Fat Single Mothers Are Child Abusers


It is known that single mothers are a virus which cause many of the societal ills plaguing Western culture. They leech off hard working men with the assistance of the feminist welfare state and still demand more. Without male leadership a boy ‘raised’ by a woman will, as black America predicts, “have high unemployment and incarceration rates. Young boys will be prone to violence, academic reticence, and poor performance in school.” As for girls raised by single mothers they will become emotional, more likely to buy the lie of feminist dogma, and will become a career driven androgynous ball-buster.

Despite the fact that being a parasitic single mother is becoming normalized. Despite the fact that more and more women are “choosing” to become single mothers to boost their narcissistic desires. Despite it all, there is a class of women even more vile and hurtful to both children and society than the single mother: the Fat Single Mother (FSM).


Mental illness is hugely correlated with obesity. Depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and in some cases PTSD (from seeing their unfathomable bulk in the mirror every morning) are the main mental illnesses associated with being a fat shit. Along with obesity, being a woman is a predictor of mental illness. The reported rate of mentally ill women in the USA is roughly 23%. Depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, and narcissistic tendencies top that list. Any sane person will have a good idea what that will mean for a helpless and impressionable child.

FSMs, on average, are more narcissistic, solipsistic, and delusional than their thin counterparts. They genuinely do not comprehend that they are at fault for any of their life problems and thus will teach their children this. Leading by example FSMs teach their children to be entitled, lazy, and completely dependent on the others (i.e., the state). However, these narcissistic FSMs will also project their subconscious self-loathing onto their innocent child making them believe they’re shit with no hope in life. If the child is a male he will be scarred by seeing gentleman caller after gentleman caller ravage the holes of his portly mother. The active effects of the FSM riding the cock carousel are that because the FSM has no accountability she will blame many of her problems on the men in her life. In the case of a FSM the only man that sticks around long enough to abuse is her own flesh and blood.


Fat parents have fat children. This is nearly true in all cases. Fat children grow into fat adults and through their life they will face constant discrimination, bullying, self esteem issues, mental health issues, lower life span, and all around a lower quality of life. Children of mentally ill parents suffer abuse through neglect, stunted personal development,  and low self esteem. Through life they show an inability to trust others, depression, fear, low academic achievement, and on and on.

A child cannot consent to being fat.

Children born to FSMs are marginalized from birth and have no hope but to continue the viscous cycle of abuse. Parents are meant to raise children, to mould them into the best human they possibly can, yet FSMs do the exact opposite and from every angle prevent their children from having any semblance of hope in this world. FSMs have the responsibility to become accountable for their actions or the state – instead of funding single mothers – will be forced to remove these children and teach them the fundamentals of being a healthy and happy human being.

fsm 5

Fat single mothers are child abusers and they are as detrimental to a child’s welfare as a two-bit crackwhore.

Read Next: Thin Privilege Doesn’t Exist

63 thoughts on “Fat Single Mothers Are Child Abusers”

  1. All of these articles containing pictures of fatties are hurting my eyes.
    Though to be fair on one point, not all fat parents have fat kids, there are exceptions to that one. Mind you I dont live in the States..

    1. I live in the states and will tell you that all fat parents have fat kids. ALL! However some fat kids will lose the weight themselves and not be fat later in life, or will start out thin but before long become fat at some point. All kids with fat parents are fat at some point but some are able to become thin, and they still have low self esteem of a fatty for men like me.

      1. My mom is big and I am very skinny, I have never been fat at all. She also was a single mom because my dad left her. Would you like to explain that? This site is narrow minded and extremely sexist, racist and does not prove any of the points it is making with hard evidence. It fails to even acknowledge the counter arguments. It is great to know that there are a clan of men, hiding in their homes who will probably be forever alone because they lack the necessary tools to cope cultural change. It is a bit sad really, but nonetheless I will leave you with these words: Get your head out of each others asses and see that we are not back in the 1800s.These are human beings we are talking about, you cannot just generalize them because every story is different.

