenge, and ran with it, there would be no stopping it from exploding, and the desired objective would be realized. You can control groups; you can’t control individuals. Groups can be infiltrated and led down the primrose path; individuals can’t be infiltrated.

        1. I’m rather on your side of this, depending on how bad she fucked me over I mean. A normal breakup, big deal. Even if she were a cunt I’d let her be. Fucking another dude in my house, and, well, I am GhostOfJefferson and I approve your message.
          I figure that I can grow rich and happy and successful on one hand, while having no end of fun psychologically torturing her for a bit like that. As long as it doesn’t get obsessive and it’s an easy thing, why not?

        2. You have a bit of absolutist view on this. Its either “tolerate it” or “take active revenge”. I reject this reasoning.
          I prefer a proactive strategy. Avoid bad women. They are easier to pick out than you might think. You can fuck them, sure but know that they are hoes. If you make a mistake about a woman (i.e. she cheats or otherwise fucks up, just tell her to beat it like Billie Jean and Michael).
          Sure you could spend the next six or seven years focusing your life on ruining hers. Or you can take a positive approach. Assess your errors, draw the necessary conclusions and choose more wisely next time.
          Telling a woman to “beat it” is not synonymous with “toleration”. And personally I have neither the time or the mental energy to spend years bringing down some worthless cunt.

      3. Many men these days are such fucking wimps these days they would never start a fight with the guy when he knew. Freshman year i banged a girl that had a bf after 4 monthes of resistance because i didn’t wanna be that guy but eventually i gave in. The next night we’re hanging again and he calls and tells him what happens. He comes up to visit her next weekend and sees me and didn’t do shit, i knew then and there this guy was a pussy ass guy and no wonder she strayed.but what he did do was tell me to never talk to her again on fb like a real pussy when he left

        1. Amen, especially with the kind of legal consequences an actual fight is likely to bring in a western country.

      4. Exactly this. I was seeing a girl a long time ago. I stupidly believed her when she said I was the only guy she was seeing. One of the other guys she was seeing at the same time found out about me but she initially managed to convince him that I was just “making it all up”. She sent him over to my place all raged up and ready to fight it out. When he showed up and demanded to fight, I agreed on the condition that he see something first. I then handed him a bag containing several of her bras and panties, some of which he apparently bought her. He decided to listen to reason after that, and we both sat down and had a few beers and compared notes as to which times she was with him or me and what excuse she gave to the guy she wasn’t with. We BOTH showed back up at her place and the look of ashen horror on her face was absolutely priceless. She flipped out, went into a rage, and wound up getting carted off to jail for assault. I’m still friends with the guy to this day.

        1. That’s a pro move right there man. Well done.

        2. We need to hear stories of victory; we need our heroes. Thanks for posting.

      5. Plus it’s beta to go beat down the dude when most commenters here would do the same, and boast about it

        1. I think it’s a total alpha move. If you’re stupid enough to knowingly bang another man’s wife or live-in girlfriend, you aren’t an alpha – you’re an omega. You’re as low as you can go. And the likely short span of your life is a straight-up dead-bang certainty; it’s a simple calculus equation: What’s the limit of X (your life), as Y (the time you spend banging other men’s wives) approaches infinity? Doing so means you’re short-sighted. Or dimwitted. Or you have a total lack of self-control. Or all three. But you definitely aren’t an alpha male. An indiscriminate beta sperm-sprayer, maybe, but an alpha…you have to have discernment and brains to be an alpha. Looks and swagger mean jack-shit, in the end.

      6. i’d guess the figure is higher than 10%. i think a lot of guys recognize that married women, at least in the US, are a relatively easy lay.

      7. Women are community property for us fellas. It took me a while to adopt this mindset, but it is essentially true and hence it is never worth getting mad at another guy for banging “your” girlfriend. It is the woman who made the choice to “cheat”, and women don’t give a shit about honor/integrity, so why get mad at a bro for tapping into a tribal resource?

      8. Was going to say this.
        Hes not the one who committed to a relationship. That wpuld ne the slut juggling his balls with a plan of how shes gping to lie to you.

      9. It might not be totally moral, but his logic is correct that this would reduce the number of men willing to fuck other mens wives. I agree with you that you must be able to prove he new he was fucking another man’s women. Like, if the fucking took place in your house for instance, or if he knows you. Then he’s got to go down.

    4. i feel your pain and everything, but i guess i’m in the camp that sees this as trying too hard. seems like you’d have done better devoting your efforts to improving yourself, rather than being hung up on your ex and obsessed with revenge. don’t get me wrong, i understand the anger. my ex-wife put me through something similar and i spent years obsessing about it too. even managed to eventually undermine and destroy her relationship with the guy she was cheating on me with while we were married and get her to cheat on him with me. he cried and whatnot and apparently suffered quite a bit, which was kind of cool, but ultimately my life would have been so much better during those years if i’d have let it all go. i passed up countless great opportunities with women and other aspects of my life because i was focused on getting even.

      1. I am glad he did it. Now I had the pleasure of reading it, knowing it can be done, and no longer the need to play it out myself. 🙂

    5. At the end, did she know that you had done all of this to get back at her for the infidelities and the wrongful funding of her abortion?

      1. No. But she stopped being a slut. She got married, had three kids, and lived in fear of spreading her legs for random males.

        1. My man. Not a lot of men play sex games because they’re too busy making money building a career, and getting their shit together women have too mich free time they spend it on sex games and just causing drama and problems

        2. I agree. It is easier to “next” them and continue focusing on more pertinent issues. Women manufacture drama. It’s all they have.

    6. Nice story. I disagree about beating up the other guy. This is just you supporting the pussy pass and making other men responsible for her choices. Infantilizing her and validating her behavior. If she does not fulfill your expdctations of a relationship, leave her. Don’t let your anger out on other men, that’s childish and, by the way, just another way of yourself giving up responsibility for your own life by blaming others for the pain you brought upon yourself by choosing the wrong partner.

      1. No, he really isn’t. She bout the E ticket, she chose to ride that ride.

        1. I don’t know, man. I read through it unbiased, and that’s what I came to.
          She was unfaithful. They broke up, well done.
          Later he started seeing her again to able to do revenge, did all the same things out of spite, maliciously, and abused her for years psychologically, systematically, in a truly evil way.
          Really fucked up, in my opinion.
          It doesn’t even make sense in a logically consistent way:
          He states that women are like children. If that’s his stance, is torturing a child for years okay?
          You can’t take someone for not being able to be responsible for anything, than hold her responsible later. WTF

        2. They broke up because she was fucking somebody else in front of him. That’s the rub.
          Dunno, guess I like a little catharsis from time to time. Modern life has so little of it.

    7. Fuck yea. Great comment and one I support 100%.
      Manipulate lying sluts just like they would do to you.
      Stop waiting around for “justice” or sulking in a corner because you were done wrong. Take the fucking fight to your enemies.
      Make it known that the cost of fucking you over is going to be MUCH greater for that person than anything in their pathetic lives.
      We are smarter than these whores. Stop being blinded by the pussy and know you are dealing with someone whose natural inclinations are way more cunning and manipulative than you could ever imagine.
      To beat a devil you must become a devil yourself.

    8. I don’t know man… I think needing revenge is a form of mental illness or an expression of weak character.
      In order to “get your revenge” you kept this awful woman in your life for years, even dated and lived with her. That’s pretty dark man.
      Sure she was an awful woman but you have shown yourself to be be highly deceitful and manipulative. Your need for revenge in my view shows how much this woman truly dominates you on a deep level. You became far worse than she is.
      There is no end of people lining up to do you wrong and a man seeking revenge for every trespass will get no rest. It requires real strength to simply walk away and let it go.

      1. For some strange reason, I am reminded here of the Academy Award-winning 1992 movie, “Unforgiven”…in that film, a character by the name of English Bob (played by Richard Harris) was run out of the small frontier town of Big Whisky, by Little Bill, the sheriff (played by Gene Hackman) – but not before Little Bill had delivered a ferocious beat-down to English Bob.
        Clint Eastwood’s character (William Munny), in that same film, was also beaten down by Little Bill…but in addition, his partner, Ned Logan (played by Morgan Freeman) was sadistically murdered by Little Bill.
        Instead of letting it all go, and allowing himself to be run out of town, as English Bob had done, William Munny blew the sheriff’s head off. And he also killed about six other people who were involved in his partner’s death. And as he was leaving town, he told the townsfolk he’d be back to kill them all, if they ever fucked up again.
        (Now here’s a very ironic side note: William Munny, Ned Logan and English Bob had all come to Big Whisky on a white-knighting mission – to right the terrible wrong inflicted upon one of the town’s prostitutes by a shrimp-dicked cowboy who had slashed her face with his knife. These men had come to town to kill the shrimp-dicked cowboy in question, and collect a bounty that had been put on his head by the town’s whores. So there is a ton of really interesting allegory going on in this film, if you only have eyes to see – it’s an SJW mindfuck all the way, but ultimately, we have all kinds of big, tough men being led around by their noses, by women, for whom they will gladly commit murder and endure all kinds of suffering…)
        Ultimately, it all depends on the person in question, in terms of how they deal with being savaged by another human being. Some guys turn the other cheek, and some guys eradicate the problem.
        I’m sure there’s a whole host of other viable methods in between those two extremes, in terms of how a person might deal with a woman who accuses them of false rape, or accuses them of false assault, or accuses them of fathering someone else’s child, or accuses them of misinterpreting the situation when they catch them in bed with one of their friends…
        In the end, you can either exacerbate the problem or you can help eradicate it. Some guys are English Bob, and some guys are William Munny. And some guys fall somewhere in between. To each their own.

