Swedish University Guilty Of Discriminating Against Male Scholars

Mid Sweden University has to pay 25,000 crowns (roughly $2,900 USD) in damages to one of its male employees. The man, a lecturer at the university, was discriminated against because of his gender when he couldn’t apply for grants which were given exclusively to female scientists.

According to the university, female professors are underrepresented in its faculty of human sciences. Therefore, the school wanted to even out the difference by handing out money to female scholars only. The Equality Ombudsman, however, was not impressed by the university’s “good intentions,” and took the man’s case to court.

Too much equality

The Equality Ombudsman says that Swedish law allows for affirmative action as a way to make workplaces more gender equal. Yet, by excluding men entirely from being able to receive the grants, Mid Sweden University took it a step too far. The court agreed and recently came to a decision in favor of the man.

Although the university was sued for 50,000 crowns, the man will only be getting half of that amount. According to the court’s ruling, the damage he suffered was not very severe. The two grants in question, handed out during 2014 and 2015, were for 750,000 crowns each. The university says it will not continue to give grants exclusively to women.


Mid Sweden University.

A system rigged against men

This was not the first time that Mid Sweden University discriminated against men. In fact, it has been passing out these women-only grants for the last ten years, apparently without any qualms about them being purposefully sexist. And the school is not alone in doing it.

According to the independent organization Centre for Justice, unlawful discrimination against men is common at Swedish universities. A study by the organization, examining the last five years, shows that more than half of universities have had a similar sexist system of handing out grants as Mid Sweden University.

Centre for Justice writes that the law is “crystal clear” on this issue, and continues:

It is a serious matter when government agencies systematically violate the Discrimination Act’s demand for equal treatment and prohibition against discrimination.

In court, Mid Sweden University defended its actions. According to the school, it was working for the “entirely legitimate purpose” of creating a “better gender balance” among its professors. The school also took into account “societal values,” and demands from the government.

Since Mid Sweden University is run by the government, it needs to meet certain goals every year to receive financing. From 2012 to this year, at least 32 percent of professors hired by the school have had to be female. Many other universities face the same kind of requirements.

Of the professors hired by Södertörn University, for example, a minimum of 45 percent must be female. It is no wonder that Swedish schools practice affirmative action when their very existence, in terms of receiving their checks from the government, depends on it.

 A modest proposal


Caitlyn Jenner—a role model for Swedish males?

So what does a male scholar have to do to get by in this Swedish climate of sexism towards his kind? One modest proposal is that he simply changes his gender a la the great role model of our time, Caitlyn Jenner. Not only would universities throw money at him—sorry, her—and treat her with as much privilege as any other female, but she would also be hailed by the mainstream media as outstandingly courageous.

Other males would then follow the scholar’s lead and soon academia would be permeated with cross-dressing, fabulous (but rather big boned) “women.”

All jokes aside, the issue of affirmative action is serious and should actually be opposed by both men and women. For men, it’s a matter of getting the job they deserve and not be discriminated for the way they were born. For women, it’s a matter of personal pride and dignity. In the case of the employer, getting the best person for the job should be his or her number one priority. Merits, not sex, are what qualify a candidate for a position.

Elsa Kugelberg, editorial writer for Dagens Nyheter, has taken a firm stance against affirmative action. In a recent column, she writes:

If you give women a special support it signals that they by definition are worse—they need to be pampered to be able to get anywhere in this world. That attitude will if anything deter women from a scholarly career, or at least attract them for the wrong reasons.

Unfortunately, not all Swedes are as fair-minded and reasonable as Elsa Kugelberg. Since she is woman, though, people will hopefully be more open to what she has to say about this subject.

Forces for good and evil

One way to see it is that this story brings both good news and bad news. First the bad news: There is institutionalized discrimination against men in Swedish academia. Lots of people know about it yet choose to do nothing in the face of actual, unadulterated injustice. Only when it’s called out as illegal do the guilty ones show any sign of regret or understanding of their wrongdoing.

Now to the good news: there are forces working for good. Swedish law is flawed, but the legal system still punishes the most outright offences. Independent groups like Centre for Justice do what they can to shine a light on cases where individuals are penalized not because they acted badly, but because they belong to the wrong group.

Yes, there are forces working in our favor. Forces that work for justice, for its own sake. That’s right: not social justice, but true justice.

