How The Global Financial Market Mirrors Our Sexual Marketplace

The hedonistic juggernaut that is modern society indulges all our physical needs: a plethora of luxury goods and services can satisfy each and every one of our sensual desires without hardship or sacrifice.

We can also engage in meaningless sexual intercourse with countless partners without the superfluous bothers of commitment, emotion, or children. It is a culture of excess we live in, and it does not seem to be slowing down anytime soon.

Some of us, however, can see the cracks forming, the ship’s exterior rattling ominously before the hull finally bursts open. There are warning signs occurring in our society which we simply cannot afford to ignore.

Everything will be fine… don’t be silly.

The omens we shall examine in this article will be in the sexual marketplace and the global economy. It is striking and uncanny to see the astonishing resemblances between the two systems, and the nature of the effects they are having on modern society as a whole.

Universal Devaluation

A possible future for Western currencies?

The effects of the contraceptive pill and the emergence of dating websites can easily be likened to the consequences of fractional reserve banking and Richard Nixon taking the dollar off the gold standard in 1971.

Both assets (sex and money) have completely lost their intrinsic value as a result. For example, the American dollar could buy as much bread in 1800 as it could in 1900, but considerably less in 2000. Similarly, a bang is significantly less meaningful today than it was in 1900: it is certainly quick, fast, and a hell of a lot of fun, but ultimately has virtually no significance.

Society has experienced sexual and financial hyperinflation. Just like decadent Berlin in the bisexual, orgiastic frivolities of the late 1920s and the sky-high, hyperinflated Deutschmark, we have sunk to the same highs: although the fun might last a while longer, the risks will certainly not disappear by some miracle.

Visible Benefits And Invisible Risk

Sexual morality in the pre-Lady Chatterley era was implemented to enshrine risk as the lord and ruler: those who did not restrain themselves would incur risk onto themselves and society as a whole. Family tradition and commitment was respected to avoid sending civilization into debauchery and irresponsibility.

Many reluctantly acquiesced and repressed their sexual urges in favor of the family unit, only to feel the benefits later with loving relatives and offspring. The roles have now been completely inverted: the visible benefits now come first and foremost, while the risks are brushed under the bed, slowly growing and metastasizing into something ugly and devastating.

The fatal inversion of risk and reward can also be observed in bubble economies. Assets are artificially inflated in order to return an instant profit in exchange for credit, whilst the national debts which are used to fund such immoral economics increase, devaluing the currency and leaving the losses for our future generations to pay off.

The Gap Between Rich And Poor

The pedestalization of instantaneous reward has encouraged a predatory culture. In order to maintain a healthy living wage, we are forced to adopt a ludicrously fierce and unforgiving personality to hold a stable job, or even to get the job in the first place.

The same change of attitude is present in the sexual marketplace. There is no tolerance for even the slightest hint of beta behavior. None. We are forever one needy word too many in a text or an uncomfortable silence away from eternal celibacy.

A massive rift therefore develops in society. The rich become richer, the poor poorer, the alphas accumulate centuries of notches, the betas remain virgins into their late twenties; but this absolutely does not mean that we should turn to sexual and financial Socialism and propose an egalitarian system…

Thank God that we have been gifted with game and support from the manosphere to help manage our wealth the best we can, and also remain carnally satisfied. Without that, it is genuinely scary to contemplate a life at the bottom of the pile in both cases. It truly has become all or nothing.

The Market And Millennial Western Women Are Both Ponzi Schemes

A Ponzi scheme can be defined in economic terms as an investment in which a promise of profit is given to the newer shareholders, but then taken away from them in favor of the older, bigger investors when the scheme collapses in value.

The recent MF Global scandal was a key example: big businesses were given priority over individual accounts, therefore when it collapsed; the credit was seized from small accounts in favor of the larger investors (JP Morgan Chase being the most notable).

This definition can certainly be applied to the western woman. They whimsically throw out vague promises of commitment to thirsty betas (you’re a sweet guy etc.), whilst ecstatically blowing their investment (quite literally) on the cold, the emotionless and the superficially charming.

The way to overcome Ponzi schemes and Millennial Westerners is exactly the same: get in and get out as fast as possible. Investors who cling on in hope whilst the intrinsic value collapses are left with nothing, whilst those more adept speculators run away with all the spoils.


The situation does indeed sound dire, but knowledge makes both the sexual marketplace and the financial markets seem easier to handle, and even luridly attractive and enticing.

It is imperative that we know the pitfalls of both and skate around them carefully, whilst maintaining a strong frame and our dignity in the process.  We must also bear in mind that the current financial and sexual climate simply cannot last: the economy and the demographic simply cannot support the unbearable excesses of the present.

But for the meantime, knowledge and action are the cornerstones to our temporary success in the modern world. Let us just hope that we shall be ready to adapt when change finally does happen.

Read More: The Father Of The Term “Sexual Marketplace” 

84 thoughts on “How The Global Financial Market Mirrors Our Sexual Marketplace”

  1. For example, the American dollar could buy as much bread in 1800 as it could in 1900, but considerably less in 2000.

    Ignorant “Austrian” propaganda. The American in 2000 had to work a lot less to buy that unit of bread than the American in 1900, and time matters more than the arbitrary score keeping system called “money.” Refer to Brad DeLong’s essay, “Slouching Towards Utopia? The Economic History of the Twentieth Century”:

    1. That’s a failed measurement on their part and in your reaction to them both, as it doesn’t account for advances in the production methods that offset the devaluation of the currency. If bread was produced by the same technological means in 2000 as it was in 1800, bread prices would be through the roof.

      1. Bingo.
        Production was causing deflation before the dollar started getting inflated after the founding of the federal reserve (after the big wheels against that founding all drowned on the Titanic but nothing to see here, move along).
        With our ability to produce things where they are now, if there had not been a devaluation of the currency, something like a Dodge Hellcat would cost as much as a Hemi-powered Challenger was costing back in 1970 (3 years before the dollar was detached from gold).
        In a way, fuel is still roughly 20 cents a gallon. An ounce of silver is worth 4 – 5 gallons of fuel at the common price (even including taxes), but fuel was around 20 cents a gallon back before the dollar was devalued, meaning the cost of fuel has not really gone up.
        I have deprogrammed a lot of zombies with my silver dollar. When somebody is brainlessly and retardedly chirping “oh prices are going up!” that’s when I spring into action. I have done more damage to the regime with an ounce of silver than I could have with a ton of lead and copper (so far).

