France Allows Large Muslim Population, Rewarded With Most Sophisticated Terrorist Attacks Since 9/11

The shocking Islamic State terrorist attacks in Paris, coordinated across seven different areas, illustrates how France’s compulsive appeasement of Muslim migrants has not resulted in anything like social harmony. Rather, it has led to the most sophisticated assaults on civilians in the West since September 11. Despite the national government opening its doors (and wallets) to overwhelmingly Muslim North African, Sub-Saharan African and Middle Eastern new arrivals for decades, French over-tolerance is endangering the lives of its citizens, particularly its white and historically Christian population.

In Paris in January, the appalling executions of Charlie Hebdo staff, who satirized Islam as they did every religion, failed to make mainstream politicians take up their responsibility to tackle the hard problems of immigration and Islam in France.

Long before the current European migrant crisis began, commentators across Europe and millions of French citizens began to wake up, if they hadn’t already, to the out of control dangers of a burgeoning non-European migrant population. Outside and even within the Boulevard Périphérique, the carriageway demarcating central Paris from its suburbs, entire neighbourhoods became no-go zones for non-Muslims. France’s ethnically non-French inhabitants had effectively erected their own de facto policies of segregation. In Marseille, the country’s second city, this sorry process was applied to a greater extent still, until many argued that it was now a Muslim-majority metropolis. And these are just the largest cities.

If mass migration is so good, why don’t non-Western countries welcome it?

This is Paris, not Algiers.

Roosh, ROK‘s founder and proprietor, has a father who comes from a Shia Muslim background. We welcome the contribution of masculinity-desiring men from all walks of life. But what Roosh and ROK‘s senior writers realize above all else is that mass demographic change, as vigorously pursued by European elites, augurs nothing but the degradation and destruction of European culture.

The negative effects of such mass migration are recognized everywhere in the world, aside from Europe and its cultural offshoots of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Outside the West, countries assiduously restrict immigration to prevent ethnic and other conflict and maintain a stronger sense of national unity.

By having massive ethnic minorities in which many extremists can operate with camouflage, the minorities already largely fenced away from the European population, attacks such as the recent ones in Paris are hard to predict, let alone stop. With large pluralities and even majorities of Muslim migrants often supporting the implementation of Sharia law in surveys, how can law enforcement possibly stop Islamic groups committed to destruction and murder?

The segregation and refusal to integrate mean that plotters do not need to use heavily monitored electronic communications. A mosque or local business can suffice as a headquarters for planning deaths in the West. In fact, Paris appears to be such a case of “undetected” activity orchestrated predominantly offline.

Why didn’t the Islamist terrorist attacks occur in a Muslim-free place like Poland?

Wrocław, Poland. It has none of the daily ethnic or religious problems of a Paris or London. Why? It has virtually no non-European immigrants.

Countries such as Italy (1.5 million of 60 million) and Austria (600,000 of 8.5 million) either have a “moderate” proportion of Muslim migrants or have less violence-inclined and historically “European” or Eurasian Muslim populations (such as Bosnians and Turks). Paradoxically, this lesser racial, ethnic, and religious heterogeneity immunizes them from terrorist attacks. It would in some ways make more sense for Islamist terrorists to attack more culturally European places like this, especially those wealthier states otherwise enforcing over-the-top levels of tolerance and political correctness. But they don’t.

Now compare these only somewhat Islamized places with countries completely unused to Muslim inhabitants. In Poland, which helped invade Iraq in 2003, only 20,000 to 40,000 Muslims are thought to be residents. The most common Muslim visitors are decidedly unreligious Turkish students. There are no self-created Muslim ghettoes or segregated neighborhoods. To boot, these places like Poland, notwithstanding their declining religiosity, are unabashedly proud of their Catholic or general Christian history, or their adherence to great cultural homogeneity over time. So why aren’t the Muslims attacking them, these places least likely to host millions of Muslim migrants?

In fact, attacks are most likely to happen in places such as Britain, France and Spain, which have excessive Muslim populations. There comes a point when every additional attempt at accommodating new arrivals backfires, as those entrants and their descendants want more and more concessions and privileges. Rather than using earlier concessions and privileges as an incentive to assimilate and become virtually indistinguishable from indigenous Europeans in terms of their commitment to the national society, they insist on less “racism,” i.e. further Islamification.

Are you ready for more mainstream lies?

Conservatives such as Milo Yiannopoulos are meticulously pointing out the desperate attempts of mainstream outlets to either ignore the undeniable Islamic connection to Paris or clumsily try to disentangle it. Having supported the mass, egregious ethnic and religious transformation of European cities for decades, vested media interests are keen to do anything that draws attention away from the utterly failed experiments of political elites and their supporters.

Some countries have started hitting out, however. Willing to risk French and German allegations of insensitivity in the immediate wake of the Paris attacks, Poland has already said that it cannot accept the EU-demanded policy of immigration and refugee quotas in the current security environment. Although not as good as an outright refusal to meddle with their intrinsic national cohesion, it’s a positive start.

As the dead lie in morgues and their blood is still being washed off the streets, powerful people are again preparing to make Europe more “tolerant” and amenable to another wave of millions of Muslim migrants.

Read More: Death Toll Climbs In Paris As Media Rushes To Downplay Connection To Muslim Terrorism

391 thoughts on “France Allows Large Muslim Population, Rewarded With Most Sophisticated Terrorist Attacks Since 9/11”

  1. I don’t remember reading a policy paper on immigration in the Gospels. As a matter of fact, I don’t remember reading Jesus advocating any government policy at all. Fact of the matter is that mass non-white/non-Christian immigration wasn’t advocated until the “Post-Christian” era when atheist, cultural-marxists (usually jewish) gained control .

  2. I say make it absolutely, unequivocally not in the Islamist’s interest to commit terrorist atrocities. You can’t really punish a dead suicide bomber, but you make it known that their dead bodies will be scraped off the walls and floor and then defiled with pork sausages and Stars of David tattoos. That their families – every son, daughter, their father their mother, aunts, uncles, cousins… will be hunted down and executed, then defiled (not necessarily in that order). How about the wife will be raped by 100 Jews then killed and eaten by lions. Their mosque back home will be vaporized by a massive cruise missile attack, etc. At some point you need to show these people that while they may be up there banging their virgins, they left behind some serious misery.

    1. “You can’t really punish a dead suicide bomber, but you make it known
      that their dead bodies will be scraped off the walls and floor and then
      defiled with pork sausages and Stars of David tattoos.”
      Better yet, spread the rumor that your armed forces will christening all bullets, missiles, shrapnel, etc. with lard.

      1. Middle Eastern countries have oil . Western intelligence services have created these groups and killing muslims in their homes. They don’t want no democracy , they want to be left alone. It is a war against Christanity and Islam. Pitting these two against each other . Getting rid of moralities in Christian countries and destruction of the white race . Period

    2. Middle Eastern countries have oil . Western intelligence services have created these groups and killing muslims in their homes. They dont want no democracy , they want to be left alone. It is a war against Christanity and Islam. Pitting these two against each other . Getting rid of moralities in Christian countries and destruction of the white race

  3. America has a much smaller Muslim population percentage-wise than France, but that didn’t stop 911.

    Why didn’t the Islamist terrorist attacks occur in a Muslim-free place like Poland?
    Maybe security. France may have been an easier target. I don’t think Muslim terrorists care how many other Muslims live there (after all, Muslims commit terror against other Muslims); they care more about visibility (media coverage after attack) and probability of success.

    1. IS stated the attacks are response to French policy in Syria. Syria (and Lebanon) was controlled as French territory from the end of WWI until WWII. Its convenient for Syrians to blame all their problems on French intervention, even though that era was arguably the most peaceful and prosperous period in their history. Syria and Lebanon are failed nation states that have become terrorist safe havens. Misplaced feelings of white guilt for colonialism among libs in France have resulted in the loose immigration policy from former territories.

      1. They mean the French warplanes and special forces killing large numbers of IS forces in Syria. France also jails IS recruits trying to go to Syria. If government policy is to destroy any Muslim theocracy in the world, fine, but only traitorous psychopaths would leave the native population unprotected against Muslims within their own boarders

    2. Does anyone sane still think Muslims were involved with 9/11, even a tiny bit??? Are you being ironic or something? Tongue in cheek maybe?? The traitors are already inside the gates, here and in France, and have been for many decades. What we see on the news has nothing to do with the “hordes” outside the gates, or the savage brown invaders. They’re pawns, mere puppets, scapegoats, patsies. The enemy is within and directing the light show.

  4. I think it’s important to differentiate between Arabs and Muslims. As I mentioned before I don’t necessarily have a problem with Muslims per se. In countries like Germany there has been Turkish Muslim communities in the country since the 1960s. They seem to have integrated well and generally get along with the host society. It’s interesting to note that none of the radicalized ISIS fighters appear to ever come from these Muslim communities. This is also similar with Iranian and Bosnian Muslims.
    The issue isn’t one necessarily of religion but of ethnicity. In particular this pertains to north African Arabs who seem to have an incredible resentment towards the west, and the most violent ISIS fighters came from this region or were naturalized French citizens of Algerian and Moroccan extraction. I also think there’s a huge degree of hatred and mistrust between different branches of Islam, which, makes the religious argument a little be too simplistic.
    However, one practical step which western governments can instigate would be to immediately prevent the bank-rolling of the ISIS group by Saudi Arabi, perhaps the most noxious causative agent in this whole episode. The Saudi regime has played a very cunning game by effectively exporting all the religious malcontents who could have rebelled against their regime to foreign countries. This was done particularly well by establishing universities, not just in their Kingdom, but in France and Britain that has radicalized Arab students. By being able to inculcate the belief that the west is the diseased infidel (rather than Saudi) that needs to be opposed attacked and destroyed they’ve effectively preserved their own evil empire by exporting another form of evil to foreign lands.

    1. Delusional. Iranians are a tiny majority. Even today Turks have not adapted and they, along with Bosnians and albanian muslims are the greatest source of criminality in Germany. You have it backasswards. It’s much more about religion than ethnicity in this case.

      1. Well unlike Poland, Muslims of all hues and colors are going to be a vibrant, ever growing and exciting part of the fourth Reich that Frau Merkel is building for the German peoples’ own betterment. Maybe this is German’s destiny. To become a land alien unto itself or perhaps there’s some weird Hegelian twist of history playing itself out from beyond the Fuhrer’s bunker.
        Maybe, if German men stopped their post second world war self induced pity and started having more children in large numbers with women of Aryan and Slavic stock there could be hope that the disaster could be averted. But, alas maybe I’m being delusional like you say.

  5. Can France recover from this? I think not, there will just be more attacks the more they allow these people to congregate within their walls. To think of the greatness and successes of Pierre d’Aubusson, Phillipe Villiers, Jean Parisot de Vallete, The Great Conde, etc. These military leaders successfully defend French soil against invading Ottomans. Another fallen kingdom under the sickled moon and rotten star.
    The time to stop cultural miscegenation and diversity is now.

    1. The trojan horse has already been brought inside the walls. Not by the muslims, no, but by the traitorous elites.

  6. The Athenians had laws forbidding neutrality in such civil war situations. The idea was that when each citizen is forced to choose a side, the conflict will end much sooner.
    From my point of view there is now two possible scenarios for my country :
    1. Civil War, from which hopefully a great traditional leader could rise.
    2. Egalitarian police state with terrorists attacks from time to time (like 1984).
    Sadly I think we’re heading to the latter.

    1. There is still hope for number one. who is going to uphold a police state do you think? our governments are proving themselves time and time again to be incompetent even now when things are relatively normal. There are more points to mention but i agree with you, number two is definetely a possibility, but the last word has far from been said yet.

      1. Ragnar you’re Swedish? Do you see any significant surge of popularity for the nationalist cause?

        1. Yes i do. When the last election took place almost exactly one year ago the sweden democrats had thirteen percent of the votes, now one year later according to the latest polls they have twentysix percent. They will soon be the largest party.

        2. How much of these “cultural enrichers” are flowing into Sweden every day? 10k? I really can’t imagine how Sweden is expecting to cope with these numbers even for another six months.

        3. We get about 1000-1500 asylum seekers per day and the same amount that just “disappears” within the country without seeking asylum.

        4. If any Swedish Girls are looking for a Green Card husband to get to the U.S., I’m available.

  7. It is simply not true to say that Charlie Hebdo criticized every religion… Christians and Muslims where fine to be messed with, but Judaism was not, and some of the oldest members of the staff were fired for doing so. Charlie Hebdo lives off the money given by the government as much of the mainstream press in this country, and as such was very close to the official narrative.

    1. You are wrong, Charlie Hebdo was makeing fun of Judaism all the time. There is a difference between making fun and being hateful. Acording to French law, making fun is ok but actually disseminating hate is not, and as such one staff member who did that was fired.
      He said: “Yes, I am anti-Semitic and I am not scared to admit it… I want all Jews to live in fear, unless they are pro-Palestinian. Let them die.” among other stuff

      1. The examples you gave are disproportionate how a joke about the braids of and orthodox jew ( in your example) are to compare with Jesus fucking God up the ass? I know this for reading it almost every week for years, they’re biased. Siné was fired after making fun of the son of Sarkozy marrying a rich Jew girl ( and it was a really soft joke). While he was one of the oldest members of the staff. It really does not matter whether it’s Judaism or Islam. But this piece of shit paper is faaaar from being libertarian as it first was, it just repeats the narrative of the socialist state.

        1. There are many more examples of caricatures making fun of Judaism that the ones here.
          And you do realize that Jesus fucking God up the ass is even more offensive for Jews, at least for Christians Jesus and God are on the same level of divinity…

        2. Whatever man, I had a strong feeling that they were biased by reading it. My point is that most of the staff before half of them were shot were eating with government officials and receiving subsidies from them. That was the whole point. Charlie is a progressive politically correct liberal paper as is the French oligarchy.

        3. “And you do realize that Jesus fucking God up the ass is even more offensive for Jews”
          Are you drunk? Read their Babylonian Talmud. It’s translated online. They despise Jesus and “our” God. Depicting one sodomizing the other incestuously makes the elite Zionist Jews giggle with absolute glee.

        4. I did read enough of it. What you found online are aberations with no connection to the book. The God of Christianity and Judaism is the same thing. Whatever this has to do with zionism is beyond me…

        5. Yeah, you certainly are drunk, but also totally daft and a wee bit retarded if that’s your take on the Talmud. Same God??? You’ve got a long, long way to go Mat… Best of luck in your awakening, son.

        6. Have you ever read the Bible? The church say it’s the same God, the jews say it’s the same God, even Jesus himself and all the apostles say it’s the same God! Who are you gonna believe, Jesus and the New Testament or some website?
          You are either religious and you believe in what Jesus say or you are atheist, so why do you care, it’s all made up, right?
          Probably you are one of those that if you read some idiotic thing in a website it must be true otherwise they wouldn’t put it in the Internet

  8. Being an Arab and a former christian, I know what these monsters are capable of.
    They will rape it if it moves (man, woman, boy, girl of any species). They will subjugate you if you think differently. Look at those peace loving Muslims in the Asian countries…. they are burning church’s, harming non-muslims and creating havoc.
    They hate us for being anything but Muslim. It has nothing to do with sociopolitical crap we are sold on. These wars have raged for over 1000 years.
    Any one that identifies as a Muslim is a threat. It is a part of the religion to destroy everyone else.

    1. You know what angers me the most? It’s not the muslims and their violent doctrine, but the backstabbers in my own ‘tribe’ who are working relentlessly to sabotage society. I’m talking about the (white) leftists, the gullible sheeple, the sjws, and the scumbags that are supposed to govern us and protect the interests of the “tribe” and society. There is nothing worse than backstabbers and being sold out by your own kin.

        1. I’m shamelessly stealing your quote, as it packs H-Bomb levels of truth in a single sentence.

      1. Good thing about these murders muzzies hitting big cities lie this… Is in most cases they are killing the very progressives welcoming them.
        Thankfully we have a 2nd amendment. Keep’em loaded boys.

