The End Game Of Feminism And Cultural Marxism Is To Eliminate Sex Differences

Leftists tell us that feminism started in the 1960s as a way of achieving the liberal code word “equality.” What initially sounded like a noble venture has led to disastrous results. Even so, Marxists are nowhere near achieving their ultimate goal of either figuratively or literally neutering the entire population. The Transgenders and Toilets or Great Bathroom Debate, which effectively means people have been confused as to which bathroom to use in America by 0.3% of the population that identifies as transgender and a compliant, Marxist media are only pieces of a larger puzzle these lunatics are trying to put together. It helps to reference what the definition of Cultural Marxism is:

The gradual process of destroying all traditions, languages, religions, individuality, government, family, law and order in order to re-assemble society in the future as a communist utopia. This Utopia will have no notion of gender, traditions, morality, god or even family or the state.

For the purposes of this piece, we will focus on the liberal Utopian dream of no gender. Feminism is the first volley in this assault on the biological, psychological, and anatomical realities of gender. Feminism has been trying to masculinize women and feminize men for 50 years. It has yielded results that encourage the Marxists to push even harder towards their ultimate goal of an androgynous, sexless society. Men are becoming softer spoken, meeker, and we have even seen the rise of cuckoldry as a mainstream sexual fetish when in the past men would have killed another man who was banging their wife. The leftist rag The Daily Beast even ran an article praising it as the fetish of intellectuals:

Cuckoldry is defined as a wife’s infidelity. Chaucer and Shakespeare characterized it as the ultimate shame. So perhaps it’s no surprise that today it’s developed into a fairly popular fetish. The Internet is rife with husbands enthusiastically soliciting other men—often larger, hotter, sexier men than themselves—to have sex with their wives while they watch.

Once a month, Drs. Paul and Sally Pines, a pair of New York City-area Ph.D.s who have been married 25 years, check into a hotel suite with another man. As Paul looks on, Sally and the man snuggle up together on the couch like lovebirds. Soon their clothes are off, and before long, she’s wailing in ecstasy as the man has aggressive, passionate sex with her. Paul, helpless, can only watch and suffer. Afterward, Paul serves lunch to his wife and the man in the suite’s dining area; they eat in the nude before launching into another long, loud, sweaty session.

Beyond weird fetishes that turn men into eunuchs, on the other side women have become man-jawier, less fertile, career-obsessed, and manlier in the Anglo world. The fact this is happening is not an accident. Blogger Christina Laila wrote about these trends fulfilling part of a plan:

Gender inequality became the focus to breakdown Western culture. The strong family unit became a target. At the time, families consisted of a father who worked and provided for the family, while the mother stayed at home and reared children (often times elderly grandparents also lived in the home). In order to get the people to acquiesce and become part of the fodder, the leaders knew that they had to remove the father from the home and get women in the workforce. The ‘think tank’, Critical Theory was formed and so began the introduction to feminism and the idea that the two sexes are merely a ‘social construct’.

Marxists literally believe they can put an end to sex. As we are about to see, this idea will lead to a nightmare if brought to its conclusion.

Androgynous pods are the way of the future to far leftists

Androgynous pods are the way of the future to far leftists


Realizing the goal of eliminating the “concept” of man and woman would mean no more traditional sex roles, and it would mean that males and females would become androgynous corporate and government-serving pods. After all, to use Huxley’s term, viviparous reproduction will become a primitive relic once the New World Communist Order enlightens us all.

For you must remember that in those days of gross viviparous reproduction, children were always brought up by their parents and not in State Conditioning Centres.

“Human beings used to be …” he hesitated; the blood rushed to his cheeks. “Well, they used to be viviparous.”

“Quite right.” The Director nodded approvingly.

“And when the babies were decanted …”

“‘Born,’” came the correction.

“Well, then they were the parents—I mean, not the babies, of course; the other ones.”

The poor boy was overwhelmed with confusion.

“In brief,” the Director summed up, “the parents were the father and the mother.” The smut that was really science fell with a crash into the boys’ eye-avoiding silence. “Mother,” he repeated loudly rubbing in the science; and, leaning back in his chair, “These,” he said gravely, “are unpleasant facts; I know it. But then most historical facts are unpleasant.”

This concept of a sexless society was also dealt with a quarter of a century ago in a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode called The Outcast. The parallels between this episode and the path feminism and Marxism are taking us down is chilling:

According to their official doctrine, the J’naii had evolved beyond gender and thus view the idea of male/female sexuality as primitive. Those among the J’naii who view themselves as possessing gender are ridiculed, outcast, and forced to undergo “psychotectic therapy” – a form of therapy meant to remediate gender-specificity [essentially neutering people] and allow acceptance back into J’naii society. Soren [who feels like a woman] is essentially put on trial where she passionately defends herself and expresses her outrage at what their society does to those who are different. J’naii diplomats force Soren to undergo this therapy, citing reformed citizens’ newfound happiness and desire to be normal.

Traditional gender roles are already seen as “primitive” by Marxists, even though studies consistently show both men and women are happier when they conform to roles that have evolved in diverse societies all over the world and been a part of history for thousands of generations.

It does not require a huge leap of the imagination to think men and women who want to live their lives with traditional sex roles, have sex with each other, and reproduce through pregnancy will be taken to a State re-education camp, much in the same say Soren was.

Man trying to become a machine in search of Utopia was predicted by none other than Oswald Spengler

Man trying to become a machine in search of Utopia was predicted by none other than Oswald Spengler

Machine Culture

Drilling down to a more philosophical level, this strange sex and gender problem the West finds itself in the middle of is an offshoot of what Spengler called the spread of the Final World Sentiment of Western culture. He predicted the Final World Sentiment for Western culture would be Socialism and Communism from the year 1900, which is the culture’s innate desire to fulfill the promise of its Prime Symbol Infinity. To achieve an infinity of prosperity, heaven on earth in other words, Spengler said Western culture fundamentally believes man must not only design machines in search of this goal but one day become a machine.

