Why I Quit Going To Your Church

Every branch of American Christianity has a disproportionate percentage of women. This was an open secret when I used to go, and they tried everything to remedy it with men’s prayer breakfasts, war-themed posters, and screamo music. Of course, I use the word “everything” loosely. Try as they might, there’s something fundamental about 21st century American Christianity that is repelling men, and this is a big problem if you want your virgins to marry “a good Christian guy.”

Caveat: The only exception to this sex disproportion is Eastern Orthodoxy, which is a collection of immigrant communities and socially malcontent converts. If you’ve ever met an Orthodox, especially a convert, you’ll find they often have the same contempt for protestantism and Catholicism as the most virulent homoeroticist. So for the purposes of this article, I’m not considering them American Christians.

Here are my reasons why I quit going to your church:

1. Your music is saccharine

Christians assume that a distorted guitar is the definition of rock music. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Rock music is as much a philosophy as it is a sound. I heard time again growing up, “The only problem with secular music is the lyrics.” This is nonsense because in every genre, music and lyrics are innately connected. Imagine “Something in the way” by Nirvana with Jesus lyrics. It just doesn’t work.

But of course churches soften the “guitar and drums” element, and you’ll never hear a guitar solo that has any integrity. Perhaps there was some merit to early Christian rock (perhaps), but songwriters now simplify the chords so that churches can play it. So you’ll never find an A7 #9 in a church with “contemporary rock”. Because, you know, those extra two notes in the chord are just too hard to pull off. You might even have to have an extra volunteer guitar player, and the mild dissonance could make people uncomfortable with their edgy new form of worship.

“But worship is about lyrics, not music!” cries the Christian who glossed over everything I just said. Your lyrics are also sacharine. If you look at Bob Dylan’s “Slow Train Coming” (1979), you’ll find that at least there were a variety of topics on display. Not every song was a praise song. Some were simply doctrinal teaching songs, like the old hymns. Today, your lyrics are so hollow that many musicians are rewriting (and ruining) old hymns on their Christian rock praise albums.

If nobody is capable of writing anything with substance, then maybe the secularists are right that all Christians are stupid. And no, the exception of David Crowder doesn’t negate the broad-sweeping reality.

I don’t want to go to church to be entertained, because I can experience that at home. The world can entertain me far better than your ragtag band of volunteers and non-profit workers. If I want to experience religion, I want something otherworldly. I want an escape. Religion is supposed to be an opiate after all, but playing shitty soft rock is a reminder that I’m stuck on earth instead of in the next life.

But music isn’t the only source of entertainment…

2. Your sermons sound like a high school assembly

It seemed like every sermon was either about getting through hard times or being obedient to God. Most pastors I ran into knew fuck-all about the Bible and basic doctrine, which I guess is a product of giving a seminary degree to anyone with “a call from God.”

And what’s with the props? My childhood pastor brought a fishing boat on stage to illustrate being fishers of men or something. How insulting is that? I’m a grown adult, and I don’t need constant visual stimulation to pay attention to a lecture that I’m already interested in. I woke up early, dressed nice, and drove here to listen to you prattle. You’ve already got my attention.

One year for Easter, we took the song “Celebrate Good Times” and gave it Jesus lyrics. We also had cheerleaders with streamers. It felt very reverent for the most sacred day on the calendar. But the pastors weren’t aiming for reverence. They wanted people to think church was fun, and to their credit, they probably succeeded.

If you’re a pastor reading this and you learn nothing else from this article, take note of this axiom: What you hook them with is what you’ll have to keep them with. If you try to “get people saved” with funny stories and clever alliteration, then that’s all they’ll ever expect from you, and the actual teaching parts of your sermon will feel intrusive and unwanted.

3. Your buildings are ugly

I was in Charlotte, North Carolina. There is this massive evangelical church called Calvary. I mean, this is the kind of thing you see on TV, and not at 3am either. I went in one day to look around. They had this beautiful old organ several stories high, and they tacked two ugly screens on it so the people could read the lyrics. It completely upset the whole aesthetic of the room, but it was necessary since Jesus condemns the use of hymnals. After all, you wouldn’t want to miss out on the latest, most innovative praise chorus, would you?

The Catholic Church is actually having a substantial number of converts from protestantism. The Eastern Orthodox are being jump-started back to life with converts, and the break-off Anglo-protestant groups are finding evangelical converts demanding Anglo-Catholic worship. Why is this? There are a variety of reasons, but part of it is because people enjoy looking at pretty things and listening to pretty music. Even the Catholic Church is finding its own people are tired of bluegrass masses and dadaist architecture. For all its lies and manipulation, consumerism is right that what you are surrounded by affects the way you feel about that place and about yourself.

If the people are the bride of God, and if the church building is the house of God, then why must God have an ugly house? What wife doesn’t want to create a beautiful home for her family? And what husband would allow his wife to neglect their home? They call it the sanctuary, but it just looks like an auditorium.

4. Your Jesus is a pussy

The typical protestant Jesus is always calm and gentle and never emotional or assertive. Jesus has long, flowing hair that shimmers in the sun. He always has a neatly trimmed full beard. He wears brightly colored robes instead of pants. When he is hanging on the cross, his body is perfectly hairless. In short, the protestant Jesus is a woman.

The Catholic Jesus looks the same, except he’s holding his heart in his hands to give children nightmares. Funny how that statue is always placed at the back of the church. The historical Jesus was a sexless vagrant, not a bureaucrat with an MBA. Is it possible that a functionally homeless Middle Easterner wasn’t concerned about his body hair? You make Jesus look like a JC Penney model, and then you wonder why men hate going to church.

5. Everything is marketed towards women

I remember looking in the bulletin of a church I went to for a year. Every week, there were at least half a dozen activities for women advertised. At most, there would be two events for men in the distant future, and neither of them looked interesting. The only constant one was a prayer breakfast once a month at seven in the morning.

Look in a Christian bookstore. There are lovely pictures of flowers everywhere. Jesus on the cross is never very bloody (the exception being Mel Gibson’s snuff film, which was literally God-awful). You’ll never find an ugly person on the cover of a Christian book or CD. Lots of novels are written about 19th century debutantes. Even the music is acoustic rock that better appeals to women’s softness.

American Christianity is a service industry for women. The men are just there orbiting because they don’t know how else to get sex from their wives. Dalrock best explains how feminism has saturated Christianity, but he is fighting a losing battle. The reality is that pastors will always be afraid to speak on what the Bible says about women because they will lose their biggest clients. Pastors have to eat too, you know, and if public speaking is their own marketable skill, then they’ll do whatever it takes to survive.

1 Peter 3 makes it clear that women are to handle marital difficulties by being quiet and submissive, and St. Peter even calls women “the weaker sex.” Titus 2 says they are to be “home-workers” in the Greek. Beta Christians (i.e. almost all Christians) love to champion the Proverbs 31 woman who sells her surplus weaving, but they don’t realize that’s an occupation from the context of the home. It’s a surplus of what she was already doing. And if you’re open to the Apocrypha, Sirach 25 says that it is shameful for a woman to financially maintain her husband.

So I don’t go to your church anymore because they have nothing to offer me as a man. Give me one practical benefit from going to your church beyond career networking. I can read an inspiring sermon at home, and I can even choose one instead of taking a crap shoot at your lecture hall. The same is true with worship. You may argue that fellowship is necessary, but precious few of your people are worth imitating.

A person is colored by the people he is surrounded by, and I don’t want to be colored by the kind of people who go to church. The kind of people with an obsessive fear of Coors Lite or the word “damn.” The kind of people who think Fireproof and Mel Gibson’s Passion are high works of art defying the ethics and conventions of modern cinema. The kind of people who think women are the centerpiece of the household. The kind of who believe Chris Tomlin is as good a musician as Brian Wilson. You know, the kind of people who are American Christians.

Read More: Why Tolstoy Rejected The Church

394 thoughts on “Why I Quit Going To Your Church”

  1. I can go to any church during non-service times and quietly meditate. I find that once the church ladies find out you are not married or hooked-up with someone, it causes them to go into an excited state whereby they grab the first ugly wench/wrech and loudly announce that the bad toothed/fat/ugly/smelly/stupid/ancephalic moron is not married. They give you a crazed-eyed look and a lipstick stained toothy smile because they just don’t get that you can be single and happy.

      1. Which is why they also detest happy single men, and always try to “fix” them/us (as if we “happy single men” are ‘broken’ in some way) — much like how women in general always want to ‘change men for the better’ and always end up “unhappy” with the results when THEY bollix the job.

        1. Love it.
          Woman: ‘Why don’t you have a girlfriend, do you always want to play the field, don’t you want someone to make you happy’?
          Wise Western man: ‘God has given me the gift of solitude, it’s a happiness that cannot be expressed when in the company of others for too long, but I thank you for your concerns’.
          *Look on her face… priceless…

        2. Reminds me of the time when a Black coworker asked me why I wasn’t married (he was in his 20s and could easily have been a male model, with a picture of his perfect-10 medium-light skinned wife on his desk). Without missing a beat, I told him: “there are easier ways to achieve celibacy.” It took him nearly a minute to stop laughing.

    1. “Well isn’t that special”
      Sorry. Church Lady SNL reference. Yes church ladies are a scourge. Avoid at all costs. The worst part about them is that they are so hooked on “social status” concepts and what an “upright christian/person” is all about it’s sickening. Then they think they uplift themselves by trying to salvage the worst trash that could ever walk the planet. They’ll try to hook you up with an ex prostitute.
      Funny thing is, even they are weak, past or not. I have seen a lot of churchians wife up total whores with addiction issues and while they can thump the bible for a good 10-15 years, they WILL be going back to hell and they will do so dragging their entire family kicking and screaming. I have seen families wrecked and the man end up in jail or raped in family court because wifey fell off the wagon.
      Fuck that. Nobody is to be “salvaged”. When someone is “broken” they are broken for a reason and have some role yet to fill in this world, or have already, or their role is not to have one at all. Trying to be an “upstanding citizen” or fulfill some role or ideal is a waste of time and energy.

      1. Most modern men can’t run their own lives, yet so many think they can “save” some half-decent looking, run-down whore. Jesus wanted men to help the druggies and prostitutes, but not by marrying them.

        1. Would it be by getting some vagrant druggie/prostitute woman to waste some huge sum of money on some expensive oil to massage into his feet? Would that help?

  2. I’ve been a Christian for 20 years, and I can’t really disagree with your assessment of the American church. I only disagree with your reaction. I don’t know where you live now, but in my neck of the woods, there are churches who don’t follow this mode of operation.
    Refusing to find one of real value and opting out instead sounds more like you were looking to punch your time card and found it not worth it. (And, if you are just going to punch a time card, like 90% of American Christians, then you’re right, it isn’t worth it) If you are being genuine in your faith you would be taking God’s / Christ’s directions on corporate worship. Not to sound like a judgmental dick. Just saying that I would asses your motivation for going.
    Very true about feminism in the church though. Back in the 80s and 90s the feminist got in…. And now they’ve run these churches into the ground. Which is one reason why they are dying off while churches like mine thrive.

    1. Unless, of course, you don’t take orders from men who’ve been dead for 2000 years, and instead simply follow what Jesus (and Jesus only) taught. The apostolic letters can go hang as far as them being binding in any sort of way on us.

        1. And Sufism (a “mystic” branch of Islam) is based on other, older traditions (non-Islamic).

  3. Another thing to touch is how incredibly promiscuous church girls are. Suck off a stranger in an alley on Saturday night, then come in on Sunday acting righteous. Needless to say, there are no virgins in the church either.
    Women’s Lib has taken over the church. Beta Christian guys are encouraged to wait til marriage, while their female counterparts are forgiven instantly for sleeping around. Men are also encouraged to take back their cheating wives in the name of forgiveness. The last sanctuary from women’s lib is now GONE.

    1. I’m not surprised. This is exactly why I prefer a foreign woman that hasn’t been with 5 football teams of guys lol.

    2. I had a shot with a church girl once. We were sitting with a few other late-teens, all of them girls, at a picnic table under a beautiful oak tree in autumn.
      Some context; as we’ve known for years, girls like to “save their virginity” by taking cock up the shitter rather than the pussy.
      The topic of modern liberal sexuality (read: sluttiness) came up, and of course this lead to a discussion regarding virginity. All of the girls proudly claimed to me that they were virgins, 2 of them “virgins in Christ” meaning sluts who got a “Free Backsies!” card from Jebus.
      That’s when it happened. After several seconds of my hearty laughter and their blank stares, I burst out with;
      “Oh so you guys only do anal then?”
      [dead silence, death stares]
      A milkshake from Culver’s (a favorite of the Christfags I’ve noticed) clipped my shoulder, followed by a flurry of loud profanity. I ran away laughing. They avoided me ever since, and I them.
      No regrets.

      1. I noticed that they (typically) had reasonable, well-thought-out denials and counter-arguments. (sarcasm off)
        The quite typical feminist/hypocrite response. The only difference between a militant feminist and the “churchian” female is the latter’s “pedestal addiction”.

  4. Religion has pretty much been leftified and pussified. Now the churches are pretty much left wing organizations masquerading as Christians, for two reasons. One is that being conservative in the modern west will get you crucified, no pun intended. Even the churches know it’s not a good idea to go against the grain of the American leftist mafia. The second is that underneath it all they’re any other non profit scrambling for cash and prone to the same infighting and politics as any other organization. Given that women can be pretty religiously minded since they’re all solipsists (despite being massive hypocrites and still being turned on by alpha dick) and also easily swayed by the liberal degenerate zeitgeist of modern day western society, the churches pretty much have to accept homosexuals, degenerates and shitty rock music as a way to get people in the door.
    On a side note, if there were a god, wouldn’t he have started the apocalypse like sixty years ago when people were having LSD fueled orgies? Honest question. Now would be a good time with women licking dirty assholes and begging to be plugged in the ass being the status quo now. Hey god, where are ya? Not so big on them threats now are ya?

    1. I second that. It’s like the only place you can be a “true” Christian these days is your own apartment or home. I just read the good book and ask to be left the fuck alone.

      1. Read Rumi, the Sufi (Islam) poet, as well as Meister Eckhart (Christian Mystic) and others like them. The message of Jesus (Isa) is what we are supposed to follow, right down to how we pray (to OUR FATHER/CREATOR). Christianity has been changed so much since 33AD. No one is good, but GOD.

    2. Women were licking assholes and getting plugged in the ass 200 years ago. There just wasn’t video evidence like today.

      1. I’m sure they were, but on the level that they do today? No way, Jose! Back then, word spread around quickly if you were a whore.

    3. Heh I do wonder this myself. In the old testament God was extremely pissed off at the hebrews for violating his covenant and among other things sacrificing their children on the altar of Baal. For this reason God told them that he would wipe the floor with them and cause invading armies to come in and rape, destroy everyone and everything.
      God even told them that an invading army would besiege them and they would be starving so horrifically they would eat their children! Now all of this God takes credit for as HIS doing this to them as punishment.
      Contrast that to today where how many millions of babies have been aborted every year for how long? Where is Gods righteous anger? Where is the just damnation of all the whores and harlots who sell themselves and commit blood sacrifices to pagan gods?
      It would seem that god has fallen asleep.
      But I do tend to agree that most people view god as some all loving entity that is always going to forgive no matter what. Thats fucking stupid and in all likelihood god fucking hates your bitch ass. Why?
      Because you’re a hypocritical piece of unrepentant shit.
      Burn mothefuckers burn!

      1. The Kingdom of Israel stood for about 210 years or so before God had it be destroyed by the Assyrians.
        I still buy into the idea that God is slow to anger.

      2. Maybe the punishment is there: when the morals go down, and women are aborting babies by the millions – the starvation that you mentioned could be spiritual emptiness, a spiritual starving, and the eating of the children is the act of abortion.