        1. First I want to point this out;
          A person who believes that a particular race is superior to another
          Last time I checked fat wasn’t a race. I am also not sexist, I said all fat parents. Fat mothers and fat mothers, however I’m going on fat mothers since women get custody more often for raising a kid solo.
          So now onto your post:
          You may be skinny now, but if you read my post, but you will be fat one day. Short of if you die soon or have an actual problem in which gaining weight is nearly impossible. You didn’t even make a counter argument while arguing that I ignored the counter arguments, how in gods green earth can someone who ignores the counter arguments be called that by someone who didn’t provide one. Also your not going to win against me in insults, I won’t stoop to your level either. You just need to realize that when you go for insults rather than beating my logic then going for insults just makes my point stronger, not weaker.
          For the ending, and a little reiteration of the beginning, I will generalize as I please. Some women don’t, however the majority would screw a man over in a heart beat and are filthy whores who sleep around. Generalizing a bit, yes, however you can’t deny the majority is like this with less room for exceptions. Now for reiteration, you may not even be thin. You might think you are, but you could still be a chunky person most would find fat, or you may not be thin or chunk at all but fucking huge. Or you may be thin. I can’t confirm your honesty in that assessment nor do I know your appearance, however what I can say is this “Even if you are thin, which I doubt, you would be an exception and not the rule”
          PS, there was a post somewhere about feminists insults and what not. Go read that.

        2. Listen, when I mention the sexist and racist I meant this whole site as a whole (for example the article about the Indian woman), you seem to have failed to read the full sentence. As for my size honestly is doesn’t matter what you think and I do not need to prove myself to you. I know what an I am who I am, and that is a living example of how wrong you are. Let me shed some light on the definition of ‘all’, “the whole of,” (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/all?s=t). Oh look I even included a link so you can see for yourself. I do believe in an earlier argument with K you said all. Hey you should probably included exceptions I guess so you can be a bit more accurate. Also, you have no logic, never once did you post any statistics on the issue (I do believe I mentioned this in my comment too, of course you didn’t read it completely). By the way my counter argument was that you didn’t provide any factual proof of this being real. So yeah as for the insults, I found your article riddled with them towards people like me, the children of single fat parents. So you started it technically, so I stooped down a few levels but at least mine doesn’t hurt people for no reason. All this article is, is you spouting of what ever comes into your head with even thinking more into it, or even doing a little research. You continue doing what you are doing if that is what gets your dick hard. As for me I am going to do some good in this world. Have a super life, bro. P.S. I am not a feminist, but I do believe when a person leaves their family high and dry the other parent should be able to rely on themselves to provide, it doesn’t matter if that is a man or a woman.

        3. Indian as in Amerindian isn’t really a race. Indians are of a variety of ethnic backgrounds from Sino-Tibetan and Mongolian to European.
          Indian as in Indians of India isn’t a race either as Indians are of a wide variety from Aryan (“Caucasian,” Iranian to Dravidian, Mongols (Moghul) and many others.

      2. ItIt’s difficult for a person who was fat as an infant and child to lose weight in part because they develop much larger numbers of fat cells, not just have fatter individual cells. These fat cells resist being starved. This is a contributor to “see-sawing” of losing weight then gaining it right back – and plus more. Removing sections of blubber can help if done by a competent reduction surgeon.

  2. I have come to the conclusion that fat women are pure evil. To cripple your children like that, one must have an incredibly black heart. I have no sympathy for fat people who make no effort to change and tout their oversizedness as healthy.

  3. “….and in some cases PTSD (from seeing their unfathomable bulk in the mirror every morning)” lol

  4. Man you really can’t use the abbreviation FSM here. You hurt my religious feelings! FSM means one and only Flying Spaghetti Monster!

    1. Could also mean Free Surface Moment which is even more dangerous than what you’re using it for.

  5. Women are generally mired with insecurities
    Fat people are also suffering from personality issues and insecurities, both because they are fat, and the root cause of their eating disorder.
    In time fat people will be treated like drug addicts, alcoholics or compulsive gamblers. They already are to some extent… at least when they want to seriously lose weight.
    Mothers are also ‘on edge’ / insecure because they have children to take care of… hence the traditional model of having a husband, a clear headed male to hold the fort….
    Even female animals with young are often known to be the most vicious, even fighting to the death for their young, which males are less likely to do.
    Single mothers are even more insecure because they lack the male hard headedness to keep them on the straight and narrow.
    So take all those factors and you don’t add them together, but multiply them… thus FAT X FEMALE X MOTHER x SINGLE = INSECURITY TO THE POWER 4.
    Nightmare levels…
    Makes Freddy Kruger looks like Mickey Mouse…..
    The offensive is good, but we also have to feel sorry for these people.
    It’s one thing to say that heroin junkies are an ulcer on society, but another to have a little compassion and treat them as the addicts, with serious social, psychological problems that they have, and try to help them… NOT EMPOWER them…. but help them…..
    helping an insecure messed up person can be very difficult, first they have to admit their problems….
    still we can only try…..

  6. I had a thin mom, but she did have bi-polar disorder and I can say I had many of these same characteristics of the abused child (not trusting others, low self esteem, and stunted development). Except for the low academic performance. I came from an upper middle class neighborhood without gangs so I saw academic success and college as my only way out.