        1. “The progressives will just say these terrorists do not represent all Muslims”
          They’re not the only ones; a lot of ‘conservatives’ will say that too.
          I say: when the ‘moderate’ Muslim groups start denouncing their homicidal brethren, I’ll change my mind.

        2. The moderate Muslims might eventually get sucked in to the radical agenda of ISIS and the like. As for the ones that are liberal and/or Westernized, some might convert but there will still be some of them that will be killed by the radicals for not adhering.

        3. Precisely. If they’re going to attack, attack the places with people that have madness like “Queers for Palestine”. Leave normal people be.

        4. The progressives are idiots. These terrorists clearly represent all 1.6 billion Muslims in the World. They even said “its for Syria” as they carried out their evil.

        5. Of all the brands of music, heavy metal is one of the least leftist. The SJWs are complaining about it and want the music to be polluted by SJW messages.

        6. If we get another lefty administration like Obama’s, they’ll come for the 2nd Amendment.

        7. The moderate Muslim groups in America have totally failed at getting their message across. They must really, really suck at basic Public Relations, because regardless of the media (TV, Internet, etc), you rarely hear them condemn Radical Islam, if at all.

        1. You’re doing it wrong. You should suggest that you preferentially accept the child rapist and murders first, as it will lessen the violence in Syria. They should probably bring their guns too.

        2. And that’s why I don’t use Facebook anymore. It’s filled with SJW whiners. After the gay marriage ruling, I found out just how many “friends” were bitter assholes.

        3. If you are relying on the government to protect you man, you might as well commit suicide now.

        4. If they’re FB friends: 86 them.
          If they’re left wing groups: you’re wasting your time. It’s like a pastor preaching the Word to satan. Say your peace and bounce.
          If they’re neutral or right centered groups: keep at it. Don’t let them push you around.
          What’s the link? I might come help you.

        5. You are absolutely right. In my opinion, the government is more dangerous to us than any terrorists. How successful would that attack have been if people were allowed to defend themselves? I can tell you, I no longer feel safe walking down the street without a gun. The police are going to protect me? I remember when those nuts hacked that guy up in Woolwich, the police took 20 minutes to arrive. These guys had time to give YouTube interviews and preach sermons before the police got there.

        6. Two fucking hours are you kidding me? That is fucking unacceptable. I can imagine they were waiting for these guys to run out of ammo like they did with Brievik

      2. r/K theory dewd… the leftists are “r-type” and deep in their psyche, they know they cannot compete with their own. Siding with the enemy is a way of attempting to killing off their tribes’ alpha males.

      3. This is truth at its finest point. And it seems that while the thirst of these Muslims for the blood of “infidels” is insatiable, so too does the indifference of these SJWs to the atrocities these barbarians commit seem ever more obvious. It seems to matter little to the SJW mob how many innocents are blown up, gunned down, or chopped into bloody bits so long as the farce of “tolerance” is maintained. How much of Europe must be bathed with the blood of her innocent citizens before these fools in charge abandon this ridiculous quest to top one another in this game of “Who is the Most Tolerant”?
        If the immigration policy of the EU towards these Muslim “refugees” continues on its present course, history will not remember it for being the bastion of tolerance that it is so desperate to have the rest of the world believe it is. Instead, much like the legend of Troy, the EU will be remembered for welcoming its own demise with open arms. Better to set fire to that Muslim horse outside the gates now, rather than bring it inside the walls to be used as the centerpiece for an SJW kegger.

      4. What angers me the most is that the government stirs up the hornets nest and not only leaves the population to bear the consequences but they also deny me the right and ability to defend myself.
        Give me a gun and things will get pretty fucking secure around here.

      5. On my way home from work I unfortunately overheard the poison being spewed out by one of these filthy fucking lefties. According to him, no one was actually killed and the police had apparently been letting off fire crackers to scare people. He also reckoned it is all a hoax and the media are just trying to fuel hate towards muslims.
        … I honestly couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

    2. Islam is an intolerant, violent, political ideology written by a schizophrenic, sadistic, medieval warlord named Muhammad.
      As a Sikh whose ancestors successfully fought back against the Mughal Empire and eventually destroyed it, we know all too well what this supposed “religion of peace” is all about.
      The Quran explicitly sanctions killing and use of lethal force against all non-Muslims (“kaffirs”) all throughout the text.
      Blaming this incident on ISIS is an outright lie and a cop-out.
      ISIS Muslims are followers of Muhammad and Islam in the truest sense of the word.

      1. I lived in India for a while and have some background on the history of Sikh’s and all I know is the rest of the country owes you a debt of gratitude for turning back those monsters.

        1. The Indian subcontinent had to deal with Muslim invasions since the beginning of the Islam! The Arabs were defeated, but Turkic people who embraced Persian culture and Islam conquered large parts of the subcontinent. They were the Moghuls and the British displaced them.

        2. It was the Marathas who deposed the Mughals long before the British or the Sikhs. At the zenith of Maratha rule they controlled all of the former Mughal empire and the emperor was reduced to his palace in Delhi as a ceremonial head. It was only the Afghan invasion and defeat of the Marathas that gave room to others like the Sikhs or the Brits to increase their influence in the region.

        3. The Mughals were Turkic from one line and Mongol from another. Babur the first Mughal was descended both from Timur and from Genghis.

        4. Finally, a guy who knows his history. *thumbsup*
          Interesting trivia: Sambhaji, second king of the then-tiny Maratha empire, waged the longest war in India’s history against the Mughal empire – 27 long years. The Mughal army was the world’s best equipped and largest military force of its time, and yet Sambhaji defeated them in every single battle. During the 5th year of his war, he was betrayed to the Mughals for money and captured. The emperor Aurangzeb offered him pardon and his daughter’s hand in marriage (and an alliance) if he converted to Islam. He said that he will never convert, so he was tortured to death by being skinned with small cuts, having his body slowly dismembered, and being infected with camel dung.

      2. Mr Sikh !
        what was your Guru nanak doing in mecca.
        Sikh_ism is noting but a combination of Sufi islam and moderate Hinduism. I have read your holy book.
        These groups are controlled by western intelligence , who are hell bent at destroying white race.
        By the way you are not sikh . You are a hindu . Sikhs are warriorrs . You sound like a hindu pussy with tail between his legs. You guys can only kill Muslim , Christian and Sikh minorities.
        Middle east has oil and these western prostitutes want oil . They are destroying the region and they are destroying the White race .

        1. Your post is so full of shit there’s really no point in me wasting time going through all of it.
          Anyone who knows how to use Google can look up “Sikhism” and read the Wikipedia article and everything else.
          Guru Nanak went to Mecca to preach the word of God to Muslims and that God lies everywhere and does not lie in just a specific direction of prayer, among many other things he disagrees with in Islam (circumcision, fasting, pilgrimage, etc.). He also went to Haridwar (headquarters of Hinduism) and Ladakh (headquarters of Buddism at the time) among many other important places to preach the word of God.
          Sikhism is not a combination of Sufi Islam and moderate Hinduism.
          You’re obviously either a butt-hurt Islamist or an RSS Hindu agent.
          Either way, go fuck yourself.

        2. Good, now go feast on some pork if you’re an Islamist or go eat a cow if you’re a RSS Hindu agent.

        3. My half cow half pork friend . Open your eyes.
          It’s the war against white race and other religions are just pawns. As long as there is oil in middle east there will be war .
          Every religion has blood on it’s hand.

        4. Neither cow nor pork are sacred to me, my desert-dwelling friend.
          “Every religion has blood on it’s hand.”
          Really? You said you’ve read our holy book. Can you quote anywhere from our holy book that sanctions the killing of non-Sikhs?
          Sikhs do believe in a just war (called Dharam Yudh), as they fought back against Islamists successfully back in the 1700’s among many other times from foreigners invading Punjab.
          Can you give an example in the history of Sikhism where Sikhs sanctioned the killing of innocent people?

        5. True .You are right about this part. No where in your holy book is it written to kill non – sikhs , my Bhangra loving friend.
          I said every religion has blood on it’s hands. Tell me what about millions of muslims killed by Hindus and Sikhs and vice versa in 1947. Did your holy book promote it ? No. Off course not. Your ancestors did it out of anger or revenge , but they were Sikhs . So every religion has blood on it’s hands. Again
          I never said anything bad about your religion or your holy book . It’s my point of view that it’s the combination of Sufism and Moderate hinduism .

        6. Not a fan of bhangra; nice try though.
          There’s a big difference between a holy book promoting violence and killing of non-believers, and people killing in self-defense (the only instance it’s allowed in Sikhism, and only if all else fails).
          “Tell me what about millions of muslims killed by Hindus and Sikhs and vice versa in 1947.”
          “Millions” of Muslims were killed? Even the highest, upper-bound estimates of the death toll of the 1947 partition put the TOTAL death toll of everyone (Sikhs, Muslims, Hindus) at one million (real number is probably more close to total of 500,000), so you need to review your facts.
          Also, our ancestors fought back and killed the Mughals because they had no other choice. Thousands upon thousands of Sikhs were being hunted and killed and a price was put on the head of every dead Sikh, simply because the new religion was expanding rapidly and was a threat to Mughal hegemony.
          Sikhs had to fight back because it was either kill or get killed. Sikhs were given two options, 1: Convert to Islam or 2: Death, so Sikhs created a third option 3: Fight back, and successfully won.
          If it wasn’t for the Sikhs, all of India and even further East would be Muslim right now.
          “I never said anything bad about your religion or your holy book . It’s my point of view that it’s the combination of Sufism and Moderate hinduism .”
          Muslims need to be honest with themselves and realize that some of the core tenets of Islam are not applicable today (as most already do). Muslims should adopt Sufism as a start which will help them from so much mindless in-fighting and violence.
          All this politically correct non-sense about being a “religion of peace” is an outright lie.

        7. Try again.
          Sikhs set up an Empire to fight back against the constantly invading Afghan/Islamist forces as Sikhs (and everyone else including “moderate Muslims”) were sick and tired of constant Islamic “jihad” bullshit and killing.
          The Sikh Empire was secular and had Sikhs, Muslims, Hindus and Christians in the army.
          That’s actually the most peaceful period in the history of Punjab.
          You’ve proven yourself an idiot to the whole world by pointing out your ignorance.
          Time to pull your head out of your ass.

        8. Following the Sikh occupation of Samana in 1709, the Sikh army participated in a massacre of the city’s residents. 10,000 unarmed Muslim men and women were slain.[39]Following the Siege of Sirhind, Banda Singh Bahadur ordered that all men, women and children be executed.[40] All residents of Sirhind, whether they were men, women or children were all burned alive or slain.
          FUCK YOU !!

        9. Total lie propogated by a well-known anti-Sikh propagandist. All other historical sources of the time do not mention any of that.
          You realize your “source” is a well-known propagandist Rajmohan Gandhi, a Congress agent that instigated the killing of hundreds and thousands of Sikhs in 1984 and the decade afterwards?
          Why won’t you do some actual research and then get back to me?
          Also, fuck you too. Muslims like you are terrorist sympathizers and the whole world knows it.

        10. Yeah nice source from well-known anti-Sikh propagandist Rajmohan Gandhi.
          Try again my friend.

        11. From Wikipedia !!
          During this pillaging, “Children were put to the sword, women were dragged out and forcibly converted to Sikhism” and Mosques were defiled by pigs blood.[41]
          and you say ?????
          Faggot , Fuck You…

        12. And who does [39]-[41] reference, dumbass? That’s right, Rajmohan Gandhi (grandson of “Mahatma” Gandhi), a well-known anti-Sikh, Hindu supremacist who’s written all sorts of things against Sikhism without any historical basis (and even against Islam, for that matter).
          Over 10,000+ Muslims definitely were killed in the Battle of Samana by Banda Singh Bahadur. Same was repeated in many other battles.
          Banda Singh Bahadur, before he embraced Sikhism directly from Guru Gobind Singh Ji himself (10th and final Guru of Sikhism), was a warrior who renounced violence and embraced asceticism for many years after he accidentally killed a pregnant deer he shot with an arrow when hunting one day. After he met Guru Gobind Singh Ji, he understood that under extreme circumstances, there is a just cause for war. He then embraced Sikhism. Hardly a candidate for someone who would revert and mindlessly start killing women and children.
          The rest of the article is full of similar nonsense.
          In fact, there were even former Muslims in both Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s and Banda Singh Bahadur’s army!
          Anyways, pull your head out of your ass.
          The world is seeing Islam for what it really is, and it’s not a pretty picture.
          Those who live in glass houses…

        13. Fuck you and your oil. If it were true then why in the fuck am I still paying $3 dollars at the pump? We don’t steal oil, we buy it motherfucking cunt, and soon we will be off your shit. I want to see you then, fucking pounding sand you towel head. The countries you sewage are coming from don’t produce anything besides shit. Literally. You sit and shit. That’s all you do over there.
          If I were the president of the U.S. I would occupy that whole shit hole, take all the fucking oil. ALL-OF-IT. And only then leave. At least give you something real to bitch about. Fucking assholes..

        14. Nanak went to Mecca to teach Muslims God is not in one direction, is that really what they tell you guys? Lmao Nanak spent his whole life amongst Muslims he would have known that Muslims do not believe God is in one direction, Muslims believe God is omnipresent same as other monotheistic faiths. It is clear you guys made this story up because the truth hurts. Nanak went to Mecca (the same Mecca where non Muslims are denied entry to this day) for pilgrimage as he was a Muslim, any genuine study of history makes that clear, heck his chola which is preserved by you Sikhs even today is adorned with the shahada. You can Hate Muslims all you want but the “founder” of your religion held a very high opinion of Muhammad pbuh.

        15. Its more complicated than that. The quantity of oil in the world affects the overall oil price, even in the US. More important is the ability to access that oil. Last, is the importance of controlling a strategic resource. Really I see Western domination of ME oil reserves as part of the ongoing cold war with Russia.
          The West wants to deny Russian access to these resources as part of a plan to weaken Russia and eventually turn them into a vassal state. Its what the Crimean War was about, what WW1 and WW2 were about (in part), the wars in Asia, the wars in the ME and the Ukrainian Civil War.
          If you look carefully back through recent history you will see that the Russians have been trying to negotiate with many of these ME States for oil rights. Western attacks on these countries are part of an overall strategy in the war against Russia.

        16. Same Islamist lies repeated over and over again doesn’t make them true. Guru Nanak was a Muslim? Lol.
          All Muslims do pray facing the direction of the Kaabah. To do so otherwise is sacrilegious.
          Many non-Muslims have successfully sneaked into Mecca, (Richard Burton, for example) which back then was just not the dazzling city it is today and in Guru Nanak’s time it was actually pretty easy to get in.
          Merely visiting the city of a faith doesn’t mean you adhere to it and Guru Nanak visited cities of many faiths. Also, there’s more to the Hajj than just going to Mecca, which Guru Nanak never participated in. Also, Guru Nanak never had a high opinion (or any opinion) of Muhammad. Muhammad is never explicitly mentioned anywhere in Sikhism (the Quran actually is), probably because Guru’s opinion of him was not very favourable and rather than slander him, he chose to remain quiet out of respect.
          The rest of your post is just grasping at straws that anyone who knows how to Google can easily verify as false.

        17. Muslims face towards kaaba but the reason is not as you claim it to be. Facing towards the mecca is done as a sign of unity across the faith. A simple google search would tell you this or just ask the millions of Muslims around you in India. Like I said Nanak would have known this as he lived, ate, and slept amongst Muslims. Unless he was totally ignorant.
          Burton only got in through decietfulness and went there by himself, are you saying Nanak was being decietful in order to get in? Also you forget that unlike Burton Nanak did not go to Mecca alone and was actually accompanying his Muslim friend Mardana.
          You are right there is more to it but how come you did not say anything about hos chola? Do you even know what that is? If he was non Muslim why did he write the Islamic testament faith on his chola and carry it around on his person whereever he went? How about his janam sakhis? Which record that he prayed with Muslims? That he dressed like a sufi faqir? These are not an islamist lie this is fact recorded by your own historians.

