Future Leaders Of America Call For Abolishing Freedom Of Speech And The Press

The very convincing US satirist Ami Horowitz has gotten dozens of Yale University students to support his petition to stop free speech by repealing the First Amendment of the US Constitution. Horowitz has a history of outing some very sad college hypocrisies, such as when students at UC Berkeley, obsessed with rooting out the real evils of mansplaining and manspreading, reacted indifferently to him waving an ISIS flag on campus. They resorted to attacking him for waving an Israeli flag that same day.

His latest experiment portends very badly for college campuses already clamping down on free speech, even with the current constitutional protections of the First Amendment. Focused on their pet projects of avoiding microaggressions and erecting an ideological missile defense shield of trigger warnings, the Yale students signing the petition seemed to forget that the First Amendment also protects both freedom of religion and the press.

For political rookies, this includes the ability of Jezebel and Feministing to publish articles, however retrograde, and the safety of Muslims in practicing their religion. No matter. I’m sure the Yale crowd had the best of intentions.

Is anyone sounding the alarm bells yet?

Horowitz was ignored at UC Berkeley when he waved an ISIS flag and accosted when he waved an Israeli one.

I’m happy to be corrected (more than happy), but I see Hillary Clinton winning the 2016 and probably 2020 elections. If she serves two terms, this means that from 1988 to 2024, 28 out of 36 years will have seen an American President who went to Yale for at least part of their education. The other eight years will have witnessed a President (Obama) whose university education culminated in him going to Harvard, a school about as different to Yale as Heineken is to Becks.

The political environment in which George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and George H. W. Bush (the latter in particular) went to Yale was nowhere close to as radical as it is today. So if the distant past can produce a woeful Hillary Clinton, what ideological filth will classes graduating in the 2010s spawn?

Some of my previous work has exposed you to the student charges now trying to overthrow their ideological parents and grandparents, such as the Harvard activists labeling liberal academics like Alan Dershowitz as rape apologists. Why? The professors had the gall to suggest that disciplinary procedures for “sexual assault” should resemble courts more than 1930s Stalinist show trials when it comes to evidentiary standards and due process. This reverse filial cannibalism is showing no signs of abating, to the utter delight of SJWs.

In trying to end free speech protections, what SJWs really have in mind is the criminalization of any speech which does not accord with their viewpoints. So they get rid of the First Amendment (pretend for a moment it happens). What next? Well, criticism of Black Lives Matter, even their most violent antics, becomes criminal hate speech.

So, too, does pointing out the continent-sized holes in theories of male “privilege” and the “oppression” of females (under the umbrella of a new offense called “reinforcing the patriarchy”). Using the comments section below, feel free to share your own predictions about what new thoughtcrimes would emerge when SJWs soil the Constitution.

A wider case of mass censorship

Jack Dorsey says that Twitter is about free speech, yet meets BLM “leaders” at the same time he oversees a clampdown on accounts disseminating unfavored views.

Note the paucity of mainstream outlets which covered this anti-free speech debacle at Yale. As far as I can tell, CNN did not, nor did USA TodayThe New York Times, or The Washington Post. Yet so many mainstream journalists and commentators covered the farce at Mizzou, for example, usually giving the protesters laudatory coverage, including the praise showered on car hit-hoaxer and privileged rich kid Jonathan Butler.

The issue with media bias is arguably much more about the refusal to cover certain stories, rather than the admittedly very extensive partisanship found in pieces actually written. Twitter has already committed itself to making its platform “safe,” exemplified in the utter obsequiousness of founder Jack Dorsey when he met the “leaders” of the Black Lives Matter scam and stuck his proverbial middle finger at anyone who criticizes it.

This is despite Dorsey claiming that Twitter “stands for freedom of expression.” Expect in the coming year or so that Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and Reddit will all double down in restricting a wide range of views and ideological clusters deemed “unacceptable,” using more or less the same reasoning as the petition signers at Yale.

The next few decades might be very, very bad

Obligatory George Soros photo in section describing overarching media and SJW machinations.