  7. Please do not involve FSM in this, our creator does not approve of shit like this and FSM’s name shall not be used on this page since it’s deeply offensive to us who have been touched by the almighty’s noodly appendages.

  8. Solid, well written post ! No childish insults and lame attempts at humor like the previous articles …. 8/10 would read again !
    And to all the right leaning brahs on here … what is your opinion on taxing single mothers ( based on out of wedlock kids they pop out) and especially FSM’s (based on the how many pounds overweight they are) ? Would it collide with the “no government intervention” principles we have or would it be a necessary exception in order to save this country from cultural and economic decay ?

    1. Gov’t is supposed to (in theory) look out for society’s well-being. Taxing FSMs beyond cutting off their welfare bennies is an absolute must.

    2. I don’t believe single mothers should be taxed; it will only punish the child. Instead, the single mother should be given a choice: sterilization in exchange for welfare, or no welfare at all.

    3. I don’t believe single mothers should be taxed; it will only punish the child. Instead, the single mother should be given a choice: sterilization in exchange for welfare, or no welfare at all.

  9. So, where are all these fine upstanding fathers? Why aren’t they helping?
    It’s easy to blame a fat, single mum, but why aren’t the dad’s helping out?

    1. Because most of them are father against their will. If a woman make the decision alone, she implicitely agrees to raise it alone.
      And like Nikki said, even the willing ones may not be allowed to see their kids.

      1. See the news item about the guy in (Seattle?) who was raped while asleep by a huge woman who sneaked in through his bedroom window.
        See the story of Lot, who was plied with wine until he passed out, then raped by both of his daughters (Bible). This shit has been going on for millennia.

    1. No, this article is actually true. If I see a fat mother and/or father I KNOW that their child will be fat and that pisses me off. Allowing your your young child to become this way is in every sense of the word, child abuse. If you disagree in any way, you are fat yourself and are in denial. This is so obvious to anyone with half a brain that if you dare argue you will only look stupid.
      Look forward to your reply.

      1. I don’t mean to discredit the idea that your habits often become your childrens’ (healthy or unhealthy). }I mean to comment on the overwhelming amount of misogyny that everything on this website is drenched in. I mean, this article claims that “It is known that single mothers are a virus which cause many of the societal ills plaguing Western culture,” as though the majority of struggling single mothers at some point aspired to become single mothers and men played no role in getting them there, they share no blame. Really? People honestly feel that way? I guess I’m just a little disgusted.

        1. Maybe I just don’t understand the humor in this. Is it sarcasm? Is this site trying to use blue humor or create a burlesque of womanizers? Is the site supposed to be satirical? Really truly and honestly I feel like I am missing something. Can someone explain whether or not this site is intended to be humorous?

        2. No, just some guys here have been burnt by divorce or are from single mother families themselves so take it a bit too far on occasions. And some guys find it a bit sad themselves seeing all this hate. But you take the good with the bad. I come here for a laugh, sometimes I laugh with, sometimes I laugh at.

        3. They mean what they write, but the form is intentionally made harsher than needed, mostly to attract and piss off the haters.

        4. This is a website for men, and men tend to speak unvarnished truth directly to one another in the interest of verbal economy. A male audience requires significantly less sugar-coating, and, if you are not (1) a man (2) accustomed to talking with other men, then you may well find such an absence of sweetness disgusting. But that is your business.

        5. You mean they all were raaaaaped?
          No one spread their legs for them sugartits.

        6. Why are they single mothers? Yeah, they’ve ALL been raped, I know. Sure. Or their husband has abandoned them.
          The prisons are jam-packed with the (fatherless) sons of single mothers. And the (fatherless) daughters of single mothers are slutting around and becoming single mothers of more prison inmates.
          Government encourages single motherhood by subsidizing it. Pay for more bastards and you get more bastards. Bastards, with few exceptions who rise above their circumstances, are pissed-off at the world. The prison industry benefits by getting more “customers.” Welfare bureaucracies benefit by more single mothers and more children damaged from birth by fatherlessness.
          Fat girls can get bred (“Beer! So Fat Girls Can Have Sex!”) by guys who are drunk, desperate or fat (likely all three) themselves but have a hard time getting husbands.
          How to curtail this? Who knows? Epidemics are hard to stop.

      2. Do you have any science that proves that 100% that all their children will be fat? Everyone on my mothers side of the family including my mother are overweight or obese yet here I am weighing a mere 106 pounds

        1. Have yourself a thorough physical exam, particular attention given to cancer and parasite infestation. Or perhaps you are repulsed enough by obesity that you keep yourself trim? Like children of drunkards who are themselves teetotalers.

