7 Examples Of The “Pussy Pass” In Action

Following up last week’s article where four innocent men were coerced into giving false confessions and then imprisoned for over a decade for a crime the prosecutor knew they didn’t commit, this week we are going to look at the other side of the law. Specifically, the pussy pass, and what happens when it is effectively used. Here are a few cases of this powerful “get out of jail free” card:

1. Killed A Man


Sharon Howell, 44, of Boise, Idaho, ran into a cyclist while driving drunk, killing him. Kurt Krieger, 46, of Boise was struck by Ms. Howell and died instantly. If you remember the Navy case from last week, the police had their first innocent man in jail less than 24 hours after the murder occurred. In this case, Howell, who was the known perpetrator, was not arrested until eight months later. Howell was charged with felony vehicular manslaughter, and sentenced to 4 years of probation and a suspended drivers license for killing a man.

2. Committed Arson


2/10 WNB

South Carolina woman Talina Bratcher, 29, committed arson and destroyed a lakehouse owned by her parents where she was living with her three children. She reportedly set the fire, and handed her two-year-old toddler to a neighbor so she could watch the fire burn. She was arrested and charged with 3rd degree arson. Comments from her parents included, “Everybody is fearful. I worry in years to come of what she might do. She picks up rocks and cleans them. She needs to get adequate help for drugs and her mental health.”

Talina was sentenced to 5 years probation. No mention was made of her suitability to retain custody of the children.

Men went to a lot of work to create a vibrant mental health community, analyzing, studying, and creating the DSM for diagnosing and treating diseases, building special facilities with well-trained staff to house and treat mentally ill patients, and protecting the rest of the society from dangerous individuals. The facilities are often quite nice, with Victorian style architecture, large rooms, pleasant views, drugs to wipe the unpleasantness from the mind, and adequate staff to provide one on one care.

The efforts of these men from our grandparent’s generation are now fully wasted. These mental health facilities are being torn down and clear cut candidates such as Bratcher are set free instead of sentenced to an institution.


If Talina Bratcher isn’t a candidate for a mental health ward, who is?

3. Killed A Man And Fled The Scene

27-year-old Maria Martinez was driving in Lubbock, Texas when she looked into her purse for her cellphone and felt an impact. She had hit jogger Matthew Valadez, disfiguring his body so badly the family had to have a closed casket funeral. Matthew’s sister describes his body as “shattered glass that was pieced together”, his face swollen to twice its size, a bulge protruding from the right side of his neck where it broke when he was struck by Maria’s vehicle. After hitting Matthew, Maria fled the scene.

Facing between 2 and 20 years in prison, Maria gave the defense that “her mental illness distorted her perception of reality and convinced her she did not hit Valadez and hit a telephone pole instead.” It is hard to find humor here, but I did laugh at the social worker’s description of Maria as “being child-like but possessing average intelligence.” How many women does that describe? Maria was sentenced to 10 years probation, no mention of a suspended driving license.


Oops, had to tweet something, my bad.

4. Drugged Multiple Victims And Six-Figure Theft

New York strippers Karina Pascucci and Marsi Rosen hung around fancy hotels looking for rich businessmen, flirted with them, drugged their drinks, stole their wallets and charged hundreds of thousands of dollars. Unlike the other ladies discussed here, these girls did receive some jail time—four months of weekends in jail and 5 years probation-–likely because they stole from some well connected powerful men. But still a very light sentence considering the crime.


WB, sober, with wallet and keys safely hidden

5. Sexually Assaulted Two Young Boys For Four Years


25-year-old Shawna Nerby of Lower Lake, California, sexually assaulted two boys repeatedly when they were ages 6 and 8, for approximately 4 years. She was charged with first degree sodomy and first degree rape, but plead guilty to lesser charges and was sentenced to 5 years probation.  She has a child of her own that was taken into custody, but she may be allowed to parent the child if she follows the restrictions placed on her.

6. Severed Construction Worker’s Legs, Fled Scene


My pussy pass is taken for 2 years 🙁

26-year-old Amanda Brown, a rich Alabama woman, and heiress to her grandfather’s fortune, was driving her SUV after midnight on a Saturday night, when she flew past lit barricades and cones, plowed through a traffic circle, and pinned the legs of construction worker Bobby Joe Smith, screaming, between her bumper and the sharp edge of a bulldozer.  Smith’s legs were immediately severed, and his co-workers used duct tape to keep him from bleeding out before he was taken to the hospital, where his legs were amputated and part of his colon removed.

Brown, meanwhile, attempted to flee the scene, then abandoned her car and stumbled home to her apartment a few blocks away. When police arrived, she admitted “I was drunk when I did it.” She reportedly mouthed off at police on her trip to the station, referring to her family’s wealth and prominence.

Bobby Joe Smith is no longer able to walk, or work again, in any meaningful way. He was toiling away late at night replacing a natural gas line so rich girls like Amanda Brown could have hot water to take 30 minute showers with, and working at night so she wouldn’t be inconvenienced with the traffic delays it would cause during the day. So how was Brown punished? Two years of unsupervised probation. Which basically means, you are free, just don’t do it again for two years or you may be punished.

7. Maimed Male College Freshman, Fled


Part Time Waitress Ashley Coleman

Ashley Coleman, 24, was driving with a .22 blood alcohol content when she struck USC Freshman Mac Dunbar, standing in the road median, shattering his body and causing permanent brain injury.  Over the five years since the accident, Mac has undergone 18 surgeries, after breaking practically every bone in both legs, shoulder and arm. He has “massive hardware” including screws, pins, and plates in both legs, and his arm and shoulder.  After years of therapy and training, he has been able to re-learn how to speak and walk.

Mac was a varsity athlete in basketball, soccer, and tennis, a student leader, and pillar of his community. He almost died at the scene due to the severity of his injuries, and was only saved because there was an ambulance at the intersection on a food break. Mac was in a deep coma for two months before his family or doctors knew if he would recover. He was transferred to an intensive brain unit in Atlanta, Georgia for five months.

As director of the S.C. Crime Victims Council stated, “There are some things that are worse than death–having a lifetime of not being the same person that you were.” Witnesses report after hitting Mac, the woman “hit the gas and kept going.” She was only discovered because a taxi driver tailed her and called police. Her sentence? Five years probation with one year home detention.

It’s Only A Crime If A Man Does It


Of course, the current rape hysteria on college campuses is centered around the ridiculous idea that intoxicated sex is rape (but only the man can be punished). Every time a couple leaves a bar together and goes home to have sex, a rape is happening minutes later. Under this redefinition of “rape” the 1-in-5 stat is probably true.

No, Really, Women Cannot Commit Crimes


Lest the reader think that these are just uncoordinated mistakes made by our flawed legal system, I will direct your attention to an article published over a year ago in The Washington Post by a Social Work professor at UIC titled “We Should Stop Putting Women In Jail For Anything.” This is not a ROK headline on April Fool’s Day. This is an actual movement to stop punishing women no matter what.

I really can’t consider any of her arguments seriously, but be aware that there is a movement to stop punishing women whatsoever for their actions. As we can see in the cases above, this is already happening.

Read More: Women Get A Pussy Pass Even For Killing Children

310 thoughts on “7 Examples Of The “Pussy Pass” In Action”

  1. This looks like it’s time to show those judges some damn justice. The old fashioned kind.

    1. “If you’re one of the ones who’s paid to care,
      About truth or justice or health,
      And you don’t give a damn except for the fee,
      We’re sick of you.”
      BB You 14:1-4

      1. Yes exactly this is what I meant. First a week shackled in the public square for all to mock and spit at, then this.
        Then OBL their bodies at sea with a “proper muslim burial”, and erase all records except a mention of their crimes and punishment.

      2. Toward the end of Season 4 of Hell on Wheels (a television series I highly recommend), a main female character shot a man. After his death, she was hanged.
        Old west justice.

      3. I think that’s Hang Em High. A good western, by any measure, though Leone’s were slightly better. I’ll gladly watch any Eastwood western any day.

  2. It’s a good thing they didn’t include the DV cases when the woman claims she was beaten before killing him. This article would have been a tl;dr in that case.

  3. I don’t know which is worse: that women get sentenced to probation for homicides and men get 10 years for drug possession or that we still let women drive.

  4. Maybe we should bring back brothels for this purpose. And the woman has a choice, go to jail or “community service”.

      1. Right, it would hardly serve as punishment or even a breach of their regular character!

      2. That’s the point. It finally gives them an excuse to be the sluts they truly love to be.

  5. Loss of masculinity, loss of frame, loss of social decorum, increase in apathy, increase in permissiveness, increase in feminine acting-out, time to employ an older, more effective disciplinary method to our womenchilds:

    1. Lol at the comments :
      “Oh, Elvis. 😍 He could put me over his knee and give me a good thrashing any time he wanted.”
      “Hell yeah, Must be nice to be spanked by Elvis!!”
      “omg what a lucky actress!”