From The New Modern Man article The Last Act: The Rise and End of the Machine Culture:

As the Final World Sentiment of Western man spreads (which Spengler said was the quest for a Socialist Utopia from the year 1900 onward) the Socialist longing develops into a desire to become God. This is a profound commentary on anti-religious Marxists of today and what they really want to accomplish by removing all biology from man. Cultural Marxism’s goal of stripping man of all traditions, individuality, religion, family, and even his gender – making both sexes androgynous as the sickness of feminism is attempting to do with disastrous results – represents Western man’s longing to achieve infinity: He must become a machine himself in order to become God.

This ultimately leads to catastrophe, which Spengler explained in Man and Technics is the engine that either causes a species to go extinct or for a mutation to spread throughout it. Scientifically, this fact is defined as punctuated equilibrium. Indeed the cycles of history show no deviation from a civilization ultimately sterilizing itself demographically, and often the last chapter of a civilization ends in catastrophe. The West might end up sterilizing itself not only demographically, but literally.

It is reasonable to think the West’s long arc through history could end in a catastrophe as it tries to figuratively or literally neuter the entire world to get rid of the “primitive” notion of men, women and sex. Beyond proving Freud’s penis envy theory correct, feminism and Marxism could be catastrophes that put the very survival of the human species into question.

Read More: The Newfound Alliance Between Feminism, Marxism, And Radical Islam

200 thoughts on “The End Game Of Feminism And Cultural Marxism Is To Eliminate Sex Differences”

  1. At a media level it’s fucked I agree. But there is a strong counter-culture to this shit.
    My pals who i’ve known for 20 years are all good ole fashioned fuckers with sharper than blade attitudes.
    I smashed an hour in my totally 1970s, no tv, no carpets, no showers meathead gym tonight, and the male culture is alive and very well!!
    It’s the media that try to cover reality with an ocean of debauchery, immorality, bastardy, cuckholdry, and lies and myths about half the population being homosexual

        1. right now, someone somewhere is writing a revolutionary pamphlet about the world kratom situation, entitled simply: “What is to be done”

    1. Exactly, this shit will never work no matter how many times Marxists try it. It’s because traditional sex roles are natural and androgyny is unnatural.
      Every species has some sort of role for males and females. And with mammals, the males are supposed to be strong and masculine and females are supposed to be feminine and nurturing. So Marxist aren’t really fighting the world’s cultures, there actually trying to fight nature itself.

      1. One of the big differences I’ve seen between ‘conservatives’ & ‘liberals’ is that ‘conservatives’ attempt to conform their behavior to reality while ‘liberals’ attempt to conform reality to their behavior.

      2. I work at a factory and in a few factories and I noticed that blue collar guys seem to be more stereo typically masculine as a whole than the white collar corporate guys. But on average, corporate guy’s make more money.

        1. That maybe true at the middle management level, but when know how the sausage is really made that keeps everyone employed, it’s cut throat.
          Every kind of sociopath you can imagine populates the top levels of most major companies.

      3. Someone here pointed me to Vogelin’s work on gnosticism. Gnosticism (typically) rejects the world as it is as evil and tries to improve or even overturn it. Gender differentiation for many of these people has the same status as natural evils such as disease

      4. “this shit will never work no matter how many times Marxists try it”
        Yes. A thousand times Yes. Let me quote fantastic French novelist Stendhal (‘The Charterhouse of Parma’ (1839)):
        “The desire for liberty, the fashion and cult of the greatest good of the greatest number, after which the nineteenth century has run mad, were nothing in his eyes but a heresy which, like other heresies, would pass away, though not until it had destroyed many souls, as the plague while it reigns unchecked in a country destroys many bodies.”
        A blast from the nineties – as the Enemy says: This is what a feminist looks like:

    2. 70s gym? Where are you? In the uncivilised Norf? And you only did an hour? Norvern softie! 🙂
      The myth promulgated by Christina Laila is one we must avoid repeating. The idea that men worked and women sat around at home being oppressed. Women have always worked. My mother, her mother and my mother’s mother. And so on. I don’t think there was ever a time when a majority of women did not work. Only in a relatively wealthy family I think.
      More to the point: 50% of people being homos. According to TV land it is the majority of people. I have watched two new shows – Billions and Jessica Jones (I was asking for it I know). In both, I have seen more gay sex than straight. Likewise, Black Sails etc. This goes back to Oz.
      Just what the fuck is going on?!

    3. It’s not enough to merely congregate and enjoy masculine activities anymore. The western states and women are in an amoral union to systematically abuse and siphon resources and power away from men with increasingly more vicious and brutal methods.
      Men need to understand the 7 billion + populated world is in a survival of the fittest mode now, and if masculine ideals and advantages are to be preserved, men collectively need to respond with a violent and extremely ruthless backlash against both women as a gender and the oppressive state and law enforcement apparatuses.
      Female judges, law enforcement agents, divorce courts, corporate hr drones do not even blink before they completely destroy a man’s livelihood and take away all his liberties. You have to be equally vicious and proactive if you want to survive this abominable downfall of the western civilizations.

    4. Thats the medias great deception. They make it seem like this is what everyone thinks and how everything is.

  2. It seems we should diagnose this as the mental illness this is and treat it accordingly…oh wait.
    We all get the problem with the sexual deviance stuff, the thing is our own laws protect them from repercussions or from sorting it out the way we once did. Our media glorifies it while shaming those who speak out or editing them into oblivion and seeing them punished professionally or financially when possible. And this was all a highly coordinated effort begun in the early 1900s, in Germany, by a Marxist think tank there, so they are well insinuated and entwined in most levels of our culture at this juncture.
    For now, all we can do is expose them, in hopes they shrivel and that our children aren’t so taken in, or we go right at them like Roosh and Quintius and several others (along with many of us out there in our own lives) have done and are doing until something snaps. Maybe then this civil cold war will be undeniable to the naysayers and then we can turn up the heat to finally end it.

    1. It won’t work because they end up with a society no one wants to protect. On the other hand, drones are becoming more sophisticated every day.

  3. They’re aiming at creating a post-masculine world.
    Eliminate differences in gender, you eliminate gender expectations.
    Eliminate expectations, you eliminate ambition.
    Eliminate ambition, you have a homogeneous boring bloc of people.

