Are You A Soyified Game Denialist?

Regrettably, low-T men and soy boys appear to be on the ascendance in Western culture. This has a great many ramifications for society at large too numerous to get into here, but when it comes to game, the results are plain to see: game denialists and sexless keyboard jockeys who sit in their bedrooms endlessly rehashing the same old refrain.

Game doesn’t work. The only thing that works is money and looks. And so on.

Of course, such individuals would be merely laughable were it not for the fact that their naive and untested ideas infect the minds of others. Hopefully you are not so far gone. Perhaps you have read some negative comments along these lines, but you remain optimistic that the doomsayers are wrong.

Well, they are.

All you have to do is go out and investigate for yourself.

Here is my 4-point plan for avoiding the soy mindset and getting the results you want with women.

1.Think about the motivations of game denialists

First off, if you are reading an article or a Twitter thread or blog post about game, and you notice someone critiquing the techniques espoused in unusually negative terms, consider carefully why the author might feel compelled to voice such opinions.

Usually if I disagree with an article—which happens pretty often—I generally don’t tend to bother commenting. This is because I have a life and I’m busy and I would consider it an inconvenience at best. So the people that do this kind of thing must have a pretty strong motivation.

Now, think about it. If these people were happy an enjoying full and productive lives, as well as sexual abundance, then would they be posting crap online? No, of course not.

As such, we can deduce that the people promulgating such views are in the main low-value individuals who most likely haven’t seen success in their dating lives and whose ‘advice’ is therefore worthless. And it is always better only to take notice of those who have succeeded, rather than those who have failed.

2. Stop having conversations on social media with low-value individuals

Continuing on the above theme—and it should be pretty obvious to you by now—if you run into such people online you should certainly avoid conversing with them, or otherwise encouraging them.

The truth is that negativity is catching. Spend too much time with negative people and you will almost certainly pick up their negativity.

And that in turn will limit your personal growth.

There is a very pertinent saying—‘Don’t feed the trolls.’ The more attention you give to soy boys who seek to deny the efficacy of game as a cover for their own inadequacies, the more they will carry on. This is not doing you any good, and it’s not doing them any good either. If their audience dissipated then perhaps they would feel the need to go out and actually work on themselves rather than infecting others with their ‘flat earth’ theories.

There is also another pertinent saying: ‘You are the sum of the five people closest to you.’ This goes for online as well as off. If you consistently surround yourself with losers then inevitably you will become a loser yourself over time.

Do yourself a favour and avoid this.

3. Work on improving yourself

The time and energy that you have saved feeding the trolls should be put into a strict regimen of self-improvement. As with everything, there is a grain of truth in what these soys say about game. Yes, looks help. Yes, having a good build helps. Yes, having money can help (although positioning yourself as a provider won’t).

OK then—set about acquiring those things for yourself.

Game is not, and has never been (except for scam artists and idiots) a catch-all that does away with the need to improve one’s value. A high-value male will always do better with women than a low-value one. It’s just that game is the necessary glue that sticks it all together.

Believe me, I’ve known plenty of wealthy, good-looking men without game whose results in the field have sucked.

To ensure you have the best chances of success, you really must cover all of the bases. Make sure the product (you) is of the best quality possible; and attend to the marketing (your game skills) with equal diligence.

4. Go out and talk to girls

Regardless of where you are along the path of self-development, the next step is unavoidable: you must go out and talk to girls.

Just think about it. That hour you spent online reading PUA blogs and the negative comments beneath could have been spent doing a daygame session where you talked to ten girls. From these you could have got a few phone numbers, a couple of dates, and maybe even more.

Finally, remember that negativity is soul-sucking because in the short term it can actually feel good. But when you zoom out and look at the bigger picture of your life it is not doing you any good at all.

In fact, engaging with the soy game denialists will actively hurt your progress as a man since it will stop you going out there and taking social risks.

And a man who gives up on taking risks is scarcely a man at all.

Want to find out how jerks and bad boys get the hottest girls? Read Troy’s book about how to win in the boardroom and the bedroom by using weapons-grade psychological tech: How To Be An Asshole 

Read More: Game Is About Incremental Improvements, Not Miracles

138 thoughts on “Are You A Soyified Game Denialist?”

    1. Game works by exploiting the social conditioning. When guys say it is all about looks , that is definitely wrong. Whenever I see a hot women in the USA (which is getting harder to find due to the obesity problem) she is always with some fat dumpy guy or scrawny metrosexual. Women seem to care more about abstract shit like style and “swagger” than good genetics.

      1. ” Whenever I see a hot women in the USA (which is getting harder to find due to the obesity problem) she is always with some fat dumpy guy or scrawny metrosexual. ”
        I am in NY, and the hot girls here are usually with athletic “chads” with square jaws and classic looks.

        1. Everywhere, just watch any pick up artist video in field, like RSD. Hell pretty much every Game guru out there is goofy looking.

        2. Guys that say it is all about looks are usually really bad looking so when they see a guy better than them physically with women they think it is looks but in reality they guy is just average at best.

      2. lmao this loser saw hot prostitutes with rich men and assumed it was their “swagger”!
        PUA scammers should get shot tbh

      3. It’s more about social proof nowadays over anything else. When selecting her flavor of the week, the modern woman’s thought process looks something like this:
        1. Does he have a “look” that is currently “in”
        2. Will I look “cool” out in public with him?
        3. Will my friends think he’s “cool”?
        4. Will his peer group elevate my social status when we are out together?
        Optics are everything in today’s social-media-induced-hyper-narcissistic sexual market.