        1. Here’s something I’ve been watching for since this whole shit came to be in ’08.. Deflation… With Trillions of dollars pumped in, where is the inflation? Two things are at play I believe. A good part of that money went into the casino (the stock market) making the rich even richer, and the poor even poorer.. That’s on one hand. On the other I believe ever since ’08 and even earlier we’ve been suffering from a very strong deflationary pressure, that’s only been masked by the rounds of QE we’ve been subjected to.
          So now I’m thinking.. If I were rich, if I were the one moving and shaking things what would I do in order to become stellary (is this even a word?) rich. Well.. simple. Play it exactly how they’re playing it now. Move these trillions in the hands of the few via the QE/stock market (and other markets) scheme and then at the peak (which incidentally I think already happened), move everything to cash…. And sit… Wait for deflation to start kicking in. We know how this ends. When the deflationary death spiral starts, there is no stopping. The bottom is where everything stops. And when I say the bottom, I’m thinking buying a family house for $10K.
          Remember I am siting on a mountain of cash. So, when everybody is out of work, in the streets and when the hard assets (everything nailed to the ground) are at deflationary levels, then I start buying everything I see in site. Then I hire a private army to protect me. After all these hyperinflation will hit.. But remember I am already invested in hard assets. Well, gentlemen you are about to witness the greatest wealth transfer in the history. I don’t give it 10 years for this scenario to happen.

        2. Where’s inflation?
          Been to the grocery store lately?
          Lots of it has been put on hold by companies holding on to their cash reserves, which is basically the same plan you outline.

        3. Meat prices in Canada have inflated like none other. Have you seen the price of beef the other day?
          That’s thanks in part to Canada starting to export massive amounts of beef to China which has unfortunately driven up the price at home.

        4. I agree with the first part of the analysis, however, the Fed has shown it will do anything within its power to punish savers and reward the ignorant masses. You might think you’re going to pay $10,000 for a house, and then the next day the Fed goes out and mails every household $10k in freshly printed new currency (the W administration did this on a small scale and called it ‘stimulus’). Hoarding is a good idea in this economy, but think of the US dollars you are hoarding as bitcoins, that can be created freely out of nothing. Because they can and will be and are. Take the currency you are stacking and buy something of value with it (precious metals, energy, land, etc.).

      2. Bingo. The technology industry is one of the only fields where progress and efficiencies are able to outpace the devaluation of currency, hence why you can buy a computer today for $500 where 10 years ago a slower model cost $1,000. Compare that to cars where 10 years ago your car cost a lot *less* for essentially the same vehicle.

    2. LOL. Ben Bernake is that you?
      Money is simply a means of exchange and a store of value. Currency is a system of money (bills/coins).
      The basic idea behind Austrian economics (as I understand it) is that the true value of currency can only be effectively determined by the free market. Gold has worked well historically.
      Attempts by the state to manipulate the value of currency inevitably result in catastrophe. Maybe you don’t buy it, but history seems to be on their side.

      1. “Attempts by the state to manipulate the value of currency inevitably result in catastrophe”
        There is nothing wrong with floating currencies. Problem is the Central Banks won’t stop fiddling with them. It’s pretty much a race to the bottom at this point; they’ll soon lose control of the whole thing.. I think they’ve already did that.
        On the other hand all the gold bugs get it wrong. You can’t have your currency tied to it. Why? Simple. If the U.S. dollar and the British Pound are tied to the gold standard, then any change in the monetary policy in the U.S. will reverberate in the U.K., and that’s not always a good thing. The reverse works the same way. This is something the gold advocates never take into consideration.
        The other problem is, if the world gets back to the gold standard, something I don’t believe is possible based on what I said before.. or adopts a new reserve currency, then the U.S. dollar is fucked.. Not only that, but the ability of the FED to print its debt vanishes. When that happens, say bye bye to what you know the U.S. is. It will collapse like a sand castle. Then it will be war and all that good stuff… In the mean time, the U.S. dollar status is backed by the U.S. military which in turn is backed by the printing press, which in turn is backed by the U.S. military.. you get the idea..

        1. >There is nothing wrong with floating currencies. Problem is the Central Banks won’t stop fiddling with them.
          This is the ancient “the problem isn’t the system, it’s the people running it” fallacy that socialist always try to pull, that culminates in the death of 10 million people.

        2. If you can describe to me a different international monetary system, I’m with you. I’m waiting…
          Gold? Not going to work as I explained why? Bitcoin? Same problem. Do you want to know what happens when two different countries are on the same standard? whatever that might be? Look no further than Germany and Greece. So, before you give me some talking points just to make yourself feel better, debate my main points please.
          Besides, you know shit about socialism. I lived under communism half of my life and I know more about that system than I would like to. So please, get to the point now.