        1. No, little bill took it too far by putting Ned’s corpse on display outside of Greeleys. Greeley was too greedy, and Bill should have had that cowboy whipped and the whole thing would have been dropped.
          But asode from that, those goddamn whores should have all been shot after Muny left town. Too many good people dead for no reason.

        2. It was a great movie and of course in movies you can make the impossible seem real.

        3. “Now here’s a very ironic side note: William Munny, Ned Logan and English Bob had all come to Big Whisky on a white-knighting mission – to right the terrible wrong inflicted upon one of the town’s prostitutes by a shrimp-dicked cowboy who had slashed her face with his knife.”
          That doesn’t fly. English Bob was hardly a white knight, he was an opportunist. English Bob didn’t give a fuck about any whore’s honor, he wanted the money. It was the same thing with William Munny, he needed the money but was trying to cling to the idea of doing it for the “right” reasons, but only because he was afraid he’d slip back into his old killer ways and become his old self again. And Ned was basically doing it because Munny was the alpha character and he was following his lead.

        4. English Bob was a lover of England, and the Queen. He berated the whores of Big Whisky when he was run out of town, on the stage coach. “A plague on you. A plague on the whole stinkin’ lot of ya. All you whores…got no laws. Got no honor.” (The subtext here is Bob was butt-hurt, because Little Bill had humiliated him, and Bob had GONE to Big Whisky to look for the bounty, because it was the honorable thing to do. He did it because he thought it was justifiable, because it was a matter of defending a woman’s honor.) Same with William Munny, who winced when the Schofield Kid first came to his farm, and told him what the cowboys had done to the cut-up whore. And Will Munny spoke the last words of the film, “You better bury Ned right…and don’t go cuttin’ up nor otherwise harm no whores. Or I’ll come back and kill every one of you sons of bitches.”
          English Bob, Will Munny, Ned Logan and the Schofield Kid were all white-knighting, in the end. Will Munny quit drinking because of his beloved wife, Claudia. But he went back to his true nature, once the opportunity arose and she was dead. Ned Logan knew Will was still a killer, despite Will’s constant claims to the contrary. It’s a great film, oozing with subtle subtext. The film shines a spotlight on the incredible shit men will go through, to defend basically any woman’s honor. Even if they have no honor – like the whores of Big Whisky…

        5. “But aside from that, those goddamn whores should have all been shot” – bravo. I totally agree. And I think that’s the subtextual message of the film. Women cause shit. Women get men killed. And men willingly allow themselves to get killed, when defending basically any woman’s honor.

        6. Yeah, and this kind of thing also betrays the women who dont go out of their way to get their men killed. Why should any woman play right by me if I treat the backstabbing slut with the same respect that I treat a woman who is trying to be a wife and mother? OK, as lolknee points out it is far from rosy, but at least there is some attempt to do things right.
          I think thats part of why so many women were into you after what you did. Because you stood up for yourself and demonstrated actual standards.

        7. That could be the case, although I had never thought of it in that way before you mentioned it…but I also believe some of it was dark-side attraction. I was merciless back then when I was rectifying the situation and women respond to that, too. After the thing with my ex, I started to focus all my attention on my business and my other pursuits and women dropped into my lap, because they knew I honestly didn’t give a fuck about them. It takes time to develop that mindset, but it can be done. (Especially if you get burned a few times, which is really a case of a man just paying for his education, the way I look at it.)

        8. Holy shit…is this were ya got your handle from….The Unforgiven? That’s pretty cool

        9. I think thats why dark side attraction works, because they are effective survival strategies and as such are recognized on the most basic biological level as attractors.
          You were willing to take vengence, OK, not so nice, but lets be honest, in the long run you did everyone a favor and made the world a happier place. This is a perfect example of DS behavior coupled with a sane code of honor.
          The resg if what you are describing is the same. You wont fuck other mens women, which means you can be trusted; you see through bullshit behavior, which means you cant be manipulated by someone who would use you to harm the group; you take vengeance, which means you are not a vulnerable point. Think about it, its not just women, anyone who is serious about their lives is going to want that kind of person around them.
          An out of control DS sociopath is going to be very attractive, because of his effectiveness. Similarly a crazy hot slut is attractive for easy fertility and potential to create survivable young. But because these people are out of control, the higher mind recognizes such a person needs to be put down or driven off.
          Anyway, these are just my thoughts. I think about these things all the time. You might want to look at http://anonymousconservative.com/blog because he talks about this topic A LOT.

        10. Interesting thoughts there, CM…I will check that link out later this evening. Thanks for passing it along.
          I’ve got a close friend who plays holier-than-thou a lot. People look up to him. In my younger days (teens, very early 20’s) I went through a phase where I did some bad shit. Fighting, stealing, that short of thing. No different than three-fourths of the other young fuck-ups in my backwater town. My friend always looked down on me for that.
          Fast-forward a couple years (mid-20’s), and I had stopped doing that sort of thing. But the one thing I would never do, was fuck another guy’s wife or girlfriend. I just knew it was bottom-feeder stupid.
          But my friend, the one who people looked up to as a saint – someone to pattern their lives after – he started banging married women and chicks who had live-in boyfriends. But not only did he do this to women he didn’t really know, he did this to the wives and girlfriends of guys in our own crew – he did it to his own friends.
          The only guy he ever talked to about it was me. And he talked to me because he knew I would never rat him out. (Because aside from never knowingly fucking somebody’s wife or live-in girlfriend, I never ratted anybody out – and there’s a good reason for someone not to rat, aside from the obvious ones: everybody will come to you with their sins and their problems.)
          My friend really wanted to make the world a better place, and he was always correcting people whom he thought were inferior in a moral sense. But he couldn’t overcome his biggest enemy – himself, and his own lack of sexual self-control.
          That’s why I think it’s really important for men to police their own territory. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. And if you want to stay in the race, you have to have a plan, and so do the other pack members with whom you run…
          So in a long-winded way, what I’m saying is, I see eye-to-eye with you on much of this stuff.

        11. I think there are two reasons someone would do that, one is for convenience as one guy here pointed out, but another is hatred.
          But to fuck the wives of guys in ones own crew is definitely not about convenience. Thats can only be about hatred and domination. Those are qualities I noticed a lot of gay men have.

        12. Now…THAT’S really interesting. Because at times I teasingly said to my friend who fucked his friends’ wives and girlfriends, “You have tendencies.” (As in homosexual.) But I was kidding. Wow…

        13. So you’re telling me William Munny would’ve ridden all the way to Big Whiskey just to defend some whore’s honor if there was no reward money involved?
          William Munny: “Just ’cause we’re goin’ on this killing, that don’t mean I’m gonna go back to bein’ the way I was. I just need the money, get a new start for them youngsters.”
          “Bob had GONE to Big Whisky to look for the bounty, because
          it was the honorable thing to do. He did it because he thought it was
          justifiable, because it was a matter of defending a woman’s honor.”
          Right, because English Bob was so honorable. I’m sure it had nothing to do with the fact that he was travelling with his biographer, and that defending a woman’s honor might make him look good in print, and therefore help him sell more books. And English Bob was even so honorable that he made up a story about challenging two gun Corky to a gun fight because Corky had offended some random woman’s honor, and not because Corky was fucking a girl Bob liked. He was even so honorable that he lied about how he killed unarmed Corky, in order to make himself look better. That English Bob’s one honorable guy, I’m sure he’s the kind of guy who would run around defending the honor of random whores for the sake of honor; and not because he could get money or notoriety from doing so.

    9. Haha, that’s the kind of thing a bitch might do to a well-intentioned, loving beta orbiter x 10. Excellent work.

    10. This has inspired me. I have a scar inducing botch in my past that I have been wanting revenge on, and this sounds like an awesome way to do it. Haha

  11. >>> “If we want to have any hope of reclaiming our past culture, we must start with men. Modern women are merely a symptom of a larger problem, they are not the cause. The root cause is the lack of masculinity in today’s men. ”
    I have said that more than once. The problem lies in men, more than women. It’s men who are encouraging women to behave as spoiled children, thinking that this gives them some kind of special status as “women defenders”. The same way women compete among them, men do. And the way some men do is trying to degrade other men hoping that this increases their status.
    Shouting “machist!” is a way for many men to try to stand out and to pretend to be the best man around by degrading their mates.

