Was Jian Ghomeshi Fired From CBC For Baseless Allegations?

Jian Ghomeshi is a Canadian former talk show host, the man behind very popular radio show Q for eight years during a nearly 14-year career with the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC). Ghomeshi had built up significant amount of good will with left-leaning Canadians by espousing a platform of equalism and social justice, having just spoken out with an anti-GamerGate bent earlier this month. Most Canadians even assumed that he was a homosexual, a protected and elevated class in the word view to which his show pandered.

That all ended several days ago, when Ghomeshi was fired from CBC for claims of assault made against him by an ex-girlfriend, who alleged that their rough sexual escapades were non-consensual. When the scandal broke, he went to the CBC with confidential information, which the company then used to fire him. CBC had even told him they believed that the allegations were without merit.

Ghomeshi is suing the government-funded CBC for defamation, breach of confidence and punitive damages. The lawsuit is for $55 million. The suit claims that Ghomeshi was fired because CBC thought it would be bad publicity if the public learned about the host’s BDSM practices. The Financial Post thinks that he will not win any money, but that viewpoint is potentially motivated by PR and pandering to the mob rather than any legal basis.

The timeline and recent similar events in entertainment

A former girlfriend of Ghomeshi set off the scandal by telling a reporter that she did not consent to the BDSM they practiced during their relationship, while Ghomeshi claims she is lying. Three other women came forward on Sunday with similar allegations of physical abuse during sex in a story published by Jesse Brown. Prior to the story breaking, there had been no formal complaints to HR filed, nor any police reports filed against Ghomeshi.

On Sunday afternoon, Ghomeshi posted on Facebook with the story of his termination. Unlike most celebrities, he did not force an apology and quietly leave. His post is long and bitter, but draws the reader to sympathy. This is an excerpt, but you should read it in its entirety:

About two years ago I started seeing a woman in her late 20s. Our relationship was affectionate, casual and passionate. We saw each other on and off over the period of a year and began engaging in adventurous forms of sex that included role-play, dominance and submission. We discussed our interests at length before engaging in rough sex (forms of BDSM). We talked about using safe words and regularly checked in with each other about our comfort levels. She encouraged our role-play and often was the initiator. We joked about our relations being like a mild form of Fifty Shades of Grey or a story from Lynn Coady’s Giller-Prize winning book last year. I don’t wish to get into any more detail because it is truly not anyone’s business what two consenting adults do. I have never discussed my private life before. Sexual preferences are a human right.

Despite a strong connection between us it became clear to me that our on-and-off dating was unlikely to grow into a larger relationship and I ended things in the beginning of this year. She was upset by this and sent me messages indicating her disappointment that I would not commit to more, and her anger that I was seeing others.

After this, in the early spring there began a campaign of harassment, vengeance and demonization against me that would lead to months of anxiety.

Which seems more likely—that an attention-seeking up and comer in the industry comes to resent a famous and powerful man’s dalliances and refusal to commit, or said woman endures an abusive, non-consensual relationship and only confesses to her forced suffering after being dumped?

At the very least, Ghomeshi’s account demands a more nuanced investigation of the situation, one that is unlikely to come from any mainstream media outlet. He is accused of an action against a woman, so he is automatically a misogynist, and now will be a pariah in the media.

Notice Ghomeshi’s explanation of the accusations and contrast this with Jonah Hill’s recent apology for using the word “faggot.” Like many people, I personally find BDSM to be decadent but I have little problem with the word “faggot.” Yet, I have some measure of sympathy and respect for Ghomeshi, whereas I feel distaste for Hill. The media will vilify Ghomeshi even further for this, but he stood up for himself and for his side of the story on the fishy accusations. Hill, on the other hand, is still vilified despite his groveling.

Gawker did not fail to offer their own commentary, calling Ghomeshi “creepy” and claiming that the women should not have to feel uncomfortable about going public:

He gets to call these women liars and conspirators against him without their being able to respond in kind. The scales are weighted in his favor because he has the microphone and the power. It’s pretty awful.

The writer for Gawker—who is from Canada—said it was “vaguely disturbing” how her friends and family members clicked “like” on Ghomeshi’s Facebook post. She is quick to criticize those who immediately believe him, while offering no reason why she immediately disbelieves him. Keep in mind, there is no evidence for any of the allegations beyond hearsay.

The Huffington Post predictably ran an article praising the journalist, Jesse Brown, who gave the story from the three other women. Brown has done a lot of controversial journalism and has a popular podcast. Brown claims to want to say the things none of the other Canadian journalists are willing to, but based on the HuffPo article, it seems that Brown is simply interested in controversy for the sake of controversy.

Jump on the bandwagon

This seems to be a common pattern with celebrities in unconfirmed sex scandals. One woman claims something and then several other groupies hop on the media whore train. People claim Bill Cosby raped 13 women, but do they have any idea how hard it is to rape just one? Thirteen is a large rape notch count. Even if it was all consensual, how would Cosby hide that much adultery from his wife? He isn’t a sex symbol like some politicians are.

This situation also raises a question concerning the interaction between internet life and work life, which we saw play out during the firing of Pax Dickinson. Should one be held accountable at work for what he does on the internet? For now, the reality is yes. Whether or not it should change in the future is a different question which manosphere readers are likely to be divided on, though we have seen public figure after public figure tarred and feathered by the social justice mob over the past few years.

As red pill men, how are we to feel for Ghomeshi? There is admittedly some poetic justice that the sword of social justice he helped to sharpen was responsible for cutting down his career. But on a more general level, we can only look on with grim acknowledgement that another man was ruined by dubious accusations in the court of public opinion without any verdict in a court of law. Perhaps it will require more of society’s power elite to have their lives ruined for the burgeoning guilty-until-proven-innocent mob culture of the information age to be tamed.

Read Next: Canadian Feminist Kyla Garvey Gets Two Firemen Fired

193 thoughts on “Was Jian Ghomeshi Fired From CBC For Baseless Allegations?”