Here at ROK we see some very positive signs within populations in the US, Europe, and elsewhere. Signs of fighting back, throwing up the standard media narrative, and taking to the streets to show disgust at political elites. Nevertheless, the fascistic efforts of vested interests are by no means slowing down.

What matters right now is that we remain ceaseless in cataloging both examples like the Yale anti-free speech bigotry and the compliance of the media in not reporting incidents like it. The advent of YouTube and other mediums has paradoxically opened up a whole new world for exposing the mendacious intentions of the SJW crowd and their powerful enablers.

Read More: Yale Students Throw Temper Tantrum Over “Offensive” Email

121 thoughts on “Future Leaders Of America Call For Abolishing Freedom Of Speech And The Press”

  1. I remember when I got banned from FB a few yrs back, because some cunt reported me. I honestly would love to meet sjw to verbally rape them. That and possibly swing on the emotional little shits.

  2. Paradoxically the sons and daughters of today’s educated left wing elites in Yale are acting like the bigoted nigger lynch mobs of the old south that their parents fought against in the 1960s. It perennially seems to be the case that there’s always that certain class of human beings upon this pitifully rock who despite education, status, money and position are incapable of showing signs of intelligent behavior. Today’s affluent college students are a lamentable example of this sad truth.
    I’m glad it was a Jew boy waving the flag around the campus, say what like about them, but, they’re such a contrarian tribe that it took one of them, rather than one of sweet little conformist Anglo Saxon goody two shoes to point out this hypocrisy and rot in our education system…they have their uses on occasions.

    1. Truth.
      The worst part is that they can’t even see that they’re no different than a Jim Crow lynch mob.

      1. Truly, education like money is wasted on children who never knew an ounce of hardship in their lives.

      1. I will preface this by saying that I do not have any beliefs, morals or creeds and I really don’t take a position on anything other than my own gratification for the most part,
        When it was in the theater I saw the movie about the Freedom Riders. It was called Mississippi Burning.
        I think it was just after my senior year of high school.
        Anyway, I was on a double date at a movie theater on 14th Street in NYC and it wasn’t opening day, but it was early on…first week or two. The theater was jam packed and my buddy and our dates were pretty much the only white people in there. Now, this is 80’s NYC so it was before Rudy got rid of the hookers and the muggers and the graffiti…It wasn’t exactly as bad as Taxi Driver because the country was on an economic upswing, but it was pretty damn close.
        Anyway, the movie comes to an end. You have never seen so many black people be quiet in a movie theater in your whole life….I mean shit, those fucking guys were yelling at the screen for Amistand, but you could hear a god damn needle drop in that theater…other than the sobs it was silent.
        I stand up, yawn loudly, and say, very loud to my buddy tom, “TOM! That was just not as funny the second time”
        And that is what I think of every time someone says “freedom riders”

        1. My best friend is a damn Connecticut Yankee whom I met when he moved down south at 15. One day we are hanging out and something comes up and I ask him; “What did you think we Southerners were, a bunch of inbred rednecks sitting in rocking chairs on our front porch, sipping moonshine and plucking our banjos until some nigger comes walking by for us to lynch?” He glanced at me out of the corner of eye and laughed nervously “Well, yeah!” was his reply. At which I rolled my eyes. Today he is in his 40’s, married to a Southern woman and lives in Dixie.

        2. Ha.
          Well those do exist, but yes not as common as we tend to think here on the north side of the MD.
          Mind you, I think everyone outside of Manhattan is as you described.
          Stereotypes exist for a reason. The problem is, the idiots you describe are louder than the normal decent hard working people so they get noticed more

        3. I stand up, yawn loudly, and say, very loud to my buddy tom, “TOM! That was just not as funny the second time”

    2. This is an excellent comment except I would take out the word Paradoxically. This shit was predictable since the first hairy bush hippy dyke yelled whatever at a protest.
      Jews are contrarians. This isn’t always a bad thing — but if you mix it with affluence, arrogance and IVY ivy league sense of entitlement you get a creature that is no longer indicative of any race or religion and is just a giant fucking douche bag

  3. The chickens of the Twentieth Century’s incursions by government into education at all levels have come home to roost. It might not have started with John Dewey, but he was the figure most prominent in igniting the process that has brought these calamities down on us.
    To reverse these tides will take either a century of steady disaffiliation from government-controlled and government-funded education…or a violent revolution that culminates in the partition of the U.S. into two ideologically distinct countries. Considering how badly the last attempt at secession worked out, I’m not terribly hopeful about the latter course, but fruits from the former won’t be visible in my lifetime.