      1. It’s amazing how many women still get totally wet over the young Elvis. Even younger girls.

    2. Wow, and look at all the classy, attractive, feminine women at the table! What the hell happened to this country?

    1. Funny how it never works that way isn’t it? If they were both drunk, how could one have moral and legal agency and one could not? Are women children, is that what they’re implying with the (original) poster?

      1. and if you’re accused of this bullshit…then I would go after everyone. You instruct your lawyer to go after her, her family, the school, administrators, etc…
        In the end, it’s going to take men striking back (in some fashion or another) to fix it all. We can’t keep going down this road of “she isn’t responsible”.

        1. PPD.
          Prevention – intervene as soon as you notice the corrupting influence of feminism on the developmental mind of the female in question. Taking into account the tendency toward perpetual childishness, this should stay in effect until around age 70.
          Punishment – When she commits a crime she must be held to the standards of the other adults (men) around her or she’ll never learn to associate the concept of consequences to her actions or learn that negative outcomes are unpleasant and therefore to be avoided.
          Discipline – Being friends with your new-found grown child is not an effective parenting tool as four decades have now proven. If her single mom or beta dad didn’t do a good job you’ll need to finish what they didn’t care enough to. A flat, open hand to the buttocks region applied with some degree of force may work wonders both as negative reinforcement to discourage bad behavior and to destroy the fantasy superiority bubble her ego has too long been creating unchecked.

        2. Assuming there will be sufficient “men” left with the balls to strike back.

        3. If men collectively decided, tomorrow, that feminism is over..it would end over night.
          That’s what’s so frustrating.

        4. Either women have agency or they don’t. It’s a law of logic: a thing cannot be and not be at the same time in the same way.
          If they do, then they are every bit as responsible for their actions and choices as men, and should get the same sentences for the same crimes. In addition, they should be punished for attempting to use the law as a bludgeon against anyone they don’t like, just like men.
          If they don’t, they should be married to strong men and given no choice in anything, because they cannot act in a rational manner. Lacking agency, they should be treated as chattel.

        5. Feminism isn’t about logic or equality. It’s about superiority and feelings.

        6. Men don’t have to strike back. they merely need to withdraw. Withdraw their consent. Walk away.

        7. Women readily dismiss logic because the majority of them don’t know what it means, and don’t know how to apply it to their thought processes. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Sounds logical enough to us as men, but to women this means NOTHING. Emotions and irrational justifications for their emotions are all they have. That’s why women don’t have any accountability for their actions. They’ve been taught to run to people who’ll enable their toxic behavior (daddy, mommy, HR, police, the government), and everything will be ok, no matter WHAT she did in the first place.
          Men need to teach women how to think and how to conduct themselves. If we don’t do it, then who the fuck are they getting their guidance from? Just one example from my own life – A few years ago, I took an Ethics class and sat next to a female who I used to have decent conversations with. At the table in front of us was a couple who hated each other, and they didn’t wanna be there. One day me and the chick were talking about how dumb relationships are, and the miserable cunt turns around and says, “Can you shut the fuck up?” Now, I had the option to laugh it off, but since her boyfriend was sitting right there I figured I’d make her feel like an asshole.
          “No, thank you. Especially since you’re a girl, and you can’t make me stop doing a goddamn thing.” Then she gasped at her boyfriend to get him to do something. I said, “Don’t look at him like he’s gonna defend your honor, bitch. You’re so arrogant, you think someone is gonna fight over YOU? All your doing is putting him on the spot because he hasn’t taught you how to control your fuckin mouth in public. That’s why he can’t stand you. That and he knows he settled, when he could do better than a dumb, unnaturally tanned bitch like you.” They both got red in the face, turned around, and never turned back for the remainder of the semester. Point is, I talked to her in a way no man in her life has previously, and now she has the options to think before she speaks, and that if she says something disrespectful, she might get embarrassed for doing so. And for her boyfriend, I gave him the out he needed to dump that bitch and find a decent woman.

        8. And that same day…the women would declare the pussy off limits. Face it, men are weak. We let them run things because we don’t want to fight them over sex.

        9. No they wouldn’t, as without feminism and the laws that go with it women couldn’t withhold anything men wanted. You are forgetting that for most of history there was no feminism, and women certainly didn’t withhold sex.
          Also you are forgetting women like sex as much as men, they aren’t going to all suddenly decide they never want sex again. Some old, fat and other unattractive women would certainly protest, but they would just be ignored.
          Only weak men let women control them because they are scared of losing access to pussy. Strong men don’t tolerate being pussy whipped, and consequently they are rewarded with a lot more pussy. Girls love dominate men, not weak men who allow themselvs to be mascualted.

        10. And….. that’s why women claim all men are rapists…because people like you imply FORCEING women to sleep with them against their will. Wise the fuck up and stop painting all mean as violent rapists.

        11. Chill out you pussy, I never said men should rape women. You must be American with your obsession with rape. I simply pointed out what you said was rubbish. Men with game, status and looks never have to worry about being denied pussy, there are always plenty of girls willing to sleep with them. Without feminism it would become even easier, as most girls would want to settle down with a man, and there would be less risk involved for men.
          Women love to be dominated too, they want a man who knows what he wants and goes after it when he feels like it. Women in a relationship with dominate men won’t suddenly deny them sex, especially if the law stopped encouraging women to screw over men.

        12. You clearly don’t live in the United States because if you did you’d probably be a crime statistic by now. Wise up and stop commenting on things you don’t understand.
          You’re a feminist’s dream come true…a brash, cock sure horn dog who would force himself on some chick, get arrested and end up as a poster child for why all men are pigs and why there need to be stricter laws to protect women form ass hats like you.
          Go ahead and pretend feminism doesn’t exist and how you’d dominate women if everything were different… but do us all a favor and don’t pull that shit in the US until you understand just how badly you’d be fucking us all over under the current laws and social pressures.

        13. Haha, you are really not very intelligent, you didn’t listen to a thing I said. You have a bizarre fixation on rape, its not healthy. I live in the UK which is almost as bad as the US, and I do just fine. I don’t force myself on girls; dominating girls doesn’t mean making them have sex against their will. Dominating girls means taking charge both in and out of the bedroom, its what most women are turned on by and what they crave. American girls especially crave being sexually dominated, the ones I slept with loved it rough; they wanted to be tied up, spanked and choked.
          I know feminism exits, and I still get laid a lot in spite of it. In fact in some ways you could say it helps players like me, as women become more promiscuous and often want entertainment rather than resources from men.
          There are plenty of players on here who live in the US, and I guarantee some are more dominate with girls than me. To suggest they are messing things up for other guys by being good with women is laughable. It sounds to me like you have very little success with women, hence your lack of understanding at what turns them on.

        14. There are men and there are…things with testicles and a dick.
          2 entirely different characters.

        15. Not the women I’ve known. They’d as much allow a pajama boy to be a lover as I would.

        16. Women only have agency because of the mythical threat of rape and assault. Get rid of the cooked statistics and media bullshit and women would have NOTHING to give them an edge in society.

        17. You have mistaken ! They “need” SEX as much as we need, they “desire” SEX as much as we desire, they “think” of SEX as much as we think, they “fantasize” SEX as much as we fantasize.
          It’s just that we un-necessarily pedestalize the cunts !!!

        1. Yep, I did. Something about that last trump worshipping article. Had to start a new disqu account. No warning, no explanation, Stalin style.

        2. Well apparently some men act like men and confront those who oppose their opinions face to face, while others hide behind a keyboard and ban people for simply disagreeing with his position, like women do over at Jezebel.

        3. It was a very low blow. I may have kind of pedestalized Rok, regarding free speech and everything.
          I hope Lolknee will be able to come back. Rok is not the same without his nihilistic Kantian rants.

        4. He could come back under a different handle, but he simply doesn’t want to. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. We are bigger than these petty antics of banning someone because they hurt your feelz. This site is supposed to be promoting masculinity after all.

        5. I feel incredibly sheepish now and likely owe commenter “Jordan” some sort of apology.
          I was all, “This is a niche piece, we all know what we’re getting, but we don’t want to start censoring the articles now do we? Just have fun and enjoy yourself” that morning. Ha!
          Pretty much feeling like a complete JO after that now and the many times I defended how we “allow a vast array of men’s opinions” (just not interested to hear from women and gays). BOOM! Shot to shit in an instant and now the “See? Y’all are just like them. I told you so.”

        6. @Roosh
          I suspect Matt Forney banned lolknee for no reason other than lolknees not kowtowing to the Trump line. If that was the case, can you review and at least let lolknee know why he was banned? There were no warnings, no notice and no email explanation like most people get. Just curious.