      3. Women also gain weight during pregnancy. So if you see a woman with a little weight on her carrying around an infant, you pass judgement and claim she’s a piece of shit whose going to make her child obese?

  10. A funny video from Ireland, my hometown of Athlone, about “riding fat single parents”. It’s subtitled ‘cos yis might it hard to understand!

  11. Can we have a slamming hot babes week to offset the retinal burn incurred by these porkies?

  12. Please do the world a favor and kill yourself. I would rather live in a world full of fat people than bigots such as yourself. Fucking piece of shit.

    1. A world full of fat people would collapse within a few years.
      The many dangerous and physically demanding jobs that keep our society’s infrastructure running would go unmanned.
      Then you could complain about the ‘bigots’ that kept your fat mouth fed, washed, transported, and rescued, you piece of pigshit.

      1. If people were bigger, then we’d be building more things to accommodate for them. Fat people are people just like everyone else. It does not make them any dumber. Sure, we’ll probably have more or less food made but at least, there won’t be any bigots like the majority of people in this site! You are the one who is a piece of pigshit!

        1. If you were trapped in a burning building, would you want a bunch of fat 300+ lbs firefighters coming to your rescue? How about mining. How well would a bunch of fat-fuks do 2000 feet underground. How about construction, how about agriculture. Civilization is built by fit, strong and hardworking people, not the fat-fuk in the HR department.

        2. Fat people aren’taren’t necessarily taller or more sturdily framed. They just have more fat. Wherever I go the obese workers (“”) waddle around doing very little work as compared to the moderately sized ones.
          Once people attain a certain weight they may not consume more calories as they are relatively inactive, sedentary. When they become crippled (PC: “challenged”) by gross obesity they nearly stop moving at all.
          They also expect the rest of us to pay for their grossly disproportional consumption of healthcare.

      2. dumbest argument ever, your level of (or lack of) intelligence is seeping through the computer scree. take a break, have a beer and clean up your trailor while your at it.

  13. Distressed commenters, take heart. The hatred and bigotry is high in this post, but the science – the factual basis – what really matters, is lacking.

    It is known that single mothers are a virus which cause many of the societal ills plaguing Western culture.

    A cause? You sure about that?
    It’s not very hopeful when the post starts with blatant rubbish.

    Without male leadership a boy ‘raised’ by a woman will, as black America predicts, “have high unemployment and incarceration rates.

    Because that’s the cause of the ills of Black society (reality check: it’s not).

    Young boys will be prone to violence, academic reticence, and poor performance in school.

    This is true, but “male leadership” has nothing to do with it in and of itself.

    As for girls raised by single mothers they will become emotional, more likely to buy the lie of feminist dogma, and will become a career driven androgynous ball-buster

    Do you even have any indication that there’s a correlation here? Feminist women tend to be higher IQ White liberals – who in fact overwhelmingly come from two-(opposite sex)parent homes.

    Mental illness is hugely correlated with obesity.

    I’m not sure about that. That’s rather unclear at the moment because of the difficulty of measuring mental illness.

    Along with obesity, being a woman is a predictor of mental illness.

    For certain disorders, yes.

    FSMs, on average, are more narcissistic, solipsistic, and delusional than their thin counterparts.


    Fat parents have fat children. This is nearly true in all cases.

    Sort of. But still, WHY is this so?

    They genuinely do not comprehend that they are at fault for any of their life problems and thus will teach their children this. Leading by example FSMs teach their children to be entitled, lazy, and completely dependent on the others (i.e., the state).

    Parents are meant to raise children, to mould them into the best human they possibly can, yet FSMs do the exact opposite and from every angle prevent their children from having any semblance of hope in this world.

    Yada, yada, yada. This is complete bullshit.
    Look, as propagandists, especially to your like-minded adorers, you guys are OK. As conveyers of truth, not so much.
    This post suffers from one overarching problem: the failure to recognize the fact that All Human Behavioral Traits are Heritable. As are all human physical traits, which includes obesity, which is in fact 80% heritable.
    Worse still, you ignore the fact that parenting doesn’t impact how children turn out (at least within the range found in most Western parents). This includes one’s adult level of obesity, which is 80% heritable, but shows zero impact from the shared environment. It doesn’t matter whether children grow up with a father or not; fatherlessness is a common effect of the true causes, not a cause itself. One of the primary causes is heredity.
    Your posts on fat shaming would have more impact if you bothered to consult the science on the matter, which at least your colleague over at “3 Reasons Why America Can’t Afford Obesity” did, if in a flawed manner.
    If you respond to to this post without acknowledging the facts of the matter, revert to preaching religious doctrine, and/or invoke logical fallacies, I’m not going to take your response seriously.

