This Is What A Feminist Looks Like

From Wikipedia: A feminist advocates or supports the rights and equality of women.

Here are some feminists hard at work, abusing peaceful men while they pray and attempt to protect their cathedral from vandals.

Assault. Sexual assault. Vandalism. Spitting. Public indecency.

The last time I checked, these were crimes. So why didn’t the police intervene?

“I asked the police, I went down and said to the police, ‘If that was [sic] black men or Jews, you’d arrest those women. But why don’t you?’ They just looked very uncomfortable, and one of them said ‘We’re frightened of them.’”


‘La policía, si bien se destacó por una acción coordinada y eficiente para impedir mayores daños, no podía intervenir ante semejantes atropellos porque «son mujeres».’

Feminists know they can get away with whatever they want, as long as they screech loud enough.

This is what a feminist looks like.

‘Hey! But they’re not real Feminists…’

My bad, valued feminist lurker. I forgot that #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen only. Here are some real feminists (white ones) ‘advocating and supporting the rights and equality of women:’

Curbing Freedom of Speech. Intimidation.

False sexual assault allegation. Sickening, cowardly violence.

Vandalism. Trespassing. Abridging Freedom of Speech. Endangering lives by wasting the time of firemen.

Masked feminists brandishing weapons. Two feminists assaulting an innocent bystander.

This is what a feminist looks like.

‘But Not All Feminists Are Like That!’

NAFALT, huh? One look at how ROK’s articles are shared on Twitter proves otherwise. Death threats, rape threats, mutilation threats…

Which is ironic when you consider that half a year ago, feminists were so anti rape and death threats on Twitter’.

Due to the campaign spearheaded by feminist Kathy Lette, author of ‘How To Kill Your Husband,’ (yes, you read that correctly) Twitter became so frightened they installed a ‘Report Tweet’ button.

Now feminists roam Twitter like rabid dogs, wilfully abusing their new-found powers by censoring, harassing and threatening everyone they disagree with – after promising live on television that they wouldn’t.

Blink, and you’ll have missed how quickly the tool of the ‘oppressor’ became the tool of the ‘oppressed.’ Once again, equality was nowhere to be found.

This is what a feminist looks like.

Feminism = Equality Supremacy

In the spirit of fairness, I’d like to give some prominent feminist figures the chance to speak for themselves. ‘Ladies?’

“I feel that ‘man-hating’ is an honourable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them.” – Robin Morgan, Ms. Magazine Editor

“I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig.” – Andrea Dworkin

“The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race.” – Sally Miller Gearhart

this is what a feminist looks like

“Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience.” – Catherine Comins

“All men are rapists and that’s all they are” – Marilyn French

I see.

This is what a feminist looks like.

‘Waaaaah! NAFALT!’

I hear you, treacle. I’m also having trouble believing that feminists are nothing but vile, fascist thugs. Because equality.

Surely the mainstream feminist rag Jezebel will set me straight. Jezebel, you and your 16 million monthly readers aren’t violent pigs too, are you?

“One Jezebel got into it with a dude while they were breaking up, while another Jez went nuts on her guy and began violently shoving him. One of your [Jezebel] editors heard her boyfriend flirting on the phone with another girl, so she slapped the phone out of his hands and hit him in the face and neck… “partially open handed.” Another editor slapped a guy when “he told me he thought he had breast cancer.” (Okay, that one made us laugh really hard.) And lastly, one Jez punched a steady in the face and broke his glasses. He had discovered a sex story she was writing about another dude on her laptop, so he picked it up and threw it. And that’s when she socked him. He was, uh, totally asking for it.”

I, uh, totally see.

This is what a feminist looks like.

Moderate feminism is hate. Mainstream feminism is hate. Political feminism is hate. Ideological feminism is hate. And I’m not even going anywhere near radical feminism. *cough*

From the top to the bottom, feminism is hate.

this is what a feminist looks like

Read Next: Is The Feminist Movement Experiencing A Meltdown?

324 thoughts on “This Is What A Feminist Looks Like”

  1. Too right! In what passes for the feminists’ twisted little minds, tolerance=acceptance=mandatory celebration. These dangerous hose beasts do not just want recognition; they want to destroy the culture and values, and rub our faces in it.

  2. Exactly like ghetto monkeys, talking shit and strong within a group. When alone and powerless they cry racism and hate.
    Ghetto monkeys= shitheads with pants down at their knees, or a useless leeches on society.

  3. There was a decent looking girl in the Toronto video. Someone should tell her feminism is for ugly women.

  4. Comparing feminists to Nazis is an insult.
    To Nazis.
    At least the Nazis would have pounded these cunts into the dirt, right where they belong.

    1. Yes. Feminists are not “fascists”, they are communists. This should be simple enough for an educated man to understand, but the “Nazi”/Klan analogy continues to be the preferred one.

      1. Well, they are very comparable to early naziism, when intolerant groups of deceived people were marching and confronting the groups they didn’t like and accumulating political power.
        They only resemble communism in their near-zombie-like shrieks of “equality”.

        1. I think we have achieved enough distance from the roiling political seas of pre WWII Europe to evaluate National Socialism and its adherents without having to resort to labels such as intolerant or deceived. Also labeling crazed feminists as KKK members betrays historical ignorance on the authors part as the KKK was a reaction to union hegemony over the defeated south who without organizations like that were basically prostrated before a hostile power. Feminists are the logical extreme of the establishments views.
          Trying to defend masculinity under the umbrella of 1968’er morality seems ridiculous to me as they are the most effeminate chumps ever to walk the the face of the earth and their value system is garbage. It’s basically a worldview that served as the incubator for all the things this site admonishes about modernity.

        2. KKK: Killed people because of the color of their skin.
          Nazis: killed people for lots of reasons, one being the person in question was not a part of the Master “Race”.
          Both of them deserve a special place in Hell, and nothing you can rationalize will save them. Of course there were reasons, of course they thought they were doing something right (banality of evil), but we don´t need to share their ideals. They work as a cautionary tale of the depths to which human kind can descend based on supposed rationality.

        3. If your own litmus test for the validation of a worldview is whether or not said groups ideological adherents killed anyone you have basically ruled out all of them as any ideology can be dismissed this way.
          I think I know what you want, you want a rounded corners bubble wrapped playpen ideology that makes portly little harridans swoon.
          Why are you even on a website like this?

        4. Killed anyone =/= killing people as a principle of their worldview.
          Also, this is not a racist website, it is a website about men, their relationship to women, self-improvement, and the improvement of the world.

        5. i generally dont agree with you 50% let alone 100% of your comments but like your calm manner and to see men with different views posting here

        6. Did you think I was talking about ideologues who killed people for their wallets?
          The inclusion of political correctness into the moral framework of a website espousing masculine ideals immediately undercuts its own purpose as political correctness is moral femininity.

        7. Pablo,
          Spare us your righteous indignation, there’s no one here to impress. War is part of human culture. You’ll kill for your sacred cows just like anyone else.

        8. Not comparable at all. National Socialists could see what was coming and tried to stop it. They knew “equality” is a sick lie.

        1. Femmunist rolls off the tongue just as easily. And it’s fun watching femmunists squirm when they’re called out.

      2. “Feminists are not “fascists”, they are communists.”
        And the distinction between the two is largely academic.

    2. At least the Nazi Reichbaun made way for the American Interstate Highway Act. Feminists with their economic entitlement make our economy worse. The Nazi Reichbaun improved the economic and logistic aspects of the post-WWII America.

      1. A highway system does not make up for genocide. Feminists are wrong in my book, but they are not putting me inside a gas chamber. And of course, Goodwin´s Law.

        1. you cannot compare feminists with nazis… nazis were a highly motivated and organised political movement aimed at ‘restoring’ the german nation and many good things came from their push… it became fanatical and out of control only as a function of it’s own success….
          feminists are fanatical and out of control even though they have little success and their agenda is cloudy and filled with illogical and irrational hate against natural aspects of life and basic biology… feminists are like people who hate the moon for no apparent reason… they are like a religious cult… you can’t even compare them with communists although that is the closest comparison

      2. The Nazis yielded Wernher Von Braun, the founder of rocket science, and countless other brilliant engineers and scientists.
        Feminists created the “I am a Feminist Because….” internet memes. (Though it was probably a mangina who actually started that.)
        C’mon, dudes, feminists win hands down.

    3. Germany was legally F***d after World War 1.
      They felt they got a very raw deal in the post war courts and the reparations they had to pay.
      Fast forward to World War 2, hugely more brutal and insanely more destructive event was triggered by that perceived injustice.
      Now the feminists are raking men over the coals in family courts and all over the legal system. Men feel they are getting a very raw deal and unfair reparations … pardon me, i mean “alimony” they have to pay.
      Does a parallel begin to emerge here?
      So you go feminist girls. Keep poking the sleeping bear. Just remember that you live your safe life and can prance around f-ing with people, only because men with guns ensure the safety of you and your country. And you are F***cking with those exact men.
      I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t seem a very bright thing to do.
      You are in a unique point in history when men have GIVEN you equality. For thousands of years men with clubs/rifles would have just slapped you and sent you in the proverbial “kitchen”. And now this is how you repay us, the ones with power, for that chivalrous gesture of gifting you equality?
      Keep in mind, when you threaten men with “radical” violence and genocide, we can and have responded to such threats for thousands of years. Ask Mr. Hitler how that worked out for him.
      Or ask the Native Indians (if you can find any), they will tell you how well the threats for scalping and mutilation of men work out in the end.
      PS: And on the argument that “Men need women or else the species is domed”.
      For hundreds of thousands of years men have taken women without much regard for her opinion on the matter. So don’t worry, when push comes to shove, humankind always gets its children and “next generation”.
      Now for once we are trying to do things differently and how do you respond?

      1. Germany got a raw deal after WWII because Germany deserved a raw deal. They attacked their neighbors. they committed war crimes at sea and on land. ,

        1. And Britain, France, America, etc… have most definitely never committed any kind of war crime. The things people learn in public school.

        2. I missed where Britain, France, America launched the world into war. I probably slept thru moral equivalence 101.

        3. Reading skills: Germany got a raw deal after World War ONE. WWII was the result of that raw deal, and it appears the world actually at least partially learned from that, and after smashing Germany into the ground after WWII (which they pretty well earned, really), we helped them build a functional society again instead of making them our virtual slaves like we did after World War ONE (a war which was much less good vs evil than WWII, by the way).

        4. You missed the part where they all built up their respective militaries, entered into alliances with one another with the understanding tht if one party was attacked, the others would jump in, and did almost everything they could to escalate the situation.

        5. Groups bound by cultural and racial solidarity. After all, the death of a nation is almost always preceded by the death of its culture.

        6. WWI started with the murder of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by Serbian nationalists. The Serbs were allied to the Russians — who were allied to the British and the French under the Triple Entente. The Russians started the war by not controlling their Serbian allies. Assassination of a head of state is usually a good reason to go to war, and Austria-Hungary attacked Serbia. The Russians came to the defense of their Serb allies and dragged the French and the British in after them. Germany was the ally of Austria-Hungary, which was the aggrieved party in this conflict while Russia, France and the UK were on the side of the initiators of hostility. So, yes Germany got a raw deal at the end of WW I by the very people who started the war in the first place.

        7. US launched the world into war after it knew that pearl harbor would be attacked and let it happen

        8. But Keynes himself famously asked for the winners to be lenient with Germany, because he was smart enough to know what would happen, even in 1919. They didn´t, and the rest is history.

        9. This was all pre -planned by the psychopaths that REALLY pulled the big strings…back then & even more so today…the House of Rothschild & their cartel. Hence history repeats itself , the coming economic meltdown WILL happen as it furthers THEIR power & plan for a One World Government.

