3 Critical Rules To Build A Physique That Makes Women Wet

The following article is sponsored by Body of an Alpha.

It’s no secret that learning game is harder than it ever was before—with Soros “1 in 4 women are raped” propaganda on every corner, anti-male sentiment emanating from the hordes of social justice warriors, and women’s general lack of femininity, attracting and seducing hot girls without encountering numerous obstacles is a seemingly impossible challenge.

Shit tests, friends cockblocking you, and poor logistics… it seems that we must do everything within our power to level the playing field. You can try building your wealth, you can try learning game, and you can try working on your personality, but in my experience, one thing works best: game combined with a killer physique.

Having a killer physique is the most immediate thing that a girl sees about you. Not your bank account, not your game, not your personality but your physical body. Yes, obviously everything else is important, but developing a shredded, lean physique that turns heads is an incredibly powerful asset.

What Women So Desperately Desire

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Pull club hotties with ease

I don’t want to exaggerate here, but it’s hard not to. When I first started working out around the age of 13, I didn’t think it would have much of an effect. Yeah, maybe I’d get a few IOI’s here and there, but I figured it was something you just did for health.

Oh my god, was I wrong—fast forward 10 years, and I can’t believe the power that it commands, not only in terms of respect from your peers, but in attraction from women. Despite the SJW’s harping on men for being shallow, it turns out that women are actually just as shallow… they just hide it better.

I recall the first time that I really started to understand how powerful an aesthetic physique really was. I was 18, and had just graduated high school—I’d been lifting pretty seriously for about a year, but at the time still really had no idea what I was doing.

I decided to go to the pool with some buddies. I’d been hitting the gym extra hard over the past year, because I wanted to look like a total stud when I went to college, but it turns out I didn’t even have to wait that long. We got to the pool, and immediately three hot girls caught my eye. They were absolutely gorgeous, and I could barely contain my testosterone.

I subtly pointed them out, so my buddies could see, and we all sat down next to them. Immediately, one of them who was lying on her stomach, tanning, turned towards me and asked: “What’s your name?”

Holy hell—did she just open ME? From there the whole conversation was smooth sailing. She immediately gave me a ton of IOI’s, playing with her hair, biting her lip; pretty much acting like a complete school girl around me. The conversation ended with her asking for my number, and she texted me the next day wanting to hang out.

Ever since then I’ve never underestimated the power of an aesthetic physique. A chiseled, sexy V-Taper signals confidence, vitality, strength, and most importantly, alpha male status. In all seriousness, when you’re jacked, gaming women is like shooting fish in a barrel.

1. Utilize P.H.A.T. Training

body of an alpha jon anthony masculine development

Imagine learning game looking like this

When most guys start working out, they fall for the classic “bro split” vs. powerlifting routine dichotomy. A “bro-split,” as it’s aptly named, is the routine that most douchebag mustang drivers, college chads, and curl bros follow. It essentially divides your workout routine up into three separate days: chest and arms, shoulders and back, and legs.

There’s different variations, but the idea is that you cycle the days—for example, you may do something like this:

  • Monday: Chest and Arms
  • Tuesday: Legs
  • Wednesday: Back and Shoulders
  • Thursday: Rest

Then, you’d just repeat this over and over until the end of eternity. The benefits of this are that you’ll train mass, and will certainly get a proportional physique. The negative side, however, is that it’s extremely difficult to build strength since most of the bro-splits consist of higher repetition exercises.

In stark contrast, is the typical powerlifting routine, which is usually either Starting Strength or some 5×5 variation. These consist of Days “A,” and “B,” each of which usually contains 3-4 exercises.

So, a typical powerlifting routine, may look something like this:

  • Day A: Squats, Bench, Barbell Row
  • Day B: Squats, Overhead Press, Deadlift

Then, you would just alternate with a rest day in between. So in other words, you might do Day A on Monday, Day B on Wednesday, and Day A on Friday. Then, the next week, you’d pick up where you left off: do Day B on Monday, Day A on Wednesday, and so on and so forth.

The main benefit of a powerlifting routine is that you’ll gain a ton of strength, and it’ll be functional, too. The major downside, however, is that you’ll often end up looking like a T-Rex: huge legs and giant pecs, but scrawny arms from a lack of direct exercises.

Most guys are stuck choosing between either massive strength and little aesthetics, or massive aesthetics and paltry strength, but I propose, there’s a way you can get both.

After nearly seven years of lifting, oscillating between various bro-splits and powerlifting routines, I discovered a principle called “Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training,” or P.H.A.T. for short. The idea behind PHAT is that you combine both strength and mass training into one routine.

I won’t go too in depth here, since I cover this all in my latest book, but here is a sample template that you can use to design your own routine:

  • Day 1: Upper Body Strength
  • Day 2: Lower Body Strength
  • Day 3: Rest
  • Day 4: Back and Shoulders Hypertrophy
  • Day 5: Cardio, HIIT, or Legs Hypertrophy
  • Day 6: Chest and Arms Hypertrophy
  • Day 7: Rest

The strength days will build rock solid, dense muscle—your bench, squat, deadlift, and other compound lifts will sky-rocket. The mass days will build huge, aesthetic biceps, triceps, and shoulders—in other words, it works the auxiliary muscles and makes them gigantic, in a way that strength training can’t do.

Simply switching to a PHAT based workout routine will astound you—you’ll get stronger and stronger every week, as the mass and strength training both work together synergistically. I do not exaggerate when I say that following a PHAT routine will make your progress in the gym triple.

2. Choose The Proper Diet For YOU

body of an alpha jon anthony masculine development

“Oh my god, are those his abs?”

Intermittent Fasting, the Paleo Diet, the Bulletproof Diet, the Atkins Diet, the South Beach diet, Slow-Carb, High-Carb… when you first get into the world of fitness, and even after several years, it can be incredibly confusing. It seems that every single “expert,” out there has an opinion. I’m here to tell you that a good 75% of it is total bullshit.

Here’s what you need to realize: there is no one size fits all. Different diets suit different needs and different goals, so I’m going to simplify it for you. First, ask yourself, what is your body type:

  • Hard-Gainer (very skinny, have a difficult time putting on weight)
  • Obese (30+ pounds overweight)
  • Average (Between 15-20% body fat)

Now let’s simplify. If you’re a hard-gainer, and you’re trying to gain a lot of muscle mass, here’s what you need to do. First things first, don’t do any of that intermittent fasting, paleo, or Atkins garbage—it’s meant for losing weight. You’re going on the “high-carb” diet. Eat a medium to large sized meal every 3-4 hours, ideally having some carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

If you’re obese, I recommend you use the paleo diet. Low-carb diets put your body into a mild state of ketosis—AKA your body burns fat for energy, and not carbohydrates.