        18. The unity argument doesn’t make any sense as I can be facing the exact opposite direction of the Kaabah and yet still be facing it since the Earth is a sphere, in contrast to passages in the Quran that suggest the Earth is flat.
          His Chola is one of many gifts he was given from people of many other faiths as well as he had admirers across all faiths, but he never wore it. Just because a Muslim hands me a copy of the Quran in a street corner and I take it, just out of curiosity to read what’s inside it, that doesn’t mean I’ve accepted Islam.
          Using the same logic, just because Emperor Akhbar had langar with Sikhs in a Gurdwara doesn’t mean he accepted Sikhism.
          Guru Nanak never prayed 5 times a day, writes against circumcision, never completed the Hajj, and so much other things considered core requirements to be called a Muslim, writes against Babur, etc. He was unequivocally and categorically not a Muslim. Only Islamists like yourself think so.
          Repeating same lies desperately over and over again doesn’t make something true.
          “Like I said Nanak would have known this as he lived, ate, and slept amongst Muslims.”
          Guru Nanak did all that with all people, including low-caste Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Muslims, etc.
          Getting into Mecca was actually quite easy during Guru Nanak’s time, one requirement of which was wearing the right clothing. Having Bhai Mardana, a Muslim minstrel, as a companion also definitely helped him.
          What Guru Nanak thought of Muhammad is not known since he’s not mentioned specifically by him anywhere, but here’s what Gurus overall think of the Quran:
          “Ram Rahim Puran Quran anek kahay mut ek na maanyo.”
          “Ram Rahim Puran Quran all have limitless meaning, but I don’t follow any of their ways”
          There is much wisdom and truth in the Quran, however, we, as Sikhs, completely disagree with many other aspects of it (most notably sanctioning the killing of innocent people) and do not accept it as any divine authority.
          You’re not doing Islam any good by spreading Islamist lies and propaganda.

        19. In Kalifornia we just saw an increase of 20-30 cents per gallon because of global warming. Taxes are insidious. They always find a way to extract more.

        20. First of all idk why you keep calling me an Islamist, Islamists would actually disagree with me on this subject. Infact despite me being a Sunni Muslim even most Sunnis would disagree with me. Second there is no mention of the earth being flat in the Quran, the verse you are referencing is talking about how the King in question saw the land before him. Lastly since I am now on a comp, I will just give you links to answer this and if you still disagree let us agree to disagree.
 – why Muslims face Mecca
          His chola might have been a gift but his choosing to wear it wherever he went was his own choice. The equivalent you brought up is valid but I doubt you will take the Quran with you wherever you go since you don’t believe in it. That would be the equivalent of me accepting a hoodie with John 3:16 written on it as a gift and then wearing it everyday while claiming I am not a Christian, possible but not exactly something most people would do.
          True he spent time with all people but he lived amongst faqirs and Bhai Mardana a Muslim was his closest friend. You are right that he wore the right clothes and that he accompanied Mardana but you are incorrect on his purpose for doing so. If you are to be believed he did so in order to deceive Muslims into letting him in to Mecca which would be a knock on his character but I believe his purpose was not deceit but genuine intent to go on hajj with his friend. However like I said I will provide links that argue this with reasons and let us agree to disagree.

          video in urdu (if you can understand if you don’t want to read)
          As for the verse of the Guru Granth Sahib you quoted it does not seem to be a denunciation of the Quran. Here’s a discussion a google search brought up on the verse by sikhs on a sikh website.
          Anyway like I said if you still do not agree then let us agree to disagree, my point was the founder of your religion had no beef with Muslims or Islam so you should not be hostile to Muslims. I know of the Mughal history with you Sikhs but the Mughal empire and its emperors are dead so the people you should hate are dead as well.

        21. You are resorting to lies, hypocrisy and wild speculation to make your points. Islamists like you are exactly the reason why Islam gets a bad name. Whether you’re Sunni or not is irrelevant as you propagate the lies of Islamists.
          I’ve already explained to you he never wore the Chola and simply accepted it as a gift as he did with people of all faiths who offered him gifts. He did not wear the Chola wherever he went as you so ardently believe. You can keep repeating this lie over and over again but that won’t change the truth. You speak as if you’ve personally watched him wear it. He never wore it as there’s no evidence he actually ever wore it and the Chola itself, if you’ve actually seen it, looks brand new for a cloth over 500+ years old exactly as if it was never worn.
          Even if he was given a copy of the Quran itself in Mecca and he decided to carry it in his hand out of respect on his long arduous journey back home, that still doesn’t mean he accepts Islam as his beliefs on fasting, pilgrimage, circumcision, etc. directly contrast with Islamic teachings. The Sikh belief in Ik Onkar is very different from the Islamic belief in Allah. He can’t be a Muslim as he doesn’t fit even the most minimal definition of a practicing Muslim.
          Like I’ve already written, he received many gifts from his many admirers across all faiths and he accepted them out of respect, just as all religious leaders do today. Merely accepting a gift out of respect doesn’t mean you’ve accepted that faith.
          A cursory scan of that source you give me by “Professor” Abdul Jaleel mentions that Guru Nanak married into a Muslim family. This is a total lie. Guru Nanak’s wife was Mata Sulakhni and she was a Hindu Khatri before marriage and by default became Sikh after marrying Guru Nanak. She was not a Muslim. I don’t have the time to go through every single lie point by point and I didn’t bother reading the rest.
          Just that in itself is enough to expose your level of intellect and Islamist agenda to anyone reading these posts.
          I’m very surprised the website full of Islamist lies you sent is actually Ahmadiyyian, as I always thought they were more moderate from mainstream Islam. Looks like I was mistaken.
          I couldn’t care less what you personally or Islamist websites full of lies think about Sikhism or Guru Nanak.
          There are numerous verses in the Quran where it is suggested the Earth is flat like a carpet.

          If the author of the Quran actually did understand the Earth was a sphere, then he would know that ANY direction sitting on the Earth would be facing Kaabah. The insistence of facing a certain direction during prayer is an outcome of believing the Earth is flat as the question of “unity” by facing a certain direction doesn’t arise in the first place if you understand the Earth is a sphere. Guru Nanak was explaining the same thing when he went to Mecca as it was not universally accepted in the Islamic world that the Earth is a sphere.
          When he arrived in Mecca, Guru Nanak was sleeping on the floor with his feet pointed towards the Kaabah. When a guard saw him, he scolded him and told him to point his feet away from the Kaabah. The guard then started rotating his body lieing on the ground but in whichever way the guard rotated Guru Nanak’s body, his feet were still pointing towards the Kaabah. Guru Nanak explained that he always was facing the Kaabah out of respect and explained that the Earth is a sphere. The guard begged Guru Nanak for forgiveness, which Guru Nanak obviously did.
          Look at the picture in the bottom right quadrant with the Earth and the man praying. Note how it doesn’t matter which direction he’s facing as every direction faces the Kaabah anyways. That’s exactly what the relevant Sakhi explains.
          The purpose of his visit to Mecca was not to go on pilgrimage, but discourse with other holy people as he did with people of all faiths all over the world. He was much admired by Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, etc. alike. If his purpose to go Mecca was to participate in the Hajj, then why didn’t he participate in it? He didn’t because he wasn’t a Muslim, and Sikhism and Guru Nanak outright rejects pilgrimage.
          Guru Nanak traveled far and wide; going to Mecca (HQ of Islam), Hardiwar (HQ of Hinduism), Tibet (HQ of Buddhism) are just footnotes on his itinerary.
          Yes his closest friend was a Sufi, my closest friend is a Christian and I have a few Muslim friends and a Sufi friend, what’s your point? Does it make me a Christian if I go with my Christian friend one day to visit the Vatican just out of curiosity?
          “As for the verse of the Guru Granth Sahib you quoted it does not seem to be a denunciation of the Quran.”
          The quote does not affirm the Quran and categorically rejects the divine authority of it for Sikhs (but not for Muslims). However, as Sikhs, we understand that it’s obviously divine for Muslims and we respect their views (although we don’t necessarily agree with many of them).
          Purpose of Sikhism isn’t to disprove the Quran or Islam, it’s to connect people with God irregardless of their religion. I’m not interested in a “Sikhism vs Islam” debate.
          Like I’ve already said, Sikhs and Sikh Gurus believe that the Quran has much truth and wisdom (and lots of other stuff we reject), but we do not revere it in any way.
          Take out all the mindless violence and some other crazy ideas, and you are left with an overall pretty good religion (much like Sufism, which Sufis believe is the original form of Islam) that can help many people reach God. In fact, it’s almost like the Quran is written by two completely opposite personalities: one extremely benevolent and merciful and the other extremely violent beyond imagination, which suggests bi-polar/schizophrenia medical condition (I do not mean this in a derogatory way).
          Unfortunately, all the killing and crazy ideas are there and were used to justify mass genocide of Sikhs until Sikhs raised the sword and showed how real fighting is done.
          Guru Nanak was not a follower of Muhammad nor Islam and hence, he was not a Muslim. Islamists can make up all sorts of lies to suggest otherwise but that will never change the truth.
          The fact that Muslims, Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Siddhs, ascetics and everyone else universally revered Guru Nanak so much so and all wanted him to belong to their faith is a testament of the greatness of Guru Nanak’s teachings and philosophy.

      3. Whats very nice is that being a Sikh you can speak the truth without being shouted down to “Check your white, christian privilege” , when you consider that Sikh’s, Hindu’s, Buddhists and even eastern athiests like the Chinese government can’t live side by side with these maniacs shows that this is a war between one group determined to destroy civilization and the rest of civilization itself.

      4. Yeah Muhammad invaded a lot of places during his lifetime and killed people that didn’t want to convert.

      5. Blaming this incident on ISIS is an outright lie and a cop-out.

        Even though ISIS said they did it…?

    3. I Totally agree!
      being a former berber ‘muslim’, until I discovered by my grand fathers what muslims did in order to enforce their belief system on them.
      for them you are either muslim or someone to be : killed, raped, tortured … etc
      a lot of muslims are muslim just because they don’t really know how Islam began and spread through the world and how barbaric are Islam laws.
      Islam is an ideology not a religion.
      there is no such thing as moderate muslims you either a muslim is taking his believe seriously or not (in this case his going to be killed by the serious ones : the thing that is happening in syria and the middle east)
      Islam is not a religion it’s an Ideology

    4. I Totally agree!
      being a former berber ‘muslim’, until I discovered by my grand fathers what muslims did in order to enforce their belief system on them.
      for goat heads you are either muslim or someone to be : killed, raped, tortured … etc
      a lot of muslims are muslim just because they don’t really know how Islam began and spread through the world and how barbaric are Islamic laws.
      Islam is an ideology not a religion.
      there is no such thing as moderate muslims, either a muslim is taking his believe seriously or not (in this case his going to be killed by the serious ones : the thing that is happening in syria and the middle east)
      Islam is not a religion it’s an Ideology

      1. You’re an amazigh then you know very well the unscrupulousnes of arab colonialism and what were up against. I had a close friend when i was younger from the tunisian berbers, he told me alot of the brutal arab treatment when they arrived to colonise north africa.
        Man he really hated arabs and his name is muhammad, somewhat ironic for a none muslim.

        1. Of course,
          and it’s the same scenario that is happening in the west.
          they will come peacefully in the beginning but once you start loosing ground they will simply butcher you and render the last resistant to a minority.
          In north africa almost all Amazighs went to live in the mountains to be able to defend themselves against the invading arabs.
          and know arabs are establishing themselves as an aristocracy because they are using religion to subjugate people.
          a muslim arab think is superior to a non-arab muslim which in turn thinks his superior to a non-muslim.
          I’m from a country where berbers are still somehow a majority(morocco) but we have to kick out the shity arab king and his islam before starting the cleansing.
          and if one day there is a battle between muslims and westerners I will gladly be in the front lines with my westerners brethren shooting some halal asses.

        2. Good to hear. Nationalism is growing in europe and sweden. Sweden will most likely very soon become a failed state so nationalism will grow even more in the radical sense as well.
          Sweden is the most extreme multicultural and liberal nation in all of europe and if you’re interested in getting a clearer picture of whats going on here then i recommend this article:

        3. for each 20 muslims there is at least 2 muslims that will someday bomb themselves.
          but for Sweden the spirit of Wotan is still raging and it can’t allow muslims to win the game.
          hold strong my friend hold strong.

        4. Thank you i will. I believe we will be victorious, europe has been invaded before by muslims and we kicked them out then and we will do it again, as for the scandinavian people many of us have become weak, but we still have the teutonic spirit within us waiting to be set free again.

        5. but don’t be mistaken they can just back stab you not really face you because this is what they have been doing for years know. anyhow protecting your borders is the priority know, you can deal with those who do not want to assimilate later.
          the third reconquista : la valise ou le cercueil ou le jambon

      2. I have plenty of “Muslim” friends and the all sound very similar to you right now.
        Bravo my good man.

        1. Islam have to disappear if we have to find a little peace in this world.
          and all my thoughts with the Christians of the middle-east that are being persecuted by the faggy dark hordes of Allah.

    5. What always bugged me is how Muslims wage war on each other. I see it like Christians waging war on Catholics (Sunni Shia).
      I would respect them 0.01% more if they only murdered non Muslims.

    6. Middle East had interesting culture and history like Assyrian kingdom and Babylon Empire before Islam was introduced. After that, it seems like everything fell apart.

    7. “Being an Arab and a former christian, I know what these monsters are capable of.”
      Then what religion are you?

        1. I’m curious to know your belief. If you are Muslim maybe you could enlighten us here a bit. I would listen seeing as you seem to have similar position as many of us here.

        2. Fair enough..
          I was born in to a Roman Catholic family. Not super strict though. My family was a very small minority from our country of origin. I have several family members that are Muslim either through marriage or conversion.
          My beliefs as they now stand: I am a nonbeliever in Gods and Government. I have no time for “Atheists” as well. Seems like most believe in something sans evidence.
          I take no issue whatsoever with people of faith. I celebrate Christmas with the family and my friends. I go to Jewish friends places for various dinners/celebrations. I even have pagan friends that love a good ole time. I have even been to “moderate” Muslim festive occasions. I couldn’t care less about someones religion; so long as it affects me not other than me allowing myself to be a part of it.
          All I know about various religions is what I have read and witnessed from my very eyes. Every muslim I know that has kids almost always goes back to the fold.
          Most agree with the idea of punishment for drawing the fake prophet. Even my moderate cousins believe in that shit. It is in the religion. To be a good muzzie you have to bring harm to non-muzzies.
          That help?

        3. Thanks for sharing that.
          “My beliefs as they now stand: I am a nonbeliever in Gods and Government”
          I’m of the Christian faith but I swear that religious leaders and governments are the enemy of humanity.
          I had a Turkish girlfriend while living in the UK back in 2000. She never wore the classic attire of muslim, and I dont think she was a practising muslim niether.
          And I have met many good people who are muslim and not the psychopaths that europe is letting through its borders. Ibvioysly europe is slated to become Muslim in 60 years if not before. The questolion is: will europe become Sharia compliant and do away with the architecture and museums? Can the non extremist muslims somehow contain their extremists?

    8. The radical ones like ISIS are the worst, They wouldn’t stop. If anyone disagrees with their religious ideology, they get killed. It is retarded that most people are ignorant about these and are all about ‘loving Muslims’ and all that shit.