        7. Yep. No warning, no discussion, nothing, just boom, because he apparently had the temerity to say that Trump may well NOT be the greatest political mind in American history, as Forney actually wrote. He was a college professor, I think he has a pretty fucking good argument to back that up with that Forney didn’t even bother to challenge him on. I’m assuming here that Matt did it, if not, then my bad. But it’s a strong, strong hunch.

        8. Its lame, not bc he banned him, but bc he didnt post as a mod and say “banned”. I would respect Matt more if he owned up to it…I saw nothing

        9. Nope. And lolknee, while being a prime comedy asset here, is also responsible for an awful lot of very well thought out, reasoned posts that explore topics in depth. To ban him for calling out Forney on Trump is petulant and effeminate. That’s Jezebel stuff right there.

        10. I got banned off RVF for basically the same thing: disagreeing with a mod. When I emailed him and asked if we could discuss the issue, he turned my temporary ban into a permanent one. I had a pretty good number of rep points and I’d been there awhile. But I never bothered to go back. What’s the point under those circumstances?

        11. Makes me wonder what happened to Mistral and DoktorJeep. Nevermind, Jeep is here posting 🙂

        12. Don’t do this ROK, they are 2 of the most known posters around along with u and GOJ, I’d bet many come here to see that groups opinion on things, without the great posters this site has what is it really?

        13. Im very disappointed rn lolknee is one of the few commenters i look for when scrolling through the comments

        14. It’s probably just temporary. I think he made some personal comment against one of the authors here. I laughed when I read it, but it’s not something I would have said.

        15. Gotcha well i hope its temporary and i think ik the comment you’re talking about on the Trump article

        16. and marcus aurelius, heisenberg, scorpio666…miss those guys…guess theres nothing left to say at this point

        17. LOL…danny ramos, shep shultz, beefy levenson, Tim…list goes on and on…

        18. Here here. I’ve been busy so I haven’t been spending much time here, or online in general. Kneeman had some solid advice and was probably the funniest guy on here. I’d trade Forney’s articles for lolknee’s comments any day. Lift the ban Roosh!

        19. I was wondering why I wasn’t seeing lolknee the last few articles.
          Just another reason to dislike Forney.

        20. Before I go too far down that road, it would probably behoove us to see if it was actually him that did it. Wouldn’t want to burn bridges unnecessarily.

        21. Brave Matt Forney ran away
          Bravely ran away away
          “I didn’t!”
          When danger reared its ugly head
          He bravely turned his tail and fled
          Yes brave Matt Forney turned about
          And gallantly he chickened out
          Bravely taking to his feet
          He beat a very brave retreat
          “All lies!”
          Bravest of the brave Matt Forney
          “I never…!”

        22. I’ve been to the trump thread on rvf. Just criticising trump or his actions can get you banned or put on thin ice. I understand that they have standards, I just think their standards are approaching that of a cult.

        23. Totally, if we can’t have dissenting opinions then really this site is no different than the multitude of echo chambers the internet forums seem to have become.

        24. I’ve gotten banned by Matt as well so I’m not surprised. And like him, with no explanation, warnings, or notices.

        25. Ask him to send a screenshot of the proof.
          You know what they say. Pics or it didn’t happen.

        26. *** PROOF WAS PROVIDED ABOVE ***
          Fuck this place. I thought this place was free of this kind of bullshit. Whoever placed the ban should be banned himself and lolknee reinstated. Until then fuck this place piece of shit faggot cock sucker

        27. Oh no! A personal comment! He hurt his feelings… Is this the kind of place ROK really is? Who is running this site?
          I thought it was Roosh. Remember when the alleged Stormfronters came in the first time they tried to body Roosh in the comments and they posted a fuck-tonne of shit about him. But that was left alone.

        28. These are the same tactics ball-less cuck faggots who sit in positions that are undeserved for them use whereas doggystyle would be the only position suited for them.
          Of course you won’t. Because you know you made a faggot cuck move.

        29. Yeah Scorpio randomly popped up in one article awhile back I think it was Moner’s. Let’s hope they are fighting the good fight while away.

        30. If only I knew how to hack I would stick my dick into the ROK servers and fuck them until they died.

        31. Exactly. That was the only thing that separated ROK from the rest of them. Now they up and ban one of the funniest and intellectual regular commenters arbitrarily? You fuckin kiddin’ me?

        32. “Trump may well NOT be the greatest political mind in American history, as Forney actually wrote. He was a college professor, I think he has a pretty fucking good argument to back that up with that Forney didn’t even bother to challenge him on.”
          Yet you’re still able to post and you said it was absolutely provable (or some such wording) that Trump wasn’t the greatest political mind in American history. Therefore, it wouldn’t be that whoever was banned contradicted Forney’s statement, but how it was done. You wouldn’t expect to be able to insult George Washington during the Revolution and not expect to be shunned (at the least) by the Revolutionists would you? There’s probably more at stake with Trump’s coming to power than there was with the Revolution. The Revolution was merely about independence, whereas Trump’s coming to power is about basic survival.

        33. I got banned from Breitbart, never even posted either, so I’m not sure what that was about.

        34. I’ll have to read through this as well. Lolknee is a cool guy.

        35. I think it was his cool, level headed nature that got the target painted on him which is damned unfortunate. It’s not even like he was overly liberal in any sense, but nihilistic and optimistic enough to give an opinion that stems from dealing with a lot of people in a liberally conservative environment. And the man shot honest and straight. You can’t ask for more from a man.

        36. Have all of those guys been banned or just don’t post? Shep is family around these parts and a brother in arms in humorous postings and crafty wordplay. Beefy used to be a mod. Marcus Aurelius and Heisenberg were also great guys and commentators too.

        37. Who fucking banns people? WTF is this!
          If you want people to be able to express themselves freely without fear of tyranny then this shit better stop or Im out.

        38. That would be pretty sad as I’ve seen others make personal comments against mods including myself towards Roosh, so that would be a sad turn. Then again it maybe wasn’t so noticeable as myself and the others weren’t as regular and as popular, but that would be even more pathetic.

        39. why is this a surprise? just reading how hard he was going in on Forney was pretty apparent he was either daring someone to ban him, or he was going to be out of sheer obligation of being a mod. They way he was going at the whole Trump line was similar to feminists going at someone talking shit about women’s ability to lead a home or a gays ability to make any sort of sense when speaking aloud. it got pretty belligerent and deserved a ban. lolknee knows it too. can we not move on without him?
          I agree the comments are often the best part but don’t discount yourself for being able to contribute by yearning for the comments of a particular dude to make your daily visit to ROK worthwhile. jeez. this whole thing makes me want to attend a meet up more and more just to see who is for real. some of the reactions to certain things makes me question if some of the commenters are really who they claim to be. let the banned deal with their own shit and move on, no need to litter the comment section with this bs when we are looking for the next lolknee to provide commentary.. maybe be that next guy instead of depending on someone else to “say what you were thinking”
          * aimed toward everyone not unabashed. new to this commenting thing

        40. you’ll get to know me soon enough, my work comp just started allowing me to comment due to firewall restrictions. you started off with 1 post once too right? for the record I wasn’t replying to you as much as I was to all the down ward replies from your post.

        41. WTF?
          I come here for the articles secondarily and the resulting discussions are main reason I return. It ain’t the Power of Kratom ads nor do I give a damn about gaming foreign women.
          Roosh: GOJ, DokterJeep, Lolknee, CheeseburgerX2, TomArrow, Conrad Stonebanks and many others drive this site for me. Forney is a single voice and a small one at that. I don’t give a fuck about him when the folks above are providing dialog and well thought out opinions, consistently.
          I know content and ads are drivers. Look down here, people are talking. We are the audience. I come back for these contributors.
          Did Matt do this? Does his “man pussy” hurt? Lolknee is a great contributor. That’s completely lame. That’s “Social Justice Warrior” level shit.
          “Muh feelings”

      2. The entire cultural moral values of the West is that women don’t have moral agency at all. Every bad thing they do is either due to them being innocent children (“I didn’t know the gun would go off!”) to some kind of external inanimate object or substance (“I was drunk!”) to being manipulated by a man (“He told me to molest that girl!”).

      3. To be fair, he appears to be a straight white male and must therefore be guilty as charged.

        1. I hadn’t considered that angle. Good catch.

        2. Straight, white males are always guilty until proven innocent in a court of law but will always remain guilty in a court of public opinion.

