Gender-Altering Chemical Bisphenol A (BPA) Is Turning More Than Just Frogs Gay

BPA (Bisphenol A) is a cancer-causing chemical in plastics commonly found in water bottles, containers, and in receipts. The University of Exeter tested the urine of 94 teenagers and 86% had the BPA in their bodies. This chemical has been linked to prostate and breast cancer as it mimics the female hormone estrogen. It has also been found to lower the sperm count in men.

Professor Lorna Harries said that in a perfect world, consumers would be able to choose their exposure limits, but with the chemical being used in virtually all plastic products, that option is not feasible at the present time-

Most people are exposed to BPA on a daily basis. In this study, our student researchers have discovered that at the present time, given current labeling laws, it is difficult to avoid exposure by altering our diet. In an ideal world, we would have a choice over what we put into our bodies. At the present time, since it is difficult to identify which foods and packaging contain BPA, it is not possible to make that choice.

The European Chemicals Agency have already declared BPA as hazardous for human health, yet the substance is found almost everywhere. BPA has also been found to lead to type-2 diabetes and heart related diseases.

Although one could try to avoid them, Professor Tamara Galloway, lead author of the research, has a different view:

We found that a diet designed to reduce exposure to BPA, including avoiding fruit and vegetables packaged in plastic containers, tinned food, and meals designed to be reheated in a microwave in packaging containing BPA, had little impact on BPA levels in the body.

The Effects

The Dutch and French have been publishing studies reporting the massive decline of male sperm levels since the end of World War 2, but their warnings have been ignored. Children and pregnant women are most susceptible, because they have growth hormones that the BPA chemical can mix in and pass through the gut directly enter the growing fetus. Kids can suffer impaired development due to this. In China, such toxins have been found to speed up puberty which has dangerous effects on the mind and body. Although not a crisis now, male baby birth rates have declined over the years.

Drive and ambition is also plummeting and the sex frequency of young milennials is a joke compared to their predecessors, again another side effect of lower testosterone and estrogen dominance. Even the fish that are being exposed to the onslaught of pesticides and chemicals are having sex alterations.

The War on Testosterone

The reason the globalists want this hormone wiped out from the human population is because healthy t-levels enables a man to harness his mind for protection and to fight against injustice. Hollywood immaturely portrays the testosterone laden young man as a rowdy bully who just wants to fight like a wild animal, but the real reason is because they don’t want anyone to stand up to the establishment. They want a nation of compliant complacent soy boys.

A Synthetic War

EDC’s and other synthetics can change a young healthy growing male into a female by altering the natural production of testosterone. Dioxin and PCB’s are also testosterone hormones. Male genitalia development can be disrupted by these chemicals. The number of those declaring themselves as gay, LGBT, or transgender have skyrocketed over the years.

The feminization of man continues to plague society as more and more of these dangerous chemicals are coming into contact with children which is leading them astray to question their sexuality and submit to government indoctrination. Residues are being left in commonly used plastics kids frequently touch and very little if any is being done to counteract these testosterone killing substances from our environment.

Soy in general should be avoided even if it’s “organic”, because too much estrogen is too much estrogen. Once in a while is okay assuming it is GMO free, but this and items which can contain BPAs should be avoided if possible. However, as previously described, it is impractical to do so, especially in America. So do the best you can, but the better thing would be to naturally increase your T-levels to resistant the detrimental effects of a soy infused society.

You could say that millennials are the ‘gayest generation’, as this wimpy spineless population is on the rise with the prevalence of more soy based “men” who cater to female authority and the politically correct hierarchy. No one thinks anymore, nobody dares challenge the authority, and such complacency is dangerous for personal freedom. Everybody seems to accept anything served in a happy meal, and being a man who seeks strength, power, and fulfillment, is shunned for being “toxic” and in immediate need of psychiatric therapy to end their macho ways of assertion as it will only lead to suffering according to engineered science.

Read More: 36 Soy Boy Pictures That Reveal An Epidemic Of Feminized Men

53 thoughts on “Gender-Altering Chemical Bisphenol A (BPA) Is Turning More Than Just Frogs Gay”

  1. Glass and silicone are much better and longer lasting options than plastic. Also you can get beeswax saran wrap. Great options to stay away from plastic and theyre reusable.
    Also, any thoughts on fermented soy (miso, natto, tempeh, etc.) I heard it lowers the plant estrogen content considerably.

      1. I don’t know, but you’ve definitely come to the right place if you want advice on how to bake the perfect muffin.

      2. What would be helpful is for a BPA cleansing/elimination routine to be posted, not that it’s a problem. We know its a problem. Now how about a fix?