    9. Yes this attack was worse than the one done by that White guy in Norway. Its a good thing he didn’t bring friends with him on that attack like these guys did.
      We now need to keep a close eye on more than a fifth of the worlds population (the 1.6 bn Muslims). Any one of them could be on their way to Europe to shoot us up as every one of them is a threat, from the oldest man to the youngest baby.
      What is most important of course is we disregard the fact that France has been involving itself in Syrian affairs for years and more recently has been hitting targets in Syria and Iraq for years. We know this is unimportant because as Poland not only do not have a lot of Muslims in their country, two years ago they ruled out intervening in Syria.
      We must also ignore the fact that ISIS have stated that this attack is in response to the French attacks on them for years. They are lying. They did it simply because they are Muslims and this is what Muslims do.
      Simple minded thinking is our best defense against terrorists.
      But the following is most important. While on the one hand when there is a mass shooting in the United States, here in Europe, being far more civilized, we see clearly that it is because of the US gun culture and the ridiculous idea that we should let the population defend themselves against mad men. Imagine the carnage!
      No it is better that we rely on the government and the police to protect us from shooters as although it will take them a while to respond, eventually they will get there. So don’t worry, the government is now prepared for the previous terrorist attack.

      1. Yes the western countries are doing horrid things but the muzzies would attack us eventually. It is codified in the scripture. To be a good muslim you must obey. To be a great muslim you must act.
        Those crazies can not think for themselves.

    10. It’s stupid to think they will treat western Christians, Jews or Atheists differently for some reason.

    11. There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and only some 10,000 in ISIS. Polls in Muslim countries show most disagree with what ISIS is doing.
      What you are saying about about Muslims “a religion to destroy everyone else” you should be saying about Jews. Their main enemies are Christians and Muslims and they are having an easy time setting the two against each other, at least among ROK readers.

    12. What on earth are you saying man? I’m a muslim. Am I a threat? I’m 6’2, 220lbs. I haven’t hit another human my entire life. I’m 28 years old. I practice game, despise SJW’s and Feminists. I couldn’t give a shit about killing another person. I fuck women of every race. Not all muslims are terrorists man. If we were, you would all be dead.

  9. As far as France goes… A pox on them and the multiculturalism nonsense they sell. They brought this on themselves.
    Some people will say Muslims were killed in the attacks… Well those going to a concert or out to dinner in non-halal places etc.. are not real Muslims and are open targets to the real muzzies. Let that sink in.

    1. I had a French friend who called me a fascist once because I dont believe in equality. Now, he’s back home in Parisian suburbs. I wonder if he still stands by his believes. Probably yes, since Leftists never learn.

      1. Leftists/Progressives suffer from beaten spouse syndrome.
        No matter how hard they are hit they will apologize for “hurting” the abusers knuckles.

  10. Without hesitation, the single democrat female clowncar paraded their hashtags and instagram quotes out, mostly along the lines of “peaceinparis” or “love is the answer” or “prayforparis.”
    Sorry sensitive bitches, it isn’t peace, prayers or love that is the answer for Paris. It’s a quarter million NATO forces sticking fully automatic rifles at every illegal refugee in the country and torturing captured Isis members to near death.

    1. maybe they should have tried that as a response to Hitler in the 40’s and seen how it worked..

    2. Love is the answer; it’s just they don’t know what ‘love’ is.
      Or as Paul Muab’dib put it:
      “Isn’t it odd that we misunderstand the hidden unity of kindness and cruelty….wisdom tempers love, and puts a new shape on hate. How can you tell what is ruthless unless you’ve plumbed the depths of both kindness and cruelty?”
      Unfortunately the West (based on Christianity or perversions there of) thinks that ‘love’ only means nice things when the teachings of Scripture say something completely different.

      1. Good words. This unnatural duality that you speak of has weakened the west very badly, and yes this mentality originated when we came in contact with the abrahamic worldview.

        1. “unnatural duality”
          I think that this would be the goal rather than what is currently believed in the West.
          ‘Tough love’ might be a better phrase for the duality; for example, having parental affection for offspring, but allowing them to make mistakes and suffer the consequences thereof. Or not spoiling the children lest they become irresponsible entitled brats / SJWs.

        2. Happens to the best of us. Jokes aside i have to give my english writing skills an upgrade, i speak perfectly but in writing i have some difficulties.

    3. Answer is very simple.
      Middle Eastern countries have oil . Western intelligence services have created these groups and killing muslims in their homes. They dont want no democracy , they want to be left alone. It is a war against Christanity and Islam. Pitting these two against each other . Getting rid of moralities in Christian countries and destruction of the white race . Period

    1. If only he would clean up the comment sections on his site, and not ban everyone who disagrees with him on mere trivialities.

      1. That’s a valid point, yes. I think his site could use a physical makeover as well. It could and should be much more visually appealing. The content is great, of course.

      2. I didn’t think CH banned that often. The comments section is sadly the odd absolute gem lost amongst the usual in fighting and utter drivel.

  11. Way too much focus on Muslims. Muslims and the tenets of their religion aren’t the problem. The extreme leftists who control the power structure in most of the West are. Without their militant pursuit of a suicidal and evil ideology, these Muslims would just be relatively harmless subhumans wallowing in their own filth in a desert thousands of miles away.

    1. My thoughts exactly. Rome didn’t fall (just) because the barbarians were too strong. It fell because it was rotten on the inside.

    2. The peace advocates are the ones responsible for this by not recognizing the threat in the first place.

      1. The leftist governments recognized the threat. They simply don’t care. Even if someone were so lacking in intellectual capacity so as to not be able to predict the negative consequences of importing low IQ, impoverished religious fanatics, there is 20+ years of history they can consult. They are choosing to import these Syrians with full knowledge of previous attacks throughout Europe, mass rape, unemployment, inbreeding, physical ugliness, etc.

        1. The leftist government doesnt bother me, i know what they are and i expect nothing good of them. What is scary is the governments little ideological foot soldiers, because they lose from all of this as much as the rest of us do, in the end at least.
          These are the people being spewed out of the universities like a factory produces useless things, and yet they behave like little mini popes that sit in with the truth, these are whats creepy to me.

    3. Bingo, Hank.
      Especially when you unprogram yourself from the controlled major media propaganda and learn that, as rotten as the Muslims are, cave-dwelling ragheads didn’t pull off 9/11 any more than the communists pulled off the burning of the Reichstag building.
      Hitler (and those who controlled him) used a false flag attack to stoke the German people for war for the enrichment of a few oligarchs.
      Bush (and those who control him and all other presidential puppets) used a false flag attack to stoke the American people for war for the enrichment of a few oligarchs.
      BOTH of them were INSIDE JOBS.
      Orwell said this would happen. And he predicted that most of you tools would buy the lie, hook-line-and-sinker. And you have.

    4. This needs to be repeated. Islam wouldnt be a problem if Muslims were all still in their own countries. They would be killing each other instead of carrying out attacks on Europeans. The Eurocrats are a hostile elite bent on destroying their respective nations, and continue to do nothing about horde of “refugees” swarming into the continent.

  12. Jesus would probably throw the Muslims out. I don’t know Jesus personally, but his Earthly representative, the Church, has done just that (in the past). If you’re Protestant.. eh nevermind.

  13. I wonder what the reaction would be if the US declared the Europeans in a state of anarchy and, for example, sent those troops stationed in Germany out to enforce Germany’s borders and establish martial law. Would the Europeans grow a spine and start throwing Molotov cocktails because they were being occupied by whitey or exhibit the same submission they exhibit to Muslim invaders? Of course, this would never happen. Just wondering if they are thoroughly castrated or if they still defend themselves when commanded to do so by far left ideology.

    1. Obama is bringing loads of Muslims from Syria to Uncle Sam too.
      “We cannot turn away, We must face up, and welcome our fellow brothers and sisters to our great land” 15/10/2015

      1. The same guy who wanted to bomb syria back in 2013 and has armed the “moderate rebels” so they can help their struggle for “democracy”

        1. A regime next to assads regime? i dont quite follow. That would be islamic state in that case.

  14. The kikes are in control.They want us dead be they slavs,germanic,celtic or romanic europeans.They need to be punished and driven out of power.The muslims need to be rejected from our beloved Europe.If not slavery and the knive will be our fate.Down with the traitors !

  15. If you create a climate where every bit of criticism on multiculturalism and islam is labeled ‘racist’ or ‘islamophobe’, then it shouldn’t surprise anyone that this happened. These terrorists know damn well how weak the West has become with all their ‘tolerance’ bullshit and PC culture. They know they can play the victim card regardless of their police record and get away with crimes. They know that the largest concern for the establishment and the media are still – what the left calls them – ‘racist organisations’, like PEGIDA and nazi’s, rather than actual (islamic) terrorism, as pointed out in the article above.
    Even now, people are reacting in the same way as with the Charlie Hebdo attack: posting pictures on social media to feel better about themselves, claiming this was a crime against all humans, labelling people who actually provide solutions as ‘bigots’ and that ‘hate’ (aka criticism towards unlimited immigration) towards refugees isn’t the solution. They want to show Islamic State that these terrorists won’t get us down, that we are ‘strong’ and that our ‘Western values’ are still standing. But they don’t realise they are the ones who have broken down these values such as free speech, the heterosexual family unit, the rewards for hard work, etc…
    The left has sown the seeds for this situation, now they are starting to reap the fruits.

    1. I actually started trolling my facebook friends with aggressive posts directed at muslims and traitors. This has to end.
      It’s like a gamble (for the establishment)- either we try multiculturalism and unlimited immigration from muslim countries and hope that it works, or we go full Nazi Germany. It’s like “you’re either with me or against me” at this point.
      *by the way, the rhetoric of my fb friends has now softened.

      1. Because they have no answer nor a counter argument. They are now looking in the mirror and it leaves them numb

        1. I am highly skeptical that lack of an argument has ever silenced a multicult liberal. If it did, we would live in quiet times. But the average person is a limp wristed Jeb Bush style follower who just wants to agree with everyone. If they see that spouting nonsense gets a strongly negative response, they will quiet down.

        2. I am highly skeptical that lack of an argument has ever silenced a multicult liberal.
          In my experience, they will shut up if enough people around them start questioning them and start changing attitudes.
          In other words, if they feel that their ideas are unpopular, they will keep to themselves.

        3. I think it works the other way around too. Many people who hold hard-right views keep quiet in order to not lose their job, friends etc… But I think their numbers are growing and will reach some sort of critical mass.

      2. Your sentiments are shared Tiberius. The standard bearing the eagle shall rise once more and instill death and immeasurable fear into these swarthy fiends until they, like a plague of vermin, are extinguished from this earth.
        Ave Aquila!

    2. The narrative is pathetic “This is a crime against all humanity, including Muslims” No it’s not. And all the pathetic crap about how “We have to have an honest and inclusive dialogue will all those disaffected Muslim youths who don’t feel loved and respected by mother France”. This is spineless appeasement. Youths of whatever color or creed will always perennially feel disaffected, but, unlike their Arab/Muslim cousins it doesn’t mean they casually walk into a restaurants and blow to pieces, babies, families, retired couples out for a few glasses.
      If there’s any more of this, then the time for establishing a true patriarchy might arise from the police force and the military in these Nations sick of their own cowardly leaders.

      1. Exactly, I just saw the Belgian news. Guess what? It’s our fault. The cause is racism and the fact they don’t get enough chances in Sint-Jans-Molenbeek (the part of Brussels where a part of the terroristic attack was planned and where many terrorists came from).
        They never get tired of this crap

        1. Even the KCNA (North Korea’s state news agency) seems to be more honest in its reporting than the media in the West.

      2. Middle Eastern countries have oil . Western intelligence services have created these groups and killing muslims in their homes. They dont want no democracy , they want to be left alone. It is a war against Christanity and Islam. Pitting these two against each other . Getting rid of moralities in Christian countries and destruction of the white race .

        1. Trying to make a point . If you are really a Sweede , i hope you kick out those people who are spreading this. Namely Barbra Spectre Jewess Bitch and others.

        2. The comment wasnt bad but people usually get annoyed when people spam over here.
          I hope to kick them out too, but we have more problematic jews that has infected sweden than just barbara spectre.

        3. There is where the green environmental movement in the west has some traction. We have developed very successfully technologies which are low fossil fuel dependent. I think, we should see this as an opportunity to seriously question our oil dependency on the middle east and all the resultant geo-politics that the US has had to do to keep this relationship sweet.
          There are other options. With regard to the clash of civilization argument, extreme Islam is as hostile to Christianity as it is to Buddhism or the headshrinker tribes somewhere down the Orinoco river. They’re hostile to everything and everyone outside their death cult religion and the sooner the moronic, lame appeasement merchants in the west realize that the only thing Arabs respect is force, the better we’ll all be. T.E Lawrence made this observation very potently when he went “native” with the Arabian tribes between 1917-1919 and realized that his beloved Arabs were nothing more than a bunch of pillaging psychopaths who’d not the interest or discipline to run their own affairs.
          How little has changed in a 100 years.

    3. bigotry is not even a bad thing
      sometimes i think westerners dont have their heads screwed on right

      1. true, I’m starting to wear all these labels as badges of honour. That’s a clear indication you’re on the right path when they have nothing else to say.

    1. He is not fit to lead the church, let alone an empire. In time Charette, for now gather your friends and spread the word, don’t just raise awareness, raise your own preparation.

  16. I had never thought of it in quite these terms before, but it is absolutely correct. Muslims won’t attack where they will get pushed back; they attack where they will get more concessions. And it’s not always fatal attacks, either.
    It would seem to me that oftentimes mosque building and the segregation that invariably goes with it are met with, “At least they aren’t trying to kill us.” No, they’re not. But that’s not the endgame. It’s just a means to an end.

  17. What do you expect when multicultural bed wetting progressives believe that borders are a fascist device?
    I wish I could live in Japan. One of the few developed countries on Earth that isn’t obsessed with integrating the confrontational entity of Islam. Nor do they seem to be lectured and required by diversity obsessed Liberals to do so.
    What Japan does is so much cheaper in the long run. They don’t have some easy asylum/immigration policy. Out of 15k applications for asylum in a year, they MIGHT approve 5. They DON’T go out of their way to build mosques, they DON’T ban pork in public schools, they DON’T introduce Sharia law alongside the local judiciary, they DON’T make their nationals take cultural sensitivity and awareness training.
    Japan has it’s own day to day problems, but turning itself into a diversity obsessed Islamic welfare caliphate doesn’t seem to be an option.
    Funny that Japan seems to have its share of diversity obsessed, fedora, skinny jeans wearing hipster foreigners that visit it. I’ve seen them. And yet I never hear them say: “What Japan could use is some diversity.” “Why doesn’t Japan integrate some Australian aboriginals and some Nordic people to mix things up a little?”

  18. What do you expect when multicultural bed wetting progressives believe that borders are a fascist device??
    I wish I could live in Japan. One of the few developed countries on Earth that isn’t obsessed with integrating the confrontational entity of Islam. Nor do they seem to be lectured and required by diversity obsessed Liberals to do so.
    What Japan does is so much cheaper in the long run. They don’t have some easy asylum/immigration policy. Out of 15k applications for asylum in a year, they MIGHT approve 5. They DON’T go out of their way to build mosques, they DON’T ban pork in public schools, they DON’T introduce Sharia law alongside the local judiciary, they DON’T make their nationals take cultural sensitivity and awareness training.
    Japan has it’s own day to day problems, but turning itself into a diversity obsessed Islamic welfare caliphate doesn’t seem to be an option.
    Funny that Japan seems to have its share of diversity obsessed, fedora, skinny jeans wearing hipster foreigners that visit it. I’ve seen them. And yet I never hear them say: “What Japan could use is some diversity.” “Why doesn’t Japan integrate some Australian aboriginals and some Nordic people to mix things up a little?”

    1. Yeah, generally these people are white lefty trash who are practically frothing at the mouth at finally having the opportunity to be a minority and claim to be oppressed and lecture the natives. This is despite the fact that Japan is almost the only place in the world where these rejects could be employed or get laid.

    2. Ironically you moving to Japan will only add one point more for forced diversity. You think Japanese will like non-Japanese moving into their country. Just admire their country from far away. Stay in white countries and help us fight non-whites.

