What Is Alt-Christianity?

On the 26th of May, Return of Kings published my article The 21 Theses of Alt-Christianity. In that article, I presented the case for an idea called Alt-Christianity, a new Christian mindset which focuses on several core concepts that are all too often ignored by this generation of Christians.

First, Alt-Christianity is a traditionalist movement of the political right, and it is an alternative to the corrupt Churchianism which shrouds much of modern Christianity. Alt-Christianity is also offensive both in nature and initiative; it is proud of Christianity and does not back down from a fight, even as it uses all the resources at its disposal for that fight.

Next, Alt-Christianity believes that traditional Western Civilization is the best civilization that Man has ever created, and Alt-Christianity also holds that orthodox Christianity is an integral part of that civilization. As such, and in the interests of supporting Western Civilization, Alt-Christianity supports the foundations of Christianity itself, which are the patriarchy, the family, Christian apologetics, and a face-value acceptance of the morals and teachings of the New Testament.

Alt-Christianity is also anti-globalist and nationalistic, as well as a movement that recognizes the value and primacy of identity. Furthermore, Alt-Christianity supports the right of self-determination to all ethno-ideological/religious groups, and it promotes secession as a means to ease tensions between groups. Additionally, Alt-Christianity rejects the idea that Church and State should be separated; it also rejects the false myth of human equality or human perfectibility.

Finally, Alt-Christianity is a masculine movement, which is to be led by men, and in so doing, Alt-Christianity values the masculine nature of the Christ who overturned tables and was intellectually bold against his enemies and detractors.

Now, the details of each of the various theses of Alt-Christianity can be read in the previous article. However, in that past article, a good deal of interesting questions and comments were generated. And those thought-provoking questions, as well as the thought-provoking questions implied in various comments, all deserve an answer, which is the purpose of this current article. So, let’s get started.

Question 1:  Is Alt-Christianity a New Type of Christianity?

One of the main issues raised against the idea of Alt-Christianity was that Christianity does not need any further divisions, which is something that embracing Alt-Christianity could cause. And to a large extent, it is true that Christianity would not benefit from further divisions. However, Alt-Christianity is not a new form of Christianity; it is not a new denominational sect. In fact, if anything, Alt-Christianity seeks to return Christians to their orthodox cultural and political positions, as articulated and demonstrated throughout hundreds of years of past Christian history.

At most, Alt-Christianity is a new Christian mindset. It is a new way for modern Christians to think. It asks Christians to focus on Christian ideas which have been undermined in the current social era, but it does not ask Christians to form a new set of beliefs. After all, everything that the Alt-Christian believes can be justified and supported through scriptural passages and 2000 years of Christian tradition.

In the end, the best way to view Alt-Christianity is as an informal organization of denominationally-diverse but politically and culturally like-minded Christians who find unity through their embrace of nationalism, traditional morality, and right-leaning politics. And this type of political and cultural unity among modern traditionalist Christians—as opposed to theological unity—is what is sorely needed today.

After all, unlike hundreds of years ago, the disputes in the West are now moral, not theological, and as such, the traditionalist Protestant and traditionalist Catholic (and even the traditionalist unbeliever) have a greater reason to unify together rather than each separately unifying with the liberal portions of their denominations.

Question 2:  Why ‘Alt’ Christianity?

Ultimately, there is no absolute need for Alt-Christianity to be called Alt-Christianity. It could, for example, be called Hard-Christianity, or Masculine-Christianity, or Neo-Christianity, or Reactionary-Christianity, or even Followers of the Way (Acts 9:2 & 22:4). But, in this present age, there are good pragmatic reasons to call this set of ideas ‘Alt-Christianity’.

First, Alt-Christianity is meant to be an alternative to many modern manifestations of Christianity, and so the ‘alt’ prefix clearly articulates the fact that this new Christian mindset is an alternative to the cucked, Churchian, and progressive mindset which pervades many self-described Christians today.

Second, Alt-Christianity is also a solid label because the ‘alt’ prefix links this new Christian mindset to the Alt-Right, the Alt-West, and the Alt-Lite; this is precisely the type of link that Alt-Christianity wants to make, for it wishes to show itself to be as different from mainstream Christianity as the Alt-Right is different from mainstream conservativism.

Question 3:  Is Alt-Christianity Just a Re-Branding of Christianity?

Yes and no. In a way, slapping the ‘alt’ label onto Christianity does “re-brand” it. However, the main reason for attaching the ‘alt’ prefix to the term Christianity is to reinvigorate interest in Christianity. For example, consider a young person on the Right who may have already dismissed modern Christianity as not helping in the fight for Western Civilization; when that young person hears the term Alt-Christianity, he may take a second look at this “type” of Christianity and may then realize that Christianity is much more supportive of Western Civilization than he originally thought.

And so, if “branding” Christianity as Alt-Christianity can merely do that—meaning, if it can just get a number of people to reconsider Christianity who might have otherwise dismissed it—then the ‘Alt-Christianity’ label will have been a success.

At the same time, branding a certain Christian mindset as ‘Alt-Christianity’ also gives a proper name to the general ideas that many traditionalist and reactionary Christians already hold, but which have not yet been properly labeled. Thus, Alt-Christianity can serve that purpose as well.

Question 4:  Is Christianity Incompatible with the Red-Pill?

Some commentators argued that Christianity and the “red-pill” are incompatible, and thus Alt-Christianity is undermined by the fact that it endorses the red-pill. Now, if being red-pilled is defined in a certain way, then it could be claimed that Christianity and the red-pill are incompatible. But at its fundamental level, being ‘red-pilled’ is simply the description of a person who has accepted truth over illusions, not just concerning sexual dynamics, but concerning all of reality. And when understood in this way, not only is Christianity fully compatible with the red-pill, but Christianity is a red-pill!

After all, to be a Christian is to accept the harsh truths that Satan is the ruler of this world, that the world will hate you and persecute you, that you might have to separate from your own family to be a Christian, and so on and so forth.

So, when the red-pill is simply understood as a willingness to accept the truth about reality no matter how hard that truth might be, then it is utterly clear that there is no issue between Christianity and the red-pill. After all, as a very important Christian once said: “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)

Question 5:  What About the Separation of Church and State?

Another issue that was raised concerning the tenets of Alt-Christianity was its rejection of an ultimate separation of Church and State. But is this tenet, in fact, a negative?

First, note that Alt-Christianity does not necessitate the creation of a theocracy, but it does reject an ultimate separation of Church and State. For example, removing religious symbols and practices from political and social institutions is an ultimate separation of Church and State, and Alt-Christianity rejects such maneuvers; but that does not mean that Alt-Christianity necessarily endorses or requires that religious clergy have some type of formal political power. So, this distinction needs to be kept in mind.

Second, the idea that there is such a thing as a genuine separation of Church and State is a myth. After all, a Church—or a specific religion, in other words—is fundamentally just a worldview which answers life’s most critical questions and which dictates the way that people look at the world. Consequently, no one is without such a guiding worldview, not even a State, and definitely not the State’s functionaries.

In reality, Church and State are not separate; the only question is which ‘Church’ is informing the State. At present, the worldview largely guiding Western States is a sort of liberal secularism which directs the way in which a State makes its decisions and acts.

Thus, the idea of an ultimate separation of Church and State is rejected because it is a myth, just as the idea of genuine religious freedom is a myth; after all, in our religiously “free” state, religious Aztecs, for example, are obviously not free to sacrifice other human beings, nor can Mormons or Muslims be polygamous, and so their religious freedom is evidently being curtailed to a certain degree. So, Alt-Christianity rejects an ultimate separation of Church and State, along with religious “freedom”, because these things are as much of a myth as equality and utopianism are.

Furthermore, the idea that unity between Church and State is a bad thing is itself questionable, at least in cases where the people of the nation are dependably religious. Note, for example, that the current governments of Poland and Hungary strongly assert their Christian identity, and yet these two countries have arguably the sanest governments in all of Europe, at least when it comes to nationalism, Islam, immigration, and so on.

Finally, also note that a further reason not to separate Church and State in the case of Christianity is due to what we might call Christ’s First Law, which is that the world hates Christians, and so wherever Christians are not culturally and socially dominant, they will be persecuted and discriminated against.

History bears this out: after all, the Roman Empire persecuted Christians; Jews persecuted Christians; Muslims persecuted (and still persecute) Christians; Communists persecuted (and still persecute) Christians; Hindus persecute Christians; Asian cultural groups persecuted Christians, and so on and so forth. Consequently, it is for the very protection of Christians that we must reject the false concept of a separation of Church and State.

Question 6:  Why Not Secular-Humanism?

Alongside all the other comments about Alt-Christianity, there were a number of remarks essentially arguing that the best way forward would be to actually drop Christianity and simply adopt secular-humanism as the way forward for the West. But there are numerous reasons why this idea is inadvisable.

First, secular-humanism is false, and Christianity is not, which is a critical reason in and of itself to accept Christianity over secular-humanism. Second, many of the principles of secular-humanism are largely incoherent, and thus cannot form the foundation for a solid worldview. Third, modern secular-humanism is as cucked, if not even more cucked, than modern Christianity is.

For example, many secular atheists and agnostics are heavily left-leaning, so even just in practical terms, secularists are opponents of the Right and of Alt-Christianity; there may even be something to the secularist mindset that predisposes the secularist towards progressivism and State-worship as a God substitute.

Furthermore, if you examine some of the past manifestos of the secular-humanists, you immediately notice that they contain both implicit and explicit appeals to progressivism, globalism, and so on. Again, these ideas are not of the Right, and they are the very ideas that we are fighting against. So adopting secular-humanism is like adopting the enemy’s ideology while trying to defeat that very same enemy. It’s absurd.

Finally, look at many highly secular / non-religious countries in the West: how are Sweden, Britain, Germany, and France doing when it comes to making sound decisions about Islam, immigration, and so on? Not too well, and definitely worse than religious countries like Poland and Hungry are doing. Maybe this will change, but at present, this fact is a strong indication that secular-humanism is not the answer to the West’s problems. And, quite frankly, given the religious nature of human beings, secular-humanism will very likely never be the answer to a nation’s cultural problems.

Question 7:  What About Israel?

Finally, some questions were raised concerning Alt-Christianity’s position on Israel and on people of Jewish ethnicity/heritage. To this, I would simply reiterate Alt-Christianity’s theses 9 and 12, which explain that Alt-Christianity supports the right of all ethno-ideological and/or religious groups to exist as distinct groups, but Alt-Christianity is opposed to the unrequested rule, domination, or excessive influence (by any means) of any ethnic and/or religious group over another.

What this means is that Alt-Christianity is entirely in favor of a Jewish state for Jews, just as it is entirely in favor of ensuring that Jews do not have undue influence over non-Jewish nation states. And this, I contend, is an entirely sound position.

So hopefully this article has answered a number of further questions about Alt-Christianity. And while I know that I did not address all the questions and concerns which were raised concerning the concept of Alt-Christianity, I hope that I answered enough of them to provide everyone a better understanding of what Alt-Christianity is.

Read More:  The 21 Theses of Alt-Christianity

316 thoughts on “What Is Alt-Christianity?”

    1. men wearing eye liner who cry about their carousel riding girlfriend while playing guitar?