    1. “two ideologically distinct countries” Duality appears to be a constitutional part of the western mind, even the two distinct ideologies within the one country is a playing out of this as was the so-called “class struggle” of Marxism.

    2. Yet non-government funded education is not possible unless parents themselves pay the bill…
      But then there is always homeschooling

      1. Homeschooling is one way but another is to agitate for a federal income tax deduction equal to the cost of private school tuition. In my opinion, this will have widespread support. Working and middle class Blacks and Latinos will definitely support it. Additionally, public school teachers with school aged children will also support this.

  4. 500,000 people in britain signed a petition to have trump banned from entering the country because he said things that hurt their feelings.

      1. He responded by threatening to pull investment from Scotland if they actually banned him, which the country is in dire need of.

      2. Please Please remember we have the idiot PC crowd too…thats just 500,000 PC idiots….remember the other 64.5 million who didn’t sign it.

        1. Yes, PC is more vocal because the non pc crowd doesn’t have time to be bitching and moaning about stupid shit because they are, ya know, living their lives.

      1. Post a pic without makeup and that isn’t airbrushed to all hell and I might be impressed.

        1. I would say the same thing, but Abbey Clancy is a straight up hottie.

        2. I like the horse teeth. Despite her being so post wall she would need a map to find her way back, I would smash Giada de Laurentis for more than just her money and, despite having children and asinine beliefs I would do things to Olivia Wilde that would make Madonna blush

        3. You could definitely post up de Laurentis or Wilde. Not so sure on madonner

        4. I was gonna say something snarky but that was too funny. Well played.

        5. Google says she’s 29 and married to a footballer and has had a baby, here’s a picture sans doctoring or makeup and I would have to agree, straight-up hottie:

        6. Sorry… but if this is a hottie, I am George Clooney. But to each their own.
          I know a Serbian lady, 44, who makes this chick look like a transgender.

      2. Was scrolling at medium speed through comments and suddenly I got smacked in the head by my own dick. How about some warning signs before you post tottie in future? 🙂

        1. Indeed. I work on a list of very strict criteria. However, women one part is good enough I allow a certain number of exemptions. No woman gets more than three.
          So, age range is 18-28 but Hurley gets the age exemption.
          Olivia Wilde is getting the age exemption and the children exemption as well as the annoying cunt objection….she is super hot, but she has her three so if I find out she has pubic hair she goes on the would not bang list.

        2. If you like Olivia Wilde and Hurley, check out Jessica Lowndes. IMO 10/10 would reproduce with.

    1. You should see what’s happening to the Governor of Maine right now. He used 3 fictitious names to describe the outsiders — minorities from NY — importing heroin into the state and the MSM has again … turned the whole thing into “racism.” Forget the fact there’s a legit heroin epidemic, they’re more concerned on hurt feelings of heroin suppliers !
      On this one, I’m enraged. One of my family’s properties in Maine was broken into and taken over by heroin addicts. Thanks to liberal laws, the junkies had more legal rights then we did. As we tried to get them out, the State provided them with FREE legal counsel, etc. After we FINALLY got them out, we were left with a $15K bill on cleaning up, legal fees and devalued property.
      The ignorance of REAL issues by turning everything into (bogus) racism/ sexism and hurt feelings has reached a completely unbearable breaking point.