        10. very good point. If someone from any country kills the POTUS…even Obama…what would YOU do? I know what I would do. at that point is not about who is the president, is about the country. You pick up the guns and bomb the place to the ground, period.

      2. So you’re saying taking land that virtually belonged to no-one, as we are all inhabitants of this planet, makes it ok for who you were referring to about ” asking the Natives how threats of mutilation worked out in the end”? Get real and read a history book Strange, or better yet snoop around within your family to find out what generations past did to those natives for the sake of “manifest destiny”. Eye for an eye means we both lose our sight.

      1. Welcome, feminist lurker. I see you’ve attended Feminism 101: Indoctrination Through Fallacy. You should probably go back to talking to your cat now, or does he also pity you for believing in straw men to make it through the day?

        1. You’re a fucking idiot. As a male feminist, I’m honestly ashamed to see you people acting like this. No wonder there’s such a thing as the “friendzone.” No girl in her right mind would want to date someone so sexist.

        2. Hello, token male feminist. I agree, it is very shameful that feminists casually molest peaceful men. Not to mention the other incidents of extreme violence and false allegations I’ve documented from these pigs.
          This ‘friendzone’ comment is a little out of place though, isn’t it? It seems to be something plaguing your mind. How sad that after all your attempts at white knighting, they’ve left you to rot there. Poor, angry male.

      2. Well feminist advocates in influential positions in society argue for the extinction of the male gender. In fact one of the quotes in the article talks about “reducing men to 10% of population”. They’re working on it sugar.

        1. So feminism, at any point, are just going to kill all the men. Because that’s what they’re about–ending lives, instead of ending discrimination against certain lives. Lol.
          So no, feminists haven’t killed 6 million people.

  5. One of the more intelligent feminazis pointed out that feminism cannot survive without socialism.
    As socialism is as dead as a turd society has nothing to worry about.
    I would even go as far as to say that the rage most feminists feel towards the human race is testimony to the fact that even they realise how hopeless their cause is as well.
    Even if a feminazi finds a sap willing to treat her as an equal she will very quickly realise that he isn’t enough for her.
    Hence more frustrated rage.
    Which I find enormously funny.

    1. Sadly, socialism being nonsense doesn’t mean it won’t happen, half of Europe is already deep into it.

      1. This “socialism” you speak of (maybe its real and genuine maybe it isn’t) is pretty much entirely run by men.
        So even the reds know that feminism is a joke.

        1. When some people are able to live without working a day in their life while 40-50% of your income is taken every month, I guess it can be considered as “real and genuine”.
          And I don’t know what it changes whether socialism is run by betas or women.

    2. I think that everybody is confusing socialism with modern bureaucracy, or at least with the Welfare State system (which was developed as opposed to socialism).

      1. it’s one and the same thing… socialism = take money from productive forward thinking free enterprise and feed it into a welfare system to support people who add very little and or just sponge off the system…. while you are doing that… don’t forget to make the tax system incredibly complicated and also siphon off lots of money for any pork projects you fancy…

        1. But the modern nation state is still run by men.
          I don’t see any women down at the Bildeburg meetings.
          Feminism is a big mouthy joke, just like the average feminazi.

        2. yes and the modern nation states are socialist. The US was the last bastion of hope until Obama completely sewed it up with mandatory healthcare and helicopter money for all…. tax the rich always ends in disaster… because it’s the rich that create all the jobs… doh!… the more incentive you give the rich and the risk takers to move, the more jobs there are for everyone else…. the more you tax them, the more they sit back and take it easy….

        3. Well, thankfully that is not true. Take into account that Ayn Rand was not a scientist, but a novelist whose ideas (which were wrong) were shaped by her experiences in the Soviet Union of the era. In fact, the market often rewards the wrong products and the wrong people (VHS over Beta, Edison over Tesla on certain things, not everything), because the market (which is independent from capitalism) is never “perfect”.

        4. While the market is never perfect, it is rather funny to me that YOU think you know what is “right” and “wrong” for the market – VHS won because Beta was too expensive and poorly marketted. The people chose what they felt was the better product FOR THEM. In the end, that may have been shortsighted, but I’d take that over some central bureaucrat deciding for me (ObamaCare, anyone?), as the market certainly looks perfect in comparison to THAT.
          Seriously, perfection is indeed impossible to attain, but one can work towards it. Central control is usually sprinting away from perfection as maximum speed.

        5. Let´s not talk about the US Health-Care situation. It is one of those things that you don´t talk in parties if you don´t want to offend party-goers.

        1. Again, Welfare State is a version of Capitalism where part of the taxes is destined to elevate the quality of life of the vulnerable part of the population, establishing a safety net. It is not Marxist since the means of production and the earnings derived from their ownership are still in hands of capitalists which don´t need to work to claim said ownership.

    3. Given that America’s GDP is now more than 40% government spending, up from 20% fifty years ago and less than 10% fifty years before that, I’d say that actually, socialism is rapidly taking over the world. Through the democratic process in the west rather than the violent revolutions as have typically occurred against third-world dictatorships, but still much the same thing.

  6. “Not all feminists are like that!”
    They don’t have to be. Societal changes, for better or worse, are brought on by a minority of people within any given group. These worthless cunts are able to “act up” because they have the support of the mainstream media, politicians, and wealthy benefactors.

    1. This. It doesn’t matter if you personally are not a frothing, man-hating lunatic. As long as you identify as a feminist, you are on the same side as the lunatics, and you are implicitly supporting them and helping them further their cause.

    2. many of the nazi at nuremburg tried that excuse ie “just following orders” they were still prosecuted if you idetify with a hateful ideolgy you arejust as responsible asthe most miltant members

  7. I’m sick of feminists so I’ll say this…that first video is an amazing display of masculinity in the face of oppression and I salute those men.

    1. Huh? Masculinity does not cower and allow itself to be trodden on. To be masculine, those women would have needed to be slapped for every act of violence they initiated.
      Those guys were betas. Now, thankfully it was caught on camera, so their beta behavior does a fantastic job of exposing the pure hatred that feminism teaches women. Women trained for such hatred have no shame in their behavior, so at best we get a clear cut example to teach other women their own capacity for evil.

      1. Were they beta? Would it have been alpha to slap the women around and end up in prison?
        Not like the police would have any issue beating them up to protect those poor innocent violence-hating women we see in the video.

        1. Prison sucks, but simply taking abuse is not masculine. I never said the rules of society were perfect, or that they allowed for true masculinity. I simply said that standing there taking abuse is not masculine.

        2. Calling someone a beta isn’t shame. Beta, Alpha , etc refer to states of mind, not ranks in an heirarchy.

      2. No, it is alpha to be in control and not let people manipulate you. A violent reaction was exactly what those women wanted because it would have played right into their plans and would have made the men look like bad guys. In the face of feminism you have to be calm and assertive and say ‘No’. There is no other way.

        1. Physical violence against me is not manipulation, it is direct physical violence. It is not alpha to simply take physical punishment, no matter how you try to re-define violence.
          You’ll get no disagreement with me on which is the safer path to stand up to feminism. If you strike those women, you likely go to jail, no doubt. But that’s the safe method, the beta method. No alpha who ever lived shied away from self-defense.

        2. This.
          A women slapping man is no different than a child slapping a man. In that case, a Man should slap them hard. It’ll remind them slapping hurts when a man does it.
          They’ll think more than twice to do it.
          That’s how you deal with bullies… Bullies roar because they often have backers… but even then bullies don’t like broken noses and face.

        3. Not all physical violence is the same. Violence with the intention to humiliate you, to make you feel pain, or to defeat you, deserves retribution. It’s easy to tell this type of violence, because it is usually as intense as the attacker can muster. I agree 100% that you should not take this type of violence passively.
          But look at the video. The attackers are very clearly trying to provoke a reaction that could be used against the men. It’s just like the danish guys who drew a cartoon of Muhammad, waited for the muslims to call for blood, and then say, “See, we told you, these people are all violent psychopaths!”
          I’m definitely not saying a man should never hit a woman! On the contrary, there are many times in real life when hitting women is totally justified. Of course, the law doesn’t distinguish between them, so you still go to jail. But I agree with you that irrespective of what the law thinks, there is a right and wrong.
          But here the right path is to stand your ground. If it was just a single girl, or a handful of girls, the ALPHA way would have been to grab them by the wrist and tell them to go home. But that would have been very problematic here.

        4. Well, realistically, the right path in this case would be to not even be there.
          Failing that, I disagree that all of the videoed violence outside the church was not worthy of a physical response, entirely disagree.
          Spitting on another person can transmit disease, that’s why this is considered assault in the U.S.
          Putting your fingers on another person is assault.
          Spray painting another person in their eyes and shirt and clothes is not only destructive to personal property, it exposes the victim to toxins, again, definable as assault.
          Painting someone’s face with a marker without their consent is at least battery, probably assault.
          Some of the girls are hitting the guys with articles of clothing, again, at least battery, if not assault.
          All of this is definable, at least in the U.S. as a prosecutable offense. Peaceful protest does not include assaulting your opponents with no response. In the absence of law enforcement action, it is your duty to defend yourself. That’s part of the reason the 2nd amendment exists.

        5. There are plenty of ways to deal with these nasty man hating dykes. When they start getting out of hand just throw a bottle of skunk piss on them. That will make the others run :o) Pelt them with water balloons filled with cat piss. You don’t even have to hurt them(much) to get them to run away. If a feminist tries to speak at your college do everything to make sure that she doesn’t.Dust the seats with itching powder beforehand or release a thousand killer bees into the audience.
          I don’t believe that these mutant females have any right to speak.

  8. Normally, I would call out Godwin’s Law here, but considering the overtly storm-trooper tactics and blind-hatred mantra of the femmies in the videos, they are complete brown-shirt clones.
    The ranks of these Pro “she”-quality are what happens when angry little children inhabit the bodies of adults. It is hoped that some of these people see themselves and realize that THEY are the problem, and not the conjured Patriarch conspiracy they flail swords at.

      1. No one cares sweetheart. clearly more people disagree with Feminism because its a incredibly dumb ideology and the fact that women need to accept the fact, Men are NOT equal to women. Good day.

        1. wow that is such a silly claim
          then if you are an advocate against feminism then you are on the same side as all the men who rape, molest, and kill women?
          and if you are a Christian then you might as will be a KKK?
          or a Muslim, a terrorist?
          or a German, a Nazi?
          what a stupid statement

        2. ‘Feminists’ might actually get listened to if they acted, well you know, more feminine…..
          I didn’t realize their was a war between men and woman, is there ?

        3. That’s it. They love feminism but still hide behind the last shreds of the chivalric code. But they are so dumb they are dissolving that code away as fast as they can. The fun will start once men finally realize that.

        1. Go to some place where this double-standard isn’t protected (like Somalia) and let us all know how well that works for you.

        2. And that’s where the real work of feminism comes in, isn’t it? undoing that misogyny?
          Unless you really support that.

        3. And that’s where the real work of feminism comes in, isn’t it? undoing that misogyny?
          Unless you really support that.

          You really need to improve your reading comprehension. The “double standard” pointed out is the one where angry entitled women have no fear of immediate and severe consequence for assault and battery of men. That is exactly what we see on the videos.
          True “equality of opportunity” would mean that these angry women would encounter instant reprisal (as in physical resistance) as well as be functionally held accountable under assault and battery charges.
          By ignoring this disparity, even when it has been clearly pointed out to you, is to practice misandry.
          Look up the definitions for both assault and battery in the Western World. A lot of people do not realize that it is:
          “threat of bodily harm coupled with an apparent, present ability to cause the harm”
          You don’t have to actually strike anyone, invading their space and being a clear and present danger to their physical well-being is all it takes. Have a look at the red-head’s actions in U of T video. Tell us how her conduct is not “assault”.
          Like many quasi-femmie defenders, you are in way over your head.

