Women Want To Ban Men From Approaching Them While Still Insisting Men Make The First Move

How do relationships form? First, two people must talk to each other, but men are culturally expected to initiate. Therefore, stigmatizing conversation in the form of “street harassment” laws will end up removing attention from women, who value it far more than men. Feminism already has criminalized flirting at work, but now they want to ruin it everywhere.

The goal of second wave feminism was to destroy families. The resulting sexual revolution brought about a chaotic free-for-all, but lately that’s not enough for them. These twisted souls are trying to prevent men from starting conversations. In some places, they even have made it a crime. If they get their way everywhere, you could get arrested for conducting a perfectly normal human activity. You might even get busted for a non-flirtatious conversation if someone takes it the wrong way.

Women have absolute control over how far an interaction (or a relationship) goes; that’s understood. However, feminists now want to abrogate your freedom of speech.

The feminist spin

Never try to chat up Diana, especially if she’s hungry.

Like so much newly made up leftist terminology, “street harassment” is a framing tactic loaded with unstated assumptions. The foremost is equating normal conversation with harassment. Note well, they don’t differentiate polite approaches from being a sleazebag. Feminists conflate regular behavior with wrongdoing, try to frighten the public (sounds familiar?), and label it a pseudo-crime.

Furthermore, only straight guys are stigmatized. Women talking to men, or each other, isn’t “street harassment”. Neither do feminists condemn guy-on-guy approaches, because that would be “homophobia”. Another unstated assumption follows the “all men are oppressors” meme. Finally, standards are subjective. Since they get to decide what’s improper, you’re never safe from the self-appointed morality police.

This prudery is really about demonizing all types of male sexuality. If they’d just say “don’t be a sleazebag”, they’d have a point. However, their bias is showing more than some tease’s cleavage.

That video (you know which one)

The narrative kicked into high gear with the video “10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman”, which ends with a request for donations. Our pals at HuffPo explained:

Rob Bliss of Rob Bliss Creative makes viral videos for a living and decided to use his craft to shine a light on street harassment, a pervasive issue affecting females around the world. Partnering with actress Shoshana B. Roberts and Hollaback, a nonprofit movement launched by activists to end street harassment, Bliss packaged his production as a PSA and offers viewers a different perspective on the problem. […]

His intent, he said, was to offer an “unbiased” look at what many women experience on a daily basis.

The actress received 108 incidents of alleged street harassment. That sounds pretty awful! Some items indeed transgressed good taste, things I’d certainly recommend not doing. I get it—being a sleazebag is bad.

However, some of it wasn’t objectively offensive, like “How are you doing?” or “God bless”. Perhaps some were just being friendly and no more. The video was edited from ten hours of walking in a form-fitting outfit through some sketchy parts of the Big Apple. The cherry-picking was pretty obvious, and the racial and class implications displeased many leftist commentators. Clashes of narratives can be quite entertaining! All that aside, one of the dudes actually had a pretty good point:

Somebody’s acknowledging you for being beautiful. You should say thank you more.

Much discussion and other videos followed. For instance, it was demonstrated that men get “harassed” too. Also, wearing Muslim garb stops all attention. The best responses were the Austin hipster, the kosher version (oy veh!). and especially the Princess Leia video.

The feminists are wrong

Surely that outfit was chosen completely at random, right???

Although the feminists have been trying to forbid even polite approaches, as usual they’re out of touch with what normal women want and need. We’ve heard quite enough from the blue-haired harpies. Now let’s come back to reality and examine what normal women think.

Do women want attention? Of course they do!  If they wanted zero attention, they’d all wear burqas. Instead, dressing sharp is an art form. That’s why the cosmetics industry exists. Some of them get breast implants. When they show cleavage, it’s for a reason. All this is to maximize their erotic capital, far beyond what men do. Now take a wild guess why. If it were forbidden for us to give women attention, not only would it wreck their social lives, that would disempower them greatly.

Anyone who disbelieves that men are socially expected to approach needs look no further than The Rules, one of the most popular dating guides for women. Right at the beginning is the chapter “Don’t Talk to a Man First (and Don’t Ask Him to Dance)” They make it very clear that it’s the man’s job to open the conversation. Further, although men and women interact a lot in work contexts, it’s still on us guys to escalate.

The introduction indicates that the book is traditional advice passed down through generations; in that case, its millions of readers certainly aren’t the only ones thinking that way. Obviously its authors have a much better position to speak for women’s cultural opinion than the feminist fruitcakes.

The dating coach Tony D wrote an eye-opening piece about how feminism has wrecked the social environment in Vancouver. Men are shamed if they approach. However, many guys complied and now women ask “where did all the good men go?” He heavily cites female perspectives from mainstream news sources; for one telling example:

I mean, how many months of interactions do we have to have before you balls up and ask me out? Oh wait…you won’t.

The harpies have ruined it for everyone. Tony summarizes:

Women complain that they aren’t being approached, but then they complain when we approach you. What Do You Want? You want the guy you’re attracted to to approach you. Unfortunately, we don’t know if you’ll find us attractive, until we approach you.

We’re damned if we do, damned if we don’t. This is what happens when feminists are allowed to dictate the rules of social interactions.

Don’t listen to feminists

Triggered much?

Take a wild guess what will happen if you obey the feminists. That’s right—if you won’t open any conversations, then you won’t get results, but all the guys who disobey will be light years ahead of you. What makes them think they can dictate to us, anyway?

Don’t let these crabby tranquilizer addicts ruin our social environment worse than they already have. If they get their way with forbidding men from opening conversations, they’ll move the goalposts like they always do. Expect them to set their sights on the “male gaze” and try to forbid you from noticing anyone. They’re already calling it “eye rape”. So women can express their sexuality to great extremes, but appreciating it is conflated with a felony, and disapproving of it is “slut shaming”. Meanwhile, it’s reprehensible for men to express their sexuality. Who the hell do these feminists think they are?

The final word is that being a sleazebag is obviously bad, but there’s nothing wrong with starting a polite conversation. Anyone who can’t handle that without having a meltdown is terminally immature and unworthy of your companionship. Their neuroses are not your problem.

If you liked this, then don’t miss The Adventures of MP0werdW0myn and OmegaMan: Mission 1 – Operation Cockblock

Read More: Men Who Cold Approach Women Should Be Proud Of Themselves

593 thoughts on “Women Want To Ban Men From Approaching Them While Still Insisting Men Make The First Move”

  1. Hey all this to lower new born levels as we are waiting for robot to take our jobs.. At least if you are not directly gay

    1. I agree! promoting homosexuality and trannies are also soft population control

    1. I’ve got some if you need some….

      …can’t get you any Rape Culture ’till next Sunday at the earliest.

        1. …..mate…I’m only human….Race War i’ve got some of right now, but if you’re looking for some Rape Culture, that’s going to have to wait until Su……

        1. Okaaay….but it’s gonna have to be more ‘forced’ than out and out ‘ra…

  2. Ugly and fat women act like they don’t want to be approached, the truth is that they simply never get approached. They’d be so damn happy if some average dude would approach them.

    1. Well for 10 oz a day, they too can be approached. Just ten ounces of fat off a day, take that BMI down, and who knows, maybe they won’t have to be a cum dumpster to end a drought. That’s assuming they don’t like being cum dumpsters and honestly think it is their charming wit and alluring beauty that gets them laid.

      1. They’re just too damn lazy. Instead of getting their ass up and stop eating one chocolate pie after another, they want us men to change what we think is attractive.
        This whole anti-fat-shaming propaganda is bullshit. We need fat shaming more than ever.

        1. that was a serious lol. so true though we would literally have a much healthier society if everyone mocked the obese

        2. Not necessarily. Most obese people are weak willed, and would likely just run back to the comfort of their food after being mocked. I don’t necessarily agree with fat shaming, because I like to treat people the way I want to be treated, regardless of my opinions on their appearance. That said, I definitely would NOT tell fat people to keep doing what they’re doing, and that people should and will accept them as beautiful, because it would be doing them a disservice.

    2. And if a man approaches them, they are more likely to reject him simply because it is the only way for them to prove themselves they have some power on males.

      1. Pathetic pussies ! how else they can satisfy their false pride and ego !! They are able to “reject” MEN only because MEN still respect the law & order and societal discipline. Guess these kind of pussies deserve the Jungle Law !!

    3. That’s not true. There are plenty of thirsty dudes that go after fat and ugly chicks

      1. but not attractive dudes, The Chris hemsworth chubby chaser does not exist, the chubby girl also have high expectation, she will not settle for less. And the fatsos, both sexes refuse to lost weight, let them die in diabetes alone.

        1. I was thinking in that dude, he is the god of all chubby chaser, He need to be strong to lift her, he is a gym maniac he like heavy stuff.

        2. He was very skinny he got that bodybuilder body after getting the woman, Probably her woman bitch about it until he comply and hit the gym, at least she was a good influence and he got result, and because he like them fat he will not want her to lost weight probably he ask for more weight!
          -Honey I want you to be more fat
          -Only if you can handle it
          He was in a gym the next day

        3. Please remove your hand from that area!!! Must get hand sanitizer.
          Remember though, she is “healthy”.

        4. The only thing that’s strong is the odor off that clam. Sorry, I just puked in my mouth.

        5. WTF? I think women who are a little overweight ‘can’ sometimes be sexy; but that is just insane.

        6. This girl would actually be cute if she wasn’t such a disgusting lard monster – and I say that with love and encouragement.

    4. I wonder if the effect of Tinder is having any effect on the frequency of “approach”.

  3. it’s often not appreciation though, it’s marking out of 10 either verbally or via staring in an intimidating manner and it’s done loudly/overtly and it’s exceedingly depressing! Makes me not want to go out. So don’t make out it’s just the men being ‘oppressed’ here! I have never understood why men make such a meal of deciding they don’t fancy me – I don’t even notice men I don’t fancy let alone feel the need to stare at or comment on them as if they’re breaking some kind of law just walking down the street! Just leave women to go about their lives without feeling the need to dominate them with your opinion. I have respect for those around me; enough respect to not stare at them and make comments about them – try it!

  4. Womens insistence that men make the first move (with few exceptions) is the undeniable proof that women are naturally expected to be much more passive and far less competitive in the course of their lives.
    It is why an attractive young women can easily accomplish her primary life goals (marriage/bearing children/motherhood) by literally just leaving the house, since all she has to do Is wait for a more assertive man to approach her, fire off some game, and a potential relationship developes organically from there.
    Their lack of competitiveness is also why they don’t succeed at becoming CEO’s (or good ones anyway) and a laundry list of other professions.
    Women simply don’t need to be confident, assertive, competitive, charming AT ALL to accomplish their biological precedent. Men will be Mediocre with a capital M if they don’t posses confidence, competitiveness, etc and wind up sexless, childless, and eventually suicidal.