    2. Pewdiepie is hardly an example of virile manhood. Man do I ever hate these times.

  1. Ironically I always thought Pew was a tad soy himself but regardless top Kek video @soylentslayer

  2. First question, what is game? Correct answer is “mind tricks that take advantage of the irrational functioning of the young female mind”. No question game works to some extent, but second question is, does it work well? Correct answer is, if you are otherwise sexually attractive but have bad game (awkward around girls) then fixing your game works wonders. If you are not otherwise sexually attractive, then no amount of game will help much. You cannot take a short ugly guy with boring personality and suddenly turn him into a lady killer. Guys like that are better off taking the truly manly approach of FACING THE TRUTH and juat paying for hookers in EE, SEA or Latin America. BTW you have to game hookers too, but at least gaming hookers resembles the game you use with men in the business world to get results, versus the idiotic clown game that civilian girls respond to. Third question, is game worth the effort? No, because of all the reasons listed in the recent ROK article about why American men are giving up on women. Juice ain’t worth the squeeze any more.
    Remember that Troy “Drivel King” Francis has a financial interest in pushing the usefulness of game. Always follow the money trail.

    1. Yeah, you can con a girl into bed, but who wants to run endless one night stands.
      If you don’t have money, she won’t stick around, so what’s the point.
      Easier to just give her some cash.
      I’d be interested in a game book that allowed me at 60 years old, to score a 20 year old for a one night stand though.

      1. It’s hard enough for 35 year old men to have one night stands with 20 year old girls Dodds. Unless he’s like a fit and more youthful looking man whose playing the “cool older guy” on the backpacker circuit in Asia or Latin America.
        At 60 your living in dreamworld if you think that will work. A good indication of having solid game in your case is if you can bang women in their late 30s, near the low end of the half-and-seven rule for a 60 year old.

        1. I’d kill myself if I were relegated to banging women in their late 30s. Thank god for escorts.

      2. John Dodds there are guys in their 60s and 70s gaming hot young women. Not a lot of them to be sure, but more than you might think. Many of these older men aren’t rich either. I think some women, even if they identify with feminism are sick of younger men. Even so called alpha Chads.

        1. Agree, with you, Who Cares. Despite the ROK types opinions , I’m 60, and an average working class Joe. Encountered a select few young 20 something women out and about (7s by most men’s standards) who’ve approached me for whatever reasons or motives they are looking for. I’ve politely declined, but they’ve indicated that they are very weary of the usual men in their age range. For what it’s worth, I’ll leave it at that.

      3. “If you don’t have money, she won’t stick around, so what’s the point.”
        that is the point. who wants them sticking around? possible exceptions: they bring hot girls home to you or are down to be pimped.

        1. The point is I’ve now shagged so many women, they’ve all begun to blend together. If you can’t even remember their names, whats the point?

    2. I’ve been noticing a game denialist trend too now that I observe. Mostly I notice a ‘western woman’ and ‘anglo woman’ denialism which is partly understandable in the hurricaine storm of feminism brewing in the west. You have to step back from the sjw rousted campuses and corporate madhouses full of HR and entitlement to shake yourself from the eye of the storm. I’m white so white women in the idyllic form are attractive to me. Whales and feminists excluded of course silly.
      Now the denialism is a one way road and you want to know what I see next? Denialism of women altogether once the third world women get bitten by the feminist bug and men continue to stand down to the system and the enablers. It’s a no win when a hard battle is at your doorstep and you stand down. It all goes as planned and you end up bagged and toe tagged regardless.
      The ensuing battles are like a rudimentary school PE class after summer break. There’s always a few fatties that hump the floor doing push ups and want to go home because they’ve played video games indoors during their break. This is akin to the war that is advancing before us.
      Tribe is great and fidelity with your creed is great when you’re fit and exercized in tossing and hurling the naysayers and the enemy aside. It has always been a part of tribe and clan life to pitch the enemy out of the camp.
      And we know the timeless rules – that women must be protected yet kept and managed with a tight holter. They’re beasts when wild and have no mind of their own. And they were put on this Earth to BREED, to TIT FEED and to SERVICE their patriarchal master and keep his nut drained. It’s a big idea and we face the biggest hurdle TO SQUASH the powers trying to subdue mankind. All will fall back in line beautifully and harmonically with our natural genetic programme. Our DNA trumps all. Not even the globohomos can deny or negate natural law. They are the real denialists.
      War like anything else is rewarding and feels good when you’re good at it and practiced. Most have never gotten a crash course in warring but the male mind is a versatile wonderful thing. We’re getting very soft at even speaking out much less lashing out.
      THE ROMANS loved battle. To them fighting was sport. At Rome’s height, Emperors would host welcoming parades for the returning troops where the most beautiful young teenage virgin Roman girls would line the streets as the troops marched home. The girls had perfume and flowers in their hair and would hold out their hands offering marriage to the troops as they marched by. Those troops were literal ROCK STARS. This was all state sanctioned BTW. What a far cry from our Viet Nam vets that were spit on.
      So you see what a quandry we get in when we let the enemy define our frame for us? GRAB YOUR BALLS and ye ROD OF POWER. Shake shake shake those little gremlins and boogers of doubt and self depreciation from your mind. Eeeeh? . . There some whole lotta SHAKIN been goin on round here?

      1. White genes will survive, as will white culture, but the men in the USA who wife up these bitches to ensure the perpetuation of white genes and culture will often themselves be destroyed. If that’s your thing to sacrifice yourself for the sake of the common good, go ahead and jump on the grenade.
        Me, I was given one life and I intend to enjoy it as best I can. If my selfishness means society of the future will be worse (quite laughable to think I have that much influence on the future, but whatever) then so fucking what.

      2. “Those troops were literal ROCK STARS. This was all state sanctioned BTW. What a far cry from our Viet Nam vets that were spit on.”
        Bit of a different idea though, Rome fought in Europe for conquest, the troops were given land, America fought in Vietnam for I’m not really sure what ………..

        1. Historically war was always about conquest and adding to your Empire, and gathering some cheap slaves, the people were generally happy with that idea , they could see the gains (cheap servants and sex slaves). But America seems to constantly war against other countries for no tangible reason, you can hardly blame the general population for not being ‘on board’.