      3. If you remember the part in the bible where God is talking to abraham about destoying sodom & gomorrah and Abraham asks if there was still a few righteous ppl there would thecities be spared. God agreed He would spare the cities if that was the case.
        In modern times I believe it is the presence of the few righteous ones that are preventing His outpouring of wrath on the ungodly.

    4. Just honestly think about it…use logic and reason…there’s no god…it’s just not possible.

      1. It depends on what God is to you – if you see him as human nature, the Bible might make more sense to you. If you want to imagine him as a human-shaped man living in the clouds, it will be very hard to understand the Book.

    1. Pope Francis started appeasing gays, divorced people and essentially promoting communism….that was the last straw for me. Then they spend $150 million to renovate a cathedral in NYC but spends all his time damning ‘the rich’.

      1. The catholic church is a corrupt institution and has always been so. They pretend to ‘only take orders from god’ but virtually everything they do is either for corporate interest or to whore themselves out for new followers. At least Pope Francis is somewhat more honest than that pretentious John Paul dude who tried to whitewash the church’s history. What a fucking joke.

        1. Another ignorant protestant. Catholicism has imploded but Protestantism has always been a religion of pussies, nothing glorious can be credited to such religion that poses as Christian…

        2. Ignorant catholic. Your religion has been feminized since the 12th century. A roman catholic Leon J podles documents that in his ebook “church impotent”
          Protestant was in part a reaction against pussification but failed.

        3. Catholicism has ALWAYS been corrupt. All the way back to the Council of Nicea in the 4th century when Catholicism was created by a Pagan Emperor to unite his empire under one religion to prevent it from fracturing further. In doing so, he also eliminated many denominations of Christianity at the same time. He also made most Christian holidays to simply replace Pagan holidays. Catholicism since day one has been to maintain power. Nothing more, nothing less. Heck, the Bible as we know it wasn’t even “finalized” until the ~4th century with many, may variations existing beforehand–with some Christians sects not even believing Christ was a deity.
          I’m not Protestant or Catholic. I consider myself a deist. I have, however, studied quite a bit of Christianity’s history.

      2. Catholicism has always been heresy. During the ottoman occupation, the Orthodox Church saw Islam as a lesser threat compared to western Catholicism, which corrupted the faith from within.
        Martin Luther’s thesis, nailed to the cathedral doors was an indictment of this catholic corruption, of the talmudization of the faith.
        Long story short, if you are not an atheist and are looking for answers, look to Eastern Orthodox Christianity.

        1. I love how a bunch of faggot pagans [that would be the Romans, “men are for pleasure, women for procreation”] chose a vagrant Jewish bastard [son of an adulterous union] (fag or neuter, take your pick), and idiots like you lament “talmudization of the faith”.

    2. This has long been noted by political theorists who mocked Christianity as “Bolshevism with a bible” and proto-Communist.

  5. Look, honestly idgaf about religion but the whole thing about Anglo misfits converting to Orthodoxy reminds me a lot of ’60s hippies getting into Zen and Hinduism.
    People think the grass is greener on the other side of the planet. There’s an article out there – ‘if you hate Christianity, you’ll loathe Buddhism’ – and you can replace Christianity with Protestantism, and Buddhism with Orthodoxy, and it’ll be the same idea.

    1. Haha, I tried getting into Buddhism when I was actively rebelling against Christianity. Didn’t work. Still sounded like babble to me.

      1. Yeah, I’ve seen people rebel by converting to Buddhism, Hinduism, Orthodoxy, and these nouveau groups like ‘Traditional’ Catholics, Satanism and Norse. It’s like Madonna drinking Kabbalah water.
        Now there’s something to the Zen meditations and such but it’s just humans, crappy humans, just with more patchouli.

        1. All religions are as much shit as they are gold. You must study them all equally to see them for what they truly are. Lessons on: consciousness, humanity, and societal control.

  6. The strangest thing I’ve noticed in the feminized church is the whole Mother’s Day vs. Father’s Day dichotomy. The first is like a National Female Appreciation Day. The second is “You Need to Man-Up and Do Better Day”. I’ve gone to church pretty much my whole life (and still do) but stuff like this is why I seldom enjoy it.

    1. Was at a big church in Raleigh about 2 years ago. Their Fathers Day service included a recognition of single moms since they “do it all” and are the fathers as well. I never went back.

      1. lol…right. Even on the day that is clearly “for men” women still get the spotlight.
        Someone (a man) attending that service should have stood up and said “let me know when you’re having the real Father’s Day service and I’ll come back”.
        More people need to speak up or the shit will never change.

        1. Its the validation thing – women only gain any sort of legitimacy (even in their own minds) from men. The problem is men are against men; there are simply too many manginas and soft women-praising men in the world all too ready to speak up for and come to the aid of women in every case. Its why they get away with so much bullshit and why the world is becoming a moral wasteland. Women are generally by their nature against men – we cant fight them and ourselves – its a losing battle.

        2. Considering 85% of single parents are mothers, then Yeah, single mothers Absolutely deserve a shout out for being the Mom AND Dad.

        3. Many of those mothers chose to be the mother and father (made the choice, alone).
          Men don’t get a “say”…the woman gets what she wants (even if it means financial destruction…she doesn’t care). So, yes, sometimes she is the mom and dad by her choice, alone.
          I know the feminist narrative loves us all to believe that the guy always “walks out on her” but it isn’t always the case. Women are selfish and they want what they want, period – they don’t want to hear from the man on the matter.

        1. Nope, it also means that a ton of Fathers abandoned the mothers of their children, AND their children.

        2. OhYeahBaby, most christian men are too pussy to leave their wives even if they wanted to

        3. It means the women fornicated which is sin to then have the kids father leave or they are bored from their marriage and divorce.

      2. I requested a special sermon for Fathers on Fathers’ Day, the same on Mother’s Day…what a joke. The priest barely mentioned the importance of parents. Fool.

    2. Yep. I’ve seen this too. Mother’s day the pastor said these women can’t be a dad and God was sending a man to raise another man’s kids. He then said it wasn’t their fault. He asked them all to stand. All mom’s, all women who wanted to be mom’s and women who had abortions and lost kids to stand up. Then praised them for being strong. When father’s day came they passed out a flyer that read man up on the cover and talked about the man loving women and stepping up. Of course they didn’t ask men who wanted to be dad’s to stand. The pastor closed with saying women need us. Made me sick.

      1. Again, it’s hilarious.
        Men need to “man up” but it’s exactly the opposite of the female narrative for the last so many decades. Women are strong and independent………right.
        I gladly speak my mind whenever I hear such nonsense because that’s what it’s going to take to turn the tide.

      2. Abortion is considered murder in chirstianity why would they ask them to stand when they are considered killers?

    3. The first is like a National Female Appreciation Day. The second is “You Need to Man-Up and Do Better Day”
      Of course because it is always about her.
      These places (church) are no different than Best Buy, Walmart, etc…they are all advertising to consumers – women. It’s even worse, today, because like the author states half of the bible isn’t even referenced in sermons because it goes against the female narrative in the 21st century.
      Less “consumers” equals less money for the church so the nonsense continues.

    4. One fast way to check if a church is feminized is to look at who is in the pews.
      Subtract the children, couples with children, and people 20 years older than you: if the remaining people are mostly women, then the church is feminized. If the remaining people are men, or the ratio is 50/50, then you have found a good church.

    5. Give me Odin. They’re as real as anything out there. IE it’s all just stories IMO. I stopped going to church at about 8 years old when I began to understand the preacher was there for the money, and that it was all about the money. I’ve attended Catholic, Baptist, Episcopal, and was raised Methodist.
      When it’s all said and done, I believe I’ll be partying with my hard-ass male ancestors in Valhalla, while Christians play harps with lady-boy supreme.
      Seriously though, what makes one belief ‘mythology’ and another ‘truth’? None of us actually knows, so at the end of the day, you accept what works for you.
      I don’t see much difference between religions (masculinity of primary figure not considered) except for the number of current subscribers.
      And like the internet proves (shout out to Huffpo and Jezebel), just because you have lots of viewers doesn’t mean you know what the fuck you’re talking about.

      1. You believe in pussy fake gods. Did you know the Teutonic Knights waxed your pagan asses?
        I never saw stupid Pagans do anything of worth in the world. One of the Catholic Saints chopped down a stupid Thor tree or something and got martyred. Then on all your holy sites Holy Rome decided to build Churches on it.
        Way to be edgy though, why don’t you go to put on a Fedora and head over to Reddit.

        1. I love how Catholics of “Holy Rome” and it’s fake and pagan attempted replacement theology concocted at Nicea and enacted by edict and force like to talk about pagans… for christ sake.

  7. My GF made a “friend” at her job who is a short, fat, short-haired, virgin, “gamer”, super-christian broad who believes she is going to find a man to marry her, pay off all her school debt (which she is making no effort to do) and make her a stay at home mother. This girl is so delusional its almost sad. These types of girls are the active congregation who run modern churches.
    The really sick thing is, these broads run youth groups and get young, thirsty, desperate beta men in the program and fucking brainwash the fuck out of them. They basically groom them to be docile money (credit signer) machines and then hitch up to them.

    1. To be honest I would be okay supporting financially a woman as long as she was a virgin and supposedly played by society’s rules. Everyone can’t be a Don draper chiseled jaw smoker. Society would be better under religion (or fascism or whatever) that helped young guys find wives and become productive members of society. Used to be that young men believed in god and country. Now all they got is broken promises and horrible slut cunts. Id go back to the older system where virgins get paired up young and grow into love with each other.

      1. That is a good system but it assumes modern society still allows boys to grow into men. As this site documents – except for us outliers, it doesn’t. The roles have switched. These wall-approaching women are grooming young thirsty men as their little puppets. Those puppets are emotionally and psychologically stunted and will never be able to utilize their masculine energy and creativity and achieve productivity.

      2. It’s called Islam. Setting aside anyone’s politics or nationalism, the fact is that Islam never gave in to feminism (although it’s getting a fight from White female converts in Canada).

        1. Except Islam never evolved beyond eye for an eye savagery. No, orthodox Christianity is the only faith worth considering, the fact is that by all objective measures, all Islamic nations are dysfunctional, and always have been.

        2. J. Jiggler, Have you ever even studied history, or did you hear that on Fox News? Islam was ‘beyond’ savagery for most of its existence. It was superior to Christianity in almost every way, and progressed (or invented) a variety of the sciences. It has only been the last few generations, and at least part of it had to do with the United States’ political meddling in the region.

      3. That’s my plan to be honest. One of the best comments on the internet ever. You know, removing the sexual barriers/rejecting God has always been a major downfall in societies. Revelations 2:14
        The sexual revolution was like pandora’s box.

  8. If you are serious about finding a church that doesn’t play guitars, whose pastors spend 8 years in college/seminary, and hold to the biblical teachings of male headship, look into Confessional Lutheranism, specifically the WELS/ELS.
    Learn more about the Lutheran confessions: http://bookofconcord.org/

  9. There was not supposed to be an organized religion or “Churchianity” around Christian ideals anyway. The original Greek Concordant scripture can also be translated 5 ways PER LINE. We were supposed to study them with friends and family and arrive at conclusions based on our lives where plow meets earth and sword meets flesh.
    Not get told “what is” by some charlatan in a suit at a pulpit in some rich megachurch.

    1. Ignorant much. It is true that organized religion is dead but the intent was always a formal religion centered on Jesus worship, willing to risk one’s life for such belief, not some nerd studying ancient writings, I guess effects of the Protestant culture in action…

      1. You do realize the Catholic church wasn’t created until the 4th century, roughly 300 years after Christ died, and fully fleshed out until nearly 400 years after that, right? And it was started by a Pagan emperor.

    2. I agree with J.M. People were illiterate, and books were super expensive to produce. As far as rich megachurch’s those didn’t happen until Constantine (for better or worse).

  10. If pastors really wanted to attract men back to church, they’d offer moral certainty in their sermons. Instead we get fables and allegories with nothing that feeds the intellectual appetites of men.
    Instead of telling women the reality that they are more likely to divorce if they’ve had more than one sexual partner in their lives, they throw single mothers-to-be baby showers. Nothing against supporting women who made bad choices mind you, provided we make sure other women understand that they made a bad choice.
    I should note that any church that is a 401(c)3 organization is more than likely watered down. This is because LBJ made sure that non-profits who were religious couldn’t take any political stand. The result is that the IRS will audit churches who make stands against abortion, as an example. So if your church is not a 401(c)3, make sure they don’t become one.

    1. The church was a stand in for moral authority. Moral authority can come from other places… Just get a bunch of men together and they’ll make rules for society or least keep killing each other until they reach a point where things are stable (most patriarchies for example are unfriendly to the idea of alphas hogging women just as four guys sitting in a bar would be unfriendly to the guy hogging all the sluts). Moral authority can come from secular governments like in china which despite being atheist is a hundred times less liberal than modern Christians. There needs to be a moral authority in society no matter whether it’s ruled by fear of Hell or fear of being dragged out your lovers apartment and whipped for cheating on your husband.

  11. Men never respect “weakness”, and this single quality permeates every aspect of modern Christianity. Few men enthusiastically follow emasculated, neutered, domesticated, docile, politically correct leadership. How could they? Men respect strength, character, charisma, and integrity, none of which characterizes modern Christianity, as they’ve abandoned biblical teachings such as male headship of the family, and wither under pressure from larger society.
    Modern Christianity is all style, no substance. Feelings are more important than truth. Pandering modern pop culture tropes now trumps preaching biblical truths (i.e. wives be submissive to your husbands, etc.). These churches deserve to die, as they have abandoned all their biblical principles….

    1. At least Muslims are strong in their belief and rules, thats prolly why these terrorist groups are so appealing to young men.Fuck they’ve been killing eachother for over 1000 years over an argument of who should take over after Mohammed died lol.
      Thatd be like if I didn’t like Pope Francis so 1/3 of Catholics just start slaughtering the others.

      1. Christianity is shrinking, Islam is growing. If feminists think they’re “oppressed” now, I can’t wait to see the look on their face when Islam takes over.

        1. How many rocks to the head do you think it’ll take before a dumb female says to herself, cartoonishly, “I’ve made a huge mistake”

      2. The West is thoroughly committed to consumerism, and utilizes feminism and multiculturalism to get women and minorities to buy in and contribute to the economy. Western men, however, are slowly losing interest in maintaining their civilization.
        Muslims are struggling to maintain their patriarchy in face of the Western onslaught of debased values, empty consumerism, and pop culture. Even in Iran, i’ve been told young people are infected with Western pop culture (according to two personal sources).
        Seems like the strategy of Western elites is to convert young Muslims to our value systems, which would result in the same fertility disadvantage. It seems to have worked in part.
        Ultimately, progressivism is a luxury of affluence. There is no such thing as welfare, entitlements, and a child support system when people have no income to tax or redistribute.

        1. But wasnt the Korean Wave strong in Iran for that reason exactly? The main factor contributing to Iran decision to air Korean TV series during prime time is often attributed to the lead protagonists’ tendency to reinforce traditional Confucian values that are closely aligned with those of Islam, such as putting society before oneself and showing respect towards higher authorities. Consequently, Korean dramas are seen as a substitute for Western film productions, many of which do not satisfy the criteria set by Iran’s Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance and are therefore censored by Iranian law enforcers.
          Like this:

      3. It’s appealing, because they can’t get laid. period. If they COULD get laid, they’d be a lot better off as a society. BUT NO…they gotta kill, rape and steal. Sorry, islam should be destroyed.

    2. “Style over substance” — Modern “Christianity” (as practiced in the US now) has become just another facet of pop culture, and it shows.

  12. “If the people are the bride of God, and if the church building is the house of God, then why must God have an ugly house?”
    You’re edging up on one of the reasons Christianity’s been in decline for centuries.
    The people are *not* the bride of God – the Church is the Bride of God. These sermons sound like a bunch of vapid women raising money for breast cancer.
    This is a book I’m working my way through, I think you’ll like it: http://podles.org/church-impotent.htm

  13. This is more a rant on American pop culture since the 1960s and its shaping of American religion in general. Inclusion of female and gay clergy, pop music, dumbing down of content to reach the largest possible audience, etc.