  12. The crazy was strong in that one before the rape accusation. The female equivalent of wham, bam, thank you ma’am dressed like an Instaho comes on to you and your cray cray meter didn’t register until you got the Mr. Anthony phone call?

  13. I remember when college either meant tons of partying and sex or you actually went for the education to further yourself and start a career. It seems neither is happening anymore, at least what I see in MSM. To all the college guys on here: you may as well just keep it in your pants. Go after local chicks outside of your campus or stick with Rosie Palm and her five friends. To the Mr. Anthony: you should have had her arrested for filing a false report and brought her worthless ass to court.

  14. Did she ask for affirmative consent when she kissed you? Did she ask for affirmative consent when she sucked your cock?
    I’m sorry to break this to you but… you’re a rape survivor. You should make a public rape accusation on Twitter without any evidence and then I will be the first to donate to your Patreon. #IStandWithJon

  15. Though it never looked like an all-out rape accusation (as far as I know) something like this happened to my direct co-worker just a few months ago.
    A girl that he seemingly got along really well with (I even remember asking if they knew each other outside of work) called HR on him because he jokingly said “we have to stop meeting like this!” as he passed her in the hall.
    Because there were other people around when he said that to her, she complained to HR that he was “insinuating that there was a relationship going on” and he ended up getting a few nasty calls (and a visit from his boss) out of it.
    I remember a month after it had all began, he hung up the phone on what was hopefully the last time he ever had to talk about it… looked at me and said
    “you know, as much as all this sucks… the thing that really gets me is that at no point during any of this, did a single one of them stop and ask me for MY SIDE of the story”.
    Fortunately he hung onto his job (not sure why he chose to stick around), and of course, the girl did as well… though I make it a point now to avoid her like the plague.

  16. Good on you for immediately lawyering up, but you should have sued her for defamation. In many states, what she has done – accusing you of committing a sexual crime – is a category of per se defamation. This means that damages, which are often the hardest thing to prove, are presumed. Further, in my state at least, you can have someone’s wages garnished to satisfy a judgment, so this bitch could be on the hook for life for something like this depending on how big the judgment is.
    All of this costs money if you hire a lawyer to pursue it, of course, but depending on how strong your case is, it may be worth it is you’re already talking to the lawyer anyway. If someone accuses me of something like this, I will make ruining her my personal hobby.

  17. One idea I took from this site, though I don’t remember which article or author but I think it was Roosh, is as follows. After you bang a girl you need to text her when she leaves. That night. Against traditional wisdom I know. Take her name out of your phone so only the numbers show. Then text her filthy shit and get her to say stuff back. Make sure she says she had a great time, she loved fucking you, she can’t wait to fuck you again…shit get her to text the dirtiest shit you can.
    Then screenshot the conversation. I have a folder on my computer and in that folder there is a folder for each bang which contains those screenshots. It isn’t 100% fool proof but if one of these cunts claims it was rape I will be able to say “really, well, these texts really don’t make it seem so”
    Got the idea right here on ROK.

    1. I always ask them to let me know they got home ok. They do, and you make sure to get them to say they had a wonderful time. Or you can do The Knee’s Dirty Shit Texts.

      1. I’ve tried “did you get home alright” but I don’t even like pretending I care that much

    1. When my son turned 16 we sat and watched this video together. My daughter has an appointment to watch it with me as well. We also watch the videos on not talking to cops and asserting your right to silence put out by the ACLU. Great stuff.

  18. Back in my military days, one of my buddies almost lost his promotion to Staff Sargeant because he was flirting with some dirtbag female at ALS, which is NCO Academy for Airmen progressing to NCO status. Mind you, he apparently did say matter of factly he wouldn’t mind seeing her naked, which in any situation is a big no no. Yet, she went to the cadre, her First Sargeant, and our First Sargeant. All seemed to take her side, but fortunately nothing happened. Apparently she was lagging behind the rest of the class.
    So to all of you thinking of enlisting: AVOID FEMALES! If you have to fap it out during all your training until you get to report to your duty station, do so.

    1. Date off post/base. Beware of gold diggers (this includes foreign brides). Never trust your chain of command/NCO support channel.

    2. But wait…they are just as good as males. Apparently, you haven’t seen the new Ghostbusters.

      1. Seen the previews. I’m just throwing it out there. The CIA could use it to torture terrorism suspects. Way more cruel than waterboarding.

  19. A couple of extra tips for anyone in this situation, or who may end up in such a situation.
    1. Never sleep with anyone at your school or workplace. Don’t even put that info on social media. It’ll be more effort for them to track you down to make a false accusation.
    2. Use a voice recorder/hidden camera for EVERYTHING. Getting sued for invasion of privacy is preferable to going to jail for something you didn’t do.
    3. If it’s a casual hookup, never give them your real name. Give them a fake ID, fake phone number and a burner email. That way if she’s thinking about falsely accusing you, she won’t have your real name.
    Extra tip, if she falsely accuses you, get a lawyer and have that lawyer ask why a rape kit wasn’t taken.

      1. Here’s the problem with that. Going totally dark raises red flags too, along the “why isn’t he on social media” line?
        Better to have a sanitized image on social media.

        1. Actually I find “Because I’m a man with things to do” works better than supplicating.
          Honest to God, being serious.

        2. There is a Hierarchy I don’t like about social media, and at it’s top, are the selfie girls, it creates an obvious atmosphere of narcissism, that even some males participate in (duck face males). The high levels of vanity are not healthy.

        3. My favorite words are “I know you don’t do this Facebook thing but…” where I usually laugh at her/them. You’re right toots, I don’t.

        4. Yes, that would work in our circle and among normal people who have a life.
          I’m just suggesting that deception is a useful took for mitigating risk, and that disinformation can be a powerful ally.

  20. Terrifying stuff, especially when you consider someone can report this shit anonymously and it probably stays on you for life-with no evidence.

  21. So you, a beta 18 year old, have sex with this hot redhead from your class, and then she disappears until the rape accusation? You didn’t try to talk to her in class again? Didn’t text her, call her, email her… nothing till the accusation?
    Bullshit. Does not add up. Didn’t happen.

    1. Not texting or communicating is generally the underlying reason these kind of women press false rape accusations, as I understand it. Bet if he’d called or talked to her, it never would have happened. It’s a revenge tactic.

      1. There’s no way a sheepish 18 year old beta just decided he was no longer interested in fucking a red-headed college minx who was supposedly so hot for him. Doesn’t happen. Didn’t happen. Just because women make up stories about fake rapes doesn’t mean we have to.

        1. There are too many articles on this site like this, unfortunately. I wish Roosh would just move on from these game posts and focus on globalism.

        2. So you’re saying that a first time, beta beta, likely bashful, shy and in no way up on women, will just turn into Confident Chad Thunderdick after one night with a chick?

        3. No, I think he’ll turn into oneitis-stricken Chode Pleasefuckmeagain after this pretty-much-textbook college fuck fantasy takes place.

        4. No, I’m saying there’s no way a beta chode just gave up on the hottest piece of ass he’s ever gotten (pretty textbook college fuck fantasy here) without at least trying to hit it again. Not like Chad Thundercock, but like Chode Oneitis.

  22. Last year at school my roommates gf said she got raped by a cop that lived above her, i knew she didn’t because as soon as she would meet someone in the first half hr she’d tell u about it.

  23. The more and more feminists/communists try to crush masculinity and freedom, the more and more men will feel like they’re being pushed into a corner. And we all know what cornered animals do.

    1. Couple things…..chickens will cower down and tense up and wait to be killed. Badgers will come after you and try to tear your face off…..I suppose that is why you see the alpha/beta dichotomy so prevalent.

  24. The first thing you do, is not have sex outside of marriage, like the Bible says. Second thing you do is destroy matriarchal liberalism with patriarchal Christianity, get a chaste wife once liberalism is dead, have kids, get a job, stay out of trouble, go on a Crusade against ISIS. If you act now I will include a free assault rifle.
    Do not let your heart turn to her ways
    or stray into her paths.
    Many are the victims she has brought down;
    her slain are a mighty throng.
    Her house is a highway to the grave,
    leading down to the chambers of death.

    1. “The first thing you do, is not have sex outside of marriage, like the Bible says.”
      LOL. 🙂
      You know, women can smell this kind of uptightness…

        1. Zero. I’m calling it now.
          Meanwhile my kids are out and about in the world and I win the Nature contest.

        2. You claim victory because you’re old? Okay, we can look at it that way.

        3. I claim victory because my DNA is moving forward in the world. Yours lay in vacant wombs of druggie whores and on bedsheets.
          And I’m perfectly ok with that.
          End of the day, the Right reproduces and the Left doesn’t. We win the long race.

        4. I claim victory because my wife and I are young, brilliant, good looking, well armed, with many Christian indoctrinated children.