        4. “The “double standard” pointed out is the one where angry entitled women have no fear of immediate and severe consequence for assault and battery of men. That is exactly what we see on the videos.”
          oh, when you said somalia I wasn’t picturing women attacking men 🙂
          “True “equality of opportunity” would mean that these angry women would encounter instant reprisal (as in physical resistance) as well as be functionally held accountable under assault and battery charges.”
          I support this, if they are endangering the lives of others.

        5. lol. Good try. The context in which Somalia was introduced implies the scenario of a woman assaulting a man. You were fully aware of this.
          Again, assault doesn’t have to be as dire as life-threatening. It only has to be perceived as harmful and that the ability to carry out the harm is apparent. To actually carry through on the intent is battery.
          Stay in school, Little Wang. Learn the truth about things or risk making a fool of oneself defending the indefensible.

        6. No, I thought you were implying that Somalia doesn’t have any laws against domestic violence, which it doesn’t.

          You should have quit while the quitting was good on this.
          You stated:

          Whoa, I’m going to start hitting men now!

          To which the direct and immediate response was:
          >>>“Go to some place where this double-standard isn’t protected (like Somalia) and let us all know how well that works for you.”<<<
          The context of the response was to your boast about you “hitting men”. Somalia, or any other locale was used to illustrate a situation where you were not protected by the First World double-standard of “men don’t hit women”. This is clear, and your feeble attempt to deflect from it is only digging your hole deeper.
          Please. Admitting fault is the mature thing to do. Pretending you “misunderstood the context” is really lame and basically dissolves any shred of credibility you might have had.

          “It only has to be perceived as harmful and that the ability to carry out the harm is apparent.”
          Sure. That’s one definition. However, you would defend men if they invaded women’s physical space??

          LOL. Seriously?
          You will find that most criminal codes have very similar “definitions” of assault. Here’s the one for the state of Illinois (just in case you are thinking of acting out your fantasy):

          Please indicate WHERE your opposition has said, or implied, that the definition of assault is dependent on the sexual orientation of the victim. If you cannot do this, you are merely misrepresenting an opposing view via innuendo in order to discredit it (pretty lame).
          In reality, all the videos here clearly show where women promoting their special definition of “feminism” basically commit assault as a means of forcing their beliefs onto others. It is ironic that these people denigrate “rape apologists” by using violence and intimidation against those they wish to dominate.

          And thanks for webstalking me 🙂

          No web-stalking going on here, Ms. Wang. If you choose to troll sites, you will be put to task. That includes being held responsible for intentionally harassing others. You cannot justify that harassment with the excuse of righteousness since your foundation of said righteousness has been shown to be faulty.

        7. How have I harrassed people? I have tried my best to reason with you guys.
          And people have attacked me back, usually in harsher words than mine.
          Perhaps we have reached an impasse of mutual incomprehension.

        8. How have I harrassed people? I have tried my best to reason with you guys.

          Oh please. What are you? Eighteen going on nine years old? Save your feigned innocence for the other teenagers. You repeatedly use parroting attacks. When challenged to provide some supporting evidence for your allegations, you evade by deflection and pretending to misconstrue the context of the conversation. You lead with flame-baiting ad hominem and refuse to acknowledge when your arguments have been refuted. It is obvious that you know you have no position but continue to post your “opinion”. That is harassment.
          If “your best” attempt at reasoning is to ape others and then evade the challenge for proof of accused hypocrisy (and recall that your single attempt was debunked) then “trying” is clearly not good enough. Unlike high school, you do not get an “A” for effort in the real world. Your arguments live or die by their merit. Your integrity is flushed away with it when you pretend that those arguments still stand. Your credibility is lost when you continue this charade.

        9. I’m not sure what we were initially arguing about? Of course I don’t support women hitting men any more than I support men hitting women.
          For the video thing–if the challenge was to present a video of MRA’s hitting women, then I can’t find any. If that’s your definition of winning–then fine, you win. But how am I supposed to ignore the open hostility of MRA’s on this site? Even if it’s not physical hostility, you just used my real name on a site where people hate women, and many have attacked me in a hostile manner. Did you, or did you not, use my name in a threatening manner?
          “If you choose to troll sites, you will be put to task. That includes being held responsible for intentionally harassing others.”
          What is your definition of “held responsible “?

        10. Hey now just a damn minute. That statement admitted incorrectness by giving the reason for which she made an incorrect statement. There’s no reason to be continuing the attack here.

        11. “Please. Admitting fault is the mature thing to do. Pretending you “misunderstood the context” is really lame and basically dissolves any shred of credibility you might have had.”
          That is, indeed, exactly what had been done. Do calm down a sec.

        12. Please be a little more specific. What was the misandrist statement and where was the shriek of misogyny?

        13. The admission of misconstrual was an acknowledgment of refutation. It’s obvious that an argument made to counter a misconstrual of a previous statement does not stand. The admission of misconstrual would then best be interpreted as a concession. Dropping Somalia completely would’ve been the best thing to do then.
          Back to the question of the supposedly misandrist statement that was made. It is not unreasonable to ask whether “you would defend men if they invaded women’s physical space” — the answer, obviously, is no, but the point that is being made here is that it is the very same answer if the words men and women in that sentence were interchanged. I am pretty sure you’re both in agreement here.

        14. There was no “attack”. It was wholly necessary to continue the response (see the detailed response further on).

        15. I’m not sure what we were initially arguing about? Of course I don’t support women hitting men any more than I support men hitting women.

          Not sure what the contentious matter of this particular branch was? Well, that would be rather disingenuous (a term that seems to comes up. lol). A quick jog back to the start of this will show how your comment:

          Whoa, I’m going to start hitting men now!

          …was purposely ignoring the very apparent double standard that we have in the First World (where all these videos take place). That inequity specifically being women can assault and often even batter men with little fear of reprisal, whereas the men cannot expect the same liberty.
          Please, the coyness may work in a casual conversation where the dialogue is not easily recalled. However in a thread like this, it’s quite difficult to feign that inability.

          For the video thing–if the challenge was to present a video of MRA’s hitting women, then I can’t find any. If that’s your definition of winning–then fine, you win.

          Regardless of how you attempt to dismiss this as a petty desire to “win”, the critical issue was that the inability to provide equal evidence (in the form of video record) effectively dismantles your implication that Men’s Rights Movements employ the same bullying tactics. It is not “I” who wins. It is your argument that is defeated.

        16. But how am I supposed to ignore the open hostility of MRA’s on this site? Even if it’s not physical hostility, you just used my real name on a site where people hate women, and many have attacked me in a hostile manner. Did you, or did you not, use my name in a threatening manner?

          The hostility exhibited here from those largely agreeing with the articles here are usually (if not always) in direct response to the deliberate personal attacks from individuals, including yourself. These attacks include, but are not limited to flame-baiting, name-calling, and generally posting up falsehoods. Requests for supportive reasoning for these falsehoods are usually met with further insults and the typical evasion that has been clearly demonstrated by you. (Just how many requests did it take for you to finally admit that you could not provide the evidence requested?)
          If you sincerely do not want to invite brusque treatment, it would be unlikely that you have introduced yourself to this thread with a multitude of single sentence parroting attacks. Please, your intentions were to mock the protagonists. That you were unable to do so with any real success, you have retreated to attempting to call yourself the “victim” of uninvited hostility.
          People on this site “hate women”?
          There it is again where aggressors hide behind the human shield of “all women”. Not only do most men here not “hate women”, they love women. Do not misconstrue the plaint against the voluntary offensive behavior of “some” women to mean “all women” or even “most women”. This “rally the sisterhood” drum beat is reminiscent of how zealots try to incite rebellion by finding a commonality to a greater population. “Hey, everybody, they are attacking ALL of us. Join the crusade!”
          Using your name in a threatening manner?
          Please. NO ONE has used your name in a “threatening manner”. If you want to discuss the topic in the spirit of trying to share and gain knowledge, there is no need to get personally involved. However, if you wish to troll, you should not feel you have the luxury of anonymity. Do not expect others (especially those you attack) to treat you as any less than someone who comes here with malicious intent.

        17. “If you choose to troll sites, you will be put to task. That includes being held responsible for intentionally harassing others.”
          What is your definition of “held responsible “?

          Well, that would be being recognized as a troll.
          I’m sure you are enterprising enough to research the definition on trolling and internet bullying. If the errors in your argument have already been pointed out, repeating the same fallacies is just a form of harassment. It is no different than continuing to mock, or post flame-baiting responses.

        18. The admission of misconstrual was an acknowledgment of refutation. It’s obvious that an argument made to counter a misconstrual of a previous statement does not stand. The admission of misconstrual would then best be interpreted as a concession. Dropping Somalia completely would’ve been the best thing to do then.

          No. It was already explained that the admission of misunderstanding was merely a feigned ignorance of the context in order to dodge such refutation. That it had to be pointed out, is clear evidence of that evasion. This is not the petty point you are attempting to make it out to be. It is as important to demonstrate the intent (as in to avoid admission) as well as proving there was an error.

          Back to the question of the supposedly misandrist statement that was made. It is not unreasonable to ask whether “you would defend men if they invaded women’s physical space” — the answer, obviously, is no, but the point that is being made here is that it is the very same answer if the words men and women in that sentence were interchanged. I am pretty sure you’re both in agreement here.

          No. The point was that the truism was wholly unnecessary, and was purposely couched to imply that her opposition was leaning towards such inequity, and that such inequity was evident (which, by admission, she could not prove).
          In fact, the way in which the supposition was couched:

          However, you would defend men if they invaded women’s physical space??

          …clearly implies a surprised disbelief that her opposition would “defend men if they assaulted a woman”. The transposition of the words “you” and “would” make a big difference to the theme of the query. It is assured that most are aware of this.
          Note that using this kind of literary sleight is deliberate and further illustrates a clear intent to misrepresent one’s opposition.

        19. I’m pretty sure saffy is sane enough to know that ignorance of context means that the argument is already dead wrong. How could admitting ignorance of context ever constitute dodging a refutation?? I’m just having trouble imagining a circumstance in which that would ever work.

        20. In what way was this statement misandrist? Looks like a sarcastic confirmation of what some people think that feminism implies (that is, now women are going to start hitting men too). That’s why it passed the filter I’d set, so to speak. Is my understanding incorrect?
          And it looks like the shriek of misogyny is… what did you originally mean by “the double standard isn’t protected”, anyway? Where “the double standard is not protected against”? If it’s that then it’s an accusation of misogyny, sure, but then what she says is reasonable, and it’s not so direct a hypocrisy as Viva would have it, since she seems to have been being sarcastic with her “misandrist” comment in the first place.
          I guess I missed it in the first place because I am not reading it as either you or Viva la Manosphere were.

        21. I see that you see this as an intent to misrepresent. Now your response makes more sense.
          Okay. And I see your response was a denial of such. Though not in such straightforward terms as I might have liked.
          Sure. Thank you for the elucidation.

        22. I meant that by indicating a misunderstood context, fault had already been admitted. I can’t see any way in which it would be otherwise.

        23. By the way, I see that the most significant reason for the divergence of our interpretations of the readings of the preceding threads was that I interpreted the “Whoa, I’m going to start hitting men now!” comment as sarcastic.

        24. Additionally in the end — are you not in agreement? That this violent feminism is too much and that violence against both men and women is unacceptable? Word arrangement aside.

  9. Feminism is a fucking joke. Everything it stands for is so contradictory that it hurts my brain.

    1. It’s really not a joke since the law makers are at their disposal ready to hear them out and pass all kinds of anti-male biased laws these sick fuckin hormonal driven animals can dream up.