Read More: The Final Verdict On Swedish Girls

79 thoughts on “Swedish University Guilty Of Discriminating Against Male Scholars”

  1. “Not only would universities throw money at him—sorry, her—and treat her with as much privilege as any other female, but she would also be hailed by the mainstream media as outstandingly courageous.”
    It we were to find out that a significant number of m2f “trans” or gay men were only faking it to get a job, not only would I not be surprised, it would be hilarious. After all, how do you “prove” some level of LGBTQ123Whatevkin? Doctors note? Letter from the parents? Any inquiry could be answered with “check your privilege” or “muh triggers” or the top level “don’t dead dox me!”
    And based on some of the horrors I’ve seen on the internet, they need not even have to dress the part. Just shave closely, declare “trans”, and use “office gay voice”, and pretty much get away with it.
    Besides, it’s not a new concept. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080202/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1

    1. And they don’t even have to change their sexual preference. Caitlyn Jenner has clearly and publically stated that s-he has no interest in sex with men, and that s-he intends to keep on having sex with women. So it is not really M2F but rather M2L, male to lesbian. There is even a t-shirt readily available that says, “No one can tell I’m a Lesbian”. Of course it is sold only to men.

      1. That’s what I mean. They have made it so easy to be anything other than white heterosexual male (let’s not forget the trans-race Rachael Dolezal) that declaring oneself to be some otherkin craptastic being will so troll the whole process they’ll have to go back to having expectations of adults acting like it.
        Shit I could probably get a tan and call myself Hispanic. They called George Zimmerman a “white Hispanic” FFS.
        It’s easier than pretending to be handicapped (George Costanza for example).

    2. Call yourself transgender female if you want. Step out in a three piece suit whenever you want and then you’re a ‘crossdresser’ too. Done.

    1. It’s pure sexism that the male researcher does not receive millions in damages. Keep in mind that this assault on his psyche will never heal. 😛

  2. Bruce trans-Jenner is a man trapped in a woman’s body who wants to be lesbian. wtf?

  3. For those who don’t know, Sweden is the most Feminist country in the world. This is a nation in which Feminism is so powerful, catalogs have to show boys playing with girls toys, and there are compulsory “dress like a girl” days for boys at school as young as 5 years old. Young children are also forced to play-act gay marriages in school to make sure they are tolerant. No men on earth are more castrated than Swedish men, whose women are routinely screwed by foreigners before having their Muslim babies.
    I’m sorry to say, but it is already game over for this state. Sweden will be a Muslim country, and its boys will be janissaries, that is if they’re not all too pussified for even that, in which case they’ll just be thrown off the roof of the nearest multicultural community center. I wish there were a band of Swedes who might at least preserve some northern outpost of their civilization against the evil of Liberalism.

    1. In few decades Islam will take over Sweden, and wmen will be put back again in the kitchen. The progressive are digging their own graves, when they realise that the bullshit multiculturalism collides with their feminists beliefs, will be too late.

      1. The question is, will Swedish men, who are probably having enough of this, going to fight it like a bunch of cucks or will they realize all they have to do it grow a beard (like their ancestors) and pay lip service to the caliphate and then sit and watch feminists get a bag forced over their head?
        Right now we are seeing what a leftoid degenerate feminist controlled culture looks like. It does not leave much motivation to prevent the pendulum from swinging the other way.

        1. Well America isn’t too far behind. I read somewhere today that they are going to force Idaho to take in thousands of Middle Eastern refugees while the residents of the state have NO vote on the matter. The mayor of Boise regurgitated the same old “Diversity is key to our prospering, etc” line.
          So I don’t think we can make fun of Sweden because I’m guessing there will be no backlash, as usual, after Idaho gets culturally enriched. I’m not sure what it will take, I’m guessing we all have too much to lose for now.

        2. This is a perfect example of Darwinian natural selection. If you aren’t able to control your women, your DNA is replaced with men who can.

        3. Conservative Christianity would be better. You wouldn’t necessarily have to agree with us, but we wouldn’t cut your head off if you don’t.