  2. Now I understand why the stormtroopers were so awful at their job, they ate, drank & dressed from/with plastics.

    1. Moreover they’re all white and their boss are always all black. Just sayin…

  3. I store food in 4 cup Pyrex glass containers. They do have a plastic lid, but the part that touches food is glass. They’re about $5 a pop, but well worth the investment.

  4. You have to be very careful what you put in your body. Watch out for foods that mimick the female hormone oestregen and try to swallow a whole banana wrapped in a condom

  5. The big problem for me is bottled water. I am stranded in Latvia and dare not drink tap water, so I have to drink the bottled stuff.

    1. No problem- just get a water filter; camping supply places usually carry them.

    2. Tell me your mailing address and I will see about sending you a quality water filter, thanks, Mike.

    3. Just boil the water, then it is ok to drink. Gets rid of the chlorine taste, too.
      When living in Serbia for a couple of months, I drank boiled tap water. It still tasted quite awful though, so I ended up buying bottled water for making tea.

      1. I swear I’m not saying a word this time about you choosing “gaping” and “anus” in the same sentence and how that reflects on your underlying sexuality.

        1. ASDASDA
          I know you live at home with your Mum in your 30’s because you are a weak effeminate but let us not derail threads here over your obsession with my purported homosexuality.

        2. LOL, you don’t even understand how to troll. You can’t just say something like, I live with my mum in my 30’s, and leave it at that. Where’s the back-up? Where’s the evidence? Where’s the quotes? You need to construct these things to successfully troll with your story.
          e.g. Look at how I trolled you this week – which I’m done with, btw, since I made my point – about you being gay. You’re now spilling your gayness out into every second reply. Why’s that? Because of that old saying, “A thief thinks everyone steals.” Be careful what you accuse others of, more often than not you’re just telling us your shit.

  6. Again I ask, Why aren’t 3rd world erst and illegal swarthy effected? They use shifty everything, cheap everything, their lives are filled with plastics and gmos, but seemingly do not suffer test drops.
    Can anybody explain this?
    To be frank, I travel alot, and even in the states I glean masculine guidance from them, because who else? I mean really

    1. Because they lean more towards the R-selected i.e. descendant from men who were more concerned with reproduction rather than growth.
      Civilized societies of any kind on the other hand, unfortunately lead to effeminization of men both socially and physiologically as they favor more k-selected population i.e. more agreeable and less impulse-driven people. It’s the price we pay for comfort and security (feminine traits).
      Testosteroned men build civilization but to preserve themselves they also has to destroy it and start anew. Or the feminists who shout “The future is female” might turn out to be right.

      1. PAPA
        This one of the truest statements I’ve read on this blog.
        In the testosterone-driven societies of Africa, Islamic countries or Latin America the toughest, most macho males reproduce and the Betas shuffle around.
        This is why their civilizations are run by dictators or “strongmen”.

        1. what part of Africa are u talking about? most Africans get married by age 30! average 25 they are already married with a kid. Most African man are married that means there is plenty females for everyone otherwise they would not be married.
          I am still to see an African society with many man not married and woman with a few man as all I see is everyone married and a few rich guys with several wives and a few losers with nothing even them they do get some from single woman . here if a man is 30 without a wife family is shocked as to why and they might even find one for him as its an abnormality unlike that place of your called “land of the free”
          You Americans like to think ghetto America is Africa.
          PS even white people in Africa most of them are married or have what they call ‘life partners’ this female scarcity you have in America is a self infliction you have created there by your own complacency

        2. Keith,
          In Asia most women have reproduced by age 20. I met a very pretty Filipino woman aged 22 who already had 4 children. Plenty of girls in my kids Thai high school class were pregnant at age 15.

        3. @Keith,
          Well said Bro! “few” people in the “first world” shitholes always blame other MEN; conveniently altering among the Blacks or Browns or Latinos or the Muslims !!
          These “few” people are responsible for whatever they are facing. They pedestal their pussies, just to get laid !! The saying “what you sow is what you reap” aptly suits them!
          But they won’t accept it! pussies walk bare chested; they blame other MEN !!, pussies do slut walks; they blame illegal immigrants !! pussies enjoy cock carousel; they blame Legal immigrants !!, pussies doesn’t respect them; they blame Black MEN !!, pussies doesn’t sleep with them; they blame Black MEN !!, they can’t compete & can’t get a Job; they blame Brown MEN, Corporations kick them out & replace with hardworking, intelligent & well qualified; they blame other MEN (especially the Browns) !!
          Further, they can go to any shithole Country to fuck, work & live; but others should not enter their shithole Country !!
          And now the same “few” people are getting “butt hurt” with guys like Satya Nadella, Sundar Pichai, Dr. Samba Reddy, Ajay Bhatt etc.
          The moment they get any chance to say about Bharat/Hindustan, they start with “street shitters…” !!
          OMG! How miserable, insecure & GRUDGY are these “few” first world shithole dwellers !!