      1. Pretty much… No one really makes a big deal about male-on-male rape in prisons or even men getting raped by women (they are a minority). But when it’s about a women or even one woman getting assaulted or raped or even talked to by a random guy at the street. It’s a bug deal. Plus, not all men talk to women to advance on them sexually.

    2. There’s an ongoing effort to “Rebrand Feminism.” In fact, three advertising agencies donated time to the effort. Unfortunately, no success; nothing but fail.
      Instead of trying the impossible — rebranding feminastism — I humbly recommend starting with something easier. May I suggest rebranding Satanism first? Or perhaps, rebranding vomit? Baby steps.

    3. This was my second post, i don’t know why it registered as guest. Oh well good to know people agree

    4. Hooray for Alex! Brilliant, calm, rationale responses to cheap, slanderous insults from Cathy.
      It is shocking how some women say violence against women is wrong but violence against men is right. That’s a strange sense of equality.

  10. I used to think that feminism was created as a tool for advancing socialism.
    I’ve since realized that socialism is just one of the expressions of feminism. The psychological origins of socialism arise from the desire to feminized society. Feminism is the root cause and driving force of socialism.

    1. Shaming language “Child Men”
      The feminine imperative wants Men to be good little providers and marry 30+ Women.
      I don’t think so! 🙂

  11. Wow man ROK is hitting home run after home run!!! Great Post! So weird too because I was just thinking yesterday how feminism is so much like Nazism. The only difference is Nazis operated in a mode appropriate to men (the were openly violent dishing out fear) whereas feminism operates in a mode appropriate to women (covertly violent/manipulative dishing out guilt). One reason I think feminism is so much more successful than Nazism is because of how mercilessly it searches for guilt. Once guilt is found, they covertly push that button over and over again whilst overtly telling you that you feel guilty because of xyz female cause.

    1. Charlie,
      Angry Harry did a 30 point comparison between feminism and nazism back in 2000. I copied it into my first book living free. Those of us who have been around for a while know feminism to be communism in drag. Feminism as we know it was documented in the communist manifesto and lenin was a HUGE feminist.
      The effects of no fault divorce were so disastrous in Russia that no less than STALIN repealed no fault divorce in 1937 it having been introduced in just 1917. Everyone who knows about feminism knows that Russia was the “big experiment” with feminism in the 1917-36 time frame…and even today russian men know their women are not to be trusted.
      If you do not learn from history you are bound to repeat the mistakes. If only men would stop talking and start listening they might have learned all these things long ago.

  12. With how female-biased Western society is these days, exactly what is it that feminists are protesting these days? Wow, some of them really hate men, probably stemming from some incestuous abuse experienced amongst them, but really, that’s not a feminist issue, that’s a criminal issue and will unfortunately never be eradicated no matter how much they vent their rage at innocent men; such victims need therapy not protest.
    Or maybe they’re protesting the fact that they’re fat and ugly while their Eastern European counterparts are hot and sexy?
    This post officially sanctioned by the Putin Government
    But seriously, wow, I feel sorry for all the young dudes out there. Your world is fucked, but here’s some advice:
    It’s great being a father and receiving unconditional love from a child (unlike anything you’ll ever get from a woman), but forget marriage, you don’t have to be married, or even cohabitate, to be a good father.
    If you do marry or cohabitate, make sure you live in a rented residence; when it comes time to separate or divorce, there’s no matrimonial property to divide.
    If you do marry or cohabitate, get an ironclad prenup.
    The only thing marriage *might* guarantee you is that somebody will be at your deathbed holding your hand while your lifeforce fades away, and then in most of the cases she’s only there for what you’re leaving her in your will. Be a fucking man; you came into this world alone, you will die alone.

    1. The Femen girls are just attention whores trying to attract men. I guess there’s a shortage of alpha men in the Ukraine. Why else would they flaunt their tits like that. It’s not for women because they’re not interested in seeing another female’s boobs. I’d bet that after they hold their “protest” that they all have dates for the evening and are getting banged by some guy.

  13. Combine daddy issues, privilege, left-wing activism, female solipsism, and the feminine imperative and you get the worst of the worst.

  14. this article is a huge generalization about feminism and reveals the ignorance/ lack of education of the person who published it.
    as well as the ignorance/ lack of education of the men who follow this page.
    keep on keepin on you stupid bastards 🙂

    1. Yes, video examples of specific behavior by feminists that is not in any way publicly denounced by feminist organizations is instead just a huge generalization of feminist behavior. Was your mother a zombie who ate your brains?

    2. >huge generalization about feminism
      >as the ignorance/ lack of education of the men who follow this page
      >keep on keepin on you stupid bastards 🙂
      refutes own propositional logic, then ends on an ad hominem. nice work there, chick

    3. That it is clearly quite easy to find all sorts of video with femmie-terrorists raging should be a strong clue that this is neither generalization, nor cherry-picking.
      Your feigned self-righteousness supports the argument that femmies are just hostile and immature individuals that won’t accept the responsibility of their own failures. Everything wrong MUST be because there is this systemic oppression of women.
      Keep on trying to convince people by proving their point. Unsupported claims, pedestrian insults and lame ad hominem is the expected temper tantrum of little kids.

      1. yes because feminism says that the everything that is wrong with society is because of men, or not. maybe you should do some more research about the premises of feminism. you believe too much of what you hear without actually looking to KNOW for yourself. that’s what makes you stupid.
        and of course its easy to find that kind of thing. there are extremes to every argument, and especially because there are people out there (like the author of this article) who spend a lot of time trying to derail the legitimacy of feminism, there are radicals in every movement. equating the philosophy with the actions of a group or a couple groups is fallacy.
        definitely not trying to “convince” you of anything. that’s not my job. if you want to be uneducated, go ahead. that’s what was implied by my “lame ad hominem” idgaf what you all are trying to say. its really funny reading these articles anyway. i get to look into the simple minds of typical misogynists. its pretty fun for me. i’m laughing at all of you. so keep on keepin on you stupid bastard. i love it. keep bringing on the lols!

        1. yes because feminism says that the everything that is wrong with society is because of men, or not. maybe you should do some more research about the premises of feminism. you believe too much of what you hear without actually looking to KNOW for yourself. that’s what makes you stupid.

          Absolutely weak. You are resorting to the expected “no true Scotsman” fallacy. The evidence is that the extremism amongst feminists is clearly represented, and represented by those who like to think of themselves as “educated”. Have an objective look at the videos and tell us all how these collegiate denizens are not hiding behind the premise of “equality of opportunity” and promoting censorship.
          Quoting the pedestrian “you believe what you hear” accusation is more of the mantra that fem-terrorists love to recite while they plug their ears. That’s what makes you stupider than even the uninitiated.

        2. and of course its easy to find that kind of thing. there are extremes to every argument, and especially because there are people out there (like the author of this article) who spend a lot of time trying to derail the legitimacy of feminism, there are radicals in every movement. equating the philosophy with the actions of a group or a couple groups is fallacy.

          Really? It’s “easy to find that kind of thing” is somehow mitigation.
          Right. The very existence of so many hostile individuals who fool themselves into believing that they are righteously promoting “equal opportunity” is telling. One could argue that closed mindedness is an extreme form of fundamentalism, but for “equality of opportunity”? Please, you are really going out on a limb here.
          If these videos represented a rare and isolated case or two, you might have some traction. However, the plethora as well as the intensity of the hatred exhibited is not merely “just an extreme splinter group”. There is no fallacy in suggesting that this kind of extremism shouldn’t even exist if the conversation is about “equal opportunity”.

        3. definitely not trying to “convince” you of anything. that’s not my job. if you want to be uneducated, go ahead. that’s what was implied by my “lame ad hominem” idgaf what you all are trying to say. its really funny reading these articles anyway. i get to look into the simple minds of typical misogynists. its pretty fun for me. i’m laughing at all of you. so keep on keepin on you stupid bastard. i love it. keep bringing on the lols!

          Believe whatever you wish to believe. Repeat it as often as you like. However, you have not been able to convince the audience of anything but your inability to discuss the subject matter in a civilized or adult manner.
          If you have to overtly state that you are “having fun”, the likelihood of that is dubious. However, it is not ROK’s mandate for you to have fun. The fact that you have to lace all your posts with direct ad hominem is clear indication that you are having less of a good time than you profess.
          Keep on trolling! (remember to have plenty of IP addresses handy too!)

        4. my bad dude I didn’t realize that caps meant I was being emotional. must be my vagina, I don’t know how to separate lower case emotion from upper case emotion. because I’m just so damn emotional 24/7

        5. An entire generation of women turned into useless raging cumdumpsters and future cat ladies ? and you say I need to read up on it to understand it ? lol what more proof is needed really.

        6. Feminism derails its own legitimacy. The author of this article doesn’t need to do it himself.
          And if you didn’t give a fuck you wouldn’t be here.

        7. Admitting you have a problem is the first step towards the elimination of poisonous thought.
          It’s clear you’re (a) either in a rage or (b) quite uneducated as your syntax leaves much to be desired.

        8. I wonder. Have you stopped to think about what’s going to happen to women when the last shreds of the chivalric code dissolve away? Do you have any idea how much protection you still receive from that ancient code?

        9. don’t be cynical, cumdumpsters are a very important part of a balanced society… we need more of them.. one on every street corner…

    4. Typical unintelligent woman that you are, you can’t even say where he goes wrong.He is just wrong because you say so.
      And we let you vote..

      1. you don’t “let” me do anything. I do whatever is within my rights as a person to do

        1. Yes we let you vote. Every right you have, we gave it to you. Dont forget that. We can take it all back as well
          All that feminazis going wild and girl power bullshit is just an illusion.

        2. “Every right you have, we gave it to you. Dont forget that.”
          Susan B. Anthony disagrees.

        3. The man has a point. You have rights only because those in power protect to rights for you. It’s like trolling… you only get to do this until your IP address is banned.

        4. Comments like this is why there are feminists, because entitled men like you insist on asserting the dominance that has been assumed for so long and try to force women into the tired roles that they obviously don’t want to be in.
          I apologize to the women of this nation on behalf of all compassionate, proactive men, we are not all self justified misogynists.

        5. Sigh, another White Knight. Didnt know it was such a problem, but really..there as billions of them.
          All hoping for that pity-fuck from feminists who loathe them
          Sad state of affairs…

    5. Just the usual feminist hate-speak. Can’t argue it? No problem. Just say the guys are wrong and call them bastards or something.

      1. Just the usual MRA hate-speak. Can’t argue it? No problem. Just say the women are wrong and call them bitches or something.

        1. Just the usual parrot response of someone who doesn’t have an argument. Can’t argue? No problem. Just mirror what you can argue… oh wait, that’s what little children do… lol

        2. Just trying to show someone the hypocrisy of their views. Sadly, people seem to be immune to that on this site.

        3. You would show alleged hypocrisy if you actually pointed it out. Merely parroting something is not doing this.

    1. Good point, why is it ok for them to receive hate for saying things people don’t like, and not ok for Anita to get hate for saying things people didn’t like?
      as for matt forney’s article about women and low self-esteem, first I gotta say I saw some broad asking a friend who asked for opinions on the article “what are you doing even looking this up?!” Some of these feminazis want to control what people can and can’t read, regardless of if they agree with what’s being said or not.
      I first heard of the article when a friend sent it to me. I didn’t agree with it, but I did note that it made a LOT of good points, especially when they were framed a certain way. Then when I made this case to the friend that sent it to me, SHE agreed with ME.

  15. Funny I got my twitter account suspended , more than a week now, for calling feminists ‘sugartits’, no death threats or threats of any kind!!