    1. Womens insistence that men make the first move (with few exceptions) is
      the undeniable proof that women are naturally expected to be much more
      passive and far less competitive in the course of their lives.
      Its why that dating app(Bumble) never took off- the woman is supposed to “approach” the man- they dont even wanna do it in cyberspace

      1. Holy shit. Nailed it, the number of women who’ll match and then never say a word is downright pitiful. It’s like they don’t understand there’s no other way to communicate on there.

        1. And if they do send the first message its just “hey”. They quite simply do not possess the ability to initiate anything which is why the human race will go extinct if we let feminists win.

        2. Girl’s tinder profile: “you better come up with something better than “hey” or I won’t respond”
          Same girl on Bumble: “hi”

        3. Dating Apps would be better if the only method to stop hearing from guys they don’t like is block that particular user, and the TOUs allowed you to say whatever you want without being banned from the app. Not only is it in the woman’s favor, it’s sheltered in a safe space by banning honest men.
          Girl:”Better open me better than saying ‘hey.””
          Guy: “You’re an idiot, this is picture games, we both know it.”
          Do that 3-4 times and you’re banned.

    2. You perfectly summarized the Evolutionary, Biological and Social differences between MEN and women. Damn it ! they can never be “equal” !!

  5. Its a shame, Vancouver seems like a great place to live. Women are insane, so are housing prices- price of an average detached house was about $150k 40 years ago, now its a cool 1.8 MILLION DOLLARS!!
    I wonder if there is a misery index out there, if so, gotta be off the charts in Vancouver

    1. Thank your Chinese overlords for the sky rocketing real estate prices, round eye!

  6. This experiment http://www.tinderseduction.com/male-model-tinder-case-study/ and many like it quickly dismisses this feminist horseshit.
    The 9/10 dude can say whatever the fuck he likes to these whores as aggressively sexist as can be or just plain cringe worthy and will still easily claim the bang.
    The regular Joe would be torched at the stake and as ive seen in other examples promptly banned from the service.

    1. The higher the masculine attractive rating a man has, the less shit he gets for acting like a man.

    2. My friend tried out the same kind of experiment last year. Reading his convos, it was amazing (but not surprising) how depraved women can get and how far they would be willing to travel (e.g., from Philly to NYC) for the opportunity of meeting a top caliber guy.

  7. Women want the top 20% of men to make the first move , while banning the 80% from approaching them.

    1. A woman will also quickly determine if you are a keeper or a creep solely on the fact that she’s attracted by you or not, and nothing else.

        1. Actually, they’ll gladly steal as much of your resources as they can get without “keeping” you.

      1. Those categories can flip for reasons a man isn’t even capable of noticing.

      2. While I don’t think it’s fair to call a guy a creep simply on the basis of how he looks, why do you believe women are obligated to have sex with men they’re not attracted to? Do you find obese women attractive?

        1. Actually in the US it’s mostly fit men with obese women. I don’t live in the US and have no intention of going back there anyway.

        2. I have mostly seen the opposite. I see scrawny, meth-head looking men with obese women. But I have never seen a fit, conventionally attractive man with an obese woman. I have, however, seen grotesque men of all shapes and sizes with gorgeous women. I do not believe all of these men are wealthy. I don’t even think most are. They’re middle class, average Joes.

    2. This “approach is rape” mindset is dangerous for the top 20% of men, too. Because even if you get away with approaching her at first, if you later reject her or upset her hamster, she’ll suddenly remember how victimized she was by your evil approach rape.

      1. It is all fucking nonsense. How is any functional person of any gender getting behind this?
        The day a uniformed police officer arrests a man for speaking to a woman in public is the day that full scale civil disobedience becomes justified and required.

        1. I believe there is a city or municipality in Europe where they actually have ordinances like this. I seem to recall a story about someone who was fined or at least warned under one of them. But I may have just hallucinated that.

        2. I think London may be kicking something like this around.
          Anywhere that passes a law like this is already going to be a cesspool of socially constructed regulatory fuckery. It is evidence that leadership is utterly bereft of authority.

        3. No, Londonistan will be forcing women to wear burkas to “protect” them from approach rape.

        4. they wull soon ban all stabby-type objects…pens, pencils,etc

        5. Well, the burka *is* a symbol of women’s freedom and liberty. I’m sure Orwell would have thought so, too.

        6. To be honest I would be kind of happy if they forced women to wear burqas. Coz these hoes aint loyal no more.

        7. Talking the initiative to talk to women is morally equivalent to bombing children. It’s all terrorism as far our feminist politicians are concerned

        8. Approach me stabbing me with a knife yelling Allahu Akbar, otherwise you’re a creep.
          * That’s the current logic. Bet.

        9. At the same time these female social justice warriors are ok with large numbers of Muslims overrunning London. And the Muslim men have a view of women that is centuries in the past. Notice the feminists look the other way at the medieval treatment of women by Muslim men?
          I guess people are just going to get used to all this bullshit now plaguing so many countries.

        10. Yeah, given what recently happened. Good to know our former colonial overlords have their prioroties in line, as always!!??

        11. They look the other way because feminism is cowardice by definition. They attack white males because it’s an exceedingly safe target, that’s all there is to it. They would remain silent as they witness a third world feral monster beat his wife in public then turn around and screech at a white male who is “manspreading”

        12. Time to make white straight male Christians not so safe target. It’s due time

      2. Yeah , such weapons should never be handed to women. Modern men are doomed for shitting on the ancient wisdom of our forefathers.

        1. Or at least attaining victim status…if that can be had without having to actually suffer anything in objective reality, so much the better.

    3. Let us MEN apply the same 80/20 logic and see how miserable these kind of females will be !! But nah, this will never happen; courtesy of “manginas” !

      1. Too many manginas bro , giving attention to bitches without getting anything in return. I will only give attention to a woman , if she gives me her pussy.

        1. She is NOT doing any favor by giving her pussy ! In fact, you are doing a BIG FAVOR ! You are giving your Time & Attention, you are spending Money by taking her out, and last-but-not-least; You are giving her PLEASURE, the ultimate gift/benefit GOD bestowed upon. All this for FREE, On-demand, No Strings Attached + Pampering !!

      2. To be fair, ROK is quick to label the leftover men from the 80/20 rule as “thirsty” or “manginas” but you can’t really blame unattractive men from desiring sex at any cost too. The effort to leave alone somewhat unattractive women isn’t on the 20% genetic lottery winners who get way better deals anyway so it’s easy to make such statements from that position of power. What unattractive men should definitely stop doing though is the kind of pedestalising women that won’t help them getting laid but still makes those women feel important. Such activities include but aren’t limited to: paid webcam girls, liking FB pictures/posts, virtue signalling how they respect women, etc.

        1. Well said and that’s what (mostly) I mean by calling some MEN as “manginas”. If there are unattractive MEN, there are “hell lot of” unattractive (don’t want to get into those details !) females too ! The point is, female “attractiveness” has NOTHING to do with Important aspects of life; Food, Shelter, Amenities, Healthcare etc.
          So a female calling MEN unattractive doesn’t make any sense ! It’s really a selfish and ungrateful attitude ! females expecting a MAN to be a Sylvester or Arnold + Provider of whatever they desire/want/need/dream is an utter disgrace !
          Majority of females (I am sure that 80% !!) are just average plain vanillas AND for them, getting a MAN to Feed & Bang is more-than-enough ! in fact its more than what they deserve !
          But, as you pointed out, some MEN (whether not good-looking or otherwise) un-necessarily pedestal females for something the females need “as much as” they need !
          MEN maintaining their calm, controlling their desire and staying UNITED will definitely teach these kind of females a fitting lesson !!

        2. Lotto Winners? Are you kidding me? The 20 percent still get stuck with a subpar excuse for a woman. The rest get the kind of women that make small babies cry.

        3. I said GENETIC lottery winners, those who are lucky to be born with good DNA, nothing to do with the LOTO.

        4. Still get stuck with subpar women. Also money is another factor, that is why you see butt ugly guys with attractive wives/girlfriends.

        5. Whatever it is, I still don’t see why a man should be judged as thirsty and ridiculed for it when he is sex-starved for no fault of his own. Leave the creep shaming to the femicunts.

        6. You are right on the fact that there are too many men pedestalising women. If there were less men of that type and more standing up, it would be a big game changer for all men.

      3. I do that already. When an unattractive woman approaches me, I tell her firsthand “No thanks, you’re not my type”. If you really want to mess with her head, wait for the inevitable feminist bullshit, nod and politely add “I’m sorry, feminists are a dealbreaker”. Her simple mind will overburn, she is constantly promised that being a feminist is like levelling up and she’ll barely be able to process what just happened.

        1. Well said and way to go. MEN should not heed to the “double standards” that says “women gives pleasure” ! Damn it, they “take” far MORE that what they “give” !!

        2. Exactly. It works both ways. Never be affraid to tell a woman she’s unattractive, it completely destroys her already fragile ego. Don’t worry, there’s a ton more where she came from

      4. The sad thing is – before social engineering, this was closer to being true. It was women who needed men. Even today – our value far exceeds women in terms of societal terms. If every man, boy all grew up red pilled we would have harems.

    4. Most British women won’t date a man shorter than 6 feet tall, even a man that is almost that height. So Brad Pitt and David Beckham are unsuitable for them because both of them are an inch under 6 feet. Meanwhile British women have 0 to offer men, except mental and financial stress.

      1. Women want a rich guy over 6′, fit and with a stable job but all they got to offer is a used up pussy.

        1. Asian men have no interest in white women just the cucks in Western countries.

      2. I’m British and this is nonsense to me. Where did you get this information? Have you talked to most British women?

      3. Sorry ScorpioWater, but Ebberman is right, and for the record I’m British too. Sure they want a tall guy more often than not, but the height varies according to how tall THEY are. As long as a guy is as tall, or taller than them, then it’s generally okay. But in the main yes they do want tall or taller-then-them men.
        But I do agree that they are demanding, while hardly being Claudia Schiffer themselves! It seems okay for women to openly demand a tall guy, and to specify the height, but if a guy specifies a slim or average woman, not fat or overweight, then the claws come out. Can’t they SEE the double standards and hypocrisy? Can’t they SEE they are demanding more than they themselves can give? Nah, didn’t think so! They are setting themselves up for failure, and they deserve it!

    5. To paraphrase an old line that goes: “Watch how she treats the waiter on a date, that will be you in 2 years”, that’s also how women largely treat the 20 percent.
      Overfed attention whores generally are lousy to be around which is why pump-and-dump is so popular (and for many PUA’s, that’s the goal anyway so why fret about it?)

    6. The irony about that thing holding the sign in the top picture is that I wouldn’t so much as touch her shoulder if she paid me cash and asked in a coquettish voice.

    7. yeah pretty much. Women only want tall, “hawt” guys to approach and talk to them.. balding, short and unattractive men should be jailed for trying to talk to a woman.