        4. RAVI
          Yeah, Indians from lower and middle-caste are an unnecessary scourge.
          You are slimy bastards who rule through confusion as a result of 1000’s of years of the caste system in North India.
          Muslim South Asians are just another parasitic underclass who will sell drugs, pimp women, turn communities into gang-infested ghettos.
          If Indians really began to flow into the United States unchecked like they have to UK we’d have a fourth underclass on our hands.
          No thanks.

        5. RAVI
          Keep in mind that I am a Gora who has had-for better or worse-to live in India for period of my life. Kochi and Goa and Andheri specifically. So bear this in mind.
          Let me lay down a real honest appraisal on the macro scale-
          For these few IT dorks from the Tamil or South Indian Brahmin intelligentsia Canada has had to cope with a massive influx of Punjabis and Gujaratis who brought nothing but gangs and nightclub shootings and macho bellowing on the road and petty-ante drug deals.
          The Brahmin and Parsi remain in India so the people attempting to immigrate are South India IT coolies and corner-cutting dishonest Gujarati merchants no country wants.
          If I had to choose, I’d say let all the Parsi immigrate. They are okay. Brahmin are arrogant and slimy and faggots on the top of it, but they are mostly harmless.
          It is the Muslims and low-caste Indians that bring the underclass into Western societies. Thankfully the US has restricted immigration to IT dorks from the South but Canada and UK have got an underclass of Punjabis and Bengalis.
          If the US got a FOURTH underclass of Muslim Indian criminals and Punjabi gangsters with their rapist instincts from Scythian looters our country would collapse. We already have to deal with blacks, Mestizos and Trailer Trash. Moreover, the Punjabis and Muslims would quickly be in a gang war with the blacks and Hispanics that would turn ghettos into full-fledged race war zones.
          I’m a hypocrite because I lived and worked in India but you have my opinion and it is the same opinion most “Goras” have.

      2. impuls driven aka emotional aka feminist
        There is a reason why we treat 3rd worlders like they are females.

      1. Probably because they can’t spell or say that word. Or maybe because they have bigger concerns to deal with, like not dying of malaria, or not being murdered, or not being raped, or not starving, or not being eaten by a lion, or charged by a hippo (the most deadly animal in Africa). Maybe, just maybe all these things trump expressing yourself in public. I mean, that’s a damn good way to get lynched by some voodoo doctors and their clan of intellectuals.

    2. in Africa they hardly use plastic except maybe in SA there are still large % of people who drink rain water.
      you asked a question answer they don’t eat processed food which white people run too for convenience

      1. In Asia every bit of food you eat has at least 2 plastic bags around it.

        1. John, as you are well aware, even some drinks hot or cold come with a plastic bag with a straw sticking out!

    3. Ethnics are not like your typically hypnotized weiner eating, coke drinking, muh democracy white zombie. They care a lot about their food, preparation and storage because they know its important.

  7. Testosterone in excess is aromatized/turned into estrogen too.
    T is important but not as much as your own genetics. Women for example have T like they have clitorises(vestigial masculinity), but they are not men, because they lack the genes, so you would only get to masculinize what is vestigial in them, creating thus a freak.

    Hormones are there to balance things, the problem is that levels of testosterone should raise naturally, rapidly, “when needed”, but they are being inhibited not only by these reasons ^, but by social things, psychological things. Comfort, emotions, depression, guilt culture, lack of physical activity, porn everywhere like how women dress that makes men stay in a permanent state of mating which is very bad but good for the “economy”, etc.

    Notice that our society is extremely dysgenic, this is not EVIDENT at first sight, because things change relatively and due to technology. This is the same when porn is exposed to little children or women, where perverts say, look nothing bad happened to them, but in reality it did, this is also reason for the increase of these deviants and whores in society. Dysgenic means that this species became genetically decadent, long ago.

    Most fathers, for now several generations, were NOT the result of natural selection, this was caused by redistribution of women through monogamy, now anyone can have children, as a result VERY WEAK MALES are having offspring having the same parasitic mentality, these fathers introduced myths/ lies about masculinity to compensate for their own weakness, like female oppression, or male courtship, etc.