  16. Fascinating behaviour… and incredibly stupid.
    You go threaten and violently assault the part of the population that comprises 99.999999%+ of the armies of the world (i.e. the best developed killing machines humankind ever devised, capable of literally annihilating the planet with nuclear weapons in a split second…).
    You also assault religious groups (the men in the first videos are praying). Do we even need to go through the millions of historic examples of religious groups getting pissed and what indescribable horrors that have invariably brought?! And on what scale.
    Do they imagine their devotion to “feminism” is anywhere on par with the complete batshit insanity that billions of religious people have pulled of on regular basis… i’m speechless.
    I’m also very afraid that these people acting like children testing the patience of our fragile civilisation would eventually go too far. And history have shown us thousands of times that when you strip this delicate civilisation, men can show a face that these feminists have not even imagined (especially in the US).
    I see that feminists act “radical” primarily in the USA. In all the other parts of the world people have rather recently experienced first-hand what occurs when you provoke people with religion/anger and lust for war (World War 1, World War 2 and so on).
    Women (and men) in Europe still remember the tens of millions death and the horror and destruction of wars (caused by similar moronic ideologies and posturing).
    That’s why around here this confrontational BS and provocations are frowned upon. People still remember.

    1. Well you know how back at the founding of the country women weren’t allowed to vote, and their citizenship was more or less a secondary effect of their fathers and later their husbands? And how the founders were ok with that? They didn’t even reconsider it in fact.
      The feminists say that was all just sexism. But after seeing the videos above I have to wonder if that’s so.
      Could it be because somewhere in our past we’ve been down this road before? And the results were so horrendous that it was decided that women can never be allowed to have power again? I’m beginning to wonder if that’s not the case.
      I’m beginning to think that there is a reason why almost every culture on Earth considered women to be second class citizens and it could be because women brought it all on themselves, with exactly this kind of behavior.
      And now that we’ve forgotten that lesson, and have decided to give “equality” for women a try, it seems like women are determined to teach it to us again.
      It’s like they (the women that is) hate equality and want to be slapped down and put back where they were, which is second to men. They seem to be saying “hey you men quit being p*ssies and smack us down and put us back in our place. And if you refuse we’ll just keep acting out with steadily worsening behavior until you simply have no other choice”.
      Does it seem that way to you?
      It does to me.

      1. if women want to be equal with men, and study and have careers, they should have their ability to bear children permanently disabled first… fair is fair…. put some eggs in the freezer and cut the pipes love…. then you are equal with a man…

      1. Actually if she slimmed down I’d do her, but then there’s that damn voice. Ugh. Bet she’s wild in bed though. 😀

  17. Unbelievable. These women aren’t feminists (I actually don’t think feminists exist), they’re straight-up idiots, nothing more than that. Just because men aren’t allowed (by law) to hit women doesn’t give women the RIGHT to hit men either. They should be in jail for attacking nice, decent men. Most guys are actually okay, which is a lot more than I can say for women.

  18. Why do so many young women hate men, where is this anger being generated from. All I can think of is colleges/universities just seem like hate breeding grounds for women to make them feel like victims.

    1. This baffles me too. I can sort of see where they’d be coming from if they were true rape victims or assaulted by their dad or something, but even then, to broadly paint literally half the human population with this hate is over the life. I’ve had women do some pretty shitty things to me, but I don’t hate the entire female populace b/c of it. I am, however, realistic about them.
      The only two reasons I can see for this is degree of hate are:
      A) they feel that they’re the losers of the dating game (whether true or not is another thing. Perception is reality in this instance) and this is a desperate power grab attempt to help them move up in the world, or
      B) This is really just a societial wide shit-test. A somewhat masked way of telling men to be men again or to signal other men to come in and take charge b/c their men aren’t up to it.

    2. Repeating from above so you get it in your email…
      It is all just an Illuminati psyop. Women are able to be psyoped into believing anything based merely on repetition. And as you can see…the message of “all men are evil” has been repeated to western women more than enough for them to believe it.
      It is nothing to do with rational thought on the part of the women. They did not come up with these hate filled ideas. Men did…and then men got their tame women to repeat the ideas to the gullible women. The religion that most “leading feminists” claim like Gloria Steinhem is Jewish….but that too us just a smokescreen for their luciferian religion.
      The real driver of feminism and the hatred of men by women in the west is the depopulation program being driven by people who are actually luciferians. From the committee of 300 on down they want less people on this planet and they are doing a very good job of making that so despite what many people think.

    3. Why do so many young men hate women, where is this anger being generated from. All I can think of is colleges/universities just seem like hate breeding grounds for men to make them feel like victims.

      1. Where are these young men who hate women represented? Feel free to present videos that show the same kind of fervent and self-righteous hostility we see presented here.
        If you cannot, all you are doing is worthless parrot response of the type one expects from 8-year-olds.

        1. You haven’t answered the challenge of EQUALLY presenting videos. Since you choose to parrot, this is expected.
          You don’t have answer and it is showing.

        2. Have MRA’s actually protested anywhere?
          Or done anything about their cause other than spew thinly-disguised hatred on sites like this one?
          what is the answer you’re even looking for?

        3. You were asked to support your assertion of equal hostility and hatred with equal video evidence. That is the answer we have clearly asked you for.
          You are merely evading this challenge now.

        4. There is no video evidence because
          1) I don’t need video evidence to tell me that MRA’s are hostile. The site has done a good job of that.
          2) Very possibly, none exist because I have never heard of an actual MRA rally.
          Now,I challenge you to show me one.

        5. You can convince yourself of anything you want. However, it’s a little harder to convince the greater audience of your equal and opposing view (as suggested by your parrot response) without equal and opposing video.
          You need not present an MRA rally. How about some video showing men demonstrating the type of closed-minded hostility against the opposite gender?
          The challenge is still YOURS since it is YOUR point you need to defend. The lack of it really tears down your credibility (not your opposition’s).

        6. Bless. You should ask your legal guardian to show you how to scroll up the page and view videos 3-6 of the original article. Y’know, the ones of peaceful MRAs meeting, and feminist thugs falsely accusing them of rape, assaulting them with weapons, threatening them, and endangering the lives of the public. Now run along.


          Really? After nearly a day, all you can come up with in your defence is a video like this?
          The title says one thing, but the video clearly shows nothing of the sort. In fact, it is really more support for what the article here is talking about. It shows the assault, physical bullying by blocking egress to a venue tactics, as well as verbal intimidation used by those ever-so-polite quasi-“feminists”.
          As far as someone emerging from the venue to “punch” one of these protestors, there is no such thing (and it isn’t surprising how dark and unfocused the video capture was too). If anything, it shows people moving protestors back so that the door to the room could be closed. How that is “support” for your claim of violence to promote misogyny is ridiculous.
          Try again. Maybe you can find something a little more supportive of your cause tomorrow.

      2. “All I can think of is colleges/universities just seem like hate breeding grounds for men to make them feel like victims.” … really?

  19. When you have this much hate, you really need to take a step back and do some introspection as to why. My theory is that subconsciously they can’t/won’t accept the realities of the human condition and gender relations so they lash out. I don’t like these realities either, but trying to reject them is futile.
    This man hatred is as pointless as men hating on women, they’re not bad or good, they simply are. But there are certain realities that exist. It’s not as if before the beginning of time men got together and said “you know what, how can we make life difficult for women?”. And conversely, women didn’t do the same. There’s a programming to life that’s beyond or control. Blame is fucking stupid.

    1. “do some introspection as to why”
      It is all just an Illuminati psyop. Women are able to be psyoped into believing anything based merely on repetition. And as you can see…the message of “all men are evil” has been repeated to western women more than enough for them to believe it.
      It is nothing to do with rational thought on the part of the women. They did not come up with these hate filled ideas. Men did…and then men got their tame women to repeat the ideas to the gullible women. The religion that most “leading feminists” claim like Gloria Steinhem is Jewish….but that too us just a smokescreen for their luciferian religion.
      The real driver of feminism and the hatred of men by women in the west is the depopulation program being driven by people who are actually luciferians. From the committee of 300 on down they want less people on this planet and they are doing a very good job of making that so despite what many people think.

  20. man, instead of trying to stop them non-violently, if each of men spanked these women, it’d be turned into orgy-fest. and then they lived happily ever after.

  21. HansCosbyUTracie Egan Morrissey
    The missus smacked me around a bit for the 3rd time in our 17 year marriage -i never even raised a finger -ever!
    I left the adulterous, abusive bitch there and then -without saying a word and regained my balls.
    I got custody of our 3 kids and the home.
    Violence is a betrayal of trust
    Yeah yeah -she was sorry each time that shit happened; same as you gals.
    Your mothers must be so proud……10/12/08 10:41am


    @HansCosby: You had my sympathy until your last 2 paragraphs.
    Now I wonder what you did you antagonize her to attack you. 10/27/10 3:13pm

    Oh really? I thought we called that “victim blaming.”

      1. Do not be so quick to dismiss this.
        The ideology and hostility is quite similar. It is only the inability to carry out their desires that creates the apparent difference.

  22. I wrote this in reply to a comment on Facebook after I posted the vid under the heading “Ah yes this is what happens when the feminazis and manboobz are let out to play….”
    “A few topless young lassies behaving in an unseemly y manner?” Did you watch the video? Would you have had the self control to put up with that abuse? Imagine the uproar if the tables were turned and it was rabid Catholics attacking a band of “innocent” feminists banding around an abortion clinic? The cops would have been there in 5 minutes flat and a global media frenzy would have ensued. I am no apologist for Catholicism but some balance please.”
    I was also flamed by some feminist who labelled me an “Alfa” male (spelling and logic not her forte?) who regarded women as “lesser” humans. Nowhere in my post did I make any reference or even imply that women were “lesser humans”. I told her to stop putting words in my mouth or I would show her the true meaning of “equality”…..

  23. Viva,
    not just feminists. The vast majority of western women in the anglo-sphere openly support women committing the crimes of perjury, kidnapping, theft, extortion and child abuse. The level of hatred in western women is very high for anyone who takes a second look.
    Notice who there is not ONE WOMAN OF NOTE in the west who says women must be held accountable for their crimes on an equal before the law basis to men. I have been saying western women are liars and hypocrites in the 99.9%+ majority on the issue of equality before the law for a long time. And even calling them liars and hypocrites openly and in public in my own name is not enough for them to cease and desist their lies and hypocrisy.
    I have recently taken to calling western women evil. Simply evil. It is simply evil to be fully aware that you are openly driving men to suicide and to laugh about it and make jokes about it. Simply evil.
    This is why we have forums like this.

  24. For those of us who don’t speak Spanish, is there a link to the time, location, event that the videos are from, in English?

  25. Right on. Wish I wasn’t a little hung over or I’d have something more worthwhile to say. Just tired after a long night of oppressing women I guess.

  26. There is nothing “feminine” about “feminists.” They are frustrated, repressed, spoiled brats. The good news is that they don’t breed, because no rational man would get near one of these screeching, sexist bimbos. They are biologically irrelevant. No children, no “movement.” Got it, Sister?

  27. The most remarkable thing about the picture is the mens’ self-restraint in the face of violence, and even their refusal to participate in the naked woman’s self-debasement.

  28. Feminism is leftism is feminism is socialism is postmodernism is anti-reason is evil.

  29. First video is really shocking. I can’t believe things like that can happen, and in Argentina of all places…

  30. The Civil War cometh and when it arrives these stupid bitches will be back doing exactly what stupid bitches have done for millennia… Then these stupid bitches will have something to actually complain about but by then its too late for them and US all…

  31. Feminism equals pride and selfishness. Pride is the worst of the seven deadly sins. These videos are proof positive. These women have no where to go but down on the dance floor with Satan.

  32. So once these barbaric feminists eradicate all of the men, what are they going to do, eat each other? Oh wait…

  33. This will end when Western men stop being pussys and start punching women in the face.
    Yes, punching them in the face. in public.
    You see, in many arab and asian socieities, there is none of this bullshit about “never hitting a woman”. They consider women to be parasites and they have no compunction whatsoever about hauling off and slapping the shit out of them. Or shooting them in the heads and watching their brains splatter on the sidewalk. Whatever. Women have no protected status.
    That’s where Western society is headed. When we get there, then Feminism will stop. That simple.