Don’t worry so much about how much you eat, just eat foods that only cavemen would have access to. Nothing processed, nothing artificial, no grains or wheat, just the Neanderthal foods: farm fresh meat, organic vegetables, and nuts. Keep fruit and berries to an absolute minimum (maybe one serving post-workout).

Do this until you’re around 12% and if you like, you can then switch over to a more carbohydrate based diet to build muscle (carbohydrates make building muscle so much easier). Consume the majority of your daily carbohydrates before and after your workout, however, to maximize muscle-gain and minimize fat loss.

If you’re average, consider following the “recomposition,” protocol. Work out every day on an empty stomach, ideally early in the morning. Consume 5 grams of BCAA’s to prevent muscle wasting, and then eat a carbohydrate heavy meal post-workout. Calculate your calories, eat roughly 200 less than maintenance, and you’ll melt fat and build muscle at the same time.

Do you see why most diets are total bullshit now? They act as if there’s a one-size fits all approach, but there’s not. The reality is that you’ll have to approach your diet like you approach your health: it depends on the individual.

3. Aim for the “Golden Ratio” of 1.618

body of an alpha jon anthony masculine development

Make her addicted to you

Statistically, do you know what women find most attractive physically? No, it isn’t height—it’s something called the “golden ratio,” or a man’s shoulder to waist ratio.

Studies have shown that when a man’s shoulder to waist ratio is roughly 1.618, women consistently rank him as being the most attractive among his peer group. Yup, that’s right. You can out train your poor height genetics, your poor face genetics, and whatever minority skin color you think hurts your chances.

The question, then, is how? How do you train to get that V-Taper that women absolutely adore? Well, I propose two things:

  • Utilize weighted and un-weighted back exercises
  • Do sets to failure

That’s it. Most guys don’t combine un-weighted back exercises like pull ups, with weighted back exercises like Pendlay rows or lat pull downs—they typically do one or the other, and their piss poor results show it. I propose that you do BOTH.

My workout routine (for back and shoulders day) consists first of the typical weighted back exercises, but then, I do three sets of pull ups to absolute failure. I’ll do as many pull ups as I can, and then go over to the pull up machine, and do as many as I can with 20 pounds of assistance. Then 40 pounds, then 60 pounds, all the way until I can’t do anymore.

Then, I do this two more times. If you think you’ve ever experienced a burn from back day, but haven’t done this, you’re in for a surprise. Your back will be BURNING in agony after just one set, but hey, if you want an aesthetic physique, in the words of Arnold: “No pain, no gain.”

In other words, the more pain you feel on a hypertrophy day, the more you’ll gain—so aim to combine weighted and un-weighted back exercises, to get the best of both worlds. The weighted exercises will train for strength and build dense muscle, and the unweighted will build mass and endurance muscle.

10x Your Attractiveness to Women

body of an alpha jon anthony masculine development

If you’re interested in building the physique of Adonis, that pulls girls to you like a fucking MAGNET, then you need the Body of an Alpha training protocol. For a limited time only, I’m giving Return of Kings readers 50% off, plus two FREE eBook bonuses. In addition to this, you’ll also get “Priority Coaching,” where I respond to any and all questions you have within 48 hours, so that you have absolutely no questions about how to get jacked as hell.

In Body of an Alpha, I cover everything you need to know about getting shredded, melting away fat, and packing on slabs of muscle, so that you’ll be having more sex than you know what to do with in just 90 days.

Here’s some of the benefits that you’ll get when you decide to purchase my guide to building the body that women desire:

  • The all important “Body of an Alpha” workout routine for breaking down our muscle fibers to the maximum extent possible—encouraging rapid growth and unprecedented strength gains.
  • The most potent compound exercise ever developed for building muscle FAST. This routine jacks testosterone and growth hormone simultaneously—shooting you past any stall points, and helping you carry momentum week after week.
  • Why gains are made HERE, and the 6 things you must do to give your body everything it needs to grow and develop to its full potential.
  • The mistake 90% of “bros” make in the gym… decreasing their strength and size while they damage their tendons, ligaments, and joints.
  • You’ll get what I called the “Body of an Alpha Fat Incinerator,” a 15 minute cardio routine that puts your body into a metabolic energy matrix, kicking fat burning hormones into high gear while screaming to your body: “Build More Muscle!”
  • Why you need to throw out all the trendy diet fads and stick with THIS proven, time-tested regimen… and you’ll learn exactly how to adjust it to fit the unique needs of YOUR body.
  • You’ll learn how to plan out your entire week’s meal plans, so you can “set it and forget it”… saving tons of time and eliminating decision fatigue from your regimen.
  • The “rule of non-recovery,” and why without this master key ingredient you won’t build any muscle… no matter how much you workout.
  • Jon’s 5 ‘Recovery Hacks’ that help your body rebuild faster and stronger—maximizing your gains literally while you sleep.
  • How to stop the muscle stealing evil called “cortisol,” and how to keep crushing it so you can maximize your gains without feeling like you’re running with a parachute on.

This is just a tiny fraction of what you’ll learn in this program. Everything you need to get the body women deeply desire is right here in this book…and I am the only man on the manosphere teaching it.

So if you want to take advantage of this incredible offer, and have a body that makes women’s jaws drop in less than 90 days guaranteed, be sure to get all the details right now by clicking here, while the sale still lasts.

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97 thoughts on “3 Critical Rules To Build A Physique That Makes Women Wet”

  1. Author says he’s been training for years, but his book will shred you in 90 days LMAO.
    Other than the obvious sales piece this is, some decent advice in there, too.
    Just don’t expect to be Arnold in 90 days, lol.

    1. I actually did get ready for that photoshoot in 90 days, but that’s due to muscle memory, knowing exactly how much to lift, workout, eat, rest, etc.
      That being said you can definitely get pretty good results in a few months

      1. Right on Jon, you can get good results in a lot less than 90 days. If you are already half-way decent, even six weeks can tighten you up. Lots of guys don’t believe it, but if they start working out seriously, it is true. And if you are young enough when you start as well. Nice physique.

    2. I’m sorry ROK , but there’s a saying in France …
      A big wardrobe with a very small key ??
      LOL !

    3. The only way to look like Arnold in his prime is to eat CLEN, TREN hard, TEST your limits and D-BOLish your goals.

    4. only insecure beta’s think being shredded gets girls. I’ve been ripped and not and used the same game skills, nothing changes. Men are attracted to beauty and men do the same with their bodies by wanting to make them attractive. The reverse isn’t true. It’s not to say looks are totally meaningless, but the emphasis that getting ripped helps get girls is a male fantasy. It’s another cop out for men who don’t have game, they try to substitute their lack of social skills with lifting weights.