  1. Another male feminist utility thrown under the bus… It’s truly a dog eat dog feminist world. Sorry but I can’t feel any sympathy for him.
    Isn’t there a paralelism with the Hugo Schwyzer’s story?

    1. I actually want to see more than just sympathy withheld I want to see his nose rubbed in it .

      1. Just right now Jian and the CBC deserve each other given what’s going on between the two currently.

    2. Is there actually a proof that he was a male feminist? For all we know, he could have just been acting as a mouthpiece for the CBC, aka. “just doing his job”. I’m just wondering because I’ve never heard of this guy before.

        1. That giant sucking sound you hear is any sympathy red pill men have for Ghomeshi hemorrhaging away….
          À bientôt,

        2. He got his wish. What he didn’t know is that women, when given unlimited power, are cruel, misguided authoritarians who don’t believe in jury, justice, or liberty.
          There was a reason the great warriors of the past took away women’s rights for 2000 years. We will relearn this wisdom the hard way.

        3. He should have dated someone his own age and maybe, just maybe, she might have been a little more mature.

        4. Really? He looks really good for a man in his 40’s. Most women in their 40’s look like complete shit, plus he has some money and fame. It makes sense that he would want to date a younger woman.

        5. Yes cause we all know that women get less bitter and hateful as their looks start to fade.

        6. Oh boy, oh boy ! I’ve been explainig this shit to women for the past 5 years now. The looks they give me when I say : ,,What are you babbling about? You have a voting right for less than 50 years, whatever you way is meaningless and has zero value.”

        7. Bahahahahah!!! Sucks to suck, Jian you fucking tool. How’s that shift to womanly power feeling now dumbass?

        8. I thought he might be being sarcastic but I wasnt sure. He seems like he is a Liberal supporter of whatshisname the fired spanking guy. Moi? Yeah just a little.

        9. Screed stopper is a female and has admitted it in several comments on this site. She manages to fly under the radar with a non-female name and our mods haven’t seen fit to ban her, at least for now. Just thought you’d want to know.

        10. Women always have had power. The hand the rocks the cradle… ring a bell? The power behind the thrown? They’ve had their power and male power is so often at the service of women’s desires it isn’t clear how much it is simply an extension of womankind’s will. Where do you get 2000 yrs from, btw?

        11. Was he truly a white knigght, or just telling women what they want to hear so that they can watch his show and increase his ratings. Nothing wrong with lying to women if it will make ou more money. In fact given all the lies they tell men, nothing wrong with lying to them period.

        12. Foolish comment, it is never the 16 or 18 or 20 year old chick allegedling this, it is always the over the hill, past her prime years 30 something or late 20 women saying this.

      1. He asked Dave Foley if he regretted speaking out against the family courts that eviscerated him, and when Dave didn’t, Gnomeshi was all condescending. F him.

    3. guys gets fired for BDSM while shades of gray sells millions of copies and gets made into a big budget hollywood flick…. go figure…..

    4. If he works for the CBC and his name isn’t Don Cherry he is a white knight mangina. Can’t help but think he deserves to be treated like this.

  2. I feel a little conflicted about stories such as this. My first reaction is to completely ignore it. What this guy chooses to do in his bedroom, ie what positions, what holes he sticks it in, games he plays with his woman, is really none of my business. And likewise, if in his shoes, I would choose to completely ignore any claims that an ex girlfriend publicly made about our lovemaking. It simply doesn’t merit a response.
    Even if true, she didn’t like the more hardcore versions of sex she was getting from him. So? What are we supposed to do about it? I don’t understand. Giving the woman the full benefit of the doubt (when clearly, if anything, it is simply regret after the fact), I don’t understand what we as a society are supposed to do about her not liking rough sex. Removing this guy from the radio waves will have zero effect on that problem. The clear answer is don’t have more rough sex, or if you are with a guy who likes rough sex, leave him and find a new boyfriend.
    The ironic thing to me is that in the morally corrupt, highly sexualized society that the west has become, people can still choose to act prudish. The same people who accept young teen Miley Cyrus riding a huge metal ball while naked and singing slutty lyrics, will freak out if they find out that, say, Anthony Weiner took a photograph of his hardon and shared it with his girlfriend.

    1. It serves as an example.
      No matter who you are, no matter how much of an ally you are, man hating feminists still hate you and will throw you under the bus as soon as it is advantageous to to so.

    2. “The state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation”
      ~Pierre Trudeau, Canadian prime minister, 1968-1979.

        1. Don’t even go there. A hero MGTOW who pulled back the curtains in Queen Victoria’s bedroom and spoke of a “just society”. Don’t even go there.

        2. He created the position Minister for the Status of Women in 1971. You want to idolize white knight manginas that is up to you but dont expect men to support your mangina worship.

        3. He was a white knight beta mangina who wife’d up a woman so flawed a blind man could have seen it was a bad idea. He created a huge welfare state (the welfare state is basically slavery for men, and CC time for women) in doing so he ran up enormous debts, that men are going to have to pay. Again you want to idolize white knights feel free but don’t expect others to join in.

    3. It’s been said before, but keeps ringing true: “The goal of feminism is to remove all constraints on female sexuality while maximally restricting male sexuality.” -Chateau Heartiste

  3. God forbid women get held accountable for anything.
    I do think, eventually, men will have enough, and they will start killing women like this. It is life ruining stuff.

  4. It is really irrelevant whether it was consensual or not. As a public broadcaster one cannot expect the CBC to condone such practices.

    1. Robard, I found your comment vacuous. You say: “It is really irrelevant whether it was consensual or not.” You need to say why, not just make a declarative statement.
      Then the really weird statement “As a public broadcaster one cannot expect the CBC to condone such practices.” Again why? Give your reasoning not just a statement.
      Neither point is self evident.

  5. This is big news up here – dominating radio, print and social media the past few days. It seems he was quite the popular host (I confess to never having seen anything of his), and despite the obligatory diatribes urging sympathy for the accusers who brought their story directly to his employer, and even a public statement from his so-called friend outright condeming the fact he engaged and enjoys very dominant sex, I’m happy to see this is at least generating significant backlash… it seems more and more people have had enough of public witch hunts, mob mentality descending where no evidence yet exists, and the fact a man can lose his job based purely on accusations and on what happens in his bedroom.