    2. Well said. Christianity is the only way back to a stable society. I wonder what the libs will think when the society they are working to destroy, crumbles.
      16 Moreover, the Lord saith: Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched-forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet—
      17 Therefore the Lord will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the Lord will discover their secret parts.
      18 In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments, and cauls, and round tires like the moon;
      19 The chains and the bracelets, and the mufflers;
      20 The bonnets, and the ornaments of the legs, and the headbands, and the tablets, and the ear-rings;
      21 The rings, and nose jewels;
      22 The changeable suits of apparel, and the mantles, and the wimples, and the crisping-pins;
      23 The glasses, and the fine linen, and hoods, and the veils.
      24 And it shall come to pass, instead of sweet smell there shall be stink; and
      instead of a girdle, a rent; and instead of well set hair, baldness; and instead of a stomacher, a girding of sackcloth; burning instead of beauty.
      25 Thy men shall fall by the sword and thy mighty in the war.
      26 And her gates shall lament and mourn; and she shall be desolate, and shall sit upon the ground.

    3. “The first thing you do, is not have sex outside of marriage, like the Bible says.” Lol where?

        1. Do I have to cite the dozens of verses about fornication, prostitution, marriage, and sex? Why don’t you just Google it?

        2. Because I have. And I have yet to actually find anything that denounces pre marital sex. Don’t make claims you don’t want to back up!

        3. First, I didn’t say pre-marital sex, I said sex outside of marriage. There is an argument for sleeping with your betrothed, based on Song of Solomon, but I don’t think its a good one. There is an argument for having multiple wives, but it’s almost impossible to maintain all conditions on marriage and personal holiness with multiple wives- it’s for extremely rare dire circumstances, maybe.
          If you’re looking for a passage that says “sex outside of marriage is a sin” you’ll find it right next to the passage that says “don’t burn homosexuals at the stake.”
          Its not there.
          Some things are a given though. If you’re not supposed to have sex with prostitutes, which the Bible does say, then why do you think you can have sex with a random slut? And if you’re not supposed to have sex with a random slut, then why do you think it is ok to have sex to your betrothed, when there is a possibility that you may break up, and you have defiled her future husband’s wife?

        4. “First, I didn’t say pre-marital sex, I said sex outside of marriage.” Okay, well I typically think of those as synonyms, but I guess you are talking about extramarital affairs. In that case, then yes I can agree with you.
          “If you’re not supposed to have sex with prostitutes, which the Bible does say, then why do you think you can have sex with a random slut?” No. But not all premarital sex is with “random sluts”…
          “then why do you think it is ok to have sex to your betrothed, when there is a possibility that you may break up, and you have defiled her future husband’s wife?” Because it’s not just about being “defiled”. There is a major difference between someone who sleeps around with random people and who has sex with long term partners. Under your logic, you have a pretty good chance of a divorce happening, there is a possibility of defiling her future second husbands wife…

        5. But my comment was not about sleeping with your betrothed. It was about sleeping with random sluts at college. Do you agree that the Bible says you should not be sleeping with random sluts at college now?

        6. I was not talking about adultery or extra marital affairs. I was talking about sex for those not married, i.e. sex outside of marriage. Once you’re married, all sex, even adultery and masturbation, is philosophically within marriage.

        7. “I was talking about sex for those not married” Okay, so you were talking about premarital sex then…

        8. Premarital sex is a subtype of “sex that is outside of marriage.” There is a weak case to be made based on the Song of Solomon that premarital sex is not outside of the question. If daddy puts together a shotgun wedding, then perhaps we can ask “who will throw the first stone” and show the couple mercy. But once they’re married then sex outside of their union is not deserving of mercy as much, depending on other conditions such as coercion and whether they have children, etc.

        9. i didn’t notice before that you think there is a difference between banging random sluts and banging hand selected sluts over a longer term. What’s the difference? Bring scripture.

        10. While it is optimal to abstain from sex until marriage, not having any premarital sex isn’t realistic for most people. It would be a much better to argue to just have sex with less partners. You still have yet to cite any scripture, and I am not going to until you do.

        11. What are people people? Non Christians? Let them fornicate all they want amongst themselves. Just don’t let them vote, serve in public office, or try to corrupt Christians. Christian sexual standards should only apply to Christians in a Christian governed nation. Anyone else should be a second class citizen, or not a citizen at all

        12. “What are people people? Non Christians?” No. Where would you get that from. Any other person in the world would have recognized that as a typographical error. You still haven’t given me one bit of evidence that having premarital sex is bad. Clearly you aren’t read the bible.

  25. “Look at a woman for more than three seconds and not be a millionaire/celebrity/pro athlete/politician/rock star/CEO – literally rape!” There, fixed.

  26. If you butthurt losers knew how to be attractive to women, you wouldn’t have to struggle with these idiotic problems and fears.
    Rape accusations happen at the bottom of the social barrel, where useless red-pill bros with not much to offer try to take/force advantage of the situation and “close the deal” as quickly as possible. I guess you have to, when you know full well that your charms can’t stand up to her scrutiny once she’s sober and it’s daylight…
    If any of you knew how to get women to actually DESIRE you, you’d have them killing each other to get to you. But you have to first understand what desire is and how it operates, which none of you, tampons, do. Instead, you’re the equivalent of cold garlic knots in the fridge – she’ll have one (with her eyes closed) if she’s hungry and no one’s looking, but she won’t admit it to her friends the next day unless she gets caught. Keep reading crap like this, and you’ll always be that last garlic knot – cold, bitter, and lonely.
    It’s a joy sharing this site with female friends while smoking. The comedy never stops. 😉

    1. Look, nobody buys what you’re selling, because we all know the secret to 100% female desire: KRATOM

        1. You’re on fire Tom. In a good way. Heh.

        2. Well, he’s a pretty stupid troll, so you played it just right.
          I’m toying with him now, but I’m not sure if he knows it yet. Kinda bored, early rise tomorrow so I’m stuck at home for a bit.

        1. And yet you’re here, and not for entertainment…
          Are you sure she’s not having any… Secret Orgasms? 😉

        2. You know, you could just start a site like this yourself and fuel people’s helpless rage, while collecting ad dollars at the same time. You’d feel a lot more “alpha”. Like Roosh, even.

    2. Whatever loser. Just be useful and pass the joint. Clearly you ran out of jokes.

      1. None of this is a joke. Especially not how much $ an idiot like Roosh is making off a site like this by instilling insecurity in men.

    3. Oh look, ad hominem. How edgy and trendy. And a 420 guy as well. How novel and original.
      What’s funny is all of the publicized false rape charges in the media and you still come in and gush about this topic as if it’s not real. Now that’s a good little mangina, ain’t it?
      Troll feeding, finished. Your time, terminated. Future interest in interacting with you, to me: 0.00%

      1. All you jackshits deserve is ad hominems, with your bitchy sob stories and futile anger. This is why women get coffee mugs labeled “male tears” – sites like this are a fountain.

        1. What nonsense. Do you have a job? Do you deserve a pay check after you do it?

        2. Yep. I suspect that this is a troll from another handle, here on a sockpuppet.

        3. Nope. I receive a pay check is because I entered into a legally binding contract, enforceable in a court. Nobody “deserves” anything in this life — much as women like yourself believe otherwise.

    4. If you were such a lady killer yourself, you’d find better purposes for the female friends you laugh with, at ROK… Like having sex with them… Though if you did have sex with them, would they be able to consent, after you smoke them up, and get them high.

      1. Don’t be regrettable, and she’ll be ok with you, whether she was intoxicated or not.

        1. Is that something you repeat to yourself, to rationalize all the stoned women, who were unable to consent, that you’ve been with?

        2. Have you ever been ‘stoned’?
          You should try it, you wouldn’t have to ask questions like this.

        3. I prefer to keep my wits about me. I can tell by the low quality of your comments, that you must smoke.

        4. My comments serve to point out how easily someone with a website can take advantage of the insecure, those with trampled egos and low self esteem, and those who feel they have no options aside from commiserating in anger.
          You are being led here, but not to a good place. Instead, you’re being conditoned to defend and excuse your own emotional mistreatment, along with the profit someone is making on it.

        5. Mistreatment? Like the Mistreatment of portraying Men as useless dolts in commercials, Entertainment, TV and movies?
          Mistreatment of Divorce Rape for Men?
          Mistreatment of having landwhales and tattooed clowns to choose for potential wives?
          Mistreatment of feminism turning young boys into effeminate losers.
          Mistreatment of shaming Masculinity.
          The Men here know that there is something wrong, that must be challenged, with the current way society views Men. That is why Men are here. Stick around, you may find yourself agreeing with what is said here.

        6. I’m not a regular like you, but it’s not my first time here. Ive read enough of the self-pity, and the trend is always the same.
          You are being told here that western culture has ‘gone astray’ and deviated from some kind of norm. The implication is that a return to this norm will fix all the problems you have with relationships, employment, self esteem, etc. This is idiotic, because culture is not static, and never was, which is why there is no culturally preferable norm to return to in order to save your dream of Masculinity. Kings wore tights, remember?
          Looking backwards for this will not work, except to make Roosh more money. We may have to look forward and start creating something new, and we might have to (gasp!) interact with women more than superficially in order to achieve this.
          Also, check out the Middle East. They subjugate women to the hilt, and do you see them be any happier (than you) thanks to this?

