South African Parliament Votes To Take Land From White People Without Compensation

Members of the South African parliament have overwhelmingly voted to take land from white people—without any compensation. Best of all, they have produced virtually no plan as to how this will be achieved, leading to speculation that any expropriation is going to resemble the terrible violence that occurred against white farmers in neighboring Zimbabwe under dictator Robert Mugabe. Even with a plan, the proposed measures would reek of racism, bullying, and intimidation.

Since the resignation of Jacob Zuma in February, President Cyril Ramaphosa has used rather inflammatory rhetoric in support of land expropriation. This is unsurprising when one considers both South Africa’s long-term problems and more recent scandals involving inexcusable economic and social mismanagement. For example, Cape Town, an area home to four or five million people, is about to run completely out of water. Catastrophes or impending catastrophes in South Africa are almost certainly being swept under the carpet via racially charged mischief like calls for land seizures from whites.

It has been nearly 25 years since Nelson Mandela became the first black leader of South Africa and whites are still being scapegoated for the country’s numerous woes. Given the disdain many elites, both black and white, have for everyday white South Africans, you can be sure that many in the latter group feel betrayed by the present political climate. They threw their weight behind Nelson Mandela in the past as they expected reconciliation and peace, not aggression, theft, racism, and the use of force against them.

Is your country not working? Blame and bully white farmers

A white Zimbabwean couple nearly killed during land expropriations under Robert Mugabe. White South African farmers can expect similar treatment–and many have already received it.

Anyone who has been to South Africa like I have can remember a very conflicted, crisis-ridden country “boasting”…

  • ridiculous general crime rates, defying both the country’s relatively non-violent history and many of its economic indicators, which are actually above the African average in most cases;
  • an astronomical murder rate, typically meaning roughly as many people die every year from homicide as perished from decades of white-controlled apartheid;
  • an HIV/AIDS crisis, accelerated by moronic levels of negligence under Nelson Mandela, Thabo Mbeki, and Jacob Zuma;
  • shocking levels of corruption, including a major farce where Zuma used public funds to renovate his own home and described his luxurious new swimming pool as anti-fire protection; and
  • frequent demands for the genocide of white people, particularly by extremists such as Julius Malema, infamous for singing about the murder of Boers, a predominantly Dutch, German, and French white ethnic group.

Incidentally, Malema and his far-left Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) were behind the expropriation motion later backed by the ruling African National Congress (ANC). Having lost much public support following a series of controversies, the ANC is increasingly adopting the EFF’s anti-white language to win back votes.

Where are CNN and the other usual suspects?

Calling on Jake Tapper and other “fearless journalists” from CNN.

CNN has been silent on a country’s parliament voting to take land from people based on their race. They did, however, report on “news” that South Africa and Wales plan to play a one-off rugby match in Washington D.C. Sport can be a very important part of our lives, true, yet I doubt most people in Washington—or anywhere else in the US—will take note of a sport virtually no Americans play.

Amidst constantly regurgitated minutiae about “the Russia investigation,” CNN and comparably biased leftist “news” outlets have no time for proven events that are going to severely impact on people’s lives, regardless of whether violence does or does not accompany the taking of land from whites in South Africa (it probably will). This has been standard procedure for a long time and we can bet it shall continue well into the future.

Is South Africa’s path going to be emulated by America?

Far-left activists in the US insist on “reparations” for slavery, an incredibly tone-deaf proposal, not just because the vast majority of African slaves were initially enslaved by fellow blacks. Native American extremists are usually provided with less airtime but have also been known to espouse very revanchist ideas toward various US governments. So is any South African model for anti-white land-grabbing going to inspire angry elements in America?

In 10 or 20 years’ time, maybe even just five, do not be shocked if the kinds of news you read online today concerning attacked white farmers or land expropriation “discussions” in Africa start to repeat themselves in the American south-west or south. And if CNN and other leftist outlets are saying virtually nothing in relation to South Africa now, would you really expect them to sternly oppose such measures when they begin to be pursued in North America? Of course not.

Read More: As A Coloured Man From South Africa, I Exist In The No Man’s Land Of Racial Identity

173 thoughts on “South African Parliament Votes To Take Land From White People Without Compensation”

  1. I would rather die than capitulate to this scum. Bring it on leftards, just try to take my land. (But that was the plan the whole time wasn’t it?)
    The only way to stop this is to remove (and preferably execute) all white marxist-liberal traitors in Government working for the globohomo directive, then the non-whites will not be able to run their “kill-whitey” agendas so easily.
    Hear me fellow whites, there doesn’t need to be war with the coloreds, we just need to clean house and plant our feet down.

    1. Well, unless you form an ethno-nationalistic and cohesive group of people to fight this, but more importantly PREVENT it from happening…than it looks like you or your offspring will die or surrender.
      “The only way to stop this is to remove (and preferably execute) all white marxist-liberal traitors in Government working for the globohomo directive” You will have to get white people to drop the post-Reagan libertarian garbage in order to do that.
      “Hear me fellow whites, there doesn’t need to be war with the coloreds, we just need to clean house and plant our feet down.” That is only if the colored people remain a small minority. “Plant our feet” for what? So that coloreds can eventually take over and colonize our country, then future white generations will end up just like South Africa? Ethno-nationalism bro, that is the answer. The founding fathers had it, every great man on earth had it, but today whites do not and this is why white countries will not rescue the white South Africans, and this is why whites will continue to fall faster and faster.

      1. Jews are screwing over the white man and they have been for years. They have to because when the white race is wiped out, they’ll be the only ones left of it and have complete control over the world and the inferior races. Asians too. They are smart but have no backbone or fight in them.

    2. The easy answer is to sell your land. They can’t take what you don’t own.
      PS. My cousins lost their farm in Rhodesia, they were allowed to leave on foot with what they could carry. As they walked away the property was burnt to the ground. The farm hasn’t produced any crops since the burning.

      1. And what do you think the value of the farm to be seized is? absolutely zero.
        because it will be from whoever buys it, and any potential buyers know it .
        And then where will they go? Afrikaners are not eligible for refugee resettlement in Canada, USA, of Europe. There are plenty of places where you can become a resident , but you have to be a citizen to work or own a business.
        So how will they support themselves if they walk away now?
        I met an young man in London 20 yrs ago who had came from Rhodesia because of this . That is no longer allowed.

        1. I saw homeless whites in Durban a few years ago that were under 25 years old – none of them had anything to do with Apartheid, and yet they’re paying the price. Worse for the men than the women. Israel ought to take some of them since they had a cozy arrangement with the Apartheid government for so many years – maybe if they agreed to convert they’d do it? Yeah, I know -fat chance.
          If those young whites don’t qualify as refugees I don’t know who does. They’ve got no chance.