    2. The noisy minority yet again. Less than 1% of the population trying to force their will on the PC politicians that run scared of the mob. Don’t worry, the vast majority of Brits agree with Trump, or at least don’t want him banned.
      Trump winning in 2016 is so important. Remember the US is the leader of the Western World, if Trump wins, when he wins, he will act quickly. Build the wall, kick out illegals, stop the Muslims flooding in and get jobs that benefit blacks, whites and legal Hispanics. The secure borders and relocation of jobs back to the US will see wages rise. Businesses that can’t pay for staff will not get them and close, so to stay in business they will need to innovate the save labour, and pay the labour they need much more to get it.
      Europe will look, observe and think! If America can do that, so can we. Wilders in Holland, Le pen in France, UKIP in the UK, Austria, Sweden etc can all move to the right and join their more sensible Eastern European neighbours. They can then close the doors, and maybe/hopefully this leads to the removal of the refugees that have come in the last year or so.
      I am to the right, I hope this leads to Europe and the US removing more or less all the Muslims,and creating a much better place to live for everyone else. Maybe then India will look on, China, Israel, Christian Africa and others, maybe they’ll see you don’t have to put up with the Muslims and they can be removed and pushed out. Finally made to pay for their attitudes and acts, made to live in their own squalor back in their own countries. A great day indeed. And it can happen…and it would solve the housing shortage in the UK too.;)

        1. Because it is. There are only two ways the overton window can shift firmly to the right:
          1) Trump wins and becomes the American Putin (which, to be fair is not out of the realm of possibility, though unlikely), or
          2) Islamization of the west
          There is no way the United States can possibly revert to the beliefs it held sixty years ago unless it happens by force. Even if Trump wins the presidency, his policies would simply be undone after he leaves office. He would simply halt the collapse a little longer, not undo the damage wrought, which appears to be beyond repair.

        2. And unlikely to ever happen by force as the majority who held the beliefs 60 years ago were Christians, who will continue their pacifism, and those who had gone through horror already (Great Depression, WWI&II) and so knew the enemy and were willing to fight it.
          Now, the US is pampered and Christianity has dug its own hole and hidden in it.
          We won’t be able to wish and dream forever, else we’ll wake one day and see we are already irreversibly in the nightmare.

      1. That is wishful thinking, first of all, if Trump was to do all that, the first thing he would have to do is get the media out of the hands of the Jews, In fact I fear Jews more than Muslims. And you have to remember that the world is so interconnected, the rest of the world could just drop the US dollar and you will see massive chaos in America especially in black ghettos

        1. It takes a lot less than the world dropping the US dollar to get massive chaos in our black ghettos.

    3. As recent electoral fraud (originating from a certain cultural/religious demographic has shown), 500,000 votes for something doesn’t mean anything like 500,000 voters here in the UK.
      And how many orders of magnitude easier is it to ballot stuff an online petition than actual physical ballot boxes?

  5. The taxpayers of America should have a “friendly” meet and greet with the Yale faculty and staff, whether they like it or not.

  6. This is the end result when a generation of privileged, coddled, sex positive, third wave feminist women grow up and come face to face with cruelty of the real world.
    They don’t like the bad feelz so they’re trying to remake the world so they never have to feel bad, be scared, take responsibility, or grow up.
    They can get simps, white knights, and orbiters to do their bidding. Get their alpha fux from Tinder and drink lattes and eat at Chipotle every day.
    The decline isn’t coming…it’s already here. All we can do is profit from it.
    Protect yourself.
    Learn game.
    Don’t marry.
    Pump and dump as many as you can.

    1. We’ve been in decline since AT LEAST the late 1990s, if not earlier than that. Hell, you could probably argue that our decline began when Lincoln forced the south back into the Union.
      I know ROK and Roosh have been writing articles lately about embracing traditionalism as a way to fight back against the decline, but I’m becoming more and more inclined to think that it’s simply too late. What you say is probably true. All we can do is enjoy ourselves and prepare for the hit. If that means pumping and dumping or sitting on your ass playing video games twelve hours a day, fine. Do whatever you want. We don’t owe anyone anything anymore. Most of us will have no families, no lasting legacies, nothing to fight for. On the other hand, we will have nothing to tie us down and nothing to lose when the disaster comes. Perhaps it’s for the best. It doesn’t look like there’s much of a future for any of us these days.