        3. For crime number 5, I wonder how many people said that she deserves to be raped in prison? A woman can commit the most horrific of crimes, but if anyone says that she should be raped as punishment, they’ll be dragged through the mud. Meanwhile, you can freely express the wish that a man (a heterosexual man in particular) is subjected to homosexual anal rape as punishment for a crime, any crime.
          I can’t remember when anyone says that they hoped a woman was raped, especially by a man. Here in Michigan, a few years ago, some female inmates were awarded over 15 million dollars in a lawsuit alleging that guards (male guards) raped them or “manipulated” them into sex. http://victimsover18.blogspot.com/2008/02/michigan-women-prisoners-win-154.html
          Yet recently, several male prisoners, overwhelmingly teenagers attempted to sue the state for failing to protect them from rape and other sexual abuse from older felons.
          There lawsuit got dismissed. If this were teenage girls being subjected to rape, especially by men, no stone would be left unturned to solve this problem, no matter what crimes the girls had committed.

        4. This applies to EVERY male, color doesn’t matter ! at least when the context in question involves a pussy !

      4. True misogyny. We shouldn’t assume women can’t handle their affairs with a similar level of accountability expected of men.
        Never mind…

      5. Are women children

        I’m not sure why people keep saying this. Even children are punished when they commit crimes. I’d say women are just viewed as untouchable dictators. Like Stalin, they’re allowed to do anything they wish with little to no consequences.

        1. Good point! If they can try children as adults then why not start trying women as adults?

      6. Exactly. But that glaring fallacy won’t even occur to most western men. And the rest of womankind will continue to look the other way hoping enough of us don’t notice.

    2. And also if we’re drunk and hookup we shouldn’t have to pay child support either!

      1. Exactly I mean hey, we couldn’t consent, how can we be held responsible for a pregnancy? Right?

        1. Yes, remember that women are not responsible for what the sperm that a men have implanted within her does. Feminist logical conclusion: it is not a baby until a man can be made to pay for it.

    3. The other night I was at a bar, live band, good times with a few buddies and a hammered 7 comes up to me and immediately starts making out with me. The looks I got from people like I was scum.

    1. “Can you serve ANY prison sentence and be culpable for your actions?” There, fixed.

  6. Reading this, I’m tempted to agree with the Arabs on pouring acid on a womans’ face. I can resist the temptation when I remind myself that it is always innocent women who are tortured with that.
    Instead, we must do two things
    1. Bring back flogging. This includes women
    2. Punish the males of that family. White knight men allow their women to act out of control, they must be held accountable. Either beat the women with a public whipping, and by whipping I don’t mean something sexy, I mean something out of “12 years a slave”. If the men protest, offer them the opportunity to receive the whipping in her place.
    Only they must take it twice. Once for the crime, and once for the stupidity in white knighting for a bitch.

  7. In the end, if our justice system continues to fail us (the people), then the people will take matters into their own hands (like the old days). Back when, it wasn’t unheard of for family members to go after these people (retribution) if the matter wasn’t settle.
    It sounds to me like our court system is failing the people (especially men) and in the end it will be family members (or even friends) who will take up the mantle of justice.
    A community can only go on for so long without justice. At some point, the pendulum eventually swings back the other way and justice will be served (one way or another).

    1. The perfect example I can think of where that should have happened was with that “affluenza” kid recently. Kills four and injures eleven after stealing his father’s vehicle while on booze and pills. Yet, even after all of that, gets ten years probation and even fled the country when he violated said probation with the aid of his mother. A family member of three of the victims publicly called out the corruption of the justice system and it’s influence with money.
      He’s very, very lucky this isn’t the Wild West.

      1. and that’s why I think we’ll see a return to the justice of the old west. The system is failing us on a regular basis. People (usually women or teenagers) are killing other people and they are walking away with a light sentence. I say if the justice system continues then I wouldn’t be surprised if many seek retribution for their father, brother or husband being killed.
        We’re seeing a push back in Europe, now, because of the illegal immigrants attacking citizens. The police are covering up crimes committed by these illegals and the people are no longer sitting back and taking it. We’re seeing patrols out in the streets making sure that illegals are attacking the citizens and if they do attack them then fighting occurs. It’s sad because the police (and politicians) should be doing their jobs…they are failing the people.

        1. Indeed. Where I live there were numerous failings by the police in the 90’s to curb gang violence. Citizens from the oldest part of the city took matters into their own hands and started shooting at the gang members when a drive by occurred rather than wait for the police. Let’s just say there isn’t much gang violence on the south side anymore.

        2. This is what happens when you let teens have access to things like guns, vehicles, alcohol, and cell phones, and still treating them like children, or sometimes, like retards.

      2. I was once in a briefing where this state trooper told the story of how her husband drunkenly killed 4 members of a family of five, and how she used her position as a law officer to invoke favor for him to only get a slap on the wrist ( 1 years suspended sentence and revocation of his DL) and how she had used “her tragedy” to get a promotion from the force to become a public relations rep. and how it tore her up the surviving teenager in a wheelchair who her husband had slaughtered without a scratch on him didn’t feel like even looking at her or wanted nothing to do with her when she tried to hug him (the orphan) after the BS sentence was passed. As she was turning on the water works for the audience about how hard this was for her, I stood up and asked if she really thought we were supposed to feel bad for her and her family as they had not only gotten away with murder, but used it to elevate her family financially. I was then made to leave the briefing as I was being insensitive.

        1. Literally the least we can do is call them out for their bullshit. Kudos to you for having the balls to do this. Men, take note.

    2. You know all that “crime is at it’s lowest” crap we see these days?
      It’s because people don’t even want to call the cops any more.

  8. “Men went to a lot of work to create a vibrant mental health community, analyzing, studying, and creating the DSM for diagnosing and treating diseases, building special facilities with well-trained staff to house and treat mentally ill patients, and protecting the rest of the society from dangerous individuals. The facilities are often quite nice, with Victorian style architecture, large rooms, pleasant views, drugs to wipe the unpleasantness from the mind, and adequate staff to provide one on one care.”
    Haven’t finished the article, so eaving ‘pussy passes’ aside for the moment” I’m afraid that whole sentence is pretty dodgy. Psychiatric care has never been a great achievement of civilization and those old mental hospitals were rife with the worst kind of abuses. The fact that the architecture was often inspired doesn’t mean the facilities were often ‘quite nice’.

    1. Interestingly enough, in prisons the ratio is 80/20 men while in asylums it’s the reverse.

      1. That is an interesting point actually. I wasn’t aware of that statistic. What it shows though is that pathologisation (mental health) works very similarly to criminalisation (prison). Mad or bad will never be quite the same but there will always be a social control function to both. The fact that the prison system has grown so massively, as more and more men are criminalised under feminist-friendly laws is actually easier to criticize if you can point out the excesses of the mental health system past as an analogous evil

        1. It is. Prisons and lunatic asylums used to be one and the same until the the early 1800’s where changes were made in the Western World. After that women basically decided to go where treatment was less harsh and have made up numerous excuses to be admitted.

        2. It’s an interesting history. He’s a notorious leftist but Foucault has a lot of interest to say about both the history of both mental health and discipline and punishment.

  9. “I will direct your attention to an article published over a year ago in The Washington Post by a Social Work professor at UIC titled “We Should Stop Putting Women In Jail For Anything.” This is not a ROK headline on April Fool’s Day. This is an actual movement to stop punishing women no matter what.”
    As logical as anything feminist can be logical. Every time a woman commits a crime, it violates the principle that women are the victims of and men the perpetrators of crime, a principle which is typically unspoken but always at the root of feminist / gender theory. Remember every time a feminist references equality, she is referencing “redistributive equality” – the transfer of wealth, resources, ‘privilege’, and everything that feminists have ever (penis) envied in men from the male oppressor class to the female victim class. This is why you will never get a clear definition from feminist as to what equality actually means because ordinary people would call it out as bullshit

    1. It’s terrible that this dogshit theology has been embedded in the collective unconscious of society and people are too fucking stupid or preoccupied to see it.

  10. I agree. Let’s stop putting these women in jail. Let’s just start executing them. If my son is ever maimed in this fashion, the unrepentant bitch who did it will be ticking away the last moments of her life until I have an opportunity to exact justice.
    Also, as bad as these were, the part that really made my heart sink was to read that one of these useless oxygen thieves has children. I’m normally a pretty libertarian guy, but I can see an argument for forced sterilization.

    1. I would add to the list the prosecutor, lawyer and judge. More responsibility resides on the judge if anything that allows this to happen.

  11. This is bad.
    Not because these women are getting away with the crime but because the backlash for all this will not be pretty.
    Remember George Tiller? He was shot and killed by an anti-abortion man. What the media didn’t tell you in that story was that Tiller was breaking the abortion laws in Kansas and that he helped HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius become governor of that state. All so he could get the charges against him dropped.
    When justice is subverted, people tend to take justice into their own hands. And barbarian justice is much, much less civilized.