      1. Trigger, what you said is a half truth. You are very much correct in that you need game and charisma to land women, without those, an ugly but charismatic guy has a higher chance at landing pussy than a good looking guy who is a major cringe autist.
        BUT, the thing with looks is, that it opens the doors, it does a HUGE part of the game for you. When I left to bootcamp, I was pretty chubby, three months later, (90 days like the author so I believe him) I came out weighing 40lbs less than I did when I went in. I was shredded.
        Women would throw themselves at me, I never acquired as much pussy as I did when I was that fit, girls from high school who might have not gave me a second thought, threw themselves at me, I was going out with a different girl every night, before the Marines, I was just in long term relationshits, relationshits are for beta males.
        Now that I’m older, and fatter again, and have completely let myself go physically (something I’m fixing for the second time) the only pussy I manage to get, are the girls with daddy issues who want a fat bald hairy man, I know many women have looked me over just simply based on my looks.
        Looks matter, and game matters, both matter. And if you think looks don’t matter, well get fit for yourself, if not for the bitches, after all, everything in life, you do for yourself.

  2. Failure sets are largely a waste of time if you aren’t using then progress.
    Simply just doing pullups until you can’t move your arms will make you sore but this isn’t any strategic way to build anything.
    Look at lumberjacks. Huge backs. Mechanics have forearms. Basketball players have delts. All greatly developed. Through what? Frequency. Stimulate not annihilate like Lee Haney said.

  3. I’m guessing that any workout will be more than most guys are doing. Opening the door to the gym is usually the hardest part.

    1. Dude, I see most guys working out. Besides, women are spreading for all sorts of nasty looking freaks, a physique will not help as much as can be assumed. Being drunk and on mild drugs takes you farther in terms of getting a hedonistic, party life (and therefore PUA life) going.

  4. You know the sexual order has been flipped on its head when men try to impress women with looks.

    1. Amen good sir. We need to literally reverse this, instead we are expending all of our efforts trying to find a comfortable hiding spot and niche within this system. All while acting as if we are ‘rebelling.’ More stealth dominance/jedi mind tricks are not going to fix this problem.

    2. Not really. Women are the gatekeepers to sex so it only makes sense that being a “preselected” male will generate greater results.
      Women have always been into looks. The thing is that patriarchies and also scarcity of males made it so they ugly beta providers could still get loyal wives.
      Generally in situations where men are plentiful (like the Westwen world) do looks matter more. This is why in Eastern Europe you would traditionally see pretty girls with fat slobs.
      But honestly every man should want to improve his physical fitness. Be it through weights or boxing or whatever. Being a fat slob and complaining girls don’t like you is just like fat girls wanting to be loved for their personality.
      It may be a harsh black pill to swallow, but yes looks matter. Wanting it not to be so won’t help you. Women being the receivers of our sperm are not “wrong” for wanting superior genes anymore than we are.
      You act lime Hypergamy is a new order of life. It had always existed. Truth be told women have always been this way. If you have daughters you should be on the lookout for her worshipping the 6’4 football star with the “pretty blue eyes”.

      1. That’s because the West is gay and only in the West male looks matter and women get to choose.

        1. No, not in the West, only. How else do you explain that White males clean up so well with women in non White nations? You think women like them because mostly they are soft beta cucks? Fuck no. It’s because they are at the highest looks level compared to the short brown men of their country.
          It is too late for men to be bluepilled on women’s selection process. The fact some of you guys think looks don’t matter really must not want to swallow the pill because it would imply life isn’t fair to genetically inferior men.
          Don’t worry, I say this as a man who isn’t a Chad. I can get girls in love with me easily but they are rarely 8+ on the looks scale.
          Hypergamy applies to appearance, too boyos. If girls didn’t care about looks Steve Buscemi would be a sex symbol the way George Clooney is because after all only status and money matter, right? Lol
          You are bluepilled as fuck on biology if you don’t think women are obsessed with looks. Google tinder experiments and prepare to go on suicide watch.
          Basically tinder experiments were conducted with catfish male model profiles. Women who otherwise wouldn’t hook up with ugly guys were willing to even have threesomes (MFF) with a guy they didn’t know just because of how good looking they perceived him to be.
          But anyway if you think it only affects the West you are in for a big surprise if you leave the West. The reason men think it doesn’t matter in the East is because women look at these old ugly fucks as atm machines. Also, because Asian women love the LOOKS of white men.

        2. Why would Fttz acquiesce to Weimar unless they wer eboth the same person? People DONT ask ‘qesutons’ on here and wait for a reply. Laughing my fuckin ass off. Thank you for showing your true colors Weimar faggot. Hahah. Bots all up in this bitch. How many fake profiles you got there? Haha. Oh my god. Why Roosh lets you spam his boards with tons of different accounts in order to fuel your ego driven agenda is beyond me.

      2. The problem is the freedom women have to do this at the expense of men who have obligated themselves (sometimes unwittingly) to women by law. Women are not democratic or laissez-faire. The Founding Fathers and every other culture in history knew this only until the last century. I don’t think hypergamy overlaps basic female infidelity entirely. Why else would women sleep with a nonwhite? Certainty not for his intelligence or beauty, otherwise Indian men would bed as many white women as Africans, since their skin tones match. There is a lot more BDSM involved I believe, that white women are particularly drawn to. They have this baked-in self-destruction that compels them to destroy everything around them like a house of cards when life gets too comfortable because it reifies them in some twisted way that they call ‘fun.’ So all of these biological rationalizations the manosphere has concocted in the last few year to explain irrational female behavior are not foolproof.

        1. So you think biologically women don’t care about looks, or that women can’t legitimately attracted to non Whites?

        2. Women absolutely care about looks, almost as much as men do. But I do not think they are legitimately be attracted to nonwhites. I think part of a woman’s libido is tied to conformity. If the crowd says this person is attractive, they will go along with it.

      3. Girls don’t care about looks – its the last thing on their list of qualifiers and negs, any average guy with game will get girls 10x easier than the tall chump football player who fumbles his words and his own balls.
        Men are obsessed with beauty and this transfers over into their own self image – they believe since they like HOT women they themselves MUST look ‘hot’ also. The evidence doesn’t support looks making a total differeance tohugh. Take two guys who are the same age – say one is ‘average’ and the other is fucking jacked and tall and goodlooking like a motherfucker – but say the average guy has great game but the goodlooking guy can’t even tlk to or approach the girl. Girls DO NOT initate conversation with random ass dudes – doesn’t matter how interested she is – they DO NOT open’ sets’ – they do not and probably will never have to, they get flooded with requests for dick on a daily from every guy they come across. So tak ethe above example, who goes home with the girl? The football beta guy who can’t even approach and gets nervous or the average joe who can spit game? The only time the football beta might ever get laid is cuse he’ll have a natural social circle form his football teammates – but generally speaking, all by himself he’s short out of luck. At the end of the day the man with the best game wins, not the most jacked.