  14. I have attended a United Methodist church for the last 12 years, after not darkening the doors of a church for 20 years prior to that (I grew up Fundamentalist Baptist). There is much I don’t like about the denomination as a whole as far as some of their stances, but it’s a pretty good place to worship. One thing I cannot get myself to like is the contemporary service, with the praise band. It still seems sacrilegious to me, mixing rock and religion, and I am sure that is because of my upbringing. I like all kinds of music, and that includes rock and roll AND the old hymns. I just decided that if I don’t agree with something my church does, or I don’t feel comfortable, I just don’t volunteer, and state that as such. It’s nothing personal, but it’s not who I am, and I don’t want to participate. Most people there are okay with that. You’re never going to find the perfect fit in a church, no matter where you go, so you’d be better off investing your time and effort into those things where you feel comfortable, and where you can make a difference.

  15. I know a married couple which has converted to Orthodoxy. The husband had studied to become an Orthodox priest, but then decided he lacked the “calling” for the priesthood. He knows a lot about his church’s history, however, and he told me, “The Catholics broke away from us!” not the other way around.
    Orthodoxy makes sense as a kind of creative anachronism christianity, I suppose. It has closer historical roots to christian origins than the Western branches of christianity.

    1. Interestingly, the late Fr. Peter Gilgrist noted that almost all couples who come to EO, come thru the insistence of the husband.

      1. Scotty,
        Have you heard Frederica Matthewes-Green telling about her reaction when she converted? “I didn’t like it. It wasn’t focused on me at all!”

  16. Western christianity under the authority of the popes had some quality control and enforcement mechanisms through the time of the Reformation. Since then, any random person can call himself a christian and even an evangelist of the gospel, with no training or certification, and invent any belief or practice he wants and call it authentic christianity. The lack of standards means that we’ve gotten all kinds of nonsense promoted by competing churches which provide endless amusement to internet atheists: end times prophecies, snake handling, prosperity gospels, theories about Jesus’ sexuality and marital status and so forth.
    If we ever see the restoration of quality control over christianity, I’d to see the empowered authorities stomp on this rapture nonsense, especially.

    1. Right there with you on “the rapture”. Before 1830, that doctrine did not exist. It seems to me that it does a lot of harm in multiple ways. In the hypothetical event of a persecution of Christians, it would cause mass unpreparedness in that they all think that they would all be whisked away before anything bad could happen to them (as opposed to scripture which clearly states, to paraphrase, “when $#!+ hits the fan, head for the hills”).

    2. That’s the main reason I became Eastern Orthodox. Quality and conformity minus the pope, celibate priests, indulgences, purgatory, etc.

  17. This is a great write up. I concur completely. The church got rid of all the cool traditions (strict rules, hard core approaches, Latin mass, etc.) and kept all the shit. Result? Total male alienation…

    1. I can’t agree with the generalities he claims, although the points regarding feminism damaging the church in many cases are sadly true.
      This, in fact, is the bread and butter for Dalrock’s well-thought out blog articles. A great example would be his take on the movie Fireproof, a low-budget Christian-based movie regarding a man & woman’s marriage issues (starring Kirk Cameron).
      As with any structure unfortunately there are great variants and poor examples to be encountered.
      Being from a small town originally, I’m a bit more accustomed to very basic church tenets, and saw little to no of the items he points out.
      Some of the best people I’ve ever known were established Christians. Some of the worst, as well.
      As with anything, unfortunately the bad apples seem to ruin the bunch, or at least give the wrong impression to those examining the church.
      I frequently see people completely disregard the positive contributions by churches to the community/world and also disregard examples of churches that are on the right track. But I’ve come to realize quite a few people are negatively-biased in their thinking.

    2. I am a practicng Catholic and unfortunately I agree with everything said above. The Catholic Church has been destroyed by modernism and no longer attracts anyone because it lost the sense of sacrum. I grew up in Eastern Europe where the devastation has not been as severe as in the West so my faith remains strong. However, I have to block out a lot of bulshit in order to tolerate the modern North American mass.
      If you want to get a feel of what the real Catholic church was, go to a traditonal latin tridentine mass if you ever have the chance. Visit the centuries-old cathedrals when it is quiet… before they get invaded by the hordes of tourists, for some meditiation and one on one time with God.
      Also, you would be surprised by the wealth of sacramentals and traditions that are now just ignored or forgotten. For example, my grandparents fasted since midnight before every holy mass, fasted on Fridays and the day before Marian Feasts (there is a hadful of them each month), and fasted the entire Holy week before Easter. The now popular intermittent fasting was part of their lifestyle thanks to religion.
      Finally, spot on for the sermons. Conformity is the word of the day now. Yet, Jesus pissed the religious leaders of his age to the point of getting sentenced to death. The Ancient Testament is anything but complacent. ”God stands beside me like a mighty warrior” sais Jeremiah. Definitively not a religion for pussies. I still wonder what went so horribly wrong in the past 100 years …

      1. I’m Orthodox, and we still fast before communion. We’re supposed to fast from meat and dairy on Wednesdays and Fridays, but most people ignore. However, it’s not a hard moral rule.

    3. Whatever happened to the Jesuits aka “God Marines”??? Priests I’ve met are very effeminate and I think are closeted , asexual gays. Should the Catholic church allow priests to get married ? Maybe more dudely , red pill type guys would go into the priesthood??

  18. There are many similarities between Christianity and the Progressive Liberalism/Feminism movements. Probably the most damaging to society is that they teach not to understand or question but to follow blindly.
    As a man I will make my own path in life because I will become a better person through the hardship. Alpha/Beta is tossed around this site a lot. When it comes down to it what is more Alpha like behavior? In my opinion following the crowd is no different than a beat orbiter. That’s no different then believing in God/Heaven/Hell because some asshole in a rob told me it existed.

  19. I liked the solemnity of the old Latin Mass. Vatican II was the beginning of the end of the Church I was brought up in and felt so much a part of as a young boy. There are so many negative trends post Vatican II that I hardly know where to begin.

  20. This is a sweeping generalilzation. Christianity takes many forms and the Bible is certainly not feminist. It’s appalling to go from one church to the next and notice the differences between the mass and congregation.

    1. And a correct one.
      Yes, there are new protestant denominations that are more “hard core” when it comes to keeping to Scripture which have broken off from “mainline” protestant denominations, but by and large the “mainline” protestant “Christian” church in the USA is a sick, heretical joke.

  21. Notice how the so called ‘holy’ pastors and priest of both the protestant and catholic churches kisses women asses at every turn absolute refute of call women out on the their abortions, slutty behavior and single motherhood? If they actually believe in christian morals then why are they are just accepting it? I’m guessing it is for the money. Pissing off women will destroy their ‘business’.
    That is what American ‘Christianity’ is, an gigantic business that runs on the profits of selling false hope to degenerates. Modern ‘Christianity’ is nothing than just another product brought and sold on the capitalist market. 3,000 plus flavors to suit every emotional need of every degenerate in America. Morality and truth have been sacrifice at the alter of modernism. Not ‘offending’ people and profiting of the misery and stupidity of others are more important now. So called ‘pastors’ are nothing but sellouts to the highest bidder.
    I won’t take “Christianity’ seriously again unit some pastor or priest has enough the balls to preach traditional conservative values what the bible actually say instead of cowering PC, Leftist, Marxist, Feminazi bullshit. In fact, radical Islam and Judaism is closer to traditional Christianity than actually modern ‘Christians’ are. That’s how bad it is. Christianity doesn’t exist anymore in any serious, meaningful sense.
    On a side note: Can someone tell me about the eastern orthodox church? Have they been destroyed by leftist as well?

    1. The russian church has been destroyed in another way – while the western church has been destroyed via subversion (feminism, socialism, political correctness etc.), during communism the communists could not tolerate any other power structure beside the state – and since they had all the power, they went more direct, “confiscated religious property, ridiculed religion, harassed believers, and propagated atheism in schools” (from Wikipedia, “Religion in the Soviet Union) – the orthodox chuch in Russia never recovered from this.

      1. It is true that during communism the orthodox church really suffered. Churches got used for farming purposes, priests were sent to the gulag,…one of the worst times for the church was under Stalin who himself studied to become a priest.
        On the other hand all of my russian and ukrainian friends tell me that they all got baptised, it just was mostly done at home by visiting priests. Communism never really got rid of the church and the more the soviet empire crumbled, the more it was tolerated. Nowadays there is a strong resurgence of the church.
        A good example is the following: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathedral_of_Christ_the_Saviour#Rebuilt_cathedral
        Note that: “A construction fund was initiated in 1992 and funds began to pour in
        from ordinary citizens in the autumn of 1994. In this year the pool was
        demolished and the cathedral reconstruction commenced. About one million
        Muscovites donated money for the project.”
        That was at a time when most russians were dirt poor and really lived in a constant state of political upheaval…

    2. The Eastern Orthodox Church is the eastern half of the Catholic Church. The two split in the 11th century. The EOC is a collection of 13 or so independent ethnic churches in Eastern Europe and the Mideast that are united in doctrine and basic worship practice. There are about 2000 or so EOC congregations in the USA, most of which hold services in English.

    3. It’s the same reason the politicians in our country (U.S.) pander to lobbyists and the heads of corporations…..it’s all about the money in the end.
      The church is no different. They are going after consumers (women) and are doing everything to get more of them into the building. If that means changing up the “show” a little bit, or leaving parts out – rewriting the bible a little bit…then so be it.
      They need more women in the seats (equals more money for the church).

    4. Go google the “Great Schism”. IIRC, back in the day the church was run by a bunch of bishops. The bishop of Rome decided that he should be head of the church, the other bishops went “hell no”, and the church split between the western church run from Rome and the eastern church which was mainly based around Asia Minor (Greece/Turkey).
      The real issue – a war over church governance – was masked by a bullshit doctrinal disagreement, the “Iconoclastic Controversy”. Rome used statues of the saints, the eastern churches maintained that that counted as idolatory and would only permit pictures. Pretty much every controversy over doctrine is actually cover for a political play.

      1. There is far more to it than that, you need to remember the historical context. Rome was descending into decadence and outright degeneracy the likes of which we have never seen. The intelligentsia had abandoned Rome long before the split, and what was left…..
        Add to this the various nonsensical catholic decrees that followed and the Talmudic influence… No, there are far greater differences between the churches, and these differences are irreconcilable.

    5. “Modern ‘Christianity’ is nothing than just another product brought and sold on the capitalist market.”
      You could just get rid of the world Modern (and the last 4 words) and this sentence would stand for at least 1500 years

  22. This article is really, really messed up…On so many levels…But I’ll give it an honest try, just to actually inform some of our fellow redpillers on the forum.
    We, Orthodox Christians, resent (if not outright detest) Roman Catholicism not because of envy (seriously now?) but of the freakin’ 4th Crusade!!! Our enlightened catholic bethren pillaged, raped, demolished and torched Constantinople to the ground in 1204 terminating christendom’s most enduring bastion against Islam. Thus, enabling the muslim onslaught of Europe’s entire southeastern quarter for over 4 centuries! And by the way, Rome’s Popes deffected from the unified Chrurch in 1054, not the other way around!
    If anyone’s interested in a deeper doctrinal discussion I’ll try to answer to the best of my abilities any questions they may have (I’m no minister, just a layman).

    1. The author never said the Orthodox hates the RCC out of envy. He simply said that they hate the RCC. Period.
      And as for the Great Schism, your saying that the Pope ‘defected’ is the result of your assumption that the Byzantine Emperor was the Pope’s superior. The RCC doesn’t see it that way. You should keep that in mind.

      1. Hatred is far too strong a word. Resentment I find to be much more accurate. While the the authority the Roman Emperor (there never was a “byzantine” emperor) over the Pope is a matter of much debate, the Great Schism was a direct result of the Rome’s new doctrines of Filioque and Infalibility, both introduced without any consent or consult with the eastern half of the christian world. This is not a matter of dick-measuring bishops, it’s a matter of our ancient creed’s mutation.

        1. Ok, but my point is that the RCC didn’t, and doesn’t, see itself as leaving. As I recall, the pope excommunicated the Orthodox and that was that. In their eyes, they kicked you out as opposed to leaving.

        2. And as for there never being a Byzantine Emperor, you’re going to have to take that up with the history books, because every one that I’ve seen (and I’ve seen many) uses that descriptor.

        3. The Byzantines didn’t call themselves “Byzantine” but “Roman”. Manos is being overly semantic.
          Interestingly, it played into Charlemange wanting to take the name Holy Roman Emperor.

        4. Charlemagne took the purple hundreds of years before the Great Schism, pissing the real Emperors off not a little and more than somewhat. OTOH, the Byzantines had recently been driven out of Italy by Charlemagne’s father Pepin when he captured the Exarchate of Ravenna (which had been the capitol of the Western Empire since 402), so the title could be considered his by right of conquest.

  23. It’s not just church. I want to be able to walk into any retail establishment and not be assaulted by the tiresome guitar riffs of “Hotel California” or a chorus of screaming black chicks. Even worse, empowered white chick belting out a long torch song. I don’t know who that singer is but I hear it everywhere I go; airport, grocery store, even pumping gas for crying out loud. Why does every store seem to think I want to hear this raucous garbage when I am trying to find a #4 washer or choose between name-brand or generic hemorrhoid cream? To complain to management is to risk getting tackled by security for being a terrorist threat.

    1. I reckon for most people, they feel more violated by silence than shitty background music and adverts.
      Me, I can’t stand being anywhere for even two minutes if I have crappy radio music blasting at me, with no possibility to get away from it. And worst of all, the adverts!

  24. I would like to plug my church, which is a member of Sovereign Grace Ministries. Reformed theology is a very masculine movement in protestantism. The men have beards bibles and, in the country like me, guns. Although there is room for improvement, I go, and so do lots of men, and not just beta males either, but real men. The official position on the sexes is complimentariansim, and feminism and women’s lib is mentioned often in a negative context. The women are submissive and healthy, and the majority of them home school. My church has a budget for ammo. It owns half a dozen steel targets. It is NOT 501(c)3 registered.

    1. Sounds like a good place. Pretty much the only pastor I ever went to and learned anything of substance whatsoever about the bible was from a reformed preacher who constantly preached on predestination and that God does NOT love everyone! These facts are clearly found in the bible and for all intents and purposes are what the writers of the books meant to explain.
      So don’t try to cherry pick some verses to support your all loving all forgiving gawd that lubs everyone modern evangelicals! You hypocrites are gonna get what is coming to you for lying to people. And your commie jesus hippie is not the one of the bible.
      He also stayed heavy on preaching against all our holidays because they are not in fact “holy days” but pagan holidays which constantine then renamed christian holidays in order to swell the adherents to his church.
      He preached heavily from the textus receptus and masoretic texts and did not believe any of the other texts where the actual word of God. I learned alot about the greek language and how the english language is far inferior to it and what the pastor called a “harlot language” because it sells out the meanings to words.
      In fact I learned more about the bible and related issues in a few weeks with this man then I had learned for about 4-5 years attending the feel good crap of american churches and their piss weak lying followers.

      1. May I kindly recommend Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God, and any other sermon or book by Jonathan Edwards? My Favorite is his book Freedom Of The Will, which demolishes the notion that humans have a *free* will using perfect logic.
        If we can’t get good sermons in this day and age, we go to the hall of heroes. Charles Spurgeon. John Calvin. Jonathan Edwards. John Knox. Rushdoony. VanTil.They have no PC worries. They talk about Jews, whores, fagotry, government.

        1. Ive definitely read that sermon but I need to check out freedom of the will.
          I would also reccommend thomas watson and his Body of Divinity if you haven’t ever heard of him. Might be hard to get a hold of but a very good writer and goes into eloquent detail on several issues that would have no place in the modern apostate church.