    3. You are joking, right? Paying to hookers is the saddest shit ever. Clearly a sign of a loser.

  3. I don’t doubt what Troy is saying, but he makes no mention of the ROI. If one puts on all the work and takes all the social risks and moves from inceldom or ugly girls to plane janes, and KNOWS he will never do better, then was it worth it? There are limits here. Genetics will come into play. Money is the ONLY thing that will trump genetics. I am not suggesting this for everyone, but only speaking for myself. I would never be banging hot young girls if I wasn’t paying for it. And I ain’t interested in no old bags…

    1. ‘You are the sum of the five people closest to you.’
      My wife, my 19 year old daughter, and my 6 year old son. I only have 3 people close to me, the rest of the time I’m hiking/running and cycling in the jungle.
      Sorry Troy, I forgot you don’t actually have any relationships, you should try a family one day, beats the shit out of day game.

        1. REALITY
          An Asian divorce is when the white man leaves. No child support, no alimony. She keeps the house.
          End of the case.

      1. john.
        You have not been a young man trying to get laid in UK since Queen was singing about “Fat Bottomed Girls” in 1979.
        Things are different for these young men. Most young women are sluts or zeroing in on blacks for long-term relationships who will leave them a single mother at the welfare cue.
        And it is hard for them to enjoy their trips around Asia when they are living at home at 22.

        1. Shagged one of my sons class mates in 2009.
          She was 23, I was 52 that was while I was being divorced, a free one too, well I did buy her two pints of cider at our local, so not entirely free.

      The only difference between ordinary white women these days and prostitutes is that prostitutes insist on a motel room while the average middle-class white girl blows the DJ or Chad in the Men’s Toilet.
      The hooker is a woman with standards but the average white girl sucks the dicks of beastly groids in their car.

      1. Ugh…disgustingly true. Standards…. Why is that word and ethics and integrity and honor even in the languages at all anymore. They are so cliche and meaningless in the human race especially this new society we live in.

      2. I am 99.9% sure you are a closet faggot. Even the most racist posters on ROK who I’ve argued w/don’t manage to bring up blacks as often as you, much less refer to sexual activity with blacks as often as you. The topic could be about divorce rape & someone you would redirect it back to Tyrone fcking your ex. You are a closeted faggot/bisexual who sees no problem paying prostitutes & is currently overseas out East, yet finds the urge to post repeatedly about Western issues & is currently posting on an article about heterosexual game. Oh, the irony!

        1. Good post Kang. I’m no multiculturist and miscegenation pisses me off. And know other races of men feel the same way when they see their women taken by foreigners or men of another tribe. It’s human instinct.
          That said, I think that guy is a (((concern troll))) trying to black pill us all on our women. His post sounds so jewish I smelled fucking bagles when I read it.

      3. Another difference is once you cum with a hooker she will leave, unless, of course, you pay again. With a one-night-stand you can fuck them the whole night long if you like.

        1. About 70% of the hookers I’ve hired suggest moving in. One i moved into her house, another moved into my hotel room. Most stay for breakfast. I think a lot of posters assume Asian hookers are like hookers in America, when in reality many appear to think they are auditioning for a position as your wife. I’ve never paid by the hour.

    3. Sometimes I’ll notice the anomalies where I’ll see a good looking woman with a man that is vastly less attractive than she is. Genetics do come into play for sure but it’s not the end all be all. Conversely, I’ll also see decent looking dudes with women that are in a lower league. I can’t tell you why.

      1. Ross Jeffries is 5% looks and 95% attitude. In this vintage clip 1992, the mangina feminist guy is the one with the looks. He looks like a politician but his feminist stand makes him look like the human port a potty that every female will eventually crap on.

        Jeffries in his 60s now is still no GQ model but has the same attitude and going strong. I pity the guy in the dress and the mangina politician.

  4. Its good to have you back Troy! I thought the trolls, which unfortunately lurk in here and attack some writers, made you give up on helping ROK readers. I was missing your articles about game and abundance mentality. You are one of my favorite writers here.
    Anyways ignore the trolls!
    I agree with everything you said about game and abundance mentality. In Brazil my homeland women have game as well and no matter your looks or how big your bank account is if you dont know how to deal with them they gonna make you feel like a fool. A lot of gringos think that if they come in here and play the “Rich Conquistador” they gonna pull all the beauties only to find out later that things dont work like that. Sure looks and money help but if you dont have game chances are an average poor cultured guy can steal the scene. I have seen this happen a lot

    1. Yeah I’ve been to Brazil. Smashed seven or eight ladies when I was there over a two month stretch, but they definitely weren’t those super hot rich white girls from Sao Paulo or further south. Whether “in country” or whether they are travelling overseas, they are quite difficult I agree.
      It was the poorer shopgirls and a few random beach approaches to lower class women mostly of the pardo (brown) variety in Rio and further north. One hot black chick though who was so polite too. I was like why in the hell can’t the loud-ass African-American land whales be like this.

      1. REALITY
        Because the loud-ass black Americans are beneficiaries of the cantankerous Irish culture of the South while the blacks of Brazil at least have Latino civility.

        1. No, blacks in the USA are a byproduct of the louder, uglier, and more obnoxious West Africans who were brought to the U.S. South
          A transport ship doesn’t just change somebody’s genes.
          The Brazil blacks on the other hand, are mostly from Angolo in south-western Africa. They are a consistently more attractive variety and tend to stay thinner.

      2. Black Ghetto women are the result of long term gaming culture and a feminist welfare state. We’re seeing it in white women now.

    2. Howard, For what it’s worth, I’ve always enjoyed your sensible articles, and your cognizance of God, and your semblance of a faith based tradition. I’ve also enjoyed succinct faith based articles by Michael Witcoff (who’s apparently withdrawn from this dubitable site), as well as Beau Albrecht’s sensible articles too. Have you guys considered hanging out a shingle, and creating a site of your own? One that is not these endless disputations of profligates living in third world countries and copulating with teenage Asian prostitutes, angry young men, a disconnected editor, or pimply teenage trolls in their single mother’s basements causing riffs? I believe you men could really be a benefit to reasonable traditionalist men of all ages and walks in life.