    1. Nice c&p reply…and utter nonsense. Adults and children get fat because they exercise too little and eat too much. Genetics or medical issues play a negligible role in obesity. And who is responsible for getting junior off the couch and stop him from stuffing his face? The parent.

      1. If you don’t know what you’re talking about (and you’re talking to someone who’s seen plenty of evidence), why do you say anything at all?

        1. If obesity is 80% inherited, than how do you explain the current obesity EPIDEMIC? One hundred years ago there were almost NO fat slobs running around, now they are everywhere. Where did all these pigs “inherit” that from?
          When I was in elementary school in the seventies, we had ONE fat kid in the whole school, and we taunted him mercilessly. I remember him as being Hindenburg sized, but when I look at pics from back then, I realize he was what now would be called slightly chubby, yet we thought he was a landwhale. I now see morbidly obese ten year olds all over, that look like old men, with manboobs and huge beer guts.
          Explain, smarty pants.

        2. This fellow sums it up pretty well:

          I could throw a whole bunch of studies at you, but I’ll refer you to this instead.
          I’ve [been] reading Jayman’s blog constantly for the two past weeks because it’s so addictive. He mostly writes about behavioral genetics.
          Heritability of obesity is just as high as the heritability for height and IQ (meaning, twin studies show the correlation in BMI between twins raised in different environments to be around .8…pretty damn high). An individual’s relative obesity level today is the same today as it would have been 50 years ago. Of course, overall absolute obesity levels are much higher today than they were 50 years ago. But no one really knows why. Study after study shows that carbs, sugar, and lack of exercise, among other things, can’t explain the societal wide change in obesity. Longitudinal studies show that when people change up their diets (under supervision from doctors), the results are usually puny and only temporary. Genes are the primary determinant of your weight. The fact that you’re skinny and exercise a lot and your family members don’t only reflect differences in your genes.
          Moreover, lowering your weight doesn’t seem to have much impact on health or life span in the long run. Even those things are genetically determined, of course. Pleiotropy, when one gene affects multiple traits, likely causes people to be both fat and unhealthy, rather than the fatness directly causing the unhealthiness.

  14. Would you define a single mother as someone who was divorced after giving birth? My mom raised me and my brother as a single mother for 10+ years. We turned out just fine. Both college educated, well-balanced, financially secure. Just wondering.

  15. As you say so well obesity can causes depression or anxiety, sometimes it’s the reason of suicides. So what should we do? FAT SHAMING WEEK Because it is so logic to make people again more ashamed of their weight (Please, tell me you feel the sarcasm). Do you understand why we encourage confidence instead of shaming overweight people? Or are you really that stupid?

  16. And some people with mental disorders take medications that lead to vast amounts of weight gain. And may have been single parents before the mental illness appeared, or after. Circumstances, man.

  17. My mother is not fat, but she is was a single mother, and raised my siblings and i to the best of her ability. We are all fine, well mannered, and we are all doing well at school. She was not a single mother by choice, eather. My father, cheated on her many times, and she gave him chance after chance, until one day she knew that he shouldnt be around as much, and kicked him out. He was a shit father. He burnt the food, didnt look after us properly, and yelled in our faces when we did something wrong. I remember him throwing a door open, it hitting me in the head and yelling at me for being near the door. He was given visiting rights, and would turn up late, and leave 30 mins later. Then one day, he stopped coming. And i am very greatful for that. So it isn’t my mothers fault that she was a single mother, having to raise young children on her own.

  18. “Children of mentally ill parents suffer abuse”. Um no, fuck you. I have to take medications for major depressive disorder and severe anxiety. Never once have I abused or neglected my child. Seriously you guys bitch and gossip like old women about how women are “man haters” unless they are robots. Yet you sit there and discriminate against homosexuals and the mentally ill and women. You guys are apparently “manly”, but every time I see this site there’s tears flowing about how “unfair” your life is because you don’t like something. Get over it you hens.

  19. Well, narcissistic women are abusive mothers too so might as well throw the rest in. The “good mom” show is for her girlfriends and whoever else she’s trying to impress. When no one is around, it’s trips to Mickey D’s and Kraft Mac n cheese because the narcissist is “SO busy” and “no one knows what it’s like to be a single mom.” The narcissistic mother is jealous of her daughter when her daughter receives attention, she’ll find ways to fuck with her innocent little mind. She’ll abuse her son emotionally because she hates men. The narcissists love emotional abuse, not physical abuse.

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