    1. Well said, but the thing goes beyond that. All the aspects of their rhetoric (and this includes anti-racialism, masked as anti-racism; anti-family propaganda, including the “independent woman” myth and the promotion of anti-demographic behaviours, like “gay marriage” or “free abortion”; anti-nationalism, masked as “globalization”, etc)
      are conducive to the DESTRUCTION OF THE INDIVIDUAL. In cultural marxism, you, as an individual, have no value at all. You are isolated from your relatives, your compatriots, your dreams and will to live, in order to accept only the value THE COLLECTIVE (read, the socialist oligarchy) is willing to pay you, for “good behaviour”.
      The “tolerance culture” is none other than “privilege removal”. Once all the privilege is removed (in other words, when all individuals become dispossessed of their lives), Socialism is free to draw the Socialist New Man (please read Saint-Simon, Charles Fourier or Robert Owen). This has been their plan all along.

    2. Eliminate strong men and you eliminate opposition to one world government.

  4. I think the end goal is to eliminate men. “Cisgendered” men.

  5. Can we start calling marxism , levyism?
    Its more accurate and strikes to the heart of the matter.

  6. It not that difficult for the state to take over childbirth, and in fact it is already happening under your noses. This will be the ultimate act of government control.
    First, get women to delay having kids, and encourage adults to be single and live alone, so that they will require medical/scientific assistance. Done. Public assets like medical insurance and coverage are precious in these in these of austerity, so the people will demand that the authorities regulate who can and who cannot pursue in vitro. Done in my province and several on Canada. As birthrates continue to fall, as they are doing, more and more will clamor for government assistance, and an equally vocal group will be insistent in regulating who gets and who doesn’t, via cries of “muh tax dollars!”. As this continues more will call for new technology, artifical wombs, and the like, and at each step the cry will rise up to call on more and more government intervention for “safety” and “muh taxes!” Because everything men do is rape, birth rates keep falling, more rely on government provided/regulated birthing services until that is all that is left, and birthing of children will be entirely in the hands of government or government proxy agencies – or some act of rebellion ala the Branch Davidians fiasco at Waco in the 90’s, natural birth will be made to look like the practice of deranged cultists. And the worst of it is: the people will do this to themselves to prevent the illusion that someone is getting more than they are.
    Okay, a little far fetched but you get the idea of how it could happen.

    1. I forget whether it was Roosh or one of the other bloggers who suggested it, but the idea was that women would be drafted to make babies.
      I mean, we’ve established through years of military experiments that women aren’t front-line fighters. The first female Naval pilot blew herself up, and most female Naval officers churn out offspring to stay off deployment. In the name of equality, the draft should apply to men and women equally, but women just can’t cut the military stuff, so make them do what they were going to do anyway.
      Men are drafted to go die for the country, women are drafted to make babies to keep the country alive after this generation’s men are bumped off.
      A modest proposal if ever there was one, but with Spartan precident.

        1. You won’t need to. Here’s your porn. Masturbate in a cup. Artificial insemination.

      1. Interesting take. I don’t know if a draft is necessary. Baby rabies is real, as much as SJWs think they can change biology, they really can’t. All you need is the government to say “you can’t do this, only those we say are allowed” and that will be enough to stoke the fires envy.
        Demolition Man used to be a fun, “what if…” movie, I didn’t expect it to be so prophetic. At least we will finally figure out how to use the three seashells.

  7. Yes, androgen is a goal. However the elimination of consent is another more insidious goal that I am convinced is an end goal. Just as now it is becoming increasing illegal to oppose the sexual degeneracy on any level (Canada now has jail sentences for hurting transgender perverts feelings) soon it will become law that you cannot resist whatever immoral sexual act is advanced by a degenerate pervert. Of course this will be sold on the grounds of “love” and “acceptance” and all sorts of other gobbledygook. The fact that it is totally hippocratical of the politcal stances taken by the perverts in the opening and middle salvos of our culture wars should come as no surprise as we should see these people forwhom they truly are by now, yet I think it will doubtless be lost on the majority as we have become a nation of thoughtless sheep.
    In essance my reasoning boils down to this: because legally the degenerate perverts’ feelings now are beggining to trump your civil rights it logically follows that their behavior and proclivities will be soon given legal preference over your sanctity.

    1. So, you are saying that to deny consent will be considered homophobic at first, and eventually labeled a hate crime?

      1. We will end up just like Soddom and Gomorrah if things continue.

        1. Perhaps this is why there was a mob outside the house of Lott, who took in the Angels–the residents felt he was being homophobic for not given them access to the new people in town.
          I have sometimes wondered about this myself, though it feels a bit Chick Tract to me, I can’t say it hasn’t crossed my mind.

        2. Yes, once we accept sodomy as morally licit where do we draw the line? The thing about sodimy is that it is sexual rebellion and once approval is given to rebellion pandoras box is opened. It will push the limit till it arrives at its most base and degenerate form.
          It is still perhaps a 10-20 years away, I believe that pedophilia must be accomplished first before this takes place. But really what is the difference between pedophillia and the abolition of consent? Do we really think children can consent?

        3. Well, apparently children can consent to having a sex change, so it doesn’t seem that far in the future that we throw the whole concept of consent under the bus.

        4. Pedophilia AND/OR zoophilia. There are pro-zoophilia parties and movements all across Europe, right now.

        5. You know, a few years ago, Mark Sanchez, the Jets QB, met this girl at a nightclub who turned out to be 17. He ended up banging her and of course, the usual suspects came out to lecture him for “taking advantage of a child”. Even though he was 24. She wasn’t mature enough and blah blah blah.
          Yet, many of these same folks think a 7 year old is mature enough to decide on a sex change.

    2. That’s going to be a real problem for me. I’ve beat the Hell out of perverts that have made ‘passes’ at me in the past. I can’t seem to help it…I think I was just born this way. Genetically redneck.

      1. They have a solution planned for people like you, too. I’d wager it’s a solution of sodium thiopental and potassium chloride, if I had to guess.

        1. I have no idea what those compounds are but I’m guessing they weren’t popular at raves.

        2. ill give you a hint. If you kill seven people and rape five more, all while in Texas, you’ll likely be given a free lifetime supply of these two substances.

        3. I was going for the play on words with “solution”. But, yes, the utopians will attempt kill the rednecks, just as soon as they believe they have the upper hand.
          The Texas example seems overstated, though. Barely a fraction of the killing and raping is all you (would) need to do to get a free lifetime supply!