  5. “Loud Ass African Americans”
    It is possible that Brazilian blacks are from a different part of Africa than the African-Americans.

    1. @shawn
      They are mostly from former Portuguese colonies such as Angola and Moçambique. Yes I do believe the latin influence that they received from Portuguese settlers played a big role in their manners.
      I believe the reason why the personality of black women in america are considered, by some, more masculine is due to the way the England are more cold and agressive. While the Portuguese were better at using diplomacy and military tactics combined together, when they first conquered parts of Africa. So this is all a consequences of the cultural shock the ancestors of those girls received.

      1. African americans are a “thing” of their own. They do not behave like other blacks. First thing to do? Stop identifying them as african americans. They are not africans, they were not born in Africa, they do not speak the native dialects, they do know the nations, the culture, the history…hell, they probably cant find Africa in a world map! My father is white, born in Angola when it was a colony of Portugal, and he is more African than they will ever be. In Portugal, blacks that came after the fall of the Empire dont have that stupid victim mentality that exists in the USA. We dont have afro portuguese, we have citizens under the laws of the Republic. Don like it??? Go back to Wakanda!

    2. American blacks are bad mainly because AngloSaxon culture doesn’t mix with West African culture well. Same West Africans (from Ivory Coast, Niger or Senegal, for example) behave like normal humans in France. Whites of the south are not Irish, they are borderland and highland Scottish of the 17th and 18th centuries, among the most violence probe cultures the world has ever known.

      1. 25% of slave owners in the U.S. south were the J’s. Despite them being such a miniscule overall proportion of the US population at the time.
        The big wave of J migration in the US happened between 1880-1920 along with shitloads of Italians, Poles, Catholic Irish, etc. which profoundly changed the ethnic fabric of the chiefly Germanic and Protestant Celtic White USA which preceded it.
        Jews are 2% of the USA even now after that huge influx from roughly 120 years ago, but were 25% of slave owners. Hmmm… when are the J’s finally gonna kowtow and apologize for their cruelties to blacks which they did in the past and continue to do with their perpetuation of lowest common denominator black “culture”?

        1. And don’t mention who owned the slave ships or who ran the trade.
          It would be (((hate speech))). Times 6 million!

  6. Game is necessary but never required. Nature only requires you to be in the same vicinity as the opposite sex. Game is the component to get the opposite interested in you. We dont exactly live in an era where we live in caves and bash people in the head.
    We live in excess of comforts. Unfortunately, Game has to exist. It was never needed for the longest time but the smarter we got, the more cunning we got, things got more complicated.
    Game away brethren.

  7. Wow. These SHAMING articles all directed at how cowardly (MGTOW) men are, to be cautious dealing with the conniving vipers called women, yet insist that “game ” is all it takes to dodge their fangs..
    You know what? You f**k with the snake, its not a matter of if but when and how bad the snake bites your stupid ass and how bad the poison wrecks you. So bang on MFers being you acknowledge the risks of f**king with the snake, but stop your self ingratiating sanctimonious shaming language direct at men who can think with more than just the nerve endings at the tip of their dick.
    You do you, but fuc** off giving advice to those that have or do not wish to be or currently dealing with their OWN SNAKE BITES and recovery from them and the experience they share urging caution. Its not cowardice you f**kers, it is MENTORSHIP, something you sorry “alphas” don’t seem to understand. You older fu**kers lament the state of relationshit affairs with them vipers, but then turn around and be THEIR BEST ALLIES with your slimy shaming tactics.

    1. He’s in the business of selling game books. Like I wrote above, follow the money trail. Explains all the drivel that comes out of his pen (or keyboard, to make the metaphor modern).

    2. https://www.kiiitvDOTcom/article/news/local/corpus-christi-man-bitten-by-severed-rattlesnake-head/503-561750856
      What makes you think just because you severed ties with your one night stand or ex wife or ex girlfriend that you are safe? The Gamers would have you think, Hey no problem, git your dick back in that fish smelling pink taco, buy any means or you are a coward MGTOW. Or better yet, the shaming technique of Hey, stick you dick in that strange hole..what can happen beside bustin a nutt. Its all that matters…..until the police are drgging you off to be bubbas biatch because you listened to their “it wont happen to you” chiding.
      The “Game”rs that you listen to are more dangerous than the vipers themselves.

  8. I never get this type of articles : usually the author is claming that game “do exist” and that look does not play a significant role in the success with women.. and few lines below, the first advice of improvement is basically to hit the gym..
    look and money are part of the “game”, in other words : game “do work”, if you have the minimum requirements to play the game. you must have a good body, being well groomed, having your shit together, making nice money… on the other hand, if you are really handsome (6’4, jacked, square jaws..) you don’t need any game to bang sluts. they’ll come to you.
    the other problem is you can’t run an experiment to “isolate” game.. since usually good looking dudes are confident (because they are not needy, because they have supply of chicks) hence they have “game”..
    game will not give you success with hot girls alone. good look would. so in a certain way, good look is more radical than game.. unfortunately, you can’t sell good look. you can just improve yourself by hitting the gym.
    at the end, there’s no miracle. the ugly guys who end up with hot girls are always famous or rich, there’s no shortcut or exception to this.

  9. Thank you Troy.
    Average denialist: “All American women are shit, but all us men are fantastic catches!”
    This is a fact: you will generally encounter women of similar value as yourself.
    Want higher quality women? Be a higher quality man!
    “She should like me no matter what!” Sounds suspiciously like the feminist mantra, “beautiful at any size,”
    Hot, quality women don’t like you because you aren’t interesting!