  19. All diversity is conflict – you don’t need to wait until there’s terrorism/rape/sharia law to oppose it
    Even in better off countries like the US the population gets riled up at the slightest mention of race relations
    All societies should progress towards the ethnostate – multiculturalism is something to be dealt with through nationalism, assimilation, or just plain xenophobia. The western world confuses empathy with rational thought because it’s too feminized, and values the opinion of its women too much

    1. Multiculturalism is an oxymoron. For example as a European I plan to move to Japan in the next years. I don’t expect to be treated like a local and I don’t care. Also I don’t want to bring my culture over there. I prefer to tune into the Japanese culture and keep it intact. Why would I want to move there if I did not wish to retain Japan as it is?
      The difference with the multi-cultural movements and also the problems in the US is, that the various ethnicities did not try to emulate the dominating culture, but attempted to retain and create their own. That usually rips a society apart – especially when you have a religion that tells it’s believers that they are superior and all unbelievers should either convert, be second class citizens or die.

      1. Agreed. Immigrants are expected to accept the culture of the host country as their own, not the other way around.
        As an Iranian living in Europe, I’ve never had issues with the country I’m living in. I’m actually glad to confirm that Iranians have always had the ability to adapt to different environments, pretty much on par with east-Asians. For instance by speaking the language of the host country fluently, and taking prestigious professions in society: Doctors, Businessmen, Engineers.
        So yes, Iranians causing issues in the west are rare.
        Anyway enjoy Japan my friend.

        1. Yes – I have several Persian acqaintances and even converts to my spiritual path as I follow something similar to Rumi’s way. It’s too bad they were conquered by the Muslims. And even despite that they retained a marked difference.
          Also – as you have aptly observed – practically all I know are intellectuals and successfully living in Europe.

        2. That’s interesting. I’ve never read about Rumi (or perhaps I’ve heard about him but I don’t remember), so I may read about it later.

        3. Persians had their own unique culture before they were forced by Arab Muslims to convert to Islam. Zoroastrianism seems more interesting than Islam.

      2. I thought Japan didn’t let any immigrants in at all unless they are ethnically Japanese or very important for a specific job to be done

        1. I am not coming as someone who will take any job away from any Japanese. I will bring my own money and will even pay some taxes there. I might even create jobs. Most countries accept you easily enough if you have enough money to support yourself and only add economically.
          But yes – working there in a normal way would be something completely different and much much harder to accomplish.

        2. Japanese only let in white immigrants and few non-Jap, non-white immigrants ONLY if they are deemed beneficial to the Japanese society.

        3. Why do you want to move into Japan so badly? There are way more interesting cities in Europe. Are you moving to Japan just to avoid Muslims in Europe?

        4. I am moving to Asia for the following reasons and would recommend everyone to do so too:
          1. Economic downturn – both EU & US – shift from economic center from US to China – Japan will profit from that
          2. Multiculturalism, multi-ethnicity and Islamization will bring increasingly more problems to all Western countries – fine to visit, bad to stay
          So essentially it’s a long-term bet and I don’t feel like sticking around when shit hits the fan. You would be surprised how many wealthy and educated people or even super-wealthy families are setting up residences in Asia – not only Japan, but Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Macau etc.

        5. ^ While I understand your choices you made and won’t stop you… I think it’s ironic you mention that you are running away from Multiculturalism but in the end, you will only make more multiculturalism (this time) to Japan or wherever Asian country you are moving to.
          The economy is bad yes but they are not that shitty especially in America. There are always an opportunity in the west especially United States. That’s why millions of non-white immigrants desperately come to USA (not because they love American culture or American people but they LOVE American money).
          Imagine if all the white people think like you…. Like white people run away from the first sight of problem they see in Europe and US and they all decided to move to Asia… That means whites and Asians will have cultural conflict in Asia. Is that what you want?
          Asians and Whites CANNOT coexist. They can adapt to each other in the long run compared to other races but Asians and Whites CANNOT coexist. The cultural differences are just too much. Unless you have yellow fetish (no intended insult to you), whether you do or not, moving to Asia is not good idea. I mean If you really want to move to “Asia”, move to EASTERN RUSSIA before many Chinese populate it.
          Your white children will have to adapt to Asian culture or face a lot of problems and self identity crisis like Asian American kids do. Your white children will be speaking Chinese, Japanese, Korean, eating with chopstick and bowing everyday. Is that what you want? Sorry man but you got to be proud of your own race. There is nothing wrong with being white. You should stay white. Stay in Europe and US, face the problem, don’t run away from it, and be proud of it. IF you are White European, or White American BE PROUD OF IT. They deserve to be proud. Yes Europe and America DID colonize a lot of places but they also CONTRIBUTED A LOT to the world. Without Europe and America, who would have made computers, internet, cars and other modern technology?
          Be proud of your heritage, roots and stay in the homeland. You want your kids to be proud of you as well.

        6. You will see many wealthy or educated folk doing the same in the future – in fact they are already doing it.
          You see – Japan or even Hong Kong or Singapore – they don’t live multiculturalism on European levels. Sure – Hong Kong is highly British in system, but other successful Asian countries have emulated the West as well in certain areas.
          The thing about mutliculturalism in Western style is that
          1. not all immigrants & cultures are equal – some integrate much better and contribute to the country
          2. in Asia the immigrants are expected to do exactly as the local culture bids them to and not the reverse as in the West
          For example if you had invited only Chinese instead of Muslims to Europe in the last decades, then you would have zero problems with them. Europe probably would be stronger because of it by now.
          And I am not even a fan of that, but I am stating the obvious here.

        7. You sure about that? Have you seen any riots in China? They can be just as nasty and brutish like Muslims. They just also happen to be more orderly than Muslims but if you notice how Chinese tourists behave, they are just as loud and nasty with bad manners.
          You hire a Chinese (foreign born) to an American or European Engineering firm and he is most likely going to steal some information and give it back to his Chinese government. While he might not go gung ho on raping Swedish and other European women, he will cause job competition among white Europeans and he will bring his family, set up Chinatowns all over the continent and just create small mini-China’s inside Europe and America.
          Is that what you want? The solution is to ban ALL NON-white immigration. Work to make and fix the situation in our own homeland and not run away.
          Which is why it would be hypocritical for whites to move into Asia. Let’s just let whites be whites, and Asians be Asians? I don’t think the concept can be any harder than this.

        8. I did not mean that it’s healthy to import huge parts of diverse people. A few or a tiny minority does not matter, but large scale immigration should always be aimed at retaining a given highly similar cultural or racial fit. So no – I am not advocating replacing the European US stock with Chinese. The same way do I not recommend 300 million trying to move to China. Those tips are aimed at the indendent man here. If we were 50 million big, I would recommend armed and civil revolt against the global banking power.
          You have to adjust thus life plans depending on what life is giving you.

      3. Yeah but if you marry and mix in with Japanese woman, your children will be halfies. If you really supported Multiculturalism just leave the Japanese alone. I mean you can VISIT their country as a guest but if you plan to live there permanently, you will be no different than Muslims and non-whites who move to Europe.
        The Japanese will indeed treat you better though if you are white compared to how they treat other ethnicity. They even treat white Americans better than other Asians. You will have great time there. Japanese love white people. You can see it in their manga, superior characters have white facial features and inferior characters (bad ones) have original Asiatic features. If you are white, you will get EASY pussy in Japan. EASY… all you have to be is white and show up. It’s that fucking easy. It’s like they have no pride lol.

        1. Never been to Asia, but a friend who lived there for several years said exactly the opposite, especially in the older generation. Now my friend is late 30s and he was there perhaps 10 years ago, so maybe this doesn’t apply as much anymore, but he said the Japanese were very supremacist in their views, and I don’t even think they allow foreigners to become Japanese citizens at all for any reason. And he said those older would give him looks, get up on a park bench if he sat down on it, etc. Because of how America nuked their homeland.
          I’m sure the Jap millenials are obsessed with American culture and all the shit it stands for, but I think that’s true pretty much anywhere in the world, sadly. Although I’m physically attracted to Jap girls so if this is true, good to know for a bang.

        2. That may well be true but young men all over are beginning to feel Russia has deeper sense of the masculine views the world needs now.

        3. Yeah they stare at you and all that but they can’t do shit. That’s the thing. But yeah I agree because I been there too for a short visit and I noticed the stares and feelings of hostile animosity. They even dislike Asians that happen to live in Japan for long time. Like I know Koreans who were 2nd or 3rd generation in Japan still are prevented from getting citizenship. They do dislike Americans as well but at the same time, they respect us deep down inside. We nuked their country but we also rebuilt and helped build their economy in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Without the help of American investors and businessmen, I don’t know how Japan would have done.
          Jap girls have the best body of Asian girls in my opinion. People tell me Korean girls have best body but I have to disagree. I seen Jap girls are more likely to have bigger boobs compared to Chinese and Korean girls (who tend to have slender legs). I used to enjoy the moment when I fucked their women (Jap girls) and would get staredown from Jap men in public park but even when there were multiple Jap men, they couldn’t do shit. They are great at being passive-aggressive.
          If I laid down on park bench and the older man got up, I would have confronted the old man, grabbed him by the neck and asked him… “What’s your problem old man? we kicked your sorry ass, suck my BIG FAT American cock!” lol.
          As much as I detest how they treated me, I have to say,… at least they have right idea of knowing that multiculturalism is a big threat (everywhere)… I give them credit for that. Everyone there seems to have some sort of unity or sense of harmony. Sometimes their racism is passive-aggressive and sometimes it’s outright like with signs on bathhouses that says… “JAPANESE ONLY!”. Compared to how we used to treat Japanese-Americans in internment camp and their POW during WWII, they did WORSE to our POWs and American citizens in the Pacific.
          It’s kind of relief and satisfaction each time I bang their women…. and rubbing that shit all over their men’s face. It’s an asshole move but nonetheless satisfying.

        4. I will bring along an Eastern European girl for the first “batch” of reproduction. Don’t know if I will have children with a Japanese woman. I don’t plan it now, but who knows – we man are fertile for so long.
          Good pussy is a plus, but not the main reason. Japan will retain their culture and women will remain feminine. There are many reasons for moving to Asia – unfortunately folk will find out painfully in the next years and decades why that is the case. It’s always better to plan ahead.

        5. yeah but you should rather want your white children to grow up among other whites and it’s healthier for them that way. What’s so attractive about Asian culture? They have interesting culture but they are not made for white people. Asian culture stresses on collectivism and this type of mentality does not promote self thinking and freedom to think outside the box. That’s why all the modern scientists and inventors were European and American in the 19th and 20th century.
          I personally think it would be something to tell your future generation a proud story about how you rather stayed in your own homeland, defended against the evil instead of running away from it and living in another continent.
          Look at non-whites. They rather run from their homeland problem and just come to Europe or America. Whites don’t want to be like that. We should leave the Asians to their own culture and let them preserve their own culture while we preserve ours. Respect the differences. No matter how you put it, if you and your white Eastern European girl go to Japan, you are only bringing more multiculturalism to Japan. Staying in Eastern Europe would be better.

        6. The problem is that it’s not even an invasion what is happening. It’s worse than that because it is utter betrayal from above and within.
          Would you have stayed in France beyond 1939 knowing what would happen soon? The French rising up in Paris would have destroyed the city just like Warsaw (which was called the Paris of the East before the Warsaw uprising).
          A man has to pick his battles and decide what the chances are and what sense they make. If at least 20-30% of the people knew what I know in full extent, then I would stay. But most don’t – even those that oppose migration which is the majority of every European country. The think that elections or some demonstrations will solve this while the true elite owns the money power, media, academia, corporations and is manipulating the top since decades or centuries depending on the country.
          This is beyond entrenched. This is not like at the Gates of Vienna where Christian Europe united to fight the Ottomans. This is like the Christian leaders inviting the Ottomans to invade and claiming to the Christian locals that everything will be alright.

        7. For your question. If I was a proud Frenchman in 1939, I would have defended and rather died than run away. Running away at the first sight of problem is cowardice.
          Keep in mind that as you dislike Muslim immigration to Europe, there are going to be Asians who will hate you for coming into their land. Sure they might tolerate you better than they do to other races but they may run out of patience once they see flocks of white people coming to Asia.
          I guess the situation in Europe has gone so “bad” that whites are willing to settle in Asia. *sigh*.
          Just curious, what European are you? Are you white Euro? or White American?

      4. Japan is one of the few nations that will survive the coming Dark Age. They are an island nation and despite a declining population they haven’t allowed a self hating left to destroy them.

      5. Good point. I didn’t mind “back when” that people came to this country (US) and they wanted to retain parts of their culture or heritage.
        The problem starts when people come to a country and they expect the country to change everything to fit their way of life, previous culture, etc….and rid said country of everything else. This is the goal of Muslims, everywhere in the world.
        The media tries to downplay it and tries to paint anyone who exposes the truth or simply ask questions as a racist but the truth is your face, everyday. Ask people in the UK if they still have their country or if their political leaders have given it away – all in the name of “diversity” – code for racism.
        I’m tired of giving ground and tired of being asked to be accepting or tolerant – so should many others. I no longer mind being called a racist because that title is given to anyone who asks questions or who looks out for the welfare of their own family

    2. “The western world confuses empathy with rational thought because it’s too feminized, and values the opinion of its women too much”
      I don’t think its confusion. Logic is seen as an evil by many feminists.

    3. The way I see it, race is dumb. Nationalism I understand.
      Black whit or whatever , where you are a citizen is what you are.
      I think we are doing it wrong and focusing on race is stupid. I recall a time when Irish was not considered white. Now Hispanic is getting assimilated as the voting bloc rises. And people still think race matters ?
      If black people went out and voted you’d start seeing people classifying you as a white African American or black African American. High makes more sense than Hispanics since Africans are sometimes actually of European descent.

  20. The incompetence of european leaders is bottomles. Hollande orders the closing of borders in the aftermath, what the hell is that gonna do? nothing. france should have closed its borders fifty years ago.

  21. Living in Poland now I see that many guys are on the lookout for Muslim-looking men. If you have a Western accent, then there shouldn’t be a problem, but I even saw that the Spanish students are keeping a low profile.
    Fact is that Islam has a terrible track-record. Even in 1900 visitors in Istanbul found illegal slaves in the vicinity of 30-40% of the entire population! And most were White slaves! Only in the recent century were the Muslim countries in the Middle East utterly dominated by the West. Now it seems that PC culture has brainwashed the new generation and told them that the 1400 years of wars and slavery of Islam is gone, because of them coming out out on the weaker side (due to their own fault and inability to build a worthy civilization).
    Fact is that Muslims who are secular usually convert or don’t care about Islam or the violent doctrine of the Quran at all. But they are in a stark minority. The overwhelming majority – 90%+ will hardly integrate or even when educated will adhere to their tribal beliefs.
    The current terrorist attacks are even the least of the problems – they are terrible for sure, but the daily grind of unemployment, crime, rape, deterioration of schools and loss of safety are by far worse. They are a massive net negative economically and socially to every Western country. Forgetting the long violent history of Islam will cost the West dearly. Also we all should know that when they reach 30-40% of the population, then they will demand a sharia caliphate for sure.

    1. I admire your eloquence but I’m starting to think you’re a kike! You admitted it yourself once, that you’re part Jewish, no? You sure, it’s not more than that?
      And you display all the characteristic of the Jewish intelligentsia – Proudly wearing a sinister avatar and you’re good with words, you spent all day crafting them and spreading your defeatist ideas. For example, you promote the ideas of omnipotent elite and how good they are at pursuing their plans. Suggesting that any resistance would be futile. Which is why you advise people to desert their homes and run away to the Far East.
      You point the finger at Islam because that’s the plan, isn’t it? Setting Europeans and Muslim men up against each other while you guys finance both groups as you always have done. With the amount of content you generate on these sites here, I wonder what you do for a living?
      Guess what, us real Europeans and real men would never desert our home lands and will fight for them till we die.
      I have no doubt that I will get banned after this but please do respond and tell us about your real motives. I’d love to be proven wrong.