  8. ‘ Finally, standards are subjective. Since they get to decide what’s improper, you’re never safe from the self-appointed morality police.’
    The girls have decided it’s ok if you are hot.
    If you are ugly, they will get you sacked/arrested etc.
    ‘It’s not “creepy” if he’s hot. I freely admit it. When a very attractive stranger approaches me and tells me I’m beautiful, it brightens my day. When a guy who is short, fat or balding does it, it makes my skin crawl no matter how tactful he is about it. I just want him to go away. I’m not alone in feeling this way. Most women feel the same, but hide the true extent of it when the guys are around.’

    1. Most women don’t know how straight or gay they are either, so do with that knowledge what you want.

      1. A woman is as much a lesbian as she hates men. The two track together. I had a (feminist academician) colleague tell me that the “only person that can be man enough for me is a woman.”
        Volumes could be written about the wrongness of that statement. But I bet ~75% of women would find it “empowering” or otherwise appealing.

  9. Along with not listening to feminists (which is comparatively easy), we also need to stop expecting consistency (which is more difficult).
    Modern feminism just boils down to, “I want what I want, when I want it. I don’t care where it comes from or who has to sacrifice to provide it. It may be totally different than what I wanted last week or what other women want. I want it now, I want to enjoy it without any cost or negative consequences afterward, and by the way, don’t criticize or judge me for it.”

    1. It’s almost as if women are a diverse population of people with their own individual outlooks, goals, and personalities.

        1. Nah. If you had good fits, we would’ve seen em by now.

          Just leave, dumb ho.

      1. …who yet still all share the same unjustified sense of entitlement and lack of accountability.

        1. I believe that’s common among most of the youngsters these days, male or female.

  10. “Women have absolute control over how far an interaction (or a relationship) goes; that’s understood.”
    And that needs to change. After all, we want equality, right?

    1. Well no, that’s part of human nature and it’s exactly as it should be. Men are the invaders, women are the inviters.

      1. And once you’ve invaded, part of the spoils, is you keep what you kill. And, you rule over it.

  11. It’s the ugly feminist bitches who can’t attract the guys they like that promote this horseshit. Best thing to do is ignore them and only approach and flirt with the pretty women. Doing this will piss the feminists off even more and make them down a tub of ice cream and cry to their cats.

      1. On the contrary, they will just harping on and on and then get daddy government to pass laws like approaching is harassment. Then all women would be miserable and say, “Where are all the good men gone?”

    1. I can deal with feminists, fatties, fuglies, and smokin hotties… it’s the bitches that are just out of the truly attractive zone.. 5.5 – 6.5s who think they’re as hot as a 9 who’re completely unbearable.
      I.e. the dorky girl who looks 2-3 points better then she did in college, started working out, tanning, suddenly exerts her lifetime of ignoring men angst with her “new-found hotness.” I laugh directly in their faces, like bitch you know you’re NOT that girl so step off.

  12. I walked into a fast-food restaurant about a year ago and before I knew what was happening, two pretty teenage girls who worked there, zoomed around from behind the counter and proceeded to sandwich me in an aggressive manner while I was waiting in line to place my order. One of them whispered things of such a powerfully sexual nature into my right ear, that I damned near had a stroke. I should have called the cops right then and there, as the mental damage I incurred from that incident alone has given me many sleepless nights, as I continue to barricade my hotel door and cast an eye of suspicion at any female who smiles at me…so this issue cuts both ways! Rape is just wrong. Eye rape, whisper rape, dirty rape talk – the horror! (Oh, and I am going tranny soon, as a result of this traumatic encounter.)

    1. maybe they wanted uncle bob to whisk them away from their deep-fried hell of an existence??

        1. wow. gotta be disturbing when they are young enough to be your daughters…

        2. They were young enough to be my granddaughters…I am going to sue Jack-in-the-Box for $200 million.

        3. I hope to die sometime in my dotage in a menage with twins young enough to be my granddaughters while a nurse who went to school with them plays along behind the curtain.

        4. Common Bob, I am noticing that you are always being toooo generous with the women !
          You were actually been “assaulted” Sexually, Psychologically, Emotionally, Socially, Financially, Circumstantially etc. etc. etc. !!
          PS: Time to file a Law Suit against those employees and the Company !

        5. Agreed. As mentioned in this thread, I am taking Jack-in-the-Box down for $200 million…

        6. Bob, I was there, I saw everything and I am willing to testify.
          (for a small fee)

        7. Its gotta be strange being a hot chick twin.
          Incest is pretty much expected.

        8. My 21 year old daughter thinks it would be creepy for me to date girls her age.
          I explained she’s really limiting me setting a window of 18-20.

  13. was having a location specific bereft of beaver reconsideration of my location last week.
    But, I went for a run on the beach – saw 3 cute women – early 20s. –
    2 walking other way – said hi/wave – they simultaneously smiled and waved back….
    4 fatties lying on beach — no acknowledgement.
    ran around to the remote rocky point – chick – lying naked — she covered up when she saw me. we said hi and I ran on to the bluff, where I do multiple climbs.
    On way back – slowed to deal with her dog (excuse)… gave her my card. said I don’t want to hassle you while you’re lying here naked.
    she laughed.
    and I ran on…
    2 fuglies walking the other way – -polite hello from me — no response from them … have a certain stuck up cuntiness…
    eating outside cafe on weekend. cute woman(mid 30s) nearby – stands and has perfect ass. she is wearing riding pants, boots/spurs…
    I ask — were you riding a horse, or is that just your costume?
    she laughs – swishes her butt around — says she uses then to spur people in street. then says — yes they were riding…
    very sweet, mature – in wealthiest zip code in country…
    conclusion — hot chicks are friendly and happy.
    uglies – have too much attention and are nasty

    1. solid observations. I think its also that hot chicks realise that the attention you show them is actually a compliment. Fuglies can’t believe that anyone would show them attention unless there was something amiss

  14. The only thing women hate more than being objectified by men is not being objectified by men.

    1. You just distilled 90% of men’s confusion with the other sex down to one sentence.
      Get this man a cigar.

      1. You can’t always get what you want… but if you do, then cry and throw a temper tantrum and scream for something else.

      2. “Culture” doesn’t make her miss it.
        Being old and ugly makes her miss it.
        She’s Jessica Valenti – one of the most toxic feminists on the planet.

        1. I think she was old and ugly when she wrote the first article, too.

        2. and on top of that, she’s from Italy, just saying.. i told you, american men don’t come in Italy for serious dating, enjoy our art, food, scenery, but keep out from italycunts. You are being warned! (tip: Pump&dump works fine!)

        3. I see… so I have a Slovak last name, was born in America, as were my parents, but I am “from Slovakia?”
          Go away, butthurt child. You and your tiny fists bore me.

        4. oh you really hurt my feelings, and what about your rude words.. impressive! ah! one last word.. tell your mom it was fun last nite 😉

  15. There is a word missing from the headline.
    Women want to ban **UGLY** men from approaching them while still insisting men make the first move.

    1. Jammy this is so unfair. Women don’t want to ban ALL ugly men from approaching. Just the ones that aren’t rich.

      1. all you need to appear rich are $ sign cufflinks a la Richie Rich. In like flynn

    1. “He Raped Me”
      –This Woman
      “Choke me, pull my hair, use me like your little cum dumpster”
      –This Same woman to a different man.

        1. I was running with my shirt off as usual – note, very few men seem to exercise in public shirtless anymore.. pussies – anyways, I ran past a dyke couple, making very “clear” they’re lezbos, and the twink “girl” of the two genuinely checked me out hard, and I peaked back another 20 steps later to see her “girl-man” scolding her for doing it.. fuckin great shit.

        2. lesbian couple is a horrible thing. Each time i come across one, the two look like the same : 1 cubic meter heavy body, dressed like men without taste (long t shirt and jean), the same horrible short grey hair cut and a sad face.
          And they pretend they are happy together, althought their faces and wrinkles shout on the contrary ? go to hell seriously

      1. Correct you are. Since the exact same behaviors equal both “rape” and having her deepest desires fulfilled, then what is the distinguishing factor? Answer: if she’s not attracted to him (or is no longer attracted to him), it’s “rape.” We (men) really need to restore some kind of genuine definition to that word, because it has been degraded to the point of nonsense. Nonsense with the weight of law.

        1. The problem with Rape now is that it is basically the same as obscenity and Justice Potter Stewart said it best, “i know it when I see it”

    2. Her teeth are perfect. Trying to picture her with a relaxed face brings her up 2-3.5 points. Take a hb8 making the ugliest face they can. They only go down maybe 3 pts.
      This one is a 4 point drop but she can’t make her eyes lie. She’s an 8 doing her cheek and jaw exercizes:
      And this girl, another 4 point drop. I once rode on a bus as a guest to a Christian seminary camp. One girl did this face half the time and I now know she was full of shit. I should have chatted her. It was her #never DTF face to repel her beta group:
      And this >> mmm-mmm . . Lolita. A little difficult to see through this one, but you’re looking at a Lolita there . . mmm-mmm
      Such a face. I bet she can act and sing too. That ugly face looks right out of the state hospital. I can smell her talent. Contrast with her oh so lickable sweet face. Notice her natural face has no makeup which indicates a very high hb.
      And finally his one – would you bang? Her perfect nose gives her away even when she does the retard buck tooth face. Why that lying sack. Heh, can’t fool me:
      Basically you should always scratch the surface. Approach a hideous chick and sometimes she’s just making her ‘ugly face’ as a self defense mechanism. Maybe she’s trying to get from point A to B without getting hit up. Makes sense. Still you don’t want your face to stick like that as your mother warned.

  16. That chick moved to NYC and got what should be expected. If she moved to a small, quiet town her problem would be solved but she would hate it because it’s *sigh “so boring.” NYC is still her preference by far.

  17. I wonder how much of this is academics. Women talk….a lot. They say how much they are harassed, oogled over or whatever, but how much of that is just their way of humble bragging? Somebody being friendly is exaggerated to being oogled over and harassed. So, these stories are blown way out of proportion, or made up out of thin air and given a negative context.

    1. Good point…and in some cases, after they take it too far via embellishments, one of their friends calls them out on it and the story starts to unravel a little bit, so the bitch in question calls the police and files charges…”There – I TOLD you it happened,” etc.

      1. I know my niece (about a 3, overweight) has never been asked out at age 20…she is bitter towards men as a result. She hears these stories, and is dumbfounded that guys act this way, but not at her. All it is, is women talking.

        1. Being fat and white, she would get oogle boogled in Houston, Baltimore, DC, Atlanta, Indy, Newark, Jacksonville, the list goes on. Just get her on a treadmill. I want so bad to one day open up a ‘Fat Island’ concentration camp style weight loss clinic. It will have to be on an actual island somewhere with no cell tower coverage.