        4. Well, if the swedes went back to their ancestors ways, it may not be a great thing. Watch History Channel’s The Vikings.
          With that said, it would be hilarious watching an ISIS dude approach a Viking loudly proclaiming he does not fear death. To be met by the vikings perniciously evil grin claiming ‘yeah? Me either!” as he starts skinning the dude alive yelling how he is ready for Valhalla. Then blows himself up with the suicide bomber’s skin in the face of the enemy.
          The Muslim terrorists would make peace with a civilization like that as in yesterday.

        5. Kimbo Fighteus
          “I read somewhere today that they are going to force Idaho to take in thousands of Middle Eastern refugees while the residents of the state have NO vote on the matter.”
          Sorry to hear that. In Sweden, we do that on a daily basis. THOUSANDS every day.

      2. Yes. The Progressive lovesong towards Muslims is the best, most clear example of their comic levels of irrationality. They’re so dazed by the brown skin and the opportunity for some “I’m not racist” tingles that they have begun to coddle and swoon over their most elemental enemies. But, “They’re brown! They’re good people!” just gives them a sanctigasm.

        1. Not too many people have picked up on this. The modern far-Left is so busy railing against us no-good evil WASPs that they’re willing to coddle radical Islam at the expense.
          Nose, spite, face.

    2. Wrong. Canada is the MOST feminist driven matriarchy of them all. Canada is the most ultra liberal poltically correct feminist driven gynocentric country in the western hemispere. Home to “walk in her shoes” and all men are rapists commercials.
      -Look at the recent case of Greg Elliot and how he is going to prison for 6 months, simply because he did not agree with feminism.
      -Also look at the case of the software engineer who fleed the country and went to the Philippines after the family courts ruined his life
      -Look at the Joe Rogan video on Dave Foley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaC-2lj6HNg
      -Apparently, if you get accused of rape and successfully clear your name, you will still be placed on a sex offender’s register.
      Thats how fucked up it is in Canada. Read Roosh’s posts on Canada if you can.

      1. I can’t find anything on the ‘net about the verdict. Have they declared Elliott guilty or not yet?

      2. Plus, the Orwellian Section 15(2) of the Charter specifically authorizes discrimination in the name of affirmative action.

    3. The best parts migrated to E. Europe long ago (or so they say); no big loss.

    4. i disagree, Swedish males are too pussified to be Muslims.
      Islam is one of the most if not the most patriarchy and misogynist religions in the world and Swedish men don’t have enough figurative balls to qualify

    5. Mark. For those who don’t know, Sweden is the most Feminist country in the world. Nope ! Sweden is the most politically correct shit hole of a country !

    6. According to Tacitus’ De Origine et situ Germanorum, Germanic tribes slipped into a dormant state when no outside enemy threatened them. Now the enemy seems to be appearing, so everyting is fine again.
      Pity if someone would ruin the build up by nipping the problem in the bud, that would ruin all the bloody glory of the gory battles. Bring it on, ISIS. We’ve been beating you to pulp for the last 1400 years, and this time will be no different.

      1. I will admit i used to be a “Islam is a peaceful religion” idiot until i read about what they did in Europe since they came in contact with it.

        1. For everyone to sit and point blame at the things that Christianity and the US have done and they completely skip over things like the Armenian genocide and the Islamic conquest of spain

        2. And the Muslim slave trade – conservative estimates put the number of men who were castrated (they fetched a higher price at 80 million. Often the men were killed outright and the women were taken as sex slaves. The Muslim slave trade is much bigger than the European and American trade but it’s never discussed in the Media – could the reason be that the oil rich states now own us?
          Also Homosexuality doesn’t exist in Islam – they just won’t acknowledge it.

    7. “compulsory “dress like a girl” days for boys ”
      you got to be shitting me,
      need prove on this one

  4. All those libertarian arguments for “REAL equality”, “no discrimination”, “merits not sex”, etc. are somewhat flawed tho, because having a job (or better: an actual career, a profession) is way more important for a man than for a woman. If a woman doesn’t have a job, she just doesn’t have a job. But a man loses a part of his identity. A man wouldn’t stop dating a woman because she doesn’t have a job, but a woman would stop dating a man without one.

    1. Well a woman can also find some Betatard to shack her up and split or even completely pay her bills so not having a job is hardly an ordeal to her for very long.

      1. That’s what I meant, yeah. It’s not so important for a woman. Neither economically, nor when it comes to love or sex or social status or her “soul”. Women have a center, a womb, they weren’t meant to go out and explore, discover, invent.