        2. Germany was uber J-friendly before being stabbed in the back, weakness is how Jews see kindness.

      2. I know that I recently read that they are trying to convince some white farmers to go back to those farms and teach the tribal blacks how to farm because there has been no food grown since the white farmers left.

    3. step 1. limit suffrage to property-owning (or tax-paying) males.
      step 2. deport ALL illegals.
      step 3. B U I L D T H E F U C K I N G W A L L.

  2. This is the future of the USA. Remember that unless you can get them to accept that their genetics cause the problems this is always on the horizon. How likely is that.

      1. AmRen had a great article recently, showcasing how a white majority is essentially VITAL to our country having generous gun rights.
        The proof is out there that most non-whites favor gun control, and want to turn our country into some sort of northern hemisphere Brazil. Where crime is rampant and only the bad guys have guns because good citizens aren’t allowed to.

    1. That’s why I have always laughed at anybody who counter-signals ‘racism.’ These people hate us more than they love themselves. They would rather die trying to kill us than living peacefully and prosperously side-by-side (impossible). Even though I actually get along better with nonwhites (because I have zero expectations for them), I have not for even a second felt that ‘otherness’ disappear because the genetic differences are too great to ever bridge. There’s always little things that irk one another, and when enough of them accumulate, that annoyance descends into disdain in an irreversible deterioration. Even intermarriage/interbreeding cannot undo this.
      When I worked, lived and partied with them and conquered their women, it never went away. Even when older ones have referred to me as ‘their son,’ I knew that the honeymoon period of being a white novelty amongst diversity would end badly in a matter of time…and it has just in the last week. That is why I always made myself scarce to avoid overexposure when they wanted more of my time.
      Suddenly, the translation errors, faux pas and basic mistakes went from being cheeky and forgivable, to hearsay and unforvigable sins that I could never disprove or correct. Everything they assign to you becomes a catch-22 instead of a learning experience and you gradually become a scapegoat for everything. The favoritism they showered you with over their own family, friends and race is inverted instantly. No matter how affable you are, they all turn on you. Even when you can barely understand their dumb language (yet went to great efforts to learn), their body language says everything you need to know without the use of a translator. They are ALL snitches too, especially the ones you were joking with just the day before and would not accept money from out of loyalty.
      I’m not saying that nonwhites and whites cannot live in the same country at all, but I am saying we have such difference in biology that we would need drastically different customs and laws based on these differences like how European kingdoms were governed during medieval/feudalism (Jews/Muslims, guilds, lords, serfs etc all wore patches and had different laws).
      I have come to understand that democracy and capitalism were built by and for white men. Everybody else needs a handicap and a redistribution from white men, or their countries/individualism turns to rubble. The Founding Fathers had the right idea when landowning white men of good character were the only ones who could vote. We need a return to self-determination so we can all find a peaceful solution.
      All you can do until then is never unpack. Always be ready to leave and set up quarters somewhere else until it happens again. It is not cowardly, it is survivalism in the Current Year. Leaving these people to their own internecine devices without white men around is more destructive to them than a race war against whites. It is a win-win.

    2. Could you elaborate on what it is exactly you mean by “Accept that their genetics cause the problems”?

      1. Accept that they will not succeed because genetic differences in group hierarchy, ability to organize and follow rules and family structures all of which are different put them in a bad position with regards success in society. Even within a race high T men do poorly economically and have higher incarceration rates and they are high T and low inhib also! Look at everr y black gang across the world and the sort of structure it has and then white gangs like the mafia and the ways they organize with complex social rules. Asia will go far and is and thats not that its culture is different but its genes are different to Africans. You have to be almost willfully blind or chronically stupid to not see this and believe its all a miracle of cultural differences that separates these peoples.

        1. The social science and has a two-standard evidence threshold where for the stuff they want they require little but the other way they set the bar impossibly high and then ban study. Opinions are valid and experiences as case-study evidence and theory but only if they are from a non-whites perspective otherwise they are stereotypes and not scientific or publishable. All must fit their narrative.
          The left is trying to build a new intellectual dark age.

    3. Adam, some key points you are missing:
      1) Land seizure without proper compensation, whether by South African Blacks from South African Whites, White Americans from Native Americans, Israelis from the Palestinians, Black Zimbabweans from White Zimbabweans, or any other example one can think of, irrespective of race, is just plain unjust and wrong. Furthermore, I don’t disagree, the mainstream media has been silent, and that silence is deafening.
      2) White Americans basically own America, and that isn’t going to change anytime soon. It’s numbers and math. Not even the most liberal left wing Congress or Presidency could change that because the Constitution clearly states that the government has to pay fair compensation for eminent domain, and that has been ruled in the courts over and over again in favor of the average property owner. Not gonna happen.
      3) As for guns, no one is coming to get them despite your paranoia. The Second Amendment isn’t going anywhere and will never be repealed, so I wouldn’t worry too much about it.
      4) Finally, and this may seem controversial to some of you, but black people, whether here or in Africa, have proven time and again that for the most part, they can’t run countries, or even cities or states for that matter. I look at cities like Newark, NJ or Baltimore, MD, or St. Louis, MO, or Detroit, MI — all majority black and all run into the ground the moment black people took leadership in these towns. As for countries the experience of Zimbabwe should be a warning to black people themselves that they don’t know how to run a government of a civilized and productive nation and thus what is going on in South Africa will only harm South Africans (blacks included) at the end of the day.

      1. There is no such thing as ‘justice’. Nor do we ‘own’ anything. Nothing matters but force. Force rules the world and always did.
        Conservatives always act like there’s some kindly English teacher in the sky overseeing our great debates. Our (((rulers))) don’t care about logic or justice. They laugh at that shit. It’s just a matter of whether we riot and fight or not. If not, then we go the way of the Australian Abo. That’s all there is to it.
        South Africans didn’t fight when they had a chance in the 90s. In fact, prior to that they set back and let Rhodesia die. It’s probably too late for them now.
        When it became clear to (((our leaders))) that the Soviets weren’t really going to flood the Fulda Gap and the Cold War was ending, they didn’t need White South Africa anymore. (((They))) don’t want us around either, I’m afraid.

      2. no. 2) That’s what we said about our Section 25 of the Constitution. And now? They are planning to change it. My advice to you, start shooting before it come’s to that…

  3. Yeah, no, they won’t. I don’t think the left has any idea what they’re up against if they try that with any seriousness.