      1. Well, we get Q on public radio in the states (some stations). I’m a bit surprised, insofar as his views were apparently “swipl”-approved, but then again, that shouldn’t surprise me at all. The second a man does or says something contrary to the Cathedral he WILL be cast into the abyss.
        À bientôt,

        1. For me this situation has really hit home for me that we are living in an Orwellian child-minded state.
          I’ve had doubts since taking the red-pill that maybe I’m just exaggerating a little bit to myself… That we’re all just blowing hot air up each others’ asses and rationalizing our own problems… But recently it has been a non-stop barrage of femi-nazi bullshit…
          Gamergate + Yes Means Yes + Jian Ghomeshi… within a range of months… I’d like to think that more people are waking up and it is becoming pretty damn obvious that society hates men…

        2. Great comment. And I’ve gone through the same sort of realization with the endless barrage of BS as well, so I know exactly where you’re coming from.
          Having not been a listener of his either, I wasn’t aware of the extent of his involvement with the very school of sharks that’s tearing him apart right now… I understand the poetic justice aspect many here are applauding, but your take on the matter is quite perceptive.
          One can only wonder if the script was flipped and this was some female celebrity outed as a dominatrix by anonymous accusers what the reaction would be. My longshot guess is something a little bit different…

        3. Well… I highly doubt a man would rat on a dominatrix he had a good (er… bad?) time with.
          But yeah if Oprah turned out to be a dominatrix and went just a little too hard on one of her consenting ex boyfriends… would there be this level of public outrage? Would she be fired over allegations of sexual assault?
          I bet it would be completely covered up… and if it was exposed… it would somehow be about “You go girl!” in one way or another.

        4. No doubt.
          New details about this are now surfacing that seem to suggest the allegations aren’t baseless… but the manner in which this is all coming to light makes me feel queasy.
          If all these tales are proven true, then I’m willing to admit I may be mistaken in defending this guy who may very well deserve his just rewards.
          But still, hearsay isn’t enough and the court of public opinion shouldn’t be the method de jour.
          Here’s what gave me pause:

        5. I just read some of the article. I’m certainly not condoning the kinds of behaviours that the article is describing.
          It is certainly possible that this guy is as crazy as they’re making him out to be. But it is possible that he is not.
          I’m neutral about the outcome… hopefully the truth comes out.
          I’m just nervous about a social culture where all you have to do is put sexual abuse and a man’s name in the same sentence and you’ve ruined that man. The legal/professional bias in the system is what I’m worried about.

        6. Agreed.
          And after just seeing a comment below where you mention that very incident described has befallen you in the past, I can only say I hope you’ve recovered and that such an awful experience spurned growth in other directions and lead to strength in unexpected ways. An unfair trial we sometimes must face to mold us into better men.
          I hope you’re in a better place and can look back at those who tried to break you down and laugh at the motherfuckers.

        7. Yeah I’m in a much better place now but that whole year was like living in a psycho-circus.
          Nothing made any sense.
          What helped me in that situation was… Game, reading the 48 Laws of Power, hobbies, friends, family, and finding out that I wasn’t alone in what I’d experienced (finding RoK kind of tied together everything I was thinking at the time and was part of my Aha! moment).
          Without those things I don’t know what the fuck I would have done.

  6. To paraphrase Lenin, ” the media pundits will gladly promote the witch hunts with which the SJW leaders will try them”.
    To all media pundits I would say this: When you embrace a hybrid form of Marxism don’t be surprised when the day comes where you fall out off favor with the Ruling Party and are sacrificed upon the altar of the ” common good”.

    1. In Animal Farm Boxer is the loyal work horse. Once he is no longer of use to the greater good he’s sent to the glue factory. George Orwell had the PC left figured out back in 1945.
      I wonder if this guy Ghomeshi sees the irony in his fate.

  7. “Ghomeshi had built up significant amount of good will with left-leaning Canadians by espousing a platform of equalism and social justice, having just spoken out with an anti-GamerGate bent earlier this month.”
    Has anyone else noticed that no matter how much “good will” that a straight whitey guy builds with the left, he WILL be sacrificed for the “greater good” when the time comes for such things. There’s absolutely no incentive for straight whitey guys (especially Christians although Wikipedia claims this guy is a moslem) to carry water for the left. It pays absolutely no dividend.

    1. He was brown, but it wouldn’t have mattered regardless. We’re talking about the Feminist Socialist Union of Canada.

    2. Not only will a man be thrown under the bus, but it will be pretended that hew as “always” an “enemy”….just (per Orwell) we’ve “Always” been at war with EastAsia.
      À bientôt,

  8. Well, I made a quick visit to his Facebook page and all I saw was his former fans engaging in “victim blaming” as feminists would say. The comments varied along the lines of: “violence is wrong whether consensual or not”, or that he was “creepy” for soliciting younger women, or “you reap what you sow”, etc. It’s quite disturbing how insane our society as become.
    In the end, the lesson is that no amount of money and popularity can save you if you have a penis.

        1. Half the reason why the story is so big is because he didn’t grovel and apologize or stay quiet but because he fought back against false accusations.

      1. Jian apparently has a pile of text messages from the scorned ex and her willing hamsters. These texts don’t indicate that they were anything but willing slores waiting to get spanked.

        1. Slores…
          Great word ain’t it. I first heard it lobbed at some hot EE girls by the local pussy.

        2. But, but, but they can’t be used as evidence in feminist courts. Consent can be withdrawn at any time and plus rape shield…. or some shit.

    1. If the feminist were trashing someone else, he’d be helping them. This is a guy who deserves this treatment.

  9. Haha, not even weak-minded male feminists are safe now. And this is just the beginning. In the following months and years, we will see a lot of high-profile male celebs (including SJWs) being accused of rape and assault. The easiest way for the feminists to get attention, respect, following and authority is through pop culture. The question is who will be the next celebrity victim? What do you guys think? Maybe a musician or an actor.