        1. You’ve pretty much not left your basement.
          And thinking good looking men will fumble their words is equating looks to personality which is absolutely a mistake. Why do you think good looking men will fumble their words?
          Also, google tinder experiments to get red pilled on looks theory boyo. Guys with male models as their profiles got girls to agree to way more than regular schlubs. This is without game. Many times the girls offered
          You don’t live in the West if you think women aren’t aggressive. Really. You live in a delusion if you think genetically superior males aren’t preselected. Go back to 2005

        2. You missed the point – it wasn’t that they don’t ever favor looks, its that solid game is greater than, not lesser than or even equal to looks – you make it sound like only looks matter and women have always ‘prequalified for superior genes’ – if this were true why are there so many fuck ups and retards? Stupid people reproduce more man – why? Because SEX (the act and the pleasure derived from it) is more valued than the looks associated with who the sex act is occuring with; i.e. people just want to fuck, the ‘ideal’ or ‘superior traits’ come second, or thrid, or fourth, or fifth, or sixth etc etc ad infintum. Sure women like a goodlooking guy, but if hes socially enept (like yourself right?) than it doesn’t really matter. Not to mention but just cuse a guy is ‘goodlooking’ doesn’t mean he is blessed with natural game. Your caught up on trying to make the premise be that “ALL women care about is looks – because you believe ‘looks’ equal superior genes” – but at the end of day there’s so many other factors involved BEFORE she ‘chooses’ to sleep with a guy that looks comes in pretty low on the list actually. See, your problem is that – well, your a bot for one – but two its that you think women are consciously selecting. Women ONLY consciously select on tinder and online because they can. In the heat of the moment a girl does not decide who she is attracted to. If you had ANY game whatsoever you would KNOW that simple rule. She’ll only care about looks later if she has options and you and the other guy on the list are all things being considered ‘equal’ in her mind. But there really isn’t any real ‘equality’ to her logic, its based on instinct and in the moment behavior doesn’t matter what the fuck you look like unless your a beta sititng on tinder who can’t find dates in the real world. You (being a fake profile) could make the argunment that her instincts ONLY kick in when she’s around these ‘superior genes’ you speak of, and yet average dudes who don’t seem ‘alpha’ get all kinds of pussy. I don’t know what world you live in, but its a delusional materiliasitic one which presupposes ONLY the ‘best win’ when clearly the WORST men are getting the hottest fucking girls. So everything your syaing is as retarded as I expected froma neo-nazi fuck. Look around Ftix, GET OUTSIDE your mommys basement, there’s ALL kinds of FUCKED up retarded looking dudes with super fucking hot girls. You see all the ‘bro’s with tattos slapped all over their bodies and deformities x 10 and shaved piercings all over their fuckin face. Their ‘beta-alpha’ technique is the OPPOSITE of natural and also the OPPOSITE of anything remotly ‘superior’ (wonder what that could be, I bet you just mean WHITE) and yet these loser fucks have hotties hanging on their arms. So, you clearly are living in caveman time period. Game (tattoos, phony alpha / fake alpha behavior / cursing / ‘asshole’ game etc) is greater than any ‘superior’ genes you think you have. Sure, its not ideal, not at all actually. But neither is all white only white. Some of the hottest fucking girls are a bit white and a bit ethnic, how else could they get o be so fucking hot. So you’r just a delusional fuckbot whose wasting my time and everyone elses. Best to just go hang yourself man.

      4. Stopped reading at “Women are the gatekeepers to sex…” More PUA bullshit. I’m in excellent shape because being in shape is important TO ME but you’re missing the point entirely.

    3. Nah, that’s just how democracy works. It’s a pyramid scheme and it’s good to be at the top. Men have learned that and are improving themselves. Women have learned that too and are desperately trying to out-slut themselves.

  5. Great article, good info, but I will offer a criticism as well.
    This is useful stuff 10-15 years ago. Today you need to openly call stuff out, organize, take over society and reinstitute the patriarchy- openly. Sound difficult? It’s actually easier that doing all the tap dancing mentioned above (except the lifting part). And enough with the “club hotties,” stop rewarding/promoting titless broads while pretending you are defeating them with jedi mind tricks. It’s time for the manosphere to get past phase one, it should be on phase three already by now. Is hedonism going to bring on the “Return of Kings?”

  6. Most of the routines on this article suck for a natural bodybuilder except the upper/lower body split few times per week. Regular split routines don’t produce optimal results for naturals you are better off doing a fullbody routine 3x per week. And most of the guys on the pics for this article are on steroids no way in hell you will look like that naturally. Most books are scam. Look up Nattyornot.com real world advice there.

  7. I usually get in shape during this time of year just for partying, and then immediately let myself slip back to only above-average shape because the work is too much to maintain compared to the ‘fun’ it yields, but this year the decision is a lot harder. I have noticed just this year that having a great body compels women to eyeball you awkwardly and compliment your other qualities at the gas station, because a great body underscores everything else about you. It doesn’t get you laid per se, just like no other singular quality/talent does, but it gets a foot in the door.
    There are lonely bodybuilders (lots are fruits I suspect), just like there are lonely CEOs. The guys getting the pussy are the low-level, spindly drug dealers because they have social proof, a market, ruthlessness, fearlessness and a laid-back suave. I’m convinced that drug addiction and prison tattoos are markers for attraction in women towards men because it signals the ‘toughness’ that makes women swoon more than money does.
    Anyway, I know there are guys here who know what I’m talking about when it comes to the difference in maintaining a ‘decent’ physique and accelerating it to chad-level. There’s no other reason to go the extra step aside from attracting more pussy. It works, but is it worth it? Women are getting so much worse these days in every way imaginable and unimaginable.
    I have customers and coworkers who regularly ask to take a shirtless picture of me on the job. I have attractive customers who tell me I’m attractive and invite me to their business…but a lot of this is not entirely sincere. Women do this a lot where just because they are attracted to you, it doesn’t meant they want to actually have sex or even associate with you.
    I have to imagine that any bodybuilder/weightlifter will pay the price later in life in permanent pain and procedures.

    1. “I have customers and coworkers who regularly ask to take a shirtless picture of me on the job.” – even if this were true it makes a great fake story

  8. Yep I agree 100% with you training to failure as a natural will burn you out leave it to the roiders on roids which help them recover. Frequency is the key as a natural thats why a full body routine 3x a week with 1 set per exercise is optimal. I grew so much with this. Frequency is the secret. Regular split routines has you doing each muscle every 7 days by that time you train again you have lost size.

  9. “You know the sexual order has been flipped on its head when men try to impress women with looks.”
    It’s been that way forever. Look at peacocks, the feathers are to attract mates through looks.

    1. John,
      Men are not peacocks.
      You are looking at the wrong analogy and reaching the wrong conclusion, no insult intended.
      I agree with you that peacocks have the plumage, and the peahens are plain.
      But it’s comparing birds to people,( i.e. Apples to oranges).