    1. Everywhere else they said they couldn’t take the guns also and they did. When they do you will see land confiscations on the far horizon. The next twenty years it will be unsellable even if it never happens.
      That is the logical outcome of all of this SJW stuff. I mean, blacks did all the work on them and were brutalised and oppressed should they get the dividends of slavery? Maybe half the farms at least? that is the narrative. Its unavoidable.

      1. Problem is put these guys on there own and they are not even tool makers and haven’t evolved to even be able to cultivate land

        1. Taking the guns is open policy. First they “update” the second, then the they go hard on restrictions

    2. Oh, the left knows exactly what they are up against…they are up against a de-tribalized, weak, pathetic group of libertarian morons who are getting ethnically obliterated. All the left have to do is wait and white will essentially just die out from demographic replacement and then the left can gladly do what they want. Whites today are really the most pathetic people on earth. I don’t think a group of people have ever been conquered so easily before in human history, especially from the level of power whites have. But DON’T WORRY we will win with our “muh individualism”.

      1. Whites are good, trustworthy, emphatic, tolerant and positive people. This traits were and are exploited against them.

        1. UMMM…yes and no, whites tend to be very greedy and individualistic morons. Whites have this “as long as it is not in my backyard” attitude, which only ends up fucking them over more and more. This is also why white men probably gave women rights, because as long as a white man didn’t see how it would affect him personally than he didn’t care. Honestly, I think white men get off to fucking other white men over. It is a reason no white men come to the rescue of other white men…you know, like when Roosh was attacked at his meet-ups and had his free speech taken from him…where were the army of men to defend his freedom? As long as most white men have it good than they won’t give a flying shit about anything but themselves and their taxes…it is not until the threat of death that they begin to fight back and usually when that time comes it is too late. Just listen to dumbass libertarians to understand white white man and white society is becoming a failed piece of garbage.

        2. Wes the Great …well, I think all races enjoy the benefits of materialism. Is nice to afford this and that, and for some this can be and is a gold in life, which is fine, it’s not like Whites are aliens among the other human races. However, Whites understand that to acchieve wealth you need to study, work, be ambitious, consistent on a day-to-day basis, which…is fine. Sure, not everyone does so, but most White people do. This is because of their IQ, which allows them to view the path to success through the power of abstraction. If you don’t have this power than you can only achieve wealth through crime. Also, curious enough, on all charitable missions in developping countries you can see mostly White people saving and helping humans, animals and nature. It’s very rare to see humans from other races joining in this missions. That’s because White people are probably the most emphatic and compassionate group of humans on Earth. You never see Indians or Black people, Chinese or Japanese, Muslims, and so forth joining in such humanitarian missions, there are mostly Whites. However, I do believe that the biggest problem today within the formal White nations is the allowance of massive amount of people from other cultures to settle near another culture, the White culture. Clashes are inevitable, and have already started to happen. Being racist is stupid and idiotic, no race is better than another, and no human has the right to say that, however, each race should have the right to live peacefully, if desired so. Borders exist for a reason. Erasing it creates problems both for the immigrants, as for the indigenous. I believe this is the problem the White nations face today, and immigrants should respect the natives. If they’re incapable of doing so, they should leave. If they’re incapable of adapting and can’t respect the host culture, they should be forced to leave. However, many of this immigrants(as the African Americans in US or the African French people in France) already have citizenship to stay in the host country. They should be allowed to stay, for obvious reasons, however they should respect and follow the constitution and the rules of the country like any other citizen. It is not fair to impose quota of people from different races in a business, in a school, in an executive board, in a state institution, and so forth. Diversity has to follow a natural path, not a forced path. Natives should be able to choose their own friends, business partners, workers, mates, and so forth, without being forced to accept people from cultures that they do not wish to connect with. This is common sense. As for why Whites don’t defend other Whites as long as they’re solid I think you are wrong, though I’m sure some care nothing but their wealth. Capitalism is after all a competitive economic model patented by Whites. Whites enjoy being competitive among themselves, that is correct, but they also have a big, warm heart. I also believe that you are correct regarding the action to act back only under death threat. You are correct, Whites will wait and wait and wait…until they don’t. As a personal opinion I’d say that someone or something might be pushing people into a race war right now, which is quite sad, but perhaps is just my imagination. Best.

        3. @Sakee…sure, a lot of it could be IQ, but it is still a matter of race. Just because SOME Asians score higher on IQ scores doesn’t mean they should have the right to recolonize the planet. BTW, IQ doesn’t necessarily measure other parameters such as behaviors, tendencies, and even health. A lot of cucks use this idea of IQ to make mass immigration of Asians seem alright, even though Asians vote 95% leftist, and for some reason they never tend to do anything spectacular, they kind of exist as just nerds.

        4. “Being racist is stupid and idiotic, no race is better than another, and no human has the right to say that, however, each race should have the right to live peacefully, if desired so.” NO, racism is not stupid and idiotic, it is a natural by-product of a living organisms desire to spread their genes and those similar to theirs. It is discrimination, just like men discriminating against ugly women, or women discriminating against stupid and poor men. Our IQ and nations would not exit if it was not for racism. “no race is better than another”, yet you agree that HIGH IQ is why whites do better? Are you kidding me, bro?

        5. Wes the Great …this days is not easy to know where propaganda starts and where it ends. However, Nature’s race(s) of choice will get to colonize Earth. I mean, crocodiles are here for 200 million years. Nature likes Crocs. Let’s be just as patient to see how much they like Humans, and which Humans more exactly. :)))

        6. Whites genuinely not racist in South Africa have the life expectancy of a housefly.

        1. For the most part, he is Caucasian after all, closely related to Persian identity, or even Mediterranean perhaps. At the very least he is an ally that understands race, nationalism, and other topics. Just like I don’t care that Japan stays Japanese, Roosh doesn’t care that whites protect their own ethnicity, and he believes it is healthy for men to act this way.

        2. I think your average person sees him in Europe and would assume he is foreigner/refugee. Your average normie just goes by appearance. Good guy, don’t get me wrong. But most people who see him wouldn’t classify him as any type of European. He looks just what he is, Persian.

        3. Of course he looks different, I never said he was a Nordic prince or anything.

        4. My point is he doesn’t look like what one would class as a “White guy” upon first sight

      2. Feminism is a fat n ugly WHITE womans movement. Other ethnics that are activists are willing token coat tail riders of their destruction.

    3. The left is playing the long game and winning. The libertarian remains apathetic and who cares as long as I got my big truck and football!