      1. armed conflict is inevitable
        American women are completely gone and don’t give a fuck about you….why fight for them?

        1. I parked myself in the middle of the traditional midwest. Hard to find a woman who is not wifed up with two kids by 23, and divorced by 26, but, at least, whatever hits will probably hit elsewhere first and give me some intel first.

  7. So long as the outlets for dissident (read: non-sjw) speech are controlled by lefitsts, there will always be a need to find other avenues to counter the narrative, as one by one the censors move in.

  8. Here is some food for thought: colleges and universities are hot beds of SJW ideology. These “hot beds” train our school teachers and school administrators. The problems we see on the college campuses are connected to K-12 education. Our schools are playing a large role in creating this climate. K-12 education has become an SJW factory. In my opinion, an important thing to do is to pursue a way to place education in the hands of parents by severely minimizing the role of public schooling because it is a monopoly. Vouchers are not the answer but an income tax deduction for the cost of private school tuition on both the state and federal level will put a serious dent in the SJW factories that are masquerading as public schools.

    1. Vouchers are the same thing as an income tax deduction except it extends to the poor and bottom half of the middle class. You’d never get anything passed without including them. Unfortunately, Bush COULD have done this and social security reform but instead chose to use his pull for Iraq/Aghanistan /sigh

  9. It’s not just the censorship that’s the issue. They’ll also go after your livelihood with the bakers who refused to serve lesbos and recently the groundskeeper in PA for example. Showing their hypocrisy clearly isn’t working, we have to go after the funding as well as the numerous other options that are out there.

  10. Reminds me of those Mark Dice videos. He could get people to sign different petitions to get rid of basically any part of the Bill of Rights.

  11. It is not uncommon for criminal regimes and failing movements to become extremely reactionary as they collapse. They are dying, they are going down, extremely desperate to prevent the inevietable from happening which they can not stop. What we see here is another symptom of the collapse of modern liberalism. Hopefully with Trump elected as President we can push the process faster, bring modern liberalism down and replace it with something much better such as restoring our Republic and a strong Patriarchy to society.

    1. The only concern I’d see with the abolition of liberalism would be a consequential abolition of liberty which is a sacrosanct notion in my mind. The modern equality mantra in my understanding of the idea at the hands of leftists has had a devastating affect on the notion of liberty which is the key (along with freedom) ideal of a tolerable and civilized society.

      1. Agree. The liberal view of ‘Equality’ is reducing everybody to ZERO to NOTHING and though I too fear that the fall of liberalism will bring about a discrediting to Liberty as happened in Europe after the Napoleonic Wars that should be countered by restoring the Concept of Liberty to what it first was that of a person who is a slave who is also his own master therefor responsible for his or her own actions as apposed to the modern liberal concept of a Immature Irresponsible Juvenile ‘Adult’ whom the State deems to be Irresponsible and makes that a ‘right’ under law. Liberty can be preserved but only if it is restored to its original form. We need to look back to the Republic of Rome and to Sparta to achieve that end.

        1. Sparta was built upon slavery just like the Old South and Rome saw no problem with the institution…

        2. Liberty doesn’t just confer rights but also responsibilities upon a person. The later point is ignored and conveniently discarded by left wing “equality” Statists whom say for example that women shouldn’t take responsibility for their actions in the sexual matters. Liberty is an idea that radically puts onto a citizen’s shoulders the responsibility for their free actions. Unlike the equality mantra, it dignifies human choices in a free and open society by firmly putting the choices we all make, good, bad and indifferent onto individuals and not onto the State that’s made to intervene more and more under the equality credo in peoples’ lives. In other words, liberty treats citizens like fully cognizant adults, while equality treats citizens like children and teenagers who need to be told how to think and act. I fear that Equality has now become the greatest enemy of Liberty.