      2. Its also amusing how they twist a guys intentions when a guy is friendly to a woman. Yes in most cases a guy is trying to create a means in which to establish a relationship, so he is nice to a woman to show he’s not a creep (even if this isn’t effective, that’s a discussion for another time).
        But it is eye opening to see how much disdain they have for “nice guys” yet they claim to hate the aggressive guys who approach and make their intentions immediately clear. So which is it? You despise a guy who allegedly didn’t make his intentions clear by being nice to you and hoping you’d reciprocate and you also hate a guy who was aggressive and made his intentions clear in the first place.
        I noticed a trend when I was on campus where I saw a few women get really uncomfortable when I made my intentions clear. Its really no surprise that most young guys now a days resort to trying to be friends first, because they get immediately shelled by the girl they are interested in for asking them out. I asked three girls out who I knew at very points in the semester and they all responded the exact same way, they were shocked when I asked. Its either that I wasn’t good enough for them, or they simply do not want to be asked out on campus. I no longer care what the reason is.

        1. One of the greatest skills of pick-up, which once you’ve got her, you can steer towards what you want anyways, is to make conversations in the first few months metaphoric. So much so that you’re literally having two conversations at the same time almost always. One is informational sprinkled with tidbits of emotion to maintain some levity and push-pull tension release, the other is highly sexualized without being ever once picked up by the radar.
          Almost like subliminal programming but not the level of NLP. For instance; “I was riding my bike today, stopped at a crossroad on the bike path, and a butterfly flew up and landed on my right hand. It just sat there and kept spreading its wings slowly over and over. I didn’t want to scare it off but it wouldn’t go, so eventually I lifted my hand and blew it into the wind.”
          See, in that one described event, which was actually true, no bullshit, I paralleled a butterfly with a woman (or vagina), implicated it “just landed on me,” (girls like me and are attracted to me), kept spreading it’s wings (opening their legs), it wouldn’t go away (I don’t need it there if I don’t want it there, but it wants me, beauty wants me), and I finally just blew it away (I could care less if women are glued to me, could take ’em or leave ’em, and will if my time is more important doing something better). Oh yea, and landed on my “right” hand, as in sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. Sounds funny I know, but the details count, the “actual” details not some made up bullshit.
          2-conversations, 1 actual story about a random event, the other a sexualized subliminal planting into their subconscious

    2. Unfortunately, such “academic” talk and its attendant illogic have flooded out into the regular culture. I’ve seen many a FB page where a lament about “rape culture!” is shortly followed by a lament about how “men don’t believe in chivalry anymore!”.

      1. I’m not on FB, but I do make it a point in threads to respond to those kinds of comments with-
        the Patriarchy is dead, get over it.

  18. (Maybe today I’ll find the man of my dreams.)
    “Excuse me, miss, do you know the time?
    (I can’t believe it, this loser doesn’t even have a watch?)
    “Buzz off, creep.”
    “Oh, uh, pardon me then.” Dumbfounded, he leaves, gets into his Ferrari and just makes it to his most recent modeling gig.
    (I can’t even have one quiet day out without being harassed.)

    1. Seen the meme on the internet where every response to even the most innocuous question is, “I have a boyfriend”?
      Like the one where it’s a guy working in a fast food place asking, ‘What do you want to order?”

  19. Women are paranoid of being considered a slut. This, “I don’t like attention” shtick is just a cover up. I’d say the more she pushes this issue, the sluttier she is.

    1. I would say you are right as rain there. Women do that sort of thing as a means of creating a mask, for purposes of plausible deniability.
      The more they scream about how they hate attention and rapey-rape advances from men, the more likely they are to work at a titty bar on the side…or sell their asses via Craigslist.

    2. Absolutely, they go through more pain covering up how slutty they are, than the actual act of being sluts. I never even bother telling a girl why I’ve lost interest or citing prime examples of what I experienced with her that made me dump her or lose interest. I just give a vague; “You know there’s certain things I noticed that aren’t compatible with the type of man I am, which you should have already known.”

  20. I recently infiltrated a feminist relationship bítch site and did some studying on how they tick. It was an interesting experience to say the least. I was able to hang in there long enough to confirm the cognitive dissonance this article brings to light before I was banned. Truth in advertising: I told them up front that I was Red Pill. They want men too initiate, but they don’t want us to initiate. They want male attention except when they don’t want male attention. They want exclusivity (even from anonymous online acquaintances), but offer no such thing in return. The channel owner commented on how it seemed “they” (the women on that channel) attracted nerds. She is married to an engineer and complained that he hardly ever initiated romantic contact (and I’ve seen her picture, she is very pretty). From what I could gather she married a beta provider and was lamenting that he didn’t act like an alpha. Duh! They want to be able to walk through a shítty neighborhood at midnight with all of their assets hanging out and not have to worry about being raped…but don’t want to learn self defense or even carry a gun. The level of delusion was amazing. And they are really down on the Red Pill / MGTOW movement for avoiding relationships based on the shít they’ve managed to pull in divorces and child support cases. It was a sight to behold…

    1. I think there are a few of us that have lurked or got banned on those sites. Just one comment to call out their hypocrisy, and they will turn on you like a pack of hyenas.
      I like to see myself as an alpha provider. Yes, I make the income and she stays home with the kids. But, she has dinner waiting for me, I make the decisions, and she works to please. No woman will ever respect a “happy wife, happy life” beta. Consequently, she will never be happy with one.

      1. “No woman will ever respect a “happy wife, happy life” beta.”
        My aunt does. My uncle has been saying that for decades, and she still adores him. I can’t figure it out.

        1. Probably because he doesn’t figure out what she wants, he’s decisive and it makes her happy.

      2. Spot on with the Happy wife, happy life lie. Women don’t want placated, they want decisiveness in their men. My favorite is when my wife says “Why do you always get to pick what we do on a date night?”. When I give her a choice it’s “Oh, I don’t know, where do you want to go/what do you want to do?”. I remind her every time of these responses, but I will still occasionally give her a 10 second deciding window before I make the call. It keeps her from believing her sister’s bullshit that I am just a controlling prick. Or maybe I am and just don’t give a damn.

        1. I was upfront with my wife when we first started dating about not being a mind reader. If in response to being asked-If she said, “I don’t care (where we eat, what movie we see, what we do this weekend….)”
          We would be eating/seeing/doing what I wanted.

    2. Hmm. They both know and don’t know what they want? Their opinions are fleeting? Capricious? Unreliable? It sounds like you are describing women if I am not mistaken.

      1. That right there is the key to handling all shit tests. Realize no matter how much they scream and throw fits, they don’t know what they want.

        1. Even if they knew, they wouldn’t tell you, because you’re supposed to “just get it.”

      1. ‘Fraid not. I am who I am wherever I go. I don’t need to change my avatar every fifteen minutes like the male and female bimbos, because #triggered. It took me a lot longer to get banned than I thought it would though. I think I did a pretty good job of playing along with them. Even got myself dubbed “Cap’n White Knight Save-a-Ho™”! LMAO!

        1. Ugh! That same hair on the most beautiful woman you can think of would have the identical boner-shriveling effect.

    3. The minute those pathetic pussies start waling “through a shitty neighborhood at midnight with all of their so called assets handing out”, that very minute & moment, they LOST the right to carry a gun.
      Ask those pathetic pussies whether they leave their Doors of Home, Car, Garage etc. “unlocked” !! pathetic pussies !
      As long as MEN (directly or indirectly) allow these kind of filthy females to pass through, they will continue their shitty attitude !!

    4. Doesn’t modern feminism just boil down to, “I want what I want, when I want it. I don’t care where it comes from or who has to sacrifice to provide it, it may be totally different than what I wanted last week or what other women want. I want it now, I want to enjoy it without any cost or negative consequences afterward, and by the way, don’t criticize or judge me for it.”

      1. I think that about sums it up. Feminism is just another brigade in the free sh!t army…

        1. “Feminism consists of Strong Independent Women demanding that the government play daddy to them with money taken from men.” – Glenn Reynolds

  21. There is a great deal of serious, and often undiagnosed, mental illness and substance abuse among American women. This “don’t-touch-me- or I-will-sue-but-feel-free-to-come-hither-and -feed-my-ego” is the latest demonstration. Old fashioned coquettishness can be a very charming trait, as can traditional courting where a man initiates and a politely declines a couple of times, with the intention of eventual acceptance. However, the aforementioned did not include this insane militance and hatred of men. This attack on femininity by females is so awful. Women have to start keeping other women in check.

      1. well it would be one thing if they looked and behaved like princesses, but instead they either resemble Shrek or Malificent.

        1. Some are quite attractive, but what has happened is media has inflated their SMV in their heads at least 2 points above where they are. An average girl should be pleased as punch to have an average guy be willing to surrender his life’s work and emotional support to support her in return for household chores, childcare and sex. But they think they are above that now, and end up ruining themselves during their 20’s.

        2. How true that is! The female ego is something else. I have seen seen single women reject excellent men because they believe they deserve/can do better. The men often end up with more attractive women, while the women who rejected become drunk spinsters. I try to red pill the women I know. Some are more receptive than others.

        3. Every time a woman says “There are no good men” what she means is that there are no men she deems “good enough” for her to stop riding the carousel.

        4. Sometimes it means she, by her own lack of effort, doesn’t have access to good men.

        5. I doubt that. The fattest, ugliest, shittiest woman can find a man if she wants. All she has to do is find a fat ass beta male and give him a little positive feedback. He’ll be hooked for life, put her on a pedestal and wait on her hand and foot. She probably wouldn’t even have to fuck him.

        6. I would suppose “there are no good men” because she is doing nothing to attract the good men. Short skirts and having a stench of alcohol attracts one sort of guy. Having morals and knowing how to cook attracts another sort of guy.

        7. There was a bar restaurant I used to go to and the manager told me that one night I need to stay until closing time because it is absolutely hilarious. About an hour before closing these fat chicks come in already buzzed and start buying shots for themselves and sneaking them to the bus boys….5 foot tall Mexican dudes who have been working all day. Get them a couple of modelos and a few shots and by the time they lock the door up they take them home.

        8. guy in my building left wifey about a year ago. mid 40s, mighta been decent looking 20 yrs ago. not obese, but 20 extra pounds in the midsection(shaped like a refrigerator).
          has two guys on rotation, one late 30s, one late 40s…its unreal

        9. She can find a man, no doubt – but not a “good man” Genuine alphas aren’t easy to lock down.

        10. Exactly. Too many women want/expect top tier men but aren’t willing to put in the effort it takes to be top tier themselves.

        11. I get what you are saying, but they want to tie down a good, attractive, alpha male. In order to get that, they need to up their game. Showing some leg ain’t enough.

        12. Why should they? Ever since they were little kids, media has been telling them that they are better than guys. By the time they are done ruining themselves, the cold truth dawns on them.

        13. When Hippos go hunting!! Hahahaha!! That should be a special all it’s own. This must be the real rape culture we keep hearing about!