      1. I am not a paid Israeli troll if that is what you are implying. I left the corporate world a couple of years ago and had enough money to live off my savings doing nothing. I have some online businesses and I guess I should be spending less time on forums – heh.
        In any case – my heritage is a mix of Austrian, Russian, Polish. I suspect that my grandfather may have had Jewish predecessors or even parents, but I would have to check it out. In any case I have no connection to the Jewish culture. And even if I did – I do not hide the fact that I think that the West has more in common with contemporary secular Jews than with Muslims.
        But I do think that elite Jewish organizations and forces are busy creating the current mayhem (among plenty of other Americans, Europeans, Asians etc.). If you knew the full scope of my opinions, then you would not accuse me of belonging to the Jewish internet intelligence agency. I just seperate between the common Israeli and their elite as I know the situation there on the ground. Also I consider all global secret services like CIA/MI6/Mossad/Saudis even – effectively beholden to one entity just like the global banks.
        And I do not wish to spread defeatism. They can be defeated, but it would take full awareness of who they are and what needs to be done. (And no – it’s not the Jewish question.) Without that awareness then the people have no chance of redemption. If 30%+ of the Western population knew what I know, then we could actually do something in unison – and peacefully at that. The way they win is to stay in the shadows and deny everything with conspiracy accusations.
        But alas – I don’t even see a solid understanding of things among the alternative crowd, let alone any awakening among the general population. So no – currently we have to wait for a mere miracle to stop their plans. It seems that the next setup is a global war between Muslims and the rest. I might also add that many Jews will die in that conflict, while their elite parties with escorts in yachts in the Pacific. The Muslims however together with entire countries might be utterly eradicated.
        Also Europeans & Americans can lessen the blow somehow by electing far right or Trump (we will see whether he will stick true to his words). At least then not more Muslims will be let in, but even without much additional inflow their outbreeding will make it possible by 2025-35 to start waging war within as only the men in combat age matter.

        1. Knowledge without action is sterile. We do not need to know too much to spur ourselves into action. In fact, too much knowledge creates fear and paralyses the senses.
          But thank you for taking the time to explain your position. I do enjoy your posts here and on the forum but we need to move beyond talking and discussing and take actions.
          As for the Jewish “problem”. It’s quite simple. No masculine (warrior) culture can thrive once gets infiltrated with Jewishness. By Jewishness, I don’t mean a single race or ethnicity. It is more like a human trait, which is more prominent amongst the Jewish people and women.
          The Jews need to be freed from Jewishness themselves but they they must first understand themselves and war against themselves. Therefore the Jewish question can only be solved individually; every single Jew must try to solve it in his proper person. . . .

      2. Jew or Muslim, it doesn’t matter. They BOTH DO NOT belong in Europe. They can kill each other in Middle East for all I care.

    2. “Also we all should know that when they reach 30-40% of the population, then they will demand a sharia caliphate for sure.”
      They will never reach such proportions. France’s Marine Le Penn is going to be assured to be elected now. And rest of the upcoming elections will put into power nationalist governments that will reverse the demographic tide.

      1. Problem is that Muslims living in the West use children as a form of income. The more they have, the more money they get. (They actually have by far more kids than if they had remained in the Middle East.) The social systems in that regard won’t be reversed in the next 2 decades. Also the incoming 10 million, will pull 40 million family members and spouses with them in the coming years and decades. I expect that the current migrant flow will go on until Germany, Sweden, France has all elected anti-immigration parties. Le Pen does not matter in that regard. German or Swedish anti-immigration parties are years away from a victory.
        Check it out – in 2025-30 the Muslim combat aged men (20-45) will be at levels of 1:2 to the local French ones. The entire population will still be French of course, but older folk and women don’t matter much. Then the party can start – they don’t even need 30% of the entire population if they make up 35% of young men – that is enough.

        1. I think we will collapse as a society and economy before they outbreed us or push us out through mass immigration completely.

      2. Aren’t they already assured of reaching this % based on current births? True, you’ll have to wait 20+ years for these kids to reach adulthood but I thought, at least in the cities, the displacement of native French was already assured.

        1. True, they have a much higher birth rate. Whether that means they outnumber native Europeans in 20 years time depends on whether the death rates of the two populations remain similar.

        2. But that is just a question of when, not if. If foreigners already account for most of current births, native displacement is assured (barring some massive deportation program).

        3. It’s true for every white country. White people in USA will be
          outnumbered by hispanic by 2040. There will be no white country anymore.

    3. simple.
      Middle Eastern countries have oil . Western intelligence services have created these groups and killing muslims in their homes. They dont want no democracy , they want to be left alone. It is a war against Christanity and Islam. Pitting these two against each other . Getting rid of moralities in Christian countries and destruction of the white race .

    4. Answer
      Middle Eastern countries have oil . Western intelligence services have created these groups and killing muslims in their homes. They dont want no democracy , they want to be left alone. It is a war against Christanity and Islam. Pitting these two against each other . Getting rid of moralities in Christian countries and destruction of the white race . Period

      1. if you look at the Syrian refugee’s they have caucasian features. They will get swamped by the genomes of europe…folk might have more brown hair but even the muslims worship blonde hair and blue eyes.

        1. Muslim girls love white guys. Muslim men are physically and mentally betas, except for their religion

    5. turkey is a fascinating example though of an islamic state which has managed to stay relatively moderate. The odd thing though is this may well in part have to do with ‘moderating’ influences such as the Donmeh (crypto-jews). The latter are blamed for a lot of things (even to this day) yet they were probably influential in both the modernisation that resulted in the revolution of the young turks and the fact that islam is a relatively constrained affair in Turkey (for the most part). In Istanbul you see boys and girls playing in the street. Generally rare to see headscarves or yashmaks or whatever they’re called. Turkey is a strange, and sometimes troubling place, but compare this to Saudi.
      People here are also forgetting the effect of Wahabbism which seems to have modelled itself in part on the revolutionary model of bolshevism. Islam may well contain exhortations to violence but these still have to be primed and triggered. Radical Wahhabi Islam together with Neo-Con foreign policy have created the perfect storm through which to bring out the very worst potential that Islam had within itself

      1. Radical Islam is of course supported by the globalist powers, because without it a global war would not be possible. Though they do a good job of having an inherently very violent base religion and making radicalization really easy for them.
        Turkey was a good example. Even in the last 2 decades was the military forced to intervene to spread more radicalization. Actually Turkey under Erdogan has become closer allied to Wahhabism and obviously actively supports ISIS for various reasons. They will as one join the Global Caliphate when WW3 comes – I have no doubt about it. And yes – I know that many Turks are secular in the big cities, but they will be silenced by the ones who are willing to kill them.

        1. A lot of that makes sense. I think your analysis of Erdogan is correct, although he’s quite a slippy character: he clearly seems to support ISIS but on what basis I’m still unsure. ISIS fight the PKK etc which means Erdogan has a shared interest in that area. His relation to the globalists though has sometimes been strained: he has played up the anti-globalist agenda if I understand correct by attacking the ‘shadow government’ in Turkey, which seems to be synonymous with the Gulen political network. Gulen is a shadowy figure, a moderate islamist, but with a huge following and the apparent approval of the US. Some have even suggested he might make a good Mahdi – the anticipated quasi-messianic character who bring peace – or something like that. On what basis? A caliphate? Maybe that’s fanciful pie in the sky but it seems that Erdogan & Gulen etc fell out hence the breach – is that being mended now? Obviously the G20 is happening in Turkey so it seems like it.
          I grew up around a lot of Turks in north london. They had their quirks but were definitely moderate secular people, is it really just the cities that are secular?

        2. Turkish are indeed more secular and moderate. I grew up with some too, but I have met others in Istanbul who told me that the majority of the rural country has nothing in common with them (women in mini-skirts etc.). Erdogan has tapped into that. Also since 9/11 there is definitely an increased radicalization on the way in Turkey.
          Besides – we should not forget that while Kemal Ataturk modernized, secularized and promoted peaceful Sufism, that Turkey as the Ottoman empire was responsible for centuries of aggressive wars and massive White Slavery up until 1900. Heck – even the US paid massive amounts of money to them up until the 19th century. They were cowed into submission by the success of Western civilization and we should not forget that.

        3. Erdogan is working hard to islamize Turkey, all the oposition is shut down amd the trend among the people is bad. Once upon a time the turks were secularized but the ones in London are not an indication to the intense islamization that is going on Turkey

        4. That’s a real shame. Erdogan seems to be an opportunist who will do anything to stay in power – I find it hard to believe that he’s constitutionally an Islamic hardliner
          Good points about the the Ottomans – still next to ISIS they were comparatively civilized

        5. There are definitely major problems with Turkey as a democracy, including with regard to opposition groups. The idea of the ‘shadow government’ though, although it may well be playing up to populist prejudices doesn’t seem entirely imaginary. The Gulen network for example seems to be or at least to have been quite extensive within the political and judicial centres of the state. Perhaps Erdogan has been islamicizing partly to flush out such rival power networks?

  22. What is the real problem?
    It’s easy to alarm people to the danger of radical Islam, or indeed any foreign religion or culture. They treat women badly, they’re terrorists, they worship a false god, they smell bad and wear funny clothes. These things are easy to sell to the mainstream population who can salve their conscience by heaping all their problems onto something else.
    A much more difficult labour is convincing people that our greatest problems are entirely of our own making, and that it is us that should change. People like having something to blame, and they prefer it to be somebody else. They don’t like to be told that they are a part of the problem, for that would require them to change, do work and not be as comfortable. Blaming others is easier than overcoming yourself. When they can blame Islam and immigration, they can remain firmly rooted in their armchairs even as the world around them falls apart.
    Radical Islam is not the problem. It’s a problem, but it’s not the problem. It is not even a symptom of the problem. Radical Islam has appeared and prospered in the West as a natural reaction to our declining society, and our failure to address and correct the problems. Islam is merely one possible solution, albeit a solution we would prefer not to happen. A healthy society should not fear barbarians at its gates.
    The sack of Rome by the Goths and then the Vandals was the result of a dying and defective society. Rome was riddled with problems of its own making which it wasn’t willing to solve. The Roman Empire did not so much fall as it was instead fixed. It was not the barbarians who were the problem, but the Romans themselves. The barbarians were the solution.

  23. I am French speaking and lived a few time in France. You are wrong about Charlie Hebdo. They never made jokes about Jews because if you do you go to jail. The reason is that France is almost a Israel protectorate. No outsider is able to understand how much France is no more govern by itself. If the supported the terrorists in Syria it is because Israel wanted them to.
    In some ‘specialized’ French medias, as for 9 11 , we already know that the Jewish community was warned about a big thing that that would happen downtown that evening:

    1. Careful, man. Return of Kings doesn’t take kindly to conspiracy theories about Jews.
      Heh, just kidding. They eat that shit right up.

    2. No Western European country has been sovereign since the end of WW2.
      The elephant in the room is and has always been the secular Jewish intelligentsia. They are the parasites that weaken the European organism from within. The mass immigration is a virus which attacks the already weakened body.

      1. Yes you are right. Have you heard about the rumors that says that Putin as say that he could publish the recording of the liberation of the concentration camps ( if they continue to bother him) ?
        M.. I wonder if we would find all the things they says has happened..
        One things for sure, I don’t thing the german population in the cities was much better then the Jews in the working camps at that time after the bombing. I said working camps since I don’t understand why they would bother making tattoos on people they are supposed to kill by millions…
        Here something something from our new (feminist) Canadian Prime minister :

        As you say, they need to weaken the body then they put, feminism, immigration and gay pride…:(
        The new antisemitism is talking bad about Israel

  24. “If mass migration is so good, why don’t non-Western countries welcome it?”
    Indeed. And why don’t the left wingers berate them for not being “diverse” enough? Why aren’t they mounting campaigns to make Japan, Nigeria, Vietnam, China, India and Mexico more “diverse”?
    In the 1960s the left began the long march through the institutions. They also adopted the extreme position that white nations, uniquely, had no right to a homeland or culture. We are now seeing it all come to fruition. They have perhaps fatally undermined western civilisation.

      1. While I’ve heard a few whispers and peeps from the diversity inquisition on Japan using mass immigration to help solve its declining population and pension bubble. For the most part there’s not much and it isn’t popular in Japan.
        That depressing pretentious lecture is reserved for Western nations…. and white people.
        I’m ashamed to admit in my younger ( pre-red pill) days I hung around around with a few Liberal friends who never tired of whining about diversity. When I happened to mention places like Japan, China, And other East Asian tigers weren’t diverse, they appeared confused, and somewhat hostile to my observation.
        I soon figured out that in the progressive mind, not only does diversity standards only apply to white people, but places like Japan rejecting diversity is essential to the preservation of Japanese culture. And that was just fine by them.

        1. If you are talking to liberals in the West, they won’t bring up Japan because they are parochial and liberalism loses most of its appeal if there is no one in the immediate vicinity that you can wag your finger at and lecture with a tone of moral superiority. But I lived in Japan and among the English language press there is a constant mantra of “diversity good, opening borders is inevitable, Japan needs to change, etc.”

        2. Hmm When I visited there, I didn’t hear much of it. But I’m certainly not surprised by your experience. I probably wasn’t around long enough

        3. Asiatic countries all have something in common, a difficult language. Native Chinese must memorize 600 basic characters in their childhood to communicate and write at a rudimentary level. Western youth must learn less than 50 alphanumeric symbols total including punctuation marks. It is difficult for any westerner to function in the east as illiterate and only a few westerners master Chinese after rigorous college. It’s easier to learn the language as a child. The Chinese don’t need a great wall to keep outsiders out. Their language was designed to do that and has kept them safely at a billion, racially pure and homogenious. German is the simplest most phoenetic grammatically and it’s surprising that everyone can’t speak it. What kept German blood pure and their nation from becoming racially more like Turkey? Why their lack of humor and inquisitive suspicious beedy shark eyed stare. France with its quisine and international hospitality had flashy women who dressed in bling before the term bling existed. The women were like Las Vegas girls and the short Frenchmen stood down to them. Sweden’s men stand down to their women as well. Wherever the women lead either as flashy divas or administer as frumpy tomboys with mop top haircuts like Merkel, Islam seems to make inroads.

        4. I partially disagree with the language idea. While I don’t speak Chinese. I learned at least an elementary level of Japanese where I can understand some simple media. I’m working when I have time to learn more. Mostly just took it on as a task to better myself and enrich my life.
          While the most notorious part of Japanese is learning at least 2000 Kanji and such, I don’t really understand why people like to mystify it and say it’s hard. In some ways Japanese can be easier, once we get past the desire to mystify it. A disciplined, balanced approach to speaking, listening, and (occassional) writing was all that seemed to work for me. Some people manage to speak it and not read it. Technology has advanced so much that westerners don’t bother to write it either. Just type or text. Forgetting how to write because of technology is becoming a significant problem even among some native Japanese. It’s crazy.
          Learning any language after childhood takes significant effort. But a great wall of of vocabulary and characters keeping people out I don’t really see.

        5. After white countries in Europe are finished, and America is weakened. East Asia will be next. They, like the white countries, will be forced to accept multiculturalism. It’s already happening at a slow pace but soon it will come.

        6. You don’t learn Chinese by memorizing. Once you master one character, it’s easy to learn five or six more because there are characters that are very similar and have similar roots of meaning. If you try learning Chinese, you will know what I mean.

        7. Japan can say diversity is good but as long as they don’t embrace english it won’t happen. so that mantra is just for PR purposes while they know full well they will maintain their culture. well done Japs.

      2. I’ve heard the odd thing said about the Japanese it’s true, but it’s nothing compared to the constant attacks made against white societies though, attacks made by those with power and the media, where everything from company boards, parliaments, tv shows and even the society itself is held to be problematic if too many white people are there. And the Japanese, to their credit. have ignored it anyway.

        1. True. But that is more a product of Japan being inhabited by Japanese instead of white liberals rather than liberals giving the Japanese a pass. To the extent there are Western liberals in Japan, they make as much noise as they make elsewhere. The Japanese themselves have generally not chosen to import the Western multiculturalism death cult. In fact, a fair number still think ethnic homogeneity is a good thing.