  10. The allegations are baseless by definition because they haven’t been proven by due process of law.
    This guy is in every mans nightmare scenario.

    1. I wonder if every time this happens, other men who might be sympathetic to feminism will look at this and think “Wow, he was totally one of their people and they destroyed him. Why am I doing this again if there’s no protection from this kind of crap?”

  11. Here’s a video of him kissing Lena Dunham’s ass:

    Nevertheless, I still feel sorry that he lost his career and reputation based on accusations without evidence.

    1. If he wasn’t right in the front lines pushing to have this sociopolitical environment, I would agree its sad to see, and utterly unfair. But, since this prick is a devout feminist SJW, and since he and others like him are responsible for pushing exactly this sort of agenda, the irony of watching him destroyed by the Cathedral he helped buildis far too delicious to ignore.
      Poetic justice is, indeed, poetic.

    2. He supported just that when it was other men. Fuck him he deserves to burn. Save your sympathy for someone who deserves it.

  12. They are no doubt mad that he has money and status and he used them as a cum dumpster and wouldn’t commit. . Women get so pissed and vindictive when high status men won’t committed to them. They will lie, cheat and do anything to get even. Sad and pathetic. If a man tries to get even with women who wronged him even if imagined wrongs he would be tossed in jail and be labeled a stalker, creep and piece of shit abuser. .

    1. “They will lie, cheat and do anything to get even.”
      It isn’t getting even… it is just a temper tantrum.
      If you shoot the dealer in a poker game, you’re not getting even, you’re just an asshole.

  13. He never learned what happens when one lies down with scorpions?
    Fine, let the other sjws learn the hard way as well, no pity warranted.

  14. He who lives by the Social Justice Sword, will die by the Social Justice Sword.
    When you promote an atmosphere of gynocracy where what a woman says is undeniable truth and gospel with no judge no jury, then you have to live in that atmosphere.
    I hope he remembers to rot in the bed he made.

  15. I’m wondering if this would have happened 10 years ago?
    I was thinking about the Clinton scandal with Monica Lewinski. Clinton was screwed yes, but he was allowed to maintain some of his reputation and continue a politically related career. The scandal was a smudge on his career but it didn’t define him completely.
    It seems like what is going on now is much more extreme. This Ghomeshi guy’s career is dunzo… And there is no proof that he has done anything… Everyone knows his ex girlfriends are just mad because he wouldn’t commit, but he must be crucified for being a man.
    And the real reason these girls want to maintain anonymity is because they know no man would commit to them after publicly admitting to BDSM with a famous rich alpha…

    1. Clinton was too valuable to the leftist cause to be allowed to go down in flames. That’s why none of the feminist advocacy groups of the time called for his resignation, or any punishment of any kind.

      1. But do you think this ideology was as prevalent then?
        What I’m really curious about is if it has always been this way, or if the culture is noticeably shifting.

        1. I feel the same way. I’m guessing it’s a combination of things getting worse, and many of us being blindly innocent of the potential hazards we face as men. We grew up in a culture where 3 out of 4 songs are about love, and dating/happy families are regarded as the cultural norm. It generally takes some bad personal experiences to see through the lies.

        2. I think it was. Had it been anyone other than Bill Clinton doing what he was doing, the feminist establishment would have sought to destroy him.
          Bill Clinton’s presidency was when many of us saw the truth about what the feminist movement really is. They are nothing more than leftist shills. Regardless of what one thought of Mr. Clinton’s policies (IMO, he wasn’t a terrible president, the 1990s for the most part were good times), he treated the women in his life in a manner that ideologically speaking, the feminist establishment should have condemned.

      2. Yeah, but the conservatives certainly wanted his cigar on a platter. Newt was boning his mistress in the marital bed and screeching about “family values”. Gotta loves politicians.

    2. The ex-girlfriend hunted down these women and got them on her side. They have never come forward on their own. No complaints, no police report, nothing, nada, zip, zero.

    3. I’d have to say the key to Clinton staying in office was that Hilary Clinton stayed by him. 10 years ago it was still hard to argue with a powerful feminist wife who decided to deliberately allow herself to be humiliated by her husband boning a fat intern.
      Conversely, if she had walked out one can almost visualise the Democrats guillotining Bill’s cock in a public ceremony out on the North Lawn to try and get some female votes back. Her decision both preserved her chances at the Oval Office and starved the mad lefties of oxygen. Brilliant political decision by the woman who’s likely to be the US’s dominatrix-in-chief come 2016.

      1. Ayn Rand said it herself that a woman as commander in chief of the American army is absurd.

      2. It’s important to know what side your political bread is buttered and it should be both.

    1. True. But the woman should still be named so that future beaus can easily Google the dirt on HER too.
      She should not be allowed the luxury of anonymity.

  16. One observation: seems like the guys who come out hardest against normal male sexuality do so because they themselves have something to hide, or are ashamed of when it come to their own predilections, they project it is towards on to everyone else. t’s like these guys are the sjw version of Ted Haggard, railing against sin and pro family values only to find out he’s doing meth while fucking rent-boys. A straight dude who’s comfortable with himself isn’t going to be ranting about rape culture.

  17. wait wait wait….You can now be fired if your acknowledged significant other claims that your sexual encounters were non-consensual?
    Why again should I form any kind of formal or informal sexual relationships with anyone if I intend on retaining a career? It seems it can be taken away with the most baseless of accusations.

    1. Wait till JG starts spilling the names and text messages. These hodogs wanted to be with him and they will be exposed. Apparently, some have already retracted their statements and are heading for cover. Didn’t realize how psycho the ex was.

    2. “Why again should I form any kind of formal or informal sexual relationships with anyone if I intend on retaining a career?”
      Excellent observation. Please follow through.

  18. This is noteworthy because the man is both a lefty and a protected minority (an Iranian Muslim). Why are they firing him, but silent on the Rotherham human trafficking scandal by Pakistani Muslims in the UK?
    Answer : Because Ghomeshi became Westernized. He should not have. Look at what the Rotherham men got away with.