  4. What do you think the gun control agenda was for ? To actually stop school shootings?

  5. Happened in Tanzania in the 60s, happened in Rhodesia in the 80s now it’s South Africa’s turn
    This cycle needs to be stopped
    Eventually it’ll come to England, Sweden and Canada

    1. How do you plan on stopping it? How will whites replenish their population, defeat globalism, put women back in their place, and prevent the hordes of non-whites from colonizing us???? I ave the answer, but most cowardly whites will not accept it because they are afraid…it is called Ethno-nationalism.

        1. What about Japan?….#1 academically when it comes to math, a highly advanced and clean society, no “bad neighborhoods”, insanely low crime, high levels of cohesiveness, high levels of trust. Japs are just going through a population re-sizement since they are a resource and land poor nation with heavy industry and a population of 120 million. Japan is smaller than California, but they have a population 4 times as large, and an economy more than 2 as big….they could use some population decline so that they don’t have such a dependence on energy and resource imports. Even though Japan has lots of feminism they still are not destroying themselves the way we are and eventually they will bounce back to even more productive days.
          You have something to add to that? Pretty much every highly developed civilization was nationalistic and homogeneous.

  6. Same shit happening in Brazil… but its not blacks its Indigenous people taking white farmers land.
    Indigenous people here get welfare serivces, free education, affirmative action in Universities, free land(stolen from white people) and they can even get away with murder cause the government say our Portuguese/Italian Ancestors are to blame cause we took their land and culture away when we conolized South America…
    You cant event shoot them or beat them up if they invade your land, beat your family and raid your farm here cause the government will claim you are a White oppressor.
    Those Indigenous people dont produce nothing here they live like parasites stealing land from white farmers, free money with welfare programs in our country. Yet we are the evil ones…
    The world is becoming a big joke… We are all going to end up as minorities one day I´m telling you all….
    In Brazil White people are already only 40 percent of the population. They other 60 percent is blacks, mestizos(mixed race) and Native Indians

    1. and they wonder why the economy is shit. There will come a time we are so sick of this we build our own ethnostates.

      1. For Brazil the worst is to come when the country is 75% afro then I think its just tribal like Africa again. I don’t think there is any chance you maintain any civilisation at that point above a few mud huts.
        Whites need to see that contributing to these societies only furthers the decline you should aim to be parasitic and not contribute. you are only contributing to your own decline.

        1. Wish I could move with my family to another Country… even if we have to sell all our businesses, land and assets.
          But from what I hear all countries are becoming shitholes with unskilled low-iq refugees from Middle East and Africa taking everything. Anglo-Saxon Countries and Europe are being flooded with low-iq immigrants and lawmakers there keep giving those retards welfare services and affirmative action in everything.
          And dont even get me started with Sweden.. Sweden is a joke of a country it will probably be an all muslim country in a few years with no traces of their Nordic Roots.
          We need to build something like Galt´s Gulch in the novel Atlas Shrugged where the hardworking man can enjoy having freedom, privacy and security with their families.

        2. Dude, running isn’t going to help anymore….either society falls as a whole and some Asian and maybe middle eastern countries survive, or white man grows some balls and becomes ethno-nationalistic again and starts taking shit over before it is too late. South Africa should be partitioned, illegals deported from Europe, America, and Canada, and even Brazil probably needs some partitioning, etc. To tell you the truth, it might be beneficial for a white man to be in a third world shithole because white countries are turning into police states that actually have a level of power you cannot fight against. At least in third world shithole you can barter, bribe, and fight against the retards.

    2. Because whites are not nationalized and whites don’t care about race….and even more importantly white man gave the reigns of power over to white women. Have fun. It is hilarious, because most people alive today wouldn’t even be alive if not for white people and our medical, agricultural, and civil technologies. Most Indians would have a life span of 30 years, and they would live like primitive retards. This also doesn’t take into account the fact that Indians slaughtered, enslaved, murdered, raped each other. Funny how white many 100’s of years ago could show up to a place, do exactly what the natives there were already doing, win and then build great nations, only to give them right back.

      1. Whites are good people. This is exploited by others. But maybe Whites don’t have the right IQ to survive within the other races. Also, interesting fact is that in a black+white mix or indian+white or asian+white mix, the White genes are almost completely erased from the newborn’s DNA. Nature, huh?!

        1. They have plenty of IQ, they are just feminized, selfish, and brainwashed right now. That empathy and “goodness” is what made western civilization great. “White genes are almost completely erased from the newborn’s DNA. Nature, huh?!” No, not really, but enough to be of concern over the long run and with our current levels of immigration.

        2. Wes the Great …well, from nature point of view you either make it, either you don’t, nobody cares, I, Nature, don’t care. If you can be brainwashed, well, good luck to you, Nature would say. All things considered, humanity will go on with or without the Whites(or let’s say Pure Whites). Perhaps even a more successfull society, as far as I’m concerned.

        3. @Sakee…yes, you are right, nature does not care about faggot libertarians, nature is not going to protect their rights, nature will not protect their land or wealth either. This is why I talk shit about libertarians and why I try to keep people away from that garbage ideology. You also act like white people have already lost…waking up out of brainwashing takes time, and we will see. Libertarians are the problem with white society.

        4. Wes the Great My intimate believe is not that Whites lost but that they are pushed into a war they didn’t ask for. I’m not using the term “war” as in internet war, ideological war, etc, I mean actual War.

      2. Whites DO care about race. It’s just that the white collective (does exist) has been feminized with implicitness rather than the explicitness it always had (until the Civil Rights Era). Just as women are implicit about their wants (50 Shades sales), whites are implicit about segregation (suburbia, ‘good schools/neighborhoods’) rather than how they used to be extremely straightforward. I could not believe that Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger used to travel through the rural South playing folk music in order to undo the ingrained Antisemitism. Can you even imagine that? It has been completely inverted since then. These people worship the spittle of (((them))) now. The Alt-Right was not even necessary because everybody was woke back then as a way of life. People could actually have fun back then without needing to be obsessed or consumed with this stuff today since there was a consensus on THE TRUTH.

        1. @Weimar Republican….so what if some whites care about race? White men are so afraid of going against their women, and white men are so de-tribalized that at this point it doesn’t matter if “muh individual” whites care about race. It is like the white father who meets his daughters black boyfriend…he cares, he might not like it, but he isn’t going to really do anything about it, and if she gets pregnant and becomes another one of those single mother mudsharks than the chances are he will love and cherish the little one, pay for everything, take care of his daughter, and then convince himself that race doesn’t matter.