  10. “Old” guy here – been working out pretty much since I was about 17. Back then, info on nutrition, workout routines, equipment, etc. were light years behind what’s readily available today. I just loved the way my body “felt” – you had the feeling that you could take on the entire world and win. Health benefits at that age were secondary, but one got to appreciate them with age more and more. I am still working out regularly, despite my numerous injuries (torn ligaments, muscles, bad joints) and I believe that my workouts are what’s keeping my body together, allowing me to enjoy these latter years. Still have that “tout” feeling in muscles and entire body, looking perhaps 10-15 y. younger physically (not my statement). Looking at some of my peers (a few of them are dead now), wondering why they would allow themselves to be in shape they are. My waist size has not changed in the last 30 years, still fit in my ’92 wedding suit just fine, LOL…just do it!

    1. Great job, though you probably have some pretty good genetics in your favor also. I am lucky to have that too… so at a later age I look younger, have pretty good muscle tone, and waist isn’t much bigger than 30 yrs ago.
      And I hear you on the pains and injuries. Both rotator cuffs torn, wrists and elbows a bit effed up, all from years of manual labor. I still lift though, within certain limits.
      Jon has some good info here, but much of it is easy for him to say (and do) when he’s only 23. He’s def right about chicks liking a good physique on guys. The women that claim they don’t care about that, or that they like “dad bods,” are lying through their teeth.

  11. Guys that think women being into looks is somehow new should look back to the days of Clint Eastwood or Cary Grant or basically any old heartthrob that is now dead or an old sack.
    Even in the “traditional” days, pussies got wet over men perceived as handsome.
    If you honestly think good looking men don’t have it easier you are living a lie.
    If a woman sees a good looking man her pussy gets moist for wanting him to be inside her and share his genes so she can carry his child. Truthfully women absolutely love the thought of giving life and they love the thought of giving life to s superior being. Women don’t want to gibe birth to ugly children so it natural the look for man who is good looking to ensure this fate.
    Good looking can mean anything from fit body to aesthetic features like blue eyes. If it signals a man will have attractive (healthy) offspring, women want his genes.
    Stop pretending women are ignorant of things like this. Women shouldn’t want to procreate with ugly men if they have the choice of good looking men.
    And the thing is, to say looks don’t matter implies that you think women don’t have options. Blue pilled as fuck.

    1. Women are obsessed with aesthetics just like men, but not as much because their attraction is composed of several other bizarre variables that do not translate into male attraction to women with those supposed ‘qualities.’ They are obsessed with the ‘bad boy,’ but revile the nice guy…whereas a man is attracted to the ‘bad girl,’ but also the ‘good girl’ as long as they are pretty/fertile. It makes no difference to him how ‘fun’ she is as long as she is fertile. So (if you were to graph this) because there is this missing quartile in a woman’s attraction to men (almost identical to women’s inability to logic/science compared to men), it is often left to ‘mystery.’ That is where the myth of female moral superiority and ’emotional intelligence’ come from that is allegedly unmatched by men.
      But yes, muscles on a man are like supple tits on a woman. They absolutely cannot look away from it.
      Although, I have noticed handsomeness in a man is not always enough to attract women in the same intensity as a beautiful woman is enough to attract men. There are plenty of good-looking guys who are basically incel because they have no social skills, but also because male beauty is much more difficult to quantify overall. How is George Clooney or a 59-year-old Sean Connery the sexiest man of the year? -It isn’t just their ‘masculine’ look but what they represent that makes them ‘handsome.’ Men who look more feminine/neotenous like Brad Pitt or Bradley Cooper, is a little easier to understand becaues they do not have a rough masculine visage, but gentle features instead…but there is no such issue in pinpointing female beauty by men, women or children. Everybody, including infants, knows what is pretty and what isn’t.

      1. Male beauty is absolutely as hard to quantify just like female beauty is.
        First let’s admit women look at our bodies. So a muscular (within natural limits) physique is going to be ideal. If not, the face has to be on point. So is it the same for a woman? Not so fast.
        Just look at our articles about Brazil. Half the White guys have their dicks out when they see a mulher gostosa with a big butt. The others think she is a landwhale. So we men can’t even agree on what is hot on women. Me and other guys think the flat Asian look is very boring and plain. Then guys like Automatic Slim and John Dodds love it. No one is wrong or right.
        Historically also the female ideal has always shifted. The male ideal really hasn’t. Women all over the world agree they like tall men. They also agree mostly they like men with Western European looks.
        But even then women have wiggle room just like we do. Guys don’t agree on who is hot and neither do girls.
        Truthfully if female beauty was easy to quantify you wouldn’t have guys calling each other pedos for liking Asian women. Or chubby chasers for liking the Brazilian or Instagram look.
        Neither have universal answers. But especially the woman.
        Hell you’d think all men would agree to liking neotenous women but then you have a significant number of men who prefer wider shoulders on women, which is not neotenous at all.

        1. Not true, my friend. I can’t give you a number, but it probably harks back to the Pareto distribution (like always), but virtually all men know what is an attractive woman (unless it is a fetish), and there is indeed a finite amount of attractive women at any given time (sociologically speaking, from roughly ages 13ish-40ish). Female beauty is like a bell curve in terms of population: fertility, that very narrow (for whatever reason is dictated by nature) has a shelf life, 13-40ish. A female is like a flower blooming and wilting, like the sunshine and sunset on the surface of the earth. Once it is in the shadows, it’s over Johnny. Suddenly, her spot on the lifeboat is no longer guaranteed.
          Whereas a woman’s attraction to a man is more open-ended and can descend into her father’s age (female Oedipal?) because he can become ‘distinguished’ looking (Richard Gere, Jeff Bridges, maybe even Keith Olbermann lol) since reproduction is not an issue. Something a young man cannot have. Whereas, a woman of similar age is infertile and wrinkly. Even men their own age do not give them a second look since they are too busy eyeballing the Bell Curve of fertile women.
          Of course there are different types of ‘romances’ that are too nuanced for this post, but such ‘romances’ are not reciprocated by a young man to an older woman. All male eyes gaze upon the bell curve of the female population (fertile women), while all female eyes are not just fixed upon the matching male age range because it is not congruent.
          Why is that? Well, in this instance it absolutely has to do with biology, that miracle of life (perhaps, a woman’s singular usefulness) that resides within her body for a man to build a foundation around for the sake of procreation.
          So a man is attracted to a woman because she is fertile, or presents herself as fertile (deceptive makeup). So a woman of childbearing age is either beautiful or just has a wet hole. We all know guys who will sleep with anything, not because they are attracted, but because ‘pussy is pussy.’ Others (most of us), will not deign themselves to anything we are not attracted to, i.e. she is of childbearing age, but does not look healthy (fertile).
          On the other hand, a man’s beauty is very difficult to pinpoint, I believe even for women and homosexuals to determine, let alone heterosexual males. Sure, there are a few cliche markers (abs, light eyes, height, hair, angular jaw?), but it is not as readily apparent as female beauty (which seems to be rarer these days).
          And probably too many topics in one post, but I think male and female virility are pretty similar (unlike many believe in the manosphere). I say this because most women are constantly having sex, whereas most men are not. It just appears that men have the runaway libido because they are only attracted to tiny segment of the female population, making the rest of them virtually invisible post-wall. But young women are constantly fielding a carpet-bombing of flirtations from men of all ages, so of course she appears less horny since she IS already having tons of sex with at least one of them, while being exhausted from the endless attention from the rest.