        7. Quit trolling the regulars, please. I’d hate to delete all your comments and ban your ip.

        8. Oh no… Please, NO!!!
          …Where will I shed my Male Tears if not in this specially designated area of the Internet?
          xoxo 🙂
          PS. Many women in their 20s and 30s really do enjoy reading this site when introduced to it. So much so, in fact, that they end up sharing it amongst themselves.

        9. The future is determined by who has the strongest will. I do not lament over the past to return, I am hopeful of how the future can be molded. There is no “self- pity” in this website, to be pitiful is to imply the lack of ability to change ones situation, and ROK is not idle in protecting and pursuing it’s beliefs.

        10. ROK, and the discussions that take place here, advocate a return to very traditional gender roles, especially concerning sexuality. Enshrined here are especially those social traditions which are most accommodating and permissive to men.
          But many of these traditions and expectations have either no basis in biology (men and women are in many ways the same) or no longer do because of modern medicine/science (birth control). What kind of forward thinking is it then to try to mold the future to those outdated expectations?
          Once again, I point to the sexual repression in modern Muslim societies. Is this the direction we should want to move? Also, the more you defer to any group of people, the more demanding and emotional they are likely to become (look at Middle Eastern men again). So how is telling women be quiet and demure supposed to help men maintain a strong ego and will? Isn’t it more likely to turn them into demanding, whiny babies?

        11. It makes sense that they do. I’m an engineer, but enough of a writer and literary critic to look at sites like jezebel, xojane, and madamenoire and see that their writing is below ours in quality. Feelings are great things to use in an in-person argument; not so much on the internet, you need reason.

      2. 420 “chicks” are almost always greasy patchouli smelling losers on the lowest wrung of the female SMV scale. I mean stoners, not just a chick who tokes once or twice at a party. If that’s his advice and that’s the kind of girl he gets, well, that tells you the value of his advice.

        1. Sour grapes? LOL! Dude, you can have *all* of those scuzzy whores and nothing would make me happier. I’m *glad* you’re keeping them out of decent places. Y’all toke and smoke and joke and roll around in your own filth, and buddy, I’m happy for you. Us decent folk like it better when the air doesn’t smell like sweat and some bizarre oil based “thing” from India or God knows where.
          Keep on keepin’ on bro.

        2. You are far too attached to the caricature you’ve created in your mind. I’m sure you hope it will make you sleep better, but it won’t.
          You “decent folk” are deeply troubled, and one need only to read what goes on here in order to realize the depths of your suffering. Idolizing cultural fictions, blame shifting, and all kinds of desperate emotional wrangling goes on here among men who feel wronged by the world, one which they then claim is controlled by women. It’s terrifying that you think it has to be this way for you. It’s almost like you’re strangely invested in your own suffering.
          It’s not about a girl who smells like patchouli, I don’t even know any that do. It’s about painting yourself into a sad, lonely corner, and then creating fictions about the bad, no good, ugly, smelly world out there, full of scary women who know what they want.

        3. Yeah, smokers never smell smoke until they stop smoking. We get it.
          You really should try a new technique. The “I knowz yurz psychologyz” thing is kind of 2005-ish. Seriously, it was all the rage about 11 years ago. Maybe get some new material or, I dunno, something?
          If you actually felt we (notice I didn’t say think) were suffering, then you coming here and taunting us would make you a sadist. Are you a person who likes to hurt others for pleasure, Mr. 420 man? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Or do you just like the feeling of power you get from rubbing other people’s noses in sins that you yourself are guilty of and project?
          Know thyself, child.
          Heh. You have yourself a zippidy do dah day, hoss.

        4. I hope to discourage those who haven’t fallen for the red pill nonsense yet, from getting caught up in this drivel. I hope to point out that the “answers” peddled here are self-pitying, and that they stunt and disable the male ego, rather than empower it.
          Your butthurt psychology is obvious, no one needs a therapy manual to see it, and you see it too. I met some very kind women once who helped me out of this same, very sad state, and it’s not projection if the symptom no longer presents. Then it’s called insight.
          My sadism is a small, self-defeating joy, like a cigarette. Would you deny me this? It’s not like I pulled your wings off…

        5. Yes yes, more pretend psychology. You’re too clever by half.
          Go smoke a blunt bro. You’ve earned it. Then go out and kick some puppies. Call it “insight” to make yourself feel better.

        6. Poor puppy, you’ve been through a lot. Go chew on something, it will make you feel better.
          But NOT the table leg! Mommy would beat you…

        7. And, nothing more of value from you. I had such high hopes that you offered more than the usual troll. Alas, ’twas never meant to be.
          Best of luck, get help for your need to hurt people, and I wish you all the best in the future.
          Slainte mhor.

        8. EVERYTHING I say is of value. But you can’t be blamed for not seeing that. After all, you get your smarts around here…

        9. People who think everything they say is of value are commonly known by another term: narcissists.

        10. I’m far from decent and I say that you’re fulla shit. Your first comment was funny as satire and an observation on the person who would “short cut” their way, but the remainder has shown otherwise. The regs here have you sussed, boy.

        11. Being a narcissist doesn’t make you wrong.
          Btw, Captain Obvious: Have you noticed my name? You might be knocking on an open door here… 😉
          And while we’re at it, is it really cool to discriminate against something like personality traits? If it wasn’t for antisocial personality disorder (and a bit of sadism, which also came up here recently) we wouldn’t have some of our best soldiers, surgeons, and CEOs. So I urge you not to judge, because in a well-structured society even a psychopath can be of use.

        12. That’s why you’re an easy read. Women aren’t scary or powerful; the only misconception that there is about women is that they know what they want beyond that microsecond that they recognize what they feel (which is subject to change in the next microsecond).
          I could give two shits about your cannabis habits whether it is indica, sativa or a hybrid of some sort. Wax, oil, edibles; I could care less. BUT it appeared that the moment someone compared your “habits” to someone who would get a woman drunk to have sex, you lost your edge. Get a grip. You don’t appear to be a troll, just dense.

        13. Thanks for the lesson on weed. It sounds like you’re more into it than I am. All I said was that I smoked some weed with some women and had them read this site, and that it turned interesting.
          I am not a troll. I am making a point. I’m sorry you’re too dense to see it.
          This site promotes closeted weakness and emotional fragility under the guise of strength, self-sufficiency and masculinity.

        14. Depends upon the articles you read. You made your point with too broad a brush is what I’m saying. You made a broad generalization and obviously towards persons that you have no clue about. I got your point. I agree WHEN what I hear is “how screwed men are”, get it? No amount of “you don’t see it” from you will cause me to alter my opinion that you’re acting the ass.
          Again, I could give a shit about your personal habits. So, if your smoking weed was not an issue, why mention it? That’s your own personal weakness if it takes weed to get your courage up. If you need a group of women to help you clarify what you think, that is also your personal problem. If it’s what it takes to ingratiate yourself to them, so be it. Good luck in the long game with that strategy. I, for one, am not impressed.

        15. I’m crushed.
          The fact that you think everything is a game you play with your dick is exactly the problem. That’s also why you’ll be accused of rape. And then you’ll come here and whine like a bitch and say you don’t understand and that it’s all their fault. But it won’t be her fault, it’ll be all your fault for thinking you were playing a game. Men ask for it too, and then they get what they asked for.
          Make friends with some women. Not to fuck them, just to be friends. If you pick the right ones, things will change for the better around you. And you won’t have to play a game to get sex, and you won’t end up the rapist.
          For some unknown reason, Roosh, who must know this, chooses to express the opposite. The reason could be that those who feel crippled rather than empowered will obediently keep coming back to the very crap that doesn’t get them anywhere in the first place. They’ll keep acting the ass.

        16. “the only misconception that there is about women is that they know what they want beyond that microsecond that they recognize what they feel…”
          THIS. This is so pathetic, so lame, so passive… You love being helpless like this, don’t you? It affords you the ability to feel sorry for yourself – you pushed the right buttons, you did the right things, fuck her for not working like the manual says. Never your fault. Sad face. Baby cry.
          I understand that men come here because they have real shit happening in their lives and they need help and tools and support. And they should be able to get that, instead of reading crap that will just get them into more trouble, and reinforcing each other’s anger when it does.

        17. “Being a narcissist doesn’t make you wrong.”
          Too bad it does raise the odds of being wrong pretty significantly, since you’re computing the world as a sort of drama in which you’re the main character and everyone else is a prop rather than a real person. As the Dude would say: you’re not wrong, you’re just an asshole.
          “If it wasn’t for antisocial personality disorder (and a bit of sadism,
          which also came up here recently) we wouldn’t have some of our best
          soldiers, surgeons, and CEOs.”
          You’re welcome to identify verifiably any top surgeon who openly identifies himself as a sadist.
          “So I urge you not to judge, because in a well-structured society even a psychopath can be of use.”
          Certainly. As target practice, ideally, or manure. Not much else. Have we found your purpose in life?