        2. Not just some, ALL whites care, still. We just express it implicitly and differently now like I said. A significant minority (Leftists) triangulate it with diversity as a proxy against rightism. But you’re right…white men are indeed afraid of the GUARANTEED fallout of being politically incorrect. If you say or do the wrong thing you WILL be sexless and jobless…what is the upside to that? Sure, you may have your ‘pride,’ but you won’t have anything else. But yes, I regularly see an old school grandpa with the mixed grandkid and you can tell it kills him, but he came to accept it. He still makes jokes about it, really lamenting it.

  7. SA will drown in their own misery.
    They will go down the same way Venezuela, Zimbabwe has.

    1. When they’ll get hungry they will call back the Whites, as they did in Rhodesia. Sadly almost half of the SA White community doesn’t even afford a plane ticket out of SA. They do need help. This people are in danger.

      1. Elon Musk holds the key to saving his countrymen.
        The Boers may yet be saved and relocated to a new homeland if he succeeds.

    1. Then mass migration will start in -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, then white countries will turn into South Africa in -6,-7,-8,-9,-10, and the whole time this happens we will have inbred white trash preaching “muh, it is not about race, just come in legally, muh individualism…my 95% white town isn’t affect, so I don’t care, muh individualism!!!!”.

  8. Most land expropriation will come about by land invasions
    The state just gave them the green light for that
    The gubberment apes will use the might of the state to take the best parts of course
    Expect crickets from shitlib media/govts

  9. …as an aside
    Most farmland in SA is irrigated with complex/capital intensive systems.
    Once you break it up in small plots ,the apes will not be able to afford irrigation.
    Not to mention they will ransack the pumps/pipes and everything that can be sold for scrap.
    Eventually these niggro ‘farms’ will revert to desert
    They will be sitting in the porch of their shacks with zero work surrounded by scrubland.

    1. They don’t have the theory of mind to see that these whites are actually feeding them for very little compensation or that they are not genetically capable themselves of doing this. They can see every other black farmer in Africa can hardly do it but that still doesn’t register. This requires levels of introspection, abstract thought and analytical thinking which would take thousands upon thousands of years of evolution to attain in them.

  10. Comparing Casualty rates for total war throughout the 20th Century.
    1 German = 2.4 Russians (World War 2)
    1 Russian = 19 Arabs/Afghans (Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan)
    1 Arabs/Afghans = 2 Africans (literally the last 30 years in the middle east and africa)
    1 German = 91.2 Africans.
    Lol. Imagine knowing you are closer to being an insect infestation than a rival!

  11. I hope they burn everything to the ground and poison or salt the fields before they “leave”…

    1. That would be a waste of salt. Those farms will be looted and left to rot when the whites are chased off.

  12. Considering in the US, you don’t actually own the land, anyway, even if you have paid off the mortgage on the house, this makes sense… And, you almost certainly do not own the airspace over the land, or the mineral rights underneath it. Try not paying your property taxes, and you’ll find out who really owns it. The concept of property ownership, at least in the West or in Western-colonized countries, is a joke.

  13. Blacks will take land, trash it and proceed to spread mass starvation and poverty. White South Africans should destroy everything and flee to any Western country that will accept them.

    1. Problem is no western country is accepting them. They’re white and not worthy of receiving refugee status.
      They should move to some country like Argentina, chile or Mexico. Corrupted, of course, but nowhere near the levels of shit they’re having to put up with right now.

      1. Australia just floated the idea of special visas for displaced white South Africans. The immigration minister is being called a racist of course.

  14. We’re at the point now where race war is inevitable in Anglo countries. This is basically how it is in many 3rd world shitholes. It’s no wonder that we’re turning into shitholes when we accepted and tolerated the shitholes. I say bring the race war on, and the MSN and fakenews? They can be gutted, impaled and their entrails burnt. That’s what they would do to us.

  15. The left embraces horrible, horrible things and when the backlash occurs they blame it on Trump and other white people. These are awful people who want this world destroyed. Amazing how it was predicted so many years ago. The leftist shit for brains have no accountability at all.

  16. When it comes to intelligence, white people are a little bit above Africans and Arabs. Just because some whites were able to achieve great things, doesn’t mean a whole race or breed of people is smart. The majority of white people are very simple people.

    1. In the US “the least intelligent ten percent of whites have IQs below 81; forty percent of blacks have IQs that low.”
      It’s also worth noting that the smarter blacks are mostly mulattos:
      “American blacks are descended from West African populations, with some white and aboriginal-American admixture. The overall average of non-African admixture is 20-25 percent. The admixture distribution is nonlinear, though: “It seems that around 10 percent of the African American population is more than half European in ancestry.”

      1. If you count only pure blacks(without Evropean ancestry) the avr. IQ is between 65-80(making the smartest Africans as smart as our dumbest idiots) – IQ rises proportionally to the White-mix, best evidence for IQ being largely inherited.

      2. There’s also more than just IQ to it. Even low IQ whites are for the most part good people by nature, who value hard work, honesty and exhibit civilized behavior.

        1. Yeah behaviour and natural hierachy you can see differs between every black gang and every white gang in the world. The white gangs have strict rules, hierchies, and social contact but the black gang is just about ego and fractures with a lot of dominance and few rules and they do not follow the rules anyway.
          You could go on about the genetics of monogamy and family structure and so many more as it differs between race and the evidence that culture really isn’t the cause but that has been done far too many times already. I want to accept the culture miracle please do.

  17. before you blame the nignogs, remember that the british were the ones who destroyed the true white settlers – Afrikaners

      1. …Then they left. The whites who have the most invested suffer the most.
        For example in Detroit the Appalachians and Jews left but Polish people were stuck.

    1. And the British came up with the concept of the concentration camp long before comrade Stalin or the Fuhrer Adolph. During the Boer War, while the Afrikaner “Kommandos” were fighting, the British stuck the Boer women and children in concentration camps, with the intent of subjugating the Boer men. Despite many of the women and children dying from disease, starvation, and cruelty, it made the Boer men fight even harder. These were tough farmers and hunters who knew the terrain, could live off the land, and were fighting on their own turf. A Boer could ride on horseback at full gallop with his Mauser Model 1893 or Model 1895 7 m.m., and hit a running gazelle, or the average sluggard limey soldier (with his .303 Lee-Enfield) at 100 yards +. Too bad the Boers didn’t win.

      1. thats what i say – the white workers suffered because of rat faced british schemers!