  19. After this, in the early spring there began a campaign of harassment, vengeance and demonization against me that would lead to months of anxiety.
    This, frankly, is not worth the sex with any woman, even if she was a 9.
    ‘Months of anxiety and termination’? Just for some sex? Not worth it. Especially if the man is above 30, and the woman is less than a 9. The cost-benefit is just not there.

  20. Also, RoK should publish the name of the woman, so that she cannot get a husband in the future. Why is her name not published? It is our duty to inflict costs for this sort of behavior, even the the mainstream media and legal system will not.
    NAME HER, so that she comes up in a Google search of this article, thus scaring away her future prospective husbands.

    1. Don’t worry, she can’t go to the police and she certainly can’t come forward. Wait till her reporter buddy can’t hold back and spills the beans. It’s only a matter of time.

        1. Yeah, Juicy Lucy from 10 years ago. “Groupies hopping on the media whore train”. The latest one to be interviewed claimed that Jian was rough with her, however, following this assault she went 2-3 tapings of his show and sat in audience. He invited her back to his place and she dumped her girlfriend at the subway station and took her wet pussy over to JG’s apartment. Of course, she then claims he pounded her about the head etc. and she was soooo traumatized. I would think if a guy was rough with you that you should stay away and certainly NOT go to his place and be alone with him. But, hey, some of us are just special snowflakes.

        2. and then supposedly after she was so traumatized from his pounding her, she goes to her friends place, who’s a nurse, who presumably knows about reporting abuse to the cops etc, and she stays the night there crying herself to sleep. This nurse friend apparently didn’t see any physical harm from all the ‘pounding’ Jian gave her to the head…There would be welts for sure. The whole story seems manufacured to take down a dominant hetero male, becasue well you know, he’s an easy target, and bonus of middle eastern descent, so perfect for whipping up the war drums.

  21. Hope he will up as an example to all men who think supporting or appeasing the monster that has been created will save them from being devoured. There turn is next. The more of these guys who fall foul of the scorpion’s sting the better the lesson will be learned that their fine feelings will be spat back in their faces.
    “This seems to be a common pattern with celebrities in unconfirmed sex scandals. One woman claims something and then several other groupies hop on the media whore train.”
    We are indeed seeing this a lot now. Identifying the patterns whenever they occur is important in demonstrating the power dynamics that are now at work. Obviously some complaints may be genuine in part or whole, but insofar as this type of behaviour reveals how some women play sexual politics for their advantage, there’s clearing some kind of pack-hunting going on. A bigger beast can’t be brought down by a single hyena but a group will reliably make a kill.

  22. Fuck this guy. He is a feminist and is now experiencing real male oppression at the hands of these feminazis.

  23. Ghomeshi’s mistake was expecting the SJW crowd to treat him fairly b/c he was a “good progressive” is like expecting the bull not to charge b/c you are a vegetarian. It’s what they do; it is their very raison d’être. Marxism is like a religion for these idiots so “exposing” a former “ally” who is now revealed to have been an “enemy” all along is to them what a double blowjob from a pair of smokin’ hot twins is to a red pill man.
    À bientôt,

    1. ‘..expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian’.
      Loving that line!…..and stealing it for future use of course.

      1. No worries. I stole it from somewhere else.
        “The art of being original is remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it.”
        I’d tell you where I heard that, but I forget.*
        À bientôt,
        *Actually, Laurence Peter, who is more famous for the “Peter Principle” said that.

  24. This dude is like Paul Riser’s character in Aliens. Got eaten by the very monster he tried to $$profit$$ from.

    1. Burke. Carter Burke. He worked for the Company. But don’t let that fool you, he was really an okay guy. 😉

  25. the only thing I can say is I hope he learned his lesson about backing feminism. Maybe he didn’t back feminism specifically, but being a social justice warrior kinda sorta bit him on the ass.
    still, firing a man when the accusations are without merit is still a really wrong thing to do. I understand business with ethics doesn’t earn you as much money as dumping something like this dude, but you have to think independently every once in awhile.
    is this the case of multiple women stading physical abuse during relations, or one bitter cunt being pissed off, and the rest of them doing it as an opportunity? I bet the latter, but let’s see what the truth holds. Unlike the CBC we hold out on judgment.

  26. This provides interesting food for thought as to the proper response to this.
    It’s an understandable reaction to just sat back and enjoy watching him “rot in the bed he made” as one comment here put it, does that reaction ultimately help or hurt SJW Inc?
    My gut reaction is to take joy in watching them eat one of their own.
    But another question this brings is what kind of SJW is this guy? Is he a true believer who has simply been following the programming that’s been pumped into his brain since birth, or a psychopath who secretly knows everything he’s stood for was bullshit but did it anyway because it’s the path of least resistance?
    If he’s type 1, perhaps he can be turned into an ally. If he’s the second, reap the whirlwind fucker.

    1. Yes cause the Liberals at the CBC go out of their way to help the Conservative government.

  27. He gets thrown out on his ass, but the women of “The Talk” are still employed after the whole Katherine Kieu thing?
    It takes a lot to surprise me these days.

  28. I don’t know much about his politics, but he is quite a good interviewer. He often asks hard questions that nobody else does and he refuses to coddle most celebrities like most media figures.

    1. I actually lıked hım too. But what ırks me ıs that he THOUGHT he could have ıt both ways. Alpha hardcore sex wıth chıcks, but because of your “lıberal” cred, you thınk you are untouchable? Uh….no. You’re not.

      1. Yeah, I couldn’t stand him because of his smug feminist, “progressive” views.. which is what the CBC is full of really.. so I’m quite surprised to find out of he was mostly full of crap.. at least when it came to his feminist credentials. LIke a lot of male feminists, he just wanted to score a lot of white, SWPL, liberal pussy… and that feminist crap was mostly a front. I actually like him a little better now.

      2. Agree, he was foolish to think he could keep those two worlds from colliding eventually. Do you blame him for trying?
        I don’t believe that any man with at least some power in the SMP does not abuse it to a certain degree. It’s just inevitable, and when a man has a profile, the chances of him not taking advantage are pretty much next to zero.