        3. Sure. Think of it this way.. If the usd and bp (british pound) are both on the gold standard, it means the currencies are essentially pegged to each other. They are not floating because their value is not measured one against the other (based on supply and demand, as it is today), but against the common underlying asset. The exchange rate is in stone. The ratio is always the same. Let’s say the decision was made that you can buy 1 unit of gold for 1 dollar, and 1.5 unit’s of gold for 1bp. That means the ratio usd/bp = 0.66 (1/1.5).
          If both currencies are backed by gold, it means I can exchange one for the other one of two ways and always end up in the same place… Either directly usd for bp or via the gold route. I’ll buy one unit of gold for 1 usd, and sell that same unit of gold for 0.66 bp.Question is then why do I need paper money anymore at this point? I am technically exchanging gold for gold. Well, we do, so we don’t carry around gold coins (they’re heavy)…
          Now let’s say the value of gold goes up (less gold found in the ground I suppose), then both currencies values will go down in relation to gold (you need more currency to buy the same amount of gold as before) while observing the same ratio between them, right? Reverse for the downside..
          And then it comes a day when the FED figures.. shit we need a weaker dollar so we spur the U.S. exports. So they lower the interest rates. Now the dollar is cheaper to borrow, i.e lower value than before (the money supply is increasing). By extension it means gold is getting more expensive in usd vs. what it costs in bp. So some smart ass figures.. Suckers.. I’ll just go buy gold in bp, and sell it back in usd (they’re cheaper now vs. gold, so I’ll get more usd) and then use those usd to buy back bp on the open market(remember the two ways of doing it from before..) I’ll make a fortune in british pounds and I’ll go buy a castle in Scotland. Well, that can’t happen, right? The british pound must be devalued as well so the ratio is maintained at all times.
          Now the brits are ending up with a weaker pound as well, but you know what? The british economy imports a lot of raw materials to make their shit, and now those materials are more expensive for them on the commodities markets. This additional cost is cutting into the corporations profit margins.. They can’t sell their shit anymore and they have to let people go now.. Not good.
          So that’s what I meant. I hope I didn’t confuse you more, but the bottom line is you have basically two countries sharing the same currency. It’s pretty much what happened with Greece. A little different than our example though.. It had to do with the Greek government bonds being sold for the same interest rate Germany was selling theirs. Both countries are on Euro, so they must be viewed the same way by the investors… kind of like our gold example.. So the Greeks sold a shit load of them, paid the gov. employees high salaries, the money being used in turn to buy more German stuff. Then the gov. couldn’t pay its debt back (through their tax revenues) because the Greek economy is well..not the same as the German one..
          Back to the U.S. A lot of people say let’s get back to the gold standard. What they think is probably U.S. on the gold standard and everybody else floating. Well, if that’s the case say bye to the printing press.If you don’t then, everybody will come here with their dollars asking for their gold. You better be sitting on a mountain of gold, or cut the printing press (have a fixed amount of dollars in circulation). Is that a good thing? Is that a bad thing? I don’t know. What I know is that’s probably very very unlikely to happen…
          As to your article. Yes, I believe it started. I’m not following the dow, but the s&p I think is going to where it all started in ’08 (around 600). It’s at 1870 right now. A lot of people will lose their retirement over this….

        4. This was a thoughtful comment. I’ll address a few items:
          (1) Why do I need paper money at this point?
          The purpose of paper money isn’t so one can debase and print and create currencies whose value fluctuate on a day to day basis. In fact, from around 100BC when the Chinese began using paper currency until Richard Nixon closed the gold window in 1971, paper currency never had a fluctuating value. I would question your premise because the main reason we have paper money is it is a convenient way to symbolize and transfer our wealth (not to arbitrarily increase or decrease the amounts of units of purchasing power)
          (2) Let’s say the value of gold goes up First of all, let’s call it a commodity based currency. The important thing is that the units of currency are finite. It doesn’t matter whether they are a yellow metal, a black combustible liquid, sea shells, etc. Gold has many reasons it was chosen for the commodity of choice, but that’s a different topic. When the “value of gold goes up” what you really mean is the purchasing power of the currency increases. How is that a bad thing when your currency buys more things today than it did yesterday?
          (3) Fed lowers interest rates… gold is getting more expensive in USD vs what it costs in UK Pounds
          The government cannot dictate what borrowing costs (interest rates) are in a commodity backed currency. How does government affect borrowing costs today? Let’s say I have saved $1,000. In order to lend it to someone for one year, for the inability to spend my $1,000 plus the risk of repayment, let’s say I think $75 is a reasonable amount to charge a borrower. But I can’t charge anyone that because that equates to a 7.5% interest rate, and the US FED has currently established a federal funds rate of 0.25% where it prints up currency out of thin air and “loans” it to banks at a rate of 0.25% interest per annum. No reasonable person would ever accept 25 cents in exchange for sacrificing their $1,000 for an entire year to a borrower. But banks underbid private lenders by borrowing this FED money and lending it to people at below market rates. In a commodity backed currency, the government can only lend money at less than (7.5% in this example) if it had a surplus of funds, and then the case would be made that if the government were running a significant surplus, taxes should be cut.
          (4) Stuff about arbitraging USD / UKP This couldn’t happen due to #3 above.
          (5) Greek gov’t bonds sold for the same interest rate as German ones
          Every country in the EU sells its bonds denominated in the same currency, but with different interest rates. Germany has the lowest rates because it has the best run economy and is the lowest risk. Greece is a high risk, which is why it defaulted.
          I agree there would be some short term pain if we returned to sound money. Basically due to the petrodollar. But the petrodollar is dying a slow death. Better to prepare for it and have sound money than to collapse suddenly like the Soviet Union in the 90s.
          For further reading related to this topic check out Economics In One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt.

        5. I don’t believe that was the case at the time.
          “I agree there would be some short term pain if we returned to sound money.”
          You do realize the U.S. lives on debt that we technically make from thin air due to our reserve currency status. At this point gold standard will mean losing that status and with that the big reset will come knocking. Now following this path, the big reset will still come knocking, we’re just kicking the can down the road. The end result will be the same, it’s just a matter of when.

        6. Interesting discussion, but man I’m fried and I have a shitty day tomorrow. Let’s pick it up again Thursday probably. I’ll think about what you said.

        7. The longer we stay in this debt based system, the worse the end result will be, by orders of magnitude. Ever seen a compound interest graph?

          Imagine we are looking at debt numbers. Notice how the jump from the last period to the current is greater than all other periods combined? Remember hearing how “W [and later Obama] borrowed more money than all prior presidents combined”? This is why. At some point (and we are rapidly approaching, if not past it) the debt is insurmountable.

        8. Every country in the EU sells its bonds denominated in the
          same currency, but with different interest rates
          I’ll get to your points later but for now, I was thinking the greek bonds vrs. german bunds spread. See below where they were at around 2005 when they started borrowing heavily. The differentials were around zero. That means Germany and Greece were borrowing at the same rate…2010-11 when the Greek crisis started clearly shows on the chart.

        9. Why do I have to describe one? The current one doesn’t work. So why do YOU get to impose it?

        10. then give up on this one and replace with nothing, or barter… and then you throw this back at me saying I want to impose it.. your logic is quite non existent there buddy.