        2. Japan is actually losing its political will. There are already many reports of Nigerian and other Muslim gangs in Japan committing violent crimes, and the Japanese police do nothing about them because they dont want to be perceived as racist by other countries.

        3. They are definitely in decline but it is almost imperceptible compared to the West. All the stats I’ve seen still show a population that is 98%+ native.

      3. They do so from a position of weakness; the hegemonic idea in Japanese society is that Japan is for Japanese people. This is reversed in the West, where the hegemonic idea is that Diversity is Our Greatest Strength™ and it is nativists who are in a position of weakness.

      4. “They do berate Japan. Constantly.”
        Then we should adopt the Japanese policy of: “meh”

        1. It is a lot easier to say “meh” when your whiny Western liberal population is 0.001%. And they are generally there short-term and are too dumb and/or lazy to learn the language so they are forced to whine in a language most people don’t bother to read.

        2. Ahhh, a cogent argument for cultural homogeneity and nationalism effecting politics in a positive nature! If it wasn’t for the tentacle porn and herbivores I’d say they had their act together.

    1. You can see where it comes from if you look what white people did in various colonies in previous centuries and Europe more recently, but it’s gone way too far and taken on a life of its own. Even white politicians will not save or help white people anymore, it has to come from a grass roots movement. Maybe some of the exceptions like Trump or Farage in the UK, a few others I could name on the continent could make an impact.. A healthy European nationalism, need to forget about the things long in the past now that gave nationalism a bad name.

  25. It’s funny how France takes tough actions (such as closing borders) AFTER the disaster. There’s no point now, terrorists are already INSIDE.
    Heck, they have been inside even before the mass immigration. How else could ISIS perform an attack of such magnitude? That required quite some preparation and coordination.
    Now let me guess… even after all of this, the US will refuse to back Assad and annihilate ISIS because they have been told by their masters not to do so.

    1. Maybe borders were closed to keep the Muslims in. We wouldn’t want the actions of evil racist reactionaries scaring away some Muslims, thereby causing a reduction in valuable diversity.

    2. Only bloodshed can bring a change. The matter is, how much more of these would be needed to bring the change?

      1. It’s really sad that that might be the case. Maybe if half a million people took to the streets in protest could happen without, but somehow seems like all the protest even tens of thousands of people is ignored. The do-gooders continue to walk around with their heads in a naive altruistic cloud labeling protesters etc right wing radicals, only these sorts of events seems to shake it, and they unfortunately seem to be a political force.

        1. Haha, protesting accomplishes nothing. The political classes will do what they want, regardless of whatever the people want.

    3. Ha! ha! ha!
      “Now let me guess… even after all of this, the US will refuse to back Assad and annihilate ISIS because they have been told by their masters not to do so.”
      Assad is not going anywhere! He’s not Gaddafi. The Alawites are not going anywhere either.

  26. The French Republic denies the existence of race and religion in her record-keeping; it is hardly any wonder that much of the population is willfully blind to the reality that diversity + proximity = conflict

  27. The other side of the fence says that all this pro-nationalism anti-immigration stuff encourages more radical muslim stuff.
    No shit! I’ve actually heard this line of argument on NPR.
    Talk about victim blaming.

  28. Answer is very simple.
    Middle Eastern countries have oil . Western intelligence services have created these groups and killing muslims in their homes. They dont want no democracy , they want to be left alone. It is a war against Christanity and Islam. Pitting these two against each other . Getting rid of moralities in Christian countries and destruction of the white race . Period.

  29. Need to admit multiculturalism is a complete fucking failure.
    The only way any country can survive is is by ditching diversity.
    How can any country survive with multiple people from different countries still
    loyal to their home country allowed to vote?
    This is an example if legal or illegal are allowed to vote it comes down to their interest and not what is best for the United States.
    We need a major overhaul of our voting and immigration laws if this country is going to survive all the fools looking for a new voting bloc.
    Along with not hiring foreigners for government jobs that is just insanity, how many times has someone from Mexico or China been busted for helping their people?

    1. One does wonder whether it is correct that a street kid and a captain of industry should have the same 1 vote each.. Used to be more about honour and being a good member of society but definitely “diversity” aka “equal chance for all” has become a top and poisonous priority.

  30. You talk about cultural replacement but not a word on genetic replacement.
    Part of the problem is on the “culture is a social construct”, that implies every hominid pick up randomly is enough proficient to create a culture of Gods. If it’s, why not import millions of conquers and get our genome diluted???
    That’s happening now, true history

    1. Yeah, genes rarely get mentioned. In a rational world, just the fact that these migrants are ugly and stupid would be reason enough to reject them at the border.

      1. Its the tyranny of the mediocre. If ethnic nationalism and eugenics was something that was normal then that would mean inequality would be undeniable, and we cant have that because the marxists dont want that.

        1. We need to admit that not only outwards features such as skin colour and facial features but also personality, temperament, intelligence are ethnically correlated. Thing is, admit and take into account with decision making and politics but without letting it go all the way to a eugenics situation. Maintain a geographical separation between incompatible cultures.

  31. Round up every Muslim in the West, put them on boats and send them back to where they fucking well came from. Then close the borders.
    Don’t like this idea? Too “racist” or “heartless”?
    I wonder if you’d change your mind if one of your family was murdered by these fucking monsters.

    1. As a Muslim. I love your idea.
      What I love even more, is the fear and panic that all of you are living through these days. Doesn’t taste good, does it?

  32. First corps sold people to China for a buck, now goverments sold countries for nothing. Shame on Europe.

  33. If I was a Muslim, I’d form a gang just to protect myself in case of hateful attack against Muslims. …
    that is IF I was Muslim. But since I”m not a Muslim, I don’t give two shits about them. They kind of brought this upon themselves the way they act in public. They are very demanding and do not compromise. They are hard to deal with if they come to you as a customer. Try being a store owner and having Muslims come up. It’s not like you can discriminate either or your shop will be taken down either by lawsuit or by mob. They are like nuisances. It’s not good time to be Muslim. Some people just have had it enough and will probably retaliate.

      1. That is because the West panders to them. If we treat them like they treat themselves, then they wouldn’t have this entitlement mentality.

    1. “If I was a Muslim, I’d form a gang just to protect myself in case of hateful attack against Muslims.”
      As a Muslim, I’d say that, that’s the dumpiest thing I’ve ever read in my life.

  34. My own view is that Islam is completely incompatible with a modern, civilised society. They live in the dark ages and have been brainwashed by a barbarian cult that worships a warlord and paedophile.
    Political correctness and the “tolerance” of our leaders will be our undoing. They say letting them in is being humane, but what about the duty to protect existing citizens? I’m not anti-immigration. Here in Australia immigrants played a huge hand in building our country. I am very good mates with guys from Italian/Greek etc descent.The difference is they consider themselves Australian and their parents wanted to be here, they were grateful, they worked hard made an effort to embrace our values. Most of the Muslims that have come to Australia instead try to recreate the conditions they supposedly fled and are openly hostile to our hospitality, worshipping Allah whilst bludging on welfare, the ungrateful parasites. These people hate us and our way of life, and will think nothing of killing you if they think it will impress some firebrand cleric at their local mosque (who funnily enough is “too important” to blow himself up!!)
    Bottom line: If you raise a snake, don’t be surprised when you get bitten. I really admire the Japanese stance: no Muslim immigration. They don’t contribute, they just take, take, take, and then when there are enough of them, they try and take over – by force!

  35. Political correctness, “Twitter activism” and placating these monsters are symptoms of the fact Western nations have become overly female dominated. The only way problems like this can be solved is not from idle chatter, but from good old fashioned male pragmatism. Start by banning Muslim immigration TODAY!

  36. Muslims take advantage of our soft, PC, liberal modern system. But trust me, one day people like Hitler and Stalin will come back in power. People such as them have existed throughout history and will come back eventually. There are certain “minorities” who think they are invincible and untouchable. History is filled with events of entire ethnic groups that were deported or expelled. It is laughable to think it can’t happen anymore because “we are in 2015” and because of “progress”.

    1. One correction: both Hitler and Stalin were INSTALLED into power with the purpose of preventing a collaboration between the German and Russian people. The Germans as descendants of the Western Romans and the Russian as descendants as the East Romans represent the essence of the European civilization and so are too dangerous to International Jewry.
      To weaken and destroy the Europe as we know, the enemy tries to prevent an unity between the two as the rest of the Europeans will follow too.
      Hitler was installed to strengthen and later crash the German nationalism and Stalin’s goal was to carry on with the communist experiment and thus destroy Russian and Eastern European nationalism.
      The point I’m making is that the new Hitler would look genuine but he will be just another agent. It is almost impossible for a genuine nationalist to gain power genuinely. As the world has become too small and too open it is very difficult to grow and cultivate a proper nationalistic movement.

    2. We don’t really need tyrants like Hitler or Stalin to do it. But yes, one day people will eventually wise up to this PC, touchy, feely, horseshit and toss the vermin out.

  37. We need to be careful not to rush to judgement and come across as whiny people who are offended by what language is used.
    I haven’t been following the news very closely, but it was made very clear to me in media reports that this was an attack by Islamists on Paris. Whining that they aren’t referred to constantly in every sentence as Islamists comes across like a SJW or the guys who think a red cup at Starbucks is somehow not Christian (as if anything a greedy corporation does at Christmastime is not anathema to everything Christ stood for).
    The event happened less than 48 hours ago, and I would be more concerned by authorities making sweeping statements and generalizations that they couldn’t possibly have verified this quickly. I mean just because the perps are all brown and foreign, and you can theorize that they are Muslim, you should actually verify this, and investigate their relationships and communications and habits before making assumptions. That’s part of a police investigation.
    Immediately after the JFK assassination, there were these full bios of the “clearly guilty” Oswald, interviews with his classmates, etc. His photo was even published in an overseas paper before he had even been arrested in America. It all stank of a black operation.
    After the 911 attacks, there was immediate identification of the perpetrator as this previously unknown dude in a cave, along with all sorts of myths and stories about him, when it later has been all but revealed that this was an operation by Saudi Arabia, with collaboration with the Israeli Secret Police.
    I haven’t heard anyone denying the cause of the French attacks. To complain about something that does not exist makes us come off as weak skinned crybabies.
    The real danger will be the misdirection governments will try to use this event for. Supposedly the group ISIS (whose origins trace back to America and Israel) has taken responsibility for this attack. They are currently involved in a civil war against Bashar Assad of Syria. Which would make Assad an ally of the west, right? Yet western governments have been aiding and supporting the rebels, the very bad guys who appear to be responsible for the Paris attack. That is not debatable. Yet will you hear anyone in the media discuss it? Will anyone point the finger at the west for arming and aiding these rebels?
    And will you see western governments help Assad in his fight against the Islamists? I’m not holding my breath. The only hope is Putin, and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if western governments find some crazy reverse logic to try to further the support of the Syrian rebels. How will Russia respond? They are the last best hope of the west.

    1. “They are the last best hope of the west”. Oh, how I love the bitter irony of this statement.

  38. Well, the first time Jesus came, he came as a lamb – by design. The next time he comes, he will come as a conquering king who will rule the nations (plural) with a rod of iron. I think a “rod of iron” sounds pretty stern.

  39. We wouldn’t even being having this problem or conversation if said immigrants weren’t let in . ” How many lives is the multi-cult worth really”?

    1. Agreed. And btw who cares if we get labeled “racist”. The idiot left calls everyone they don’t like a racist or sexist anyway. It’s the only “arguments” they have.

      1. Who cares if you’re racist as long as you aren’t killing people or hurting them. It isn’t the racists I see shutting down cities with riots, killing journalists and cartoonists, or dare I say participating in Terrorist activities.I literally just read an article with those Missouri students were mad at the loss of media attention with this attack in Paris. In their delusional leftist world, poo swastika of unknown origin equals terrorism on the same level. Some Black commenter on Youtube linked a Redneck truck video for me to see that proved the rebel flag was used in terrorism still.In his view this meant that black people are still being oppressed and terrorized. He actually said that. I read the news article it came from and low and behold the rednecks who crashed the party wearing rebel flags were facing ten years worth of charges for terrorism. I don’t think they will get that,but drunk Butthead party escapade shouldn’t equal a decade. When I pointed this out to him, he thought that was fair. Holy crap man, ten years in jail for being a dick…… this is insane in my mind.

        1. I read the news article it came from and low and behold the rednecks who
          crashed the party wearing rebel flags were facing ten years worth of charges for terrorism. I don’t think they will get that,but drunk Butthead party escapade shouldn’t equal a decade.

          10 fucking years?! For a made up thought crime? Sheesh!

        2. Charges, it doesn’t mean they will get ten years, but yeah just facing those kind of charges for driving a truck through public park waving a flag and honking their horns at a black birthday party being had there. Being and dick yes, but being charged as terrorists is crazy.

        3. That’s the problem, labelling stupid shit “terrorism” gives Government an excuse to erode civil rights while making citizens believe they are safe. This also includes labelling a mentally ill person a terrorist when they are just psychotic.

  40. Have they overstayed their welcome?
    “In fact, attacks are most likely to happen in places such as Britain, France and Spain, which have excessive Muslim populations. There comes a point when every additional attempt at accommodating new arrivals backfires, as those entrants and their descendants want more and more concessions and privileges.”
    Britain – Policy makers discourage Nativity displays and signs saying Merry Christmas.
    France – Students discouraged to wear crosses and crucifixes at school.
    Spain – Real Madrid removes cross from official crest.
    Yet public schools in these countries are being forced to serve halal meals!
    Talk about f*cked up priorities!

    1. Christmas should be banned as it’s offensive to good pagan friends of mine who object to Christians having fun around the festivals of Saturnalia. How dare they.

  41. We really don’t get very good quality info here in the west about what breeds the radical strain of Islam. A challenge with all cultures is controlling your children and keeping patriarchal control over your clan. Western youth raised by single mothers are very suceptable to joining gangs which are in the west akin to radicalized Islamic youth. Cabal orchestrated Crips and Bloods were implemented in the west to lay siege to urban US cities so voters would vote in more cops and beefing up of the security apparatus prior to 9/11.
    BUT WHAT ABOUT the radicalized Islamic youth? Single moms are fewer in number but the fathers are circumcised and number a hundred fold the number of circumcised Jewish fathers. The Islamic dads of the radical youth bow to Allah and are circumcised bitches of their theocratic state and especially bitches of their imams. The wind up suicide squads are like what the Jesuites are to Catholocism or like what the Zionists are to Judaism. The milk toast mainstream protestant church is naked and alone without its own branch of warriors.

    1. The WASPs truly alone with your God, unlike us Catholic boys. But, I respect your “sect” nevertheless unlike our half-witted Muslims friends who can’t reconcile themselves in the spirit of their God. Still I’ve always wondered how protestants live with the presence of such an Omnipotent, Omnipresent Being weighting on your conscience each and every moment. Us Catholics have priests, confession and indulgences to keep that claustrophobic presence at bay!

        1. I have to admit Hilaire Belloc is one of my favorite authors. His essays and books would give social justice warriors and leftist nightmares. Some of my favorites are:
          Europe and the Faith
          The Crusades: The World’s Debate
          The Servile State

      1. France is as heavily RC as Sweden is NOT. Switzerland has no problem. It seems when you let in enough muslims to fill up a neighborhood anywhere in your country, enough to fill a mosque, not just a handfull of students on visa but enough to justify a zipcode, then a radical cell develops. WWJD what would the Jesuites do?
        SIMILAR to a home intruder. Most burglaries the intruder has cased the place or they know or had dealings with the owner. If you unknowingly let a malicious person visit your home, if they’re a thief then they’re already comfortable with the interior and on a whim they rob your home over that of the neighbor who gave them the stink eye. Repelling unwanted people or cultures starts with a stink eye from afar, from across a border, not sorting out the good from the bad when they’ve already weaseled their way into your home or laid claim to your homeland. They’ve laid claim to France. It will be a real test for French libtards when they’re literally forced to renounce their libtardation. Most westerners wish they could help France but they’ve got their own turf to guard in spite of their own libtard menace.
        I still like the patriarchal aspects of Islam and the harems. I don’t like the dogma and despise the male genital mutilation, but halal food is ok. If Eli Whitney were resurrected, he could invent a machine to toss Islamicists into that would separate the meat of the grain from the husk. Keep the patriarchy but dump the bullshit. Hail Whitney for bringing PATRIARCHY PORRIDGE for all!