    2. How big are the women?
      It means nothing to me if they allow themselves to be hedonistic whales.
      Gluttony is a big one in my book being that I’m a former glutton and now fully understand how disgusting it is.

      1. I grew up Southern Baptist. It was unapologetically patriarchic in form only. Functionally, it was all about how much smarter and better women are than men. Just look at how much they hawk that DivorceCare crap.

        1. Why don’t we seek to change that perhaps inject the southern Baptist with the red pill? If they are intellectually honest biblical Christians then they will come around.

        2. Because Southern Baptists are anything but intellectually honest. (See last paragraph in essay). When I was 20 years old, I came to terms that protestantism was not just dead or dying but inorganic.

        3. If you are still Christian. Then we are both brothers in exile. Still haven’t found a suitable congregation in which to set down my roots. But even so. I believe in the gospel. I am reformed if you wanna know.

  25. False prophets/pastors have always been in the church. However I can agree with how it’s feminized.. Both of my parents are ministers. I’m 28 years old, black, reside in N.Y. I didn’t start taking my faith serious, nor did I understand it until I was about 23 years old. My church has very few people in it. Yet anyone that comes in there, takes it serious, NEVER stays the same. They will get better (restored health,get a great job by the favor of God,house, so many miracles). Not only feminism, but many people in the church want to be entertained. If their is no anointing (power of God) people will remain the same, no yokes will be broken. I had this one young woman hot on my tail in /2012/2013. She’s in my church. She lied to both of my parents because I didnt like her. I’m a respectful guy, however don’t slander my name. She was literally talking to my dad about me in front of my face while working. I stopped what I was doing, and told her off (she’s a feminist also). I was close to cursing her out. Too many women HATE to be told no…. They need to harness their power (beauty/vagina) properly.
    Proverbs 31:3 has a hidden message to women also. If they dont use their power (beauty/vagina) properly they can be ruined as well.
    I asked a former member from my church about feminism (I just discovered it mid 2013). He said “Yes. I know exactly what it is. Feminism, when you remove the mask of it, you see the spirit of Jezebel.” Anyone that knows about Queen Jezebel in the bible knows she is no good. Jezebel is the most VILE woman in the bible.
    So as I get older/wiser Ephesians 6:12 rings true even more.
    Lucifer doesn’t mind people going to church, he doesn’t mind tradition. He just doesnt want you to know truth. Once you know truth, you keep seeking it. It changes your life.
    All of these things that are going on in society are archaic. Spiritual warfare like never before in this land.

    1. Proverbs 31:3 – “Do not spend your strength on women, your vigor on those who ruin kings.”
      I must have read over that before – yes, it is an important verse, especially for a red pill site. But I fail to see the hidden message to women there, it seems to me to be directed at men only. Can you explain it in a little more detail?

      1. Ok cool, no problem. A man’s genitals is his power. His strength, connected to his mind. Pursuing a woman takes energy, even if she’s easy. When a man releases his energy, he gets tired.
        What attracts men naturally? A woman’s beauty and her vagina. Prime example, many girls spend their teens/early 20s/mid 20s/ sometimes even late 20’s riding the carousel. Not too many men are proud about wifing her up. This is why many women in their 30s,40s and older are depressed.
        They didn’t use their power for a higher purpose. Ruined… All the baggage emotionally from dating the wrong guys, being with too many guys, and getting rejected after their little empowerment phase is over. Well all know women are insecure. Imagine constantly being rejected after they lose their capital (beauty/vagina). Sure some men will still hit, but they aint wifing it up. I’ve seen this in my own area (N.Y). So many wanna come back after all the years…

        1. Thank you, Levi. In a few hours I am meeting a friend at the gym who does exactly that – apart from work, he spends all his energy on women. Going out and getting drunk a lot, but without much success. He has already been in therapy, superficially for alcohol problems but I think in reality it was because he has made his whole life dependent on how women think of him, and the alcohol is just a symptom of the ensuing directionlessness. He is not going to church, but he is also not an atheist – I will try to talk to him about this verse, using your explanation.

        2. Your very welcome. Thanks for sharing that with me. It’s natural to want to be admired by people but it had it’s limits. I’m glad your there for him. He needs to reassess himself. I used to be like that when I was younger to a certain degree. I’m 28 now and much stronger than ever. He should be #1 all day everyday.

    2. Levi, you sound like a decent young man that hasn’t been destroyed by American modernism. Protect yourself brother. Also: Word to the wise, don’t marry an American woman–ever. White or black (especially the former). Don’t ruin yourself, as you are on the right track.

  26. I couldn’t stop laughing at the part that read “Your Jesus is a pussy”. Completely cracked me up.
    Btw speaking of which, isn’t the contemporary picture of Jesus actually based on Caesar Borgia? I mean, clearly the historical Jesus was not a white Caucasian male.

  27. Most protestant churches – especially the one in the US fell victim to the financial power of the Council of Churches which indoctrinated the church leaders on leftist feminist dogma – aiding that process via generous donations. There are only a few independent pastors left teaching some decent Christianity. Here a good overview of their network – it is all one big happy propaganda family:

  28. Of all the hypocrites in the world, the modern american christian is probably the most incredulous towards true biblical teaching.
    Which is why I believe all 401c churches with 100 more members or so should for the sake of honesty rename their churches to something like Satans Fiery Temple.
    They could have catchy names for thier faggot youth groups like CatchFire! or some other crap. Get all the J-Law loving sluts on board!

  29. Why not start your own church. It,sounds like you have it pretty much figured out.
    I also agree it is feminized. You can’t hear a preacher make any negative statement about women without turning around and saying, “but men are worse.” Our preacher did just that this past weekend. I told my wife, “he just gets through telling us about a men’s group exploring what it is to be a man while he stands there and cuts us down in front of our children and the women who are supposed to respect us.
    The only option is to start your own church. Early Christian did not gather in big buildings they gathered in one another’s homes.

  30. Remember when Jesus use to take names and kick ass?
    “Out of His mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. He will rule them with an iron scepter. He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.” Ecclesiastes 3:1, 3, & 8 say, “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heaven…a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build…a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.” Daniel 9:26 says that “war will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed.” Matthew 24:6-8 says, “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.”
    So the next time that feminist/atheist etc. Gets in your face about Christianity you know what to say.

  31. There’s only one masculine, righteous form of Christianity left in the world and that is Orthodox Christianity with its ultimate masculine expression being the Russian Orthodox Church. Every Western church is feminised, corrupted and betaised. I want nothing to do with the weak Protestant sects or the current Vatican II mafia. In fact just like marriage in the West, if any man is associated with a Western church, your masculinity has immediately been demoted. The churches are ‘legitimisers’ of the state and cultural norms. The real Western churches died sometime circa 1962ish. The new architecture is drab and ugly, drawing its inspiration from the ugly glass and steel designs of modern architecture. The interiors are as hallowed out as the culture and people it represents and the church leaders dispossess the moral authority that once consolidated the families of nations. The West is a whore bereft of any real legitimacy, and whose principles are completely alien to anything masculine and right.

    1. All parts come together to create what we have now. Protestantism, for all it’s early enthusiasm (esp late 1800s to 1950s), became the Sunday Football religion, fully bought into the consumerism of American culture, of which “Praise Bands” are the natural outcome, complete with young black women squealing and belting out meaningless tunes in that “Black woman’s style”, while White male mangina’s do the traveling guitar John Mayer routine with that breathy style of singing to meaningless songs in simple chord progressions. It’s all a façade, secularism painted over with Christian overtones to mask the truth: It’s all about “me”, not about GOD or Christ or Abraham, etc.

    2. Lance your posts do more to improve the black man’s standing in my estimation than 60 years or carpet bombed liberal civil rights propaganda/agitation ever will. Must be tough to be a high IQ black man in this age of mass pussification, nonexistent standards and professional victimhood.
      Absolutely spot on analysis. You also need to give credit to the Greek Orthodox community as well, I can tell you that several prominent figures in the Greek Orthodox Church routinely rail against the feminist industrial complex and the state-sanctioned multicultural shit-fest.
      At a time when Greece needs to stand beside their Orthodox brothers in Russia, the government is taking loads of semen in the ass from western euro far left currency manipulator sand profiteers.

    3. It’s certainly lost touch with St. Thomas Aquinas, who reestablished the legitimacy of Aristotle to Western Civilization.

    4. Orthodox churches may be relatively less feminized than other sects but older women still attend at at least 10x the rate of young men, at least judging from what I saw working for three months in an old parish church in Chania, Crete in 1990.
      Some good things I noticed there:
      *Priests could and did marry and have families, but bishops had to be single or widowers.
      *The community center for teens was not feminized and was popular with boys. Food and moderate amounts of alcohol were provided to the kids.
      *Feast days, at least the one for the parish’s patron saint were real feasts, with good wine, and those associated with the church were greeted and even served food personally by the bishop.
      *No pews, members of the congregation would come and go during the service.
      * Tradition was not just respected, but iron-clad. The liturgy and iconography had not changed at all in 500 years, and almost imperceptibly in 1,500 years. New church buildings are built with good taste and good materials in the expectation that they will be in use for at least several centuries.

  32. Right on the money. And just like most things Red Pill, a little hard to swallow at first.
    I got drug to church every Sunday for decades. Got sent to christian schools and browbeat with the “gospel” to the point that you accept the idea of an invisible all-seeing, all-knowing, flowing-robes-and-beard as a fact as genuine as the sun coming up. But the closer you look all you see is a system a control to use on the weak-minded.
    Here’s what I mean:
    -Before you’re even born, you’re on the hook for someone else’s screw up’s. You either grovel or burn.
    -Every bad decision is proof of how much you need to OBEY.
    -Every smart decision or lucky break is just proof that “God” is looking out for you.
    -If you find yourself succeeding, it means you owe part of it to the incompetent.
    -If you’re taking a beating, it means you’re doing something right.
    -The only reward you can truly expect is one that you’ll never see or get any “customer reviews” on, because you only get it after you die.
    -If it all starts to seem like bullshit, its because you lack “faith”.
    -Oh…you also owe the church 10% off the top..
    I’ve been looking into the old nordic religions, that view “gods” more as personifications of an attitude or a value. These ideas of strength and independence were the ones that would get you burned or hung when christianity started making the world more “peaceful” by killing anyone who could think for themselves.
    As for me, begging for help from a dead man nailed to a tree is no way to spend your time. So I believe half of what I see and none of what I hear. I protect what’s mine and respect what’s not. I trade lies for lies, truth for truth, and I work every day to be better because a better me is a happier me; and I can do it all without an Invisible Friend.

    1. “Before you’re even born, you’re on the hook…
      If you find yourself succeeding, it means you owe part of it to the incompetent.
      If you’re taking a beating, it means you’re doing something right.”
      Sounds like GOVERNMENT!

    2. The thing is if he remained dead you will be right. But he did not remain dead. But appeared to his disciples and hence Christianity was born.
      And the fact of Jesus dying and suffering is the cosmic equivalent of jumping in front of you to save you from a deadly bullet. Of course that only applies if you believe.
      You are quite right about God being taught as an invisible friend. The concept of God as santa claus that is the equivalent of a spiritual vending machine.

      1. …and I’d agree if there was any way that you could convince me that any of that actually happened. You’re talking about accounts written by working-class joe’s 30+ years after these things allegedly happened.
        And as for Jesus taking the punishment, God in human-form taking the heat I would have gotten according to rules laid down by God himself is….kinda like Obama helping you pay for medical care after Obama made it impossible to afford; I only know I’m on the hook because
        But if we lend any credence to the Biblical version of God, then we are created in his image and just as the God of the Bible wouldn’t settle for lip-service and saying one thing but doing another, I, in his image, cannot pin present or eternal hopes to imaginary promises and hope-so’s just because a hillbilly preacher holding a book says it’s so…

        1. Someone requested evidence. That’s my answer. Perhaps you need to develop your attention span. And you think a lecture is a sermon?

      2. My grandparents sent me a sermon from Adrian Rodgers about how Jesus is the friend for the lonely. But you can’t tell Jesus a joke or go see a movie with him. Weird how the protestants reject monasticism and then insist Jesus is the only friend you’ll ever need.

  33. I’m a devout Christian; interestingly enough, given your description of Orthodox at the beginning of the article, I’m in the process of converting to the Catholic Church from the Orthodox. I thank God for my time in Orthodoxy because, as you rightly point out, it remains a culture apart, still very much in touch with its healthy roots, from an human perspective (though there are grave dysfunctions in these Old World communities, too, which a bit of time will show you). I don’t think I ever would have learned the real essence of traditional Christian culture and piety if I had not spent time in the Orthodox Church first; but for many reasons, which I won’t go into now, I found Catholicism more faithful to the Truth on the official level of doctrine. I won’t deny that we are living through a great apostasy and betrayal in modern-day Catholicism; but for those interested, manliness is still alive in traditional circles of Catholicism. For example:
    Here is a solid, manly priest preaching on feminism and the proper roles of men and women.

    Here is an homily of the same priest on the Rosary, in which he avoids sentimentality and girlishness,
    and simply lays it out, reprimands those with a tendency to pray because
    it gives them tingles and not from a manly spirit of devotion and duty,
    This priest runs a site called “Sensus Traditionis.” Lots of solid, unfeminized Christian piety there. He is an exorcist and also has many homilies on that topic.
    Further: our own Quintus Curtius wrote about the battle of Lepanto not that long ago. Here is an interesting homily by a great priest on the topic:
    By the same priest, on the Battle of Vienna:

    This latter video has a great deal of “liked” videos on the sidebar, many dealing with martial valour, manly virtues and the extremely “red pill” doctrines that the Church does still officially teach. These homilies are interesting even for their mere historical value, and non-Catholics would still find them interesting. All the homilies by this priest tend to be excellent; I know his name, but most of his homilies are put up without attribution at his request, which I will honor by not revealing his name. But if you go through the channel and hear that voice, you know you’re going to hear a good sermon! These are the kinds of homilies that make men glad to go to Church.
    Another favourite priest of mine is this Bostonian who sounds just like a Kennedy:
    That’s an homily on the origin of the Rosary, in which he does not shy away from saying that God sent the black death to chastise Europe, and makes open reference to the orchestrated efforts of modernists to corrupt the institutions of Western Civilization; he often makes me grin with his candid bluntness, and with his obvious lack of concern for whether you like what he has to say or not. He also preaches a great homily on the Christian inheritance of the inner life, on a site where audio versions of homilies are organized on the right by topic:
    It is very easy to look at the effeminization of the modern Church’s structures and culture, and to turn your back on it. But as one who has stepped back and considered the whole thing patiently, I have to say that where there is the most wicked effeminization, there have also been the few examples of manly resistance. Communists, SJWs, feminists, homosexualists, etc., truly have made a war upon Western Civilization over the past 50 years, and they did this by subverting the Church, the sects, the schools and the media first and foremost. We have all seen how these people infiltrate and co-opt everything, as even the recent “gamer-gate” has proven. It has taken them a few decades to get around to effeminizing video games; their *first target,* and the territory they most closely guard, has been the Church, followed by academia and the media. To give just one example, here is a video detailing the sad affair of Fr. John O’Connor, who was defrocked by his Dominican superiors after he dared to stand up against the leftist equalitarianism of the US bishops’ conference, and against the effeminate leftism of his Dominican superiors. You have to remember, therefore, that where people were deliberately working to undermine and emasculate the Catholic Church, there were men standing against this and putting their entire career and reputation on the line. This is a level of manly fortitude that is not often seen anywhere. Any picture of the sad subversion of Christianity at present, is not complete if it ignores the battle for the heart of Western Civilization that is occurring at the heart of Western Civilization – the Church – and the examples of men who have lost everything in defense of it. They are forgotten heroes in the current cultural war.

