Is Kacee Boswell Lying About Being Raped By Ronnie Radke?

Falling in Reverse vocalist Ronnie Radke has become the latest celebrity embroiled in a spurious rape case. Two weeks ago, Radke was accused of raping Salt Lake City resident Kacee Boswell following Falling in Reverse’s performance at the Murray Theater on June 3. Radke is being accused by both Boswell herself as well as her friend Levi Rounds, who alleged that Radke “gang raped” Boswell “with [his] bodyguard as backup” and declared that he was going to “ruin” Radke’s “shit career.”

In response to the accusations, Radke is suing Boswell for defamation. Last week, Boswell gave a lengthy interview with Alternative Press in which she doubled down on her story:

Yeah. He gave me two backstage passes. I still have the other one. He texted me [inviting me to the show] and I was like, “Oh, yeah, just send me some passes.” I have no shortage of girlfriends who are huge fans of his, but I ended up going by myself.

As ROK publisher Roosh stated in a video several months back, any rape victim who makes a public spectacle of being raped is likely lying. Despite the feminist claims that America is a “rape culture,” women who claim to have been raped are given uncritical, fawning treatment by the media, their stories never questioned or investigated.

Society’s obsequious treatment of women who cry rape has helped fuel obvious hoaxes such as the UVA rape case, Emma Sulkowicz’s “Mattress Performance,” the Duke lacrosse rape hoax, and more.

While Boswell’s willingness to go to the police gives her a little more credibility than Sulkowicz, Jackie Coakley and other false rape accusers, her attention-seeking behavior calls her integrity into question. By blabbing to the media, Boswell and Rounds are attempting to crucify Radke in the court of public opinion, and by refusing to criticize her claims, journalists are aiding in the potential defaming of an innocent man.

NOTE: Return of Kings attempted to contact both Radke and Falling in Reverse manager John Youngman prior to publishing this article, but neither responded to our requests for comment.

The Lynching Of Ronnie Radke


Kacee Boswell’s interview, in addition to amplifying her accusations against Radke, is focused on stirring up social media anger against Radke based solely on her word. For example, throughout the interview, Boswell alleges that she’s been on the receiving end of online “harassment” from Falling in Reverse fans:

I didn’t say that. I don’t want to get into explicit detail about what happened with Ronnie and I. My lawyers have told me not to. I’ve been completely barraged by text messages and phone calls saying I should kill myself, saying that I’m too ugly to be raped. I’ve been accused of extorting him for money and all sorts of things. My statement to those people is: “Wait until the rape kit comes back” and the police report gets sorted out with the witness. The witness did say that he was going to talk to the police and tell the truth, which completely contradicts Ronnie’s statement [to AP]. [The witness tells AP he is cooperating with police, but refused to speculate as to whether a crime was committed. He indicated he will decline any future press requests. – Ed.]

Note the misdirection here. Boswell is unwilling to discuss the details of her rape and insists that her detractors wait for the police to investigate, yet she’s continuing to cry rape to the media.

By gallivanting about the Internet accusing Radke of rape, Boswell is fueling both lynch mob anger at Radke as well as any supposed “harassment” she is receiving. Additionally, it’s incredibly unusual for a rape victim to be more concerned with her image online then with the actual rape she suffered.

Additionally, while Boswell is purporting to claim that people shouldn’t rush to judgment, she is also clearly attempting to rally opposition to Radke despite the ongoing police investigation:

They wanted to head to a bar and I was telling them The Woodshed was too far to go to. Where they dropped me off was close to where I was staying, but they literally just pushed me out of the car. All of this is will come out with the police report, but that’s not going to come out for a few days. One in three women have been sexually assaulted and only two percent of rapes get convicted here. So the numbers are definitely not in my favor. Utah is completely [backlogged] with rape kits. I’ve had a rape kit done in Utah before. The last time I was sexually assaulted, the guy was on the sex offender registry [for] having assaulted people twice before. I’m getting so much harassment online. I’ve been getting phone calls from people saying they’re going to find me and kill me. I’ve been harassed to the point where I’m depressed as hell and I’m scared as fuck.

Note also Boswell’s cold, clinical parroting of dubious feminist rape statistics. This would imply that she has an ulterior agenda in accusing Radke.