      1. But lets be honest. France isn’t going to fight back. There will be lots of speeches, internet chatter, diplomatic theater. But in the end, the lefties will prevail with token gestures. Its already happening now. French lost their balls in WWII. Ever since then the French military is just a national police force. France has no ability to project power. Like most european nations they depend on america to lead. Obama won’t do anything and everybody knows it. So things are going to get worse before they get better.

        1. They have the ability
          That aircraft carrier and the size of their standing army prove it.
          They just don’t have the will to tell the international opinion that from now on zf wil be g.

  42. Sad.
    Turns out ROK and common sense were correct.
    IMO the only ones who can turn the tide on this growing problem are European men.
    No one is going to care about what happens to Europe unless the Europeans take a stand and fight for their land.
    As a North American man of European descent this whole situation is very depressing. Not only is European culture dying in the North America but it is also dying in the place where it was born.

    1. People of European descent are discouraged to not have pride in their culture. Pretty sad.
      Seems like Idi Amin had more respect for European culture than a good number of Europeans, especially SJWs.

      1. Most Europeans are more concerned about their pensions and their next sun holiday to the canaries. Is it any wonder these Arab malcontents see us all as a soft touch.

    2. Well Clark, the malaise is too intractable at this point I fear. European culture began to pee all over itself at the start of the 20th century. The results were Communism and Nazism. The later has died for now, but, the former has resuscitated itself from the grave of the Berlin wall’s fall with a vengeance that poor old Hamlet’s father would be proud of.
      I can’t see a solution at this juncture. European culture when it was vigorous and strong will continue to live on, only in private I fear and that’s a real tragedy worthy of a modern Shakespeare, if only we had one, to depict such a state of “treachery, dark and true”.

      1. Aren’t we mourning a death that occurred almost a century ago? Europe seems to have largely abandoned the civilization business at least since WWII. I guess there was hope of a renaissance while Europe was still populated by Europeans but other than the loss of this slim hope, I don’t see much loss to human civilization in Europe being finally obliterated. It has been foreseeable for many years. Obviously, it will be a tragedy for the Europeans who have to live through the transition.

        1. I’d disagree with your assessment. The rot began with the first world war and not the second. This first world war brought to an end an era of stability, progress, and rational enquiry. Essentially, it was the end of the old Victorian system, that despite what Marxists may think, was actually an era where the family,culture and the church were treated with due respect, not withstanding the materiel progress of the age, in terms of the scientific and engineering advancements.
          You might smugly say from your detached American perspective which imagines itself to be immune from such events, that you don’t give a shit about the obliteration of European culture. But, it has and will continue to occur on your continent first and foremost, besides, do you really understand anything about Britain, Scotland, France and Greece when you made that statement? I doubt it. We have our own languages and customs that have been around for thousands of years before your country was even a thought. So don’t underestimate the power and resilience of the ancient attachment us Europeans have to our native soil and that “sense of scared place” that no Arab will be able to ever dislodge us from. We’ve seen them over before in the past, and we’ll see them off again if they threaten us in our own patch.

        2. Never said WWII was the beginning of the rot. I said it was the end, not the beginning of the end. The rest of your post is just empty chest thumping and inconsistent with the reality on the ground (as you basically admit two posts below).

        3. Using solipsism to backtrack. And what I said about most, does not mean all. That’s an important distinction.

        4. Didn’t backtrack. Just correcting your lack of reading comprehension. And for being so militantly pro-European, it is amazing you have only been able to sling insults rather than provide a substantive response describing this great European cultural inheritance that remains intact and is in danger of being lost. Your religion? Your great ongoing scientific contributions? Your universities? Your healthy economies? Your respect for free speech and individual rights?

  43. Brilliant, simple observation: “Poland [and other countries] without “vibrant’ Muslim populations do not have these problems.”
    Keep Muslims in their own failed countries. Don’t let them pollute ours.

    1. Failed countries is right if it wasn’t for their backward culture, religious teachings, and continued sectarian violence they wouldn’t need to mass migrate to the west.

  44. Any time someone dies an untimely death. It’s tragic but you have to see the racism with the attacks in Paris. It’s a case of
    As of Nov 2015. Deaths,
    46,191 – Syria – Syrian Civil War
    33,165 – War in Afghanistan
    13,509 – Iraq War
    10,882 – Nigeria, Cameroon, Niger, Chad – Boko Haram insurgency
    6,028 – Mexico – Mexican Drug War
    5,720 – Yemen, Saudi Arabia – Yemeni Civil War
    3,724 – Somalia – War in Somalia
    3,376 – Pakistan – War in North-West Pakistan
    Not to mention the thousands of deaths in south Sudan, Egypt
    The press and the Prime Minsters and the presidents round the world are either being profoundly hypocritical or profoundly racist (or both) in their shock and concern for the Paris attack. They do not pretend such shock and concern for far worse events in the world.
    And the reason this won’t end is because in the world of power politics, to do such a thing is to risk being viewed as weak; because peace is for P.U.S..S.I.E.S, because real men hit back
    Victory at the barrel of a gun is never final. ISIS ? Even if they are able to pull off more significant terrorist attacks. European nations and USA will ultimately find and kill them. They have the weapons and quite clearly the ability to kill more of them than they can
    But even if ISIS were to disappear tomorrow, the threat of terrorism would always be here so long as there is western dominance around the globe; so long as they stand in the way of self-determination for the Palestinian people; so long as they act as though they are entitled to other people’s oil; so long as hateful bigots continue to demonize Muslims and treat them as the enemy.
    If Europe and the USA make it “us against them,” and project the idea worldwide that they see themselves locked in a crusader’s holy war against Islam, they can hardly act surprised when those on whom they’ve declared war on take them at their word and decide they have nothing to lose by taking as many of them.
    This is not to suggest that the attacks on Friday were justified. But if UK and USA and other Euro nations wish to minimize the likelihood of terrorism being deployed against them, then they must insist that they turn from the policies that have given rise to those grievances.
    It’s not legitimate to station American and European troops in Saudi Arabia, or to fund Israel to the tune of billions as they continue to subjugate the Palestinian people. It’s not legitimate to starve the people of Iraq with economic sanctions that kill hundreds of thousands of children
    If all the kids in the sandbox think you’re a bully, then after a while you’d best stop trying to beat them into submission and instead begin to turn some of that analysis inward. If, on the other hand, the UK’s and USA’s main concern is showing them what a B.A.D.A.S.S they are and how many of them they can kill, then maybe this would not matter much to them at all.

    1. You say it is tragic and then make a joke. Somehow I doubt you’d be as flippant if the corpses were from your own group. RACIST!!!!

    2. We have the right to defend our people, culture, heritage and race. Especially when this tragedy happens as a result of opening up our borders to these people.
      I don’t see the other races in direct threat of genocide, just whites.

        1. As a Muslim, we don’t categorize people based on their skin color.
          Just You do that.
          Genocides are happening in the Middle East by W/EU for over a decade.

        2. For your first point….You don’t need to categorize by skin color for you to still commit genocide by displacement of western people in their own nations.
          For your second point….So you justify the genocide and think it’s ok?

        3. Absolutely!
          We love genocides here in the Middle East, in fact, we have one every weekend, it’s like a BBQ party.

        4. No, I don’t think so.
          However, it makes me think of how similar you are to your ancestors.

  45. Islam is a degenerate religion, started by a child rapist (at least, according to the Qu’ran he’s a child rapist…lol). England needs to return to its roots in its Imperial Century: when savages were confronted with the full force of the British Army:
    -Whenever the Marathas, Sikhs or other degenerate groups in India started raping and pillaging *their own people*, the East India Company Army typically wrecked these savage forces into submission. End result: a unified and civilized India where barbaric atrocities like burning widows on their husband’s funeral pyres was not tolerated.
    -When the Zulus got out of control in Africa, Bartle Frere and Lord Chelmsford crushed the Zulus, in spite of the disaster at Isandlwana.
    -When the Tripolean Pirate states (led by Muslim rulers) held Christians as slaves, Edward Pellew, the Baron Exmouth, shelled Algiers until the Dey gave in. Note that this was in 1816, just after the British put down the largest SJW movement in history: the French Revolution.
    -In WWI, General Edmund Allenby led the British Army to victory over the Muslim Ottoman Turks and retook Jerusalem for the first time since the Crusades. This was after the Muslims savagely murdered half a million Armenian Christians in the Armenian Holocaust.
    Post Waterloo, until WWI, whenever Christians were harmed or savage, barbaric peoples attempted to pull some bullshit, England unleashed the might of her Empire upon them. Even as recently as the 1980s, when the Argentinians invaded the Falklands, the Royal Navy and British Army decisively smacked the savages back in their place.
    Muslims in the Middle East should only exist so long as they know their place (at the bottom) and do not harm Europe or the United States. As soon as they step out of line and commit a savage atrocity such as what they did in Paris, they need to be decisively slapped back in their place.

    1. Or you could start more modestly and not pay every Muslim tens of thousands of dollars in welfare when he comes to a Western country.

    2. “when savages were confronted with the full force of the British Army”
      Ah, you must be speaking about those savages who invaded most of the world seeking more material stuff. Just like Women.
      “Muslims in the Middle East should only exist so long as they know their place (at the bottom)…etc.”
      You must be speaking about the US and European countries who are wrecking havoc in the Middle East with their “Wars” on “Terrorism.”

      1. I’m referring to the savage Moors who invaded Europe to sack cities and steal shit. I’m referring to savages like Shaka Zulu who conquered other tribes to take their shit.
        I’m referring to savage Middle Easterners who were already murdering each other for years, from the Armenian Genocide to the Iran-Iraq war.
        Or the current savages who want to “wipe Israel off the map”, because they are so enlightened.
        Not the civilizing British, whose former colonies are much better off economically than any other, including areas not enlightened by Europe.

        1. ” whose former colonies …etc”
          We are not slaves and we will never accept being slaves, however, it seems that you’re OK with the idea. Good for you.
          “Or the current savages who want to “wipe Israel off the map”, because they are so enlightened.”
          Enlightened? are you sure that you are referring to Israelis who are killing thousands every year?
          “I’m referring to savage Middle Easterners who were already murdering each other for years, from the Armenian Genocide to the Iran-Iraq war.”
          Exactly, EACH OTHER. Who made you the head principle?
          What’s happening anywhere in the world is NONE of your business, as long as it is not happening in your shitty countries.

        2. Slavery was illegal in the British Empire throughout the entire Victorian Era. Your assertion that you were slaves in Britain’s Imperial Century is blatantly false. Stupid dumb savages, perhaps, in limited cases. Slaves, no.
          he Israelis retaliate against military targets. The savage Muslims do things like bomb schools and nightclubs. If Israel blows up a building, its because terrorists were launching indirect fire attacks from that building or conducting major operations there. If the savage Muslims blow up a building, its because they were trying to murder the maximum number of civilians possible.
          What is happening in the world is everyone’s business. As this isn’t the year 1300, economies are inter-dependent. When Muslims rant, and blow up buildings, because they’re angry at “the decadent West”, your argument that people should mind their own business falls flat on its face.
          Maybe Muslims should stop murdering each other, and start producing and contributing to the global economy. Relatively civilized Muslims, like the Saudis or Kuwaitis, manage to be part of the global economic community without gassing each other like the Islamic State and the Syrian Government.
          Put down the AK-47 and get back to work.

        3. “If Israel blows up a building, its because terrorists were launching indirect fire attacks from that building or conducting major operations there”
          You’re so funny. lol.
          “Put down the AK-47 and get back to work.”
          Actually, I sold it and got myself a nice M16. Recoil is much better in this one.
          Your Fear of Muslims is Amusing.

  46. The only solution is for Europe to close its borders and deport as many refugees as possible. It is not a shock that isis members snuck their way in by pretending to be refugees, in fact it was inevitability predicted by many members on this site.

  47. Milo is gay, not that I am outing him. It is just that he is being quoted on RoK and it makes me laugh.

  48. The Mad-Arab you must really hate Islam, but im sorry that you were raped by a muslim when you were young to grow up and be a fucked up human being. Anyways, muslim here, roosh’s biggest fan, and I check out ROK from time to time. My first comment ever, umm well even though I believe accepting syrian refugees is a bad idea and a threat to their culture. However, I’m glad western countries will have a taste of the monsters they created. 🙂

        1. You idiot, the radical muslims were that way before the west ever got involved.
          But apparently you’re too stupid to realize that.

  49. We are in the midst of a conflict of civilizations. The Islamists know it. The west does not. The Islamists have two advantages: 1. Powerful faith in god that inspires them. 2. Very little to lose. Westerners by contrast have everything to lose and no moral center. Average “moderate” Muslims may not actively seek to harm westerners. But deep down the vast majority endorse Sharia, and are happy to see Europe and the west gradually transformed through immigration and out-breeding.

    1. Islamists have one other advantage – they are honest about the situation and their goals.
      The Western leaders still lie to us and themselves when they say” “we are not at war with Islam, just he radicals”. That’s a nice pleasant lie that’s going to get millions of people killed.
      Islam and Western civilization are completely incompatible and have been at war since Mohammed invented his crazy cult.

    2. The Islamic world remembers history. The Western world has given up teaching history, except the kind that expects us to apologise for everything.

  50. Female influence creates a culture of weakness and our barbaric enemies exploit that. It is time to force feed our culture some strength.

    1. The feminist and liberal desire for multiculturalism is surely being rethought. Unless they’re complete morons, they have to see the new patriarchy of savage rape culture. Strong culture wins, I suppose we’ll see if those strong, capable, equal-to-men feminists can grab the brass ring and win back a peaceful culture now that their Christian White men are squashed and new men present themselves. Me thinks it is over for feminism as we go along. They should surely have considered the damage done their interest courting the Muslim population.

    2. I agree with you. “We” your “Barbaric Enemies” consider every single one of you to be a Pussy.

  51. While we may sympathize with the fate of individuals, to the French nation we must say: “Brother, you asked for it!”. Holllande’s soujnd and fury now signifies nothing.

  52. The Ignorance and hatred in this “article” is unbelievable.
    Those three men are NOT Muslims, and all three of them are responsible for the largest number of “Kill Count” in the history of Mankind.
    Glad to see Media-Parrots here in ROK.

    1. Abdul,that’s because nobody from your backward inbred tribal societies had the means of killing that many people.

  53. DUUUUUUUUUUMB… David Garrett is an idiot and should not speak about current events since he clearly knows very little about recent history. DUMBIE, “it has led to the most sophisticated assaults on civilians in the West since September 11. ” NOPE. SEVERAL MORE DEADLY AND COMPLICATED ATTACKS HAVE HAPPENED. YOU SHOULD STOP TALKING ABOUT CURRENT EVENTS OR GLOBAL POLITICS UNTIL YOU READ A NEWSPAPER REGULARLY.

  54. From the Koran:
    Sura: [9.5] “So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.”
    According to Allah, if you are not a Muslim, you are an idolator. Here Allah tells Muslims to kill every single non-Muslim they find. That means your neighbors who are Muslim are commanded to murder you, if they want to be a good Muslim.
    Allah tells them to KIDNAP them and make slaves out of you.
    Note how that “Forgiving, Merciful” Allah commands his followers to commit lie in wait murder against you. In the USA, that type of murder is considered so heinous that it generally carries the death penalty.
    And finally what is the way out for us foolish idolators? Pay a tax (Poor-rate) and Repent – that is to repent of our western beliefs and submit to Allah.
    If you do not submit to Allah, they are not only justified for murdering you by Allah but they are disobedient to Allah if the DON’T murder you.

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