        14. yep. Media and school. The boys are being told they’re less than the girls, too.
          A few weeks ago I’m walking down a busy street with my 9 year old nephew. Chatting away, as I usually do, I’m oblivious to a break in traffic that would have allowed us to cross. I look over and the nephew is shaking his head.
          Smiling he says, “We could have just crossed but you were too busy talking to notice.”
          “Oh, gosh, I was. Sorry”
          Laughs. “That’s why boys are better than girls”
          He’s homeschooled. There’s hope.

        15. Yes, it’s tempting to think these women will be punished and be unable to find anyone but it’s not true. Even women who are in their 30s and losing the looks can still land an educated man with a decent salary. He may not be physically attractive, but he will do.

        16. This is the thing about miscegenation:
          Even if it’s only the unattractive white women going with non-white men (I strongly disagree that this is true but even if it were), it still messes up the dating market. If the 2’s, 3’s and 4’s go for non-white men, then the 5’s, 6’s, and 7’s can now demand to date white men who are 8’s, 9’s and 10’s, respectively. It skews the dating market.

        17. I don’t mind a little healthy experimentation. Also, if the Mexicans are willing to fuck land whales…well, we all need lovin’ If the dating market is skewed it is skewed in my favor and I am happy with how things are.

        18. Even if she did attract an attractive alpha male, she’ll perpetually shit test him and turn him into a beta and then dump him. Then the cycle repeats.

        19. I think it does, about the time they stop getting hit on, and find they are alone with nothing to attach themselves to, other than a cat, or 20.

        20. If he is an alpha male, then the perpetual shit tests will have little effect. She might argue with him and leave, but not turn him into a beta. The true alpha/beta test comes in the years of marriage, and cannot be faked at some bar.

    1. It’s impossible for women to keep other women in check. They must be checked by wise males or else the herd gets managed by the state if the state exists. If the state is crumbled, women die like flies until a balanced 5% remain as per natural forces. This would never happen since men will always step in and individually manage women like personal loyal pets and servant/breeders.

      1. Interesting theory. I don’t know if I agree. I think that a truly fulfilled woman- a good, smart mother and wife who is happy in her roles, can have a great positive influence on her daughters, not to mention her sons and husband. The importance of a woman’s role in relation to her family cannot be overstated.
        I don’t believe that women who are treated like pets, servants and breeders can ever have this sort of positive influence because it limits their inherent creativity and ability to nurture and create beauty is limited. I have observed that a happy woman who loves her marriage and creates a positive home-life , almost always has successful and happy husband. Where as women who are negative or unhappy have the same effect on their men. It’s up to women to share that wisdom with other women and to shun the ones who reject it.

      2. That’s why girls slut-shame. That was them keeping each other in check on the lower level. The 60s redefined all that.

  22. Feminism really is cancer. It has actually now become literally (hitler) cancer.
    Feminism is destroying everything feminine and female, and pulling down western civilization with it.

    1. Ok fuck I have to ask. What is up with the Hitler in brackets? Search brings up the tri-bracket but I know what that means.

      1. It is a comment on the overuse of the word “literally” to such a degree that “literally” no longer actually means “literally.” The most often overused example of this is the common SJW sperg that “Trump is literally Hitler”. No one but Hitler can “literally” be Hitler.

  23. Ahhhhh,the double standard women(which is ALL OF THEM)….Dislike,look down on and belittle the Men they don’t deem worthy YET allow men they do to get away with all sorts of behavior.

  24. “Women talking to men, or each other, isn’t street harassment” because women rarely kidnap men, rape them, and murder them. This is a concern of women, however, and explains why women might logically be wary of approaches from men they are not acquainted with.

    1. In the real world, its more important to have cops trying to track down and arrest the small number of actual, real rapists rather than have them running down every single instance of some guy whistling at a girl walking by.

        1. Ahh, you are one of those classic disingenuous leftists, reframing the discussion for your own purposes.

        2. Men are the victims of crime as well, including crime perpetrated by people they don’t know approaching them on the street. It does not logically flow from that point of view that a law should be enacted forbidding people who don’t know each other from interacting on the street.

    2. You think men frequently kidnap women, rape them and murder them in, say, broad daylight on a populated city street or would it be safe to say that as I meander down park avenue on my lunch break, if I smile and say hello to a woman her fear of being sold into sex slavery or having a kidney removed would be a little bit paranoid.

      1. I think women are paranoid in general, but I would be too if I was a woman.

        1. Are you also afraid every time a black person walks by? Statistically they are the most likely to rob you.

        2. Paranoia is an irrational, baseless or excessive fear. That doesn’t sound very smart or logical.

        3. It’s very rational when most women who are sexually assaulted are assaulted by someone they know – it incentivizes women to be very selective in who they choose to associate with.

        4. So it’s “rational” to be paranoid, which is an irrational fear? Rational to be irrational?
          And women should (rationally) have an irrational fear of people they don’t know, because they might rape them… but women should also (rationally) have an irrational fear of people they DO know, because they might rape them?

        5. No. Why? In your experience, are people raised by lesbians extremely intelligent?

        6. What I said shouldn’t have been thst hard to understand. I said it’s wise for women to be very selective.

        7. Your question was based on the falsehood that “blacks are statistically more likely to rob me.”

        8. Your little discussion technique is as petty and disingenuous as it is transparent and weak.
          Do you even lift?

        9. Insisting that someone is “disingenuous” every time they say something you don’t like isn’t really an argument

        10. I apologize, your worshipfulness. Please, continue to grace us with your beneficent wisdom.

        11. well, if you ever leave your city and come to LA or NYC or Chicago will your cringe in terror every time a black guy walks past?

        12. I ask because you made a claim. That women reasonably fear cold approaches by men because men may rape or murder them. So if you are in, say, Chicago and a black man asks you the time will you be afraid for your life as in Chicago a black man is more likely to rob, beat or murder you than anyone else? Should we legislate that in cities with large African American populations where the crime rate is very high amongst them that blacks can’t speak to whites they don’t know on the street?

        13. No, but I would probably be more wary of any adult male on a dark and isolated street than an elderly woman.

        14. The fact that you want to talk about “black crime” sort of demonstrates your inability to refute my obviously logical explanation of why women don’t like being approached by strange men.

        15. Everybody back away. Mr. Internet Bad Ass is in the middle of beating down a bunch of my-soggy-knees on the intrawebs. Be careful, he’s probably taking screen-shot scalps to show off so he can impress some SJW ham-planets.

        16. “Talking about me” isn’t really serving to make you look any better…

        17. Actually, blacks commit about 50% of the murders ( I think its 54%) in the USA while they only constitute about 13% of the population…..although they are mainly killing each other…however, when there is an interracial incident its more likely to be black on white (like rape)….so there IS something to what Lolknee says. Black crime. Black crime. Stats are from US DOJ. Pretty reliable source.

        18. There’s something two what he says if you’re desperately trying to change the subject away from the subject at hand.

        19. “women might logically be wary of approaches from men they are not acquainted with”
          ” most women who are sexually assaulted are assaulted by someone they know”
          Try picking a story and sticking with it.

        20. Do you understand that, in order to know someone, you must meet them first?

        21. I am only saying that it is the same as you being afraid simply because a black man approaches you

        22. On a dark and isolated street I’d be wary of everyone. Likewise, some little tramp strolling half in the bag dressed like a whore on a dark night on an isolated street would be rightly afraid if approached.
          However, if you smile at a woman and say hello while waiting for an elevator at your populated office building during rush hour it’s different.
          So it is a situational fear, not a legitimate fear of men

        23. Are most women who are assaulted attacked by a stranger on the street, or by someone they know?

        24. the typical reaction of a woman when a man asks her for the time

        25. I don’t know, you tell me. Also, I don’t see the point

        26. Of course they are. The point is, “if your group of acquaintances poses the biggest threat to your safety, you should choose that group carefully.”

        27. So what is your argument? Women shouldn’t be approached, because they eventually get sexually assaulted by the men that approach them? Seems like poor logic to me. I would love to see the actual statistics on that.
          Perhaps maybe they are being sexually assaulted by the bad boy losers they willingly choose to associate with….
          Perhaps in a perfect world women would just approach men and there wouldn’t be issues that come up like having men approach them that they dont want to associate with. Except for the inconvenient fact that women refuse to approach most men and won’t settle unless they get exactly what they feel they deserve.
          This is exactly what the article is outlining…

        28. So, and let me see if I understand this, and keep in mind that I have conducted this conversation in a civil manner, are you saying that since it is the case that most women who are attacked are attacked by strangers that women would be right to fear any stranger approaching them under any circumstance even if it is just to say hello and flirt? Further, if this is what you are saying are you denying that since most robbery is committed by minorities that white people would be right to fear robbery any time a minority they don’t know , under any circumstances, approaches them and talks to them? If I have misunderstood your point please correct me. If I haven’t please explain to me why, by your logic, an inherent distrust of minorities doesn’t follow suit.

        29. The point is it’s here to jerk itself off to how clever and bad-ass it is, the most kingly of Secret Gamma Kings!
          It does type well one-handed, though.

        30. My argument is, “Men shouldn’t take it that personally if women don’t want to meet them in the streets because they’re only afraid of being raped and/or murdered.” Do you settle for women below your standard?

        31. I suspect you are right, but I want to hear him out. Let it not be said that the kneeman won’t listen and give people a chance.

        32. why did you say that? are you saying that because of something I said? Why would you even mention smart or logical or irrational or baseless…do you think I am baseless!!!

        33. Don’t know about you guys, but I take my upvote-to-comment ratio very seriously.

        34. nah champ, I’m curious about this one. I want to know if he is willing to be consistent with his point. If his point is that women are more likely to be raped and kidnapped by men they don’t know and because of this they have a right to feel paranoid whenever a man they don’t know talks to them I want to know if he is willing to admit that the logical extrapolation of that claim is that since white men are more likely to be robbed or murdered by minorities they are rightfully paranoid every time a black person talks to them

        35. My point – “If your pool of acquaintances poses the biggest threat to your safety, choose that group wisely.” Not hard to understand.

        36. Years ago, when she was still alive, I had an aunt who was a Berkley PhD (sociology IIRC i.e. a Marxist) and a rabid feminazi lesbian. I was raised in a very Jeffersonian household and she would constantly rail against my dad (her brother) who was VERY Red Pill (before there was such a thing). She tried to indoctrinate me in the way of socialism and “tolerance”, but failed because I had been taught critical thinking from an early age. She would also carry on about the racist culture we lived in and would call my dad a racist. Never mind that I grew up in a community that was predominantly black, we were raised to be respectful to all people and we got along well with our neighbors irrespective of race. One night on her way home from work (she worked at HUD in a large eastern city, imagine that) a rather large black fellow punched her in the face, grabbed her purse and pushed her down two flights of stairs. That incident alone turned her into one of the most virulent racists I’ve ever seen! After getting mugged, she continuously referred to all blacks with the “N-word” and usually preceded it with GD! My how the libtard attitude can turn on a dime, lol!