        18. Being aware of what women are like has nothing to do with being helpless. It’s called being in touch with reality. If you have seen how I respond to some commenters, it would be clear that the last thing I think is that women hold any real power whatsoever.
          But it’s a nice try on your part to try to again paint with that big wide brush of yours.

        19. Dumbass, I am a married man with four sons aged 21 to 36. All in stable marriages with women. Four grandchildren so far. This “you must be a PUA” ranting makes you look like a crackpot.

        20. I don’t need your life story. My premise is simple – that the negativity heaped on women on this site has to do with men’s fragile emotions, and that this site encourages that fragility, and then feeds on it.

        21. Disqus just added a “Block User” feature. If you go to the place you’d normally go to “Flag as Inappropriate” there is now an option to Block User.

        22. I know, it just seems silly to use it for one such as this. Ever notice, GoJ, that they never want to meet guys like us to discuss this sort of stuff over a beer?
          Just another SJW who thinks they have my best interests figured out; one trick pony. A socially inept troll like this has figured it all out and thinks being rude is justified. One such as this lives in society and benefits from it, yet thinks the rules don’t apply to it. Doesn’t quite understand that disapproval is not oppression, ridicule is not oppression and a good old fashioned eye dotting is not either.
          Hey Orgasm? Do you consider arrogance to be a sign of spiritual evolution? Truly spiritual women would be embarrassed to hear you speak. My wife and I consider what is best for each other; it comes from cooperation and love. We don’t sit down together, smoke pot and look for people to ridicule.

        23. No, you don’t need my life story. Just enough to let you know that you don’t know squat. If you have a problem with the site, then why aren’t you contacting Roosh? Most guys here give a fuck what you think.

    5. A lot of the guys here are married with kids, including at least 3 you’re talking to right now. So obviously you’ve got the wrong impression. RoK is NOT a site for sexual failures (such as yourself, probably).

      1. Have you read any of the articles on ROK? Sexual repression and fear of women are the name of the game here. There’s even one here where guys in the comments argue that a woman shouldn’t have sexual experience, because she doesn’t need to know what kind of sex she likes. You can smell the fear.
        The discussion was on female promiscuity, and I tried to point out that a more experienced partner likely means more interesting sex. I was told some angry nonsense about sluts, and no one was able to tell me why they prefer their sex mediocre. It is obviously fear of being judged against others. I will never understand why some people begrudge women orgasms.

        1. I just don’t give a fuck about female orgasms. They’re useless. They don’t conceive babies. Also, I find virgins or sexually inexperienced girls to be much more arousing and thus more enjoyable.
          This is a very large community. There are losers here. There are also genuine Alphas here. What a few individuals here say does NOT represent us all.

        2. The point of the sexual experience was with respect to outcome in LTR/marriage. There is a lot of research done which correlates number of past sexual partners with the likelihood of success in marriage/LTR.
          There is a big difference in selection criteria for ONS compared to who you want as the mother of your children.
          Failure to grasp this simple fact doesn’t speak well to your reading comprehension level.

        3. “I just don’t give a fuck about female orgasms. They’re useless. They don’t conceive babies. Also, I find virgins or sexually inexperienced girls to be much more arousing and thus more enjoyable.”
          Can’t make a grown woman come, can you, so why even try? Do you like children too?
          This is pathetic, and it sums up ROK perfectly. You like inexperienced girls because you suck at sex and are probably insecure about it, and a woman who has had real sex would call you on it, humiliate you, and deprive you of control. So you seek out the most non-threatening female you can find, and convince yourself she has worth. That’s because you can’t compete sexually for women of real worth, because they have an immense number of choices in partners, and you’d have to fight to be one of them. Yeah, sure, you don’t like fun women. Because sour grapes.
          This is why you, and others here, place so much emphasis on having procreated, and none on being sexually desired, and that’s why the implications that crappy or forced sex is ok as long as you “got it done”. Fear of female desire, and fear of being found inadequate. This applies to wives too, you know. Wives may be bored and resigned to whatever they’re stuck with, but they ain’t dead.
          Like I said, female desire is regarded as cryptic and threatening here, and a bunch of scared boys who can’t make women cum sit around plotting about how to side-step and negate it in order to protect their fragile emotions. Every article is about how women have too much power socially and sexually, and how all these brave Kings are taking it back. How, by importing a foreigner and having crappy sex with her while Jesus ain’t looking? Yeah, you guys are real winners. I bet some of you screw through a sheet.
          There are Alphas here?? LOL. “Alpha” is a zoological designation which means “leader”. People come here to be told comfortable lies, and to grumble about a world which they resent because it gives them bad and insecure feelings, like the ones grown women give you. Alphas? You’re funnier than you know.

        4. I’m a 6 foot 1 inch tall, handsome Muay Thai fighter – absurdly lean and very muscled – and I have quite a good sized cock. Physically satisfying a woman is not a problem for me.
          I simply prefer chaste women because I’m interested in forming long-term relationships and I want a woman who feels the same. Is it really so unusual that I’m attracted to women who have similar life-style interests as myself?! No.
          It sounds like you have a hatred of male sexuality, if you ask me.

        5. You can stop now, Giant Muy Thai Cock Man. Think of this as a one night stand. I’m going to ghost you all now… Sometimes I do this to amuse myself when work is slow, but inevitably I lose interest. It’s quite a burden, really.
          And just like a one night stand, I’m sure you knew how this would end all along.
          Please be assured that I do care about the subject matter, so this wasn’t all an act, more of an experiment. Also, the futile misogyny of ROK articles is a source of entertainment and education to many, and I hope it will continue to be so for a long time to come. You underestimate the service you provide. Enjoy your circle jerk with Jesus, you sad bunch of cocksuckers. 🙂
          Luke, you can go ahead and ban me now, IP address and all.
          Kiss Kiss <3

        6. You’re mentally ill, I think.
          You know, contrary to what you claim, I’ve been married for 10 years to a woman who was more sexually experienced than me at the time of marriage, and she still has a higher notch count than me, and we’re still married. We have 2 daughters together.
          Not only that, but I was 19 when we married and she was 28 – she’s over 8 years older than me.
          Given this, I’m perhaps to be considered an expert on fucking sexually experienced, very mature women. I’m quite qualified on the subject matter.
          Let this be understood: After 10 years of marriage to an experienced, mature woman, I know for a fact that my prejudice in favor of young virgins is highly justified.
          Who here, based on greater experience than mine, feels qualified to second guess me? Not you, I’m quite sure.

        7. I 2nd everything you’ve said, but you wasted too much of your valuable time arguing with that dysfunctional bitch.
          You sound like a reasonable, experienced man though. 🙂

  27. Reading this article makes me think back to my college days and reminds me of how lucky I was to not be put in a situation similar to the author’s. There were at least two or three girls I’d pumped and dumped who would either turn and walk the other way once they saw me on campus, or shoot me a nasty look then stare at the ground as I passed. I also hooked up with multiple girls who had boyfriends (most of the time I didn’t know they had one).
    Additionally, my campus had this group loaded with muscle-bro manginas called “1 in 4” (as in 1 in 4 women are raped on college campuses). They were always out and about reminding us of campus rape culture, white-knighting for drunken sluts who had hooked up at parties, and telling guys that they were equally responsible if they saw a drunk girl and didn’t take care of her and she ended up getting “raped” (having sloppy drunk sex). Needless to say, I was lucky to come out unscathed, but many other men aren’t.
    That’s why it’s high time to kick these manginas to the curb. We can start by using similar tactics used by SJWs, like petitioning to have them removed from their posts. If a man is bullied and harassed by a university, police department, etc when there is zero evidence against him, we should smear the names of every single person involved. Men should also go full-bore after false rape accusers by dragging them into civil courts, criminal courts, blasting them on social media, blog articles, etc. Shame them until this trend slows or stops. The time for playing nice is over. It’s time to get down and dirty.

  28. As a MGTOW, it’s really easy for me to dismiss all of the BS and life destruction with which men now deal. I grew up with none of this stuff. In fact, it was just the opposite. It was too easy to get laid and women, no matter married or not, just gave it up without any real effort on my part. If fact, it was the married women that were the most plentiful in terms of hookups. I was shtucking non stop from 14 to 38.
    I became a MGTOW because I saw the rapid anti-male changes in laws and policies. VAWA was a big one. Uge. That one scared the crap out of me. Now, with affirmative consent, forget it. I’m out. One false accusation and it’s over. The opportunities for female retribution based on false accusations are off the charts. That stuff stays with you forever. A DV conviction means your persona non grata for life. Forget jobs, apartments or pretty much everything after that. It’s a death sentence – in that you’ll end up committing suicide because you can no longer support yourself.
    Glad I was born at the right time. Had a lot of fun, but with age comes wisdom. Feel really bad for the guys today and all of the anti-male policies and laws. Will retire well in another few years. Glad to be out of the game. MGTOW taught me everything I need to survive the upcoming years.

    1. MGTOW is the way.
      LTR´s are outdated and, personally, I find that there are things more interesting than marriage.
      I’m not against marriage but each their own.