    That’s enough for now; I just wanted to stick up for the Catholic Church, and show that the matter of effeminization of Church culture is more complex than simply saying “you’re silly, so bye.” The manly spirit of truth and clear thinking is not utterly dead, there; and with the new, younger priests, the red pill and realist and traditional view is making a major comeback. Many men have suffered, and continue to suffer, for their defense of the good against these feminizing forces, and the picture is not complete without remembering their struggle. How many men are fighting as hard, or suffering so much loss, in academia, media, or secular culture more broadly?

    1. Cui, you may appreciate the following book in your spiritual quest:
      AA 1025: The Memoirs of an Anti-Apostle
      It is a testimony by an insider about how the RCC as been infiltrated from within by Communists who in turn worked to destroy everything that once made it great and beautiful.

      1. I’ve heard about this book four times in the past two days; I guess Someone’s telling me to read it!

    2. Should the Catholic church allow priests to marry ??? This would increase the number of priests wouldn’t it?? It would also , I think, increase the numbers of red pill manly types in the priesthood

      1. Well, just increasing the number of priests should not be a goal, I don’t think. I’m converting to the Catholic Church from the Eastern Orthodox, where there are married priests. I can tell you that the men being ordained in the Orthodox Church are every bit as infantile as most men graduating with degrees in Comparative Religion or Philosophy degrees. Because it is unseemly for an ordained man to be dating women (there’s a moral hazard there, not to mention the distractions from duty that can often come with falling in love), men have to be married before they are ordained. This wasn’t a problem, in the days when we ordained men at 30 or 33. Now, we ordain them at 24 or 25 and force them to marry whatever eager beaver has set her sights on being a priest wife, moving in to the apartment complex across the street from seminary so she can land herself a seminarian. Once married to such an insane woman and ordained, at this young age and often with a tenuous sense of masculinity, these married priests are often instantly castrated both by wife and parish. It is truly a sad and pathetic sight.
        I also don’t know if it would bring in more “red pill” types. I hate to say it, but most red pill guys these days are not getting married. The way the culture is, the women are not generally of marriageable quality and, even if you find one who may be, the divorce laws, etc. practically forbid a man from being the head of his household even while married, and threaten him with permanent financial and personal ruin if he should cease to be married.
        In my experience, there is certainly a very faggoty wing of Catholic seminaries, etc. Most of this had to do with the Marxist takeover back in the 40s-60s. Many seminaries are no longer like that and actually offer a very serious formation that helps to prepare men for both priesthood and manhood. And even during the abuse crisis in the Catholic Church, the per capita (i.e., relative) abuse rates in groups with married clergy was still four times higher. None of which excuses anybody from anything; it just goes to show you that married clergy are not necessarily more red pill or morally upright than celibate clergy. Religion in general, right now, is a fairly effeminized affair and I don’t necessarily disagree with the observations of this article. Certainly, of all the clergy I’ve known, the married were all unmanly to one degree or another; the celibates have been on the extremes – unnatural perverts, on the one end, and the most rock-solid men I’ve ever known, on the other. I think you are going to find girly clergy in most any Church at present; but I think the potential for Red Pill views is best in Catholicism (and old-world Orthodoxy; forget convert clergy). Certainly right up until the 1960s, the Catholics were the only people still pulling hard for Patriarchy.

        1. The canon rules of the EOC state that a priest shouldn’t be ordained before age 30. Bishops in these liberal times usually ignore that, and so we see the results. Who wants a 25-year-old kid for a priest anyway?

  34. Dude, Catholicism is as conservative as fuck. I went on a retreat where all the females did the dishes. You should get on board. The Church is also full of badass businessmen and politicians, and they are big supporters of the traditional family- none of that divorce crap that the feminist love. It is a totally sexist organization, which is why I love it.

    1. are you joking? the RCC is FULL of feminists..you know the ones that voted 55 percent for Obama (the entire American RCC, who knows the percentage for women).

      1. Then they must be the strange kinds of feminists who are against abortion, contraception and divorce.

    2. In its official doctrine the Church is conservative. At the parish level, most American Catholics are indistinguishable from their non-Catholic neighbors. Every year pastors find some creative new twists to rationalize away the parts about wives being submissive. Women pretty much run the Church in every position that doesn’t explicitly require a priest. Even then, if you’re in the hospital it’s more likely a little old lady will bring you the Eucharist instead of a priest.
      Pretty much the only parishes that offer that old time religion are those that celebrate the Latin Mass. And it’s difficult to overstate how much bishops in general loathe anything that smacks of pre-Vatican II Catholicism.

      1. Wait, priests don’t make hospital visits? How worthless is that? Why be a pastor if you aren’t going to be a shepherd?

        1. There are still good priests out there. Most of them are bureaucrats who can’t have sex, likely homosexual, possibly atheist, who put in their 9 to 5 at the parish office and spend the night presiding over committees of little old ladies.

        2. I have a really good friend who’s an old Catholic priest. He was ordained in the last class before the Vatican II changes. He’s definitely in support of the novus ordo, but he’s not (comparatively) sacrilegious like some of the ones you see on Youtube.
          Still, he doesn’t even ask people if they’re Catholic before giving them communion. I’ve been to his midweek mass, and it’s as dry and bland as Lucky Charms cereal. No procession, no incense, and no creed. There are only a few bowing movements. The stations of the cross are a kind of neo-Byzantine iconography made to look fragmented, which I would argue reflects the state of Catholicism today (see Francis Schaeffer’s How Shall We Then Live?).
          As much as I’ve always despised Catholicism, Fr Al is one of the most gospel-focused pastors I’ve ever met in any vein of Christianity. Perhaps this is because, to quote him, “We have catechized our people, but we have not evangelized them.”
          TL;DR :
          He said that there are two kinds of priests, celibate priests and bachelor priests. He absolutely despises the kind of priest (especially like a seminary professor he had) who quits at the end of the day, puts on a sweater, and spends his parents’ money at the races. Fr Al is easily one of the five best people I’ve ever met in every sense of the word “best”.

  35. “Its not true” is why I stopped showing up. However, people who do go are free to live as they want, just let me do my thing.

  36. I went to Catholic school and my grandmother would pick me up everyday, take me to the church. We’d kneel in the pews and she’d say, “Pray for forgiveness…there must be SOMETHING.” I was 7 years old.
    I had that Catholic guilt for a while. It’s the same guilt you feel when you look in your mirror and see a cop is driving behind you, but you’ve done nothing wrong.
    The biggest whores I’ve met were associated with the church. All cafeteria Catholics, choosing which bits of scripture work for them and which don’t. I realized that, compared to these people, I had nothing to ask forgiveness for. I’m not finding comfort in buying into the same invisible sorcery that these people do.
    My family thinks I’m going to hell. I believe hell is here on earth, manifested in the worst qualities of the very people who go to church.

  37. Good article. Let me, if I may toss in a couple more items:
    6. Many churches are allowing female pastors.
    7. Many churches are deviating from the bible and even its history. I recall going one time to one church with a friend and there was a female pastor. She began by saying “Let’s all rise and give thanks to the mother Jesus”
    This shit is not a church, but a fucking cult.

    1. I’m not religious at all but I do have a question. What is the issue with female pastors? I mean, what is the reason for that being a problem?
      Serious question.
      Oh, and if ever heard anyone, anywhere say “mother jesus” I would walk away laughing.

      1. That you are even asking why it’s wrong to take advice from women really makes me wish I could slap you across the fucking face right now.
        Of course you aren’t religious. Not like the old patriarchical religions that had a red pill mindset from their core doctrine.
        No you are not religious and you are not red pill minded either.
        Raised by a single mom?

        1. haha…you’re such an idiot. so eager to sound like a tough guy over the internet. it was a simple religious question, fool. i wanted to know the doctrinal reason to forbid female pastors.
          and no, you presumptive ass-hat, i was raised by two parents who taught me traditional gender roles.

        2. Yes, no advice from women, okay, but all you Catholics/Orthodox don’t forget your prayers to a dead Jewish virgin-whore-adulteress (Miriam the wife of Joseph).

        3. I am neither RCC or orthodox. Hell I dont even really consider myself a christian because I do a number of things which in calling myself a christian would make me a huge hypocrite.
          If I was I definitely wouldn’t ever pray to mary or any female whatsoever.
          Troll attempt failure.

      2. In your life, did you get better advice from women or from men? And – especially after reading articles on this site – who would you say will usually develop a greater understanding of human nature, and also share these insights with other people – men or women?

      3. The word of God and the teachings are not conveyed with the same strenght and authority by women as by men. The Church was founded as a male institution in a patriarchal society for a reason.

      4. Nothing at all. Not sure if you seen my comment in this the comment section, however, both of my parents are pastors… My mother used to sugarcoat a lot of things. However my father has always been a dominant man… Over the years my parents have built each other up. I tell my mom sometimes to her face ” your courage is almost up there with dad’s.” Nothing wrong with that. In proverbs it also mentions how wisdom is the principle thing (highest). It also mentions how wisdom is a woman…

        1. If wisdom is a woman, “Sophia”, then the “Philosophia”, the Philosopher is a man, a man who knows how to game her.
          And as Sophia is the highest and most beautiful woman, I guess it’s just natural for other women to be at her throat and trying to undercut her. They want *their* wisdom to be the highest principle, and if they can’t have that, then “equality” instead.

        2. Well when your using wisdom and it clearly shows in your life, of course they would be at your throat. Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown…
          I love the last line, good stuff.

      5. No woman is permitted to be the head of the church for women are meant to be subservient to men. Female pastors are abomination. Their existence is antithetical to the core Christian set of values.

    2. I timothy 2:12-14
      I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man,but to remain quiet for Adam was formed first then eve and Adam was not deceived but the woman was decieved and became a sinner.

  38. Never went to begin with and thankful I never had to. In modern times it’s a form of mental retardation more than anything.

  39. Glad to be an atheist non-American in this matter.
    I mean, I don’t spend my time praying to something, which has same probability in existence as Godzilla.

    1. I’m in the same boat, but take heed and do NOT ever get into things with a chick who is an atheist. That is a fucking nightmare.

    1. This guy is pretty legit from listening to “Attributes of a Godly Woman”.
      Funny how simple old school pastoring 101 is seen as radical these days.
      Only thing I would add would be ‘Don’t become a fat ass’. That’s a key point left out. Gluttony is still a sin.

      1. He destroyed the Border Patrol in Court…watch his Youtube videos of standing up to bogus “detentions” in his vehicle. My favorite is when they ask him where he’s from and he says “Jerusalem” and gets out his bible to discuss.

      1. not here in Utah….we float….stick the dick in, as long their is not friction so basically just sit there and “float” motionless you dont have sex.
        in unrelated news many young Utah girls remained confused by unexpected pregnancies. the highest rate in the country last i checked.
        theres a whole hilarious scene demonstrating this madness in I think it’s season 2 of the Amazon Prime comedy “Alpha House”

  40. What’s even more entertaining is the recent Evangelical embrace of MMA fighting being incorporated into ‘men’s retreats’ and the male side of Evangelical youth groups in order to make the church appeal to men.
    I can remember doing promos for King of the Cage and having Christians appalled by the violence. It was an underground thing in 2002 you needed a specialty venue (casino) in Nevada to legally organize. Now it’s more popular than boxing and just like anything else, Christian Culture slapped a Jesus Fish® logo on it, calls it Kosher, and uses it as some “relevant” way to get men back in church.

    1. You were a promoter for KotC? I remember buying a set of dvd’s of their shows back over 10 yrs ago when I first got into mma.
      I’ll never forget seeing duane ludwig beautifully beat people up with dutch muay thai. A true art form. I was lucky to be trained by a native from holland who trained at golden glory I believe and I got to learn the symphony of brutality that is dutch muay thai.
      Back then you still had alot of guys who didnt have shit for training and overall shitty technique and a serious lack of ground game. Which was why all the bjj guys were cleaning up shop.
      Anywho I had no idea christian groups were trying to be friendly with mma to bring men in lol. So cheap so cheap. I went to some charismatic church in my early 20’s and they were almost appalled that I was a fighter. a few of the guys did support me though…but no women of course.
      These 401c churches truly have no shame.

  41. Excellent article! Most churches ARE effeminate and not TRUE churches at all! And who is that White woman with a beard on all those crosses and pictures throughout our confused history?

  42. It’s blasphemy for a church to be ugly!
    I feel like suicide bombing when I see a church that is barely distinguishable from a fucking office block. Lino floors, all bright and airy and painted white, pot plant in the corner, all boxy and shit.
    A church should be dark, gloomy, with a ceiling reaching to the heavens and stern icons looking over you with their eternal gaze. It should be lit by candles and sunlight through stained-glass, not bloody fluorescent lights. It should be natural wood or stone, or even bloody precious metals, but not some matte paint job.
    I want to sit in the presence of God, not in the waiting room at the doctor’s.
    Don’t get me started on the music.

    1. Agreed. Raised Catholic in the USA and saw our churches converted to whorehouses, errr, warehouses. Whenever I go to Europe I enjoy the churches there. I especially like Russian Orthodox churches in eastern Europe… a great sense of holiness in them Ive never felt in churches here in the states.

      1. I definitely agree about Orthodox churches. I CouchSurfed in Vienna, staying with a Romanian guy. He took me to a Romanian Orthodox Church service. Though the church itself was quite modern, compared to what I expect with Kiwi Protestant churches, it was still amazingly beautiful, with the icons especially. And the singing was magnificent! I visited Serbian Orthodox churches in Slovenia and Bosnia as well, and again, found the atmosphere, well, holy. Especially at a very historical church in Sarajevo.
        Of course while in Europe, I saw many old Catholic churches as well. I loved the Gothic style, but after the initial sense of of overwhelming awe wore off with experience, I came to find later Baroque churches, with all their ornate and sensual gold and marble, a little ostentatious. Still, better that than a bloody clinic!

      2. I might add, I visited mosques in Bosnia too, where possible. They’re very aesthetic, but I found them much more “modern”, in the sense that they (at least in my limited experience) were light and airy, and without any art on the walls. Very abstract. Beautiful, but not in the same way as a dark church, with stern, candlelit icons and so on.

        1. There is no art because it is forbidden to have icons. So no paintings, no statues. Also, music is forbidden.

    2. Out of all the problems of the modern church, I’d say aesthetics are the least important. Can you imagine a real man throwing a fuss over a pot plant?
      In old times (and I mean really old times) people built churches and temples out of the stuff they had, which wasn’t much. Wood and stone were pretty much the only serious building materials, and churches were usually squat and exceedingly plain because, well, the people were fucking poor and couldn’t afford stained glass and high ceilings.
      If you ask me what a man’s church should be like, think a spartan wood cabin with no chairs. But really, the looks of a church matter zero to me.

      1. I think you are to some degree right. If your heart is already in the right place it doesn’t matter where you are, in what sort of surroundings. And certainly the church has bigger problems than aesthetics.
        Yet, it is hard to imagine an ugly church as a sacred and holy place, and yet modern churches are ugly, and thus they are not sacred.
        If your temple is within your heart, and you feel the connection to the divine wherever you are, good for you. I know, as someone raised entirely secular, in a secular country, that beauty brings my me out of the mud. Beauty is one method to bring our hearts towards divinity when we are ignorant of it.

        1. Poor churches still had religious paintings. No, they weren’t expensive stained glass, but there was artwork nonetheless.

        2. Absolutely. And a simple icon, even if it were only painted of ochre and charcoal, has more value than any pretentious modern art they might use in churches today.

  43. Gotta love the churches and their treatment of men. They throw money at single mom’s and never criticize then for being whores. They shame men and try to get them to donate money, help single mom’s move and renovate. . For two years now I’ve seen mothers day at church. All women are praised and worshipped on mothers day. I’ve heard. Preachers here say God will send that woman a dad for her kids. On father’s day the message is essentially man up. . Last year the had handouts with man up on the cover. It makes me sick it’s nothing but a place for women to blame and shame men into raising another thugs kids.

    1. My buddy told me that his church recently announced they were going to be raising money to buy cars for single moms–you know,to show them love and support them. And his church is also starting a Christmas gift card rally for the single moms and their kids. I’m all for helping kids get gifts at Christmas but I am sure as hell not buying some chick Christmas gifts because she most likely destroyed her marriage on purpose and is now a “victim”.