  34. To be honest, nothing makes me happier than seeing feminists act this way.
    Saves the rest of us the work of having to expose how crazy they are

  35. Does injesting the Red Pill give a man the capability to detect a Femenist in disguise?

  36. They’re merely behaving in a manner true to the “hysterical female” stereotype they thought they eradicated..

  37. The MRA movement is defined by hate.
    At least feminism has accomplished something. All you guys have done is make society hate you. 🙂
    Tell me, when was the last time you guys ever lobbied for anything? Or tried to start a meaningful grassroots campaign about anything?

    1. Stop using the tired old false label of “MRA”. Then again, relying on this misrepresentation of any who oppose you is the definition of “hate”.
      Feminism? Hiding behind “equality of opportunity” to justify the childish temper tantrums of misguided selfish individuals is not “feminism”. Movements towards equal treatment have done a lot for society, but merely implying that these “feminists” are doing anything of the sort is surreptitious.
      Stop projecting the disdain that all have for these quasi-equality terrorists onto those who point it out. These hate-groups pretending to be supporting “equal rights” have done much to earn the contempt society has for them.
      This website is a lobby against hate-groups like quasi-feminism and you clearly recognize it. Tell us, when was the last time (or any time) that those who defend the actions of these misandrists attempted to explain their position in logical and mature fashion?

      1. “Then again, relying on this misrepresentation of any who oppose you is the definition of “hate”.
        As you do with feminism. I’m a feminist. I don’t hate men.
        “Hiding behind “equality of opportunity” to justify the childish temper tantrums of misguided selfish individuals is not “feminism”.”
        Nope, that’s not what I do. And men can be selfish, too. It’s part of being human.
        ” Tell us, when was the last time (or any time) that those who defend the actions of these misandrists attempted to explain their position in logical and mature fashion?”

        Feminist issues: women’s right to education from Feminism

        1. “Then again, relying on this misrepresentation of any who oppose you is the definition of “hate”.
          As you do with feminism. I’m a feminist. I don’t hate men.

          Not that easy.
          Look up the “any real scotsman” fallacy. Basically, you are relying on dynamically changing the definition of your affiliation to suit your position. Even so, your opposition has NOT done that against feminism. The article is about the clearly hostile bullying tactics of those who hide behind “equality of opportunity” causes to promote their own brand of hatred.
          You call yourself a “feminist” (which by the very moniker promotes a one gender and not the other and is therefore “sexist”), but by passive support of the action of these zealots, you are promoting the hatred of men. You can call yourself whatever title you wish, but not opposing the actions of the haters in the videos, you are not supporting “equality of opportunity”.

          “Hiding behind “equality of opportunity” to justify the childish temper tantrums of misguided selfish individuals is not “feminism”.”
          Nope, that’s not what I do. And men can be selfish, too. It’s part of being human.

          That’s also not that easy to deflect.
          You just hid behind a title, that of “feminism” to suggest an accord with “equality of opportunity”, yet by action, support the misandry of the individuals caught on video.
          Men can also be saints or sinners. That is merely disambiguating the term and just an attempt to obfuscate the issue.

          ” Tell us, when was the last time (or any time) that those who defend the actions of these misandrists attempted to explain their position in logical and mature fashion?”

          Are you suggesting that those that are mentioned in that link are defending the actions of those in the videos? Show us where that link is suggesting that.

        2. “You can call yourself whatever title you wish, but not opposing the actions of the haters in the videos, you are not supporting “equality of opportunity”.”
          I oppose all violence against people of all genders. However, usually people can put a positive spin or on violence or de-emphasize it in a way that suits their position. People on this site do that. They say that domestic violence is “misunderstood”, that it’s the woman’s fault. That justifies violence, right?
          “You call yourself a “feminist” (which by the very moniker promotes a one gender and not the other and is therefore “sexist”),”
          The definition of feminism is promoting gender equality, not one over the other, and certainly not undermining one to promote the other. You use radical feminists to stand in for a whole movement.
          Also, please don’t dismiss the necessity of the feminism movement throughout history. If you lived in a society where women were forbidden to vote, working to get that vote is not sexism. It’s reversing sexism.

        3. “You can call yourself whatever title you wish, but not opposing the actions of the haters in the videos, you are not supporting “equality of opportunity”.”
          I oppose all violence against people of all genders. However, usually people can put a positive spin or on violence or de-emphasize it in a way that suits their position. People on this site do that. They say that domestic violence is “misunderstood”, that it’s the woman’s fault. That justifies violence, right?

          The old maxim of “actions speak louder than words” is quite appropriate. While self declaration of intent can be one’s actual desire, it is what people do (or do not do) that is often a more reliable indicator of their real intent.
          As it was pointed out already, to conveniently avoid admonishing the actions of the protestors recorded in those videos, or to dismiss their behavior as merely being extreme (and therefore not demonstrative of more moderate proponents) is literally and effectively not actually opposing “all violence”.
          Considering that these aggressive protests are in response to peaceful (yes PEACEFUL) meetings on the issue of “equality of opportunity”, they demonstrate the hostility that some feel is “justified” simply because they want to bar others from sharing ideas (especially when those ideas challenge their own). Even if the ideas were wholly wrong (and they clearly are not), how is the assault and intimidation tactics valid? They are not.
          Positive Spin?
          Stop projecting how critics cast a blind eye on the childish tactics of these zealots with the convenient excuse “oh, those aren’t the real feminists” onto your opposition. The behavior of most of the “critics” here (name-calling, insults, suggestions for physical maiming including violent death, calling everyone who disagrees with them “rape apologists”, etc…) is the very same behavior as those “extremists” you suggest are a rare and unrepresentative of self-appointed “feminists”. There’s no need to “spin” this. It is clear that the hostility seen on the videos is far more prevalent than you want to admit.
          In utter contrast, those supporting the views of this site do not behave as belligerently (don’t even attempt to use examples that are responses to the various flame-baiting attacks from the “critics” as refutation. If you attack others, do think that everyone will not at the very least defend themselves).
          Those who contribute to the site de-emphasize or put a “positive spin” on violence?
          >>>1. Just where is this happening in CONTEXT?
          >>>2. Where are they saying it is unilaterally, and without a case-by-case evaluation, that it is entirely (and that is the suggestion you are making) the “woman’s” fault?
          >>>3. How is a stating that “domestic violence” is subject to the definition of the accuser mitigation for the hostile actions of those we see on the videos?
          If you are going to make such outlandish claims, you will again be put to task to support those claims with VALID exhibitions. Do not even think that it is the onus of those that doubt the validity to find refutation. It is YOUR claim that is far from what most reasonable people can see here.

        4. “You call yourself a “feminist” (which by the very moniker promotes a one gender and not the other and is therefore “sexist”),”
          The definition of feminism is promoting gender equality, not one over the other, and certainly not undermining one to promote the other. You use radical feminists to stand in for a whole movement.

          You are ignoring the very nature of the criticism and resorting reciting the semantics rather than realizing that naming something specifically one-sided, is contradictory to seeking a balance between two divergent groups.
          Again, one can recite a definition, but practice something completely different. Feminists convince themselves they are seeking “equality in opportunity”, but, by action, seek advantage by demanding equality where they feel disadvantaged, but ignoring the inherent advantages they already possess that are in practice difficult to legislate into “equality”.
          It is akin to a situation where one half of a population is inherently deaf, while the other half is color-blind. The color blind half demands the abolition of color differentiated signage, but ignores any plea for signage when an audio warning is sufficient (hey, who cares if the other half can’t hear it). Remember in the context of this simile, deaf people cannot gain hearing, and color blind people cannot gain hue acuity. When you can understand how this parallels the misguidance of feminism, you will see why truly seeking equality of opportunity MUST take into account the strengths and weaknesses of both sides that CANNOT be legislated into insignificance.
          Your opposition DOES NOT use radical feminists to stand for a whole movement. This is yet another in the parade of misrepresentations that you use to convince yourself of your righteousness.
          That these radicals exist , that so many “critics” of ROK act in the same hostile fashion, that few “feminists” are able to discuss the salient points (much less accept when their arguments are laid to waste) is clear indication that a FAR GREATER percentage of feminism advocates are really just self-serving individuals that hide behind political movements to resolve their own individual failures.

        5. Also, please don’t dismiss the necessity of the feminism movement throughout history. If you lived in a society where women were forbidden to vote, working to get that vote is not sexism. It’s reversing sexism.

          Please stop accusing others of things that they clearly have not done. You constantly rely on these misrepresentations to justify your campaign of propaganda. Just WHERE has your opposition said or even suggested that movements for equality of opportunity were not beneficial to society? WHERE?
          In fact, in the first post in this branch that you are replying to, it was said:
          >>>Movements towards equal treatment have done a lot for society, but merely implying that these “feminists” are doing anything of the sort is surreptitious.<<<
          You need to stop these false accusations. You are only proving to the audience that you are so deep in denial that you see villainy in your opposition that doesn’t exist. Can you really not entertain the notion that it is perhaps you that is completely misguided?
          Incidentally, regarding your quip about Susan B. Anthony… There probably wasn’t a single female senator on June 4, 1919, so men did indeed give women the right to vote in the United States. Susan B. Anthony may have had a part drafting the original amendment, but it was MEN who agreed to it.

    2. Well that’s the thing. Have they accomplished anything? All the women I see fall under a few categories.
      1.They are totally dependent upon the state, another man (or men), their parents to get by day to day.
      2. They have a pink collar type job and spend way more than they make and are massively in debt.
      3. Are shacked up with a total loser man who probably has children with her and other women. He’s never been responsbile and the woman can’t seem to understand why he’s not changing. This woman usually makes non stop excuses for this man and seeks out help from all the people she’s blown off since she got shacked up with him.
      4. A woman who actually can provide on her own but is extremely alone as this gives her a massive chip on her shoulder. She claims men don’t like her because of her independence but in reality she is an obnoxious, unfeminine, cat hoarding, opinionated Godzilla.
      Nearly every woman I know or meet is drugged up, bitter, angry, exhausted, unsure and unloved. If that is progress, I give them my sympathy.

        1. You are obviously much too young to realize what you are doing to yourself. Check back in with me when you are my age and tell me how happy you are. It is easy to imagine how my life would have turned out had I stayed on the road that you are currently on as I have many friends who never woke up – picture the Sex and City girls at 50+ minus the happy, married endings that were hastily written for them. It is tragic. So yes I am sad for you that you have absolutely no idea how you are preventing yourself from experiencing true happiness with your know-it-all attitude and close-minded obsession with feminism. You and a lot of other young girls like you. Sad doesn’t even cover it.

        2. And exactly what am I doing to myself? What is your version of “true happiness”? And please, spare the pity and condescension.
          I am making reasoned choices that make me happy. And yes, I am happy; I am working hard, studying a subject and doing research in what I love, wonderful friends who support me in what I do, and a respectful, lovely relationship. Tell me what is wrong with that.

  38. Be honest, how many feminist haters are NOT getting laid? Cause if youre getting laid you focus on the women you are with, not the women youre not. Focus on women you like. Keep your mouth shut around them and get laid more.

  39. What the fuck is going on with these bitches, its just an excuse to take hormonal instability out on males instead of dealing with it, I used to be all for male female equality but after reading this ….., us males need to show these bitches who is at the top of the foodchain,,
    and soon, or we will all be fucked, I have never had any desire to stike a women, but if she was spray painting my face ,I would knock her the fuck out,,, !!!