  1. You should all check out “The World Church of the Creator” and the Creativity movement founded by Ben Klassen:

    1. Creativity is Islam for white people, you can’t just make up a religion and call it a day

  2. Good article. It is refreshing to see a traditional movement within Christianity. I know of several protestants who are fed up with the wushy washy attitude within their church. “Thou shall not judge” is taken out of context and shouted from the rooftops.

      1. awful human being. she had major daddy issues(dont judge me for knowing this) and divorced the father of her kid; last I heard, he won, she has to pay alimony

        1. CheeseburgerCheeseburger ROK’s answer to Joan Rivers on E!

        2. “can we tawk? Why do you work out twice a day 6 days a week?”

        3. as far as I can tell she was the only female celebrity with absolutely no accent

        4. She shills those “skinny girl” products. Absolute garbage. Her ex-husband’s last name was Hoppy, as in “I’m not Hoppy”. Yeah she had to pay him alimony.

      2. Look at those poor dudes (the black guy in the front and the guy in the corner of the thumbnail). Something in their faces says they hate themselves for letting their women drag them to some Real Housewife’s inane show.

        1. I pity those guys. This whole show was about a bunch of dumb broads validating the shit out of each other.
          No explanations were given. Just don’t judge. Don’t have expectations. Give them space. All the silly bullshit only women can spew.

        2. I looked her up on Wikipedia (funny how People is a valid source for Wiki but no right-wing documentation of actual events – with video – is). The show ran a whopping six months before cancellation.
          Those poor bastards don’t even get the “it was Oprah” excuse – she’s a nobody who’s done nothing of note but marry and divorce rich Jewish men.

      3. Yeah fucking right. Women are the most judgmental creatures on the planet. It just manifests itself in different ways. Besides, what retard would forfeit their critical thinking skills in the first place? That’s kind of the benefit of being a self-aware human being instead of an animal.

        1. What retard would forfeit their critical thinking skills ? Christians have been doing that for centuries.

        1. Agreed, but when she called her guests “sexy” she lost my interest. Women are like the last ones to know what makes women sexy.

        2. I am not interested in what she says or what she knows I am only interested in ironing out the wrinkles on her cunt and fucking her in a way that she stays fucked

      4. Hahaha! Look at that one guy behind the host! Looks like HE wants to get the blazes out of there! Somebody should have told his woman “no.”

    1. I basically haven’t been able to find a church for a good while. When I walk in and see a coffee bar and a small “Christian” book store (containing the collected works of this year’s chief fruit loop – for a while it was all “Love Wins”), I don’t ever bother to stay for the service.

      1. I visited an Orthodox church in my area recently. Decided that if I ever find my way back, it’ll probably be there.

        1. If I was a Trinitarian, Orthodox is the way I’d go. The last real church standing in Europe, for sure.

      2. For many people, especially the young, Christianity is Kevin Smith’s Buddy Christ.

        1. A good many of the young men I’ve met in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) have been pretty hardcore doctrinally…it’s refreshing.

        2. There is an idea being floated in some circles that, as much as we mock Millenials and pajama boys and Tinder whores, out of this generation will come a subset that is hardened like none other, and be the fiercest defenders of the West because they have the most to lose. We’ll see.

    2. This makes me glad to be part of a traditional conservative church. All this crap going on in other “churches” has never darkened our doors and I’m thankful.

      1. You are blessed, indeed. I had a church like that growing up, but the better pastor (the one who realized his discernment was lacking and tried to surround himself with those possessing that gift in abundance) retired and we got a nutjob in his place. He scattered our congregation with all manner of bullshit and was the impetus for a stronger board of elders in the church.
        I think that nut sells used cars now or something.

    3. Excellent article.
      It bears repeating that “Alt-Christianity” is a MINDSET: namely, a mindset that rejects treasonous, feminist, globalist, and cuckservative ideals. It is, in its basic sense, theologically neutral:
      Christianity is the good news that Christ’s death atoned for the sins of the world.
      You can believe that while also being a traitor, a feminist, a globalist, or a cuck.
      You can also believe it while being a healthy, patriarchal nationalist.
      Don’t assume that “Alt-Christianity” will heal visible Church’s theological divisions (East and West, Catholic and Protestant). That is extremely unlikely, because our fathers who split the church were healthy, patriarchal nationalists.
      While that is a worthy goal, it is currently beside the point.
      The point is to unite Christian men to save the West from Satanic ideologies and the traitors and xenos who hold them. After that perhaps we can go back to debating theology like adults.
      CAVEAT: it is going to be very difficult for Christian Zionists, who believe the nation-state of Israeli is the fulfillment of Biblical prophesy, to unite with us. The same goes for girl pastors, fag pastors, etc. The same goes for cucks who actively use their theology to advance globalism. In that sense, “Alt-Christianity” is not theological neutral.

        1. They exist, and while we’re at it. Some “Christian” pastors, have actually been found to be Jews. The reality is, most Jews do control Christian Churches, why else would pastors always, and I mean ALWAYS, give a sermon about saving Israel and “mandatory but not really” donations to the (((Chosen))) people?

    4. Christianity is based on a fairy tale ….. its nothing more or less than a cult group gone mainstream. Theres zero difference between the pope and L. Ron Hubbard or any other cult leader for that matter.
      If people started to recognise how damaging cultist behavior is… they would see that most behavior including that exhibited in political parties, scientific institutions, military, schools, universities, law enforcement and legal system… even prisons… its all cultist behavior….. essentially a means of imposing a harsh authority over the general masses….. or better put : “the blind leading the blind.”
      People will do almost anything to avoid confronting their own mortality and their own discomfort and disappointment with life – all it takes is one clown to stand up with some BS ceremony or god like wizard leader and they are suckers one and all.
      There can be some small benefits… better discipline, better community, more commitment to life and a more grounded spirtual humanity but this is something the individual needs to take on board for themselves without leadership and fake gods, fakes rules and ceremonious tripe planted all over it.

      1. Everyone believes something. Everyone has a worldview.
        Why do you presume your worldview is so superior to that which built Western Civilization?

        1. I agree 100% that every man needs to believe something. I believe I’ll have another beer.

      2. There can be some small benefits… better discipline, better community, more commitment to life

        1. It is absolutely necessary that the men of the West marry Western women and produce many children.
        2. Nearly 100% of marriageable American women are Christians and come from Christian families.

      3. ever hear of the philosophical theory of Pascal’s wager? google it and chose wisely.

      4. You can believe or not believe God is real or not, or found in the “Flying Spaghetti Monster” but it’s best to KNOW that what you believe is backed up be evidence and by that, I mean… PROOF of changed lives for the better (see examples below in other comments) or you might end up in just another false religion, of which there are many (L. Ron included) the biggest by FAR being the one founded in the 6th Century by that pedofile desert warmonger….but you STILL will make a choice regardless……..That is your price for being BORN and experiencing LIFE!! In Pascal’s words:
        …”God is, or He is not.” But to which side shall we incline? Reason can decide nothing here. There is an infinite chaos which separated us. A game is being played at the extremity of this infinite distance where heads or tails will turn up. What will you wager? According to reason, you can do neither the one thing nor the other; according to reason, you can defend neither of the propositions.
        Do not, then, reprove for error those who have made a choice; for you know nothing about it. “No, but I blame them for having made, not this choice, but a choice; for again both he who chooses heads and he who chooses tails are equally at fault, they are both in the wrong. The true course is not to wager at all.”
        Yes; but you must wager. It is not optional. You are embarked. Which will you choose then? Let us see. Since you must choose, let us see which interests you least. You have two things to lose, the true and the good; and two things to stake, your reason and your will, your knowledge and your happiness; and your nature has two things to shun, error and misery. Your reason is no more shocked in choosing one rather than the other, since you must of necessity choose. This is one point settled. But your happiness? Let us weigh the gain and the loss in wagering that God is. Let us estimate these two chances. If you gain, you gain all; if you lose, you lose nothing. Wager, then, without hesitation that He is.
        “That is very fine. Yes, I must wager; but I may perhaps wager too much.” Let us see. Since there is an equal risk of gain and of loss, if you had only to gain two lives, instead of one, you might still wager. But if there were three lives to gain, you would have to play (since you are under the necessity of playing), and you would be imprudent, when you are forced to play, not to chance your life to gain three at a game where there is an equal risk of loss and gain. But there is an eternity of life and happiness. And this being so, if there were an infinity of chances, of which one only would be for you, you would still be right in wagering one to win two, and you would act stupidly, being obliged to play, by refusing to stake one life against three at a game in which out of an infinity of chances there is one for you, if there were an infinity of an infinitely happy life to gain. But there is here an infinity of an infinitely happy life to gain, a chance of gain against a finite number of chances of loss, and what you stake is finite.

    5. It’s the Christianity of Alfred the Great and the British Empire: nationalistic and compassionate, it is the spiritual strength upon which all men should draw.
      Jesus had game. He associated with prostitutes and converted them from a life of whoring to Christianity (as it was).
      If that isn’t game, I don’t know what is.

      1. I believe he was the last man to make a housewife out of a whore. But he only did it second hand (wise man that he was).

    6. We still shouldn’t judge. Who appointed us to be judges of right and wrong?
      What most churches forget however is that God has already given us His own judgements, if we follow His judgements, we are not judging, He is. Let us not make our own judgements, but follow the judgement of our Lord.

      1. We shouldn’t “condemn” would be a better way to say it. We all are given the ability to decide good from evil, but modern society tries to teach us that we cannot tell someone that they are behaving poorly. So, you get an entire generation of sluts, druggies, gays and other deviants who are ruining themselves.
        “Look at me, I’m a bird!”
        *jumps off cliff to his death
        “Why didn’t you stop him?”
        “I didn’t want to offend, besides, who am I to judge whether he is a bird or not?”

        1. That is a poor example. While the knowledge of good and evil(or more aptly, the ability to decide for ourselves what is good and bad) comes from that evil tree in the garden, and is hence evil for us to have, we can still judge if jumping off a cliff will kill a man. We can still judge of doing a certain action will benefit a person or not.
          In truth, their is no right or wrong, their is only authority. This is why Jesus said “Only God is good.”, He is the ultimate authority. Authority decides what is good, or more aptly, obeying authority is good.
          If we decide that something is right or wrong, we are making ourselves our own authoritys, this is evil. To make ourselves our own authoritys is to try and be equal with God. Hence we must only obey and encourage others to do the same.

        2. “In truth, (there) is no right or wrong”……..I should have guessed. You are the exact type that I was referencing to in the original comment. You are a dipshit, end of story.

        3. Yet I say, we should not decide what is right and wrong, but let God decide.
          God says that a man being effeminate is wrong. So it is. He says being a homosexual is wrong, so it is. God decides what sex we are born as, so we should stick with His choice.
          In none of these cases am I making my own judgements.
          Any other judgements that are made, that are not made by God, should be made by someone who has been given the authority to do so.
          If there was one universal law, not defined by God, for what is wrong, it would be that theft is wrong. Theft of life, property or authority. It would be a theft of authority however to make a judgement without being given permission to do so.
          The Pharisees made judgements of their own, such as the washing of hands before eating. This is what Jesus had to say about it:
          Mark 7:8-9
          8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.
          9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.
          My message is simple, don’t make your own judgements, listen to the judgements of God written in the Bible. There are many.