    3. But you couldn’t buy an ipad in 1800, and if you could it would have cost millions, so factor that in too.

    4. Everyone who understands Austrian economics knows that productivity improvements naturally make things cheaper over time. That’s one of the basics of it.
      Oddly the desired inflation rate is the same 2% as the historic productivity growth rate.
      If I take my profession’s salary in 1900 and turn it into present dollars using either CPI or gold I make less per unit time. Now that may be an exception, but it is what it is. Some things are cheaper in time measure while others are vastly more expensive. What is cheaper is due to the productivity of people alone if it’s made domestically or similar and also due to leveraging Chinese or other cheap labor sources thanks to the power fiat reserve currency if imported. What is more expensive usually indicates government has interfered with it or it’s made the old fashioned way without productivity increases.
      Skimming your cite it uses 1997 values. It’s not 1997 any more. Median income is back down to 1989 level presently.

  2. I don’t understand how people can believe in both the gold standard and in the cornucopianism of (all other) natural resources, because these ideas make contradictory assumptions. The gold standard actually makes sense as a Malthusian idea, and it fits organically into a tragic view of the world: We have to shackle man’s economic aspirations to a finite supply of gold on the planet, and we simply don’t have enough gold to go around. Robert Zubrin in his book Merchants of Despair points out that Malthusianism and the gold standard became the ideology of the British Empire in the 19th Century, and they influenced British policy in running India. The Raj imposed the gold standard on India’s economy, and it had the effect of turning crop failures into recurring famines because the resulting “money famine” kept Indians from engaging in trade during hard times that might have enabled them to stay alive. This policy also had the convenient effect of keeping India’s starved population more compliant, which shows how the gold standard can facilitate slavery, despite all the ignorant “Austrian” propaganda to the contrary about gold as a guarantor of freedom.

    1. Commodity standard, not gold standard. A magically created bill with no backing is run on nothing other than illusions and faith. Commodity backed currencies have tangible real life value outside of the currency itself. And you are not restricted to one commodity, just as you are not restricted on the commodities market from having holdings in gold, silver and frozen orange juice concentrate.
      Call me old fashioned, but we live in a world of fairy created magical money backed by nothing and now have the largest debt in human history in these united States. When government is not restricted by reality via commodities in printing money then they print money at will, which causes huge amounts of inflation. Throw 40 billion into the money supply every month and suddenly the money in your wallet starts being less valuable, debt rises to cover the difference in spending power, which prefaces yet another dumping of fairy money into the economy to offset the debt and “stimulate” the economy, forever and ever, until death do us part, amen.

      1. Our currency in the US is backed by our government’s promise of that denomination in goods and services. It’s a promissory note of no “real” value. Just on their word.
        Once the government defaults on their word, all that “money” in your account becomes worthless. The value of anything you own is what others are willing to exchange for it in either other goods, services, or currency.

        1. This is why I have been turning my fiat notes into commodities and precious metals.
          It’s important not to get to hooked on metals though. Gold lacks “intrinsic value” meaning, you can’t eat it. So you have to hedge your bets. Don’t put everything into metals that could become worthless when people are killing each other over a sandwich.
          The other metal is ammo for that case and a single box of .308 will cost one daughter.

        2. I wouldn’t say valueless but illiquid. Someone, somewhere will always want gold, but it might be some doctor in China, not the guy holding the can of peas you want when everything crashes. This is very sound advice. Food, land, precious metals, energy, etc.
          Items which produce are highly valued, so when I say food, first a garden, hydroponic system, greenhouse, etc. and then secondly canned foods. When I say energy first would be purchasing something that produces energy for you, ie a diesel engine, solar panels, wind turbines, and secondly owning something like stock in an oil pipeline company or energy trust, although the paper showing you are entitled to owning this may end up having little value if TSHTF.

    2. So what’s the alternative to the gold standard (or some kind of asset backed currency)?
      The “we promise not to print too much” standard?
      The “use these pieces of paper for commercial transactions or we’ll kill you” standard (legal tender laws)?
      How are those working out?

    3. “The gold standard actually makes sense as a Malthusian idea, and it fits organically into a tragic view of the world: We have to shackle man’s economic aspirations to a finite supply of gold on the planet, and we simply don’t have enough gold to go around.”
      Man’s economic aspirations are shackled by the extent of his productivity. All the gold standard does is accurately reflect the fact that at any particular point in time, there are a finite amount of resources available. A fiat system does nothing but paint the illusion that there are unlimited resources. This illusion may persist temporarily, but necessarily comes crashing down eventually.
      There is always ‘enough’ gold. What there usually isn’t enough of is acceptance of price. That is the farmer or businessman who took on debt to produce but now cannot sell at a profit clearing price does not accept the reality that prices have gone against them. They do not accept the reality that liquidation at a loss is around the corner and they have erred. Prices must be pumped higher so as to bail them out of their failed positions. Thus the fiat system is preferred so as to absolve all of responsibility, and to maintain the illusion that we currently have infinite resources.

      1. This is all spot on. But the trouble is if one tries to use logic and reason to make economic decisions today, one will be punished and robbed and crushed. The article is right–our economic model is like feminism for the economy–encouraging and rewarding all the wrong behaviors and punishing the virtuous.
        Those using logic and reason by saving, investing, postponing purchases, etc. in the hopes that one day a rational system will prevail are like the virgins in high school sitting home alone while their slutty friends are out partying. The difference is one day a man will value her virginity. Will prudence and financial rationality ever be rewarded in our lifetimes?

    4. hmm. I’ve not heard this negative aspect of using the gold standard. I will check out “Merchants of Despair” also…

      1. Because I’ve always wanted to be a prospector. I will be forced to pan gold dust, then fight passed the hungry masses to exchange my archaic relics for .gov food stuffs.

  3. If a girl wants to imbibe nonstop drink/drug/dick in her 20s, well, as they slam into the proverbial Wall, this:

      1. It’s there, refresh the page and it pops up. This is a Disqus “feature”

  4. It’s all a question of how you ascribe value (s) to both things and of course people and this is just as much a moral/spiritual question as it is an economic one. Since the Victorian era we’ve completely separated societal and economic values from moral ones, until we’ve arrived at a place where ruthless and cynical economic and sexual behavior has become the defining attribute of today’s successful man in both the boardroom and the bedroom.