    3. A functional society represents the “tyranny of the majority”; everything is suited for cis, heterosexual and (in the case of western society) white, Christians.
      Now, we have the tyranny of the minorities.

  8. I agree that the ultimate goal of liberal thought is the of attainment utopia, and in being such, also an exercise in tragic futility. Ironically, to bring about the end of what we hate, we must also bring about the end of what we love. The end of sex itself portends to the end of what gives life meaning in the first place. Take away our suffering and you take away our pleasure. This strikes me as what those cuckolds are trying to do themselves: they give their wives away in an attempt to kill feelings, and ultimately end up killing themselves.

    1. yep, because ultimately that is what they want. to die. but they are too cowardly to kill themselves, so they are taking the rest of the world with them…

    2. Exactly, the negative emotions are just as necessary to our existence as the positive ones. Shame teaches pride, fear teaches courage, sadness teaches happiness, etc. The ancient Chinese and the eastern religions were very knowledgeable on this subject. (i.e. yin and yang).
      You can’t avoid the bad in life completely and any self respecting man should not want to. The hard times give you strength.

  9. They clearly want to remove the humanity from humans. Our sex is a crucial part of what defines who we specifically are. Saying you can change your gender is the equivalent of saying you can be whatever the fuck you want to be and no amount of science, fact, or reason prevents you from doing it. Androgynous people look mentally ill, because they are

  10. It cracks me up how these psychos reframe things as progress for example evolving beyond gender. Thats not an evolution thats a devolution. This whole thing is rationalized psychopathy. It’s degenerate. It’s taking the humanity out of humans and calling it progress. The masculine should be embraced by men and the feminine by women.

    1. Preach it Charles! Is it really healthy to be well adjusted to a sick society?

    2. No matter what they say, feminists know that there are real differences between the sexes. Notice how they want to shoehorn women into the military and fire service etc, but they don’t call for women to be NFL players or for women to fight men in boxing and MMA.
      See, in the military, men are around to pick up the slack and the results aren’t as visible. On the field, in the ring or in the cage, the results are immediate and there for all to witness. Imagine putting a woman in the ring with this guy.

      All of her women’s studies degrees and “gender is a social construct” nonsense will go out the window when those anvils posing as fist start crashing into her body. In the movies, 5’2 125 pound women in spandex and stilletos can easily work over a 6’3 220 pound man like him. In real life, he’d kill her or leave her broken beyond repair. Feminists know this. See if they’ll push for women to fight men in combat sports.

  11. Ah yes, socialism…….making everyone equally miserable. (besides the ruling class, of course)

    1. I am reminded of this great quote from Churchill- ‘Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery’. Very apropos with your observation I would say.

  12. In all aspects of life now a days it seems people like lies more than the truth. From subjects of money all the way down to this. How the fuck is the laziness of conforming so fucking appealing? Women may nod their pretty lil heads when it comes to androgyny, because it seems to empower them on the surface, but wtf will they do when no one can decide where to go out to eat?… Chaos Folks… CHAOS. Imagine how long it will take to pick a restaurant in this feminized society of no genders… I mean.. what the fuck.

    1. Blaise Pascal said ‘…people almost inevitably form their beliefs around what they find to be attractive rather than what they find to be true…’ It’s a sad commentary that there are those among us who would find a effete feminized world appealing.

      1. Its hard to become a man. Its much easier to reject the journey to masculinity and be androgynous. Ancient civilizations had several rites of passage to transform boys to men. This has died in the West and replaced by college and landing a soul sucking job. This wouldnt even be a problem if colleges and universities were run by alpha male, but the PC feminist institutions just make the problem worse.

  13. The Biggest Problem with this agenda is that they assume that the Masculine point of view causes conflict, when in reality it is the Feminine Point of view. Liberals, Feminist, Marxists, what ever you want to call them. They are using our Vessel for survival (the female body) against us by poisoning the female psyche.
    Its like someone not wanting you to go to an event so they put sugar in the gas tank of your car. Or if they want to kill you, they cut the brake lines. Women are our transportation forward so to speak.. How do you stop Men from being men?… Distort the method and we adapt, as men, its what we do, but what we are having to adapt to is unnatural. We have to stand our ground at some point.

    1. They have certainly destroyed the notion of protecting and caring for women in men. By making women aggressive, annoying, and “independent”, men have no desire to provide any security for women and this has disastrous effects on society. Men used to put women’s needs before their own for thousands of years. Slut shaming was a form of protection, ensuring that women have several high SMV male options until marriage.
      If women think that any act of protection or provision from men is oppressive, theyre rejecting the only help that can save them because we know older women take pleasure in ruining young girls.

      1. “older women take pleasure in ruining young girls.”
        This! That”s why envy is one of the seven deadly sins.

        1. FGM…..Female genitial mutilation or female circumcision.
          generally shamed as evil in the western world….except when its done to infant boys, then its holy and great even if it hurts boys more.
          I suspect bob is being sarcastic.

        2. No I’m not being sarcastic. I have personal experience of this and I did some research. FGM is pushed almost exclusively by older women to ruin young girls. Trust me, no man wants his wife to be circumcised.

        3. oh oops….I misread the thread. not sure how i interpreted it as you saying FGM for some kind good reason while being sarcastic about it. brain farts are real.
          though in some countries it isnt just the older women, although they are big about it, both parents just like americans and MGM are in favor of it. more american hypocrisy really.

      2. Feminism has really fucked up alot of lives. Watch the old harpies when a young woman walks by or a woman with her family in toe. Daggers of scorn. These women have no social value whatsoever and they have only themselves to blame.

      3. This is why I’m heavily inclined to believe that the west is effectively dead. Western men, or at least red-pilled western men, have absolutely no desire to defend their women any more, and why should they?

        1. I think its going to get a lot worse before its over for good. It will only end when the betas wake up and the thirst for pussy scraps is at an all time high so I don’t see that happening any time soon. As long as women know that there is a beta waiting at the end of their 20’s they have no incentive to change their behavior.
          I know its improbable, but I’m curious to know how many men are truly accepting the truth and avoiding marriage to feminists and sluts. I don’t think its higher than 5% of Western men.