Finally, Boswell’s story is full of obvious holes. For example, as pointed out by commenters on the article, Boswell’s claims about being pushed out of an Uber car by Radke and his bodyguard are inconsistent. While this in and of itself is not enough to completely discredit her story, it casts doubt on her honesty and integrity.

All Public Rape Accusations Are False


Kacee Boswell’s grandstanding in the media is easily contrasted with the reaction of an actual, verified rape victim: porn star Cytherea. After she was the victim of a home invasion and violent gang rape, Cytherea didn’t take to the media to draw attention to herself, and her few media appearances in the wake of the rape showed her clearly distraught and emotionally shattered.

In comparison, Boswell’s calm, collected recitation is reminiscent of notorious Columbia rape liar Emma Sulkowicz.

While we can’t say for certain whether Boswell’s accusations against Ronnie Radke are false, all signs point to her being a jilted groupie out for revenge. If this story turns out to be yet another false rape hoax, no one should be surprised.

Read More: 9 People In The Media Who Are Upset Jackie Coakley Wasn’t Raped By White Men

64 thoughts on “Is Kacee Boswell Lying About Being Raped By Ronnie Radke?”

    1. “The first time he lasted only two minutes her lawyers said.”
      Yeah, we can all rely on the veracity of this bitch’s legal teams research.
      All these pwecious pwincesses, we are surrounded by billions of royal family members because vagina.

      1. She claims coercion, but complains it didn’t last long enough.
        Just as she complains about being given the dream job she accepted.
        Bitch be crazy.

      2. Basically he’s being sued for almost a billion dollars because he didn’t perform in bed.

    2. That’s what passes for a “model” now? Maybe 6.5. She had no problem accepting the rent free apartment. Sounds like she was using wealthy beta male for his money, and got her ego checked when he dumped her. He probably wised up and paid the building doorman to keep count of the male “guests” she brought back to the building. He realized getting sex one weekend per month wasn’t worth it. NY has lots of former “models” who’d like a better address. Charlie Sheen said he doesn’t pay hookers for sex, he pays them to go away. lol

      1. Plenty of women love the lifestyle but not the man. Right, she played along and then lost in the end (when he gave her the boot).
        Now, the feelings are hurt and she looks stupid. Oh well, she played the game and lost.

        1. Now she’s sharing a studio with another former “model” and eating instant ramen looking for her next beta.

    3. even if that case was real, $850 million is just extortion
      Demanding such a high amount casts doubt on her motives

  1. She didn’t even call the police, her beta orbiter friend did. Even Alternative Press is calling her out on her weak story, about being “gang-raped” by one guy.

  2. He is guilty of making shitty music.

    1. No it’s not even that good. Is someone going to tell me it’s great red pill stuff? Bloody awful as the Brits like to say. All that aside, even if he’s innocent of this charge good luck, he’s going to need it.

      1. Actually, I might. I couldn’t stand Axl’s voice. They were the Lebron of Rock. Yeah, yeah, among the best ever, I know, I know, but still not as good as they seemed and not as good as people thought they were and certainly boring to me, just like Lebron.

    2. Doesnt matter, he’s on stage, he’s the center of attention, he’s the front man and with that position comes all the concubines.

    3. Yeah. I watched some clips after reading this article and I was stunned. I knew this would happen —> Millenial ‘talent’.
      Terrible music. But I wish him luck in suing this idiot.

  3. Awww, another pwecious pwincess didn’t get her five minutes of alpha, replete with private jet, and unlimited shopping account simply because vagina.
    Sorry sweetums, but you over-valued the STD incubator between your legs. And that is most likely what it is now. So sad you have only a life of getting pumped and dumped by “bad boys,” then false marital bliss to the beta orbiter who made the call, ending in your golden years saving cats from the humane society to further furnish the putrid smell of your tacit admission to a wasted life.
    Get professional help, medically and psychologically, before you ruin anyone else.

  4. It’s been said before on here but women who male false rape claims should receive the same amount of prison time as actual rapists. I can tell this woman’s claim is bullshit just by reading her quotes.

    1. Agree. If we had enough women going to prison for these false claims then this shit would end. It’s good to see that he is suing her for defamation; we need more of it.

      1. Exactly. If I was a real rape victim I’d be sick of these attention seekers too. It’s reaching the point that being raped is seen as an achievement to feminists rather that a horrible crime.