    1. Seems
      like buyer’s remorse to me….the women did not get what they wanted out of Ghomeshi
      (career advancement). Now they feel
      cheated and violated.

      1. His career is over. Wherever he goes for the rest of his life, he’ll be
        hearing “Hey! How’s Big Ears?” And he has a general anxiety disorder? Maybe he should think of his victims’ new found “general anxiety disorder”… especially when they go on dates now.

        1. Lets just get to the point…. Why did these women continue to see him? If what he allegedly did to them was abusive in a non sexual, fantasized manner, why did they not go to the local authorities to report his behavior? This emphasizes my point of buyers remorse.

        2. Dumbazz. Maybe their future dates ought to know who they are dating. General anxiety disorder? Another fucktard catch all bucket excuse for acting like an out of control sow.

        3. these stoopid bitches went on MULTIPLE dates with him, even after he supposedly grabbed them by the hair etc!! If they dind’t like that sort of thing, why the f did they go on another date, never mind to the guys home alone with him???? Buyer’s remorse for sure.

        4. Wrong site for that comment , cunt . We don’t care about that liberal mangina. the best part for us is that the whores that are outed will scrounge to find a man who wants their damaged goods.
          That must bug you slut praisers. A lot.

        5. I don’t follow.
          And to keep you focused. Let me repeat. I love that a liberal white knight goes down and a bunch of liberal whores are fingered… Both literally and figuratively. Haha.

        6. No, most of them saw him only once. As for anyone who did go out with him a second time, they’re obviously fucking stupid. And yet still that doesn’t entitle a narcissistic sociopath to punch them in the head.
          3 have now gone to the authorities and the police have started their investigation. Better late than never.
          Outside of Luka Magnotta, Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo, Canadians have never had such a visceral reaction to a public figure. Must be that Ghomeshi embodies everything that people consider despicable: A deceiving con who invited women into his home where he physically and sexually abused them while smiling seductively from his photographs.

        7. Fuck off, cunt.
          A woman who respects men wouldn’t show up unwanted and uninvited in a male space. Pretend all you want, but you are a bitch and you posted your tone deaf link because you thought we would care about some Canadian faggot. But we don’t!
          No one here gives a fuck about that left wing sell out and none of us here give a fuck about the entitled whores that are crying “victim”

        8. “Outside of Luka Magnotta, Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo, Canadians
          have never had such a visceral reaction to a public figure.”
          You stupid cunt. are you seriously comparing serial killers and murderers to some mostly harmless horny douchebag like Jian Ghomeshi? I am Canadian and I don’t really see most Canadians as having that kind of “visceral reaction” to Jian Ghomeshi after these allegations came out. It’s the feminist media that is creating this frenzy.. for what amounts to nothing really. Basically he tried to use his celebrity status to score a lot of pussy. And he liked rough sex and didn’t get consent from many of the sluts who willingly spread their legs for him before slapping them a bit during sex. Big fucking deal. He was wrong to engage in rough sex and slapping and hitting without consent from the women first.. but he didn’t rape these women.. and it wasn’t extreme abuse in any way. Let’s get some perspective here, please.

        9. Come back to reality. Unlike you, I’m not old enough to have high blood pressure, cunt.

        10. hv, agreed on the serial killer point, how can any person even think of making that comparison?
          Jian took advantage of his celebrity just like all celebrities. Why become a celebrity if you don’t take advantage of your fame? Be it in a social political way or even a sexual way. Fame is power and people crave power. Do you not think that the women took advantage of Jian’s fame as well? They were all women in the film or TV industry. They all thought the same thing. If I give up my vagina and let him have his way with me, Ill bet he will get me in touch with the right people and get invited to the right parties and in no time ill be rich and famous as well. Of course this didn’t happen and then the women were dumped and are feeling what I have previously stated in “buyers remorse”!
          The police basically told these women to come forward and file a complaint in a so called “press conference” over the weekend so they can officially start a criminal investigation. All because of this crazy liberal feminazi Toronto agenda.
          The witch hunt towards Jian is crazy. I was never a Jian fan but what is happening to him is unbelievable. He is the biggest villain in the city. And for what???

        11. You’re also apparently not old enough to be weaned off your momma’s tit either. Nor are you old enough to be earning my salary or have my accumulated RRSPs kiddo.

        12. More of your Canadian bullshit.
          I make more money than you because American money is worth more and we don’t equal pay cunts. 50 cents to my dollar.

        13. Oh I don’t think so……… Median household income is approximately 40 percent higher in Canada, even after adjusting for the number of people in the household.
          I would only add that not only are Canadians richer than Americans, they are typically more secure financially. The rate of medical expense triggered personal bankruptcies
          is zero. And Canadian banks are some of the safest in the world. Plus cunts get equal pay here.

        14. Ironic that he is the one that put the noose around his own neck. The story of allegations against him was not going to be published as none of the woman were willing to put their names to the article. If Jian had not brought his sex video to work, he would not have been fired. If Jian had not published his deceitful monologue on facebook, no women would have come forward and put their names to the allegations. Therefore leading to a police investigation, that seems likely to eventually end with a criminal record and probation for Jian, or a prison sentence. Nor would there be such a backlash and outcry from the public, plus loss of revenue and reputation, in other positions, if not for his deceitful monologue on facebook.
          He managed to screw himself so successfully, even with the help of a PR company, and big time lawyers. Quite a feat to accomplish to fuck things up so successfully. He managed to burn every bridge possible. I say, he can throw quite the punch. Hopefully, this is the last punch that he throws. He punched himself in the head this time, and it was a knock out.
          When I read his facebook monologue that first thing that came to my mind was “The lady doth protest too much, methinks. If someone was in his shoes and innocent, they would do nothing. They have qualified lawyers and work, and a PR firm. They would let the professionals deal with it, because when you are innocent, there is no evidence proving your guilt. No evidence, no reason to run about playing deceitful games.