    1. You, like poster above you, don’t even understand the meaning of the term game. Game is not self-improvement. Making yourself into a quality man is how a man naturally tries to be attractive to women, but it doesn’t work well, because the female mind, especially the young teenage mind, doesn’t respond to quality, doesn’t think about long term happiness. Rational people are not impressed by clowns, but everyone agrees that clown game is what works with young girls. Being a healthy young man with good job, polite, willing to live up to your promises: these are qualities that appeal to mothers looking for sons in law, but the daughter is bored silly by guys like that.
      Game is about understanding the rules of the game first. Who you are playing against, how are points allotted, who is the referee, who decides on the winner, what is the prize for winning? Dont know the rules and you are guaranteed to lose. But times of the game of getting sex from modern young western women are NOT obvious. Second, once you know the rules, you look for loopholes, so that you can beat superior opponents that you would lose to if you played strictly by the rules. For example, young girls are impressed by stupid forms of status, like being a deejay, that is a rule of game. A loophole to that rule is that you can fake stupid forms of status. Say you are a deejay when you aren’t and the dumb bitch never knows the truth but sucks you off in the toilet anyway. Meanwhile, grown men and mothers looking for good sons in law don’t care whether you are a real deejay or not because such a job is low status in their eyes. Understand now? So game is real, but as I explained earlier, doesn’t matter because the juice aint worth the squeeze these days.
      And no, I’m not a sexless incel. Anytime I want, I can get a pretty young girl to come over and fuck me. Magic of prostitution game. Cheap too, at least in Ukraine, where I am now.

      1. Banging prostitutes isn’t game, it’s beta.
        Self improvement also isn’t game, you are correct.
        Game is fooling the hypergamous nature of a woman so she believes that you are higher status than the next guy. This becomes easier when you can HONESTLY talk about your last summit of Mt Rainier, the book you published, moistening her nethers on the dance floor or play something on the guitar (ukulele in my case).
        Game is the bait that gets her to where she can slow down long enough to get to know how rad you are.

        1. You were on the right track with that remark about “fooling”. Game is all about psychology, first learn the rules, then figure out how to bend the rules to your advantage.
          Obviously your young, so what I’m about to say will go right over your head, but men also need game to work with prostitutes. Unlike with civilian bitches, you actually have something women want and is in short supply with prostitution. Yes, a good looking young man who is “rad” is desirable to young women, but supply of such guys greatly outstrips demand, so you are ALWAYS eating bitches shit when you go the civilian route. Even rock stars have to eat their girlfriends shit, you don’t hear about that, but it’s true, because girls who are attracted by bullshit rock star status (as opposed to traditional personal qualities that make for a good father, husband and life partner) are always flaky skanks. Sure, the rock star can easily replace one skank who gives him shit with another, but then the replacement does the same thing, and on it goes. That is, regular game is a failure because it only gives access to skanky women, who are unfulfilling in the long run.
          Women who thrive at prostitution (not all or even most do) are like successful young male CEOs: emotionally hard, highly self-disciplined, ruthless at exploiting weakness, very dependable and easy to work with if the client is himself disciplined, unemotional, tough. Which is why the real alphas of this world, wealthy businessmen, have always used high end escorts. Prostitute game means understanding how the prostitutes mind works, how to avoid becoming a pawn in her hands, how to overcome your own fears of prostitution, which is s form off inner game (like most manosphere guys, including the nincompoops at RVF, you are clearly very afraid of prostitution, and need inner game more than anything to use prostitutes effectively). Once a man has gone over to paying, he almost never goes back: once a monger, always a monger. That tells you how good paying feels. If you don’t get the inner game right, then yes, prostitution is as unfulfilling as fucking civilan skanks.

    2. This. Finally a word of wisdom.
      I bet the downvotes must come from raging ugly incels and paypigs squad members lurking on here.

  10. What about if you don’t want to use game because you don’t want the bad karma? I was feeling horny last year so I used some online dating thing. Pretty rapidly, I scored a couple of girls. But then afterwards, they’re all crying and upset and I’m thinking it’s really not worth it.
    Also I did a 2 week nofap stretch recently and I was so damned horny that I was madly chatting up a girl nearby. It definitely could have gone to completion but I let it die off because I know I’m not going to have any lasting interest in her and I don’t want to deal with the fallout.
    I’m sure as hell not soy, and I have no trouble chatting to girls, but I don’t want to use game because almost no girls interest me enough to actually want them long term.
    Am I some kind of MGTOW?

    1. You are blue pill my friend. You seem to feel like women are some kind of goddesses who must be properly supplicated to before enjoying their coital bliss.
      If she’s sad after fucking you it’s because she thinks you’re lower status than she thought at first.
      Women want to be fucjed by the highest status man they can get. Game is simply presenting yourself as a high status man. After you fuck them, if you want, you have the chance to show them how awesome you truly are because you broke down barrier #1. If all you wanted was the bang, then you and she move on.

      1. You misunderstand. They were upset because I had no ongoing interest. One of them even bought a bunch of shampoo and bathroom stuff to store in my place on the third date. She was totally into it.
        I’ve had a couple of long term relationships in the past (3-4 years) and both of them brought me way more happiness than any flings I’ve had before or after. What I’m really looking for is a good girl to spend the rest of my life with. There’s plenty of historical precedent for this state of affairs working well, so I don’t see why I can’t do it as well.
        Also I don’t live in the West, I live in Asia. The girls here are much more family-oriented.

    2. You’re not Earl Hickey, Anon, karma, like morality and hypocrisy only apply to betas.
      Mgtow usually put their sexual energies to work accomplishing something- you sound like a cowardly scaredy cat who’s afraid of success.

      1. No, dude. Karma applies to all beings. Men, women, dogs, hamsters, they all need to be respected. Dogs are stupid, but I love them. Women are crazy, but we still have to do our best.
        Well I might still be MGTOW then because I’m pouring most of my energies into my business. It’s one of the hardest things I’ve done so far in my life but it’s starting to see results.