  3. The last point is why alt Christianity will fail. Supporting Israel means you support the disproportionate influence they have on Western politics. The British gave the Jews Israel in the hope that Jews would go there and leave white Westerners alone. Look at the way the West has become the past 7 decades with all sorts of international Jewish organizations transforming the West.

    1. Perhaps read it more carefully. It says that the proposed Alt-Christianity supports the right for Israel to exist as a Jewish ethno-state, but not for it to exert undue influence anywhere else.
      Conservative “Judeo-Christian” Zionists despise the latter.

      1. “but not for it to exert undue influence anywhere else.”
        So Israel must be separate from the State, but Alt-Christianity doesn’t have to.

      2. You miss the point, Israel needs to influence powerful nations outside the Middle East to make conditions good for Israel.
        Without it Israel cannot exist. That is why they keep interfering in the politics of Western countries.

        1. I support their right to diplomatic relationships with other nations. I do not support my nation’s current unwillingness to make negotiations with Israel for our benefit, as well.
          I will not speak for everyone (for I have no such right), but I think it is imperative for our alliances to demonstrate continuing benefit for us. If Israel needs our help to survive as a Jewish ethnostate, let them negotiate for our aid instead of expecting it.

        2. Well Jewish banking families have been promoting Zionism in Europe
          and America for centuries. The Rothschilds being the most famous.
          The British caved in after World War 2 because they thought world Jewry would migrate there.
          For your information there are more Jews outside Israel than inside. Largest numbers in North America and Europe.

  4. You come to some good conclusions, but unfourtunalty what you are doing is essentially trying to create conservative Protestantism, which has utterly failed. The Christian religion is already inherently right, and is far more “alt” than even you ask for it to be, it goes by the name Catholicism (not to be confused with the false V2 sect in the Vatican).

    1. I teach Sacramental Prep at my church for 1st and 2nd grades. I purposely chose this age group to build a deep foundation in these children about the effects of sin and the miracle of the resurrection and the Eucharist. I had my class this past May take their First Communion on their knees and on the tongue, as is the proper way. Now I’m not sure if they’re going to ask me to come back in September. It was quite a storm, but I had almost 2,000 years of tradition on my side.
      My wish is for an Orthodox Catholic Church. If we could go back the pre Vatican II as Ratzinger was steering us, I think more men would participate.

      1. You are correct to feel that way, but Ratzinger was one of the principle architects of Vatican 2 he was a priest theologian who showed up wearing a suit and tie, he denied that Hell exists. What makes him such a diabolical heresiarch is that he is masqueraded as orthodox while cementing v2.

        1. I understand your feelings about Ratzinger. My feeling, and it is just that, a feeling, was that he had perhaps matured spiritually. I know I have over the past 30 years. Ratzinger was the push I needed to get back in the Church as a committed Catholic. Francis has me wanting to stay home on Sunday mornings. Either way, I go to worship Christ, not the Pope.

    2. Except that the current leader of that denomination is a globalist and socialist/communist who is weak on abortion, gay marriage and feminism.
      There’s nothing conservative about him. He is a man of the Left.
      The movement the author describes is a path forward for people like you to reclaim the ‘conservative’ mantle of your denomination.

    1. Biddles Bible and Boxing clubs used to be nation wide.
      Muscular Christianity was a fascinating movement too bad most of it went away, it was one of the first really organized attempts to reengage masculinity in the western Church.

      1. I’d definitely attend a church at a gym. We could have sermons and hymns between rounds/sets.
        I wonder if there’s a Skeet and Scripture group somewhere, too.

    2. Brings to mind this passage:

      For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.
      – 1 Timothy 4:8

      1. Timothy had natural 18″ arms and 54″ chest so he couldn’t grow much more, even with weights/kratom.

        1. You have to figure Paul wouldn’t bring up exercise out of the blue like that unless it meant something to Tim. I’m imagining a swole bearded preacher reading this letter, going, “I get it already, Paul. One set a day is enough. Give it a rest!”

        2. Judas Betrayed Christ because Jesus made fun of the fact that his calves wouldn’t grow

  5. So you say Secular Humanism is false, but you don’t even define it, explain what it is, or why it’s false. You have no argument.
    – Secular humanism takes all the good stuff from Christianity and let’s go of all the theistic baggage.
    “For example, many secular atheists and agnostics are heavily left-leaning, so even just in
    practical terms, secularists are opponents of the Right and of Alt-Christianity;”
    – So what? secular humanism isn’t a political ideology. It does not point to any political side or spectrum at all. Just because they happen to be left-leaning doesn’t say anything about secular humanism.
    You mentioned how Sweden is being taken over. What about Japan? Japan is a completely secularist country, and have zero or very minimal (Islamic) terror attacks. You don’t have to be secularist and weak. They’re not mutually exclusive. http://allfourestates.com/why-japan-has-no-islamic-terrorism-sakoku-and-immigration/
    “…world hates Christians, and so wherever Christians are not culturally and socially dominant,
    they will be persecuted and discriminated against.”
    – This is meaningless. Every single race or creed has been persecuted at some point throughout history.
    So you want government to be in bed with God? Isn’t this one of the criticism of atheism? That the government is God? When you create a theocracy, that sets the bar on what religion is tolerated and which ones aren’t. You’re creating DICTATORSHIP. Congrats, you’re a fascist.
    If we keep Christ’s teachings then that means that the Old Testament is still valid (John 7:19, Matthew 5:17-18, Luke 16:17). So we can own & beat slaves, force women to marry their rapists, kill homosexuals, and burn witches. Also that people should be punished for something they didn’t’ even do in the first place – Original Sin. That includes dead babies.
    This article is one giant fail from top to bottom.

    1. You are wrong on so many counts I won’t even bother…
      But the point of the article is that for those who do believe in the Bible, we want to reclaim a less corrupted version of Christianity that isn’t watered down with various unbiblical forms of Leftism.
      Since you aren’t a Christian, why do you care what we do? Go your own way. Define your own groups’s beliefs.

        1. This isn’t a theological debate.
          This is about a set of in-group people defining themselves.
          Since you are out-group in this particular discussion, you have no dog in the fight.
          I could argue with you about your assertion that secular humanism is not inherently Leftist, but this just isn’t the venue.

        2. This is a redpill website that rejects all the other bullshit in the world, but still hangs up to bluepill theism and religious baggage.

        3. Your secular humanism invented the Blue Pill by destroying Christianity in the West.
          Your belief system created Feminism, and Trans-genderism and multi-culturalism. And socialism. (All the f’in isms)
          Not mine.
          Damnit. Now see how easy it is to draw me into debate…no more.

        4. You realize that secular humanism is just Christianity – the Bible right?

        5. No, I didn’t get that memo.
          Is that the same one where Jesus says there are 60 genders?
          Or that women are supposed to rule over their husbands?

        6. I read the humanist manifesto of 2000, and it is most certainly not. Not only does it have only tangential connections to Christian orthopraxy, but without Christ there is no Christianity in the same way there is no wheat field without a field.

        7. Secular humanism may share the same values as Christianity, but that’s it. Two different viewpoints,/ideologies can have the same values.

        8. (SPOILER ALERT) It’s not a debate with this guy – he just wants to spout off contrary to Christainity

    2. 1 Timothy 1:10-11New International Version (NIV)
      10 for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine 11 that conforms to the gospel concerning the glory of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me.
      Exodus 21:16English Standard Version (ESV)
      16 “Whoever steals a man and sells him, and anyone found in possession of him, shall be put to death.
      Their slavery was different and for people who owed money.

      1. And we have the “slavery was different” apologetic.
        No it wasn’t asshole. Exodus 21 says you can own people as property legally and you can beat them with rods as long a they don’t die within a day or two. It even gives you a loophole on how to enslave your fellow Jews forever, and that’s by giving them a wife and kids while he’s your slave, and holding them hostage so he’ll stay.
        (NIV) Leviticus 21:44-46 – 44 “‘Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. 45 You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. 46 You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.
        MAN = HEBREWS.
        Non-Hebrews were not seen as “men”. Leviticus 25:46 makes this clear.

        1. Did you get that from the evil bible page? It’s Leviticus 25 not 21. I know no matter what is said the Bible still hurt your feelings and you won’t get over it but believe it or not people volunteered for slavery back then because they couldn’t provide for themselves. Also if you had a debt or stole something, you could make up for it by entering slavery to pay for it. In the book of Joshua you see foreigners asking to be slaves to the Hebrews to live.

        2. Why are you defending slavery?
          Owning people – and their children – as property and legally beating them is okay with you? You’re an asshole.

        3. Why are you bringing up something that’s not an issue? I don’t know any Christians looking for slaves. I don’t know of any Christian politicians looking to pass legislature to bring back slavery. Every Christian post you bring up slavery likes its a problem we are facing. Yea there was slavery back then, in some cases it was good cause it forced people and thieves to pay back their debts. Some people volunteered for it cause it was an easier life. Nowhere in the Bible does it say you have to be a horrible slave owner, the part about beating one was referring to someone who wouldn’t do anything. So imagine a guy owing you a lot of money or maybe haven stolen something then saying I’ll enter servitude to repay you then being as lazy as possible. Nobody here knows every circumstance for how life back then was. The slave owners could free them at anytime and if they didn’t we’ll then I don’t agree with that. I don’t want slaves. You also cherry pick scripture that hurt your feelings and deem it all bad and everybody who is religious bad based on your feelings while you leave out scripture like.
          Luke 6:31 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.
          Luke 6:35 But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. 36 Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.
          Romans 12:9 Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. 10 Bekindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; 11 Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; 12 Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; 13 Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality. 14 Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.15 Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. 16 Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits. 17 Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. 18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. 19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance ismine; I will repay, saith the Lord. 20 Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. 21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
          Mark 12:30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. 31 And the second is like, namelythis, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.
          So what’s wrong with God wanting us to treat people the way we want to be treated? Surely you agree. What about loving people that hate you? Do you think that’s bad? How about feeding the homeless? Taking care of the widows, orphans, and grey headed? Most Christians don’t actually read and live up to the Bible but if they did, and actually treated people the way they wanted then it would be a lot better place, but neither do atheist or any other religious group.

        4. And here we have the “slavery was different back then”, and the “no one does that anymore” apologetics. It says you CAN BEAT THEM WITH RODS.
          You’re comparing red apples to green apples. Well guess what, they’re both apples!
          Why are you defending slavery?

        5. I never said it didn’t say you couldn’t beat them with rods. I’m sure people would want to beat someone who owed them money and was lazy. Doesn’t mean everyone had to beat them just to beat them. So what’s wrong with the other scriptures about treating people the way you want to be treated? You going to ignore good scripture cause you’re holding a grudge about life over 2,000 years ago? You going to bring up slavery and your hurt feelings every religious post on this site? Imagine if a Christian wanted to be treated well and so he treated everybody he met the way he wanted to be treated, what’s wrong with that?

  6. Alt-Christianity = Catholic/Orthodox backed by action and belief. Wonder why all the Prostestants give their churches to muslims or fill them with filth? They are a heretical group who interpret the Bible any way they please. “Do what thou wilt” mentality is purely demonic and anti-Christian just like the filthy Martin Luther burning in hell.