        15. Did you read the source of information that you posted, or did you just get excited when you saw a bunch of numbers? This data is “the disposable income of an equivalent adult in a household in the middle of the income distribution in a year.”
          Disposable income. Income after taxes – in the middle income distribution. Not gross income. And it’s in US dollars. This may be a revelation to you but Canadians don’t get paid in US dollars.
          “DEFINITION of ‘Disposable Income’
          The amount of money that households have available for
          spending and saving after income taxes have been accounted for.”

    2. Yeah, it seems these allegations aren’t entirely baseless. It seems he gets off on being rough and dominant sexually.. and he doesn’t ask for “consent” from the women he’s with before slapping or being physically abusive with them.
      Having said all that.. the women aren’t exactly sweet innocent victims. Most of them are SWPL, feminist sluts.. and it’s their fault partly for engaging in casual sex so readily without knowing what they’re getting into. Sorry women and feminists.. you can’t have it both ways. You can’t claim you are the sexual equals of men.. and then whine and cry and call for the State and the police when your casual sex escapades end up being not as glamorous as a “Sex and the City” episode. This is the problem with relaxing social and sexual mores.. when women behave like sluts, there is no choice but for the State to step into personal lives of people, and usually at the expense of men.
      Secondly, many of these women are whores according the very definition of the word: they want to use their sexual power to get ahead in their career. Why are men accused of sexual harrassment when they try to hit on women at work.. but women who use their sexual power at work by dressing sexy, being flirtations with male bosses, and even sleeping with some of them to get ahead in their career are allowed to get away with that behavior? If sexual harrassment at work is a crime, so should be a woman using her sexual power to get ahead. Jail the career bitch who whores around at work. Every man who has ever worked knows these career whores are plentiful.
      Many of these women are status whores as well.. and were “star-struck” by Jian Ghomeshi because of his c-grade Canadian celebrity status.. whereas they wouldn’t give him a second look if he was just some ordinary brown guy. Fuck these women. They really deserve what they get.

  29. lol. Karmic balance.
    What is a better example than this? Man gets (figuratively) “sodomized” by the very dildo he made.
    I didn’t care who he was before this news.
    I won’t care what happens after this.

  30. How long did the French Revolution’s reign of terror last? Didn’t most of the initiators get the guillotine before it was over? I believe they shot off Robespierre’s lower jaw to keep him from speaking while being carted to the guillotine.

  31. Why did all the comments stop? Where did the #teamJian go? He needs your support and feminazi bashing now more than ever.

    1. Except we love it when white knights get eaten by their own. Stop fingering your asshole to a myth.

  32. This article needs to be updated. The accusations of misbehaviour against Ghomeshi are more credible than not now.

    1. The only significant part of this development — if true, remembering none of these women have had sufficient guts to actually complain to an objective authority like a police officer — is that it’ll hurt white knighting. Ghomeshi was on the record saying he’d prefer it if women should run the world. Feminists will forever be using Ghomeshi as an example that men are all pricks and cannot be trusted even when they say they support feminism.

  33. Absolutely zero sympathy. He thought he was immune. Will this be a lesson to many of the beta pıllow-boy whıte knıghts? Maybe just a few.

  34. I hate that I have to do this, to defend that POS simping, white knighting, mangina cocksucker, but I have too. For it seems a decade he went from one accomplished confident woman to another and it would seem his method of seduction, his game was, talking and spouting all the right leftist, feminist bullshalga he could think of to wrangle those cunts back to a private setting and then he ‘pulled their hair and punched them in the face??” WTF!!?? How?.. What??..Why?? I’m gobsmacked!! Picture the seen, a new guy and a new girl and first kiss and then BAM!! And then the women did nothing except shrug a shrug and nothing? I actually know Jian and have for at least 20 years, he’s a little (5’6?, 140lbs?) prick and when ever our paths crossed I avoided him as much as polite social norms would allow, but that’s not the point, The point is why didn’t anyone of these women do anything about getting a shot in the face from this dick? Not one called the cops, hit him back or made a scene? Why Not? Why Now? And more to the point why not report to the cops and not the Toronto Star?

    1. If you were ass-raped and beaten up by some bigger, stronger, more influential, more well-connected, powerful man. Would you tell anyone? Would you go to the cops, knowing that everyone would find out and you may or may not get justice based on the man’s power?
      Safety in numbers. It’s just like the Church pedophile victims, Boyscouts victims, and pedophile Coach victims. Those guys didn’t come forward for decades and only after others came forward first.
      Cops won’t do shit, everyone knows that – they’d just be like, “you’re slut, stopping being a slut” even though those women were punched and strangled. Even his own coworkers at the CBC knew what was going on and everyone was whispering and no one was acting. Fear of repercussion – it’s easier to contact an independent investigator than call the cops. But hey, bishes don’t do nothing but lie, amirite?

      1. Hey shit head, those were children, Taken advantage of by faggot’s that diddle young boy’s. These were grown women! The same grown women who screech night and day about how they are strong and equal and demand respect. I say fuck all that noise, why? know why? Because when the time comes to prove it they, and apparently this story proves it, they are full of shit children that are in need of the same protections that real children are afforded. And to really pull focus to this topic. What’s common among these women? What’s common is that they were all part of the media industry. All to eager to use their pussies to get ahead, but cry foul when it doesn’t go the way they want. And to be clear. The reason this went on for so long was because some still thought they had a chance. In other words, the beating and ass rape as you call it, were used as a currency BY THEM!!! It goes deeper, what of the cunts that actual got the smacks in the mug and cornholing to pay off? You think that only the women that are now sour are they only ones that it happened too? Haha, unlikely. What’s more likely is right now in the halls of the CBC heads are turning and whispers are being whispered about the proclivities of the women that did get mentored and advanced by Jian and big ears bear. They got what they traded for. And tongues are wagging about how right now.
        But if you want to continue to compare grown university educated women to 6-9 year orphans forced to suck the cocks of withered old perverts go ahead. It really proves something that you don’t want proved.

        1. So would you go to the cops if a guy choked and beat you after he had you? What if you did it because you were just a fan or just looking for a hook up (not all the women were colleagues looking for advancement).