  5. False rape accusations have the dire propensity to devastate a man’s life and tarnish his reputation forever. Unfortunately in this fucking gynocentric society, nobody could be bothered to give a damn about the falsely accused men.
    The link above tells the story about how a man has to suffer unimaginable pain. To rub salt on his injuries, the vigilante mob caused his partner to fall and experience miscarriage!!! And what did the lying bitch get in return? 20 fucking month in prison!!
    If this atrocity happened in so called First World England, imagine the plight of falsely accused men in ass backward India. Fucking scary……

    1. There was another case on Megyn Kelly last night. My blood was boiling watching this as it clearly demonstrates how Yes Means Yes legislation empowers lying sluts to create bogus rape allegations at the expensive of innocent men and the judicial process.
      I encourage everyone to watch this:

      1. So this broad who claims she’s been assaulted, invites a male “friend” over to “comfort” her a few hours after the alleged assault, and then complains to her girlfriend via text that the “friend” took too long to fuck her…? What would that do to evidence collection…?

      2. I like this Megyn Kelly. She’s hot, fairly young, and sharp as hell. If it werent for her vicious lawyer personality I’d want to bang her, but given her ferociousness I’d be happy to pay her a premium to defend me in court should I be so unfortunate to be accused of something. Despite her attractive white female privilege she’s fair.

        1. Megyn Kelly is one of our biggest allies. She gets what’s really happening on college campuses and seems determined to expose it.
          The last 3 nights she’s stayed on this, discovering more details which demonstrate how a lying slut is “empowered” to ruin a college age male with incredible ease.
          This case demonstrates how although Yes Means Yes is supposed to equally protect males from sexual assault, it doesn’t.
          (Of course we all knew that tho.)
          In this case, the chick who alleged rape admits via text she performed a sex act on the guy while he was bombed. Per Yes Means Yes, she raped him as a person whose intoxicated cannot consent.
          What angers me even more about this case is when I saw the lawyer for the guy last night. He told Megyn Kelly he would not go after the female or college. WHY !? SUE the chick and the college. Stop allowing women to get away with this absolute madness! Make the colleges dish out MILLIONS! Instead it seems they’re more concerned with getting the guy back into Amherst. Are you fucking kidding me? Get the guy in so he can give the college who denied him DUE PROCESS another $60K / year !?

        2. I think Megyn Kelly is an ally of us in so far as she agrees with us. I dont think she sympsthizes with men because we are men, i think shes an intelligent law professional doing her job, and for that i have respect for her.

  6. At least she filed a police report. Its not wise to go public with details of any kind of pending litigation, rape or other. The potential to foul up your own case is huge, analogous to tipping your hand in high stakes poker game. If its not a bogus accusation, and you really hope to take it through the court process and prevail, talking to the media can make a case backfire and blow up in your face. You just say you’ve retained an attorney and any questions should be directed through him/her. You don’t spout off on twitter about your feelings.

    1. “You just say you’ve retained an attorney and any questions should be directed through him/her.”
      Which is the very first advice any attorney worth a crap would have given her. Hell, even most attorneys that aren’t worth a crap would have started with that. STFU is pretty basic.
      It makes me start looking for a scenario in which her behaviour makes some sense, and actually prosecuting a legitimate rape case doesn’t make the list.
      Self-promotion as a professional rape victim seems to rank rather high though.

    2. No real victim goes on and on in a public forum with rape stats, etc…
      She more than likely has “buyer’s remorse”. She got used and he kicked her ass out – now she’s mad.

  7. So this girl has been raped before and by someone on a sex offender registry? Sounds like she has really good judgement, a great judge of character and really good at googling potential boyfriends. I guess women only check instagram, twitter, snapchat, facebook etc.. and not doing any kind of backround checks on potential dates. You go girl. You’re so strong, smart and empowered and internet savvy.

    1. “You’re so strong, smart and empowered . . .”
      . . . and yet have no idea what being offered backstage passes implies.

      1. She has plenty of friends who would have gone with her but she goes alone. Yes, something is just not right….with her.
        Another attention whore, mad at being kicked to the curb.

  8. Ann Coulter researched rape claims and said that in some parts of the country up to 42% of them are proven false. Feminazis would like you think that the number is around 5% or so.
    When it involves a celebrity and is announced on social media I think that number probably goes up to 99.99999999%

  9. 3rd Millennium already and this 1st and 2nd millennia white knighting is still going on?
    Nice job, Kacee Boswell, for your lies degrade REAL rape victims and their chances to be taken seriously.
    Seriously, this is why proven false rape accusers need to be on death row.