    It is easy to think you are strong when you are surrounded by weak males. But maybe you are weak too.
    Our society is decadent, and this will NOT be fixed, nature never fixes things, it creates new versions as replacement. This is why it is illogical to think that these degenerates will become sane or that there will ever be able to live with us in balance.
    They will not.

    And now they are empowered, we let them become empowered with technology.
    You never empower the weak, that is something extremely dangerous.
    This site is often talking about how to increase testosterone, but that is a double edged sword. Would you want some pathetic male to take T, grow his muscles, but internally be feminized further more? similar to a transsexual faking masculinity.

    1. Top comment. Someone gets it! Especially this is gold
      Hormones are there to balance things, the problem is that levels of testosterone should raise naturally, rapidly, “when needed”, but they are being inhibited not only by these reasons ^, but by social things, psychological things. Comfort, emotions, depression, guilt culture, lack of physical activity, porn everywhere like how women dress that makes men stay in a permanent state of mating which is very bad but good for the “economy”, etc.

    1. You Americans are drowning in pharmaceuticals.
      Americans can name at least 12 drugs off the top of their heads.
      But you wouldn’t realize that outside of America the average person can barely name 2 or 3. It’s simply not normal outside America to be popping a vast inventory of pills for every little inconvenience life throws at you.
      Only in America, where they worship convenience and consumption, could inconveniences such as natural exhaustion be pathologized into some scary obscure medical condition requiring immediate pharmacological intervention.
      Do you ever wonder why your society is so full of cancer?
      If you’re constantly tweaking and sabotaging your metabolism and endocrine systems with these intrusive poisons, then cancer is the bill you pay later in life.
      In other words, put down that goddamned coffee and stop popping pills you weak minded bugman slave.

  8. Just stay away from plastics.
    Do not store food or liquids in plastics, never heat plastics.
    Sure, there is this idea that only heating plastic to a certain level causes problems, but that’s just arbitrarily dishonest scientific legalism at play.
    If plastic leeches into your food at high temperatures, then you can be sure at lower temperatures a certain equilibrium is at work leeching it into your food to a lesser extent.
    Yeah, it’s much lower, and deemed “safe”, but why take any chances?
    And I see plenty of blue’pilled normie fag cucks taking chances.
    Such as poaching an egg by wrapping it in plastic and putting it in boiling water. Bad idea.
    And just because ur plastic water bottle says “BPA Free” doesn’t mean you should drink out of it. More dishonest arbitrary legalism. Bisphenols are a huge family of compounds found in ALL plastics. Just because they take out the Bisphenol A, doesn’t mean you are safe from Bisphenol B and all the other Bisphenol compounds getting into your body.
    Use glass, it’s a ceramic and people have been using ceramics since the dawn of time. Whatever shortcomings they may have pale compared to plastics.

  9. Imagine how much estrogen is in our water from undigested birth control. Talk about an environmental disaster. Treatment plants don’t get it out either. If you are downstream you’re drinking it.

  10. That pic at the top. It’s that Steve Erkel kid who was a TV sitcom sitcom years ago. Not suprised he grew up to be a flamer.

    1. No, it ain’t Urkel. Sort of looks like Raj from What’s Happening (70’s) though he would be older than that by now. Except for Raj all the blacks in that show were fat and my brother called it “What’s Fattening.”

  11. Thought this a long time. There’s always been “Gay” but this Trans/Soyboy thing is different and new.

  12. Any man over age 40 should be using testosterone cream on a daily basis.

  13. Where’s genetics in all this? Esp. since women on birth control pills – pills that work by convincing her body that it’s already pregnant – tend to favour – and ultimately breed with – a more “nurturing” and hence lower testosterone males. Lower testosterone males have lower testosterone sons, simple as that. Repeat for a few generations with a sedentary lifestyle (and single SJW mothers) and….
    Also, it’s the dose that makes the poison, something that California’s Proposition 65 warning labels ignore completely. (Also consider the effect of Hormesis.) The hysteria over what are in fact inconsequential trace amounts of BPA or what have you is reminiscent of previous scares over – off the top of my head – Alar in apples or the Red #4 dye used in fruit cocktail cherries, both of which proved overblown and fraudulent. That was junkscience then, and doubtless it’s junkscience now. Ask yourself cui bono and you’ll probably arrive at the truth.
    In short, if you’ve been around enough then you’ve seen it all before. Really, the people worrying about this stuff will probably die of hypertension before the chemicals get them.
    Just a thought.

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