  5. As I have mentioned in many posts before, the connection between the economic collapse and the cultural decay we are witnessing, is only bound to grow stronger than ever before. Apparently there is now a record level of over 100 million Americans out of work. That is almost a third of the country’s population. Whether this is true or not, it definately does explain the dark road which we as a civilization are heading towards. In all my life, I have never witnessed the utter disintegration of society. Here are some examples:
    -Men walking in groups, afraid to make eye contact, do anything alone and dressing up like trash and not cutting their hair or maintaining a masculine appearance. They are now turning into trophy husbands and have become emasculated. A generation of men who have no employment opportunities and have essentially watched anything of preserving their manhood such as building an income and raising a family, disappear infront of their eyes.
    -Women are dominating the workforce, while at the same time, giving up and losing all of their traditional feminine values. They are essentially manifesting into something that is not pleasant to be around. Sending their kids to childcare, filing for the vast majority of divorces while wondering why they cannot find any good men in their lives.
    -The complete trash we are seeing in the media. From the music, movies, literature, fashion, the news, people are now turning into braindead idiots. People cannot even speak in proper English anymore, which is indicative of how bad the times have become.
    It is a sad time that we are living in. I was just thinking today about some European destinations. The beautiful architecture, along with the languages, the history and the culture behind it all. All from a time where people once had spirit and a human strength that surpassed anything of today’s world. Whereas today, what do we have left? Degenerates, sexual immorality and depravity spreading, smartphone zombies, social media and Youtube obsessed kids and a society that has abandoned all of its morality and have nothing left that is worth preserving and passing onto future generations.
    At this point of time, I could really care less about what happens next in this freakshow that we call our world. I am simply a mere observer and that is all I will ever be.

    1. Very true. I have stopped watching TV and listening to modern music. Both are pathetic garbage. I have given up most hope that the USA will make a 180 without some sort of massive, violent upheaval. My only concern at this point is protecting my family when the pot boils over.

      1. I consume plenty of modern music that I find to be highly talented and enthralling.
        By ‘modern music’, were you referring to ‘radio-friendly pop-rock bullshit’?
        EDIT: ‘radio-friendly trendy pop-rock bullshit’

        1. “By ‘modern music’, were you referring to ‘radio-friendly pop-rock bullshit’?”
          Yes. What kind of modern music do you listen to? What are some of the artists?
          One modern musician I DO like is Lindsey Stirling. She’s a bit of a mashup of classical violin and techno. No lyrics to get in the way.

        2. The music I listen to is 95% metal, predominately death metal and various derivative genres. There is seldom a deficit of captivating songs in the metal genre luckily.
          On the odd occasion, I give classic rock, classic and yes, even rap, a spin.
          EDIT: For future reference, some of the artists I listen to are the following:
          Anaal Nathrakh, Behemoth, Black Dahlia Murder, Cattle Decapitation, Fallujah, Hate Eternal, Machinehead, Nile, Revocation, Zyklon, etc.

        3. I agree with you although I listen to “real” rap music, which is generally provided by the same guys who were providing it 20 odd years ago.

        4. Canuck, look at some of those names “Black Dahlia Murder” “Cattle Decapitation” and “Hate Eternal”. Pretty grim huh? I see death metal as part of the problem. At some point in Western Culture they decided to glorify, promote and revel in the dark, the demented, the deranged. This shows up in their art, music, movies, everything now really. Someone with positive artistic sensibilities and talent like say, Norman Rockwell, was replaced with “realistic” and “edgy” art which not only lacks talent but celebrates the negative. Same in music. I much prefer “radio friendly pop” to “death metal” because well, I prefer positive life-affirming imagery and lyrics to negative death-affirming ones. Though today’s “radio friendly” and death metal are both in the same dismal boat so I listen to neither.

        5. “I see death metal as part of the problem”

          Are you serious? Have you even listened to ANY of the bands I’ve listed? They are the exact definition of technical virtuosity and talent.
          There are plenty of bands that are ‘edgy’ and actually have the talent to back it up, all of which are the ones I’ve mentioned. I listen to these bands because I like them and their product. I couldn’t care less for what image, lyrical message, etc, they may be trying to promote. Most metal, with the exception of Black Metal, is not political. A lot of death metal and grindcore lyrics may or may not involve descriptions of raping and murdering women (to the horror of the SJWs and Feminists).
          You can go back to listening to your ‘radio friendly’ girl power pop rock bullshit music like Beyonce, Katie Perry and Lady Gag-me.

        6. “I couldn’t care less for what image, lyrical message, etc, they may be
          trying to promote.”
          I’m the opposite. I’m deliberately conscious about consumption.
          “A lot of death metal and grindcore lyrics may or may not
          involve descriptions of raping and murdering women”
          Again, I’m a particularly conscious consumer.
          “You can go back to listening to your ‘radio friendly’ girl power pop
          rock bullshit music like Beyonce, Katie Perry and Lady Gag-me.”
          Being a conscious consumer, that leaves Beyonce out for me. I’ve not heard of the other two.

        7. you guys all have too much time on your hands…….get to work, and worry about yourselves, not what each other is listening to on the fucking radio…….holy shit what a load of drivel

      2. “Very true. I have stopped watching TV and listening to modern music. Both are pathetic garbage.”
        Well, there´s still modern art for you.