        2. I think its fine to marry a woman who says she is a “feminist”. This is because, as long as you are alpha, they will put all that feminist shit aside and drop to her knees. Its what she wants, feminist or not.

    2. How do you stop Men from being men? You feed them corn flakes and Cheerios. Soy based baby formula instead of breast milk (two birds with one stone as you stop the woman being a woman).
      You send them to a school run by women, with a curriculum designed by women. You punish them by expulsion (instead of manly corporal punishment) for acting like boys (fighting, playing rough, playing war, etc.). You arrest them and give them sex offender records if they show appreciation of females (by “touching” them).
      In children’s TV you have effeminate or female presenters talking about “sharing is caring” and other junk. You make sure there are no “violent” cartoons like Transformers in the 80s. Ensure that there is a gay character on Sesame Street.
      You drug them with psychoactive drugs to keep them docile (even though some of them will turn homicidal and engage in mass shootings – perfect because now you have an anti-gun argument).
      And you maintain the feminizing food telling them “meat is murder”, eat Quorn instead. And then when you decide they are old enough, you feed them estrogen inducing beer and sit them in front of a TV watching sports.
      Job done.

      1. Honest question, you may not have an answer for but ill ask anyway. I’ve suspected that there was something up with beer, when the whole craft beer thing started, BIG Beer start buying up the small brewery’s and changing recipes. All the while still putting out ads against craft beer even though the Big Beer players own most of the craft brands now. Automatically made me question the agenda. Because it certainly cant be money motivated, even at my local pub I frequent independent craft beer only pub, well known as such, people walk in and ask for a bud lite and walk out because they don’t have it. Always struck me as odd. But I digress.

        1. Certainly ironic. Microbreweries started up in response to the weak mass produced product only to be bought up by mass producers who then start mass producing craft beer.

        2. I heard Mircrobrewerys started off here in the USA because of significant tax breaks.

        3. Dear English Bob-
          I heard about it on National Public Radio, but when I looked for it specifically I could not find it. I did find more generic tax breaks for new companies, specifically for R&D for new flavors (not kidding!) and also the first couple thousand barrels are tax-reduced to stimulate new businesses. But the NPR article did seem to be pretty specific…perhaps a detailed search involving NPR would dislodge something. It might have been specifically for New York State. By the way, Budweiser refers to itself as a “Macrobrew” which I thought fairly witty.

      2. It does seem that men have become more wimpy? Whatever happened to men like Jack Dempsey (1895-1983) the heavyweight champion of 1919-26 who fought with broken ribs and as a 16 year old fought grown men in bars in order to have something to eat. Desperate for money, Dempsey would occasionally visit saloons and challenge for fights, saying “I can’t sing and I can’t dance, but I can lick any SOB in the house”. And bets would be made if anyone accepted. He left home at 13 to work in coal mines.

        As an aside, when Mike Tyson first appeared in the 80s, people often compared him to Dempsey who died 2 years before Tyson turned pro at 87 years old. Many boxing writers joked about Mike Tyson being “possessed by the ghost of Jack Dempsey” or about Tyson being a black Jack Dempsey. It is also known in boxing circles that Tyson idolized Dempsey so much he tried to get his hair cut like his and he would go to the ring robeless as Jack Dempsey did. There’s a story that a mugger picked what he thought was a helpless old man. This old man turned out to be Jack Dempsey who being the advanced age of 70 years old, not the 24 year old he was when he became champion, still had it in him to floor the mugger with 1 punch and hold him until the cops arrived.Anyway I digress.
        Since 1919, we went from men like Dempsey to this pussy reporter in the video below. He looks to be late 20s, early 30s. He was punched in the face by a tough old guy who was at least 70. The reporter first reaction was to call the law and tell on the old man.

        Correction, it was 2 muggers according to Wikipedia. He still knocked them out and he may have been 75 instead of 70.
        If we could, by time travel, bring him from 1919, he’d be comedy gold at the many politically incorrect things he’d say out loud. I can only imagine his reaction to gay marriage or women in combat.

        1. I used to train with a tiny Thai man of around 60 years old. He used to kick my ass and everyone elses ass who stepped into his gym. I also used to train with an even scarier guy who won a World Heavyweight championship with smashed ribs. They are out there. They are just rare.

    1. Yeah, it’s a bullshit term. I use sex at every opportunity in conversation.

      1. And now I’m not longer eating gingerbread cookies. Thanks you dick 🙁

        1. They’re called gingerbread MAN cookies. Never heard it called gingerbread woman cookies…although in 2016, those would be a larger, round shaped cookie. You would get more with those rainbow colored Skittles for hair.

        2. I can’t believe I’m reading this comment funny and somehow tragic. Shit has got out of control with this gender attack. The elites are capable of far too much evil.

        3. Bob with some effort and perhaps kratom as an incentive you could look like this Ginger stud in no time..

      2. Notice how heterosexual is on the left and homo on the right where all of the male characteristics are.

      3. Man oh man. I work on college campuses, and have seen that lovely bit of idiocy both posted on the walls and taught in classrooms.

        1. As Jezebel would say.. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

      4. They want us all down the middle: Genderqueer, Androgynous, Intersexed Bisexuals. This will fulfill their dream of massive communal orgies with a constant supply of drugs. But where will profit come from?

  14. With everybody acting like a neutered fairy who is going to keep the lights on?

  15. Even provided they could get to a level of androgyny in the west, the rest of the world is going to either be slow in following or not follow as all like the Muslims.
    I think there have been some kinds of waves of similar tendencies in previous relatively advanced societies that then went belly up usually being conquered.
    So there are parallels to history, I think in that regard Europe if the furthest gone, but in some ways some Asian countries have their own weird versions. Like ladyboys etc.

      1. Thanks, I needed that. Also, what a damn cooler flag (final scene) than the one they have now! (I mean why have cool symbols when you can just have the same 3 stripes of colors as most countries).

    1. Well, so much for my Rammstein collection.
      Seriously, this is what we get just for wanting to stop illegals from taking our jobs?