    1. Dude. It’s a big world. There are many flavors of people who follow Jesus. And there are many styles too.
      Lift your eyes up a bit and you will find millions of brothers and sisters.

      1. Just like the “Christians” who fully embrace homosexuality. Hey its ok if my gay priest sodomizes his husband before mass in your eyes. Typical protestant/lutheran heretical bull. Evidently you have no idea what you are talking about when you paint things with such a big generic brush.

        1. Ok fine. Make enemies of people who aren’t your enemy. Good luck with that.

  7. How about Crusading Christianity?
    I think Followers of the Way is the best one, but it’ll end up being called Alt-Christianity no matter what, so I guess I’ll go with it.

  8. Well this is truly pathetic. Ever considered putting Christ in your Christianity?

    1. Don’t scare them. After all it was Christ who said–in so many words–that if a man even ogles a hot babe, he’s committed adultery. That doesn’t mix well with the whole red pill thing.

      1. We are all sinners in need of salvation. Even beneficial desires and instincts are corrupted and sinful (as Paul described it, we have a “body of death”).
        I see no conflict.

      2. I think that Jesus was referring to woman as a “married” female rather than a virgin. I believe it to be a translation thing. Two single people can’t commit adultery within sexual act because they are not married to others.

  9. I think the term “Alt-Christianity” is a fine, temporary branding term to use in the online world and when trying to recruit Alt-Right leaning people.
    However, the true term is simply Orthodox Christianity.
    The Orthodox Church is the last hope for Christianity in America. It’s the original church, the one that has changed the least over these 2000 years and the one whose structure makes it most resistant to change. A church steeped in historical tradition that is really still in its infancy in America.
    There is no hope for Protestantism. And Catholicism is doomed as long as they hold onto the heresy of Papal authority and infallibility (though hopefully one day they can come back into the fold of the Orthodox Church).
    I recommend everyone look into an Orthodox church near them. Check out some of the videos on Youtube by Father Josiah Trenham, he’s as close to “our guy” as I’ve ever seen.

    1. Catholicism won’t be great again until we get an old-school Pope, which might never happen.

    2. Your blanket-condemning of Protestantism is ill-informed. I was raised in a Lutheran church that was conservative and traditional all the way through. I am fully aware of the disgusting trend of “non-denominational” and “feel good” churches.
      In contrast, I have met numerous “Catholic” degenerates and many more alarmingly bitter ex-Catholics. Still, I have met numerous Catholics who are steadfast and reliable, so you won’t see me condemning them all.
      Perhaps if they get a Pope that doesn’t kiss the feet of 70-IQ Muslim migrants they will come back.

      1. By the same token don’t paint all non denominational churches with the same brush. My church is not part of an organization but we are as conservative as they come. No “feel good” junk here.

        1. I’ve noticed that this is possible when a non-denominational church is highly Biblical and honest. It’s good that you found one.

        2. Yea i think we discussed this on another page but i always did believe that the faith had some predestination to it. God chooses who he wants to follow him but out of respect for our free will he allows us to choose whether or not we do it. This imo partially answers the question of what about people who never heard the gospel and the whole as long as a person is good narrative(though in God’s eyes no one is truly good).

        3. I think Martin Luther came about as close as anyone to tying together the concepts of free will and predestination in Bondage of the Will.
          The first man had the ability to sin and the ability not to sin (posse pecare and posse non pecare).
          When he chose sin, he acquired the sinful nature which took away his ability not to sin – as Paul says, the sinful nature actually makes everything we do tainted by sin. So we have the ability to sin and the inability to not sin (posse pecare and non posse non pecare).
          In Christ, we are a new creation. In this state, we again possess the ability to sin or not sin (posse pecare and posse non pecare), but we have the guarantee that our sin will not damn us to the state of the sinful nature again.
          At the last day, when we are given new flesh to live in the new Jerusalem, we will finally obtain the inability to sin (posse non pecare and non posse pecare).
          Where, then, is free will? Why, it exists within our natures. Most birds can choose whether or not to fly, but a penguin cannot choose to fly – they have free will, but they are bound by their natures to be unable to choose flight. In the same way, we have the freedom to choose sin or godliness, but our natures make it such that we will not choose godliness (non posse non pecare). In this is a work of God – he has drawn the believers to himself and bestowed them with the ability to choose not to sin – we have always had the freedom to choose, but we never had the nature that would allow us to do so.

        4. Put another way, a gamma male has within him the freedom to choose to become alpha. However, it is the nature of gammas to reject everything that could make them alpha (“secret kings”, as it were).
          So they have free wills to be able to choose, but their natures prevent them from making the “right” choice.

        5. It’s a complex topic, but what you are speaking of is known as the “semi-Pelagianism”. Pelagianism, in a nutshell, asserts that there is no sinful nature and so man is free, of his own accord, to choose to be godly or not (this is in opposition to just about all scripture concerning salvation). Semi-Pelagianism is, as you described, the notion that God gives us the choice but it’s up to us to take it.
          Scripture states that “we were dead in our transgressions and sins.” Not dying, not in need of rescue or we might die, but dead. Moreover, Jesus said, “No one can come to me unless the Father draws him [as water is drawn from a well].” And Jesus also said, “No one comes to the Father except through me.”
          What does this mean? The act of salvation is entirely God’s – “those he foreknew he also predestined, those he predestined he also called, those he called he also justified, those he justified he also glorified.” And there is no other way by which we might be saved.
          Semipelagianism has waxed and waned in the church, but it runs into the barriers of Scripture almost as much as (but not quite) Pelagianism.

      2. LCMS?
        I have a personal tally of bitter atheists, and it’s pretty much 100:1 Catholic to other. So I definitely agree that there’s something going on in the Catholic church that’s not going on outside of it.
        And I’ve been in the disgusting apostate churches, as well. No love lost, there.

        1. LCMS for sure.
          My father was born into an Irish Catholic family with 3 siblings and went to Catholic school. Of his siblings, he is the only Christian remaining and only because we joined an LCMS church with excellent leadership.
          Every time I go to one of those churches and someone pronounces God as “gad”, I throw up in my mouth.

    1. “this sh*t will make you a goddamn sexual tyrannosaurus, just like me”

    1. Destroy this article and in three days I will raise it up

      1. Cut it down and it will become more powerful than you can ever imagine.
        wait -wrong religion?

  10. One key truth of Christianity makes it absolutely compatible with the red pill: It acknowledges that just like men, women are sinners, and that apart from a miracle occurring, they will always live according to that nature. The modern church is dying because it either denies this or claims that they will only sin if evil men first induce them to do so.

    1. I keep thinking that all the popular Christian authorities (Focus on the Family, et al) need to read Genesis 3 again. Eve took the fruit, ate of it, and gave it to Adam.
      Original sin was letting a woman choose what was for dinner.

      1. If Adam had just told Eve to go make him a sandwich and Eve had then joyfully obeyed then sin would never have entered our world!

      2. The whole talking snake thing was just allegory. Come to think of it, pretty much all of Genesis as it relates to creation is allegory.

        1. It is a possibility, to be sure, but Paul and Jesus spoke of these events like they really happened. Paul, in particular, spoke of Adam and the death he brought into the world as if it were actual historical truth. Now, this might be itself somewhat allegorical, like how we often reference Aesop’s fables.
          I am not yet convinced that it could not be a real event.

        2. “I am not yet convinced that it could not be a real event.”
          Odysseus talked about Zeus. Does that mean Zeus is real?
          How can anecdotes in a book be enough to convince you that it’s real?

        3. the serpent has been interpreted as satan, the beautiful lost angel. who had sex with eve cuz she was attracted to him. there’s your fruit analogy, then she wanted to share her experience with adam, thus they discovered they were naked.
          ever wonder why women go for “hot guys”? there’s your answer. when hypergamy kicks in, they have no problem leaving their provider guys, even when they are given everything…. go figure

        1. No I read it. I just think it’s cruel and unfair to punish people for Adam fucking up.
          It’s like God is a father punishing his infant son – Adam – for eating rat poison that God put in the same crib as Adam. It’s ridiculous.

        2. It seems like it was an act of free-will by Man. God must have been testing him.
          Possibly Adam gave into his base nature? Could have realized it at that moment? It is hard to tell because none of us were there but we do have these records and can only go off by what Genesis says.
          Life can be a punishment if you like -because it can also be fun- but hardship might be entertaining as far as we can conceive of. I don’t think we would need a written word if we did not have to chose to be good or evil. There are lots of “demons” if you will to fight within yourself all the way to those who intentionally dislike/hate you. You never saw Luke in Star-Wars?

        3. Adam had no knowledge of “right” and “wrong”, so he could never understand the consequences of his actions until after he ate the apple.
          It’s like a father putting rat poison and his baby in the same crib, and punishing the baby if it eats the poison. It’s just evil.

        4. When God told Adam what not to do. And since God told Adam that would be bad if he ate the apple then Adam did have knowledge on what was right and wrong in that particular case. If God is all good then Adam must have known to do what God says so he can be good. But Adam chose to be bad.
          The nature of understanding is interesting because how many of us know what the consequences of murder are if we murder someone but have never murdered anyone? Most of us don’t want to murder anyone but know the consequences. The question is: Do you gain understanding once you experience murdering someone or can you understand the consequences of murder without committing murder and not experiencing it?
          The baby analogy is good because as mortals, including our minds, we are just tiny babies compared to God. Adam was a man so he had a fully rational developed mind -although meek compared to God’s not unlike a baby to a father- so in theory he had the capacity to make a rational decision which was to do or not to do with the order not to do. And he knew that doing what he did was the wrong decision. So Adam did have some knowledge on right and wrong.

        5. Evil I say no because giving someone a choice is not evil in itself. If you want to do evil with that choice that’s on you.

        6. You’re talking Original Sin. The punishment is earthly mortality and loss of true communion with God. Reconciliation of this is within everyone’s grasp however, so none are truly irrevocably fukked.

        7. That’s Old Testament, which is still valid.
          New Testament added on Hell, which is eternal torment.

        1. So the definition of sinning is “riding the cock carousel”?
          That’s a really bad definition. So murder and theft are ok?

  11. New Crusade Now!
    European Reconquista Now!
    Make Catholicism Great Again!

    1. I see you’re channelling your inner Hunyadi János 😉

  12. So, will “Thou shalt not commit adultery” be replaced with “Thou shalt not cuck”? Just a theological question.

    1. Rok is not a monolithic group. Most of the guys commenting on this article believe adultery is wrong

    1. We already got humanism..from a lot of the same people who hate ethnic Europeans.
      And they brought all their pals along like feminism, communism, multicultutalism, transgenderism…
      I don’t know how you preserve your culture by kissing up to the people trying to destroy it?

  13. Christianity still doesn’t make sense even given its own assumptions. Why do we see all this rebellion going on in biblical stories, and why should we think that God has finally fixed the bug so that no one in heaven will ever rebel again?

  14. For example, many secular atheists and agnostics are heavily left-leaning

    Not necessarily. A logically parsimonious atheist can accept the tragedy of the human condition: Gods don’t exist, and “social progress” can’t happen because man’s nature doesn’t mysteriously change in The Current Year.