        1. “Barbarism is the natural state of mankind…Civilization is unnatural. It is a
          whim of circumstance. And barbarism must always ultimately triumph.”
          -Robert E. Howard, author of Conan the Barbarian

        2. In a sense Howard was right, however, civilization usually gives way to barbarism because the civilized allow the degenerates to run rampant. Barbarians have very little tolerance for the degenerates among them. Think ISIS tossing homosexuals off of a building as an example.

        3. Yeah he made those observations reading history. While he was fond of civilization, he thought it was too frail to last long until another group that was hungrier would come along and either crush or remove those in power.

    1. “..but because the backlash for all this will not be pretty.”
      Considering how national public leaders openly flaunt the laws and the USC, I completely agree. If laws only apply and are enforced on some people, but not the “chosen” ones, then we are not far away from vigilantism if not open revolt. In fact, I would consider that a patriotic and moral duty to do so.

  12. The law of escalated returns………Women desperately crying out for correction, and society does not hear their voice. Worry not, young tragically scarred woman without ability for self-restraint, your muslim man is on the way

  13. This must be the mother of all shit tests, and we are failing it as a society.

    1. Sharia Law will be what weeds women who shit test out of the gene pool.

  14. Even the Affluenza kid eventually got hunted down and brought back to justice. Yep, the kid is a douche, and yet, perhaps because he is a man, he did get quite a bit of attention.

  15. The pussy pass explains the presence of these ridiculous young women who show up in Silicon Valley and represent themselves as serious participants, even deal makers. The tech industry tends to concentrate nerds who lack experience with women, both sexually and socially; so when even a halfway pretty girl enters their world and starts LARPing in this way, they will go along with her fantasies just to get close to her.
    You can see an example of one here, namely, Riva-Melissa Tez:

    1. Had a look at her LinkedIn profile and it looks like she’s done mostly public relations and consultancy.

      1. I’d like to know what her “21st Century finance model for emerging technologies” has accomplished.

      2. Apparently at least one of her parents came from Turkey – Tez sounds like a Turkish name. If she grew up in a mixed family dislocated to the UK, then she looks like another of those lost children produced through migration and miscegenation, like President Obama, Roosh and Laci Green.

        1. Considering how much she bounces from one place to the next, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s a closet serial killer or looking for daddy.

        2. I was just thinking that, read it and noticed a lot of flags:
          Her mother was schizophrenic.
          She herself has a long-term history of passing herself off as something she isn’t.
          She learned to be willing to do or say anything to get by, sort of like acting like an authority on marketing and investment, after putting her mind to learning it no less.
          Her “friend” Peter’s contributions and role as well as turning to a male whenever she needs something figured out and explained.
          Language indicating that business isn’t all that great but pushing the blame off to short-comings of those who don’t “get” her vision.
          Meandering platitudes about mortality-driven morality.
          Admittance of depression (coupled with immature excuses meant to gain sympathy
          from the audience while avoiding the responsibility of her failures).
          A degree in philosophy that she believes is interchangeable with her amateurish interest in psychology and affords her the competence to teach/give lectures on it.
          The requisite female solidarity and empowerment overture.
          Allusion to the evil Patriarchy hereto-for terrorizing her into using a pseudonym and daring to question her marital status, egregious enough to blacklist them forever.
          The self-promotion and aggrandizement (not just the book plug, but her involvement and ending with the narcissistic self-important drivel about the vastness of her responsibility and place in the grand scheme of things wherein anything else is trivial).

        3. Riva probably looked at Elizabeth Holmes and her phony Theranos company, before Holmes’s scam stopped working, and she decided that she had a reality-distortion superpower as well. So she aspired to become the next Elizabeth Holmes.

        4. I bet she takes those hard prozac type anti depressants that can’t pronounce…

      3. No surprise. They don’t actually get promoted for achievements or competency, I think we’re all aware of that.

      4. I can see her interview now in a Mel Brooks sense.
        “What do you do?”
        “I inform potential clients regarding the wise investments in firms and consult companies regarding merging technologies.”
        “Oh, a bullshit artist!”

    2. Her face made me reflex kill the tab. Who died and gave their rotting face to her? Damn, she almost makes Frieda Kahlo look pretty in comparison.
      Do they do this on purpose? Hormonal?

  16. Just some interesting info:
    and if you follow the link to actually executed since 1900, you find a list of 53. 53 in over one hundred years? While 178 have been sentenced to death (but execution hasn’t happened) since 1973?
    Pre-1900, at least 505 were hanged since the early 1600s, mostly for murder, some for witchcraft, at least one for adultery. 189 of those were slaves so no telling what crime, if any.
    Seems likely we have always had some degree of White Knight infection here.

    1. Reminds me of when a woman was going to be executed in my home state in the 90’s. Of course women were crying, “You can’t execute her, she’s a woman!”
      One of my classmates had the perfect response:
      “Women are always crying for equality. What’s more equal than being executed for the same as any man?”

      1. Oh, but didn’t he know?
        “The Patriarchy is using ‘equality’ to oppress women. We need a ‘new’ wave of feminism to be more equal than men.” – Jessica Valenti (2004).
        Womansplained direct from a horse’s hole.

    2. God, it would be fun to bring back hanging for witchcraft. Would shut the hell up out of at least 50% of SJW “women” and their “spirituality”.

      1. Not to mention the psychological impact of burning at the stake.
        Why do witches burn? Because they’re ducks!
        No, because they’re made of wood.

        1. What else floats in water?
          Very small stones?

      2. We really should execute women for bitchcraft. That would make men’s lives vastly better.

        1. My solution would be to exile them to a third world country for a while, where they’d have to do volunteer work with the poor, earn their keep, and go hungry if they though they were too good for it.
          And actually, for once in their precious snowflake lives, actually feel real discomfort and learn some gratitude for things.
          It’s no surprise that women in 3rd world countries are usually pretty nice, well-grounded, and practical.
          We’re all spoiled here in the west but mainly women. Men at least have to earn a living and are held accountable, which builds character.

      3. I haven’t heard many good ‘women driver’ stories in mainstream entertainment in years. No cars for women. Only brooms. Housewives and witches alike can handle a broom well.

    1. I agree. As a bail bondsman who deals in the “legitimate” justice system, I would say vigilante/Street just seems to have an over all better result.

  17. Think of other crimes women get away with in our society. They rarely get charged with resisting arrest, for instance. Resisting arrest is usually seen as running or fighting police officers, but men are the ones more likely to use these methods because they are stronger and faster. Women, on the other hand, are more likely to use manipulation and deception. They turn on the water works and make excuses or offer favors. If this was recognized as resisting arrest, which is what they are doing by manipulating officers, we would see equal statistics regarding this crime. However, our system does not recognize a woman’s underhanded tactics and continues to bias the laws against men. Laws are defined to work against men and their behavior while completely forgetting women.

    1. I wonder if women police officers would be more effective with female criminals? The pussy pass may not work unless she’s a dyke.

      1. Good point, and anecdotally I can say no pussy passes given. They will detain and process, but the sisterhood thing means they always get the minimum possible charge/fine.

      2. I think that’s why a lot of departments stick the women detectives in the rape division.

      3. Nah, they are swayed by tears because they are emotional too. The sex act might not work, but the other tactics remain.

    2. Workplace stress and the social media circus becomes unbearable for the woman. The stress makes her do stupid things like shoplift, run up debt and stir drama that gets the cops called and draws fire. When the woman foregoes motherhood, tit feeding, breeding, flipping a frying pan and giving herself to selfless service unto her master she gets bent out of shape. She’s living outside of her natural realm. There’s always trouble when a woman denies her femininity and when she redefines herself according to the feminist propaganda that’s fed to her. The propaganda is slick and state of the art mind warping population control programming. A home girl that shuts the fuck up and obeys her natural feminine constructs and who uses her female equipment and body as it was intended and who obeys her man unquestionably will never buck horns with the cops.
      It’s the stupid women who eat the propaganda, who try to ape the man who you see depicted on the ‘COPS’ show. With music playing ”bad boys bad boys” you see the crazy feminized females lunging at cops and talking smack while good girls stand in the background on their poarches tit feeding and narrating for their wide eyed toddlers while enjoying popcorn.

    3. Resisting arrest is putting your arm over your face to block the cops’ blow from crushing your face.

  18. In Guatemala a mob recently burned a teen girl for allegedly participating in the robbing and murder of a cabbie. Her two male accomplices got away but she got caught, beaten, and doused in gasoline. Say what you will of third world societies, but they sure as hell don’t have pussy passes.

  19. I wonder what the male / female ratio on the juries was in these cases

  20. I’m shocked none of these fine standing members of society didn’t claim they felt “oppressed by the patriarchy” as part of their defense.

  21. Soooo….
    “stop letting them drive” was my main take-away from this article.

    1. You can let ’em drive but not alone. But for God sake don’t let em park…
      I let my wife drive in Japan, coz wrong side and I’m drinking. I still park it.