  18. South Africa will become Zimbabwe 2.0 on steriod. Once they get rid of the white farmers It will turn into another failed state in Africa

    1. while zim is on a a recovery path and since two yrs ago zim does not import food black people grow their own food. thats the type of stuff that they dont tell you

  19. Whites cope with muh technology and muh first world but Whites largely are regressive as fuck when it comes to controlling women.
    White people historically have elevated women more than any other race. In this way, Whites are the retrograde race because the darkies figured out that women are actually not equal to men.
    White people invented cucking themselves. Especially Nordics. These are the same people who worship their “goddesses” and “Valkyries”.
    I think everything that is happening will cause Whites to evolve out of their default mode of simping. Either that or die out.
    It starts with the men. White men need to stop being pussies with their women. But history isn’t on their side that way. They are the race that capitulates the most. That is not any accomplishment to be proud of.

    1. Whites suck at controlling women at a national/tribal level. White men are just too individualistic. We use to be bad asses at it, but when you are no longer a cohesive tribe and the only thing you worry about is taxes, oil, guns, and big trucks…well, it kind of makes it hard to control your women, especially when they are in charge. The baby boomer retards and their OBSESSION with their daughters doesn’t help either.

    2. Whites in general didn’t do these things. Sell out traitors yes but these poisonous things were orchestrated and imposed on us by a (((people))) we are no allowed to speak of or criticize.

  20. Reality drives the Alt Right’s agenda now.
    BTW, I’m sick of hearing about how white nationalism appeals to white “losers,” as if Tyrone, Muhammad and Manuel are superior specimens of humanity by comparison.
    Working-class white men are on the forefront of white nationalism because they are the most vulnerable to what is being done to dispossess and extinguish the white race. It’s like calling the miner’s canary a “loser” because it succumbs to the poison gases in the mine before the miners feel the effects. These firebrands are really doing us a favor by warning about what is coming at us.

    1. I know nobody wants to hear it, but the truth is that you cannot trust people who don’t look like you. No matter how close you get to somebody different, that ‘otherness’ never disappears. (I really elaborated on this earlier, but a butthurt minority moderator removed my post.) They are all snitches when it comes down to it, and they resent us. They are just laying in wait for the opportunity to butcher us all. Why do you think they are invading our homelands and complaining about how hard they have it? Even ‘muh ultra conservative’ Thomas Sowell (‘please be my neighbor’) wrote an entire book blaming the degeneracy of black culture on white people from the North of England. So even ‘based’ minorities still blame us (actually even more thoroughly) for their natural inability. There is no shame in running away in white flight. It is a proven strategy in the Art of War – leaving these people to their own internecine violence is more effective than battling them in a war.

      1. Yeah, I read Sowell’s book blaming the Border/Scots-Irish immigrants from the British Isles for giving Southern blacks their bad habits.
        That is such bullshit. When the descendants of these whites got to enter the mainstream during the postwar economic boom, they cleaned up nicely, which shows that they had that potential all along.
        So why haven’t blacks improved themselves after the Civil Rights movement and integration moved them away from rough Southern whites and exposed them to more civilized Northern whites?

        1. that could be true the avarage african in africa most parts its a taboo having children outside of marriage yet black america who have white genes its their natural state so where did they get that habit ??

        2. albionic
          blacks probably get a few ghetto habits from italians whom they admire.

        3. @Keit
          If it were true and blacks were less genetically prone to have illegitimate progeny than whites, the American blacks (about 25% non-black on average) would have a lower rate of children born out of wedlock than whites, and only slightly above that of full-blooded blacks. But they have a 75% illegitimacy rate as opposed to 30% for whites. Primitive tribes enforce taboos (prohibitions) with spears and stones, while there are no consequences of sexual promiscuity in developed countries, so blacks can show their true colors without the fear of repercussions. To give just one example, the Himba women cheat occasionally when their husbands are out herding the livestock. Prostitution is also commonplace in Africa.

        4. What I wrote and what the illegitimacy rate data suggest is that it’s the mulattos that are much more likely to have stable family life, and no kids outside of marriage.

        5. …the more black genes in you, the more likely you are to have illegitimate offspring.

      2. Yes, get the fuck out of Africa. Btw, in 40-50 years all new born children in America will have black blood. Your women aren’t interested in white micro d*** anymore. Once the tide turns and more mulatto children grow up educated and in positions of power, the american white race will be marginalized and will end up in poverty. In a matter of 40-50 years, blacks have taken over music and sports. Both multi-billion dollar industries. This is followed by fashion and even politics. More and more black business will appear, your women are already lusting after black men, so that the offspring of millions of women will be mulatto – essentially black by white standards. You cannot stop a dominant race.

        1. Music and sports are the only fields you can excel at and you have dominated those for a long time.
          You’re so dominant you swim to a backwater like Italy.

        2. See, white men cannot post anything close to this without getting banned. Hey, Wakandan… Sports and music are DYING. Look at the sales and ratings. Haha you can have those worthless industries. We create everything. Your women want us a lot more than our women want you. We just are so disgusted by their masculine qualities that we leave them to you.

        3. The J3ws own the sport teams and pimp you like whores in the music industry until you’re chewed up and spit out. You’re on the J3ws leash and he has set you upon his great enemy whitey. Once you no longer have use for them they will dispose of you like trash or put you back on the plantations. When whites cease to exist anymore the (((White man 2.0))) is going to be the real evil “crackers” of nightmares.

  21. The good news
    1) Blacks are lousy at organized warfare. Can you imagine them trying to maintain supply lines from South Chicago 70 miles to say, Keewanee?
    2) Hebrews are not tough aggressive people or good at guerrilla warfare. None of them serve in the US military.
    3) Mexicans are more dauntingly tough,

    1. The Hebrews are the most destructive force on the planet and proof “the pen is mightier than the sword”
      The Jew has managed to exploit and connive its way to the top echelons of society , poison our wells and convince us to kill our selves.

  22. This site is great and the moderators are good for the most part, but they still remove stuff just like SJWs if the post is too truthful. Say anything truthful about the state that white men find themselves and it’s gone, even if it is not vulgar. It would be better if the moderators intervened and challenged the post rather than removing it. Really frustrating how I have to back up all my posts in case one gets censored.

  23. Step 1: Partition the United States along political-racial lines
    Step 2: Give Afrikaners their own state on our side of the line

    1. Or partition South Africa and kick all the illegals out of America and tell the other minorities to just deal with the fact this is a white country and either accept it or leave. How about that?