        3. Pretty much no society had a problem with slavery before 1800. Doesn’t mean we can’t learn things from the past.

        4. Don’t understand what you are saying or implying. I’m not a SJW by any remote possible definition of the word. The fact is before 1800 (+-100 yrs depending on the country/area), nearly every country on the planet accepted the fact that some people were slaves. Since then, most have rejected slavery. That’s a historical fact and has nothing to do with a personal opinion unless you think me stating that I still think we can learn from antiquity as SJW which I can assure you is horsecrap.

        5. Actually Sparta was founded on a form of Serfdom. Helots could not be sold nor could their families be broken up. The Roman Republic like the Greek Republics had slaves but slaves could buy or earn their freedom and their freeborn sons could become citizens with full rights of citizens, hold public office, attain rank in the armed forces even become senators unlike he Democrat controlled antebellum south.

        6. As for the Roman view of slavery and slaves well they had the same view as the Classical Greeks that some people were by their nature or ‘orientation’ born to be slaves and their view of Liberty well it certainly was not anything like the Anarchy being palmed off as such today. I would say from reading a great deal of history and a lot of their writings in many ways the Romans saw Liberty as a form of Slavery in which the Slave was not owned by another but by himself and therefor obligated to be his own master, his own slave driver to whom he was most responsible for himself.

        7. I agree with you. The liberal definition of ‘Liberty’ is Anarchy, they believe in an ‘Equality’ that basically says Right and Wrong are ‘Judgmental’ therefor Disciminatory. Basically the Liberal View is society as a nation of Juveniles with no self control or guidance.

        8. “Basically the Liberal View is society as a nation of Juveniles with no self control or guidance” And you know by dumbing down so much through the educational system and the media the liberals intentionally create a narrative that they can control by saying ” dear dumb citizens we will introduce another equality dictate that will unfortunately take away your liberties even more, but, because you’re just dumb Juveniles it has to be done for your own good, Yours sincerely, The Nazi (sorry Nanny) State”

        9. True so very very true. and for the record if you want to talk about Touchy Feely Education well I would suggest reading up on the Adolf Hitler Schools which had so much interest in Self Esteem of students over actual education for them. Socialists are Socialists sewer rodents through and through.

        10. William Ellison Jr, born April Ellison, (c. April, 1790 – 5 December 1861) was a cotton gin maker and blacksmith in South Carolina, a free negro and former slave who achieved considerable success in business before the American Civil War. During the American Civil War, Ellison and his sons supported the Confederate States of America and gave the government substantial donations and aid. A grandson fought informally with the regular Confederate Army and survived the war.

        11. Chang and Eng went into business for themselves. In 1839, while visiting Wilkesboro, North Carolina, the brothers were attracted to the area and purchased a 110-acre farm in nearby Traphill.

        12. Determined to live as normal a life they could, Chang and Eng settled on their small plantation and bought slaves to do the work they could not do themselves. Chang’s son Christopher and Eng’s son Stephen both served in the Confederate army. The twins lost most of their money with the defeat of the Confederacy and became very bitter. They returned to public exhibitions, but this time they had little success. Nevertheless, they maintained a high reputation for honesty and integrity, and despite their odd marriages they were highly respected by their neighbors.

        13. And he was not unique Black Slave Owners existed in good numbers in the American South but Not One as a Negro could hold Public Office or any position of power other than over their slaves same could be said for their children but glad you brought this up as Liberal What Hating SJWs don’t like to see such information made public.

      2. That’s because today leftist = the state = anti-liberty. Republicans and Democrats are both big statist and pretend there are vast differences. In reality, both don’t give a crap about your freedom.

    2. “It is not uncommon for criminal regimes and failing movements to become extremely reactionary as they collapse.”
      Look up “extinction burst”.

  12. I can’t help but feel that this presents the opportunity of creating truly free social media that allows users to say whatever they want, and represent themselves however they want. Free market will always win, dissenting voices were impossible to silence before the internet, would be impossible now.

    1. Good point. The increased hostility and tyrannical response (eg. suspending 1st Amendment) indicates they have lost control to the gates of information. They are going to clamp down on web content at some point, but there will be alternatives as tech grows faster than they can respond.