  44. Ultimately, modern christian churches are nothing but Jesus-themed chick-friendly entertainment parks, 501(c) money-making machines built around a rock stage and mediocre demagogues. And make money, they do – their product is salvation and Feels. Any serious bit of theology is left behind. See also Dalrock’s blog.
    And a bit of self-link-whorery, If I may:
    PS Where’s Cui Pertinebit? Right up his alley.

  45. It’s all about whatever brings the money in-and churches have realized that going feminine and making people feel good will fill the seats. Evangelical church music these days sounds like commercial jingles or ditties written for kids, not the music appropriate for contemplating death, immortality, evil, the meaning of existence, the vastness of the universe, etc. The preaching contains no thought-provoking, challenging, apple-cart upsetting examinations of philosophy or human nature, no guidance for men of how to live a life that maintains a high level of civilization, and no warnings of how foolish choices and self-indulgence can lead to ruin-it’s all “you don’t have to do anything, because Jesus did it all.”

    1. Very much a consequences-free attitude. “It doesn’t matter how you live, because Jesus forgives! Unless you catch an STD.”

  46. Been there, done that. Exactly. Even explored Eastern Orthodox (OCA, which is basically FOR converts) and found them almost like Jews, a bit too “ethnic” and “your an outsider-ish”, but props to them about being clear about women’s roles in Church: There are none, at least in leadership. Another church had a “Dudes of the Calvary” group or whatever. Womens’ groups are called “Ladies of the…” but the men, almost embarrassed to be viewed as actual gentlemen, try to be “cute” to downplay any perceived manliness factor. And of course, as Dalrock has pointed out, almost every Pastor has a “man up” sermon (speech) prepared to give once a month, and ZERO criticism of single moms, or born-again “Virgins”, etc.

    1. I had the same problem when coming to Eastern Orthodoxy. I decided to just accept the “you’re an outsider” mentality as a negative in exchange for all the positives. And I’ve noticed with Greeks that many of them really try to get over that notion but just can’t because it’s too ingrained.
      There was a podcast on AFR called “Not in praise of single mothers”.

  47. I may not agree with everything yall post, but I respect yall for having enough heart to not be pc. love homie. oh and by the way, fuck religion and fuck your churches.

  48. So I started dating a Russian immigrant girl, here since childhood now 23. She is Protestant and has fucked 3 dudes and jerked of nearly 10 men, mostly strangers on vacation in Vegas or Tahoe. Well fuck me, just a watered down version of an american whore. Tried to jerk me off last week after meeting at club and went to church on Sunday. WTF This is the best that I’ve found though.

    1. “You can’t judge! The Bible says you aren’t allowed to judge!!!”–American female “christian”

    2. Remember that if she says she’s fucked 3 dudes, that means she’s fucked at least 6 and jerked off at least 20.
      Have fun.

  49. Also, raised in SSPX, trad catholic, cult of Blessed Mommy. The women of my family and so many of my friend throw fits like children weekly, need to be disciplined, but all you’d here in church is “ROSSAAAARY” Fuck that shit !!! It is the mother goddess. Here is one for any catholics, the rosary allegedly comes from yet another apparition, private sources of revelation are optional in belief, not part of “the faith”. Sunday sermon “The rosary is almost as important as the Mass” no Padre, did you sleep at seminary. oh and you are a fucking pussy !!!

    1. Mary has replaced Jesus. Notice roman catholic websites and other public images feature prominently the mother mary and baby Jesus. Rather than primarily Jesus the King of Kings conquerer of evil, devourer of death.

  50. Churches are following the culture which is becoming feminized. Churches have to keep the pews filled with saps and $$ money for the till and of course to not “scare the women”.

  51. I’m LDS (Mormon) and proud to say each of these points apply little to us (relatively). Make no mistake about it, many LDS guys are beta, particularly in Utah, but at least we stand up to the feminists and gay activists. The music doesn’t pretend to be modern and hip, the instruction is actually informative, we don’t apologize for having backbone (google mountain meadows massacre), and women happily keep traditional roles. Common church buildings don’t look great but the temples do. As weak as Mitt Romney looked, at least he stood up and tried to do something about the crap leading our country.

    1. I don’t believe in the LDS theology and to be honest, attended for a little while because I was dating an LDS girl. That being said, you guys do a great job preparing women for becoming a wife someday. My girlfriend told me she attended classes in church growing up learning how to bake, be feminine, and how to be a supportive wife

    1. Exactly. That reminds me of Pope Francis, who is trying so hard to be buddies with the Muslims, the Jews, the Hindus, the Buddhists, the Taoists, the Protestants and the Atheists that he has forgotten that he’s there for the Catholics.

  52. Christianity is one huge joke. Funny how people can be this disillusioned. This goes for all religions, by the way.

  53. You forgot the other two places you will find men: Latin Masses and in hard core reformed churches. Oh, and among the Mennonites. If a church has female elders, it’s going to stop feeding anybody any bread, let alone meat.

  54. Another tough guy misses the point.
    Nothing about true Christianity has anything to do with the entertainment value of the church you attend. Nor does it have to do, frankly, with whether or not you think Biblical scholars write anything of intelligence. If you understood the faith rather than just going on holidays or when some new trick drug you to service, you’d understand these things and, probably, think maybe you don’t know it all.
    Bad churches exist. Stop attending them. Go to a real church but first, make sure your faith and heart are in the right place rather than expecting the facility to do those things for you.

  55. “The historical Jesus was a sexless vagrant…”
    The historical Jesus never existed. There were dozens of historians in the time of Jesus’ supposed life. Why doesn’t any of them mention a guy walking on water?
    Every time I hear someone mention Jesus as a historical person, I have to laugh.

    1. Because until he “rose from the dead”, no one from the “in crowd” took him seriously, and after the fact, it still took a lot of convincing to spread the good word. What I think happened, is he just survived the cross by going into torpor or some mind of matter buddhist monk shit, and from that “statistically unlikely event/ie miracle”, a world wide religion was born by word of mouth. The truest part of the bible may be his survival of the cross. The rest is only partially true at best.

  56. I’m not very well read or high profile here but religion has always interested me deeply since I was a child and I have a question. One biblical passage has always stuck with me. I try to make supposedly complicated things as simple as possible. Anyway, here it is “And
    I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will
    build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” That’s pretty straight forward to me. What else can it be but the Roman Catholic Church and/or Eastern Orthodox. I see no mention of Luther, Wesley, Calvin or your favorite televangelist preaching from a mega church. So what say you? If I’m wrong show me the error of my ways.

    1. If you ask me, that’s a fairly weak justification for a church with a complicated administrative structure and a man, elected by other men, who claims to be the representative of God on this planet. Peter may have been designated as the man who should spread the gospel, as he did, but I don’t see how that would justify any organised church as it exists today.
      And in any case, a force much weaker than the actual gates of hell has already managed to prevail against the church: in the mid-ninth century, the Arabs managed to take, loot and vandalise the old Saint Peter’s basilica.

      1. You can make any assumption about me you want. I was raised Catholic when it meant something. My current religious views are mine and not the purvey of the internet. At least not at the moment. Any church or all the churches in the world could be vandalized by Arabs or whoever and that would not mean the gates of hell have prevailed. The Muslims could chop all of our heads off and it would not mean the gates of hell had prevailed. God has the final word. As for your views on modern religion Christianity is one of the linchpins of Western Civilization and it’s decline is part of the overall state of decay, if not outright death spiral we now find ourselves in. It has been my experience that many so called fundamentalists constantly remind us of the inerrancy of the Scripture. I just wondered how that particular quote might be viewed. That’s all.

  57. I do NOT believe in God. God and religion and spirituality are the exact opposite of what the red pill embodies. So I do not take part in drinking the Kool-Aid. I do, however, believe 100 percent in girls and women drinking this very Kool-Aid. Without the inculcated fear of God in their every fiber, females will all become whores.
    This was all explained to me by my Muslim friend when we were discussing religion. I said religion is for idiots, no offense; with what we know now, how can anybody still believe in 72 virgins and Holy Trinities and owning your own planet, etc. etc.? When the conversation veered toward women, he said sometimes it’s just best to shut up and go along with the lie. Religion is the only reason women wear the wrap. It’s the only reason they’re meek, modest, feminine, elegant. Were they to discover the truth, all hell would break loose (see “America”). My friend was employing doublethink. It was amazing. I since have altered my beliefs, and completely support religion, so long as it is a means to keeping women modest and moral.

    1. That’s a fair point. While I’m not a Christian in terms of theology, I tend to vote for a fundamentalist party in my country (the Netherlands, which makes it all the more surprising that there’s a fairly popular party that’s so fundamentalist it wants to re-introduce capital punishment because the Bible says it’s alright). It’s because they’re the only ones who see the moral and cultural decay of the country for what it is, even if they’d probably crack down on me for not going to church.

    2. Quite a fair point. I was gonna ask why not to date an atheist, as you replied in my comment earlier… I guess agnostic is the way to go, someone who is airhead enough not to pick a side…

      1. Nothing wrong with a God-fearing female. As I said, religion keeps women moral and modest.
        Remember, if they’re atheists, they’re usually feminists, and if they’re feminists, they’re, well, feminists, and no further explication is needed.

    3. After seeing the trainwrecks “skepchicks” make of their lives, and how they have brought chaos and strife into the organized atheist community, I agree with you. Girls need strict, conservative, traditional religious indoctrination in patriarchal families to make society function. Men can handle philosophy, freethinking, skepticism, science, the Red Pill, etc. But we should keep women far away from those dangerous ideas.

    4. “sometimes it’s just best to shut up and go along with the lie.” This is a golden gem of wisdom

  58. Christianity, it seems, has caught the same virus that the rest of society caught in the late 1960s and early 1970s. It has turned into something soft, self-loathing and distinctly feminine. Even the core theology of the religion has been affected – turning the other cheek has now become a moral absolute from which you can’t deviate even if it’s in self defence, and forgiving your enemies now means facilitating and funding those who seek to destroy you, end your religion and eradicate your culture.
    It’s ghastly, and it’s a real shame that a religion which used to produce the greatest minds and the greatest feats of art and architecture in human history has now resorted to the same praise of post-modern art and post-modern progressive idealism that has been ruining secular society for decades.

    1. Yep, . I’ve heard that. . Modern churches expect you as a man to be a doormat and get treated like dirt. They get so angry if you rightfully defend yourself.

  59. Great points. My pastor is open to these criticisms and I’ve shared these with him as well as other guys. A few months ago he started a men’s group that could easily be a blend of what you are saying and what Dalrock writes. I’m actually getting something out of it. This last week he discussed how feminism has destroyed the modern church and showed us examples in the Bible when men decided to let their wives be in control and not lead which led to their downfall (Abraham and others).
    I grew up with hymns and can’t stand half of the music at church these days either. I would like to see older songs with strong male themes like Onward Christian Solider, etc instead of the “Jesus is my boyfriend and I want to hang out with him” nonsense they have these days.
    Worth mentioning, he quoted a seculiar author’s criticism as saying that churches are fifty years behind the rest of society as far as accepting women in leadership, basically this author was saying that in order for the church to be valid, it needs to get with the times and have men step aside. My pastor said that with the homosexuality agenda full fledged and churches accepting it and embracing it (i.e, Methodists and Presbyterians) that in fifty years church may not be recognizable unless men make a stand now.

  60. Christian MGTOW here, and my advice is to simply find another church. Nondenominational churches seem to eschew all the “fixins” you (rightfully) condemned.
    And yeah, stop catering to women. They’re sinners too. Mark Driscoll had a habit of bullying and harassing the men in his congregation and now he and Mars Hill Church are reaping the whirlwind.

  61. I’ve suffer from depression for years as well as unemployment. . I took my issues to the church. A huge mega church in Southlake Texas called gateway. It’s top ten in size nationally and they have 50 plus million in assets. I have been ignored, blamed, shamed and told to man up. I have been told I’m causing my problems. I have witnessed single mom’s with three kids from three days be taken in and helped. They have given these women cash, places to live, free daycare, they have a men’s brigade that helps single mom’s move and do things every Saturday morning. When a single man in need asks for help we are told to stop whining and man up. The church doesn’t give a damn about men. They wonder why 60%of church members are women.

    1. There are no gods in this world, my friend. It’s a shitty thing to say, but you have to help yourself- most people do not care about you. Good people have always been a minority.

      1. Gods are created by mankind and reflect their characeristics. If you are an insane madman, so is your god. Look at Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
        Who ever “Jesus” from my point of view is completely contrary to who and what the Gnostics and Essenes believed. He was no “pussy.” He understood the human condition. He educated those that would listen. He did not refer to himself as a god. He called himself “The Son of Man.” He asked Peter who people thought he was, Peter said “The Messiah” and rebuked him, telling him basically to shut the fuck up about that.
        Gnostics saw the “recognized” creator as Samael which means “The blind god.” An abberation. They also believed there was no messiah and that a mans relationship to the “Divine Essence” or life force was a personal relationship. No third party could be a arbitor between a man and his creator. The early “christian” church was NOT founded by Jesus but by Rome. The early Christian founders branded Gnostics as Heretics and basically slaughtered the Gnostics and the Cathars.
        Seems the Cathars and the Gnostics were really on to something and literally had to be stamped out. Jesus seemed to be a very real and revolutionary character that challenged the establishment so much it was extremely important for them to kill him and everyone that followed him. They created a god out of a man that never claimed to be a god. Their image of “Christ” is a man on a cross. Crucifixion was a Roman state punishment. It was a warning. Modern christianity is a warning. Their icon is a man on a cross. The state created a god and they killed that god.
        The world will allow you to say or believe anything. If you have a following contrary to the establishment, they will go out of their way to kill you and everyone associated with you.
        This is my opinion but I encourage you to do some reading on Gnosticism, the Essenes and the early Christian Church.

  62. This and the PC friendly environment and challenging things or researching (spare the rod, spoil the child is one) make it harder to go. I love when pastors discuss other stuff we never hear about even in the world. Maybe I want a roman coliseum with great discussions going on our something.

  63. The historical Jesus was a sexless vagrant

    Unless Jesus married Mary Magdalene. She appears in all four of the contradictory gospel accounts of Jesus’ resurrection, in a culture which had powerful taboos regulating the handling of corpses and physical contacts between unrelated men and women. The fact that this Mary felt comfortable “anointing” Jesus’ naked body suggests that she had social permission to do that as Jesus’ wife.

    1. This is ROK, not the Da Vinci Code forum. Take that bullshit somewhere else. And please don’t bother trying to imply that I’m butthurt. That’s just a natural response from someone who doesn’t have any serious evidence to back up his claims.

      1. Let me guess, you didn’t know that there were several accounts of the gospel and that the council of Nicaea just arbitrarily chose one version?
        Hell, revelations almost didn’t make it into the bible because they thought it was too fucking crazy even 1700 years ago.

        1. The first list of the 27 books of the New Testament didn’t appear together until a pastoral letter by St Athanasios in the 4th century. He wrote it to protect his people from Arianism. Over time, it just became accepted, but the Catholic Church never officially adopted it until after Martin Luther.

        2. Weak response. Even if I weren’t aware, what you just wrote has absolutely nothing to do with what was posted. Nice attempt at putting me on the defensive with a little misdirection, but that’s a tactic I’ve seen a million times before.

    2. Or, he was a sexless vagrant, and nobody gave a crap what some renegade douchebag slut did with his body, live or dead.