        1. “A center, a womb”? Is that your way of politely dancing around saying “a snatch”?

        2. Hey hey, thanks a lot, bro! We also jest a lot around here, in case you hadn’t noticed!

  5. A small ray of light in a country that has been overrun by SJW orcs. Nothing’s going to change until Swedes (and everybody else) start to erode the thinking underlying this genderquackery, namely the gender-communism that is the idea that there should be equality of outcome between men and women.
    “That’s right: not social justice, but true justice.”
    We can all look forward to that distinction being made. “Social justice” is a very clever term. It defines justice for individuals in terms of the groups they belong to, which is effectively to deny individuals any kind of justice unless they buy into, or are able to benefit from the identity politics game. Social justice identity politics is simply the new form of class warfare, updated for a world that has rejected the mid-19th century divide between the working class and his bourgeois oppressor in favour of the new classes of oppression based on race, gender and sexuality.
    Social justice politics has only one purpose: to divide society and distract from the money/powergrab at the top. Stupid Sweden for buying into this

    1. What’s funny is that if and when SJWs achieve their utopian society, they will discover that there are still inequities amongst themselves and fight against one another. It’ll never end.

    2. You’re right. Swedes keep voting for this shit, and until they stop, nothing will change.

  6. Sweden is in the post Christian neopagan era. Its native birthrate will continue to decline. It will become the Brazil of the North.

  7. That politically correct Alice in wonder land that is modern day Sweden is also rapidly tumbling down the OECD educational rankings. This is happening in a country that once had one of the highest per capita in the world, one of the best educated workforce in the world, one of the lowest crime rates, and a kaleidoscope of internationally recognized brands.
    Today it is by far the most extreme of countries when it comes to mass immigration and multiculturalism. In terms of ideological indoctrination, suppression of dissent and media censorship Sweden is one of the most totalitarian countries in the entire world. Its establishment is obsessed with the irrational ideal of equality and are frantically tearing their nations social fabric to pieces so that it can be reborn the egalitarian utopia which eluded both the Bolsheviks in Russia and the Kamera rouge in Cambodia. Here a strange parallel that can be drawn with the Mayan kingdom were its fanatical leaders filled their temple forecourts with the severed heads of thousands, all sacrificed in the name of an irrational ideology.
    It will be interesting to see were Sweden is at in another 10 years time. Will it even be recognizable?

    1. Aptly stated that they are totalitarian. I read an excellent statement that points out the difference between authoritarianism and totalitarianism. Authoritarianism wants you to do what they want you to, Totalitarians want you to think what they want you to.

        1. You’re putting words/thoughts in our ancestor’s mouths. Control of thought is a natural progression from physical control. And gradually it switches to being a precursor, making physical control easier… even unnecessary. I doubt they would have viewed it as bizarre.
          Edit: And if you want to get deep, perhaps those authoritarian ancestors are the same as the current ones.

    1. It’s also no accident that those countries have the strongest and fastest growing Islamic populations. Weak cultures are eaten alive by strong ones. It has been that way since time immemorial.

    2. You know why that is?
      I have met countless broken people all raised by bible-thumpers. Remember the moral panics and “Moral Majority” of the 1980s, playing records backwards and all that crap? Everything having to be vitriolically judged to be “of the Lord” or not?
      Well, they had kids.
      And those kids, getting Jesus shoved down their throat, grew up hating all things God.
      But…. they were still raised by weak people. And therefore being weak like their parents, need something to bend the knee to.
      And that’s how our own bible belt churns out leftoids and SJWs. Removing God from the equation for people who need something to worship, something to be outraged about, something to put through the “of the (insert idol of worship here) or not” filter, only results into exactly what we are plagued with now: control freak statists who will push and further ANYTHING they suspect their parents would not like.
      Goes to show you. People kill over religion, so they usher out the priests in their robes and replace them with scientists in lab coats. Murder and despair still happens. For the same reasons. One cathedral replaced with another. Nothing changes.

      1. And yet the phenomena you describe appears to be totally unique to the 1980s. for instance, religious people in the 1300s did not churn out such offspring. Why is that?