        2. Weimar
          Why did you miss what I said about men not agreeing on what makes women attractive? This comment section of ROK is where that is proven time and time again.
          Also, teenage girls aren’t masturbating to old guys like Richard Gere. They like pretty boys like Harry Styles or European footballers. It is foolish to think an old man has the same sex appeal as a virile stud.
          This again shows that men wanting women to not be into looks is just a coping mechanism.
          Look at how this fake male model can get away with saying shit that women would otherwise say is creepy if am average dude said it:

        3. LOL now you have missed the part where I said a woman’s attraction to a man CAN extend to men her father’s age, not that it is equivalent to her attraction to younger, virile men. I was in college and yes TEENAGE girls had a photo of a middle-aged Johnny Depp on the wall, so it DOES happen, but yes, it is not the norm. Just like I said there are DIFFERENT type of ‘romances,’ including when women are attracted to the ‘distinguished’ look (grey on the sides, glasses etc). But what is the norm is that men of ANY age do not lust after older women. It just does not happen unless they have some Oedipal complex, which is a fetish because a post-menopausal women cannot reproduce, whereas an old man can still reproduce. I am not coping about anything.

        4. Bruh middle aged Johnny Depp didn’t look old. He is very neotenous and lacks the Grey distinguished look seen in true old looking men.
          Also men may not be attracted to post menopausal women but neither are women attracted to men who look impotent (aka too old and withered).
          Don’t pretend young males wouldn’t fuck MILFs. There is a reason porn like that sells. Yes neotenous teen looking girls like Riley Reid are popular but Kendra Lust also sells and she is post prime easily.
          It is a huge manosphere delusion to think women past 30 can’t be sex symbols.
          However both men and women value youth. It just so happens men value it MORE since a woman’s distinguishing factor is her neoteny.
          Also the women who make men like Gere and Clooney sex symbols are themselves post prime. Prime Jailbait women want guys like Ronaldo or Beckham in their prime or the guys from One Direction.

        5. Nothing you said contradicts anything I said because we are in near agreement. But again, you are still slightly misreading what I said. I didn’t say ‘post-wall,’ which theorizes after 30 invisibility, as women are still very much fertile but less neotenous. I said post-MENOPAUSAL, which is 40ish. That is a monumental difference: moist pussy vs dried pussy. Barring an illness/procedure, we can all tell when a woman is menopausal.
          MILFs are generally post-wall, but not post-menopausal. She can still give life, which is invaluable. Middle-aged Johnny Depp/Tom Cruise/Rob Lowe are so old that women their age are post-menopausal. That does not translate into a male version (maybe Pam Anderson), as you have hinted mirrors women exactly. These guys are also inflated by celebrity status and possibly plastic surgery, but it still does not translate the other way because women lose fertility forever, aside from superficial augmentations (breasts) because all other procedures (lip injections, face lifts) cannot stop the appearance of infertility.
          We are juggling several different topics with with this post, which has confused it.
          A distinguished look is not just an old look. It means aging gracefully (coupled with eternal male fertility), which many men do not ever experience, while there is no ‘hot’ old lady look. A MILF still signifies fertility because she has proven she can have a litter of kids and have more, but again just because a woman has kids, it does not mean she is a MILF, just like an older guy is not automatically distinguished. Really splitting hairs here.
          Again, it’s too many topics in one post, but the various types of romances (affair, fling, marriage etc) account for different types of lust, motivation and romantic investment.
          But yes, men value neotony far more because male sexuality has historically represented one thing: procreation (plus orgasm), while female sexuality has been all-encompassing (resources, status, procreation and maybe an orgasm). But now that resources are taken care of by law, and status is obtained differently now, all that is left is procreation and a prominent emphasis on female orgasm. And if you want to take it even further, the magic of birth control has whittled down sexuality even further to just orgasm and the new-age attainment of prowess status. So it is less animalistic now because animals have sex just to procreate, not simply pleasure. It’s something else entirely now.

      2. Women don’t care about looks, this all sounds like simply male head games and rationalizations.

      3. Women don’t give a fuck about aesthetics – they only have RECENTLY because only recently have they been given choice – women don’t give shits unless its needed to make a decision between YOU and ANOTHER guy with equal game and even then it’s not of utmost importance – she may PURPOSFULLY ignore the ‘goodlooking’ guy JUST to feed her ego – meaning looks will ultimately hurt more than help and in some cases the man may need to have to work even harder than the average guy – why? Cuse the average guy will get under her ‘romantic radar’ (whether shes considering him for husband provider) – whereas the goodlooking guy will be judged harder by her to feed her ego more – she’s thinking “THIS hot guy MUST really want me if he’s doing what I want.” – whereas with the average guy she doesn’t see him coming and fucks her and emotionally locks her down and before she knows it shes marrying him; NOT the ‘hot’ goodlooking guy. Looks don’t matter, if you look like a normal dude your probably fine, MENS ego’s DONT want to accept just being ‘average’ though, which is one of the great things about being a man, but regardless its the truth, being jacked might give a bit more of a sexual boost AFTER you’ve already gamed her, but prior as long as your normal looking and not a fuckin freak or a fat slob your game will make you or break you. I’m guessing WEIMAR is ugly as fuck considering he’s so obsessed with looks nd making up stories about it. At the end of the day your game is what matters.

  12. Building a hardcore(100% natural physic ) is extremely hard. And that hard work, discipline and dedication builds a lot confidence and turns you in to an alpha male with good genetics that demand’s respect. Not every beta chupm can do. And that’s what women are attracted to not onlythe muscles themselves. That’s what the hoard of fucking idiots on this side can’t comprehend.