  22. I once worked with a girl who got two DUIs in six months (luckily she got pulled over before she maimed or killed anyone). Normally, my company would scold a person for one DUI, place her on suspension, but let her keep her job. However, two DUIs was grounds for automatic termination. Was she fired? Hell no. She not only kept her job, but she was given a hefty promotion within a year.

    1. I worked at a company where one woman was phenominally incompetent, to the point that she lost some major revenue. The company’s response? Promote her to, get this, “Vice President of Spreadsheets”. I mean what in the flying fuck does that even mean?? I’ll tell you what it means. It means she got a VP salary and did *nothing* at all, period. Because vagina.

      1. Vice President of Spreadsheets??? What the fuck? I would be more surprised, but at my current location, half of the property management team (mostly female) has “Vice President” in their title. Because, you know, they gotta feel important, and those patriarchal assholes at the top need to be taken down a peg or two.

        1. They’re all about the titles.

        2. It’s hilarious to look at their sloppily organized resumes with all their important titles. The first question I always want to ask: “Who the fuck taught you how to make a resume?” Then I read through the list of “duties” and just laugh, because their job pretty much consisted of answering a phone while trying not to sound like a total bitch.

        3. I never cared much for titles until I realized that’s how most everyone else views you for the next job.

      2. Wish I could downvote this. Similar things I have experienced as well

        1. She had to have been sucking somebody, but it sure as hell wasn’t me. The owner was an old school patriarch, in his early 60’s, who had a smoking hot red headed wife in her 30’s (at the time). It wouldn’t surprise me if Miss Spreadsheets spread more than spreadsheets for him at some point. Though why he’d keep her on even then amazes me, he generally ran his business very competently.

        2. Well then use your amazing Power to Point it out, hoss.

      3. Try committing multiple felonies such as:
        Willful and intentional destruction of private property.
        Tampering with or contaminating a crime or accident scene, then obstructing state police.
        Use of job-related properties and equipment for personal gain and tasks.
        Gross negligence in not performing the basic duties of the position (enough so that complaints were made to the local paper).
        That’s just part, but solution:
        Make a part time temporary position previously paying $800 a month for 12 hrs/week in to full benefits and $40000 plus a year.
        Women aren’t a boon to the workforce, and are frequently a menace to society and their male enablers should learn the applications of bar soap in towels.

        1. That has to have been the case. She wasn’t bad looking either. Not a bikini model or anything, but most guys would bang her without having to have too many cocktails beforehand.

        2. Sometimes I think people forget that men, sorry, males, are a large part of this problem since they’re the ones (well, them and feminists) giving these cunts all these pussy passes.

        3. Sometimes you have to wonder what these males get supplicating to the ugly ones?

      4. Hah! One of those women used to work at a company I worked at. She eventually got pushed out because upper management changed hands. Other reason may have been whoever was tapping that left and no one new in company had immediate access.

      5. I’ve known numerous incompetent men that got promoted too. It all comes down social reasons* and the fact if the competent people were promoted the work wouldn’t get done right.
        *and women have advantages there that men don’t.

    2. I was set in a briefing where this state trooper told the story of how her husband drunkenly killed 4 members of a family of five, and how she used her position as a law officer to invoke favor for him to only get a slap on the wrist ( 1 years suspended sentence and revocation of his DL) and how she had used “her tragedy” to get a promotion from the force to become a public relations rep. and how it tore her up the surviving teenager in a wheelchair who her husband had slaughtered without a scratch on him didn’t feel like even looking at her or wanted nothing to do with her when she tried to hug him (the orphan) after the BS sentence was passed. As she was turning on the water works for the audience about how hard this was for her, I stood up and asked if she really thought we were supposed to feel bad for her and her family as they had not only gotten away with murder, but used it to elevate her family financially. I was then made to leave the briefing as I was being insensitive.

  23. If society collectively decides that females cannot be considered responsible for the consequences of their actions, this is effectively saying that females are not legally capable of being adults in the eyes of the law. As such, they should be regarded as “children, requiring life-long adult guardianship similar to that in countries such as Saudi Arabia.

    1. I suspect over the next few generations people will give up a lot of the Enlightenment’s social ideology because it doesn’t work, including the part about imputing moral equivalency between men and women.

      1. You may be right. By not holding women accountable for their actions under the law, the system is essentially saying that women lack free agency. The rights and responsibilities of adults are contingent upon possession of free agency. If females by nature lack this, some form of guardianship is necessary.

        1. If feminist women revive from cryo in a kind of Neoreactionary society, they will have a surprise about their status waiting for them.
          Of course, they should appreciate their healthy revival and rejuvenation as the big payoff and not complain about not having the pocket change of what feminists call ‘women’s rights.”

  24. “being child-like but possessing average intelligence.” How many women does that describe?
    The cold truth.

    1. I’d bet money that a boy of average intelligence is smarter than most women in the following context – a boy that has been taught morality, common sense, logic, and knows that there are consequences for his actions. Those are attributes that imo most women don’t have. Which makes them less intelligent than a properly-raised boy. That’s the truth.
      This article just covers a tiny percentage of double standards that women get away with, solely because they have pussy. The topics of divorce and “domestic violence” weren’t even breached, probably because an entire article could be devoted to them. In my opinion, the government has given women the power to do whatever they want, because there is profit to be had from the destruction of traditional families, hence the vaginally-charged chaos.

      1. Whew, that’s a long article. If anyone doesn’t have the time, I’ll offer this condensed version:
        Naval flight officer, NASA astronaut, mission specialist, ISS, arrested, kidnapping, romantically involved, burglary with assault, battery, felony burglary, misdemeanor battery, discharge, other than honorable, psychiatric evaluation, three children, subsequently divorced, affair, pepper spray, attempted first-degree murder.

      2. Any coincidence that NASA can’t even get back to the moon now that we have female astronauts?

        1. They did bomb the shit out of it with a nuke a few years back for fuck knows why

      3. That’s the one that wore diapers during the long drive so she could channel all her rage without stopping for pee breaks?

    2. Many times being “child like” is an act. Acting like a dumb innocent little girl who didn’t know any better is a calculated response which serves the purpose of keeping a princess ass off of the firing line.
      Believe me, I know my own kind very well.

      1. Oh for sure. I remember catching a moment of that silly Paris Hilton reality show years ago. She over spent her host family’s budget on frivolous shit like a fancy bird house and when they were about to get crushed for it Paris and Nicole got together and started squirting tears before walking out to the family, and the household patriarch. The family buckled before any scolding happened. I remember being a young teenager at the time having a “Neo whoa” moment.
        The girl who crippled that guy and claimed she thought she hit a telephone pole is straight up lying in the most egregious of ways.

        1. Yep, some fraud sitting on a bench wearing a black smock with an overinflated title bought her crap. He should be hung in his own front yard for that. Heck, most of them should! After all, they represent a broken institution fraught with pre-selected biases and warped emotions instead of acting based on logic, facts, and the actual rule of law!

      2. Yup. It’s part of the manipulation strategy they use to get what they want.

  25. #6? Fixing her gas line so she can have a hot shower and doing it at night as to not be inconvenienced with traffic and that happens? Wow.
    I’ll go on a mild tangent and say that things like that happen when you’re being considerate. You take precautions to not inconvenience someone then the person you’re trying to not inconvenience shits on you and complains. It can catch you off guard if you’re not paying attention, but the best way to counter it is to aggressively point out why the you’re doing what you’re doing and how you were thinking of the person, and also point out that you’d do it their tucked up way. It usually shuts them up, and if they shut up then act normal and continue mutual respect. If they double down and freak out or start complaining to higher-ups about your “attitude problem” then they’re the cause of their own problems and find more profitable relationships/work.

    1. Inconvenience people to your hearts desire my man. All you will get for being considerate is shat on. Eventually.
      Just stand in the middle of that shit with your dick out doing the helicopter while singing the star spangled banner, with a whiskey bottle in your other hand. Fuck em!

      1. Though that response is tempting and makes some sense in this mad world, doubling down and convincing people you’re right is an opportunity taken at getting respect.

  26. In my previous state, it was rape to have sex with an inebriated person. Inebriated meaning stupified by alcohol. It referred to a person who could not walk, between unconsciousness and consciousness whether they mumble yes or not. This was a fairly strict definition though, a state a step away from alcohol poisoning. In my new state, the law covers sex with an intoxicated person. Intoxicated means “too drunk to drive”, or the state one experiences in hard drug usage. It is much more broad and leaves to confusion between what it and isn’t rape among young women.
    Often times, a woman under the effects of cocaine, hard liquor, or ecstasy with affected judgement will believe an uncomfortable sexual experience was “rape”. She does not account for the altered state of mind she subjected heself to. It is regret of one’s own action. Sadly, my state’s laws make this the concept of rape. It is hard to enforce. If both are drunk, it is simply two people raping each other and that is terribly hard to prosecute.
    I say, why did schools stop teaching Aesop’s Fables and the ilk? I think every girl alive should retouch on ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’.