        1. Because the “praise the lord” bible thumping of today came about roughly 500 years ago and it not the same as the kind of Christianity that existed in 1300.
          What we see here in the USA in particular is a kind of “Whig-ist” movement that manifested early on with the whigs and a sort of temperance movement.
          What you are doing it lumping in all of the religious with the Jesus freaks of today. What we have here is strictly an American abomination to Christianity and it’s of no wonder what it churns out. It’s only too bad the rest of Christianity has to take the blame for it (which is what you just did).

      2. Fundies are to Christians as ISIS is to Muslims. They’re both looney tunes, and not representative of real Christianity, which is vanishingly rare nowadays.

        1. “Fundies are to Christians as ISIS is to Muslims. They’re both looney tunes…”
          There is no peaceful Islam. Instead of two sharply divided groups, peaceful Islam and extremist Islam, there is a spectrum of acceptable terrorism.
          Muslim institutions have different places on that spectrum depending on their allegiances and tactics, but the process of radicalization is rarely a sharp break from the past for any except converts to Islam.
          The latest tragic victim of radicalization is Munther Omar Saleh; a Muslim man living in New York City who allegedly plotted to use a Tsarnaev-style pressure cooker bomb in a major landmark such as the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State Building. Saleh claimed to be following orders from ISIS.
          Media coverage of the Saleh arrest drags out the old clichés about how unexpected this sudden radicalization was, but what appears to be his father’s social media account shows support for Hamas.
          Likewise one of Usaama Rahim’s fellow mosque attendees said that Rahim and another conspirator had initially followed the “teachings of the Muslim Brotherhood” but that he had been forced to cut ties with them when they moved past the Brotherhood and became “extreme”.
          Despite the media’s insistence on describing the Muslim Brotherhood as a moderate organization, it has multiple terrorist arms, including Hamas, and its views on non-Muslims run the gamut from the violent to the genocidal.
          A year after Obama’s Cairo speech and his outreach to the Muslim Brotherhood, its Supreme Guide announced that the United States will soon be destroyed, urged violent terrorist attacks against the United States and “raising a jihadi generation that pursues death just as the enemies pursue life.”
          Despite this, Obama continued backing the Muslim Brotherhood’s rise to power across the region.
          There are distinctions between the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda, but the latter is a splinter group of the former. Al Qaeda’s current leader came out of the Muslim Brotherhood. A move from one to the other is a minor transition between two groups that have far more in common than their differences.
          And since the Brotherhood controls much of the Islamic infrastructure in the United States, the idea that Munther Omar Saleh or Usaama Rahim became radicalized because they went from a Jihadist group that takes the long view in the struggle against the infidel, putting political structures into place to make a violent struggle tactically feasible, to a Jihadist group that focuses more on short term violence, is silly.
          Radicalization isn’t transformational; it’s incremental.
          It’s the Pakistani kid down the block deciding that instead of joining the Muslim Students Association and then CAIR to build Islamist political structures in America, he should just cut to the chase and kill a few cops to begin taking over America now. Radicalization is the moderate Imam who stops putting on an act for PBS and the local politicians and moves to Yemen where he openly recruits terrorists to attack America instead of doing it covertly at his mosque in Virginia.
          Radicalization is the teenage Muslim girl who forgets about marrying her Egyptian third cousin and bringing him and his fifty relatives to America and goes to join ISIS as a Caliphate brood mare instead.
          It’s not pacifism giving way to violence. Instead it’s an impatient shift from tactical actions meant to eventually make Islam supreme in America over many generations to immediate bloody gratification. ISIS is promising the apocalypse now. No more waiting. No more lying. You can have it tomorrow.
          Radicalization does not go from zero to sixty. It speeds up from sixty to seventy-five.
          It builds on elements that are already there in the mosque and the household. The term “extremism” implicitly admits that what we are talking about is not a complete transformation, but the logical extension of existing Islamic beliefs.

    3. Interesting you mention this. Someone was saying back in the day it was just them not believing in religion but they suddenly mix in feminism and socialism like its a religion of its own.
      You can see it in their shaming when they see traditional behavior and say they didn’t evolve or stone age backward etc. For not accepting their beliefs. Socialization equals evolution to them.
      Like being passive and weak is more evolved then say fighting and not being sensitive. But thats devolution. Evolution should technically make you bigger, stronger and faster not the other way around where they get triggered when they see lions eating a zebra.