      1. I feel you. Had a natural aversion to marriage most of my life. Grew up in the divorce generation seeing much life destruction to most adult males I knew. Never figured out till much later why I was so naturally averse to the idea. Funny how that plays out in real life. Would never get married now. Too much risk for too little reward. I love my single life too much to ever give it up. It’s just too easy this way.

  29. Had one too. After university ended i heard from my best friend/roommate that apparently I raped this fucking wildebeest that nested in our dorm. I wouldn’t have touched this dump truck with a barge pole. I was shocked and kind of bemused. I had a gorgeous girlfriend for practically the entire two years i attended this small institution. Not one person on the planet would believe I (or any normal looking man) could contemplate sex with this amorphous blob without projectile vomiting. I barely had a passing dorm acquaintance with this obese fugo.
    To this day i can’t figure out why she did this other than this repellent blimp mistook my polite friendliness for interest and when nothing happened she went batshit psycho.
    I think this is way more common than even the most anti feminist man realizes.

    1. Tends to happen with these disgusting land whales. I am perfunctory to them at most as they repulse me in so many ways.

      You reached out to a fatty and she bit your hand off. You’ve only got yourself to blame.

    3. The key here is that you were being nice I think.
      I don’t even say hi to girls I would not bang as a general rule.
      Learned from having rejections turn into psycho shit a few times, so now I make it obvious.
      One post wall chick at the office I spoke to sometimes out of boredom during breaks went complete shitbat crazy during an after office party grabbing my junk and then hollering that I’m gay and don’t want pussy when offered.
      Obviously she was never seen again, but I’d prefer to avoid that kind of shit.

    4. Something not as extreme happened to me at this dumpy club in a town near my hometown. A friend of my best friend’s sister decided to strike up conversation with me at this club (I was being nice, wrong move on my part). She’s a whale and no girl that any respectable man should ever have any interest in.
      Anyway, I danced/flirted with a bunch of attractive women that night and obviously ignored her existence completely. She ended up texting my buddies sister (her friend) and blew up saying I harassed her and pressured her into sleeping with me. Which obviously wasn’t true in any way shape or form and luckily my friend’s sister knew that I would never touch her with a 10 foot pole.
      I dont get why these hideous cretins get off on causing unnecessary drama that is formulated from BS accusations. It is quite sad really….

  30. Dude, first clue she was lying her ass off? “You look like Nick Jonas!”
    How can I see it? How can you NOT see it?

    1. I’m beginning to see how the latest resident orgasmic troll can come to the conclusions that IT does. I buy this shit like i buy…shit. Am I gonna get banned for saying this looks like so much bad fiction?

      1. I’m with you. I take everything I read and hear well salted, though.
        Maybe it’s true, maybe it’s not. It’s like the Holocaust – we’ll just never know whether or not it really happened… ironically, that’s a bit like a rape accusation, too!

  31. “Can you come in and talk some time today?” he spoke. “Uhh, yeah sure—I’ll be there in 20 minutes,” I told him. Holy fuck.
    You should have refused to answer any questions and just hung up on him.

    1. Better yet asked who he was and what he wanted before even admitting to being the guy he was trying to contact?

  32. Seems to me a BIG takeaway from this experience is to keep your mouth shut. Answer nothing. Document and record everything. Tell them to speak to your lawyer. Anything you say can and will be twisted and used to incriminate you.

    1. Once recording and documentation are the status quo, very few women will have sex with men in fear of said documentation. This is exactly what they want. Not saying that men shouldn’t protect themselves. But as we take this to the logical conclusion things look quite grim.

      1. Yeah. Chicks fear having their sluttiness on record for obvious reasons. The best defense in the end is to not have sex with feminists and, if you can, try to only have sex with permanent girlfriends.

  33. Why the Hell would anybody study with a girl in the first place?! The closest I get to that is sitting at the kitchen table drinking a beer and watching as she cooks to give her pointers on how not to burn the house down.
    Anyway, I sympathize with J. Anthony’s story and everything, but it sounds like he fucked a random slut and got stung. It’s hardly surprising, you know.

  34. The entire multi-million dollar Title 9 institution on each and every campus in America is designed to institutionally discriminate against men. If you are charged, within the institution, with sexual assault or sexual harassment, you literally have an entire department, usually full of dozens of bureaucrats that not only believe you are guilty by mere accusation but also think they are doing the Lord’s work by doling out some good old fashion social justice. They will provide counselors, consultants, and advocates that will support the complainant. They will coach her testimony, copy edit her statements, attend hearings, and provide a menu of other services. What do you get as the respondent? NOTHING. Not one darn thing. If you want any of these services you better find someone to help you and pay them a hefty load of money.
    Further, the school has absolutely no interest, financial or otherwise, in doling out unbiased and fair hearings for these types of charges. They find you not responsible and then OCR sends investigators and auditors to cause that school countless hours of hassle. Plus there will manufactured outrage over the finding. You get kicked out of and what happens to the school. NOTHING. They don’t have to refund your tuition. They don’t have to worry about an OCR investigation. There is no PR problem. So facing the possible “rewards” why not just chuck you out. What are you going to do pay a lawyer tens of thousands of dollars to sue them with all your wealth accumulated in the first 20 years of your life you don’t have? Of course not. You are going to be more worried about paying off your student loans for that degree you didn’t get and probably cannot get now (short of the community college) because now you have the disclose to every other college you apply to that you were kicked out for a sex charge. You think they are going to take your ass after that? Hell no.
    My guess is that if the allegation came three months after the incident that would have put the timeframe close to the end of the semester and she needed an excuse to defer a final, paper, or maybe get out of a class she was failing. Colleges hand out these types of administrative considerations all the time in these cases because it costs them little, it is good PR in that they are victim friendly, and even if the victim is lying doing something has absolutely no real impact on their bottom line. If they end up taking their final after semester break who really cares? The only real effect is that some grad student is going to have to take an hour out of their day in a few weeks to personally proctor that test and then grade it. And no one at any college really gives two fucks about grad students.

  35. Fuck this shit, we need to have a party soon enough !
    We need to sit down and all talk about stuff.

  36. Hey jon, why didnt you call the chick back and bang her several more times?
    You just say you never spoke to her again. Wth. Not a fan of the ladies, eh trebek?

  37. If a chick is practically throwing herself at you, and your sexual marketplace value is lower than hers. Be wary, because something is up and it’s not your pecker. Just saying.

  38. wow this post hit really close to my heart. I was falsely accused and the shit storm is still going on. In fact my trial is coming up in about a month.
    My story almost went down exactly like your. I met this girl on campus and thought she really liked me. She hit me up to help her with a project but it becaome apparent within 5 minutes she had no intention of doing this project, she had absolutely nothing prepared and was just looking for an excuse to meet.
    So we eventually ended up in my room, where we made out and she was biting my lips HARD. She was grinding on TOP of me like a fucking psycho and was being generally aggressive. But when I tried to reach down her pants she stopped me. So obviously I didn’t force it because I’m not fucking stupid and I know that no means no (even though the feminist agenda is trying to push for everything except a verbal yes please fuck me is a no).
    After a while I figured meh if she is not down she is not down. So I drove her back to her place. Before leaving, she said that she had a good time and wanted to HANG OUT AGAIN next time. So I left without realizing she was secretly planning to stab me in the back then and there.
    4 hours later a cop shows up to my door and wanted to talk. I honestly didn’t know what’s going on so I gave him my side of the story. I didn’t even think I needed a lawyer because I thought it was just a misunderstanding.
    A few weeks later I found out I was charged with 2 counts of felony from my medical school dean (I was a medical student). It turns out as soon as I dropped her off the psycho bitch went crying hysterically to her ex-boyfriend and made up a story about how I tried to force her head down to blow me (which is such a blatant lie you gotta be amazed at her audacity).
    Fast forward one year, the discovery came back and I saw the text exchange between her and her ex. Basically he dumped her and she was desperately trying to win him back. He wanted nothing to do with her and responding to her texts. So she spun up this evil plan, using me as the scape goat, she put herself in the role of the victim so his white knight instincts would kick in and make him take pity of her and maybe get back with her. And it worked for about 10 days. They spent a lot of time together while he took her to talk to counselors, police, and DA. It wasn’t long before he saw through her shit and went back to ignoring her, but by then my life has already been royally fucked.
    After almost 2 years of hell for me and my family, the nightmare is still not over. My trial is happening in August and I’m seriously scared that due to general leftist public opinion on matters like this, an innocent man like me will get fucked by the system. It’s really unfair that men have to fight tooth and nail to prove his innocence.
    This accusation already ended my medical career, because simply being charged with something like this means no state will ever grant me a license to practice, even if I do complete my education.
    Maybe this is for the better though, because I was backed into a corner and had to punch my way out, I learned how to code from scratch and got a software engineer job in less than 8 months. Software engineers are one of the most location independent jobs and you can do it from anywhere in the world. It will enable me to be a world traveler rather than another blue pill chugging chode stuck in a hospital.
    I’m gonna do my best to prep for this trial because I’m not gonna let a lying bitch destroy my life for her selfish gains.