    2. I … is this Rammstein??? I’m speechless. At first it looked like satire and trolling but, it’s clear this is a serious song. And it has so many elements of degenerate manipulation, culminating in the obligatory young female child shaming and cursing the viewer. I actually felt my skin shudder at that scene.
      Rammstein? The guys that made this?!?

      1. I enjoyed their older stuff, but when I actually heard them make commentary in past they outed themselves as the typical run-of-mill leftist pussies.

  16. “Social justice” really means “entropy.” If the SJW’s got their way, they would cause the heat-death of the human species by merging us all into one big ball of fungible human meat.

  17. Ironically feminism results in the reversion of sex roles to the hunter gatherer stage, where a handful of men build harems, while the rest of the men face sexual eviction.
    Notice that feminists don’t criticize Leo DiCaprio for having dozens of women all to himself on his yacht. When he takes 30-40 women with him on his cruises, he condemns a comparable number of other men to lonely nights.

    1. I’ve written on this “de-civilizing” effect of feminism and the harems that ensue on my site quite a bit. No society that did not practice strict monogamy (i.e. no carouseling, marrying young, producing offspring, and staying married) stayed civilized in an anthropological study covering 80 tribes and 6 high cultures. This was well-known even back in the 1930s, which leads me to believe feminism was unleashed on the West with goals in mind.
      This article was particularly interesting, coming from evolutionary research in England confirming that women naturally gravitate towards Alphas and leave other men out in the cold sexually. Women will do anything to be in an Alpha harem (like Leo’s), including having sex with other women based on the research.

      1. Do you have a link to the tribes/cultures study?
        I think the ‘societies’ where strict monogamy is not enforced have to be expansionistic and warlike, for example gengis khan I believe it was, is the ancestor of a large portion of Eurasians which makes me think their idea was largely around having more and more females available per man, by conquest.

  18. The attempt by SJWs to eliminate sex differences from western society is extremely valuable when it comes to understanding their internal motives, i.e. why they do what they do/hold their particular beliefs.
    These are the people who claim we hate “science” and “evolution”, yet they will try their hardest to argue with a straight face that a woman has the same innate physical abilities, adrenaline or aggression as a man, in order to get them into combat roles in the military.
    They tell us that we fail to understand the world around us because we don’t buy into the whole “gender is a social construct” thing, yet will ignore the fact that a guy who chops his dick off is still a guy… he just doesn’t have a dick anymore. As for the whole identification thing, I could identify as a shinguard, but it doesn’t change the fact that I’m a guy.
    Finally, they ridicule and malign those of us that cling to our guns and especially the ones who believe in God, telling us that we are “backwards” or “unenlightened.” However, they will never examine the fact that every political theory they believe in involves them playing god with our lives, which would turn them into the very thing they hate.
    Even the few SJWs that I’ve met that WERE honest about their beliefs admitted that they believe what they do because they hate themselves, and see the possibility of a “marxist utopia” as the opportunity for them to not see themselves as worthless.
    They’ll always be my enemy, but it must suck to live a pathetic life like that.

      1. The ones I knew from undergrad were nihilistic, and this was before they knew what my beliefs were.
        That and SJWs get drunk or high like the rest of us, they just say stupider things than the rest of us (such as admitting that they’re nihilists and such).

      2. You’d be surprised, one of the SJWs I’m referring to was known for deriding Christmas in his student newspaper articles.
        I came to find out he did so because his parents were atheists, and never allowed him to celebrate it like everybody else. Hence he became jealous.

        1. I was a little like that…. AS A CHILD!
          Yeah, being Jewish, we don’t celebrate Christmas either. So I was “bah humbug” all the time.
          I was involved in the school choir though. Being in the High School choir, you do performances and competitions. Where do you compete? A lot of times as a local church. Churches have good acoustics.
          When I was 14 or so, I was complaining about having to sing in a church, and my mother said: “If you want people to respect your religion, you can damn well start by respecting theirs!” That had an impact. Hell, I’m telling it to you today.
          Seems like some Atheists don’t give that advice. Maybe a lot of them. And a lot of other groups I could name.

  19. Idk. From my, albeit somewhat limited, experience with highly sex segregated cultures, I find these can result in very antagonistic relationships between partners. Bordeline abusiveness. And not just women being abused, but also abusing. When both parties in a marriage are highly dependent on one another while at the same time restricted in their roles, each will assert their power within their respective domain. I’m not suggesting sex differences don’t exist, what I’m suggesting is a cooperative effort where each party is recognized and appreciated for their contributions is ideally what we should strive for. People have unique talents and weaknesses, some of these are more prevalent in one or the other sex, but some are related to personality. Relationships that exploit one another’s strengths while buffering one another’s weak points are the only truly successful unions. Successful unions lead to successful societies.

  20. I believe that the tattoo culture is another element of this androgynization. Previously, tattoos were 99% male, and only worn by the most rough cut individuals: prisoners, war veterans, etc. Women can now “become men” in this regard, only they do not have to live in a man’s shoes – for example, be largely ignored, accept more responsibility, pay your own way, etc. They can adopt the fashion and viola…now they are just as cool as Robert Shaw in Jaws with his tattoo from the US Indianapolis.
    The propensity of tattoos in women symoblizes their desire to become men. Like they have done with so many other things, they appropriate male culture: i.e., they do not create their own sports, but rather, they create a women’s version of that sport.
    Now, future generations will be less likely to rebel against this atrocity, because…well, Mom has an arm-sleeve tattoo.

    1. And granny now has a tat on her left tit that’s supposed to be a butterfly, but because gravity and age cannot be beat, that butterfly looks more like a praying mantis.

      1. I was thinking it looks more like a hodge podge of ink like on a painter’s palette.

    2. Man, it’s sickening how many women have them. I refuse to date them. It’s just a complete turn off. “You’re just projecting your own insecurities and judging me! You aren’t man enough”, they say.
      Although you have every right to get that tattoo, it’s just not my natural instinct to be attracted to it. The real “social construct” is when men are giving up and forced to submit to this tatto/peircing epidemic among women, which is by the way a precursor to erradic behavior and tell all sign of promiscuity and later infidelity if you wife ’em up.

        1. That is absolutely disgusting and terrifying. Although I have heard Argentina went south about a decade ago. I’d be one angry white male and go postal if they succeed in removing all feminine women from every corner of the earth.