    1. A logically parsimonious atheist

      With the exception of most of those here at ROK (including yourself), most atheists I have met (either online or in person) are left-wing nut jobs.

  15. Christians and other traditional theists also hold basically selfish beliefs about god: They view god as a vendor of goods and services, like meaning, purpose, moral absolutes, an afterlife and a guarantee of ultimate justice.
    But a logically possible god doesn’t have to do anything of the sort for us.

    1. I’m definitely with you on the “Cosmic Vending Machine” idea. So many people think that with the right prayers and practices they’ll just be able to punch a number and God will dispense goodies.
      A logically possible god doesn’t have to do anything for us. However, a logically possible god can do any of these things. The Christian God (that is, how the Christians understand God through Scripture) does provide justice because his nature is just (and all justice extends from the principles he laid out in the foundations of the world). He does provide a resurrection (not necessarily an “afterlife” as commonly understood, but a resurrection of the flesh) not because he has to, but because he chose to. He does provide meaning and purpose to the believers by making servants of us (so our purpose is to serve Him).
      Not necessarily true, but true nonetheless, if that makes sense.

      1. Yup. A lotta dikheads of the “o how can God ALLOW such tragedy” school think its a matter of depositing prayers until your wishes come true. They don’t get it, and I get fully explain it to them…

        1. At the end of the day God’s will is God’s will. One of the main points of the faith is that no matter where you are in life you and no matter how crappy or nice your life is you will remain faithful to God. The book of Job is perfect for explaining this concept. Sure God will reward you at times but it is how he wants to reward you and when he wants to reward you. God is not some genie thats gonna grant you wishes and make your life sunshine and rainbows. He outright says you will be persecuted for your beliefs(thank God i live in the U.S where the worst persecution I will face is people making fun of me). But anyway i agree man people want God to make their life easy they dont want the challenging task of living under God’s will.

  16. Yes, spare me the church services where we, “take a break now, turn to the person next to you, give them a hug and tell them how you will spend your first night as the bride of Christ.” WTF?
    “Now let’s all hold hands, cry and sing this song in soprano about how we long for the sweet, gentle, intimate caress of The Holy Spirit

    1. I do like what my old church did. Before communion, we were told to greet those around us – a firm handshake and a “howdy”, more or less (occasionally a very brief conversation would erupt, but we only had about a minute for greetings).

        1. The LCMS uses a common liturgy derived from the Catholics (makes sense, as Luther was a monk, preacher, and lecturer in the Catholic Church).
          It’s a good thing.

  17. That’s cool. But is it friendly to Muslims in general? Assuming we’re not blowing stuff up, of course.

  18. Yeah man. I grew up pentecostal. It was all “feels.” I eventually ended up getting drunk and banging the girls in my youth group after we turned 21.
    These emotional, rock and roll churches reach a lot of people with Christs message of love etc… but they have a counter-productive impact on civilization. I’m willing to bet that all of the people who get “saved” at the evangelical events had already known the truth, they just got re-excited about it. And excitement never lasts. Only hard work and discipline lasts.
    In many cultures, I believe the fear of a deity or our God is what historically keeps families together. Families keep the middle class working hard and incentivized to contribute to society. The middle class is the most vital life-blood of a strong civilization.
    As we can see our marriages falling apart, it’s a sign that our christianity is lacking in the fear of God. It’s all about feeling good now. Just another sign of virtue signaling while they “praise and dance before the Lord.” If you really want to praise God, work your ass off with the cards he dealt you.

    1. That’s the problem with the Pentecostal movement. It traded sound doctrine and disciplined lifestyles for hype and emotion. As my pastor says, they run the aisles on Sunday and fornicate in the back seat Sunday night.
      There is nothing wrong with worship but the most important part of a service is the Word. We are saved by hearing and adapting the principles of the Bible and living according to the Word of God.
      Church doesn’t save you. A walk with God saves you.

      1. Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” How can you keep commandments you have not heard?
        Paul said, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” How shall they call upon a Lord in which they do not believe? How shall they believe in a Lord of which they have not learned? How shall they learn of our Lord without hearing?

        I believe it was John Wesley, the preacher, who said a sermon should be 90% law and 10% grace, because men are unwilling to understand their unworthiness and the gospel is the good news of mercy and grace to unworthy men.

        1. Especially today when everyone thinks they are already “saved”. You have to be plain spoken. Paul said not to teach with enticing words or philosophy but Christ and Him crucified.
          A simple exposition of what we truly are laid bare and then calling people to repentance is the proper form of a message. Not feel good belief-ism or the stupid “name-it-and-claim-it” doctrine.
          Can you tell I have a Bible study to teach tonight?

        2. Honestly, no. But, on the other hand, I was raised by a certified Bethel instructor (meaning he’d studied the whole Bible and could give you a reference to just about any verse or story) and maintain a Bible study blog.

        3. i have a question what is your opinion on water baptism. Do you believe that the washing away of sins and the recieving of the holy spirit happens then. The same question goes for you jumn.Jive?

        4. “I baptize you with water, but the one who comes after me is greater than I. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.” – John the Baptist

          I don’t know a great deal about baptism as a rite. I know that Jesus spoke of being born again in water and the Spirit to Nicodemus (John 3), and so the baptism of water is at very least symbolic of this. However, it is not within our power to give the Holy Spirit – this is a work of God. So the best answer I can give is, “I do not know.”
          Understanding or not, we are commanded to baptize in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and so we do this.

        5. Repentance, baptism, and receiving the Holy Spirit are akin to the death, burial, and Resurrection of Christ.
          Baptism does wash away sins. It’s the burial of the “old man” and the rising of the “new” one. A new birth like Jesus told Nicodemus.
          In Acts 2 the Holy Spirit was poured out on 120 believers. They spoke in other tongues and people thought they were drunk.
          In Acts 2:38 Peter answers the question of how to be saved with, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”
          Peter had the keys to the Kingdom as given to him by Jesus. Also notice that Peter was with the other disciples and they did not counter him. The Name of the Father is Jesus. The Name of the Son is Jesus. The Name of the Holy Spirit is Jesus. All fullness of the Godhead dwells in Him.
          Colossians2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
          9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.
          10 And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:
          There is no salvation in any other Name but Jesus. Acts4:10 Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.
          11 This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.
          12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
          The evidence of receiving the Holy Ghost/Spirit is speaking in tongues and a changed life as is evidenced throughout the book of Acts.

        6. Thanks man I was curious about other people’s beliefs in this. Ok now I have two other questions if you don’t mind me asking . One question I have to ask on the nature of self defense. I believe that Jesus allows it since in Luke 22:36 he tells his disciples to buy a sword and emphasize selling their clones if they have to. A brother at my church disagrees and says it was a set up for when Jesus says those who live by the sword will die by the sword on the night he was arrested. And my other question has to do with the woman at the well and the nature of marriage. So Jesus said the woman has had five husbands but the current one she is messing around with isn’t her husband. So does that mean God considers you married to a person at sex or what. When are you technically married in God’s eyes and what does that passage mean. Sorry for the long block of a question?

        7. I can weigh in on the woman at the well, at least. Jesus was speaking, in this case, of earthly marriage. The woman had married five different men (whether she was divorced or not isn’t said – however, it’s said that she was at the well alone to avoid the heckling of other women) and was sleeping with another.
          The Bible speaks of marriage as “two becoming one flesh,” commonly believed to be sexual intercourse (I personally wonder if conception is a factor, but I doubt it). I would think this is God’s interpretation of marriage, but he has prescribed earthly marriage to a sinful people (the same for divorce in Mosaic law).

        8. Thinking about self-defense, recall the words of Paul: “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” This seems to be similar to the non-aggression principle, where it is considered wrong to initiate hostilities but not wrong to engage with those who have initiated hostilities.
          We are called to love our enemies, turn the other cheek, and the like by Christ. We are not called to be warriors (as you mentioned, “he who lives by the sword dies by the sword.”) But defending the innocent and ourselves does not seem expressly forbidden.
          EDIT: All that said, vengeance belongs to the Lord.

        9. The commandment “Thou shalt not kill” pertains to murder. We as men have people put under our care. We have a divine right to protect them. Peter was rebuked because his use of the sword was standing in the way of God’s will.
          I Timothy 5:8 says if a man doesn’t provide for his family he is an infidel. That provision includes protection.
          Check out Exodus 22:2 too.
          You are married in God’s eyes when you enter into a solemn covenant with a woman. The state has nothing to do with marriage in God’s eyes.
          Jesus was pointing out that though the woman was debating where and what was the proper way to worship she had deeper issues. She was an adulteress. He was addressing the ludicrous idea that where you worship matters if your life is not in alignment with His Word.
          Sorry for the rushed response I’m having to leave. Keep in touch I would be happy to answer any questions you have.

        10. Had a pastor for years who did just this…until God called him home in an untimely death. His preaching had a profound impact on me. I miss him to this day.

        11. No..that happens at the time of conversion. All done by the work of the spirit in a “hidden “way.
          Water baptism is a biblical way of proclaiming to the world that you are one of God’s elect.

      2. In one of the comments this week I read someone talking about how most people run off of their lower brain but some can access the higher and thus are more immune to the baser nature.
        I’ve seen God touch drug addicts and they never touch the stuff again. I’ve seen people with no self control become responsible members of society.
        I believe that God can rewire us through devotion to resist our lower natures, or maybe it’s the discipline that allows us to do so. But again I’ve seen people changed with my own eyes and no amount of human reasoning can make me doubt it.

        1. My uncle was addicted to pornography, whiskey, and methamphetamine for several years. Interventions did nothing; anonymous groups did nothing; losing custody of his children did nothing.
          One night he cried out to the Lord in desperation, and the Lord answered. When he rose the next morning, he never touched the stuff again.

        2. In moments of doubt (and we all have them) I just recall what I’ve seen and it affirms the truth that there is a God. Take a walk around Zion and see how good He is

        3. Ask the Sunday morning Christian if they have ever felt the presence of God. Then ask him if it was pleasant. When I was a young man I was performing an Easter Vigil in the Lady Chapel at my home parish. It was the middle of the night and I was reading the bible. I was wide awake. Suddenly it came over me and I felt his presence. Let me tell you it was the most terrifying experience of my life; and I have been married 4 times.

      3. I have to ask Jump.Jive are you in any particular denomination or are you non-denominal

      4. “Church doesn’t save you. A walk with God saves you.”
        Exactly! You have to actually apply what you learn in church to your life, and that’s the difficult part, and the narrow road that only few walk down.

        1. Absolute truth in your words because it takes a monumental effort in the application of the Christian values, true morals and walking the talk that eludes so many. It is a very difficult journey to be humble, reverent and keeping with sometimes minute by minute effort to maintain those values in every aspect of life.

    2. I always wondered if the ‘tounges’ thing was genuine for most. Are there any ‘performers’ who rehearsed the tongues beforehand that you know? Has a tongue speech ever been translated from an ancient mystical or extinct language maybe?

      1. The key marker for speaking in tongues in Scripture is that the tongue was understood. At Pentecost, those blessed with the Holy Spirit came out speaking in tongues and everyone who witnessed heard their native tongue spoken.