    1. Good luck my brother, hang tough!
      It can be done – back in the 90’s I had an ex-gf charge me with domestic violence. I spent a couple nights in the county lock-up, but like you I decided I wouldn’t let her destroy me. I blew off the lawyers who pushed me to take a plea, since they obviously didn’t give a schit about my future. So I refused to hire one.
      Instead, I took it to trial and represented myself. I dressed sharp, showed on time, was very polite, followed the judge’s instructions, and addressed him as “your honor” at all times. I did a good job cross-examining both the responding cop and my ex. I got my ex to admit on the stand that she had been violent towards me a number of times during our relationship. As a result, the judge was so impressed with me that he dismissed the whole case!
      Only mistake I made – after a few years had gone by with no further legal issues or arrests on my part, the court would probably have agreed to expunge my record of the whole matter (given that the judge tossed the charges against me via a dismissal). But I didn’t think of requesting it. So when I applied for my dream job, which I had been working towards for a decade, guess what happened when they did the extensive background check? You guessed it…they found the arrest and denied me the job! But again, I vowed that bitch wouldn’t destroy me. So I obtained a copy of the dismissal and threatened to sue the third-party company that did the background check. Between that and having some good connections pulling for me on the inside, I got the employment decision reversed and got my dream job!
      Fifteen years later, I’m still with the company. Will probably retire with them in a couple more decades. I’m happily married for 15 years to a sexy and sweet NAWALT who’s a total anti-feminist and loves to submit to my headship of the family…and have 2 beautiful daughters with her. My net worth is approaching 7 figures and I have almost no debt (not even a mortgage on the house) Life is good.
      So it can be done. And the cherry on top? Well, my wife keeps tabs on my ex via Facebook. My ex is now in her early 40’s but looks to be in her 60’s – she hit the wall doing Mach 5 and now resembles a used-up crack whore. She has 3 kids from 3 different men, none of whom are in her life. She has no job or assets and lives in a trailer one of the baby daddy’s provides her until his kid is 18 – then she’s on the street. She struggles with depression and spends lots of time on social media.
      Let’s just say I have a lot to be thankful for! It can happen for you too my friend – keep fighting and don’t ever give up!

      1. wow thanks for the encouragement. It gives me hope to know there are good women out there who aren’t just lying whores. Maybe having something like this, a trial by fire most men won’t experience, could be a blessing in disguise and end up making me a stronger and better person.
        Glad that things worked out for you, it must be satisfying to know that crazy ex-gf who tried to ruin you is doing so shitty. Not that she even deserves another thought from you.

        1. Yep, you’re right she’s not worth even a thought. That’s why I don’t even waste my time keeping tabs on her via social media…but my wife finds it interesting, so she’ll check on my ex’s Facebook page every now and then and tell me what she finds.
          What I left out in my post was that I was with my ex for almost 2 years, living together for over a year. And I basically supported her the entire time – she almost never worked (and it’s not like she was home being a mom, as there were no kids involved…just me and her). I took her on trips, bought her fancy dinners, took her to concerts, nightclubs, and shows, etc. Plus, I was just a really good boyfriend to her. I know for a fact those were some of the best times of her life.
          My reward for all that? She cheated on me, then when we were breaking up she called the cops and said I hit her. Which basically nearly destroyed my career that I had devoted my life to working towards (as I explained in the prior post). Not to mention I got to experience the joy of being arrested, mugshotted, spending 48 hours in the county jail, and calling my mom from a prison phone (collect) at 4am to beg her to bail me out. This still stuns me when I think about it today.
          (It goes without saying, there were no witnesses or evidence of any kind (like bruises on her) to back my ex’s claim of domestic violence. All it took was her accusation, and it was time for me to be “cuffed and stuffed”. Gentlemen, conduct yourselves accordingly)
          So over the last 20 years since that all happened, I never wasted my time or risked legal trouble by trying to get revenge on the bitch. Instead, I just went on with my life. And as you can imagine, seeing how vastly different things have turned out for her and me over the years has given me a certain sense of satisfaction. And totally without guilt, since the circumstances she finds herself in today are entirely of her own making.
          Now I can honestly say that I truly appreciate and understand the phrase “living well is the best revenge”. You should do the same. – once you beat this bogus charge (God willing), put the bitch behind you and get on with your life. Pursue success in the material realm, without neglecting the spiritual. Find a good NAWALT and raise a family with her. Let the wonderful life you will lead be your revenge against this bitch, and trust it to karma take care of her.
          God bless!

        2. Yeah you are right. I’m really trying to be not bitter about it right now. I think you are a big man for being forgiving to someone who wronged you so. During the darkest hours of this ordeal (the few months right after finding out of being charged) I started to get into greek stoic philosophy for comfort, and this qoute by marcus aurelius really resonated with me:
          When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: the people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous and surly. They are like this because they can’t tell good from evil. But I have seen the beauty of good, and the ugliness of evil, and have recognized that the wrongdoer has a nature related to my own – not of the same blood and birth, but the same mind, and possessing a share of the divine. And so none of them can hurt me. No one can implicate me in ugliness. Nor can I feel angry at my relative, or hate him. We were born to work together like feet, hands and eyes, like the two rows of teeth, upper and lower. To obstruct each other is unnatural. To feel anger at someone, to turn your back on him: these are unnatural.
          Even though your ex (or this girl who accused me) was ungrateful and dishonest. They are really doing themselves a disservice because like you sad, karma will come back and bite them in the ass.

  39. I barely got laid in college, but I’m beginning to think this was a blessing in disguise.
    I had tons of chances, hot girls half naked in my room,
    But they all wanted me to cross a line that’d risk jail
    They knew the game, they knew what they had to say to make it safe for me
    But they wanted me to be a rule breaker
    They wanted to know they were so hot that I’d literally risk my life to fuck them
    Wasn’t into it
    If they weren’t gonna gimme some solid consent, I told em to hit the bricks
    I had better Shit to do, like going to sleep
    Don’t mess with girls from your school
    Any college town has at least one other college

  40. The only thing I would change about this article is the that are narcissistic, not can be narcissistic. Otherwise 5 stars. Learn from the mistakes of others, and you don’t need to be College for this crap to happen.

  41. I just can’t buy that dialogue: “men (manginas) are at fault”. Yes – maginas are enablers and essentially gatekeepers, but what if we taught women the not to scream false rape the way feminists parrot the mantra “teach men not to rape” as if we’re all inborn rapists. Use their medicine against them.
    And great point about the attention from being a so called rape victim – it makes the individual feel desired and attractive. In reality they are not and that is why fat, ugly cows scream false rape all the time.
    In closing, I send all the true rape victims (men and women) peace and my prayers. Be well and stay strong.

  42. Thanks for sharing. And keep up the good work. I wonder what the idiot is doing these days. Think that she transferred, and you wonder if that’s going to be her whole life pattern. A lot of women you’ll meet are like that: The started life causing disasters for people, and then move on to the next opportunity, over and over. Until they hit the wall, and then they’re on welfare or homeless.

  43. Wow, we all definitely just read an article by a guy who should have been convicted of rape. Does not deserve our respect at all.

  44. Out of all the things that didn’t happen, I give this an 11/10.
    First thing, an “investigator” would not refer to themselves as such. A PI, which is different than a detective, would not become involved in sexual assault cases. Not to mention universities handle rape allegations. All that aside, once a report of sexual assault has been made, it gets investigated whether the alleged victim wants to press charges or not. In fact, victims may be compelled to testify. If she told the police she lied, she would be held in contempt, which I’m going to assume didn’t happen. Also, police officers are public employees so why don’t you do some real journalism and provide us with the real name of “Investigator Jackson” (super clever pseudonym).
    Now on to the receptionist and how she knew who you were and what you were doing there, that’s made up of whole cloth. A desk secretary has no interaction in cases, nor do they have legal privy to cases, especially before any charges are laid.
    Continuing on, if you were half as smart as you think you are, saying she texted you to come over is no defence. Thats like you inviting me into your house and then I take all your shit, and when I get arrested I expect “but he invited me inside!!!!” to be anything but a laughable defence.
    A judge? When did you mention a judge in your story? You said you were called (when in reality you would have been arrested, booked, and put up on bail), pressured to answer questions without a lawyer present, and when you just say “no” then you get let go, and sometime in that duration, “Kayla” caught wind and magically decided to drop charges (which like I mentioned, once with a prosecutor doesn’t even matter). Also, a detective can’t drop cases, the judge does, which you never mention seeing but mention you did again.
    Your story is made up, pulled straight from your anal cavity to bolster your own feelings of victim hood. Your victim boners was so intense you couldn’t even keep your story straight, you were so engrossed in your fantasy.
    I don’t think you raped that girl. I don’t think you even said more than a sentence to her, if she’s real. I don’t think you even got laid at university, fuck, I don’t even believe you WENT to university. But keep jerking off to your weird fantasies if that’s what you gotta do.

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