      1. No kidding! Man, I have NEVER seen a tattoo on anybody which I thought improved their appearance. Let alone the face piercings. Especially the one in the middle of the nose that makes them look like a bull, or on the lips. Huge turn off. I’ve seen pretty girls ruin their whole beauty with one of those facial piercings.
        And it stinks on men too. I went to a restaurant once with my wife and daughter. So a man there with his little 5 year old kids… a boy and a girl I think. The kids looked normal. The father had so many tattoos… arms, face, chest, all exposed flesh. He looked like a troll. And he wasn’t some gangster, I don’t think. Just some skinny white guy who would be a monster in an animated film.

        1. I’m convinced its a form of self mutilation. Most guys with excessive tattoos have aanger management/impulse issues and the girls have low self esteem.

      2. Social consructs, cultural appropriation, lack of honest communication…women are the worse trangressors for all of these things. Yet they love to point the finger at man for these.
        It’s like an alchoholic accusing a stranger of drinking too much.

    3. Feminism tells them that being a woman is the worst thing they can be. The only option is to become a man.

    4. When I was a kid I always wanted a bad tattoo. Now, I hate any kind of body self mutilation. This fact explains really good which kind of people get tattoos.

      1. Ditto. When I was a lost teenager, I toyed with the idea. Thank God I never pulled the trigger.
        I can excuse these youngsters who get inked. But when you see grandma getting a tattoo, it’s symbolic of somebody who is really reaching.

  21. My opinion is that feminism has morphed into a gender supremacist ideology that seeks to dominate men. It’s no longer about equality but about payback for the conspiracy theory of “Patriarchy”.
    Cultural Marxism on the other hand is a whole different ballgame. It’s basically a unconventional warfare system.
    See the clip below with the KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov filmed in 1984.

    1. The strange thing is that feminists STILL think it’s about equality. When you are constantly fed by the media daily about the false gender pay gap and all other non-existent male privileges, they still think they are oppressed. The media withholds all statistics that contradicts their agenda so the dumb masses think they’re still fighting for equality.

      1. Basically it’s double think in its purest form. As he said in the clip, they are so brainwashed and set in their ways from a young age. They won’t believe you even if you show them proof. It’s useless to even try to reason with them. You need to educate a whole new generation to tilt the balance in another direction. That’s some scary shit right there.

    2. He says KGB wanted to recruit from conservative circles people who could tell you a lie to your face, who have a big ego, because they won’t turn on you if disillusioned unlike leftist “useful idiots”. interesting. here is a 1963 Congress Report that says something very similar about the 45 things communist Russia is trying to influence the US to destroy it, most of which are Obama’s policy today
      20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
      21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
      24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.
      25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
      26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
      27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”

      1. Yes, it certainly explains why pressure on normalcy comes from both above and below. It’s like a societal virus that perpetuates itself even if it’s creators are no longer with us.

        1. It’s a weird thing, in that as a human you’re born and then you’re basically trying to fit in. So a large extent you follow the crowd and do what they do. But by preventing men from becoming masculine or discouraging men from understanding that they have to think for themselves, you create a generation of feminized cuck men in society who are virtue signaling by parroting this P.C. ideology in order to get approval from women, instead of growing up and being men. And they don’t know any other way. They don’t realize they’re handing away their God given right to be a man and getting nothing in return, because women won’t respect or want to fuck them when they’re so approval thirsty, and they are in fact contributing to the spreading of this P.C. virus.

      2. “Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.”
        All the while egregiously censoring anybody that disagrees with them.
        The entire anti-censorship thing is likely a ruse.
        Easy to see how it works.
        “If they can put all kinds of sick stuff on TV and movies then my right to speak my mind can’t possible be in jeopardy.”

        1. I heard on WBEN yesterday that if the fairness doctrine comes back, then talk radio as we know it is DOOMED.

    3. Recruited obnoxious, self important pricks, eh?
      Explains a lot.
      All these useful idiots will eventually be lined up and shot, eh?
      Well, guess there’s something in the future to look forward to after all.

    4. So Walter Mondale was to be one of the ‘benevolent dictators’ ?
      Reagan must have set their plans back about 10 years.
      Maybe Trump can stop them entirely.

    1. That demographic champions science but conveniently disregarss human biology and behavior when it comes to gender/sexual roles and abortion.

      1. Yeah, sjws use the theory of evolution to make fun of Christian creationists as being backwards, but then they completely ignore what evolutionary psychology has to say about the reality of gender differences. It’s because liberalism is a dysfunctional religious faith that denies any reality they are uncomfortable with, or that challenge their faith; which is the very thing they accuse Christians of.

  22. If this keeps up I can’t imagine how much more fucked up people are going to be in the future.

  23. As opposed to an extreme Patriarchal society where the few well-off men dominate the sexual marketplace via having large harems? Where the average schmoe’s chance at getting women is to pillage another tribe’s women?

    1. Got a problem with pillaging? That’s how I got my wife anyway, worth the trip.

  24. On this idea of people becoming robots (or the robots taking over and doing away with us).
    There’s actually a good chance that ‘machine life’ could end up recreating males and females.
    If some of the robots decide to start outsourcing the process of copying themselves over to other units, prefering instead to specialize in uploading their blueprints (sperm) to those units then they will become defacto males.
    And the units that produce their ‘progeny’ for them will be defacto females.
    And just as in biology, the manufacturing units will become the limiting step and a NEW ‘sperm’ to ‘egg’ bottleneck will emerge.
    Expect to see ‘male’ robots engaging in big mech wars with each other for exclusive rights to those factories ‘harems’.
    Also if the maker robots have a certain amount of autonomy then you run the risk of having feminism AGAIN.
    Yes, that could actually happen.

  25. I think in the coming years, both men and women will choose the ‘roles’ that works for their relationship and best for themselves.

  26. Ever noticed that because of their insistence on “inclusion” you just can’t go off to avoid these people, feminists, transgenders etc to build a better world around you: no they have to come bother you and mess it up and suck up whatever you’ve created. At the same time they insists on “safe spaces” for themselves where they can plot and scheme.
    At their heart they know they are parasites.