  13. I like the P.H.A.T. synthesis and my bro split consists of influences from powerlifting, as well as crossfit and HIIT (parts of the year). I started working out in 2004 and I have always had a bro split (though never used the word) as a basis for resistance training. It makes sense: train the entire body; mix free weights with machines.
    The point about looks is that it is multifaceted. The “Golden Ratio” is one crucial aspect indeed, but face, height, style and hygiene matter as well. Face or height could even be deal breakers in many cases. The best thing a guy can do is to make a checklist of things that he can and want to improve, more or less (more!).
    1. Impeccable hygiene? Check, or can I make a few minor improvements, like always having a great eau-de-cologne and skip fish or garlic if I am seeing someone?
    2. Style? Check…or is it merely okay, and thus I can make some significant improvements? Many guys can.
    3. Height? If you’re shorter (I am 170 cm), then deal with it, but perhaps you can have shoes with a small heel or insoles that make you about two inches taller? Could make a difference when you meet girls who are 5-5.7. Girls are often wearing high heels so it’s only “fair” that you make artificial things too. (I haven’t really but actually I wish I had instead of just focusing on the rest, since it can be a comparative advantage or at least damage control.)
    4. Muscle and fitness? You will always work to maintain if you already have muscles and have to work hard to build muscles and lose fat. One of the key areas, really, especially since it partly affects your face and overall appearance in quite far-reaching ways.
    5. Hair? Can I optimize my hairstyle (sometimes being bald is the best option), well even haircolor, or is it already good enough? Natural styles often looks good but one can experiment with some fitting stuff from time to time.
    6. Plastic surgery? Approach with caution, and only do it you’re really ugly or for some reason are obsessed about being more good-looking. Mostly for East Asians these days.
    Important non-look factors:
    1. Social skills and confidence
    2. Social networks
    3. Money
    4. Social status
    5. Accumulate information and make appropriate hacks and decisions, such as which apps to use, where to travel, which places to go.
    6. Be determined. Determination is a key factor. Just think about, how many times haven’t you thought “fuck it” and consequently stayed passive, but often when you want results it’s really important.
    One time I rode with a bicycles for 3-4 miles just so that I could get inside, literally, of a 7.5 whom I met at a student party. I had lost the keys to my place so we had to go to hers place.

    1. I think someone who mentions cocks and “cocksuckers” when when the topic is fitness really needs to take a look at his own latent homosexuality.

  14. Dude you’re just trying to sell your stupid book.
    Having a fit body will get a girl’s attention, but it’s actually not necessary for amazing results with women.
    Being authentic is what’s important. If working out makes you feel awesome, you’ll feel awesome and be better with women. It’s how you feel, not them.
    Looks and money are nothing compared to vibe, game and having dark triad characteristics. The fact that you all focus so much on looks and money is why you don’t get the results you want. You get girls but you can’t keep them. They use you for your body and your money then dip.

    1. Vibe, game, and dark triad characteristics are useless on ugly men. They are DOA before they open their mouth.
      You act like competition doesn’t exist. Even Roosh admits this.

      1. Vibe and game are part of dark triad – dark triad IS a form of ‘game’. They are NOT separate ; i.e. you listed them all as separate “vibe, game, and dark triad” – bytheway I see less than stellar guys with good looking bitches cuse the fool has skill – not to disillusion all the balding guys, but I knew a short dude once who snagged a super babe cuse he pulled of the asshole thing well – I don’t think you understand game at all. I thought black Negros like yourself had ‘natural’ game but I guess I was wrong.

        1. I am White of Anglo Saxon descent (literally English and German). Blacks don’t have natural game at all and actually act in ways that would land even your best looking White man in jail. If a White dude said to a bitch “Ay bitch lemme see dem drawls” the White bitch would call the cops. Is a Negroid said it she would say “buy me coffee first”.
          The key is looks, money, and status. If you have neither you will be not getting much pussy. But only looks generate primal lust in women.

        2. Nahhhhhh, your a black guy who acts like a white supermiscist and hates his fellow blackman – your the fat black guy with the big eye – that’s you – its ok, we know your a sick fuck and we accept you

    2. You can have all the game in the world, if a better looking guy with equal or better game comes along, she will drop you in a minute. Part of the game is reaching your full potential, you’re not reaching your full potential if you are not taking care of your body.

      1. @ADAM
        Agreeded – but the point is ‘all things being equal’ with a girl never really happens – she’ll rationalize looks away if you ‘game’ her properly. Lets be clear here I’m NOT saying a fat fuck or out of shape loser can just ‘game’ a girl the same way as a decent looking guy – the whole point is when looks aren’t an overwhemling or underwhelming factor game overrides her ‘perception’ because she’ll rationalize the looks away. Guys get their ego’s bent out of shape over this shit way to much – if your an average healthy dude by all means work out to better yourself, but at the end of the day just lifting more to a girl is only icing on the cake when the shirt comes off in bed with her (AFTEr you’ve gamed her) – girls are totally oblivious to whats under your shirt man, if you game her as long as your not gross and overweight or way skinny and look like a chemo patient you’ll be fine. Men rationalize the FUCK out of this topic because men LOVE apperances – WITH THEMSELVES ALSO – and it flows over into their own apperance. Yes, we know its GOOD to be healthy and fit, duh* that goes without saying. Alot of men on here have such shitty game that they don’t realize its actual effect overrides their gym rat behavior. It doesn’t mean you need to be some hardcore pua, but dudes think since they enjoy looks so much they can’t believe that girls don’t – THAT is ‘blue-pill’ mindset basically. Thinking she cares about looks misses the entire point of human evolution and how women are programmed. You think woman gave a shit about looks when she was exiled into the wasteland or ALL ALONE i the woods and needed a man’s brute strength to live? Your strength only matters because she’s hardwired to desire the opposite, but that isn’t all she cares about. At the end of the end she’s happy to just have been gamed by a normal dude for a change. So many fuckin weirdos out there, if your fuckin normal you get major bonus points.

    3. Most if not all women are using you for something one way or another. ask yourself this, Imagine some master PUA balding chode of a man is seen sitting next to your girl after you returned from the restroom. Now imagine a Tom Brady doppelganger sitting next her.
      Which situation is going to elicit more primal emotion and threat in you.
      That’s what’s real my friend.

        1. You know, girls I sleep with laugh about average/ugly guys like you who think they have ‘game’
          Modern Women are shallow and entitled as fuck. Deal with it or help repair this fucked up society.

        2. There you go missing the point again you cuck phaggot.
          You act as if women are blind. As if because an ugly guy got lucky that his girl doesn’t have the freedom to up and leave him for another dark triad asshole who looks better.
          You somehow think good looking men can’t acquire game. You think good looking men aren’t redpilled or something. Boyo, you can be as redpilled as you want on game and women’s nature as you CLAIM but you think Western women won’t jump at the chance to fuck a guy better than you, then you underestimate your opponent. And underestimating your opponent is the quickest and most painful way to lose shamefully.
          Go ahead and think that good looking are somehow oblivious to women’s nature. Hell most of the time good looking men got redpilled far before we did simply because they have dealt with more women from a younger age.