  11. wow, this is a treasure trove. brother man doesn’t comment on things he disagrees with – but he goes out of his way to write an entire article pre-emptively criticizing (with terrible logic – isn’t that beta/soy?) an outlook he disagrees with.
    you know what i, and many others, define as ‘success’ with women?? not ‘sexual abundance’. rather just permitting them a minimum of power over me. not that i want power over them either. if they DO have power over me, i want it to be because of their moral worth, or character, or something like that. i’ll take orders from a margaret thatcher – but not from someone whose only value is the size and shape of her fat shiny booty.
    and hero, this ‘sexual abundance’ you – and the other heroes – refer to .. are we talking top-shelf? because looking into my crystal ball, i’m seeing lotsa tramp stamps, some silicone, and maybe a herpe or two. but guys like ME are betas because we’d rather not let our lives revolve around getting our noodles wet, especially in that kind of cooch?

    1. “permitting them a minimum of power over me”
      positive premise – but not real in today’s market – they have too many choices, and state sponsored terrorism over you if you get out of line.
      Abundance, dread, etc are the only reasonable solutions…That way their “power” is reduced. But, if you get married/divorced – well – maybe a one way ticket to the poor house or jail – is not a joke anymore.
      “i’ll take orders from a margaret thatcher ” seriously? really grossed out right now.

    2. To answer your question, yes, pretty much.
      The natural order of the world is for women to follow a strong man. If you want to be ruled by a woman, you’re in opposition to the natural order and your life will be unfulfilled because you grovel to a tyrant shrew who is ill equipped for leadership.
      As lover/father/husband we seek to be the king of our realm of influence. However, that crown is not demanded or seized. We are coronated by those we benevolently rule with the crown given to us by women in our lives who feel beloved, protected and taken care of by us.
      AND, when you just want to bang a hottie or twenty while you are awaiting Miss Right, we use game.
      Actually, even after getting the crown we use some elements of game to maintain order to prevent banged societal ideas from infecting our protectorate.

  12. As others have said – game is gravy to aesthetics, success, social-proof.
    Gym, style, can improve aesthetics.
    Career, sports, Social circle (withing career/sports too) – can improve wealth, social-standing.
    But, I discovered much of this far too late. I have had much banging around the world, but, would have been drastically cuter action.
    too old now.
    On-line dating is ok – banging a few.
    But, I think there will never be a good connection/permanence – they are blown out physically and emotionally. And the party/attention from hundreds of guys per day never stops…
    So, back to game – my inclination to go beta on a chick I like – brakes lad brakes…wait a few days to txt…etc, etc. I’m gaming many of them at once setting things up long term – over the summer in different locations – just in case. And game works for that.
    They have a lot of options. I see their screens scrolling like a ticker-tape with messages from men….
    Game works everywhere to improve your present circumstances.
    Same as in a hot spot such as Pattaya – manly game – will go much further than obsequious beta pandering – and you will get a better women at better conditions than a begging beta.

  13. “If these people were happy an enjoying full and productive lives, as well as sexual abundance, then would they be posting crap online? No, of course not.”
    Says this, then posts crap online.

  14. Most women are human trash, and wasting your time playing their games is almost not worth it. Most hot women are a hard to find and are usually a part of a click of friends who they fuck, at least that is what it seems like where I live. It just seems pretty pointless these days. Also, women are so untrustworthy I am actually worried that they will steal shit from my condo. It is a pain in the ass to hide my all my shit, organize things so I know if they were taken etc etc. Whatever, this whole run game thing is kind of lame, just talk to bitches, if they want to fuck than fuck them.

      1. I had one swipe a bunch of Susan B Anthony dollars from my counter.
        That was back in 05.

        1. remember you are the n# whoremonger so u cant compare a prostitute to a slut sluts still but prostitutes when they are not selling it they are stealing.

        2. Keith, my former wife stole my house, kids and pension from me. I’ve only lost a mobile phone to hookers.

  15. Chasing women is a waste of time and money. I would rather focus on myself career,gym,stack cash.If I want pussy I will hire a escort you pay the bitch to leave…….

    1. Very interesting, and confirms what I already knew. I never bought into women’s bullshit about things like personality, sense of humor, dad bods, etc., being the most attractive traits. I swear, women are biologically-programmed to be deceptive. At least men are mostly honest about being attracted to good looks in a woman.

      1. Yup.
        I have told females to their face that I don’t find them attractive.
        I have yet to find one ho est enough to say the same to me. I would respect them more if they did. They dance around the issue with idiotic renarks like “I want to introduce you to women closer to your own age” and crap like that. They should be blunt. It is much preferable.

    2. Exactly..The beta round face, lack of chin rounded forehead lack of hairline. Squarer blockier face, squared off forehead defined hairline more NEANDERTHAL-like is what ladies want. The brutish more commanding face. You see the same thing with chimps and bonobo monkeys, although like women they will unapologetically f**k anything if they are horny enough, but they will disrespect a beta f**k even before the *um drips once.
      When does the planning begin for the false rape accusation? It never stopped and is always in motion it just jumps from target to target.

  16. Game and PUA is like all the financial strategies and experts on crypto trade, they work on paper but when u put it to practice all u achieve is end up loosing money… also what’s the meaning of “go out and talk to girls”? I’ve tried many times to approach girls on streets or even public transportation but all the results I got are exchange of few messages on FB and silence after that. U can’t just go and talk to people who are not from ur social circle, its just not socially acceptable so I guess they end up thinkin ur just a creep.