  40. I don’t really like many feminists either, because of all the stuff above, I consider myself a masculinist (similar to an MRA I guess, but I don’t want to be bundled in with them!) But i’m a feminist too, because unlike the KKK feminism isn’t an organised collective that has meetings, it’s simply the belief in gender equality, and I believe in gender equality, I know no one at ROK does obviously, but I just thought it was worth saying… I too don’t really like feminists, and I also am one.

    1. You’re about as masculine as Chris Matthews. Total nonsense. Feminist groups all over the county are well funded, well organized, do have meetings, do have an agenda. I guarantee you you will find 1000X more Feminist meetings than KKK meetings.

  41. Feminists need what they have always needed from the beginning of their movement….HARD DICK. Like all women who spew this rhetoric, they are indirectly (or directly) telling men they need a really good hard long fucking. All it takes is Alpha males to fuck some since into them and feminism goes away like water evaporating on a sunny day.
    The whole premise of the feminist movement is ridiculous. No men take them seriously. We laugh at them. They fail to realize that there is no such thing as equality in this world. there never has been and there never will be. They get to say and act how they do because MEN let them. Period. They talk about the power of women and equality like either exists. The powerless rant and march and protest. The powerful make the changes that they like in society at the expense of the powerless.
    Women have always been subservient to men and always will be. It is divinely designed and natural. These women do not have a head of their house…no man to guide them. So they run around like a chicken with its head cut off. They saddest part about the feminist movement is the beta and omega men that support them. These men are truly lost in the fact that they don’t know who they are suppose to be. They are ….weak when they should be strong. They do not fulfill their true nature as men. It is through these weak men that feminism even has a voice in this world.
    Women (ALL WOMEN) are happiest when they are lead by a strong man. When you look at the feminist movement, you will see a history of confusion, anger, hate, despair, and a cry for help. These women have wasted their lives in the pursuit of something that will never be achieved and something they never truly understood nor wanted in the first place.
    There is no such thing as equality. There never was nor ever has been. You have the song and you have the weak. The powerful and the powerless. FACT: Women will never be equal to men. FACT: Women are the weaker sex. FACT: Men rule over women, not with them. FACT: A Man is the head of his household…not co-head. There can only be one king of the castle. Hierarchy from top to bottom. God, Husband, Wife, kids….in that order. You don’t have to like it….but accept it. Its never going to change.

      1. LOL, YES and I speak the truth. FACT: Women are the weaker sex. They are by nature subservient to men. Their desire is for men and to please men. Why do you thing the ultimate status for a woman is to be married (i.e. I’ve got a man). What is it that all young girls dream about doing…..growing up and finding their prince charming. I didn’t make you like this but this is how you are all hardwired. Why do you think women and society in general view a woman in her 30s and 40s as a failure if they are not married with kids. Learn to love it or continue to hate it….you can’t change who you are hardwired to be. Embrace it and you will be surprised at the amount of happiness you find.

        1. You got my vote. It’s all true. So sad for these young girls who don’t believe it now. By the time they realize it when they are my age (over 50) it will be much, much too late. And they will have successfully ruined the prospects of many men to find a good wife all along the way as well. It really is quite tragic for everyone.

  42. I love how at the end of the first video one guy points at a slut and says in Spanish; “am gonna rip your fucking head off for doing that!” At that moment all of these feminazi demons shriek back, and go silent for a moment. All it took was for just one dude to stand up and they were dominated in one instant. Us men are dominant no matter what.

    1. “Us men are dominant no matter what.”
      Yep, that’s exactly the kind of mentality perpetuating the culture that feminism seeks to redress.

        1. Sexism is not ingrained in the culture. That is a false premise and only true in your feminist world. The rest of us don’t see sexism. We see logical gender roles & responsibilities as well as reasonable standards for education, work, career, etc that anyone is free to attempt to meet – male or female. You want to create the view that there is sexism so that you can work to artificially level the playing for yourself so that you don’t have to meet standards – instead, you’ll just have the Government give you things. Like affirmative action to get into colleges even though your grades and test scores don’t meet the requirement and hiring quotas to get jobs even though your knowledge, experience and work standard is below par. Crying sexism is a way to convince other people and the Government to act to help lower standards so that you can meet them. You do it because you can’t compete on your own merits. It’s the lazy parasite way to get ahead. It’s bullshit.

        2. >Like affirmative action to get into colleges even though your grades and test scores don’t meet the requirement
          Evidence please 🙂 Of the people I know who were Presidential Scholar candidates (highest SAT scores in the country), and there are quite a few, the majority of them are girls. Also, colleges (at least in the US) don’t have a “minimum requirement” for test scores. Some are score-blind.
          > You do it because you can’t compete on your own merits.
          Again, unless you can say /for certain/ there are no environmental factors that discourage girls from studying STEM (thus never reaching their potential in that subject), then you are not qualified to make that statement. And there is data to disprove that, as the female percentage of science majors has increased substantially over the past 30 years.

  43. I think that something everyone here, including the author, is failing to realize is that women and men are not on opposing sides of this argument; that would be counterintuitive to the feminist cause. Feminism is not the hatred of men but rather the plea for equality. The only reason radical feminists need to exist is because otherwise nobody listens to them, this can be proven by hundreds of years of submissiveness. I don’t think that it can be disputed that men have more power in society than women do, which by the supposed ideals of America as well as those of being a compassionate human being should be recognized as a problem, but while this is true, it doesn’t excuse obnoxious and violent behavior. On the other hand, however, it is barbaric to try and blame gender inequality on the extremity of woman’s rights activists, How can you blame a woman for lashing out against the society that has oppressed her for so long? It’s like blaming a tiger for mauling a zookeeper when it has been deprived of food for a week. I think we all just need to step back and examine the situation a little bit closer and realize that we are really all on the same team.

    1. obviously you did not take the time to watch the included videos. those are not people who want equality. those are people who want to shut down any narrative that does not come from their biased and subjective viewpoint. they are violent, they are abusing, they are the oppressors. feminism is a violent and ignorant cult intent on goring our culture from the inside. feminism is hatred personified. I don’t play for teams that base their ideologies on hate.

      1. The problem that I have with this article is that everyone is attacking their “biased and subjective viewpoint” when it is valid. I can’t argue with the fact that the videos above were disgusting and a disgrace to feminism and anyone who is fighting for gender equality, but no one is taking history into any consideration. You have to realize that women have been pushed down by men through the entirety of history because they were viewed as lesser beings, that sounds like “hatred personified” to me. I do agree with you that the women in these videos are unsavory to say the least but instead of looking at these women as crazy, dirty feminists, look at the cause. Think about your sisters and daughters; do you really want them in a world where they get paid less for the same quality of work, can’t get birth control to protect themselves, or have to worry about walking anywhere alone? I honestly don’t think that anyone wants that so why are we fighting against feminism? Every cause has crazy people, we just have to make sure that the sane ones overpower those who give the effort a bad name.

        1. You start with this false premise “that women have been pushed down by men through the entirety of history because they were viewed as lesser beings,” and then base everything else you say from it. That is what’s wrong with feminism. Right there.

        2. How is it a false premise? If you can give me concrete evidence of how women already have equal rights in our society then I will leave this alone, however, if you can’t then I will stand by my point as valid.

        3. If women are viewed as lesser beings than men then why are they revered, pedestalized and held up as the “heart of the family” since time began. Poems, songs and tributes written to women – virtually none dedicated to men. They are as critical to our culture as baseball and apple pie (and Chevrolet.) That certainly does not sound like they have been pushed down because they were viewed as lesser beings.

        4. … and why don’t you illuminate everyone here with the copy/paste list of places wherein women do NOT have equal rights under the law, currently? because I am certainly unaware of any. to the contrary in many areas of the law, women have far MORE rights then men. examples: false rape accusations result in no punishment for women (even though they ruin the lives of the men they accuse), child custody & divorce/alimony (all geared for women to win cash and prizes and men to live forever forward in abject poverty w limited access to their children), domestic abuse (women can attack men without provocation; men are automatically arrested for any accusation), preferential acceptance into colleges (affirmative action), preferential hiring (quotas), the right to force men to support babies that are not even theirs and further to prohibit DNA testing, the right to abort their children without informing the fathers, etc. I am sure the men here could think of many, many more. So I do agree with you, our society has an equality problem. However it is not that women don’t have enough, it’s that they have far too much. And that, my friend, is what is ruining our culture. “ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS.”

        5. I’m not talking about equality under the law. Women do have the same equalities as men do, just like black people and homosexuals. It’s not the law that’s in question, it’s the undertones of society. Why do african americans make up over 50% of the incarceration rate when they only make up a quarter of the total population? Why are 9 out of 10 lgbt kids bullied in schools? Why are women’s reproductive rights being attacked by congress so that abortions for rape victims or unfit parents become harder and more dangerous to get? There is an unspoken inequality that is indisputable in all minorities, if you don’t see it then you aren’t looking at the same world that I am.

        6. Also, I can tell that I am not going to convince you of my opinion just like you won’t be able to convince me yours, so let’s just agree to disagree on this topic.

        7. You really want to try to legislate to change the undertones of society? Is there no level to which you will invite the Government and the state to intrude on your life and the lives of your neighbors? Is there no level of freedom you feel protective of that you wouldn’t exchange for feeling safe? Pathetic. Pathetic and weak. You disgust me.

  44. If we started something called Manism we’d be considered sexist. Feminism was designed to help gender equality and has turned into a mass hate movement stereotyping all men and ultimately making the real people trying to fight for equality vanish into thin air. Equality is about removing stereotypes. The word Feminist itself is a stereotype. You don’t fight stereotyping with more stereotyping. A new movement has to be started with the proper foundation, People choose to be sheep when they blindly make decisions without doing their own research. You train those sheep to be wolves and they become wolves. Simply put it shouldn’t be about race, gender, religious affiliation, or any other stereotype. This is the road to Eugenics and genocide in the guise of stopping all of that it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. An individual should be judged for their actions and not the actions of anyone else unless their actions are the direct cause of said individuals actions. Feminism is most absolutely just more bullshit. A movement called equalitarianism (I think I made that up) or something without a stereotype that ANYONE can be involved in is what is required for this to work. You don’t fight segregation with more segregation. You don’t help victims by pretending to be one in order to hurt someone. This just looks like misguided hate. You have to rebrainwash the brainwashed masses. Mob mentality is not an intelligent mentality.
    Still though at the end of the day as long as we teach that barbies are for her and gi joes are for him rather than do wtf you feel like doing as long as you’re not hurting anyone this will continue forever.
    I often wonder why this hate isn’t directed at people who deserve it such as the individuals who actually commit crimes as opposed to entire groups of people randomly associated with crimes.
    Also closed mouths don’t get fed.

  45. Kathy Lette saying that she has a right to speak for all women because women are on her side is completely incorrect. If I had to chose between the two Alex brought up much better points without personally attacking Kathy.
    If those on ROK who say “all women…” are basing their statements on women like Kathy who think that can speak on behalf of all women, then I understand the confusion.

  46. Guys, you’re basing the entirety of this article off of stereotypes. Yes, there are extreme feminists. Yes, they are annoying. No, they are not contributing to equality. I am a feminist and I have never pushed my beliefs upon anyone else. As you are so belligerent, however, I doubt you’ll read this, but the majority of feminists are for the rights of EVERYONE

    1. You’re just repeating the same old “that’s not feminism” excuse. It’s already been refuted here:

      This Is What A Feminist Looks Like

      (and from the choice of some words, it’s looks like you’ve seen and are just pretending like it hasn’t been discussed.

    2. I hear the promise repeated often but I’m not seeing any proof. And typing something in capitals doesn’t add any weight to your point.

        1. I shamed a lot of girls, yes. However, they weren’t sluts. Feminism is focusing on the rights of women, but I do want to help guys, which is why I try my utmost not to contribute to hypermasculinity.