      3. I appreciate this point, but still find it to be a bit extreme.
        To elaborate:
        With the exception of watching tv, when you could be doing something more productive. I think that it is fine to do, so long as you are consciously aware of the messages being “fed” to you whilst you are watching.
        For example Game of Thrones, is an amazing, entertaining piece of art and cultural phenomenon [*see insight into contemporary-cultural-mindset]. And poses no real threat, when viewed by a conscious and awakened man, such as exist here and elsewhere in the man-o-sphere.
        Simply put, it is fine so long as you are aware enough to realise that the storyline of the Kahlissi, is just as fanciful as her dragons.
        In the end, auto-isolation–such as you are indirectly advocating–only hurts yourself.
        For example you are hampering your ability to protect your aforementioned-family by disconnecting your self from all of the …lets call them early warning systems for lack of a better term.
        But don’t just take my word for it.
        All the best brother,

        1. It’s actually propaganda for a lot of things:
          The psychologically-and-physically-stronger-than-men female archetype, evil and or weak/ stupid men, white knight-ing, un-loving, un-caring fathers / loving fathers that put themselves first in the end, sexual role reversal… and the list goes on.
          My point is that, ignorance is not bliss. It is in fact a hinderance.
          And most members of our community, have good enough heads about them, that they can …for lack of a better word, consume modern media, without buying into the aforementioned messages.

      4. I went from having the full satellite tv package (every channel possible) to no TV pretty shortly after college. What’s shocking is I do watch an occasional program at a friend’s house. The quality of the writing, of course, is shit. But the amount of indoctrination and PC feminism in these shows is shocking. I can’t believe what I’m seeing, and how quickly it changed.
        I do enjoy much of what HBO puts on but television is toxic. And they claim the average American watches 5 hours of it a day! Imagine what you can do with 5 hours every day!

        1. Today’s internet is yesterday’s TV. People brag about cancelling their cable packages as if its something counter-cultural but I rarely (more like never) hear people talk about cancelling internet.

    2. Nice post.
      “Men walking in groups, afraid to make eye contact, do anything alone and
      dressing up like trash and not cutting their hair or maintaining a
      masculine appearance.”
      This is HUGE. An EXCELLENT point and my observation as well. When I go out to the bars in my college town, it is a rarity to see men simply enjoying the evening/night by themselves. I understand it is fun to go out with the guys, and I do it as well from time to time. But it’s gotten to the point where people move through the streets in huge “packs” of people (made up of both men and women). No independence. Too scared to stand on “their own two”. It’s gotten to the point where people are actually scared of you and women think it’s “creepy” because you decide to roll one deep.

      1. I used to look out for the lone wolves. Id be the designated driver for a reason (i dont like getting more than tipsy, the others didnt get the mindset ) and the loner at the bar would be the one person i could hold a conversation with.

    3. Men’s Rights need to be involved with Politics, Leftist women have Feminism and are accumulating Politicians, power, and influence in society, Neo-Masculinity, Men’s Rights, Red Pill, need to start engaging in Washington DC and grow Political Persuasion, if Men’s Interests are going to survive then a Political Party for Men should be created.

      1. From my experience
        Due to the scarcity of viable fertile women in the society, Men want to see other Men fail. In other-words, Men like when other men are more beta, because it gives them better options, this is undeniably what history shows
        That is why men do not stand up for each other. It is an uncomfortable thought, but this seems to be the way society functions
        Judge them by their fruits and not their tongues.

        1. Agreed, but we are fast approaching a time where Men’s Interests and Rights are being oppressed,.. united victorious, divided conquered.

    4. We need to stop panicking and assuming that our personal experiences are common to all. They are not. You must consider your perspective. If you are young, you are not interesting to women your own age. But if you chase them they will spin you in all directions. It may seem to you that that last “needy text” you sent killed the conversation and your chances but in reality you had no chance at all.
      Not all women are the same. They make mistakes too. Furthermore, there are only so many “alphas” and they don’t have time to service every woman. That leaves plenty of pussy for the betas. So don’t worry about it. You’re going to get a girl.
      Worrying that you won’t get a girl is a bit like worrying that if you lose your job you’ll never get another. You will. Even in the Great Depression only about 10% of American men lost their jobs but they found new ones. And so eventually you will get a girl. The reason is that within you is the drive to keep trying and so you will never give up, even if you tell yourself that you have already given up.
      The main danger is losing your mind over the first girl you get. Don’t let this happen. Keep your mind focused. The best way to do this is to make a commitment not to get married before you turn 30. By then you will have the maturity and wisdom to make good choices about women.

      1. “there are only so many “alphas” and they don’t have time to service every woman”
        You underestimate the patience of women and their hamsters. They would rather be the 100th side chick of a true alpha than the entire world of a beta male, they will literally wait many years for an alpha, unfortunately, during this waiting phase they use rather girthy dildos and tend to forget that the average penis is not that large, therefore ruining themselves in my opinion. Many men who have upgraded their lifestyles and so on especially to attract women, do so only to find out that the vagina is a giant cave after many years of giant dildo use! and find themselves ordering magnitudes of cock pumps and engaging in enlargement exercises to enjoy their women, this is most unfortunate
        Further……….From a scientific and psychological perspective
        The reptilian hind brain and the neo cortex cannot operate together efficiently
        Hence, if you were suddenly threatened, the reptilian hind brain would flood with blood while starving the neo cortex which is logical and your reflexive action would be enhanced at the cost to your logical/rational thinking. It’s sort of like a mental erection, where your man tool floods with blood than you can only think of sex and not logic, when the hind brain floods with blood you can only think irrationally
        the joy of spending time romancing women is basically a “sensational reptillian dependant phenomenon”
        This is why after a separation you can;t believe what a beta you were
        and that is why it is so hard to calm down after a long stressful day, because that hind-brain is so flooded you cannot get work off your mind
        some jerk off and find it separates their work days, some play video games, some use alcohol, whatever the matter
        when it comes to women, the stick isn’t worth the shake.

      2. i know a man who finally got a good life and job going around the age of 30, 5 years later he is ruined by divorce, dont EVER get married.
        -If you want the marriage experience, find a woman you hate, then buy her a house

      3. I’m curious what your perspective is on Roosh’s recent article about men hitting their peak.
        Roosh seems to have a pretty grim perspective on how getting older affects his relations to women and to life in general.
        But I’m not necessarily convinced that it’s so bad… I’m finding more balance in my life as I’m approaching 30. It’s possible that part of Roosh’s problem is that he is committed daily to promoting red-pill philosophy, and maybe he overdid it with chasing punani and he’s feeling the aftereffects.
        I’m curious about your take on a guy who goes through his 30s working on his career, fitness, building relationships, etc.