    1. Two people who are drunk are not raping eachother by many legal definitions unless both are male.
      Have you checked if the rape definition is gendered like it where I live?
      It’s legally defined here as a man by force or coercion inserting a penis or similar object into either the anus of vagina of another, and the lack of consent doesn’t have to be explicit.
      Molestation is the max applicable sexual offense for women. They cannot rape because vagina.

        1. The most extreme of these cases were women with a strap on doing a woman by force = molestation, the rape charge was not accepted because it is defined as done by a man.
          You cannot make this shit up even, that’s how bizarre it is.
          Two women kidnapped and tied down and raped and tortured a guy and stuck pins in him and hot wax and all that shit. 2.5yrs probation and 5 years sex offender registry.
          They got abduction and assault only, not aggravated.
          So if my wife is drunk and I have sex with her and she says no, I’m liable to get 6 years lockup and 10 registry, good behavior I’d be out in 4, and never be able to find a job.
          And justice for all huh..

        2. You’d be flying outta Narita on a one way ticket unless something has changed in the way Japan treats its gaijin criminals once they’re released from prison..

        3. I’m not in Japan nor am I a US citizen or resident. But other than that technically you are kind of correct, except if I have no foreign residence.

        4. Not yet, but as me and my wife raise our child we may move.
          I’ve stayed 20 day period max. But it’s not easy if you don’t know what to expect.
          I have always presented myself as a kind of warrior to them, so when I come to visit their family katana is waiting. In my traditional style non AC room.
          Japan is fucking hot in August, and into September
          Edit to add I am the legal heir of their family katana also.

        5. It’s all worth it. I have a wife who even pregnant is worried about her weight. She stays slim and fit for me… Name me a bigger cup a proper man could have filled.
          Other tha with craft IPA but that’s another story.

        6. I’ve never understood how raping a spouse is an accepted thing. There is no debate, that if a man wants sex and his wife doesn’t, he is raping her. Everyone accepts that in the cultural narrative. I don’t get it. I mean yeah there are bad husbands out there, but isn’t the one thing you can count on if you’re married is that you have locked down a supply of poosy? If you are married, I don’t see how you can rape your wife. If she doesn’t want to have sex with you, she should divorce you.

        7. I would prefer that if she doesn’t want to have sex with you, you are free to have sex with another woman and she will have to accept it and get over it.

        8. While I agree for the most part, if the wife is for some valid reason is indisposed like pregnancy etc, she can’t expect the man to go without. But this day in age she does.
          That’s the bigger scheme here. Women want to control mens access to sex.
          When your wife or GF says no, she isn’t saying your not getting sex from me – she wants to say you are not getting it period.
          That’s the way it seems to me at least.

        9. I don’t mean that a wife should ALWAYS submit to sex. I mean that if a woman is in a relationship with a guy who is being *that* abusive to her (ie demanding sex while she is pregnant, forcing her to do it 5x a day, etc.) then she should not be with that guy. The answer isn’t jailing the guy, but the clear answer is you shouldn’t be with a guy like this, because if he’s not hurting you in that way, he will be doing it in some other because he clearly doesn’t give a shit about you as a person.
          And yeah in the past, women understood that they held the men’s heart and bond, but understood the man would occasionally seek sex elsewhere, and that didn’t even bother them.

        10. Women like the fact that the guy can find sex elsewhere, but hate it when he does. So she withholds sex from him to encourage him to look elsewhere, but hates it when he does. If he can’t find sex elsewhere, she hates him because he’s a loser and can’t get a girl.
          What kind of fucked up mental game this is! You just sometimes wish you didn’t like women, but…

      1. I was alluding to the college poster featured in the article with a man and woman both stating, “I was drunk.”
        You are actually incorrect, forced insertion of a phallic object is usually charged as either sexual assault or aggravated sexual assault. My source is RAINN.
        The laws are poorly worded. In regards to both parties being drunk, men suffer the same situation. It’s not brought up as rape, it’s laughed at as “beer goggles” or a drunken mistake.
        I feel many woman alter their state of mind in the same way, leading to a sense of regret afterward. They claim rape because, “I wouldn’t have done that sober.” It’s hard to explain, but it’s the same concept.

        1. Their reasoning and justification for crying rape is just as absurd as if I were drunk, drove, and hit a tree. The tree hit ME because if I were sober, I would not have hit the tree with my car.

  27. I still like the judge in Florida who ended up giving a girl jail time instead of a fine after she mouthed off to him in court.

    1. Yes, her attitude and reaction both spoke volumes about that (stereotypical) sense of pretentiousness and entitlement she had.
      And she’s just a drop in the bucket.

  28. I personally saw a false rape accusation in the military where the treatment of the defendant was so horrible nearly 2 dozen other soldiers decided not to reenlist over it. And I was one of them.
    After they could not prove rape, they tried to put the defendant away “anyway” because time and money went into an investigation.
    That’s when I realized that all those graves in Arlington are for nothing and the place is full of chumps.

    1. Guys on the ground are almost all straight up good guys, very few rotten apples, at the top level it’s the inverse, and between the scale depends on rank.
      This is what I found. I was supposed to show a Major how to shoot a dragunov. If I didn’t know better I could have sworn the fucker never held a rifle in his life. He was as fat as he was tall too. Spent 15min wasting bullets at 300m before I just threw in the towel and walked off, good think my commander jumped in. He ended up getting one hit by holding the rifle for the guy.
      He had the gall to bitch about the recoil, sounded like an office harpy.

      1. I always luved how when some general or the other would get busted for cheating or harassing females, we lower enlisted (E1- E5, maybe E6) would get to sit through hours of extra briefings, that the officers always had somewhere else more pressing to be during. I once asked some leuy why that we had to sit through the briefings if it was always the Colonels and above who kept getting into trouble. The response was that by pushing the learning in the lower ranks that when we made it to the higher ranks it would be so ingrained that in our heads, that it wouldn’t happen any longer. Then I followed up with ” So since after the WWII, how many generals (even just 1 star) had ever come from the ranks of the lower enlisted?” To which I was informed there were more important things to be taken care of elsewhere..

    2. The entire war machine is a racket, just as General Butler wrote back in the 1930s. (using the general’s definition of a racket of course)

    3. Yeah I had a similar experience with just a false sexual harassment investigation. When I refused to lie in testimony against the guy, one of the perpetrators who happened to be my immediate superior threatened to have allegations made against me. Fortunately she didn’t realize the JAG officer who was presiding was around the corner when she made her threat. So the whole thing fell apart and the females involved all turned on each other and confessed it was completely false. Their punishment…Nothing, not a damn thing, because ” pursuing them would set a negative precedent which may influence future victims from coming forward.”

  29. Each of these seven women should have been handed a very lengthy jail sentence. Had men perpetrated these crimes that’s exactly what would have happened – along with man haters screaming for even more jail time – particularly in the case where the two little boys were raped.
    This is just another example of vomit inducing female elitism and privilege.
    Strange days have found us.

  30. It’s boggles my mind that I could be charged with possession of marijuana, at my house, when I’m not there, and not even a tenth of a gram and receive 2 years probation and these retarded cunts can murder someone and get just a wink over that. There are tons of gender inequalities, they just all seem to be favoring women.

  31. It’s funny how the least competent are those who find their way into public service one way or another. The only reason these murderous children essentially get away with it is because of the judges, politicians, and district attorneys who allow this kind of insanity.

    1. Not so strange. Gubmint jobs are often little more than an expanded form of welfare. What annoys me is the idiots who think and claim the gubmint has to pay top dollar to attract talent.
      Fuckin’A clearly the system works beautifully don’t it?
      The problem with having stupid idiots running shit is they start thinking they are smart, and using themselves as the measure for talent. That’s how you get to where we are now, paying the least talented the highest salaries in government jobs.

  32. Most women should not be allowed to vote. And judging from this article most should not be allowed to drive either.
    I’m a very logical little witch, and feminists HATE me!!

    1. I think actually one possible solution is to go back to the order of power of times past. I’m married but all this new stuff doesn’t bother me family wise. My wife is very traditionally raised, and by that I intend Japanese way. Before I married her she lived with her family under her fathers supervision. As for voting and driving before marriage it was up to her dad, and now it’s up to me.
      She tells me often how happy she is, spontaneously. She feels very well taken care of, and she thinks I’m a very good husband.
      But I don’t think many in the west at least are able to go back to that kind of thing because it had so utterly been destroyed here. In the countryside in Asia it’s unchanged, other than girls get degrees and work a while until they find a suitor that would be acceptable to her family. Then she quits, they get married, and she becomes a housewife, and pregnant hopefully.
      The patriarchy is strong in Japan and you can find videos on YouTube where women on the street there are asked what they think of male/female differences, they say they exist but it’s good and they would not want it equal.
      That’s where I’m going if Europe goes down the toilet, still might for my child.