        2. What if you just did it because you were just a fan? WTF?? Do you even hear yourself? Someone you want to fuck just for shits and giggles plays rougher than expected and the thing to do is end him? Revenge? That’s the answer? Too just get over and punish? Listen, I don’t beat on the weak, you know why? Not because I can’t but because I’m not a coward. How about ‘get the fuck off me !!’ And then leave it alone. Or call the cops and charge him with assault. The cops love that shit.

        3. But they ARE calling the cops and charging him with assault. Whether he gets fired before the charge or after, is out of the women’s hands. Just like Ray Rice’s wife never charged the guy at all. So basically the only way to not ruin his career is to never tell anyone this guy beat and choked you under the pretense of sex. So basically you are telling the women to not tell anyone what he did and “just deal with it”, right?

        4. PatM, you fucking coward. Guest? Guest!? Go fuck yourself you cowardly cunt. You are the problem. You are the reason feminism is failing. Guest! That cock jammed in your ass, in the dark, in the club, in the bathhouse, it’s there because that is what you asked for! Go back to the shadows and beg for more, you know you want it. Hate yourself, shame yourself begging for the humiliation you ache for, but know it’s because you wanted it. Just like the whores crying their crocodile tears to the daddy’s of ‘justice’ in Toronto. Goof!

        5. Whoa chill out dude, i don’t know what happened. But I’m still here and willing to talk to you. I’m interested in your opinion. What would you tell your hypothetical daughter if she were one of them, bro? Would you tell her she’s got buyer’s remorse and that she needs to quit being such a slut and that she shouldn’t mess up the poor guy’s career, or what? I’m asking, bc I honestly want to know.

        6. Did he force these women to have sex with them? Did he rape them? Not from what I’ve read. No doubt he seems to have some strange sexual proclivities.. and gets off on being dominant and abusive and hitting and slapping women during sex… and doesn’t get consent before doing so.. but I’m sorry… that’s part of the cons with casual sex. These sluts willingly engaged in casual sex with someone they didn’t really know.. and it turned out not be the type of “hawt” and glamorous sex they could talk about and share with their fellow sluts the next morning… big fucking deal. Sucks for the women, sure.. but hardly makes these women poor and innocent victims. Look, you feminist cunts can’t have it both ways. You can’t say you’re “strong and independent” and normalize female sluttery and then cry and bitch and whine and demand the State step in when your sexual escapades don’t go the way you want. Unless we’re talking about rape and some extreme physical abuse here (and even then, women indulging in casual sex have some agency and bear some responsibility and blame for engaging in risky behaviour), I don’t really see how all this makes Jian such a monster. In the end, he’s just a fucking dork with no game.. and trying to use his celebrity status to score some pussy.. which is what every normal man would do in his position. That’s why men take risks.. and push themselves to achieve.. because women are shallow cunts and are attracted to men at the top of the dominance hierarchy. They loathe. despite.. the ordinary normal “nice guy.” They’ll ignore him any day for the man who stands out even if he’s a douchebag like Jian Ghomeshi. So fuck these shallow women… they deserve what they get.

        7. If I ever have a daughter, I’ll do my best to raise her not to be a fucking slut who spreads her legs open for a guy she doesn’t know and then cries like a little bitch when he slaps her around a bit and it turns out the sex is rougher than she expected.
          Are women all children with no agency? Is that what feminism is about? Whore around with guys you don’t know.. and if you don’t like the sex, call the cops on him and end his career.
          Fuck Jian Ghomeshi, btw. He loved to suck up to women .. at least publically .. with his smug, feminist “progressive” views.. so now he’s getting a taste of what women are like and how they behave when they do have power. He is being hoisted by his own progressive, feminist petard.

        8. Punching someone in the head is not sex. Even experienced doms won’t experiment with choking either due to the risks. So John Gomeshy claimed to be part of the BDSM community yet he was having non-consensual experiences that most BDSMers won’t touch, and doing it all with the “vanilla” community.

        9. Actually, some men and women get off on getting slapped, and hit during sex. Many women in the BDSM community get off and enjoy rough, hard sex.. and some physical and verbal abuse… including getting choked during sex. In Jian Ghomeshi’s case though.. and from what I’ve read.. it seems he didn’t get consent from the women for that kind of physical abuse.. so that wasn’t cool, to put it mildly. A real Dom who is well versed in BDSM understands very well he has to get consent and establish ground rules with his female partner before any such activity.
          But was this extreme abuse.. and rape? I don’t think so. The women are not without blame for engaging in casual sex and spreading their legs open for a guy they didn’t know. So the sex turned out to be rougher than they expected or wanted. Big fucking deal. It was unpleasant and a crappy experience for them. Get over it and try not being a slut next time and be careful who you get into bed with. It certainly makes Jian Ghomeshi a douchebag and not someone women should sleep with.. but does it make him a monster or some sexual predator the way he is being portrayed in the media and by feminists? I don’t think so.
          As another commentator put it, many of these women continued to date him because they wanted to use their pussies to get ahead in their career. It didn’t work out they way they wanted.. so now suddenly they’re whining and bitching about. Fuck ’em.

        10. Consensual slapping is not punching with a closed fist to the head. Makes no difference anyway, since one cannot give consent to abuse. When it comes to BDSM – or at least its more intense versions – the law doesn’t actually care about consent. The Supreme Court has said that a person cannot consent to an assault that causes bodily harm.
          This is pretty problematic from the perspective of the BDSM community. Carefully negotiated consent is rendered irrelevant, and effectively criminalizes all those who derive sexual pleasure from activities that involve physical pain.

  35. Look, if he didn’t have a signed consent, he has no legal basis for his claims of “consensual” BDSM. Sad, but true in the current world.

  36. This article is so full of holes you can fly a harrier jet through it. He isn’t likely to win any money. That viewpoint isn’t “potentially motivated by PR and pandering to the mob rather than any legal basis” either. He’s unionized, and therefore cannot sue his employer in court, he must make use of the grievance procedures in the collective agreement.

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