  13. The left has to concede that they employ the very methods that they claim to abhor when employed by the extreme right. The left wants their own enforced orthodoxy controlled by a tyrannical ruling class. Lunatics like these are insane losers with control issues, ones who want to punish a world in which they never quite fit.
    That’s all for now; my balls itch something fierce.

  14. I certainly have seen the leftist narrative starting to be questioned (Yes, even in Burnie’s Home State!). But whether it will collapse due to scrutiny or its own absurdity has yet to be seen.
    In the meantime, I get to laugh at the news. It pays to have sociopathic tendencies.

    1. I think it’s funny that liberals in Europe are getting their just due….and normally I would expect an inevitable backlash of right wing take over….but the fact that they’re completely disarmed makes me fear this time is different

  15. Liberals and Leftist’s are always so fun. When it comes to Liberties they want, suddenly they’re Scholars of the Constitution and can Site the Amendments with Perfect Clarity and with Reverence, and when it comes to “Certain” Religions Liberals are all about Freedom of Religion, and Religious Liberties. But if Liberals disagree with a certain Freedom they think the Constitution is Out dated and A newer Modern Version is in Need, and when Liberals disagree with Christianity (The Only Religion Liberals Disagree with), they Lament it as Sexist and Homophobic.

  16. Its not foregone conclusion hillary wins. She’s the worst sec of state in recent history. She couldn’t beat obama in 2008. She has other negatives.

    1. she has tens of millions of irrational women and Mexicans who don’t think clearly about much of anything. that’s all she needs unfortunately.
      it’s becoming very clear that only white Christian men seem to want limited government.

    2. What’s interesting is that Hillary apparently started the birther thing in 08 to discredit Obama while they were competing. Of course, with the left having no shame, US birth is suddenly going to matter if Cruz is the nominee.

      1. Cruz knew that and it has been patently clear he is eligible. This will be nothing but media noise to distract. For the record: I just sent his campaign money.

  17. I hope people can realize that the debate is not right vs left wing values, but statist control vs liberty. The government outlawing anything is usually wrong. I think we’ll get a one term Republican presidency, then the idiots will go back to sucking libtard dick.

    1. yea long-term USA is fucked. Mexicans will guarantee permanent democrat victories after trump is gone. The only reason the country is still hanging on by a thread is all the white boomers 55+ who will vote trump. but they’ll be dead and gone. All that’s left will be millennial fags, Mexicans, and a growing muslim population.

  18. Hillary winning? I just don’t see it. The media is withdrawing their cloak. Hillary may have the women’s vote but even they are starting to get wise.

  19. “I’m happy to be corrected (more than happy), but I see Hillary Clinton winning the 2016 and probably 2020 elections.”
    Care to make a wager David? Without massive election fraud (illegal aliens given votes) and public disruption on election day, I don’t see it happening.
    Regarding American universities, I could recommend the book “The Closing of the American Mind” by Bloom. Written in the 80’s IIRC. The universities are nothing but skinner boxes to finish off the 12 years at the giant public day care facilities known as “schools”. Children must conform to the leftist narrative in order for utopia to evolve.

  20. where do you get an ISIS flag? not that i want one, just wondering how he went about that.

  21. Petitions reveal the lowest form of populism and make a mockery of democracy. If, in a fascist state the public prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich, well you can get a petition of a 100,000 signatures calling for either the release or the execution of a ham sandwich.

  22. Thomas Sowell referred to a quote something like this “Ever notice that when there is a crisis, there is a Harvard Man at the center of it?”
    His point was that these overeducated twats cause more problems than they could ever hope to solve.

  23. I have 7 years of university. I was thinking that I will pursue a PhD someday. I wonder what sort of environment I will have to endure to do that.

  24. Sadly, this is yet another demonstration of the vocal minority calling the shots. You can be damn sure that 99% of the student population are completely uninterested in campus politicking, instead busting their asses focusing on getting an actual education, and counting down the days until they’re out of that oversized kindergarten and out earning a real living. Especially in male-dominated fields like STEM, which is why males are woefully underrepresented in the student politburo. “Empty vessels make the most noise”.

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