      2. I am extremely skeptical about these displays….they seem to have all the hallmarks of a (coached) nervous breakdown.

        1. Those chaste unicorn breeding age girls sitting there in their parrochial school dresses with their hair up so perfect and conservative . . and gurgling like that. You know what MCGOO is thinking. Yes those are the long lost marriagable unicorns ROK laments every day. The search is over, at least a little bit, for a few marriagable white females remaining in the west. Slam your brakes the next time you hear jingling while passing a Pentacostal revival. Your search may be over. I can’t seem to get over those unicorns gurgling.

        2. Indeed. Didn’t someone say that hell is the impossibility of reason? So by that definition, madness and possession are pretty much the same. Suks…

      3. If they are speaking in tongues in a church service, Paul said that an interpreter was needed (else the tongue was not fruitful).

    3. I disagree. I am Pentecostal/Charismatic from Norway, and in all churches I have been in there is no sex before marriage, the vast, vast majority of them are to the right politically, anti-Islam, anti-Multicultural etc.
      And no, Pentecostal is not about “feels”, it is all about the Bible and Biblical doctrines.
      Divorce is not accepted, unless for adultery. Man is the head of the family etc.
      // I’m willing to bet that all of the people who get “saved” at the evangelical events had already known the truth, they just got re-excited about it.//
      Half of the people are mostly atheists. Among them many ex drug addicts, prostitutes etc.
      To be honest, your ex-Church sounds really strange.

      1. Theism and religion are different.
        Theists believe in a magical being that hasn’t been proven to exist. And no, anecdotes, stories, personal experiences etc. are not proof.

        1. there is no way to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that a higher power exist. But in the same breathe there is no way to disprove that a higher power exist. At the end of the day you make the choice to believe

  19. We don’t need a state.
    We just need some nations.
    The state is the work of satan.

    1. We need a creed of attuning to our bloodline identities. Fighting the wave of atomization is foremost. The human population is becoming like mixed schools of aquatic sea life all caught up in the same giant fish dragnet. Everyone needs to hone their instinct to flip into fight mode when they come in contact with forces and figures that try to override their basic instincts to propogate and to cohese and identify with others who emit chemical familiarity that resonates with their own DNA. The ultimate enemy is the one that tries to neutralize or jack with your core molecular programmes.

      1. Well-said, McGoo! Our European bloodlines are sacred and need to be defended with absolute ferocity against those who would have us go extinct. Any religion or philosophy or political ideology that doesn’t totally agree with the need to defend our bloodlines is a poisonous enemy cult to be opposed.

  20. Why don’t you become Catholics? Protestantism has always been the Faustian bargain it made itself to be. Faith over reason, which is incapable with are own sense of being cognisant, sentient beings who can ask reasonable questions about the nature of the Christian deity.

    1. Right now the leader of that denomination is far Left.
      The whole point of the article is to rid Christianity of unbiblical Leftism.
      Do you see the problem there?

  21. There is only one Jesus and there is only one way to hear what Jesus said.
    It seems that Damian Michael has called for a restoration of Modern Civilization. And it is the post-Luther, post-Calvin individualist Protestant of the North Sea Germanics (Englishmen, Dutchmen ) who devised Modern Civilization.
    It is the Catholics, who are of Medieval Civilization, the ones who lost out to the individualist Protestants and thus control of life who have worked to subvert Modern Civilization. The Catholics have sided with the Jew and the Mohammadan in effort to regain control of the world.

  22. Great work. Keep it up. You should write a book, but maybe come up with a better name, since “alt” implies it’s an alternative, even though it’s actually the authentic. There are millions of men hungry for this type of thing. Most churches have been taken over by the SJW virus. Maybe Paleo Christianity or something else similar.

    1. Well, you have the ALT-Right and the CTRL-Left, both computer terms with alternative real-world meanings.
      Maybe root:Christianity? Because we’re getting to the root (the meaning of radical, but leftists ruined that word), and root is the supreme authority in the world of computers.

  23. Basically alt-Christianity is what if you took the bad parts of Islam and made it Christian.

    1. That’s because islam is basically a mix of Judaism and early Christianity seen from the perspective of an inbred, schizophrenic, pedophile, caravan raiding camel herder. In other words: Islam = A dash of Christianity + a dash of Judaism + a metric ton of bad shit.
      Alt-christianity is close to what I imagine Christianity was like in the Holy Roman Empire under Charlemagne.

  24. One thing I notice about Christians and Christianity is their motivation for faith is to do good because its the nice thing to do, but it lacks real desire to give and share because there’s not enough desire to receive. The more good you do for others, the more blessings come into your life. With this mindset, the mindset of sharing and increasing the peace in the world is ruthless sharing and ruthless peacemaking. This more active mentality and less passive mentality for doing good is crucial to creating a better world. It takes more desire!!!

  25. The problem with modern Christianity are cucks like Michael Frost or Father Rod Bower, supposed men of God who roll out the “but Christians do it too” trope when people point to the correlation between Islamic extremism and yet another terrorist attack. That’s when Frost isn’t preaching non-violence then defending movements like BLM or whining about Donald Trump rather than asking about the culture that people were so sick of that they voted for Trump in the first place. As for Bower?
    Jesus wept…
    Thankfully, all is not lost and I believe that revival is coming. We’re already seeing it with atheists who are realising that there’s something about the church that is fundamental to the preservation of functional humanity. The church will thrive once again, despite “Christians” like the above mentioned…

  26. Next step is Alt Diet Coke, Alt Frapuccino, Alt Burger medium rare. They even have alt left…wth.
    You guys are just rebranding…nothing new under the sun, your ideas are still the same old songs. It’s called using religion for political purposes, nothing new or alt, you just put a bit of paint, and sell it.

  27. Or you could just try Orthodox Christianity-the real deal that hasn’t been tainted, or made pacts with the Devil (I’m looking squarely at you post Vatican II Catholic Church). It’s the way it should be and real men subscribe to this denomination, not Leftist pussies or those Coexist cucks getting mowed down by Musulmanic slime.

    1. I would say that right now Orthodoxy is the best fit for todays problems. They seem very unaccommodating which is a good thing considering the state of western affairs.
      The churches in the United States are not united and if they are not united under one rule then there is not a lot the overall religious concept can do. Think of Mongolia in the Middle Ages. Although fierce, they were insignificant because their clans were not under a single rule. Genghis Khan united the tribes and they conquered most of the known world.
      During the Renaissance the religious diversity contributed greatly to western civ with everything we can imagine but I think that that diversity concept has run dry today when you add in “freedom.”
      Instead of tightening up membership selection, becoming more ridged with their traditions, and actively countering negative press in the 80s-2000s the Catholic Church seems to have readapted to accommodate as many people as they can but there is no strength in that so they loose respect for the more red-pill types. The pagans, in this sense, won’t go to church because they don’t want to practice proper morality.
      I also realize that “spiritually” is more popular in the US then organized religion but is dangerous to seek to know God without the proper guidance from those who walked before you though painstaking trial and error who practice what they do directly from God. Also paganism is on the rise which is not good for the State. I am pretty sure that man by nature needs organized religion so he can function his society properly. I don’t think he has an absence of God (concept of a creator being (s) etc.) because there are things out there that we cannot answer using physical nature alone. Science does not disprove a God, it just attempts to prove things that physically exists. We must be hard wired to seek a Creator God because we have questions that cannot be answered according to physical laws.

      1. Robert Andrews Millikan who worked with atomic theory and identified the electron along with JJ Thompson was a man of devout faith as was Einstein.
        “Religion and science, then, in my analysis are the two great sister forces which have pulled, and are still pulling, mankind onward and upward.” – Millikan
        “To me it is unthinkable that a real atheist could be a scientist.” – Millikan
        “This much I can say with definiteness – namely, that there is no scientific basis for the denial of religion – nor is there in my judgment any excuse for a conflict between science and religion, for their fields are entirely different. Men who know very little of science and men who know very little of religion do indeed get to quarreling, and the onlookers imagine that there is a conflict between science and religion, whereas the conflict is only between two different species of ignorance.” – Millikan
        With scientists, physicists rank the highest in professing a faith. Engineers/MDs rank in the middle. Natural sciences/biologists have the highest number professing to be athiests on average.

        1. ive always thought this. never seen a reason science and religion have to be at war with each other.

    2. I agree, even though I am a Norse Pagan. My mother was a Russian Orthodox Christian (rest in peace, dear Mother). I have been to many Russian Orthodox and a few American Orthodox Church services, and there is something truly wonderful about them – a deep sincerity and strict adherence to centuries-old traditions, with absolutely zero tolerance for leftist degeneracy. Their churches are beautiful, as are their services – very mystical with lots of medieval pageantry, lots of incense and candles and icons. Their liturgy is always sung, with no musical instruments allowed, because they believe that God should only be worshipped with the living human voice rather than dead musical instruments. Their priests are not only allowed to marry, they are expected to, and to have children, so that they can give proper marital and family advice to their parishioners. Overall it’s a very strong, healthy culture. Here’s an example of the beauty of their liturgy:

      1. Excellent stuff. I’m of Greek background so very familiar with Orthodoxy and I concur on all your observations.

        1. Thank you! I hope that you and I both live to see the day when Constantinople is reclaimed for Europe and the magnificent Hagia Sophia cathedral is reclaimed for the Orthodox Christians. Norsemen served as body guards in the elite Varangian Guard of the Byzantine Emperors, and I want to see that same unity between European Men return again, to save our world from destruction before it’s too late. In the tradition of the Varangians, Finnish volunteers fought in the Russian Army in Bulgaria against the Ottoman Turks in the 1870s. I am of mostly Finnish and partly Russian ancestry, so I am proud of that. Here’s a rousing Finnish war song about that conflict (English translation of the words in the description below the video. The photos, however, are from wars of the 20th century):

  28. I fluctuate between Christianity and European Paganism at the minute, in my search for truth and honour. At this time, I lean heavily in favour of Paganism. I despise the inherent weakness of the majority of Christian men; in my path to stamp out my own weaknesses I fear that they are a bad influence, even if they may speak the truth. At least with the likes of Mars, Thor, Ares there are masculine war gods with the ideals of strength to look up to, even if I tread paganism, at this time, alone.
    The incessant bickering between denominations also pisses me off, especially over hair width disagreements of interpretation. Not only must I accept Christianity, I must accept the correct brand of Christianity!!!??? The pagan gods were, by nature, bickering and divisive. This is much easier to accept and logical to follow, than a doctrine that teaches unity of the Church!!!
    That being said, I am still exploring, always was. I may shift in favour of Christianity again in the future, especially if this Alt-Christianity grows. I’d love a face to face discussion with a Christian with a set of balls, and inner strength.
    I consider myself somewhat above average, working on improving myself constantly. So it worries me to walk into a church to find that I am the most masculine man in the room, which is the case in every bloody church I’ve visited in the last 12 months. Except maybe the Roman Catholic Church, but then again, no-one talks to each other there, so who can be really sure?

    1. Thing is, at the end of the day, paganism is dead for a reason.
      Anything left of it is just counterfeit religion based mostly on footnotes from Romans and Christians that stamped it out.
      You can just as easily find plenty of neckbeards and skinny jeans wearing Goths with black nail polish and chain wallets that identify as pagan.
      Not exactly masculine I would say.