        1. Can you link to the article?
          I can understand how getting older could present issues for Roosh. He is essentially an artist (writer, traveller, presenter). Furthermore, I have never done what Roosh does: his focus is on banging as many girls as possible. That isn’t mine. I like to enjoy a woman for some period of time. I keep them around. As such, given Roosh’s career and based on what little I know, to a woman he does not present the picture of a stable, alpha provider. This is what a woman ultimately wants. She wants a man who provides long term security.
          A man aged 40 with a mature career, in peak physical health is a very attractive proposition to a woman. An man with no apparent fixed abode, something of a Casanova, not so much. And of course, the older you get, the less you can just run around banging chicks.

        2. Never mind, I found the article. It doesn’t seem to apply to me.
          Based on what he says, I suspect he has some early hormonal issues (i.e. low test affecting motivation).
          I got my hottest ever chick at age 40. I think she was 25. I’ve also banged 23 and 24 year olds lately. All of them knew my age. Not one of them gave a single solitary shit about my age.
          I don’t approach a lot of chicks and never have. Sometimes it seems like they approach me. I have not been tested but I suspect that I have high testosterone and that I present as very alpha for a specific reason. I have been doing full contact sparring for years. This creates an aura of confidence around you that you cannot get from simply pumping iron at the gym. Women sense this and it draws them in.
          Add that to the confidence of age, a solid career and years of game and you can literally walk around soaking up pussy like a sponge.

        3. Roosh is still below 40 so if he wants to marry and start a family with a woman even as much as 10 years younger, he can do it. While 20 year old women generally think 30 year old men are “too old for them”, 29 year old women generally do not think 39 year old men are “too old for them”. But he won’t be able to marry a virgin or a woman with strongly conservative sexual values and self-control because the law of assortive mating has it that people with similar values systems are drawn to one another.

        4. “Roosh’s career and based on what little I know, to a woman he does not
          present the picture of a stable, alpha provider. This is what a woman
          ultimately wants. She wants a man who provides long term security.”
          People assortively mate by values so a woman who’s done the equivalent of what Roosh has done but is now ready to settle down with someone who understands her motives might be open to settling down with Roosh if he also decides to quite the game for something more stable as well.

        5. Numbers aside, she would have had her fun and then came to the same realizations that Roosh is coming to now.

        6. You seem to be taking full advantage of the sexual “immorality” that everyone here is bemoaning. Well done.

    5. I was at a brewery doing a full beer flight tasting of 15 different style IPA’s…alone. I did this because I enjoy it, and I am comfortable in my own skin.
      Within 10 minutes I had people walking up asking me what I was doing, was I deserted on a date, etc… I find your observation to be true. Not many people can just do things for themself. It has to be with a group or posted to Facebook. It think its a lost skill that has to be learned.

    6. The only small issue I take with your excellent analysis, is idealizing Europe. I have lived in several places there. The women, by and large, are morally worse if anything. While getting laid in France and in the UK couldn’t possibly be easier, beyond that any rational traditional male is in big trouble. I found the ladies to have an ultra-3rd wave feminist attitude, much of which seems to revolve around the idea that imitating men sexually somehow equals pride and power. Oh and the complete refusal to take any semblance of responsibility for anything. So leaving America for Europe probably won’t be any better in that regard.

  6. Finally . . . the real problem has been addressed. You know most people in America don’t even know about the “silverback” not gold FYI standard being gone.
    As people our brains subconsciously work like muscles. Patterns and routines dictate our personalities not spur of the moment heavy lifting. The economy effects all of us and consumer propaganda runs many people’s lives. Until we create an environment where anyone can be successful and have time to spare survival instincts will push most women and some men to care more about their partners financial status and possessions in the long term then actual intimacy. It is a society that rewards the coldest and most selfish who have no pity for those they take from. It will not last unless it changes. People will literally revolt after the baby boomers die and inflation is so high no 5 figure income will provide enough to eat. That is the direction we are headed and subconsciously we are all aware of it. As long as we are dishonest with ourselves we will never be in control of ourselves and someone who is honest will be able to play our strings.

  7. “We are forever one needy word too many in a text or an uncomfortable silence away from eternal celibacy.”
    Unfortunately becoming more and more true. People are becoming more and more fake (like practiced politicians). A lot of men with game are not natural alphas with women. But just because a man isn’t Don Juan, doesn’t mean he’s not a GOOD MAN. Hell, even 10 years ago I could simply be my *best self* around women I was banging and I was “allowed” to make beta slip-ups every now and then. It was all part of the fun, and offered variety to the relationship. It was real. I could be caring, goofy, or strong and dominant whenever I pleased; the ladies were simply more feminine and appreciative, so it worked.
    But now, when a woman has 10 options in her phone, it is unsurprising I suppose that beta “mistakes” are simply not as tolerated. They see one goofy comment as beta. If you respond too quickly, beta. If you say “thank you”, beta. Buy them a drink, beta. Even if you maintain frame (being your *best self*), it seems as though present day American women are looking for men of a contrived personality rather than a real human being. I’ve always attracted women from East African nations, Eastern Europe, and South America; they seemed to want a real person (a man who actually has strong values, goals, passion, etc.) to simply feel feminine with and have some fun.

    1. “A lot of men with game are not natural alphas with women.”
      Some autists would be better off going MGTOW, it’ll do them better off in this life.
      (meaning: if you can get laid but have no money to eat, getting laid is not so important)

      1. Low or no income people are the ones screwing and procreating like maniacs. Seems to be very important to them.

    2. ” People are becoming more and more fake”
      No, People’s brains and intelligence have literally not evolved for billions of years, the 85-110 iQ is making everyone panic in the techno-age we are in, since human intelligence cannot just increase along with everything else
      than arrogance has to increase, the illusion of being smarter ETC , this is the only way the average person can respond to being literally retarded in a high tech world, they figure, the more cold they come across, the smarter must they be in the observers eyes, but it’s all just theatre, behind the attitude and public persona what you’re dealing with are confused cowards with mean world syndrome, don’t be naive