        2. In addition to this, I also strive to recognize that guys experience domestic violence, sexual assault, and rape and wholly support transgender men and gay, bi, and pan men as well.

        3. Manipulating guys to suit women’s agenda as being the default primary isn’t proof of feminists being for the rights of everyone. You still haven’t presented any proof for your claim. In fact you’ve admitted that feminists focus on the rights of women and only care about the ‘rights’ of men so far as it suits you.

        4. I’m really not capable of manipulating anyone, sadly. In addition to this, what type of evidence would you like for me to provide, if not examples?

  47. We (MRAs) need the police on our side. I mean, damn-near every police officer I know is manly as fuck, somewhat more alpha, and would definitely benefit from men’s rights activism. I think we should invite them to our meetings, instill them with our message, and unleash them on the feminists who try to disrupt our gatherings. We should also get all the judges and lawyers on our side. Hell – men run this place – we should aim to get every man on our side -then we can deal with things like this easily.If patriarchy (or equality) were real, feminists wouldn’t get away with the things they’re doing to us.

    1. inb4 you’re a misogynist
      inb4 you live in your mom’s basement and masturbate all day
      inb4 you don’t get any pussy
      inb4 we’re not all like that
      inb4 ‘the patriarchy blah blah’
      inb4 you’re ugly
      (also, sidenote by men run this place, I mean that men form the backbone of society – ie women can quit working and nothing would happen, but if men stopped, women would die in days)

  48. This is absolutely pathetic! I am Christian! But these men are pathetic! No man should tolerate this from his natural subordinate (women). This is why Christianity has a reputation these days for being weak, mild and docile. If this was an Islamic country, these women would have been beaten to a bloody pulp and rightfully so! These men should have beat these whores into next Sunday. Gone are the days of the Teutonic Knights and Conquistadors. Hello Mr. Christian Mangina, go ahead and wipe that 5 time feminist-abortionist’s spit off your face! If this is Modern Christianity, I hope it crashes and burns with a vengeance. Gott Mit Uns!

  49. SInce feminism is designed to stop beatings, honor killings, underage marriage, allow women to go to school and have birth control to stop poverty and disease caused mostly by forced breeding of young, poor, powerless girls, end human trafficking and genital mutilation, shall I assume you are so grossly delusional you support these things? The torture, rape, death, stoning, disease, and poverty, the children and families that suffer and starve and sit in disease because they have too many children, are oppressed by religious and social convention, are told they have no worth but to breed and die, and have no access to schools, banned from even driving or walking in public, no options to have any way out ? The early deaths and the desolation? The widespread sale of little girls for sex so starving families can eat? Forcing a ten year old to marry her rapist uncle under law? The horrific volume of women and children that die from domestic abuse? This is all not worth defending against? How could you be so ignorant as to pretend it is attacking men to try and save people from these horrors? Shame on you for presenting this dishonestly. Feminism is for saving people from brutal present day hell, it is not defined as ‘women with attitudes you dislike’.

    1. No. Shame on YOU for trying to slip this straw-man argument in as a valid refutation.
      Let’s be clear here. It’s not the label or what that label is SUPPOSED to represent that is being admonished here. It is how hostile individuals (caught on these video’s and present in a lot of the “responses” here) hide behind the label to promote their agenda of hostility.
      As far as the campaign against the injustices you mention, that is the focus of human rights and the general movement towards a just society. You are arguing semantics when you throw up the name of “feminism”. Everyone is well aware of the things that we all should campaign against. It is using all of these victims as human shields to exercise hatred that is the problem identified here.
      The very usage of a name that focuses on one sex is deliberately skewed. Can you seriously say what these women in the videos are doing represents “humanism”?
      No. Those women represent the sector of immature individuals who find shelter behind a label to blast out their internal anger on convenient targets. Most, if not all of this rage is the manifestation of denial that they are the cause of their own personal failures.
      Stop trying to excuse their bad behavior because they choose to wear the “feminism” t-shirt as mitigation for any and all anarchy.

  50. That girl on the ‘feminist makes false sexual assault alegation’ is the most vile little cunt ever. There’s no doubt in my mind that she faced any consequences at all for that, nor did she think she would. Feminists really are like annoying little siblings who, when they can’t compete or lose a fight they’ve started start screaming, crying and playing the victim.

  51. Any woman who declares herself a feminist (with no consistent definition of feminism existing now, just all feminists having various ideas of how exactly how much preferential treatment women should get). If she does’t believe men and women should retire at the same age, both be drafted (since women have proven they can join the military) and both be equally represented on construction sites (jobs women lack the inclination and physical capacity to do, there’s no cocoon of anti-discrimination legislation protecting them like there is in the local government) then she’s a radical feminist, not an egalitarian feminist.

  52. I am astounded and appalled that this article (or any of your others for that point) is supported by anyone. I am a feminist, I do not hate men, I have never been violent to a man OR a woman. You liken feminism to facism but maybe you need to step back and see that your views are actually a million times more facist, sexist, childish, out dated and ridiculously FALSE than any feminist claim ever was. In the 60s women did have to FIGHT and use violence and such techniques to get their point heard. Today, feminism has won ground and developed to be an INTELLECTUAL argument, one which you are proving yourselves here, on the website, too stupid to understand or talk about rationally without finger pointing, accusing, and with far too many generalisations. You are sexist pigs and you are the small minority in your disgusting views and arguments. You have no repsect from me.

    1. I am astounded and appalled that this article (or any of your others for that point) is supported by anyone.

      While you are welcome to your emotions regarding this article, your basis is flawed and absolutely disingenuous. The exaggerated outrage typifies the biased response of the self-proclaimed “feminist”. None of your allegations are supported by what is written in these articles, or in the responses of those who support them. You are merely trying to shout down the truths being told here because you don’t want others to be exposed to them.

      I am a feminist, I do not hate men, I have never been violent to a man OR a woman. You liken feminism to facism but maybe you need to step back and see that your views are actually a million times more facist, sexist, childish, out dated and ridiculously FALSE than any feminist claim ever was.

      While one can claim any label they want, using the nebulous title of “feminist”, saying you have no history of violence against men, and then using it to separate yourself from the clearly violent behavior of those feminists caught on video, is just applying the “any true Scotsman” fallacy again.
      This is covered in the article itself (see “But Not All Feminists Are Like That!”) and you are just conveniently ignoring the evidence. The terrorist tactics are very much like those used by fascist regime supporters. While you accuse the writers and supports here of being “a million times more fascist, sexist, childish and outdated”, NONE of that behavior has been demonstrated by them (direct response to personal attacks and foul-language “criticisms” from “feminists” excluded of course).
      If it were merely allegations, you might be able to convince a neophyte or two, but considering the numerous video recordings in this article your supposition of “ridiculously false” is laughable. The evidence is both clear and irrefutable… yet you think by shouting “Liar! Liar!” you have effectively refuted the claim. That is the epitome of denial.

      In the 60s women did have to FIGHT and use violence and such techniques to get their point heard.

      Being that these videos are quite recent (within the past couple of years at the most), actions of feminists in the 1960’s are NOT a mitigation of the actions today.
      Furthermore, physical violence and intimidation tactics were just as uncalled for back then as they are now. The videos clearly show peaceful meetings that are disrupted by hostile individuals. There is NO justification for the violent behavior of these “feminists”, nor can any vicarious history of transgression be used to justify physical violence upon those who are peacefully sharing ideas amongst themselves.
      There is no excuse for the violent behavior of the “feminists” caught on video.

      Today, feminism has won ground and developed to be an INTELLECTUAL argument, one which you are proving yourselves here, on the website, too stupid to understand or talk about rationally without finger pointing, accusing, and with far too many generalisations. You are sexist pigs and you are the small minority in your disgusting views and arguments. You have no repsect from me.

      First of all, no one cares whether they have earned the respect of a fundamentalist. Neither the hatred you have for men nor the belligerence you have for those who oppose your view is “earned”. These things are spawned within your own dark heart.
      Whatever ground any real movement for equality of opportunity has earned for women in the past, a lot has been lost due to selfish and hostile protests of childish individuals like the ones caught on video here.
      Finger-pointing? The videos show childish people trying to shout down what they cannot debate with maturity. There’s no need to “finger point” or accuse. It’s quite self-evident.
      Generalizations? There’s plenty of “responses” from self-proclaimed feminists here that are nothing more than name-calling and insult-throwing rants.
      Like every one of those dissenters, your response is nothing more than a verbal assault one uses to hide their lack of any real refutation. You have no point to make and it is obvious. You cannot excuse the hostile behavior of the women in those videos and you know it.

      1. Affirmative. That troll sounds like the one that comes here all the time shilling the same old story. She knows she is wrong and pretends all of her “wisdom” is new to this discussion.

    2. Another day, and the same old bullshit. This article contains ACTUAL FOOTAGE of feminists attacking people and you still try to defend it? Your rant is based entirely on denial.

  53. Yeah, feminazis have gone too far. We don’t need to act like gentlemen around them. They piss us off and start a fight, we’ll just give them our fist. When a woman is gang raped by a group of men, people make a big deal out of it. That is understandable because she was hurt. But now if it’s a bunch of women hitting a guy to the point where an ambulance has to be called, the rest of the world does not really give two shits about it. Radical feminists think they are the center of the universe and it isn’t doing anyone good, even themselves.

  54. Compare feminist political clout with that of…say the NRA, and you will realize just how scary feminism is. Certainly the NRA is an extremely powerful political lobby, however, there is also a counter-lobby of people who support gun control. Feminism on the other hand has no (real) political opposition. This allows them to shape society in their image.

  55. I read an earlier post talking about us giving them equality and them throwing it back in our faces, and that is one hundred percent true. But we have actually given them more than equality. We have given them life. Men have created every single thing in this world, from the carpet on the floor to the planes in the sky. We made EVERYTHING!! All the cars, every building, electricity, roads,sewer systems, every medical breakthrough, every law that keeps them safe, every scientific law and mathmatical theorem, EVERYTHING is down to men. They think they can live with out us. I think they should spin their hamster wheel a bit faster to get grasp of what living without us actually means. Living without us, by default, means living without anything we have ever created. So, they cant use money because we inveted that, they cant eat food thats grown on any farm because we gave birth to agriculture and they cant use any plumbing or sewer system because we inveted those too. Therefore living without men means no economy, no food and no clean water or toilets. I challenge them. Go to a remote island and build a civilization equal to ours WITHOUT US! TRY!! The plain and simple fact is, they havent created anything, we created it all, therefore they are not entitled to anything. Every single thing in their life is a privilege that we have given them. And now they have the complete and utter cheek to stand there spitting in our faces!? I firmly beleive we should put chivalry and kindness to the side and show them how easily we can take those privileges away. Band together and actually oppress them for a while. Show them how good they have it at the moment. We all know the only reason they think they can do it is because political correctness, the law etc is on their side, but i also think that because the “no hitting women” rule has been going for so long, and has been abided by exccedingly well given the circustances, they have forgotten how truly puny they are. We havent forgotten, we know we can literally kill them with only ten percent of our full exertion, but they have forgotten. Imagine if the men in the first video decided to retaliate. They could trample the women like ants and nothing could stop them. One man can utterly destroy four or five women on his own. Its time we remind them of that fact. Its time we remind them why we are the hunters and the protectors. Its time we remind them that everything in their lives has been given to them out of our generosity, and it can be taken away in a heartbeat. They are not just biting, but utterly savaging at the hand that feeds them. Lets just remind them.

  56. Probably the most truthful article on this site. I remember seeing. Bumper sticker when I was younger it said “environmentalism is the name, POWER is the game.” We just need to put feminism in there now.

  57. Feminism.. the ultimate shit test. And lads, we fucking Failed. Big time.

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