        37. It was a lot easier when you didnt have to log in to vote. lotta peeps have inflated vote counts 😉

        38. I settle within a realistic means of what I offer and what I desire from a woman. I’m also not being approached by women and vast majority of men in this world aren’t being approached. So what are we supposed to do? Yes its true that being approached on the street is not conventional and typically not acceptable, nor is it acceptable to catcall. But I would gather that most men are not rapists and murderers.
          If women want to date in a world that is a feminist utopia, they better start approaching men and have realistic standards so that relationships can work. They want feminism but still want men to be aggressive and approach. It cant work like that.

        39. I would imagine women settle for the most desirable partner they can get – just like men.

        40. How is that a falsehood? It’s completely factual
          You seem like the kind of guy that would let your wife have sex with black men to prove that you’re not racist

        41. It’s a falsehood where I live – we have a miniscule black population. Didn’t I already say that?

        42. But they also complain about how there aren’t any good guys left. When society actively discourages men to approach women and expect men to act in a feminized fashion to appeal better to women, this is the result.
          I dont have an issue with women desiring a top mate, but what do they offer? What do they bring to the table? I think if they dropped their standards to a realistic level, they would start seeing there is a sea of good guys out there.

        43. So the saying holds true, “a liberal is some one who hasn’t been mugged yet.”

        44. I bet if you dropped your standards to include ugly girls, you’d find there’s a sea of good girls out there. Will you be dropping your standards?

        45. No, but I do make sure to keep an eye on them. You’re foolish if you don’t.

        46. “Pardon me Sir, could I trouble you for the time? Dis nigga got a job interview to get to.”
          You do know that is how a good percent of robberies and assaults begin, right? With asking the time? It allows the perp to get nice and close and makes you take your eyes off them so they can strike and you can’t block it.
          A few months ago I was out for a walk at like 3 am and some guy (white but looked like trouble) came toward me asking where some station was. I told him to stop advancing, and put up my hand. If you think that makes me a coward, so be it. But I sure don’t need some criminal getting close enough to breathe on me or stab me.

        47. I’m not willing to, because I’m not the one complaining that there aren’t any good girls out there. I already told you my standards. Women in droves complain they can’t find a good man but pass them up on a daily basis.

        48. In my experience, most attractive women are involved in relationships. I know very few women who are single but reject all suitors. I think that just like anyone, women will settle for the highest quality partner that they feel they can have.

        49. If I didnt approach my ex at work, i wouldn’t have dated her for nearly 3 years. And she is an attractive woman. All the women that I’ve ever met, I’ve pretty much cold approached. For many years women were completely fine with it, but recently, they’ve been indoctrinated to fear men. That is the issue here. I view myself as an above average mate and desire to be with someone who is my equal in that regard. However, I will settle for less if I find someone who I think is a good fit. Women will not do that and will be skating through their 30s wondering where all the good guys are now. They were approaching you in your 20s and you systematically denied them or dated losers who never offered commitment.

        50. Yes, you met her at work – a normal and socially acceptable scenario for men to approach women. As yet, approaching women on the street is not normal, so men who do it might be perceived as not normal. Women won’t “settle for less” if they find a good fit? I can’t imagine where you get your information from – none of it is based on reality.

        51. Basically women like those should just stay indoors at all times and not talk to anyone. The world would be better off.

        52. No, that isn’t hard to understand at all. What is hard to understand is why you are saying this non-sequitur as if it is in any way relevant to the discussion while avoiding the question about a) what you are implying in your claim and b) the larger picture of the world should your claim be correct. Reading through here I see everyone has treated you like a little shitball troll and I have given you the benefit of the doubt that you have some kind of claim that you might have some evidence for. So I pose the question again to you
          1) Are you claiming that women are rightfully afraid when strange men, in any context, approach them because strange men are more likely to kidnap or rape them and
          2) If you are claiming this would you also acknowledge that since you are more likely to be robbed and beaten and murdered by a minority, that as a white man I would be rightfully suspicious of any black who tried to talk to me regardless of situation.

        53. Come on dude, you think that black guy on the street is trying to talk to you because he noticed you dropped a hundred dollar bill on the ground and he wants to return it to you? Come on be serious. He’s either trying to panhandle or jack you.

        54. Technically work isn’t a normal and socially acceptable area for men to approach women anymore. I could have gotten in big trouble for asking her out there due to harassment rules at work.
          Do you have data to back up your assumptions about men approaching women? I’ve already agreed with you that the street isn’t an acceptable area to ask a woman out. The lines are currently blurred as to what means are acceptable for men to ask women out.
          My perception of the current dating environment is that men are consistently checking out of not only approaching women, but completely removing themselves from the race all together. This is problematic for many reasons and a good case study is looking at Japan and seeing what is happening to their country when men completely check out of dating.
          Look at the data when it comes to marriage rates in this country in comparison to the gen x and my parents generation. My inclination is that women are refusing to invest in men in their 20s, which is dramatically different than their mothers who would invest in a guy they know. Women now are holding out for their Disney fairy tale, which never comes.

        55. I am aware that asking the time or directions is a common way. I grew up in bushwick, I am no stranger to how robberies get started. Back in the dark days of a dangerous new York when Dinkins was mayor there was a rash of robberies in central park where some guy would say “can you tell me how to get to xyz” knowing that to point it out you would have to turn your head and then they would bash the back of your head with a rock, remove your wallet and boogie. At least one person was killed.
          As for your actions, I don’t think it makes you a coward. It was 3 am. I think you are nuts to be out at 3 am in general but that is a whole other thing. I don’t walk the streets after midnight. I am rarely out that late anyway, I just am not a late night kind of guy, but on the occasions when I am I always take a cab

        56. Yes, but I want to see if mr liberal shit bag here will admit to it.

        57. Also, I keep an eye on everyone…black white Asian doesn’t matter.

        58. With the ubiquity of smartphones, it is rather absurd to ask anyone for the time. It used to be the ice breaker, but not now.

        59. I don’t see any reason for any man to talk to another man in the street ever unless they are faggots. Even if they are lost it is 2017, use your mobile phone. That isn’t the point of my question. The OP said that women rightly fear any contact by males because males are more likely to rape and rob them. I want to see if he will admit that his own logic can be applied to blacks, but he is too much of a liberal shithead to do so apparently. I might have actually had some respect for his point, even if I disagree with it, if he would just be willing to be consistent rather than bullshit minorities = good every time men = bad every time

        60. Hey, just because we’re paranoid doesn’t mean the world isn’t out to get us. 😉

        61. Women don’t fear rape in the West. If they did, they would walk with male chaperones (boyfriend, brother, friend etc). Instead, they walk down dark alleys, walk home from campus, stagger home drunk from the bar. Now of course, sometimes they do get nabbed and raped (and murdered) as happened to that Italian jogger recently in New York. But women still choose to dress revealingly, travel alone, and wear earbuds.

        62. And many men are holding out for that “HB 10” that never comes, so how is what women are doing any different?

        63. This is also true. Women in NYC don’t really need to fear rape if they have any brains. The Italian jogger was, first of all, not in what I would consider New York proper she was in queens…in Howard Beach….jogging alone, off the track in the early morning hours. If she was jogging at 6 pm in central park this would not have been an issue. I would love to see how many women were raped and murdered between 57th street and 96th street between the hours of 7am-7pm. If I walk around the south Bronx at 2 am and then I got mugged and murdered this isn’t a problem endemic of the south Bronx it is a problem endemic of me being an idiot.

        64. Shit yea.
          Good job.
          I do not let beggars get close to me.
          On foot or in car.

          Stay back, I got nothing for you.
          If they want to start some shit , then I’ve got several things for them.

        65. I simply can’t express it any simpler than I already have. No further explanation will be provided to you. Read it again.

        66. Well done Hue. Honestly I thought it would be @bem

        67. Fairy tales are not real. The only one that is even close was Princess Diana and look what happened to her. She had it all but still fooled around on the side.

        68. You know, I did read it again. As it turns out you simply have not made a single consistent or coherent argument and my treating you as anything other than a fucking moron was a failure on my part. I really need to be more astute with you fucking retards.

        69. The fact that you resort to insults sort of shows who had the coherent argument and who didnt. Bye.

        70. actually….I gave you ample opportunities to not, ya know, be stupid. You just couldn’t pull it together.

        71. So why complain about women refusing to lower their standards, but not accuse men of the same thing? I don’t see articles on ROK telling men to shoot for less attractive women with good personalities.

        72. Dude, you think its unacceptable for a man to ask out a woman on the street???
          What in the flying duck????
          What’s a man to do? Just hope that particular woman. Appears at a party he’s going to?

        73. If women have any fear of being assaulted, it pales in comparison to the fear of having to spend time in the company of a beta or undesirable man. All women could have some male friend or orbiter walk them to their car or walk them home or go with them on a jog or wait outside the bathroom etc. But they choose to do these things alone. What other inferences can we draw?

        74. Where did I not accuse men of the same thing?
          You’ll typically see articles on ROK suggesting that men should improve themselves and use tactics to make themselves appeal better to women who have unrealistic standards. So that men can be the type of men that women desire. I might not agree with this method, but you’ll see these articles and many others in the manosphere.
          Its been known for years that men typically have lower standards than women. Women can have high standards and I’ve already suggested that its fine if they desire a top mate. But they shouldn’t be too surprised when the years pass on and there aren’t any “top mates” for them to date. How many articles have been written where women blast men and still say where are all the good men?
          I dont expect to pull an absolutely gorgeous woman if I’m not extremely handsome myself. And even though I usually do not restrict myself from talking to women who are above my level in the “sexual market place”, I do not expect them to be dropping all their interest in other men to date me.
          I’m offering a solution. If we all give a little in the standards department and invest in each other, I think you’ll see happier people and the articles from both men and women who hate on each other, begin to disappear.

        75. “If women have any fear of being assaulted, it pales in comparison to the fear of having to spend time in the company of a beta or undesirable man. ” Hilarious and correct.

        76. Perhaps unacceptable wasn’t the best word choice. But I dont think its the best means if you just randomly approach someone walking down the street and expect them to be warm and receptive to your advances.

        77. Because you haven’t looked. Check the archives, there was one on here about- you’re not a 10 or something like that. Notice all the articles about working out, dressing better, improving one’s appearance?
          This site constantly tells men that they need to improve themselves to be attractive to women. You can’t be the guy playing video games and bitterly masturbating in your mother’s basement eating Cheetos.

        78. So, you actually agree with shura?
          “Sure. If a women chooses to hunt down and associate with the small percentage of rapists in this world, God bless. That’s on her. Don’t blame all the other men for the consequences of your bad choice.”

        79. What about women’s standards is unrealistic? If men have lower standards than women, that’s only natural – women take a way bigger risk in a casual relationship

        80. Of course not. The idea that women are choosing to associate with men they know will rape then is so ludicrous that I didn’t dignify it with a response.