    4. As an Atheist, I can’t describe to you how disgusted I am every time I encounter weak leftist shit stains that promote feminism and Marxism as some natural extension to atheism.
      To paraphrase Nietzsche, The only way we can redeem ourself for killing God is by becoming Gods ourself.
      It is my humble opinion that there is nothing godly in weakness in both body and spirit that defines those multicultural communist bastards. There is nothing godly or glorious in bending over to minorities and desert dwelling savages who are constantly trying to bite off the hand that is feeding them.

  8. Pro -tip.
    For any affirmative action programs, grants, ect simply identify as a woman at that precise moment.
    Remember, the SJWs tell us gender is fluid and we can identify as whatever we want at any moment.
    If angry feminists protest, you accuse them of transphobia, state your civil rights have been violated, invoke claims of discrimination, ect .
    Seriously, it’s time to burn SJWs with the fire they have lit.

  9. This type of discrimination (against men) has been going on for years everywhere in the west. We are no longer talking about equality, we are talking about giving women a leg up and true discrimination against men. It’s ugly, it’s not popular but it’s very true (and the media doesn’t report enough on this fact).

    1. What your saying is quite right but all this has been allowed by all the spineless men that have allowed it to happen.

      1. Agree, Im not scared telling or implying a woman’s place is in the fucking kitchen bitch or you can die alone with your fucking 50 cats at the age of 45, right after I beat you to a heaping pulp for not making me a god damn fucking sandwich.

        1. I think peaceful relationships are in general better, but there is not necessary something wrong with men dominance over women. In deed many of the most stable relationships I know are dominant-submissive relationships. It is not bad always that exists balance, it means that ruling your wife is not free, it is only natural when she is recieving from you enough to make the submission natural, for example, financial support, stability and protection.
          The problem is that the laws nowadays in many places, try to destroy these kinds of equilibrium,where there is domination inside family, despite these are the most strong, stable and meaningful marriages.

      2. The problem is that the elite with more power in the world is enemy of men; all this shit is not coming from society but from international institutions.

    2. Feminism on the past claimed to be about equality but that was a ruse then as now. It’s always been about man hating.

    3. you are right, we have nowadays plenty of anti-male laws and we are not doing anything about.

  10. A 68 year old man wondering if a skirt makes his ass look fat is a hero in the West…..

  11. The likely outcome as Finland is being flooded with the same fat loving, multicultural degeneracy that has overtaken Sweden and Norway is that Russia in time will invade these countries as they become increasingly unable to provide safety to its native inhabitants. There will be a flood of militarised Muslim fundamentalists and Somalis who will vote in to have more of their own and Russia will want security near its border like any other country.it will hopefully start to push more ethnic Russians into these countries to replace increase the ethnic stronghold.

      1. Russia wont keep the baggage, those freeloaders will realise the party is over then run off to one the many spineless European countries probably France or Switzerland

      2. To stop it spilling over the border. No one wants a horde of extremists next door.eg. US with Mexico cartels.Russia with Ukraine ATM. Proactive rather than reactive foreign policy is best for long term
        Security. Finland being replaced by Somali refugees will turn Finland into the somalia of the north. No one wins from that!

        1. Ukraine is all about resources and business, nothing to do with ethnic issues. They’re all Slavic at the end of the day.

  12. Every single university discriminates against men, the educational system is being rigged by liberals in art majors who have too much time on their hands.

  13. Another example showing how this “equality” movement is more about double standards and reverse-discrimination is the United Steelworkers vs Weber case, in 1979 in the US (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Steelworkers_v._Weber).
    Long story short, a white employee sued when he was denied employment based on his race, since the Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed discrimination based on race. He lost the case, with the Supreme Court saying the INTENT of the Civil Rights Act was for the benefit of blacks, not whites, even though his denied employment did, in fact, violate the law as written.
    It’s complete insanity. And it’s been going on for decades and decades now.

  14. I’d be embarrassed if the only way I could get ahead was by not letting the best people enter the race.
    It is also condescending to women to tell them that they can only achieve success this way. Still, it’s going to be a nice riposte when a feminist claims that the women made it to the top on their own volition.

  15. I want sweden to fall to the muslims completely. I need a concrete example of what happens when men allow women to dictate masculinity.

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