  64. I liked Mel Gibson’s movie. It didn’t pull punches. You spend considerable time castigating the church for showing you a pretty Jesus without blemish (I agree with this) then blast the one movie that shows you the reality of crucifixion in all its gory details. What is acceptable – Life of Brian? Yes church is pussified and you shouldn’t go to an American one. Yes Jesus is real, was real, really suffered, created the cosmos you are standing in, and will take your sinned covered carcass and chuck it out of his heaven if you do not repent of sin. The last part is true whether American churches stay fem-centered or actually start preaching the real truth.
    You have a choice while you’re alive. If you decide to choose hell as a man then that’s your choice but it won’t be the churches fault, your mom’s fault, women’s fault, or Mel Gibson’s fault – just yours. I have made my choice and it is not dependent on the decor of American churches. Now make yours.

    1. A lot of people’s problem with the Mel Gibson movie was that it was ONLY the crucifixion and nothing else. They barely even showed the resurrection. Also, it’s just gross. You’ve got to find the happy medium.

  65. good piece…if you really look deeper into religions and who wrote the bible, quran, etc… you see just how much it’s really bullshit and that in the end we choose our own morals.
    sex, money, and personal power = all bad according to religion
    I can’t sacrifice that shit man

    1. Not really. Ask yourself something.. Would you prefer a world/society were there was more respect 1950’s and decades prior? Or a world were you could do whatever you want, morals in the toilet, families weakened, murders often, a cesspool of debauchery?? In the bible it speaks about how money answers all things. Sex is a extremely powerful thing. Im not sure what country your in, but here in the USA, there is a hidden epidemic of STD’s. Regardless of how hot a woman is, after the deed is done and God forbid you catch something.. Ask yourself was it really worth it?

      1. Honestly, I prefer a world where you consciously choose your own morals. I don’t want to live like the 1950s. I don’t want to live like the current middle east. Everyone glamorizes yesteryear so much, everything we do now they did then, only they just had to hide it. it was a big time of repression. I like true freedom. There were murders, debauchery, and bad families back in the 50s too. it’s not like the concept of these things just came about in our time. the words themselves are older than us.
        In sports they always talk about how the media used to cover up the “immoral” things that the athletes did in the 50s. Today the media just exposes rather hides it.
        yes there are stds today — strap up and don’t fuck everything with 4 lips just because you can. there are car crashes on the road, yet I still drive, there are plane crashes, yet I still fly, there are bar fights, yet I still go out at night, someone gets food poisoning everyday, yet I still eat etc. if I fall victim to either of those things was it worth it? point is in each and every way you are risking your life and health every single day. life itself is a gamble. we are all born with an expiration date and tomorrow is not guaranteed. I choose to look fear in the eye,tell fear to go fuck itself, live courageously, and take calculated risks.
        For everything you mention about the bible I can find something completely contradictory in it. or even better yet, I can find something morally reprehensible that the preachers never mention in the church. and of course, christian apologists will have some bs excuse for it. you choose your own morals.
        as far as beyonce and kim. the kardashians obviously use people for fame and money. they have no considerable talent, yet they are famous because a bitch fucked a famous person on tape and they continue to build on that. I give them alot of credit, they’re some slick bitches man. they are playing the game on all madden. beyonce and jay-z recognize that they are a brand are just one step ahead of them in the game. why knowingly let a person play you?
        michael jordan is a hyper competitive asshole athlete. however, that drove him to become the iconic champion, this man is synonymous with winning. so naturally when ppl try and compare lebron to him, he is going to take shots and dead that noise. seriously, that type of competitive drive will always need an outlet.
        of course we all want money, power, and sex. not to be invincible, but for the freedom and the pleasure that it brings. religion just tries to tell you that it’s bad. and again. I cannot and will not let that shit fly with me. I can’t live my life based off of what hebrew shepherds, romans who decided what books were and were not to be considered “the word of god”, and king james (who ironically is lying buried between his two gay lovers today) thought was the right thing to do. let me ask you a sincere question: if your ancestors were not slaves, would you still be a christian?

        1. Nah, negative. I don’t agree. I believe people back then had more of a conscious back then. Speaking to folks in their 40’s,50’s,60’s,70’s they actually saw the decline in America. This is not opinion, pure fact. I do a tremendous amount of reading. It’s nothing like having people give pure facts about what was seen. It’s really not about a individual thing, it’s more about the success of society. As families go, so does society. May have been bad families, but it was the minority, not the majority. These days, the idgaf attitude, has become rampant in society. Serious lack of conscious.
          Ahh well, the wolf, is huge… More like a hidden thing. It’s always near.. Lurking in the background. I respect the path you choose.
          Well back then, things weren’t in your face 24/7. The reason why I dodge it is because I see how dudes act with power, very few have humility, from what I seen. Many of them act like high school boys. And I’m like wtf is the sense of it?? They just wanna feel good about themselves to make others feel bad….. Nowadays people always wanna be scene. Even if they were like that in the 50’s, the media wasn’t exposing it like that. I feel like they attack people every chance they get. Social Media just fuels it x 10, lol.
          Of course life is a gamble. I totally agree, I’m forever trying different food. I love to eat, and I love the night life. Fights are avoidable.
          Well please explain. However, with it, just know it was written in a different time. Like all of those books weren’t written at the same time. To be honest with you, I don’t follow some preachers because it has become a money game. Some get into it the same way guys get into rap, for the money. No substance, no positive difference. Then again those false teachers have always been around since ancient times.
          I feel you. To be honest, I don’t even think Kim wanted that tape to get leaked. It leaks, she this pretty Armenian woman that sleeps with Ray-J. She gets known, so she’s like F it. Imma ride this situation until I can’t anymore. At the end of the day, I believe many people are opportunists. I rather get the gold before someone else will.
          Yes Mike was truly a winner. I think that is a beautiful thing. However, people crucify LeBron more than any man in America. The hate for that man is up there with Osama, Saddam, Timothy McVeigh, etc…. This man is hated more than a husband who cheated.
          Jay-Z And Beyonce. It’s not letting someone play them, they think they will have the title forever. Being Queen and King of their craft. I’ve been following Jay career for a long time. I believe the man is intimidated. Kim doesnt even make music, yet Beyonce is intimidated by Kim beauty.
          Lmaooooo hebrew Shepherd! Your a funny man.
          Lol Idk where you have gotten that from, probably some person that couldnt divide the word. However, money answers all things. If someone cut me a check to enhance my business, depending on the value, my life would literally change overnight. The problem these days is excessive indulgence lmaoooo! I would be lying if I said I didnt want some millions right now. I want to provide for my future wife whoever she is and my future kids. Enhance my community.
          Honestly, I only go back to my great grandparents on my mother’s side. I’m not sure of the rest of my family tree. My parents are the best my family has ever seen. They live what they teach. So I give the gold to them. My parents taught me about my faith. Even if King James was gay, I can’t deny the profound truth I have came across in the word. However, think of how much young people love high end fashion, most men in the fashion industry is gay, lol.

        2. Im friends with and talk to alot of old heads and OGs too. It was still pimpin and hoin back then. The women were still cheating on their husbands with the milkman and the like. Ppl were still snorting coke and smoking pot. Homes were respect homie. we prob agree in more areas than we disagree.

        3. Yes exactly. I believe if was there as well… Just nowadays, people have no shame and it’s actually promoted in a way lol. Nice chatting with you. Yeah we probably do agree in more areas. Peace.

      2. People in the 50s and earlier were not better than now. Those are rose tinted lenses you’re looking through.
        All the sex and violence you see on TV, etc? Was always there. It was just never as easily exposed as it is now.
        Crime in America has been plummeting for decades. Murders? Rapes? Burglaries?
        Over the last two decades the number of incidences of those things have plummeted. Why?
        Tolerance. The fact is a little kindness goes a long way towards stopping someone from having enough hate in their heart to want to kill or hurt.
        Gay people used to be thought of as prone to excessive violence because of something wrong with them but really, if I were to have been given the grief and abuse they got in those decades, I would probably enjoy stomping on a face now and then.
        Same with the rampant racism that’s taken decades to get better and looks to be getting worse again.
        Sure, we’re always going to have a bad element to our societies, can never be removed fully. 1 in 20 of us are born sociopathic. Every now and then a kid is going to murder for fun or someone will decide “Fuck it.” and indulge in his/her darkest fantasies.
        Some people seem to think morals are worse now but I really don’t see how.
        Who cares about celebrities? They’re typically vain narcissists who are obviously going to piss more grounded people off.
        There may be an STD epidemic but hey, at least that’s almost all consensual sex, and frankly once you’ve found out you’ve got an STD that tends to put a damper on the promiscuity. Most people are not complete idiots their whole lives even if they are idiots when they’re young.
        I would fight tooth and nail to block a return to how things were in the 50s and earlier. The racism. The sexism. The hypocritical attitudes. The nationalistic attitudes. and all the rest of it.
        No thanks.
        Having said that though people knew how to dress stylish in those days. Even if they had rubbish attitudes.

    2. Have you read the Koran? It’s all about sex, money, and personal power. Surahs 4 and 9 are the best ones. It’s a hilarious book because it’s trying to be really liberal towards women (and for it’s day, it was), but it’s still absolutely terrible. And really, as soon as Islam was founded, they immediately tried to conquer the world. Christianity didn’t start that until St Constantine, and even then it wasn’t until Charlemange that they first forced newly conquered people to convert under fear of death (for the record, the church condemned that action of his).
      Read the Dawood translation of the Koran. It’s older and done by an academic who respected it, so it’s not influenced by the controversies today.

      1. what I mean when I say that, is that most organized religions are based around the social constraints regarding sex, money, and power, of the person who wrote that particular book. Then they are projected as the morality and direction of a god. When in really it is only the morality and thoughts of a man just like you and I.
        yea man the quran is wild. it’s easily one of the reasons why there will probably never be peace in the middle east. the crusades killed alot off ppl too you’re right. also even without charlemange or constantine, there is still a ripe history of groups of europeans killing ppl in the name of christianity.

        1. My point with Constantine and Charlemange was not that they were isolated events but that religious killing took a long time to develop in Christianity. Muhammad, on the other hand, was a warlord.

        2. I agree with you, when I looked into who muhammad was, I realized why the quran is so full of violence. I just look at the big picture. both religions have killed tons of ppl to grow to be as widely practiced as they are.

  66. I have no problem with religion. For the most part and historically, it has always seemed to be an effective way to subvert people of lesser intellect (most people) and help tame the beast that is female nature. Much of it is the wisdom of our ancient fathers, packaged to fill the void of fear of death in the human condition. To me, I never understood the nonbelievers crying out against Christianity here in America. You found out something obvious? Great job Curtis. Have an apple and take a seat. It’s like a whole group of people being proud that they found out how to take a dump

    1. Well, people talk about how much killing has been done in the name of Christianity. Some of that is an exaggeration, but it’s true. However, compare that to its rival religions (paganism, Islam, and Bolshevism) and tell me which is more prone to murder and rape.

      1. Bolshevism is an ideology, not a religion, you dolt.
        Hell even Dante’s inferno had degrees. Islam may be worse than Christianity but that doesn’t make Christianity any better or more importantly, it doesn’t make it anymore true.

        1. Did I strike a sore spot, Mr. “I took one philosophy class in college”? How is Bolshevism not a religion? It certainly has an absolutist worldview that it spreads through propaganda and other means.
          Stalin understood that religion and secularism could not exist together. The two may agree on somethings like building hospitals, but they have applications that are too contradictory. Obviously, I don’t condone his methods, but he understood that people need to believe in something and that that something is strongest when everyone believes in it.

        2. Because a religion is a belief in the supernatural. While the Bolsheviks did use religious themes they never told anyone to worship anything, they were for the most part atheists.

        3. Okay, but there are many forms of Buddhism that are atheistic. Perhaps in the strictest definition, religion involves a belief in something transcendent, but practically there are many aspects of it found both in Soviet atheism and Anglo-American atheism.
          Bolshevism, while it never had a direct worship, did have creepy cult things like placing a cube in your living room to remind you of Lenin. And have you heard they’re music? It’s almost religious. It makes you realize how lame our national anthem is.
          It reminds me of the Muldowney soundtrack to 1984 movie (George Orwell). The music will make you love Big Brother. Look up the main theme on Youtube. It combines march, orchestral, and hymnological genres in a way you just don’t find in America.

        4. As for your comment, “it doesn’t make it anymore true”, you’re absolutely right. However, I’m not talking about truth, and I don’t think Cisscum above was either. We’re just talking function.
          In the late 10th century, the king of Kiev wanted a religion to unite his people. After all, feudal and even ethnic loyalties can be fickle. He sent ambassadors around the world. They observed Latin Christianity and Islam and were fairly unimpressed, but when they visited Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, they knew they found the best choice. Look up a video of a Russian Orthodox service. It’s absolutely beautiful. And so despite all the political turmoil and oppression Russia has been through in the last 1000 years, the people have always maintained a strong Orthodox identity. Putin realizes this, and he’s careful to play into that. Faking religion is just good politics (see also our own politicians and news commentators).

        5. Yes, so what? We weren’t discussing Buddhism. The fact still stands that Bolshevism isn’t a religion.

  67. What is it about Western Christians that they feel there MUST be rock music to accompany the spread of scripture? There are Muslim hip hop groups, but they don’t feel they need to rap about God, there are Jewish rock bands- but they don’t feel they need to rock on about Yhwy, Greek/Coptic/Syrian Orthodox ditto. Here’s the thing, if Nirvana was a christian rock band, they would have been unbelievably huge! But they weren’t. But there USED to be, back in middle ages. In fact, there have been few gifted/artistic/geniuses since the 17th century that have channeled their spirituality to create art that inspires faith. Why is that? Michaengelo, Thomas Aquinuas, Franz Shubert, etc. Where ARE they? Or (scary part), it was just another job for them and the Church but there stamp on it and said they were “inspired” by Christ?

    1. That’s what some people say. The church was where the money was at the time and hence they produced music for the church instead of the dirt-poor general public.
      I personally don’t believe that to be the case. Feelings can invoke very good artistry. Many good artists become awful as soon as they become main stream because they needed the hardships to fuel their creativity. Faith can fuel creativity in the same way. I don’t really see any reason to believe that Schubert, for an example, wouldn’t really have been religious.

  68. A wise, even if probably a bit dialectically materialist, man once said: “To understand religion in America, you must understand the free market”. I think there’s quite a bit to that, considering how religion is free-for-all, and consumers of religion decide which churches rise and which crumble by voting with their feet and their wallets.
    Several studies have shown that women are on average more religious than men, and for that to be cross-culturally true, and independent of how patriarchal the religious tradition they adhere to is. As such, Church Inc. has a self-interest in pandering to them. In addition, given the cultural climate of contemporary America, which spouse is more likely to drag a reluctant significant other to come along to Church? If the wife does that, she gets cheered on by the Man-Uppers, while if the husband tried to do that, he would be branded as an evil oppressive patriarch and a wife-abuser.
    I’m no Church historian, but I suspect the pussification of American Christianity is largely a consequence of economics. Those old-fashioned preachers who unapologetically proclaimed the patriarchal authority of the husband didn’t have a change of heart, their congregationists did and the congregations went bankrupt.

  69. I’m Baha’i and not Christian, I don’t go to enough stuff to say how feminised my religion is. Will be keeping a finger on this issue though.

  70. Many of the songs are passionate, feminine love songs to Jesus that no man can sing without his balls shrivelling. And yes, there’s pretty much noting in the sermons beyond “Jesus is nice, and wants to make our day nicer!” Where is the pastor willing to preach that gluttony is a sin, that people given to that sin bear the price of it in their bodies, and that unrepentant and persistent sinners go to hell?
    I went to church again a couple of years back. Here’s the story: http://paulmurray.wordpress.com/2012/04/02/so-i-went-to-church/

  71. I was a strong committed Christian. My parents met in my childhood church. I went to church every Sunday, I met my wife in church we married in my childhood church. I served for years on church boards and I taught Sunday school. Then one day my minister announced he would like to start performing gay marriages in our church. I was very uncomfortable but he worked behind the scenes and got everyone on board. I reluctantly agreed but said that if it is necessary to do then do it in quiet and don’t make a scene.
    Now he goes around promoting our church as gay friendly and promoting gay marriage. Not only have I not set foot in the door for the past 18 months, I went from practicing Christianity for about 40 years to quitting my faith as well.
    At one church outing before I quit, the gay guys who made the scene and insisted on getting married in our church starting making gay sexual innuendo jokes in front of my wife and kids. We left disgusted that we cannot even have a place to go that does not shove feminism and homosexuality in our face.
    My childhood church will be filled with gay families, no kids and will be all but gone in 20 years.
    Thanks alot, no more church, no more Christ, my spirit and faith is dead.