  8. Femininity and Masculinity = gold standard
    Feminism and Equalism = fiat currency
    God, Patriarchy, Family, Tribe = Natural Law
    Government, Matriarchy, “It takes a Village” = Positive Law
    Our prevailing notion of Progress utilizes the Positive to destroy all that is Natural while the central bank of cultural marxism floods the streets with fiat money.
    Within the vacuum where Natural Law and Gold once ruled, we find many things that would make the Devil smirk but all can be reduced to a longing for death and destruction.
    When natural law (truth) and the consequences of actions bounded by such – as well as the rewards and lessons, are replaced by a system of beliefs that are driven by ideas anchored in nothing but the desire for more power to control the masses and propagate those ideas, those within its bounds are really just just running out the clock.
    The narrative has inverted the truth to the point that the ones who should be holding the pitchforks and torches are the ones that are being hunted down by the vibrant diversity demanding equalism and the other goodies of the impossible.
    The ponzi will fall as it is all about destruction without offering creation in its place. Just as our culture has shifted to one of taking and consuming over that of giving and creating, the Ponzi, like so many of our vehicles of Progress is self-consuming. The fuel, predominantly white-male productivity, creativity, ingenuity, and adaptability, is running out.
    The “equality, “diversity”, and pathological non-judgementalism that progresses the culture further and further from truth, are just weaponized feelings designed to control through fear and intimidation. It is working.
    And yes, the sexual marketplace is running out of fuel as well. Those “thirsty” betas are being consumed faster than new ones can be kept in the dark while those dark-hearted alphas are not inclined to invest their own surplus capital.
    But whether or not the destruction in its wake is surmountable is a question likely for the next generation. A generation that has matriculated under the full force of the Marxist indoctrination, the constant distraction of entertainment, the gluttonous consumption, and the invasive, dehumanizing utilization of “technology”; all the attributes of an unnatural, fiat culture of death.
    All hail the Apple gods. Climate change is Real. And the vibrant rainbow of diversity may just wash that white privilege from your skin. Or perhaps the tell-a-vision in your hand will guide you, under the stupor of Soma, unceremoniously to the soilent green factory where the culmination of your self-loathing and moral superiority will be aptly rewarded. Your choice.

    1. Dude you’re intelligent and I’m a Christian too. Unfortunately there’s a serious case of cross blah blah Blahs in christianity. First off you most likely don’t even know the stories are derived from Sumer. You worship El. Most people don’t even know the name. His brother was Enki and he was the chief engineer of humanity in the stories. He was your Satan in the garden, but also the guy who thought let’s make a slave race. See the problem is man rewrote the stories for his benefit. All major religions stem from Sumer. If you haven’t studied it well then your foundation is flawed. A flawed foundation means your conclusions are full of half truths. See now we worship source OR THE Concept Of A Higher dimensional Being A SINGULAR consiouscness that created everything and is everything as it experience so different levels of reality by dividing itself into us to be entertained , but we unequivocally came to that conclusion through inert personal truths. Like we just have this inherit knowledge that our souls carry that knows where we come from. It’s complicated, but simply judging things based on heresay is following the game of telephone as fact. Either that or we know nothing of what is real. Manmade books are not a good way to come to conclusions about the universe. Simply observe how the universe works and you will observe an infinitly complicated design that looks far too sophisticated to not have been engineered. A system where the actual laws of nature and the universe are the real God’s system. We as a race compared to the universe are dust on a rock in the middle of infinity. Our survival is simply based on whether we can adapt to what is around us or not. Not some idealistic concepts force fed through the game of telephone. So yes blah blah blaism.

    2. What we’re battling is similar to a grand cockfight for the roost. We natural man are threatened by an aggressive order of ‘GOVERNMENT HUSBANDRY’.,which is unnatural. It’s as if a creation of our own handywork (government) became animated and took on a mind of its own to dominate us. Sound similar to the web?

  9. Ever thought about what will happen once the baby boomers are dead? I know so many people who got everything paid and sponsored by their wealthy baby boomer parents. One day those people (the millenials) will be all alone without enough money for their own children….and it already started. Generation Z is fucked I guess.
    I´m pretty sure this will be the point where everything finally crashes. No more boomers, no more wealth.

    1. Baby boomers (while making a lot of silly choices) were the last generation to grow up with the idea that you pay for your debts and are responsible. I think a lot of kids will inherit paid off homes and assets from their baby boomer parents. It will take a few years for this wealth to be squandered. And THEN things will get really bad. The millennials living paycheck to paycheck will not be able to weather the storm, and their skills of making lattes and beard trimming will not interest me one iota when bargaining for food.

  10. The Financial Markets and the SMP are closely dependent of one another indeed. One of them will re set the other. My bet is on the Markets resetting, and that will bring a total re evaluation of the other, the SMP. Gentlemen, the process will be extremely ugly.

    1. What do you mean? The money always comes first. I can buy any pussy with money.The reverse does not hold true. So I believe shit will start to unravel from the Financial Markets. Then the pussy will be set in its rightful place.

  11. 2 seemingly unrelated items….coincidence? More like the downfall of the West in general. Not limited to our conversion from capitalism to cronyism….yes our culture has the same rot.

  12. The ‘market’ never promises you profits. Only bank deposits and Treasuries can do that. Equities only promise you a claim on dividends, if any, and 1 vote per share.
    Anyone who promises or guarantees you a return is a fraud. Just like in pua-land.

  13. America and much of the world too is entering a period of political, cultural as well as economic Nihilism. We don’t know how this will turn out but it doesn’t seem like it will morph into anything positive. Till then I’ll tune out American women hoping that they will one day put down their smartphones and continue relieving myself with prostitutes.

  14. “We can also engage in meaningless sexual intercourse with countless partners”
    Who’s the “we” here? The vast, vast majority of people are not doing this and could not pull it off even if they tried.

  15. Economic histories of England and France from 1600 through the 1800’s can be shown to have been driven by women’s fashions. I just read a book by Zola about the world’s first department store founded in Paris. All about men’s struggle to keep their women in fashion, because if you didn’t you lost your place in society. And the women, of course, using sex, sex, sex to manipulate everyone.

  16. Paying for sex is just so much easier than wasting your time learning stupid pick up lines or routines that never work. Just pray that prostitution would be legalized asap or we all suffer (without sex) unless you don’t care anymore or you get lucky.

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