  33. women are held to a far lower standard. people feel sorry for women. ‘she’s just a girl’. despite all the bullshit about wanting equality they know women can’t handle it.

    1. They don’t want equality, feminists want superiority. They pull the “girl” card to achieve this – and it works beautifully. That’s the reason the world is in the mess it’s in today. They know women have supremacy and they play all the angles.

    2. I think we should hold them to the level they can handle without preferential treatment. That’s what I do.

    3. Well, there’s an argument to be made that if a woman commits a crime it genuinely IS a man’s fault… I mean, why did her father/husband let the dumb ho out of the house to begin with?! That’s male irresponsibility right there. I’d bet my left testicle that they don’t have these female crime rates in, say, Saudi Arabia, where women are monitored by their men to prevent them from committing stupidity.

  34. Some injustices really hit home. It hurt a little to read these true stories

  35. The social work prof cites a report claiming that the rate of female incarceration has risen more than sevenfold over the last thirty years.
    Of course, she conveniently forgets to mention that for every one woman who did real time five got a pussy pass out of jail.
    Why, yes, it is expensive to lock up a slut for killing her husband or killing her baby son because he wouldn’t stop crying and making a nuisance of himself when mommy wanted to go to parties and suck on big black cocks. That’s why you hang them.

    1. Soldier Bradley Manning is also in this list, as he got reamed pretty bad.

      1. He tried to use the pussy pass, but his mistake was waiting until after he got caught to get a pussy.

        1. Lol clever observation. Perhaps Bruce waited too long to become Caitlyn to also snatch (no pun intended) the pussy pass from his/her Kardashian/Jenner bitch clan. Now he just tainted the Bruce name. He is a disgrace to Lee, Willis, Banner, Sprigsteen, and Wayne.

  36. my biggest example of this is the recent outcrying about domestic violence.
    women swear they are equal to men until a man beats their ass. then all of a sudden it’s “you can’t hit women!” STFU. either you are equal or inferior. make up your goddamn mind.

    1. To some degree I have to agree, but only if men are responsible for the doings of his bitch, which I don’t mind.

  37. I dunno man. This shit is just depressing. Even more so when you realize it will only get worse.

  38. What pisses me off the most is that men like us are accused of perpetuating the idea that women aren’t equal, mostly because they are treated as if they were children and not adults. In reality, we are just reporting the facts, it’s the gynocentric system, supported by feminists and most women, that insists that we treat women like children. And if my last two years of being red pill, or at least reading red pill content, are worth anything, women LOVE being treated like children. Sure, sometimes she may go for a career but isn’t it quite like a child deciding that they want to sell lemonade on the corner of the street until they get bored and do something else? The child shows up behind the counter everyday but it’s the parents who buy the lemons and the sugar and often press the lemons because the child got tired after doing a few. Just like a woman shows up at her desk everyday (when she isn’t PMSing, when her friend didn’t get stoop up by “an asshole”, when she didn’t pass out on Cosmopolitans the night before…) and does minimal work while the men do the heavy lifting and pick up the pieces when she decides to leave to have a baby. Then she either lives on a man or the government’s teat and prides herself in doing the “job” of being a single mum, possibly the most damaging thing you can do to a child…
    Anyway… this article pissed me off…………….

  39. I agree to remove women jails. For the sake of equality, we should put men and women criminals together.

  40. Just on a side note, Mental health can’t be fixed with Drugs and most “therapists” in those institutions are psychiatrists who aren’t actually trained in therapy, merely pharmacology, and all mental health drugs come with side effects worse than the symptoms and the few that can work do so temporarily, hence the need for more than drugs and basic talk therapies that a basic social worker could. All that being said, one of those ineffective institutions is way better than that bitch deserves.

  41. These cases illustrate the conditioned, rewarded degradation of character using the twin ideologies of Feminism/Gynocentrism. The phenomenon was described and predicted by Eric Voegelin (1901-1985): http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/jhi/summary/v063/63.1porter.html
    Whereas Voegelin anticipated the effects of “Nazism,” the revisionist notion that it is “nationalism” that is the great scourge ignores how any overblown ideology can cause far greater damage than mere border enforcement.

  42. The following policies are taken directly from the Green Party Manifesto (UK):
    -Recognising the nature of the female prison population, with high levels of mental illness, experience of being a victim of crimes such as sexual assault and domestic violence, and caring responsibilities for children, the only women who should be in custody are those very few that commit serious and violent crimes and who present a threat to the public.
    -For the vast majority of women in the criminal justice system, solutions in the community are more appropriate. Community sentences must be designed to take account of women’s particular vulnerabilities and domestic and childcare commitments.
    -Existing women’s prisons should be replaced with suitable geographically dispersed, small, multi-functional custodial centres.
    Thankfully they only received 3.8% of the vote

  43. This article made me think of a scene from the movie “Cold in July”, with Sam Shepard, Michael C. Hall and Don Johnson –
    Russel: [On his son being a serial murderer] You know when a dog bites you…you can either chain him up or put him down.
    Richard Dane: [Shocked] You’re gonna kill your own son?
    Russel: I can’t well chain him up now… can I?

  44. I think only two belong on the list and the un-numbered eight with the poster for a total of three.
    On the first one: As a bicyclist I am all too aware of how this society views crashes like this. Killing a bicyclist is practically legal in this country if one doesn’t flee scene and says the magic words. The only reason she got punished at all was because she fled the scene.
    The second one is a property crime. The owners of the property, her parents, are ones to which restitution is owed.
    Three is very common to get away with little more than a traffic ticket but it’s because of the upside down way this society views operating a vehicle on the roadway. Like with first one for some reason collisions are just accidents and so long as a person isn’t drunk or “speeding” they are forgiven for their gross incompetence and failure to pay attention to the task. So long as there isn’t one of a few limited items at play it’s just an accident according to the masses.
    Four is because this society has decided that men are responsible for protecting themselves. It also decided that women aren’t responsible for protecting themselves. Hence the double standard. They blame the men for being so stupid as to fall for the flirting. That’s a true double standard.
    Five should be on the list.
    six has wealth attached to it. Also traffic related (see one,three, and seven)
    seven is traffic related. Very much like 6. The reason DUI is one of the reasons where there are severe penalties in some states is because typically the punishment is very light for killing/maiming people through incompetence with a motor vehicle. Will it be less so for a woman? Probably. But in general it’s an outrage how incompetence is treated as just an accident.

  45. Few articles disgust me, this article disgust me I cannot believe that they got away with such light punishment.

  46. Texting & driving is so prevalent today its almost a death sentence to ride a motorcycle, bike, skateboard, walk, etc.
    “Omg becky I jst ran over sumthin. Think he’s ok tho. Did u see Brad last night like omg!!”
    No mention of the myriad of other examples princess girls use their pussy pass to coast through life at others misfortune.
    Truely sad stories.

  47. I saw in the manosphere someone posted “woman are like water and will assume the shape of the container they are in” female agency is not from within. The red pill men of the past knew this and civilization prospered enough that later men forgot. looks like men are learning again.

  48. you choose your company carefully. Record all your encounters. operate defensively in social situations. If wrongly accused of a crime, sue for libel / slander . Do not expect the D.A to prosecute the woman if she is caught lying.

  49. Without the boogie man of rape and assault, women would have no agency in our society. They produce nothing and only cause discord. So to make it out like they have value and to have a voice, they put out this fictictious nonsense. They have to make every man out to be a potential rapist, and every woman with a history of being abused, in order to claim justification for any rights. If you want to get ahead fast and easy in our culture, form a group and then advertise that you’re being abused by everyone else.

  50. It has been happening for DECADES in Australia where have you been, The maximum women get is a Good behaviour bond for 2 to 5 years over here! Only Just starting to happen over in the USA You guys are a little slow!

  51. Ok, say a rape is really, truly happening. Either the guy is out-of-his mind psychopathically angery and tearing the girls’ clothes off, or he’s calmly psycopathically ordering her to take her clothes off with the threat of violence (That he most likely would be capable of follow up on.) In other words, for all men to be potential rapists, all men would have to be dangerously mental and violent. And we’re not. And it sucks that women and their SJW syncophants paint us that way. The truth is that most women ARE bloodthirsty and callous enough to destroy a person physically and socially. I think they put out this myth because they know that they’re bloodthirsty, callous animals and assume that everyone will agree with their projection onto men.

  52. My favorite application of this pass is in the realm of teacher/student rape. If the perp is a reasonably attractive female, no jail time. Male teacher? Straight to the hoosgow.

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