      1. Your women are already lusting after black male specimen ala Lebron James. Every white teenager is fantasizing about Wakanda D**k. America will be black by the end of the century. It’s natural selection. Blacks are bigger, faster, stronger, better and smarter. Give any black kid the same social circumstances and education and see who gets the better grades.
        Africans had kingdoms, whilke Europeans were stuck in shit holes and caves. It was the evil of the white race, that brought destruction to the motherland. Face it… your women will gravitate towards BBC. Indeed that is the true reason for the hatred. White plantation owners bought naked african slaves. Do you think they didn’t see how inferior they were to black males? Might as well go to Asia, where your penis size still has a chance. :-))

        1. Now I know you are just trolling. Cat’s out of the bag on the ‘muh big black dick’ You aren’t any bigger. It’s sad and really gay how that’s the first and only thing you wakandans turn to. Why are you so obsessed with dicks? How many white women have you even had? I think you are just taking credit for Tyrone. I have actually had your women. Most of them are disgusting, but I enjoy watching them want me more than they want you. I make sure to get lots of them doing that in public to let your community know the who is in charge.

  24. I know two chicks who spent years in Africa volunteering:
    One of them was drugged and raped by a local. She contracted an STD from this. (Not AIDS thankfully.)
    The other says it will take millions in education to overcome the local folklore. They believe that the cure for AIDS is to have sex with a virgin. That’s why so many children have AIDS. They are raped. They also believe that condoms CAUSE AIDS.
    It was my own attempt to make more diverse friends, travel, and study different cultures that actually RED-PILLED me, convincing me that most racial-stereotypes are based on truth. They’re not always exact, but when it comes to your own safety and peace, I trust the statistics.

  25. The whites of south africa are done. They brought this on themselves the moment they gave up power. In the united states its about liberal creep. They just keep hammering away from every angle. Gun ownership its high capacity magazines, silencers, bump stocks, different kinds of ammo, different styles, conceal ability. Their real goal is to get rid of guns completely so they will go after it from every angle possible. I remember a couple years ago they were celebrating the last lead smelter in the united states closing because for some reason they thought it would make bullets more expensive but they got the smelter closed with environmental policy.
    I used to listen to NPR all the time while driving. I recall one day they had on in the morning a news story about how this country didn’t have the labor to meet the demand of a growing economy and we needed immigration to remain competitive with the world. That afternoon they had another news story about how we were going to have to have a basic living stipend for people because automation was killing jobs and people would not be able to get work.
    When Obama was in office their was a massive stimulus package to help the solar and wind companies expand so we could cut back CO2 emissions and save the world. The sierra club, green piece, and every other environmental group sued over the locations of all these installations. It was bats in nevada, prairie chickens in the Midwest, I believe it was tortoises in new mexico and I don’t recall why they were suing in Hawaii. Nearly every project was sued and delayed. Even a guy who wanted to install some wave generators was shut down because of whale migration. Never mind that whales migrate from mexico to northern alaska so their is nowhere on the west coast to install them without being in the way of whale migration. They did all this suing while advising on their websites that if we did not cut back on CO2 the oceans would rise and millions of species would go extinct. They did withdraw their lawsuits on many projects after the companies trying to install solar and wind made huge donations of millions of dollars to their organizations. Their was a deadline for the government money so all the environmental groups had to do was hold them in court until the deadline passed. Bottom line millions went to them instead of building solar and wind.
    These people are hypocrites and what they say and the things they try and get done are not their true agenda.

  26. White South Africans with some means should look into moving their financial assets into cryptocurrencies, to get them out of harm’s way. I doubt that blacks in South Africa understand what “cryptocurrency” means.

    1. you will be suprised there are thousands of blacks who trade in crypto even in zimbawe a country that is having it the worst economically there there are thousands of traders what more southa africa which is middle income country with a very large black middle class

  27. Sad story, isn’t it?
    I have some familiarity with Rhodesia and South Africa. I’ll keep it short and sweet.
    You still believe in gun control? Does the government have your best interests at heart?
    Take a look at Rhodesia and South Africa!
    Look at the white people there; the only producers those countries have that matter.
    Now they better fight or die.
    Couldn’t be any more clear than that.

    1. EDWARD
      1) Whites win simply BY LEAVING ie St. Louis, Detroit, Baltimore. Of course for less educated whites it comes down to a choice between lower class urban areas with dangers and totally remote farmland.
      2) The absolute stupidest whites are going to suffer in the US-the ones who have kids at 16 and are trapped in decaying cities, the Mud Sharks, the crack addicts whose addiction puts them in proximity to blacks.
      3) In the US mestizos are a bigger danger. They are smarter because of the white blood and they have the implicit backing of the nearest border country unlike US blacks who have no connection to Africa.

    2. Fight with what? Laws? They don’t have the votes. Guns? They’ll wind up dead or in prison for life (might as well be dead in a South African jail).
      The only whites left in Zimbabwe are the ones who were too sanguine to leave when they had the chance, and now they’re stuck with nearly nothing.
      Whites are better off in other parts of Africa that never had large white populations, and that’s exactly where many of them are going. It’s foolish to deny the inevitable by staying in South Africa.

  28. Mandela and blacks didn’t just take over South Africa by themselves. Look deeper and you will find a Zionist media and zionist organizations manipulating the whole revolution.

    1. Why do you think the zio media is completely quiet when whites are being slaughtered wholesale. They are our enemy and they operate in our own countries against us and when the time comes they will ignore our slaughter too.

  29. I’ve been saying for at least ten years that there will ultimately be political risk involved in owning real estate in the following states: CA, NV, AZ, NM, CO, and parts of TX. I own a rental property in one of those states, and plan to get out within the next year or two.

  30. Civil War
    1. Liberals wage war through institutional control but not many of them want to actually be in a WAR with tough Alt-Right who’ve had some time in the military and can shoot a gun.
    2. Maybe blacks and Mexicans would fight for liberals but Jews and liberal whites would sit such a war out. Plus, while Mexicans and blacks are fearsome street-fighters they don’t possess the organizational capacity for anything more than a gang.
    3. The liberals do tend to have more money so they can simply block Fed Aid to farm fucks and blue-collar whites stupid enough to marry and have kids at 21 who have to have welfare out of necessity.
    4. Primary economies are in the hands of the Alt-right, more or less. So the war is finished before it starts.
    5. Liberals ARE smarter so they will try bamboozle tactics through the media.

  31. I understand the idea of losing everything to invading hordes of savages – it has to suck. And yes, it’s hypocritical that Israel gets to do what it does and we all capitulate to Jews and send billions to help them in their apartheid world.
    But is this really the hill you want to (literally!) die on??
    FFS, think about your families, people – help ISN’T coming.
    Get the fuck out while you can and don’t look back!

    1. you can tell them the truth and tell them the magnitude of the danger, but the cognitive dissonance they will not overcome it. if they cant see it, it will end them. dont feel bad. you cant save them if they dont wish to be saved. tragic preventable loss.