      1. Depends on the influences held. The Golden One, Survive The Jive and Thulean Perspective make compelling arguments.

        1. Also Stephen A. McNallen, who is a former U.S. Army Ranger officer, mercenary soldier and war correspondent – the opposite of all those trendy hipster SJW neo-Pagan/Wiccan faggots. He is an adherent of Asatru, or Norse Paganism, but of the “folkish” variety that says that race matters and that the European peoples must be preserved from extinction. Here he speaks very powerfully and eloquently about that, without even bringing up religion, so that Alt-Right Christians and Atheists can watch this and agree with him (and elsewhere he has said that he will gladly work with you guys to fight for our people. His motto is: “The existence of my people is not negotiable!”):

        2. Also I like Paul Waggener, AKA “Grimnir” – he and his brother Mathias started their own Germanic Pagan tribe in rural Virginia a few years ago, with the goal of attracting like-minded people in order to become as self-sufficient as possible so that they can survive the deterioration of the West and emerge victorious after it has collapsed. They call their tribe the “Wolves of Vinland”.
          They are a hyper-masculine, clannish group with a big emphasis on physical fitness, fighting, and self-improvement. There are women and children among them but these are in the background – probably in order to protect them. They’re a very intense group, as you will see in this introduction by Paul to his program of self-improvement, which he calls “Operation Werewolf”:

        3. Yes. Personally speaking, I have mixed feelings about Donovan, because although he writes well, he is nonetheless a homosexual. Among folkish Asatru believers, homosexuality is not welcome. The Wolves of Vinland, however, are an independent group who generally don’t associate with other groups, so that’s their business. Generally I like what they are doing, aside from their association with Donovan.

        4. I like Donovan, gave me some great thoughts and ideas to follow through on. Getting there, with painstakingly steady slowness. First working on myself. Fitness, strength and fighting; and knowledge about politics, religion, myths, legends. Once I’m sorted mentally and financially, so I don’t have to worry about loss of income, I’d like to strike out publicly and build a tribe.

        5. Yeah, I have to admit that I can’t help but respect Donovan for what he has accomplished, and for what he has written. As for your personal goals, Varangian Saxon (great name, by the way!), I commend you for working hard to improve yourself. There is a great satisfaction in that – I know, because I’m 61 years old and I have never stopped improving my mind and spirit and body. It’s great to be a learned Man with a lean, muscular body and a straight proud military bearing – chicks dig that and other men respect it. I’ll do my best to maintain this into old age, for as long as I can. There is glory in that!

        6. Agree with all of that. Life is who you are, what you achieve and how you achieve it. In my scribble pad/journal I’ve written down my journey to that as ‘The Path to Glory’ I’m modelling myself on the ideals of the European gods, Greek/Roman and Norse. Fascinating stuff.
          Cheers, I chose the name for it’s meaning. I’m an Englishman of Germanic descent, my names and genes are Saxon/Norse.
          Varangian – I will fight for my personal improvement, wealth, success, with other pagans and Christians against a common foe.
          Varangian Saxon – After 1066, and the surrender to a foreign invasion, many English Huscarls left to join the Varangian Guard. I feel that the UK has surrendered to a foreign invasion, so I’m looking to better myself as part of a separate band to the mainstream.

      2. Be careful of what you say. There is a reason that Islam conquered Christian territory after Christian territory and is now about to conquer all of Europe……

    2. a good read, and valid points.
      “I’d love a face to face discussion with a Christian with a set of balls, and inner strength.”
      i agree with this. I am a christian of the mormon variety. no I am not perfect, but i do get utterly sick and tired of the pathetic christians today i see in church. i agree with you, hardly a one has any kind of hidden strength in them.
      their testimonies are pathetic and half assed. they would crumble under the slightest pressure. they are not warriors in God’s army.
      Im under no illusion that the current church is full of amazing folks. its not. its pathetic. that said….quite frankly Im not sure where else to go? I try and steer conversations into a more deeper place….but people just can’t take it.
      I’d love to have that face to face with you since my testimony of Christ isnt pathetically weak. its stood up to things. but well this is the internet….the land of memes. so i know this isnt the place for that.
      but good luck on your search. i hope you find out Christ is Christ.

      1. Thank you, I should write more. Toying with a blog idea, currently scribbling in a journal, which may turn into something more.
        I almost recovered faith in Christ, and then I found myself disagreeing with every Christian I came across, face to face (online it was different) on every single political issue. I felt more inspired reading and listening to the tales of the old gods, than I did in Church, and here I am today.
        Hail Odin 😉

        1. i cant blame you for that honestly(okay yes you are going to hell….i am judging you damnit!!!!).
          snark aside…..yes it is hard to find a wise christian in person, but if you find one online it is easier for us to type out a good solid reply. that said, your point is taken and i do agree completely.
          most christians are not conservative. they are liberal fucktards. and it all just spirals downhill from there.
          the only thing i feel should say is…to find Christ, one must actually be sincere about it. the mormons love to quote this from our book of mormon
          3 Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.
          4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
          essentially….sincerely seek. sincerely ponder. dont go in with a predetermined conclusion(this is where folks usually stumble). get on your knees pray. normally done after reading the book of mormon or at least some portion of it, and ask if:
          1. the book is what it says it is
          2. if Christ is Christ.
          its that simple, yet that complicated.
          that said many come to the conclusion the book is true, but many leave the church and the church has serious issues as a whole. but why do many leave? i suspect their testimonies do not grow past that of a toddler(or primary school answers as mormons might say). i suspect their testimonies remain toddler like because the church has so many issues.
          make no mistake….i will sit here and tear the church a new one because of its beta feminist BS problems….but that doesnt mean one cannot pray about the book of mormon and bible as stated above and gain that testimony which is quite frankly 10000x better than nothing. whether this sounds like jibberish on the internet comments or not, who knows. it is what it is.

  29. any Christian that cannot stand Patriarchy is NOT a Christian…
    too many Christian men are “servant leading”- the term churchians use, bye cooking dinner, running the home and helping their wife “achieve her dreams”
    50 years ago such men would have been kicked out of the church…
    Weak- Christians are weak

    1. I look at the whole Christian thing as a mental lapse of not understanding the bible.
      First and foremost- we praise our god for his creation. …Biblically- that is all that man was created for. His morality is his alone to administer not ours to comprehend.
      Then we serve ourselves-to respect ourselves- and ensure and to fight for free will, then our family..then others if there is something left over. ….
      Christianity and the church gets it confused- We do not serve others first. Man is mostly full of Lucy. Serving “man” first is bound to get your ass wooped

  30. As for the supposed separation of church and state, there actually is no such thing, because that is not what the First Amendment says and the court ruled incorrectly and did so not based on what the Constitution says, but a letter that Jefferson wrote in response to a church in Danbury, CT, in which he talked about a “wall of separation” (that’s where that term comes from) and so he couldn’t help them.
    But what he specifically stated, was that the state could not interfere in the church’s business. He didn’t say that the church could not have any influence in government. Religion is in ones core.
    1) It was a letter, not the Constitution and thus, should not have been what made the ruling.
    2) Nowhere does the Constitution say, “When in office, leave your faith at the door.”
    3) All the Constitution says is that the government cannot establish a religion.

    1. I love it when you have mouthbreathers try to bring that point up about prayer in schools and the like. Their minds explode when I explain that this ‘separation of church and state’ is in actuality a prohibition against the state organising and sanctioning a state religion. I almost feel sorry for the poor fools.

      1. I feel sorry for the deluded theists who lack the brain horsepower to understand what Jefferson tried to explain in black and white and plain english.
        You christian taliban types need to go live in Iran for a while, that might help you understand why separation of church and state is so vital.
        A state like Iran is what Mr. Jefferson and co. were trying so hard to avoid.

        1. Hence what I said. That Jefferson intended that the government/state could not impose a state religion. He did not say anything about precluding prayer in schools or anything of the sort.
          I feel sorry for the ‘atheists’ who cannot discern the difference between the two particularly when they posture about their supposed intelligence being superior because of the absence of a belief in a higher power.
          Just to emphasise how nonsensical your point is, below is the text of Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptists.
          To messers. Nehemiah Dodge, Ephraim Robbins, & Stephen S. Nelson, a committee of the Danbury Baptist association in the state of Connecticut.
          The affectionate sentiments of esteem and approbation which you are so good as to express towards me, on behalf of the Danbury Baptist association, give me the highest satisfaction. my duties dictate a faithful and zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents, & in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to those duties, the discharge of them becomes more and more pleasing.
          Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should “make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.
          I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection & blessing of the common father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves & your religious association, assurances of my high respect & esteem.
          Th Jefferson
          Jan. 1. 1802.
          It states unequivocally that the the legislature cannot establish or prohibit practice of a religion; your observation is nonsense.

        2. Your observation is nonsense. Fail !
          No one is trying to keep you from your fairy tales, and no one can, because that would not be legal
          What part of the word separation do you not understand ?
          Where in the constitution does it say the church can run or influence the government ? Chapter and verse please.
          Prayer in a taxpayer funded school is not keeping church and state separate, it is a religious practice being forced onto no believers by government authority and policy, a blatant violation of the first amendment.
          You are quite correct when you state that the legislature cannot establish a practice of religion, if so, why is a government run school allowed to shove christianity at students ? at taxpayer expense ?
          Please refer to a dictionary, and learn the meaning of the word separation.
          Please refer to the 1947 supreme court decision where the government is specifically forbidden to promote religion, Everson vs. Board of education,
          ” In the words of Thomas Jefferson The clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect a wall of separation between church and state.”
          Also refer to Reynolds vs. United States 1879, where the court ruled that Jeffersons comments ” may be accepted as an almost authoritative declaration of the scope and effect of the first amendment. ”
          The Reynolds case also proved once and for all that the government is superior to and can overrule the church when it wishes.
          Something else from Mr. Jefferson, ” no man shall be compelled frequent or support any religious worship, practice, or ministry whatsoever, The Virginia statute for religious freedom, 1779. I think this shows Mr. Jeffersons intent pretty well.
          James Madison wrote about ” total separation of the church from the state.”
          Unfortunately for someone like you, I paid attention in history and civics class, and I know to read a dictionary and other books, and I know how to do research.
          This kind of christian grasping at straws to avoid reality is why christians are so vehemently opposed to children being taught US history, civics, science, law, comparative religions, etc. This is why you prefer to home school/brainwash their children and ruin their futures.
          It is because you know you have no leg to stand on, and your religion is just a fairy tale, but it hurts too much face reallity.
          The truth is rather painful, but it will set you free.

        3. I am sad and strange ?
          You are the cuck who cannot refute anything I said so you have to resort to calling me names.
          I just destroyed your whole myth with facts, and exposed you for typical uninformed, uneducated, fool that you are, and all you can do is pity me ?
          Typical ugly christian hypocrite, living proof that your religion is a fairy tale.
          I would welcome honest debate and presentation of FACTS, who knows, I might learn something new, but no, FACTS are not the theist vocabulary.
          The bible teaches by their fruits ye shall know them, and when I see those like you, it is obvious that god is not in you or church.
          Have fun explaining that one at the judgement seat of christ.
          It will be fun watching you get what you deserve, eternity in a grave after a lifetime wasted on religion.
          I will not be coming back here to see any more of your juvenile comments, I have better things to than to suffer fools and cast pearls before swine.