  10. One in three women have been sexually assaulted and only two percent of rapes get convicted here.
    Indeed, uttering this “fact” alone makes her position highly suspicious

  11. Most women who go public with their rape, are lying, plain and simple.
    The real rape victims are the ones we never hear from.

  12. “Wait for the police to return the rape kit”
    “He raped me”
    Contradiction right there.
    “I’ve had a rape kit done in Utah before”
    So she has been raped before yet now she seeks out backstage visits with tatted up hardcore rockers with lyrics such as “I am aware that I am an asshole”
    Seems a little…off.

    1. There’s no doubt the kit will come back positive – that she actually did have sex, maybe even rough drunken sex – with this dude.

  13. I had to dust off my old DIsqus account to chime in because I know this girl in the biblical sense… with the pics to prove it, too…
    This girl is a total psycho. She’s tried taking her life a few times. She’s a cutter who most recently accused a close relative trying to stop her from cutting herself of assault. She’s always making drama on facebook in the most shameless way and this is the exact type of attention she’s been seeking for YEARS!
    For years she’s claimed she’s been raped several times… how does she continue putting herself in these situations?!
    She’s currently involved in a court case that I hope blows up in her face and she gets sent to either jail or to an institution… when even a mother doubts her daughter’s behavior, then that daughter is definitely NOT OK.

        1. Nope… looks much better in pics than in person… and again… stinky ass c*nt

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    1. This is an amazing story, but please don’t post naked pictures of girls you’ve banged in the comments.

    2. I knew a girl like that. She had supposedly been raped by multiple
      people over the years. She never went to the police (of course) and the
      stories never added up. Of course she was “Strong and Empowered” type and I myself always wondered how did she keep getting into these “rape” situations. The stories were all lies that she made up when she hadn’t had attention for awhile.

      1. Can’t a girl smoke a blunt of angel dust in a car filled with homies without fear of being raped?!

    3. I believe she even mentions a “before” with rape kits. I ain’t believing her stories without evidence.

    4. this girl is good candidate for a lobotomy…no joke. She couldnt possibly more of a burden to society at least if she had a lobotomy she can be contained…and all the rest like her.

    5. I’m trying to shed light on this woman’s dangerous behaviour, it would mean a lot if you could share the pics so the world could see just how mad she is, thank you:)

    6. i can believe this. kacee claims that she was in a sexual relationship with ronnie so why would he have a reason to rape her? she’s all lies.

      1. It’s rape when he dumps her because she feels like a used tampon. It’s really got to that stage now with these types of female. I’m going to have to install a surveillance camera in my room, only way to be safe.

        1. Yeah, I read the article. Was just making a blanket statement on today’s mentally challenged females.

  14. “In response to the accusations, Radke is suing Boswell for defamation.”
    Correct move. Men are finally learning that paying these people off is a bad move. Finally learning that the war is real, and you don’t get to sit it out if you have been targetted.

  15. “Utah is completely [backlogged] with rape kits. I’ve had a rape kit done in Utah before. The last time I was sexually assaulted…
    The last time she was sexually assaulted? WTF, does she have season tickets or something? Or is she just the unluckiest girl in the world?

  16. i don’t believe this girl at all. she’s claimed to have been in a sexual relationship with ronnie so the question is why would he need to rape her if he’s already gotten it from her?!?

  17. Hope these guys have a video and audio recording of this “rape”. Then play it for the D.A / judge / jury to prove she is a lying nut job.

  18. Okay kids, now I’m going to read you another story. This one is called The Girl Who Cried Rape.

  19. Kacee Boswell Is one of the most pathologically manipulative people I have ever met. She accused a friend of mine of rape, luckily he had a call recorder on his phone and could prove she was lying. She also filed a fake police report and put his number as the victims number. This woman is psycho.

  20. On one hand she’s does look attractive, but on the other she has resting bitch face. That’s a red flag in my book.

  21. I’ve said this here on ROK before but, there is obviously a media agenda to coddle women and vilify men. I personally have come to believe there is a profit motive at root. On a sort of ‘macro’ level its a consequence of female consumers outnumbering males(which becomes considerably more pronounced when adding in transgenders and gays in those numbers).

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