  32. White Europeans have been exploiting Africa for centuries. Now all of you are crying like b****s, because the tide has turned. Shut the f*** up and get the f*** out of Africa. Every inch of African land has NEVER belonged to any European, because at the end of the day, it was taken by force or with the help of puppet regimes. I seriously find NOTHING wrong with throwing every rotten racist piece of s***out of Africa. Let the continent go under, at least it will go down under the hands of the true rightful owners: AFRICANS. No, you white crackers aren’t AFRICANS. You are the decendants of European cave dwellers and swine.
    This is the start of the take over, movies like Black Panther and the fact that blacks have penises the size of baseball bats, will eventually drive all your women into our hands, or our d*** into their v*****s. Your men will die lonely, with the worst of the white trash and fellow racists left to pro-create with.
    White America is terrified of the fact that Heather, Priscilla, Janet and Shannon will be bringing home big d*** LeBron James clones.
    A simple search on Twitter with the hashtag #BBC will reveal the reality of your women. At last, the true reason why whites hate Africans is showing… all 12 inches of it.

    1. panther
      To bad your stupid though and cannot run a country because of the small size of your brains.

      1. How ironic that the person calling me stupid, can’t distinguish between “to” and “too”, doesn’t know what punctuation is and thinks a human has “brains” instead of a brain.

    2. I’m willing to bet you’re actually white. You’re a liberal simp talking shit to get a racist reaction. Have a good day whitey.

    3. The problem with blacks, despite the baseball bat size penises that you have experienced firsthad, is that they’re not very smart.

  33. All the black African country’s where there is no whites are stinky garbage shit holes. That’s because you fucking niggez are so capable and intelligent. Fuck off you dumb fucking animals.

    1. Are you mad that your wife is sleeping with black guys, or did we make you into a woman in jail. 😉

      1. panther
        The white women who sleep with you are low-class trash so you can have them.

  34. When you allow feral rabid scum to proliferate unchecked, eventually you either have to deal with them later when they attack, or be overcome by them because you failed to deal with the rising threat.

  35. Remember how well this worked in Rhodesia? … er Zimbabwe?
    Look at all the billionaires in that paradise! Why, there is a billionaire on every corner (with his hand out)…

  36. The black whores that I fuck they have to put a bottle of scented lotion on there buddy’s(so they don’t stink) before I let them choke on my big white, majestic Navy Seal’s cock. You can have the land disgusting white whales. I get the models you little black bitch.

  37. Wake up the white folks with Germanic last names. I guarantee that will work out well in the end!

    1. VADER
      German-American here.
      1) German-Americans in Minnesota or erstwhile Milwaukee or Detroit are centrist-liberals who arrived after 1900 and the Civil War was never part of their legacy.
      2) Most German-Americans do not really give much of a toss about the J’s. That is a colonial Dutch/English fixation because they essentially founded the country and its values which are sort of mocked and ignored by the Northeast power structure who want to flood Missouri with a bunch disgusting porno and anti-Christian shit. German-Americans in the Upper Midwest or Queens are kind of immune to this.
      3) German-Americans are not quite at the mercy of Jews to the same degree as redneck trailer trash in states pleading for Federal Loans for bailouts. Minnesota has a different relationship with New York/DC than does Alabama.
      4) Nobody is telling us to cancel are Octoberfests or take our flags down. The Northeast is on the offensive against Southern traditions.
      5) German-Americans are not in the dire situation of Old Colonial Stock Americans in the South or US interior-quite.
      6) I grew up with Amy Winehouse and Ron Jeremy types. They did not control my life.

      1. Us Northies are under attack too, do not listen to this crypto-jew from Asia. He’s softest on the jews, I want all Whites to rise above the filthy rats. European countries are different culturally and racially but by God we all deserve to be free of jews and their filth.

  38. I usually try to be pretty rational, but this is clearly a signalling of what we all knew was coming and just didn’t want to face it. Over the past 50 years, wealthy whites have allowed a gradual redistribution of power or even encouraged it either via altruism, Christian ideals of mercy or even practicality–wrongly assuming that giving a little now would prevent a larger loss later. We were sorely mistaken, and just as the demands have gotten stronger and stronger since the Civil Rights act etc–they will continue to worsen until we’ve lost the capital we’ve worked so hard to get over generations of immigrants coming here with nothing.
    Pre-Civil Rights act, we all had a white picket fence, a patriarchy and a bright future. Now, we’re living in an era where “feminism” has turned white women against white men, birth rates have disappeared while homosexuality and sexual hedonism is rampant. We live in a time when Islam has polluted our cultures at the same time Christianity has disappeared. Now, Communism is more welcomed in our wealthy classes in the US than capitalism. It will only get worse unless we ban together and do something. That’s obvious.
    I’m ready, but we need to have each other’s backs if we’re going to fight this. Unfortunately, that has proven to be the difficult part. Trusting your white brother enough to protect you when you speak up. In such a competitive, overpopulated world, it’s very difficult not to sell each other out when you’re becoming desperate for a piece of bread.

    What do East Coast New Jersey Italians have in common with some hicks square dancing in Missouri?
    You might wish that Vinnie and Se4amus up in the Northeast or Mike Riazian the Armenian in LA care if Mexicans sell meth to the people they put out of work in the Southwest or Missouri…but they do not.
    The real Afro-bomb hits the trailer trash hicks. Cletus and Bubba and not Vito and Liam get hit with the economic bomb.
    Part of it is agrarian simple-mindedness and part of it is the Old Colonial stock settlement patterns were South and Westward into rural areas that are grungy cities.

  40. It will resemble America in the way that we will soon be forcing farmers here to stop hiring coloreds. Fortunately none of them own any farms here, and if they took our farms from us, they’d have no money to spend their food stamps on. They know in America they can’t survive without us supporting them. That’s why they don’t go back home to swing from vines and pick berries.

  41. The whites in South Africa should have followed what the pied noirs in Algeria did: Leave. Why they stayed is one of the greatest mysteries and tragedies in history.

  42. Keep Africa in black hands.
    Wherever the white man enters he leaves the land in total disrepair. No wonder why some nations are struggling. It will take a while to remove that white stench from Africa. Global warming is proof that these melanin deficient demons don’t belong on the face of the planet. All their raping and pillaging has left the Earth in a terrible state.
    I feel sorry for the white man personally. Talking of returnofkings the white man is sauron and the orcs…pillaging the earth for their own reckless agendas. Soon nature (the ents) will wipe the white man off this planet. First it started with declining white populations, then it’s white feminists refusing to have babies with white men, then it’s the sun frying them to oblivion, after that it will be the numerous bombs they will drop on each other. The time of the white man is at an end and the white boys are on this group talking about the end of their civilisations. You guys are doomed!

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