  27. None of the leftist nonsense even fits together on its own merit. Forget even arguing against rightist principles. Just look at leftism and how ITS OWN principles don’t gibe.
    –Men should be allowed into women’s bathrooms! ……Uh, in a rape culture? Your sure you want rape culture men to roam around like that?
    –Welcome Muslims! …..Enjoy the Hijab, McKayla! Not exactly freeing the nipple, eh?
    –There are no good men…… Man up and marry me!
    –Androgyny now! Where have all the good men gone?
    –Pay gap!…..I’m not working with a bunch of nerds!
    –Stop fat shaming me! Ugh, dad bods are gross!

    1. Epic. The problem is that we, as logical people, are trying to apply logic to emotion.

  28. look carefully at the figure of the baphomet below, which is a photo put up by the statue the Satanic Temple. What do you notice? Well, one thing you might notice is his manly chest. Except Eliphas Levi’s Baphomet drawing doesn’t have a manly chest, he is supposed to have breasts. This is what one of the representatives of temple had to say about it in this excerpt from the BBC news website
    “Levi’s Baphomet was a hermaphrodite, with breasts, “but we took the breasts off,” says Greaves. The Temple did not want to get embroiled in a debate about gender which might distract from what it believes are the more important messages of the Baphomet…..Instead, he says, the boy and girl reflect that “male-female dualism” seen in Levi’s Baphomet.
    There is no more important message. That is the message, and its absence points to what is being hidden. My point is not that all of this is Satanic, but it is influenced profoundly by occult and hermetic ideas of dualism, and of the principle of gender (it’s reduction to base material). This article points out correctly that the elites wish to remake the world, or rather in their view to correct and improve it (gender differentiation representing one form of ‘oppression’).
    In general I am against loose use of terms like Satanic, or even occult, as it completely misunderstands what is being done here: the people who are pushing this are convinced this is for the betterment of the world. If you wish to query whether that is the case you need to look at the actual arguments, and the case being made. Has gender differentiation, gender dimorphism, sexual reproduction run its course? Is it a nightmare of rape and domination? Or is the nightmare, what the elites are planning: the post-human, post-biological future in which God is improved on, by a divine and ‘spiritualised’ humanity?
    This is a good article, which is as direct about what is going on as any I have read, but I also think one needs to be careful to be as accurate as possible with respect to characterising the issues at stake. Re. cultural marxism, it’s too often seen from the outside. The quote used, is a hostile one, that would probably be unrecognisable to most of those who might be described as such. My point here is that, while I strongly believe there is an occult / hermetic side to what passes as progress, it is not necessarily all of a piece. There is no evidence that occult or hermetic principles of gender, would have been known to Marcuse amongst others, even though he was one of the keenest proponents of ending gendered oppression, to the point of instituting matriarchy. What seems likely to me is that there is a reservoir of occult, progressive and marxist ideas relating particularly to gender from which all those who are unhappy with the traditional family, masculine leadership etc, have tended to draw.
    There is a great opportunity to expose the profound silliness of this hubristic project, but that can only happen if we remain on point, and remain fair-minded. They are not all Satanists, or all marxist revolutionaries. They are however all fucked in the head

    1. Very well said, an excellent and sharp post. I am energised to see I am not the only one thinking along these lines.

      1. thanks. The more closely you look the more the esoteric seems to play a part

    2. The key to understanding Marxism, nihilism (satanism), Luciferianism and a host of other subversive ideologies is to realize that they are ALL vehemently anti-nature, determined to be “against the grain”. This psychology of total rebellion leads to people placing their petty egos over EVERYTHING else in the cosmos. It does not take a genius to see how the potential for destruction, error and insanity is contained in this warped world view.

      1. yes, I agree. Someone here recently point out the gnostic connection (vogelin), and that is pretty much the – very broad, but nonetheless rarely understood – context in which the wars over progress take place.

  29. Deep-seated self-hatred is the main drive behind feminism, not necessarily androgyny. Feminists, who are overwhelmingly female, are unhappy with their gender, and would do everything possible to change it. They crave to be men, but biology would not allow their sorry behinds, so they settle for androgyny.

    1. It’s interesting that males who hate their gender (cucks) also flock to feminism.

  30. “Leftists tell us that feminism started in the 1960s as a way of achieving the liberal code word “equality.” What initially sounded like a noble venture has led to disastrous results”
    Let us not even concede them that – there is nothing noble about “equality”. It has been the aim of most fanatical tyrannies over the last two centuries and caused untold bloodshed.
    Men and women are different. It’s absurd and against nature to try to make them “equal”. It is not noble or “a good idea but just not practically possible”. It’s a bad idea, an impossible, anti-human and undesirable idea that destroys families and societies.

  31. The odd part is that the leftists saying that both genders are the same are the ones screaming loudest that you can change genders. If they are the same, why do you have to change?

  32. Ok, I’m following this. Not buying all of it but I get the drift. Why Western culture? I’m assuming they think we’re he weakest because we have it all. And what we have the most of is lawyers and “the rule of law.”
    Make resistance to cultural marxism expensive, uncertain and eventually illegal then they put it on cruise control.

  33. Turning into machines is a two way fail
    It’s a dictator’s wet dream of a cyber totalitarian state and the dream of humans that failed as a human like beta males and feminists

  34. That Star Trek episode was actually in support of transgender individuals. You can actually look it up. Star Trek actually has a lot of leftist morals because Gene Roddenberry was Humanist.

  35. The solution to this is grass roots. When enough individuals have had enough and just aren’t going to play along, and fuck the consequences, all of this comes to an end. Of course, so does Society. I’m starting to not really care.

  36. The goal of the Soviet Union, has long been Global Communism. To achieve Global Communism, Capitalism and GOD must be eliminated.
    Communism is a classless system whereas Capitalism has a class structure. The goal of the Communist, was to infiltrate the West, and indoctrinate using Cultural Marxism. Cultural Marxism promotes Feminism, Racism, conflict between male and female, sexual experimentation within the classroom, a monitory struggle in the workplace between mail and female, The destruction of the home, all leading to the cultural corruption of the West.
    Ancient Empires have corrupted their civilizations, much like the West has, by means of cultural and moral decline. The remnants of these ancient civilizations, litter the landscape of the globe. Sodomy was common, to each of these empires.

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