    1. Of curse he did. Your preacher knew as much as anyone else that his religion is all bull shit. He decided to maximize his profit out of this bullshit.

    2. I’m sorry for your experience, but it was due to the evil actions of people, not Jesus.

  72. The most important reason is, of course, that it’s all fucking made up by bronze age camel-fuckers. What the hell could they possibly have to say that’s of any relevance today? I find ancient European mythology much better at explaining the nature of man. Polytheism sees the world in shades of grey. Monotheism is just black or white, that’s not what the world is like.

  73. many of you are not interested in religion, which is ok, I’m not gonna preach. but for those men that are, I’d suggest finding a church that has a biker chapter such as Fellowship Riders. These churches tend to be less pussified and more about helping out your brothers through life’s hard times (addiction, death, divorce, consumerism)

  74. How about BECAUSE THERE IS NO GOD! There is a reason that the average religious person has an IQ 10 points below an atheist. Religion prays on weakness of character it doesn’t build it.

  75. As a devout Catholic who grew with the Mexican tradition, I believe you make fine, lucid points in your article. However, I respectfully disagree with your description of Jesus in point number 4. As I recall when Jesus walked into the temple and found peddlers hocking their goods and money traders running their schemes he fashioned a whip out of rawhide rope and promptly whipped the hell out of them. Then he went on to trash their tables and stalls. Those are not the actions of a pussy. Furthermore, when faced with the hypocrisy of the Pharisees as they were about to stone a woman, or when faced the power of Rome itself in the form of Pontius Pilate, Jesus neither begged for mercy nor tried to run but instead faced his adversaries calmly.
    In addition to your comments about the character of Jesus, I also disagree with, albeit to a lesser extent about your views on the way Jesus is visually depicted. It is certainly true that Jesus tend to be portrayed as very calm and gentle, however there are more than enough gory crucifixes and paintings of him in modern American Catholic churches to go around. My own church has a 6 foot tall crucifix at the foot of the altar with the the nails clearly protruding from Jesus’ hands and feet as well as blood gushing down his side and head from the crown of thorns and the wound in his side. I have traveled to several other churches in my diocese and I have yet to see an airbrushed depiction of the crucifixion although I must concede that when it is simply Jesus being portrayed he is shown rather feminine.

    1. So fucking original, wow, what a depth of thought you possess. Also, the same groups pushing feminism are also pushing atheism…. So you refuse the dick when it comes to feminism and gargle it when it comes to atheism? And you call yourself red pill?

      1. Just because somebody is a feminist it doesn’t mean that he or she is automatically wrong when it comes to everything else.
        Some of the best picking apart of feminist theory, or should I say theology, that I’ve seen on youtube comes from the (in)famous thunderf00t.
        The fact of the matter is that religion can’t survive scientific scrutiny. The bible has more holes in it than a Swiss cheese.

        1. Religion is not about science. It’s about social relations, social order and personal spirituality. Some advice may seem dated nowadays, but don’t throw away the baby with the bath water. There’s still a lot a valuable insight to gain from some religious teachings, including many old rules for good living that DO have sound scientific basis in fact (like rules about cleanliness such as locating latrines away from living quarters, even the muslim Halal rules make a lot of sense as solid food handling rules in the context of the times). So much for it not having any scientific basis. Not true. 🙂
          And I say this as a non religious agnostic myself. Whether you believe in religion in toto or only in part, or believe or not in an afterlife, a God etc, the fact remains that a lot of the more practical philosophy there does make sense.

      2. Are you upset about something? I don’t care about groups bro, neither should you – be your own man.

    1. If you are of the church faith then no because the women will deny you sex unless you marry them unless you are not in the church then it could be easy

  76. Catholic here! It’s about as bad or worse in the Catholic Church and with the new Pope, expect it to get worse!
    With American Cardinal Dolan of NY now even allowing gays to march at St Patrick’s parade, while pro-life organisations are still banned from the same parade, you have to wonder what the hell is going on with the Catholic Church in America.
    There are no so many lapsed Catholics in the US, that if they were a Christian denomination by themselves, they would rank in the top 3!
    And the Catholic immigrants from South and Central America and Mexico are not going to save the Church – they shed the faith within a generation or less – so much for the feminised Catholic US church supporting immigration reforms in the hope more Catholics come to fill their coffers!
    Perhaps the only way to save it is for the entire edifice to collapse and fall down – this is how the Church has always been purified in the past and I see the same thing happening again – heck, the previous Pope, even said this, saying the Church might need to become smaller and get seriously pruned, so as to save Christianity!

  77. The Bible even quotes verses of the Old Testament that say that he was not remarkable in appearance and there was nothing to draw people to him.
    “He has no form or comeliness; and when we see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. 3 He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.”-Isaiah 52
    Jesus was routinely mistaken for a fisherman and a gardener. He probably looked like Mick Foley or an ill-kempt Danny Devito. Popular Mechanics ran a cover of what an Aramaic Jesus of Antiquity would have looked like. He didn’t look like a Calvin Klein model. He looked like a caveman!
    Any depiction of Jesus that your typical woman could masturbate to is a bullshit depiction of him.

  78. I’ve decided that a Church which doesn’t recognize a global threat to Christians, is no longer worth attending. When the Pope calls for the Defense of the Church via a declaration of Holy War against the Satanic Minions of islam, I’ll be back on board. Until that time, I’m just a non-practicing Catholic waiting for the end of Western Civilization.

  79. The internet/cell phone era has turned every westerner into a narcissistic, genius in their own minds, everybody is an expert on everything. In order to maintain any followers the various church organizations have to feed the ever growing list of narcissistic personalities. Any church telling women to stop being whores, and gays to straighten up is doomed, so the only option left is to feed the narcissism.
    The many church denominations might portray Jesus as effeminate, but he was more manly than anyone today. He was a carpenter, which meant he lugged tree’s with his bare hands, he was no stranger to hard labor. He stood up to the powers that be and was beaten, tortured, ridiculed and finally hung on a cross for the crucifixion festivities that was akin to Friday night smack down for the times. Personally if I stub my toe in the morning I’m ready to call it quits for the day.
    In an age of soft, pathetic, tech addicted cowards whose greatest thrill is how many thumbs up they get online, telling everyone who comes into your church that they’re nothing but pathetic milksops and hedonistic filth, will net you a following of zero. And lets not forget the MSM portrayal of heaven and hell. Heaven is where everyone is somber, mindless lemmings repeating several phrases over and over. Hell on the other hand is one big rock and roll alcohol drug party where every man has 76 hot virgin babes to bang.

    1. Solid words here. I think that this has been shown from a biblical perspective. Any true christian needs to grit their teeth and start really saying the offensive stuff to people.
      You know the kind of stuff that got Jesus killed and his disciples and pretty much the entire early church.
      Speaking like Joel Olsteen will get you lots of material things and mindless worms looking for feels.
      Speaking like Jesus gets you killed.
      When your life isn’t as important as something intangible like honor, integrity etc then I think you are truly touching the eternal.

  80. And, just two days after this article was posted, this video shows up on youtube. Some may find themselves having a different point of view on some of the religious elements, but I think this is a solid, red-pill view of women and how they have been degraded by modern leftism:

  81. Wow, I am really glad I found this site. And to think I did only because of the whole GamerGate thing (I do gaming journalism on the side for a friend’s website).
    I was always at least tangentially aware of the progressive influence in society, though I didn’t pay it any mind. What I never expected was to find its influence in the church. I have been a member of various Protestant-type congregations for years, and even though I am still a Christian, I am thoroughly disgusted with the modern church. Everything from the weak-as-skim-milk message (everyone wants to talk about Jesus like he didn’t throw moneychangers out of the temple or tell the Pharisees they were a brood of vipers) to the pathetic keyboard synth music. The whole thing is designed to be as inoffensive as possible, which is completely counter to Jesus. he wasn’t crucified because he made society and the powers at be feel comfortable! I feel feminized just talking about it. I wish there was a church that had real men in it – Jesus was a carpenter, for crying out loud. Can’t we do something with that?
    One thing I’d like to point out that was always particularly egregious is the “deacon handshake.” Shake hands with any man who is a member of the church staff – you invariably get this weak ass, two finger clutch from a hand that gets far too much (read: any) moisterizer. Just refuse to shake my hand – that would be preferable. And quit trying to hug me – I can smell your Stetson from here.

  82. Completely as an aside – Jesus almost certainly did not have long hair. As Paul indicated, short hair was custom for men at that time. And the guards did not recognize Jesus in the garden. So one can assume that His physical attributes did not make him stand out in a crowd (e.g., the guy with the long hair).

  83. It is truly unfortunate that this man’s experiences with Christianity were so negative. This is because Christianity sits at the very foundation of Western civilization, with its beautiful ideals, lack of moral compromise and utter domination in previous centuries.
    I would sincerely urge you to reconsider your stance. For me, traditional Catholicism had always been my rock. Its social teachings are timeless. It is still vibrant and still “up for a scrap” with forces of modernism, feminism, communism and all other associated evil “isms”. If there is one book I would recommend to get anyone to rekindle their love for Christianity, its the ” Imitation of Christ” by Thomas a Kempis.

  84. If you’re attending a christian “church” to be entertained, then perhaps you’re attending that building for the wrong reason… classic case of the Western consumer complex. I don’t condone the business “churches” have become. The church in its original context were and still should be God’s people. That’s church. Only in America/western world do we concern ourselves with buildings and music and all the other noise that makes up this evangelistic institutes called church today. As one born in the US, but raised by family from the Caribbean, where the buildings we congregated in were barely standing, had no windows, no AC or anything else that meets inspection, the people were truly Spirit lead and it was palpable! That is the result of God’s people being plugged into the direct Source, not from a poorly delivered sermon and volunteer band; OR a well delivered oration and Hillsong-like band. Even when Jesus was walking this Earth people had this sort of entertain-me complex. They came to Him for all the cool things He could do for them rather than truly listening to what He was saying and accepting salvation (John 6:26). So we’re all on the same page, read through the book of Acts and compare it truly meant to be a disciple or believe in The Way.

  85. As painful as it is I have to agree with almost everything you wrote.
    I grew up in church, my father was and is a Christian musician/minister. Fortunately for me he was one of the “good ones”. Didn’t force religion on me, wine flowed at our house, sex was looked at as an awesome act within marriage and christian music stayed far away from our stereo.
    I am now in my 30’s. I haven’t attended any church regularly for about 7 years and I have not felt closer to God in my life as I do right now. Jesus truly is the most revolutionary man in history. And the image portrayed of him in modern church sickens me. He was violent, charismatic, emotional, uncontrollable, wild and I bet extremely sexy in that rebel sort of way.
    Here’s my take on it… The church is a whore… but it’s also my mother.

  86. There is a really important reason for all of this: Christianity is the religion of the Anti-messiah(christ). Think about it, it’s the world’s largest religion (which goes directly against the verse Mat 7:14, “Because the gate is narrow and the way is hard pressed which leads to life, and there are few who find it”), it basically has nothing in common with what the Bible actually teaches, it celebrates pagan holidays, etc. They have crafted their own religion where you can do anything you want, sin is totally subjective and only the members of whatever ridiculous sect it is get to “go to heaven” (going to heaven and hell is found nowhere in the Bible, except for a symbolic parable).
    The true faith and foundation is found within the Torah and understanding flows from it. It is not the pagan sun-god religion copy that every other religion on Earth is, including traditional christianity. It’s really mind blowing to read the scriptures after your mind has been cleansed of all the lies and nonsense that the church teaches. Good luck finding people who actually want to read the Bible for what it says though. Most people I talk to can’t even name the ten commandments off the top of their head in order. It really shows how much they care about what they supposedly believe in.

  87. Talk with some Mormons they seem to be very traditional and don’t pander to the whims of society.

    1. I gamed a Mormon chick awhile back. She took it right up the old poop-chute. Nice girl, but I couldn’t join the Holy Temple. I’m not a woman’s God. Can’t do it, wouldn’t take it if you were selling it.

  88. Trap any male minister of any church against the wall and ask them what is the source of the majority of the conflict in their church.
    Unless the church is based on the patriarchal model (Mennonite, most independent Baptist), they will tell you 95% of the inner conflict in the church comes from the women.
    I actually did this and every minister confirmed it.

  89. while I can live with ugly buildings….
    “4. Your Jesus is a pussy
    5. Everything is marketed towards women”
    these two cannot be overstated enough.
    this is a great book that covers the topic of Jesus being turned into a girly man or to quote the book somewhere “a woman with a beard”
    highly recommend the book
    it’s why I am pro-Christ but anti-church….I cannot stand the male shaming anymore…..which I confess is a problem because I would love a family one day so finding someone who is in line with my views would be easier at church….but that would mean listening to what feels like 16 hours one day a week of useless male bashing drivel followed by girls sobbing openly when they bear testimonies or feel moved by the slightest bowel movement. Also the men that entertain this crap too….seriously just kill me before you drag me back there.

    1. Yup, I love Jesus. I have little use for the current state of his church or most of his so-called followers.

  90. Bingo to everything you wrote. A few years ago, I ended a relationship with someone who fit this mold to a “T.” The delusional, cognitive dissonance was confounding to the point where I had to leave in order to preserve my sanity. She would be mortified if I publicly used the word “hell,” or mentioned grabbing a six-pack for the softball game, yet she was a devoted watcher and follower of “Kendra,” “Chelsea Handler,” and “Eat, Pray, Love.” In fact, one of our last blowouts was over her defending the EatPrayLove whore and her “spiritual” choices.

  91. Visit a southern baptist church or Calvinist church. They think Jesus looks like Charles Spurgeon and women walk around with their heads to the floor with their 12 children in tow. Not every church thinks highly of women. Fundamentalists sure don’t. Complimentarian churches view men as superior. Maybe you’d fit in real well there.

  92. I sent this to two former classmates who are now ministers. They both completely ignored it and didn’t even acknowledge its receipt in later communications with them. Must’ve struck a sore spot.

  93. There are better ways to discuss matters than to scream like an idiot! Granted there are men who are definitely dishonorable and treat their wives/girlfriends horribly, in that case this sermon applies to them. Then he should specifically gather all those men(which will definitely be a very small group) and mentor them. For the majority of men who live honorably and with integrity they should totally ignore this idiot! Most men work hard to provide wealth and security for women who show no appreciation and an eagerness to “drop him like it’s hot” when they no longer require him; and I haven’t even spoken about if you’re married with kids (then you’re in an even stickier situation). In some countries where women are treated contemptuously, then this sermon would be appropriate in those scenarios. However, this does not apply to western society where women are hypergamous, and who don’t put in as much effort in a relationship as their men. In the Christian mentality, a man is expendable and is of no worth but to “lay down his life for his woman (Ephesians 5:25)”. Mark Driscoll, have you ever considered that these men who are dating have evaluated the situation and have come to the conclusion that these women are not worth marrying because they cannot employ with equivalent effort the drive and passion that’s being put into the relationship as the man; or have you ever considered that men are tired of providing for unappreciative selfish counterparts who berate and undermine his worth? Church and Christianity are plagued with feminazis who have made church music effeminate and untalented (“Jesus is my lover” kind of songs), the sermons are deplorable, like Mark Driscoll’s; and to top it of a man has to listen to some fool speak to him like this! I believe that (if I was a christian) church should be for EVERYONE but there is an over-powering feminine vibe going on there. This is the reason why REAL men don’t go to church! Church is for women, children and MANGINAs!

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