    1. signs that you need to move to a new country where I LIKEV MOST girlsfriend are found them in the bus or walking to and from work or school.
      wjhat you say matters try this “Hi my name is troll and I would like to get to know u and I think good things can happen if we get to know each other I am in a hurry there is my number give her your card” if u have to take a day off, give it to the next 20 attractive girls you find that day, one will sms,whatsapp or email even call then u tell her like her and would like to date her.
      reason why a few exchange in facebook is u are not talking about relationship,love or even sex rememeber that is what u want from her anyway not to be other pussy friend she has enough of male friedns already all who are supplicating to her. tell a girl you want her at least on second even first meeting. they get bored with you if u are not talking about

      1. Ur wrong dude, believe me Ive even tryied sending nude pics… got some funny chats, some ignoring and that’s it. Thing is where I live people are very social circle oriented and it’s just not acceptable to have any relations with unknown people. Also give my credentials to 20 unknown girls on the streets? What am I supposed to be, a sex beggar?

        1. sex begger or incel? “Hi would like to know you can we exchange number so that we can set up a date some time ” her sure or no either way its not begging thats asking out

    2. This article is written by and agreed with by guys who are born with, or develop, the right mix of being sexual and being social to allow thrm bang women they don’t “deserve” to considering their looks and wealth. Such men are shameless and not self conscious. The anti-Game crowd like Trollstein all have a different mixture of most of the following traits to some degree
      – introversion
      – high self consciousness
      – high fear of failure
      – experience of being a social reject for a period between ages 12 and 22
      – small social circle
      – under socialised, submissive, socially awkward etc
      – low self esteem
      – boring lives with no danger or exciting aspects to them. No bravery and no stories
      They subcommunicate all of this in every interaction they have socially. They blame Game as not working for them. They’re kinda right but not really.

  17. @Troy
    We all have our own ideas sbout what makes one a man. You feel it is risk taking.
    I would say thst a man who cannot support himself can scarcely be considered a man. It is completely subjective.

  18. “How to win in the boardroom…” Hi Troy, may I ask , are you on the board of directors of a major company/Fortune 500 or CEO?

  19. No mentally competent man denies that game works. The question is whether or not random pussy is worth sacrificing all of your free time and other life goals, because that’s what it takes to get it consistently. We all pay for it in one form or another.

  20. Well the thing is women prefer tall men. It doesn’t matter if the man is scrawny, obese, muscular or buff it’s down to his height. He can look like whatever he wants he just has to be a tall man. At least be taller than the height of the average man of that region. Money and looks isn’t all that yes because it’s height that matters. The thing is money is probably the most irrelevant because any women you really hooked with money is just after your money she won’t give you love the way she would give a tall man no matter how much money you invest for her.

    1. Once she has your money in one form or another (alimony, child support, fake rape accusations, given a position of financial control of your bank etc.) she will dump you like a hot potato and use that money to buy clothing, make up, jewelry and hair styling or whatever to attract a tall man or she already was fucking a tall man on the side when you weren’t within her eyesight.

    2. Women would date tall men straight out of prison rather than short rich men with businesses and a clean record. That’s right they would date rapists, killers and child rapists over short men. They would bring these men around their children with no hesitation.

    3. As long as you’re just tall and just be a little nice to a girl? She’s yours.

    4. Bullshit. Mickey Rooney, Naim Suleymanoglu, Yuri Gagarin, Mickey Rooney, Prince, Rocky Aoki and countless others all had no trouble getting girls. There is just so much bullshit, junk science, historical inaccuracies and other assorted BS around here. Being short is a disadvantage. So is being dumb or at best misinformed. You can still be in the game if you’re short but you can never be your own man if think you need to be this or to do that. A man answers his own inner voice. Whether you are as short as the average Indonesian male, or as tall as Manute Bol you still have to find your own way. Man things must be just awful these days for guys under 35.

      1. Will you please let us edit? Maybe mentioning Mickey Rooney twice wasn’t so bad after all. He did have 8 wives and one of them was Ava Gardner.

  21. If you’re game works on her, it worked for all the other Chads and maybe even a coupla Keiths too. If you’re interested in even semi-quality material, you’re shooting yourself in the damn leg right outta the gate. Why not bang tinder whores or just hire an escort to throttle your pecker instead of having to put on a fucking monkey show to dupe a dumb broad into dropping her whammers. At the end of the day, this is the fault of men who capitulate. Women never could beat their way out of a wet paper bag.

  22. Get fuck you money. Drop out of the rat race. Enjoy every day like it’s Saturday. That’s my game.
    You will run out of money chasing women. You will never run out of women chasing money.
    So boys. Spend your free time hustling bitches. Kissing their asses. Trying to take their panties off. You ought to be building a life.
    Boys chase girls. Men attract women. And true alphas don’t give a fuck.

  23. I don’t deny game, but as I get older it becomes less important to me. I’ll be 39 In a few weeks. Single no kids never married. I don’t know why but running game on bitches now seems futile. I mostly spend time working out. Getting tan. Training at the range. Hanging With my dog. Must be an age thing. I have no problem getting girls. Looks wise. I’m a ten. Seems like the older I get the less important it is to chase tail. I think the redpill might have slowed me down a bit. It’s nice to choose this life though. Such is the power of the Alpha male.

    1. Dude, what you said is bang on. One really can’t just do this forever, it really does seem futile past a certain point. In normal, healthy, traditional times, you’d be on the way to grandfather hood by now, that’s why you don’t care so much, and don’t care that you don’t care. You are normal, the society is not.

    2. Colonel Kurtz
      I do the same as you. I’m a couple of years older than you. A man is better off working on himself.

    3. It’s refreshing to get some positive comments from red pill veterans which don’t mention prostitutes as the alpha and omega of their lifestyle (paypig squad anyone ?) or uber bitterness of some kind towards all women on this earth.
      Seriously i notice there’s too much of theese people here who talk and talk and they give a bad example to young people seeking advice on this site. Sad to see how men who evolved quit this site bc of this shift of quality posters.

      1. The guy says he is a 10 and “has no problem getting girls” . Well duh! Pretty easy to have such a “positive attitude” when you win the genetic lottery.

        1. Slim
          I noticed the bragging.
          But being red pill is to evolve as a better man not just fucking women right ?
          We aren’t all won the genetic game but come on you won’t make me believe you can’t pull at least one girl without putting your wallet out?