        81. But he contradicts himself indicating they’re more likely to be hurt by the people they know, not the stranger. Hence, it goes back to Shura’s point that a lot of women getting hurt is due to bad judgment on their part on who they choose to associate with.
          It is not the strange man approaching them on the street saying hello that is the problem, hence it is not a rational fear.

        82. kneeman- you know you’re trolling him right back, revealing his entire position is simply virtue signaling.

        83. But that has consistently been your position, and is in fact accurate, they are most likely to be raped or assaulted by someone they know.
          However, taking that to a logical conclusion seems beyond your capabilities.

        84. It went that way in the end, but I was willing to let him be consistent. I would disagree that you should be hyper cautious about anyone based on sex or race and say that a lot of it is situational. If I am on Madison avenue at noon and a black guy in a suit asks me where, say, the flat iron building is I wouldn’t be worried. If I was in Riverside Park at midnight and a black guy asked me, well, pretty much anything I would move on. Same with women. They don’t need to be afraid of men even if they really ought to practice situational awareness and valid caution when they are in places which are likely to be dangerous or, better yet, avoid being in places like that at all.

        85. Yeah, he wants to argue like 11 sides of one argument as long as he gets back to a all men are virulent and dangerous rapists point. I totally agree with you. I did want to see if this dipshit would at least have the courage of his convictions and be consistent with his argument even if it went against liberal talking points which I still would have disagreed with but at least afforded him the respect of taking him at his word that he was being genuine instead of, ya know, a living, breathing, walking turd

        86. All of that was quite clear, and bringing race into it as an analogy was quite illuminating in having him demonstrate he is just posturing mindlessly.

        87. We had a saying when I was stationed in the Navy in SoCal-
          Nothing good happens in Tijuana after midnight.
          Every big city I’ve been in across the world has places the locals will tell you are a good place to avoid. Unless you really enjoy being targeted for crime.

        88. yup. And truthfully, if he made his point about women and how they have every right to fear every man in every situation if they don’t already know them because men are statistically more likely to hurt them and was consistent with the non liberal d-bag side of that argument and said the same goes for a white man when he sees a black man in every situation unless he already knows him then I would say…oh ok, well I still disagree but at least this guy isn’t just some d-bag troll. Disagreeing with me, despite what most people think, doesn’t make a person stupid or even necessarily wrong. but being a flaming pile of dog plop does.

        89. The young girls will be brought up with Disney fairy tales that don’t have any men in them. Sure there will be a few Reince Pubis types for the girls to snigger at, but not any real men.

        90. Correct. People talk about New York being dangerous. Well I go to a restaurant 92% white and affluent neighborhood with a 7 pm reservation, leave at 9 and go to a bar that serves 20 dollar cocktails just down the road and by 11 pm the latest have the doorman go outside and find me a taxi which he holds the door open while I get in and which then gets me home by 11:15. I feel 0 danger. Literally I am the most dangerous person out there and I am so straight edge you could shave with me. If you go to stupid places and do stupid things at stupid times then bad things happen. “I was in a shady club near the projects at 430 am buying coke from some guy who said he was paranoid about selling in the club so I had to go into a back alley with him” That says absolutely nothing about he dangerous nature of a fucking city when you show up dead.

        91. Insults are of little worth. Let us take it as a given that human beings are naturally social, and that the vast majority of people, men and women, require interaction with other people. Since a woman is more likely to be assaulted by someone she knows, it is logical for her to limit her group of male acquaintances.

        92. Reince Pubis, I’m sure you mean well but this posts tells me with all certainty you are either a man with very little understanding of women or else a woman posting here for no other reason than to start trouble.

        93. And your post tells me that you can’t back up your claims, so you resort to making pronouncements about me personally.

        94. Missed opportunity for an interesting exchange.
          It’s the oddity, the unusual that we notice and makes the spidey-senses tingle. Hence, although I have been seduced a couple of times where the woman took the initiative, it is rare enough for me personally that I was/will be suspicious when it occurred/occurs. Paranoids live longer.
          I think a woman approached someplace where that is unusual or more vulnerable would be wise to be more cautious. While in other venues, being approached should be expected. But, the same thing applies to men, they also become victims of crime including murder based on an initial exchange.
          Of course, the other problem with the stats is women being victimized by someone they have an initial contact with (via social media or an approach) are still considered to be victimized by someone they know. I haven’t found anything differentiating between a very casual contact and years long relationship in crime statistics.
          I suspect that if in Reibus town there’s a low crime rate with minorities, there’s also a very low crime rate overall. The rape statistics show that rape is also far more common in high crime neighborhoods.

        95. Im interested to know what you mean by bigger risk? I noticed in other comment threads you brought in the 1 in 5 rape statistic, which is about as flat out incorrect as the wage gap myth.
          A US department of justice study published that from 1995-2010, sexual violence toward women has been in a sharp decline.
          “Completed rape or sexual assault accounted for more than 50% of the total rape or sexual violent victimizations in 2010. Between 1995 and 2010, the rate of completed rape or sexual assault declined from 3.6 per 1,000 females to 1.1 per 1,000. Over the same period, the rates of attempted rape or sexual assault and
          victimizations involving the threat of rape remained relatively stable.”
          As far as my standards comment, I’ll direct you to an article I’ve read from Evan Marc Katz, who writes advice columns for women, but from time to time I enjoy reading what he has to say.
          This article takes a look at online dating, but you well know its going to translate to other areas, like cold approaches at bars/clubs, in the “street” etc.
          While I enjoy my views being challenged and I have probably been more fair than others who you have engaged in discussion with today, I dont think we’re going to find any common ground.

        96. Let’s look at that statistic: You picked the lower number of “completed rape or sexual assault” rather than the higher number of “total rate of sexual violence” which includes “completed, attempted, or threatened” rape or sexual assault. I think for purposes of this conversation, the higher number, which includes attempts and threats, is the more relevant one with regards to women being more selective in which males they choose to associate with.
          By “bigger risk,” I mean that a woman exposes herself both to greater risk of violence by having more male acquaintances, and exposes her to a greater risk of an unplanned child by having more casual sexual relationships.

        97. Well, there’s no guarantee you will ever see her again.
          You have to strike when the opportunity presents itself.

        98. I think one should expect them to politely decline to talk, and be pleasantly surprised if they are willing to engage in a short chat.

        99. It was one highlight of the entire article. Both statistics are still in decline.
          If they do engage in a higher risk, wouldn’t you think they would universally deny feminism and their aims of allowing women to have complete sexual freedom and fuck whoever they want? It seems that the risk has been enhanced by denying the family unit and telling women to wait until their 30s to find a good mate. The more sexual partners a woman has and invites into her life, wouldn’t you think there would be significantly more risk and danger involved?
          If you read more articles on this site and other sites (rational male) you’ll see that most men want nothing more than to be in a healthy relationship with a woman. It just doesn’t happen like it used to and there are many reasons for this. And this article highlights just one of those reasons. Im still not really sure what your aim or argument is here.

        100. The main argument in this chat has been that women are “too selective” and ought to “lower their standards.” Now you’re saying they fuck whoever they want? Which is it?

        101. I was suggesting that feminism says they can fuck whoever they want and deny the family unit of finding a decent person to mate with and invest in. Whether they can fuck whoever they want or not is a different story. They can still be selective and simultaneously think they can fuck whoever they want. Thus, completely inflating their value and standards.

        102. I think it’s a matter of acknowledging objective reality that a woman can fuck whomever she wants, as long as that person is interested. Being as how most people, male or female, are not virgins when they get married nowadays, I don’t see how this “denies the family unit.”

        103. Are men “denying the family unit” when they try to have sex with an attractive girl they meet?

        104. In somewhat of a way yes they are. If a man’s only goal is to have sex with an attractive girl with no means of having a relationship, they are in a way denying that family unit, at least in that instance.
          If women willingly choose to enter relations with men who lack commitment, what do they expect?

        105. Then you should be happy that women are rejecting men who approach them on the street – such a tactic is not a good indicator of a man who is seeking commitment.

        106. Its contingent on the situation. If women aren’t interested in long term relationships and are only interested in sex, why would guys commit?
          If you could find a woman who is trustworthy, attractive, nice and most importantly respects you, it would be stupid to screw around on her and not want to have a family with her. I think most people agree with that.

        107. I think I’m along your same lines. I don’t particularly have an issue with like minded adults treating sex casually– where both have the same attitude about it.
          I think it’s bad overall for civilization in that the family has always been the foundation on which it is based. As Gilder put it in ‘Men and Marriage’, the assurance of a man that he is the father of the children makes him more interested in a stable and improving society, a better future for his kids. Undermine that, and as we’ve seen in the inner-cities and now migrating into other segments as out-of-wedlock birthrates rise, and society and civilization begin to deteriorate.
          Kids raised in single family homes will not have been observing a male/female relationship closely, and will be handicapped in having no successful blueprint to follow.
          Hence, things like women thinking any approach by a man is bad at the same time insisting it is men that should take the initiative. Completely discarding the simple fact that, at least in our culture, she is the gatekeeper to sex with the ability to say – no. Men have to at least appear to be what she’s looking for- which is what the whole PUA thing is about, being/marketing what women want.

        108. Reince, don’t take it that way. You’re not the first liberal male to believe he’s defending women when really he doesn’t understand them at all. There are a handful of men on this site who understand women remarkably well, as well as any man is able, and with as little prejudice as possible. Jim Johnson, Dominus Antonius, GhostofJefferson, m a , a few others. Maybe it would be better for you to pay attention to them than to waste time searching the interwebs for proof of your ‘rape is a big problem’ claim.

        109. Zzzzz. Insisting “you don’t understand women!!!” because you can’t make a coherent argument is just silly.

        110. Reince, we’ve been over this elsewhere. As if the “OMG rape culture!!!” tirade weren’t enough, your entire argument here consists of multiple baseless claims about what women feel, what we think, what motivates us, what scares us … all in our defense of course. Thanks but no thanks.

        111. Of course not. Your claims are imaginary, designed to fit your feminist ally narrative.

        112. Most men will be happy with a 6 or 7..even if they are 8 themselves..most women are gunning for the 8-9, even if the are a 6 themselves..see the difference ?

        113. I disagree, but if you ARE right, the woman still is wise from a historical reproductive standpoint – she can only carry one baby at a time, and it takes a LONG time, so she’s smart to wait for the highest quality mate possible. I don’t make nearly the same investment, so it’s logical for me to hit all of the 6’s and 7’s along the way, because I can always leave them for the 9 if she shows. (Yeah, I know, “child support” etc, etc, but these are recent innovations that do not change biological reality.)

        114. They want the man to approach, but in socially normal ways, i.e. introduced through mutual friend, “at the club,” work, group social activity, etc, etc, etc, NOT “hey can I talk to you” from a total stranger on the street. I’m not saying it can’t work to meet women, I’m just saying that it’s silly to blame THE WOMAN if you’re the one doing something outside of day-to-day social norms.