      1. Let me guess, you went straight to his search section and searched for her JUST to make that lame ass joke? – wow, you really are black

        1. It isn’t a search section you dipshit. It is right underneath his subscriptions which are public.

  15. There are no shortcuts in getting a shredded, athletic body. Body types vary, some will never get to 5% BF, while adding a decent amount of muscle and still sporting a little gut. Others will have ease reaching an asthetic body, because of genetics and low BF.
    At the end of the day, every man should strive to leave it all in the gym. If you go in there and half-ass your training, you will get “some” results, but you will never reach your genetic potential (unless you get a little chemical help). I’m absolutely disgusted by these shredded in 90-days programs and promises. Bodybuilding takes years of dedication, hard work and patience. If you can get through that, your body will reward you and the results will speak and show. It will have a positive effect on your life, because you will probably apply this discipline to other parts of your life i.e. job, etc. Over all, it will drastically improve your life, but it won’t come over night and not over a period of 90-days. The most you can reach in 90 days is fat loss and some toning, which is not bad for a start, but you want to start filling those t-shirts and having a strong frame in any season.
    Set yearly goals, monitor your progress and proceed on your purpose. The results will come by themselves, as long as you leave it all in the gym. Personally, I do EVERY set to failure. Sometimes I look around in the gym and see guys taking loooong breaks between every set and not even working with the right weights. If you can do 20 reps in a set with ease, it’s useless. Try to use weights were you can barely reach 10-12 reps, as soon as you do, add more weight, even if it’s only a few pounds. Also, don’t ever use weights that might hurt you, you can actually lower the weight, but intensify the rep, by going real slow and even slower in the negative. The slower you do the reps, the more intense the burn. You will avoid injury, which most over 40 guys will appreciate and you will still build decent muscle and have a better mind2muscle connection. It’s all about feeling your muscles, instead of going through the motions quickly. 9 out of 10 times, you will be using other muscles to compensate for the heavy weights. Lower the weights and lower the rep time, you will target the muscle better and get phenominal results.
    As far as the topic itself, there are many women that claim muscles and a good body aren’t important to them, but they will only say this to a guy that actually has no decent body. In reality they are attracted to athletic physiques. You can’t change ugly, but a lot of women will look past mediocre facial features, if their attraction is triggered by a manly, athletic body.
    Go the the gym, train hard and eat right. It’s an easy formula, but sadly, a lot of guys just don’t want to work hard. Sadly, they are the first ones buying these stupid ripped in x-days programs.

  16. The only fitness Youtuber I would ever recommend to anybody is AthleanX. Yes, he also sells his programs, but he also puts all the information online on Youtube for free. Check him out, it’s worth it.

        1. he doesn’t have one – he’s insecure he can’t get as jacked as the ‘juicers’ believing natural lifting and getting shredded ‘naturally’ is ‘impossible’ so they MUST be JUICERS – lawl – more conspiracy theorys

        2. When you’re juicing you will make gains and be able to train completely different to how a natural would and is often reflected in their poor advice.
          They’re selling you a dream under a false pretense.
          To the faggot John Doe who thinks looks don’t matter. I lift and look good because I know they really do. I just don’t have any delusions about getting on the cover of men’s health magazine without juicing.

      1. Sasquatch, ya bro! – THEY ALL BE JUICERS DOG! LAUGHIN MY FUCKIN ASS OFF. 99% of them. HAHA, oh my fucking god, dude you’re about as insecure as they come. “I CANT GET JACKED – they MUST being using roids, I mean, how the fuck else could they do it!” – bahahaha, holy fuck man – I’m laughing so hard.

      2. SASQUATCH thinks “If I CANT get jacked than THYE CANT eithe” so he comes to the ULTIMATE beta conclusion “Oh, juicers, right right, OF COURSE – IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW – NO WONDER! I ALWASY thought that I was just too BETA, but THEIR ALL JUICING!!! Oh my GAWD, I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER ABOUT MY SKIINY LITTLE GIRLY FIGURE NOW!” – laughing my ass off! Oh my fuck man, is this fuckin guy serious right now? 99% juice up. Yeah sure they do, and your ALSO a ‘SASQUATCH’ too right?

  17. Americans fought Nazis and Commies to become Fascists and Commies.
    Americans hated Obama because Obama loved wars, tyranny, and debt, but Trump does, too.

  18. If I want to make a woman wet, I’ll push one of them into the fucking river as I’m walking down the sidewalk.
    If you guys want to do anything in life, at least do it for yourselves. Don’t waste your time, energy, and money on women. What do you think you’re getting in return these days, anyway? Some 1930’s virgin stunner? Hell no, what you’re getting is a used sex toy that’s been run through by a dozen(s) or more other men before you. Per the CDC, 1 in 4 American girls have their first STD before graduating high school.
    I think you’re insane to want these women at all, let alone to be willing to dedicate so much of your finite life to chasing them.

    1. I think the point is NOT to chase them, you also don’t want to end up jacking off every night either though.

  19. Typically, men who are in shape have better game than fat slobs. It suggests the man has self-control, which is also an important part of game.

    1. It suggests confidence comes easy and women are more forgiving when they are physically attracted and drawn to you.

  20. Interesting article, some good points that I’ll write on my blog for Indian guys so that they will focus more on self-improvement.

  21. Your dietary advice is bogus. You can rip and sequentially bulk on Paleo/Atkins/lchf/keto just fine no matter your body type and experience all the various health benefits. Eating 3-4 times a day overwhelms the metabolism no matter how you slice it. Bro science to the hilt. See most retired body builders for proof that that lifestyle has no real longevity. See my before and afters here I lost 60lbs and over 15%bf and got rigidly lean and athletic (not skinny) in under 7 mos. First 2 months no exercise at all. https://www.marksdailyapple.com/being-keto-adapted-is-one-helluva-ride/

  22. This is beyond pathetic. Fitness should be done to temper the flesh, maintain the health of the body and the physical discipline done through the bodily pain of exercise should be transferred to the mind as mental energy.
    Working out to impress a bitch is right up there with wearing Axe body spray… just fucking disgusting. It’s equivalent of a man dedicating his whole existence to pleasing women. Some homosexuals have more values than this.

  23. My old man had a body like a sack of shit, looked like a nip sniper, had most of his teeth knocked out and broke his his nose so many times he’d give a boxer a run for his money. Dressed like a bum, lost his hair in his 20s, rarely showered, always smelt of sweat and ciggies, yet women loved him…hmm could we detect bullshit here?

  24. The routine I might try.
    The nutritional advice based around frequent carb feeding is superstitious bullsh*t which has been infecting the bodybuilding culture for decades and which needs to be shot dead by some science bullets.
    Frequent feeding results in constant insulin peaks throughout the day. Insulin is a HGF agonist, meaning if its high, it suppresses both release and activity of the primary signal to muscles to build. It also encourages insulin resistance, which results in later life health issues (ie, middle years type 2 diabetes onset) and well as increased fat deposition in the short term.
    We evolved under conditions of uncertain food delivery, rare access to complex and simple carbs, and near constant physical exertion. Studies of early humans show their average muscle development and bone density under those conditions was far superior to ours. They were bigger, stronger, faster on average than our top athletes today – the only area we’d crush them was events like endurance marathons.

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