        2. @Faraway
          It wss a very long path which started almost at birth that brought to this point.

        3. Slim
          Ok i carefully read your answer it seems you have some solid (and private) reasons to act in this way and i understand.

        4. @Faraway
          Not so private. Just somewhat F’d up from a crappy childhood.
          Got into this habit in college. Tough to reach an old dog new tricks.

      2. Red pill veterans not using hookers?
        Yeah, some old guys lose their sex drive, can’t be bothered anymore.
        I’m still banging away. I’m doing it my way.
        Never understood the anti-hooker guys, manly man always paid for female entertainment. Wife at home, hookers when they’re out adventuring. Never using hookers is totally blue pill, SJW, virtue signalling.

        1. John
          At least you didn’ t answered agressively like the last time.
          I’m not anti hooker. I just don’t approve people who use just hookers every time, brag about it as if there was something to brag about it, like you on this very point. It’s not about sex drive it’s about a purpose in life. What purpose do you have when you got a prostitute do your thing and come back in the street ? I’ve done that and i felt just empty and sad. A red pill man, which is the topic of this site, is to better himself physically, mentally and THEN as a consequence to get better girls and THEN perhaps one girl.
          What kind of message do you send to young readers here : “Doesn’t matter just pay and you’ll get pussy whose anybody can get before and after you”. Will you teach that to your son really john ? I don’t believe so.
          That’s nothing to do with bluepillness sorry. It has to do with an higher meaning of life, something which you seem oblivious to. But that’s fine hey, that’s your life.

        2. Faraway,
          My son is ultra white with chestnut red hair, he’ll be banging his entire school year for free when he’s 12-13. Adult Asian women already touch him and hug him wherever he goes and he’s only 6 years old.

      3. Faraway
        Look at Elliott Rodgers!
        Best thing that could have happened to him?
        His dad takes him to a smoking hot, bad ass hooker.
        Happy eighteenth birthday, son!
        Sometimes, a hooker is the best woman in the world.

        1. Lord
          You raise an interesting point because it sums up the debate here. Me think rodger’s fundamental problem has nothing to do with having sex but being sex worthy. A prostitute would comfort him but then what. He would see that he was at the same very point, unable to attract girls and worse, without paying them which will reinforce the disgust he had towards them. Or another case he fell for the prostitute, become attached and… bam! got rejected because a whore is a whore : she fakes affection and interest for money and that’s all. What do you think how things would evolve..? Yeah a killing spree.
          The problem here is not the temporary relapse and the volatile pleasure of the mind. The problem here lies in the building of a REAL redpill mindset. It’s far better for the ego and the mind (read: self esteem self respect) to get a girl bc you “won” her by bettering yourself, by applying game or seducing than by paying her, which ANYBODY can do.
          Paying prostitutes doesn’t make one redpill, that’s false. It can be cool buy it will never make you a better man. Only understanding game, making improvement on oneself physically AND mentally acquire a man mindset and having discipline, and values make one redpill thus valuable.
          Thats the only message redpill veterans should tell to youngster here. How come nobody here can’t understand that ?

        2. @ Faraway
          I understand your message and I have said it here myself — many times. I have always both outwardly said and implied that what I do is a last resort. If a kid is a 5 or 6 and can self improve to a point where he can pull girls that are 7 and above, then go for it! I have also, ad nauseam, told fathers to TRAIN their sons to become strong men whom women will want. I have even gone so far as to give examples from my own experiences growing up as what NOT to do when raising a son.
          But there comes a time (mine was at 20) when a guy will look around and see everyone else (or what he thinks is everyone else) scoring hot girls and he has no one. And realizing that even with breaking his ass, he will never improve to the point where he will land anything more than a plane jane. At that point, what are the options?
          1) Settle for a plane jane
          2) Be a “Tesla” like celibate who may do great things but never has a female to relieve himself.
          3) Self improve financially to be able to afford the types of females (looks wise) that he feels he deserves. Yes, there is emptiness and loneliness, which at times can be pretty bad, but still better than being stuck with a middle aged land whale.
          As to Lord Havalot’s point, Eliot, and the world, would have been better off if he chose option 3.

  24. The question to ask maonsgherians is: are you guys breast denialists? Seriously, what’s with the the constant posting of scrawny broads?

  25. Troy you always have the hottest women in your posts… Keep the mojo rising

  26. A friend of mine is a born again Christian. He left his promiscuous past behind. He wants to get married and have children. So far so good, I thought, until he told me there would be no premarital sex or even kissing with his fiance. He plans to stay firmly in the friend zone until the wedding night. I wished him luck.

  27. Why do all cult members call normal people “denialists”?
    Fun fact: that word does not even exist.

  28. I’m surprised how much this topic is debated when in the early-mid 2000s it was considered the law. Looks like people either had unrealistic expectations, didn’t get what they wanted, or it required too much work.

  29. JFL @ being a game believer and posting that actually hideous computer guy as a “soyboy game denialist”. Would you bet your entire ROK domain name that that guy CAN get laid with game? He is absolute evidence that LOOKS = EVERYTHING.
    You PUA scam artists are just worried that your income source is drying up.

  30. Sorry game does not work, I’ve approached females and got brutally rejected. There were some instances where I get numbers dates and miniscule sex, but it’s not much.
    Now compare that to a chad on tinder
    Getting over 600 matches which can include numbers, dates, relationships or sex.That’s equivalent to approaching 600 women.
    Now let’s base what pua is off of, Personality and confidence. You use your personality to wooo the girl make her laugh ect, and confidence-going up to the girl and getting her number.
    None if this shit works. Females want a guy with looks. Even females finding a guy approaching her extremely creepy if you don’t have the right amount of looks.

  31. Well I saw a old dude bad teeth and broke donating blood for money and short ugly mother uker both with a 6 when they are like 2 at best.

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