        4. You jump to plenty of assumptions about me without facts. Fool.
          The feeling is mutual-I would tell you to go fuck yourself but you might enjoy that a little too much.

        5. Given the choice I think a Christian fundamentalist state would be much more palatable to you than an Islamic one. What an idiotic thing to say.

    2. And nowhere in the constitution does say the church can run things.
      Jeffersons letter was an explanation of his intent for the first amendment, separation of church and state just like he said, freedom of religion, and freedom FROM religion.
      The supreme court was smart enough to understand this in 1947.

  31. In other words, alt-christianity is simply true christianity.
    I was raised in a christian household and my father is a Presbiterian Pastor. The principles proposed in this article, that’s exacly the doctrine taucht in the Brazilian Presbiterian Church. It is even writed on our manual of doctrine and rules.
    As far as I know, there are two sects of Presbiterian Churchs in US, these two sects were one and the same until the North Branch (PCUSA) embraced apostasy by conforming to the liberal rules and nowadays they even make gay marriages. It is very sad because 200 years ago they were the ones to send missionaries to Brazil and founded my church.
    However, the South Branch (PCA) remains loyal to the Scriptures and they are not cucks. I advice all americans who want to attend to a church to go for this denomination. The alt-christianity is simply true christianity, and believe it or not you can still find it on the US, at least on the South Estates.

  32. This is a great article. I must commend your work on this topic. Alt Christianity is the way forward. I shared it on Gab.

  33. “What this means is that Alt-Christianity is entirely in favor of a Jewish state for Jews, just as it is entirely in favor of ensuring that Jews do not have undue influence over non-Jewish nation states. And this, I contend, is an entirely sound position.”
    Ha! You poor fools. Israel owns all majority Christian nations lock, stock, and f’in barrel.

      1. Nope. Only means that you and me both are small fries. We don’t even pop up on the zionists radar screen.

  34. I wonder how many here would agree to be killed after committing sexual sins, as mandated by the Bible. I see so many use the same cards that the libs use in order to hamster their sins away.

  35. In other words, it is like being a traditional christian like our ancestors were before “modernity”.
    As a catholic, there are traditionalists groups like the fssp or the fsspx who are similar to alt christanity.
    I am french and I have discovered them throught their annual pilgrimage between Paris and Chartres.
    I have done this pilgrimage some years ago, (3 days walk, 105 km, around 10000 pilgrims)
    I have been so impressed that they made me come back to the faith.
    There must be some equivalent traditionalist groups for the orthodox and protestants that resist and fight the decay of this world but i don t know them.
    Maybe other commenters can help.
    Matthew 7 13 14
    “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it”

  36. My biggest concern here is that Alt-Christianity does not follow many more teachings in the Bible than modern Christianity. Instead of going back to the true teachings of our Lord and Saviour, Alt-Christianity just replaces a lot of false modern Christian teachings with other false conservative teachings.
    For instance, God hates democracy and equality. It is impossible for any western society to be good or right. God also is not tolerant at all, so He won’t be tolerant of false religions.

      1. Yes.
        Isaiah 14:13-15
        13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
        14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
        15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

        1. That passage is referring to Lucifer proclaiming he will become god. Nothing to do with democracy and equality.
          Note: I do somewhat agree with your prior statement

        2. It refers to Lucifer wanting to be equal with God. God is not a hypocrite and all His laws apply to all areas and levels of His kingdom. God is not going to like equality, but dislike equality only even it applies to someone trying to be equal with Him.
          Rather than equality, God supports authority. Authority is important, authority is to be obeyed, authority makes all decisions and is not overthrown.
          Since God is the ultimate authority, He gives authority as He chooses. Authority is given from above, it does not come from below. In democracy power comes from below and establishes the authority above. This is the opposite of God’s system, He hates it. Democracy comes from the devil, Lucifer wants to have a democracy in Heaven. He wants the servants to have a say.
          There is a form of equality that God does support, that is that we are all equal in that we serve others, and that we are all provided for.
          Evidence for all of this is easy to find in the Bible.

      2. Pay no attention. This guy is a troll trying to take scriptures out of context and manipulate Christianity.

  37. the Uniting Church has all the markings of a communist organistion. It does not march for the safety of Christians. It marches for “refugees” who are very disproprionately against everything Christ stood for.

  38. I find it amusing and a little sad that you refer to separation of church and state as a myth, when christianity is nothing but myths.
    Refusal to separate church and state and the insistence of catering to religious extremists will be the eventual doom of christianity, the republican party and conservatism in general.
    The typical hypocritical christian taliban mentality will alienate voters and return the democrats/communists to power, and ruin the progress Donald Trump has made.
    When we lose our rights, we will have christians to thank for it.

  39. If Alt-Christianity does not focus on the preservation of the races. Meaning, whites take care of whites, blacks take care of blacks, and so on. Then it’s only another Jewish Controlled Opposition group, meant to make sure the shabbos goys go fight the Muslims overseas in the name of Isra…errherrmm.. Jesus.

  40. The Church and State NEED to be separate. It is the ONLY way that American Christianity has survived as long as it had, otherwise we would be just as cucked as Europe.
    The Separation of Church and State allows for free movement from one religious denomination to another, Which Is ESSENTIAL to men being able to LEAVE the dysfunctional denominations and form new ones.
    Think of India or Egypt or anywhere else where you have to BRIBE the Administrative state to change your religion. Christian parents in India are having their kids taken because they sent them to a Christian Church Camp while they are still Legally Hindus, because the Local Authorities won’t allow them to Legally change their religion.
    Again I say, The Separation of Church and State is ESSENTIAL.

    1. you miss the point. seperation of church and state is only seperation so there is no one official denomination. it is not a call for athiesim as folks claim today.
      that phrase seperation of church and state is also not found in the constitution.

      1. Separation of church and state does not call for atheism it calls for the church to mind it’s own business and not use the government to push it’s agenda on to non believers.
        It is in the constitution, ask the supreme court.

        1. you can literally do a search for that phrase. it aint in there buddy. its a concept adapted from the first amendment. it is not a call for the church to mind its own business because athiesim.
          an appeal to the supreme court is not always an appeal to a correct argument. the supreme court(especially these days) gets things horrendously wrong.
          the constitution merely demands that there be no one official religion because freedom of religion. thats it. government is free to use the word God as the declaration of independence does. as stated people only want religion out of government because they want to push their leftist godless agenda.
          what would be a problem and it would be a problem no matter who did is if one religion had some sort of super lobbying power and influence. that would be a problem. but the only way to:
          “it calls for the church to mind it’s own business ”
          is to literally make sure every single elected official has no religion and joins no church. thats the only way to accomplish what you say. thus my original point stands…..you are calling for godless leftist nonsense to take over unless you’ve figured out a magic pill that can make a man a church goer, but somehow divorce the morals he gets from church while he is serving in office.

  41. What would Jesus think about game?
    In his day, getting a young virgin wife meant coming from a good family and being able to support a family. Nothing more.
    Modern men have to develop game because society is so anti-family and anti-patriarchy. I have a problem with all the ‘game’ that is being taught to men here. It seems like acceptance of how society has evolved, where men exist just excite a woman and make her feel good. It seems a like men are forced to sell their souls for sex.
    Seems there will eventually need to be a split in the manosphere between the ‘gamers’ and alt-christian, pro-patriarchy men. Will ROK be alt-Christian or a ‘game’ site?

    1. We don’t need more division, everyone will know the truth soon enough. Look at Roosh – who literally made a living off his international bangsans now has come to proposing Christian ethics/living to the people of the manosphere. I believe in due time – we all will see the truth.

  42. As a life-long practicing christian man in his 50s, this alt-christian movement is way over due. i go to church regularly for a moment of prayer, communion, and sometimes for the message depending on what it is, but everything else is window dressing. the signing and feminized beta males church leadership that I have very little in common with besides a shared faith. so I practice my faith essentially solo, and I’m at peace with that since I’m only accountable to my maker anyway and will cross the river of death with him only at my side.
    you guys need to make youtube videos like MGTOW is doing. in fact, it should be an available aspect of the MGTOW lifestyle because it is a different path for men. check out messenger risings’ monk code video and you will since some parallels.

    1. honestly this….i’ve recently started returning to church for reasons i wont go into here…..but im still sickened by it all. its 90% or more beta liberal drivel. theres like 5% of it of any value. that little value i devour like a leech so thirsty for something of actual substance.

  43. lol the Southern Baptists just cucked themselves
    denounced the alt right AND introduced a Gender neutral Bible
    Your God is Neutered lol!

  44. As to Christianity, as a Roman Catholic born (Frenchman) I am lately only accepting as true Christianity the following,?? Marcionism was an Early Christian dualist
    belief system that originated in the teachings of Marcion of Sinope at
    Rome around the year 144. Marcion believed Jesus was the savior sent by
    God, and Paul the Apostle was his chief apostle, but he rejected the
    Hebrew Bible and the God of Israel.
    So the spawn of Satan in Vatican can go to his master in Hell !
    BTW Not ten commandment ! But only one !! “DO NO HARM” !!!
    No joos sophistry to go around it !

  45. Very interesting article to see on the internet. I’ve been studying Christian masculinity for a decade and have authored some books about it. You can find it at http://www.thetrueman.org.
    I have found that all one really needs to do is go back about 150-200 years and you will find that ‘manly Christianity’ in abundance that has been largely missing from today’s scene. The reformers, evangelists, and preachers of that time were stout men who made people weep. Guys like Martin Luther, Calvin, Edwards, Whitfield, Wesley would be categorized as ‘sexist, mysogynist, racist, Islamophobe’ white dudes under today’s silly political entourages. But they were just real men. It is since that time, post-18th century, that manliness has been in a free fall. You have to answer the question as to why that is. One clue: It has a lot to do with how man’s work has changed. The man’s work is the hinge of the man’s masculinity. That’s why I don’t think a movement is the answer. Men don’t care about movements or activism. They care about beer, muscle, sex, and steak, dammit.

  46. How would you compare/contrast alt-Christianity with other conservative, “old school” movements within Christianity, for example Independent Fundamental Baptists or the Quiverfull movement?

  47. Alt-Christianiy excellent article – Alt Christianity as described was demonstrated on Duck Dynasty no joke.

  48. There’s actually quite a few right leaning agnostics and athiests out there.
    I’m personally not religious because of the force fed brainwashing of my childhood, and years of studying science with massive amounts of evidence out there basically proving that nothing in the bible could possibly be true. Geology, for example.

  49. Sorry, there is no such thing as “alt-Christianity” only Christianity. The main philosophy behind Christianity is that we are sinners and that only through prayer and our service to Jesus and God can we attain salvation. It has little to do with masculinity, more so about saving our souls from sin and temptation. Your doing what almost every other Christian group has done over the past millennia: taking the word of God out of context so you can support your own reality. Most Christian sects (Catholic, Protestest etc) are very misguided. There is only one truth, that is the word of God.

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