        115. I’d like to visit Moscow one day. I don’t realistically see it happening, but it’s one of the places I’d really like to see

        116. The only thing I know about Moscow is what I can see in photos: very cool subways, pretty girls and a lot of energy. There aren’t a lot of cities in the world I would really like to see first hand but Moscow and St Petersburg are 2 of them. That said, what is it you don’t like about it? I am really clueless to what it’s like there other than my general assumption that all big cities are essentially the same just with a different accent

        117. I dont like it for its prices, traffic, ugly architecture in many places, low culture people, low standarts of life. Ugly women for me (i prefer latinas and Asians). You’ll mostly see tourist places, not how average people live

        118. It is a shame about the architecture. Classic Russian architecture is so beautiful. The commies really uglied the place up huh?
          Are the subways as magnificent as the look on line at least?
          Like I said. I’ll never make it there, but I can see by the Russian areas here in newnhork what you mean by low culture people.
          There are some incredibly literate and cultured Russians but many of them are just low budget thugs or thug wanna bees.
          As for the women, The Russians here are overwhelmingly attractive but many of the ones here are here because of modeling and as such were probably the cream of the crop looks wise.
          I have preferences here and there but mostly I crave variety which is why an international and cosmopolitan city like NYC suits me so wel

        119. But does that even happen anymore ?Men and women do not share similar circles because our work is different.

        120. It wasnt for you bur out true way is young fertile girls…sorry to bust your bubble, but we dont care about middleaged “strong independent women” ™

        121. Good for you..it just doesnt make sense..you are fertile until you die…women are fertile till about 40 years old. So why would you not like fertile girls when you are yourself..fertile ?

        122. Because I already have children and grandchildren, and I prefer to concentrate on helping guide that family than getting 18 year old girls pregnant, and society respects my choice.

        123. I spent over two years finishing up my degree on a big campus of about 30,000 people (a far cry from the CC I attended which has about 3,000). You would think due to shear volume that I would have had more success with 30,000 (where the ratio is close to 60/40) than at the CC. WRONG!
          The community college I first attended was in a conservative area. Definitely had a much easier time talking to women and it seemed as if they were much more interested in dating than at the big state school.
          There were four girls I distinctly remember who were pretty in to me, but I was seeing someone at the time. If I was smart, I would have messed with all of them, as I am no longer with the girl I was seeing at the time. Stupid me! lol
          The past two years I’ve had 3-4 girls flirt with me and I know exactly how girls flirt when they are interested in you as more than just their beta cuck friend. Every time it was a situation where they were anti-commitment.
          I’d imagine it has a lot do with how they were raised. They were raised by the original campus feminists and were told they deserve nothing but the best and to be attracted to only that. So why would they be interested in an above average guy who is about to graduate and start his career. Well its because the best is yet to come and that top notch guy is waiting right around the corner.

        124. What are u even doing here..old idiot..you are too old..or perhaps just too dumb…to teach us anything. Go away pls

    3. No, that’s not quite true. Depends on the approach. Some women are paranoid and wary of any approach. This isn’t logical, It’s delusional media/school inspired paranoia. Some women are fools willingly putting themselves in risky situations. Logical women (I hear the rest of you laughing but stay with me) can almost always discern a dangerous approach from a harmless guy trying to get her number. Don’t validate the victim glorifying, feminist agenda.

      1. It’s really any person’s choice who they choose to associate with.

        1. Sure. If a woman chooses to hunt down and associate with the small percentage of rapists in this world, God bless. That’s on her. Don’t blame all the other men for the consequences of your bad choice.
          I’m 5’4″ 110 lbs. I lived in NYC for five years, Boston for one. Plenty of craizes there, and arguably a higher percentage of legit dangerous men. How many dozens of times I could have been easily overpowered and raped. And yet not once. This morning I was approached twice. Both harmless guys who graciously chose not to rape or beat me despite my having nicely turned them down. If the majority of western men were as dangerous as you suggest and some silly women fear, the streets would be strewn with dead female bodies.

        2. If it was easy for women to tell the harmless guys from the rapists, we wouldn’t have such a big rape problem.

        3. False. South Africa has a rape problem. Statistically a woman is more likely to get raped in Sweden than the US. Violent crime rates in the US have dropped almost 50% since 1993 over all.

        4. Drop “us government crime statistics” in a browser and read up. Plenty of data out there if you are so inclined to find out.

        5. Asking “how many women are raped? ” is a non sequitur when discussing women being raped? I don’t think you know what “non sequitur” means.

        6. No asking how many women being raped in response to the fact that violent crime is down in general in the US is unrelated to the original assertion. You know that. A related question would have been”why?”. You’re attempting to deflect the narrative away from the fact that we don’t live in a “rape culture”. But in places like Sweden (with a non-assimilating immigrant problem) they do. You will also notice that the Swedes are disarmed as well. Of course you probably can’take make that connection…

        7. Refusing to answer basic questions about rape in the U.S. like “how many women in the U.S. are victims of rape?” isn’t just deflecting from the subject at hand – it’s actively fleeing from it. No, I dont live in Sweden, so can we get back to this discussion, or are you still in Sweden?

        8. I supplied you with the answer where you can answer that yourself.
          The US rape culture schtick is simply a political talking point and is easily debunked, but me thinks you are not going to acknowledge that fact and continue trolling.

        9. John he/she knows good and well that rape numbers are down even with recent efforts to redefine rape and inflate the numbers. He/she also knows that the drop in rapes, as well all violent crime, corresponds with the increasing level of private firearms ownership, training, shall issue concealed carry permits, stand your ground and castle doctrine laws. Like the Wright-Rossi study showed over 30 years ago, violent predators are afraid of armed potential victims. He/she is a trolling libtard still butt-hurt over the last election, nothing more. He/she needs to go back to its safe space…

        10. I know and your points are correct. If you are a woman who lives in south Chicago, I could see where you might believe otherwise regarding crime, but she is coming off as a middle class white girl trying to play herself as a victim.
          I dated a girl from Johannesburg once and she had some real horror stories.

      2. I think they get off on the fantasy of it. The most paranoid and ridiculous women I deal with tend to be 5s and 6s. The 4s and below don’t much give a fuck, and it’s not unusual for 7s and up to answer their doors wearing stuff that leaves little to the imagination.

        1. I think you’re correct about the fantasy. There’s a sort of classic Victorian spinster hysteria to it. Men typically assume beautiful girls are the bitchiest, most stand off ones, and sometimes that’s true, but I suggested elsewhere that it’s actually the in between attractive and unattractive , 5 6 7 girls most likely to give you trouble.

  25. Feminists are ugly bitter women that are just mad at the world because they don’t get the attention they really want. So they try to keep the pretty girls from getting attention also.
    Several years ago when I was living in California, I had this social circle of friends, it included this one pretty girl, and this one not-so pretty girl. The pretty girl would always get hit on, every guy would try to talk to her. The not-so pretty girl would watch as every guy wanted her friend, but didn’t want her.
    So one night we all go out bar-hopping, and come back home, the not-so pretty girl is drunk and becomes very emotional. Starts crying and is upset because every time we go out, no one approaches her, but the pretty girl is approached non-stop. She is crying and very upset, asking all of us guys if we think she’s ugly, why don’t guys approach her, is she fat, etc. She’s not UGLY, but she does look very much like a lower version of Khloe Kardashian, with a constant resting bitch face.
    Girls absolutely do want to be approached, but of course from the guys that they want to approach them. When a woman gets zero attention while her friend gets tons, that makes a woman become very bitter towards men.

    1. They do it to themselves which is a strange cycle to watch.
      I have a younger cousin who is in her early 30s and is in the process of watching all her friends get married and she is panicing because of the obvious. She wants a man, but even her own mother told her she needs to put down the fork and get her ass to the gym. Her deperssion is causing her to binge and is keeping her from making any actual changes.

    2. Most women, if they have ok teeth, can raise their looks 2-3 points just by appearing happy/smiling. Even average chicks can bump up quite a bit by not looking sullen and angry.

      1. ahhhh the old carry a lemon around in their handbag just to whip it out and take a suck on that “sour face maker” as a guy is thinking of talking to her trick.

  26. It’s not only men’s freedom at stake. It’s also women’s souls. Feminist denial of women’s desire for attention while playing hard to get forces women who buy into those lies to lie themselves, both to others and to themselves. They pretend that when they dress to impress they are only doing it for themselves, or for their friends; that when they strip off its for a cause, or for any reason other than the one their doing it for. They pretend they are interested in women instead of men even when they’re absolutely straight, and play up same sex attraction to the same degree that men will always play it down. That doesn’t mean that a lot of the time they have no interest in the response or may even feel threatened by it when its crass or particularly where they’ve been trained to be hyper-aware of everything as harassment) it just means that when feminism creeps into a woman’s soul they get confused, conflicted and mired in self-deception. Increasingly society is organised around those lies and that conflict

    1. Speaking of SSA, I’ve noticed that so called straight women will sleep with a butch lesbian troll that she wouldn’t give the time of day to if it was a man.
      It seems like an otherwise straight woman has much higher standards for a man than for a lesbian
      I’ve heard of butch lesbian dikes that get more pussy than the average beta

      1. Yes, that’s true. I suspect those sorts of pairings are generally short-lived, and driven by curiosity and the fact that the heavily butch ones often work hard at it, and have none of the restrictions on their behaviour that men do. Indeed they’re massively buoyed (boyed?) up by the whole gender neutral / fluid queer feminism that swept the academy in the 90s. Once queery theory and judith butler / performativity etc die a death, and the novelty wears off the getting off with the ugliest dyke competition will probably lose its allure somewhat

  27. A feminist could always put on a burka. But that would require her doing something besides barking demands.

  28. Guys – you want to see a beautiful woman (well, actually any woman) get pissed off very fast? Walk by her and don’t even giver her a glance.
    If you approach her and start to talk, you’re a creep. If you walk by and ignore her – that’s even worse.
    What alarms me about all this is men (particularly attractive men) who ignore women (who are sending out signals left and right) are probably going to get hit with a phoney “street harassment” charge because they ignored some entitled creature and her ego got bruised.
    Look out for a future of chunky mutts and greasy sows hitting JFK Jr. look-alikes with endless street harassment charges.

    1. Exactly what happened with that game of thrones hag who accused a guy of rape on the subway platform.

      He is so lucky there was video.

  29. Feminist claim “feminism” is not about “supremacy”, but what do you call someone that you are not permitted to speak to them in public, aka catcalling? In addition, your lowly self SHALL be required to prostate thyself in her presence before being permitted to gain the mere attention of her Royal Highness?

  30. Men must realize that proper antifeminism isn’t about giving an alternative answer to the question “What do women (secretly) want?”, but about asking other questions: “Who cares what women want? What do MEN actually want? Why do we care so much about what women want?” And what do we want? The patriarchy!

  31. A whole world of women turning their men into huge faggots and then pulling out their vibrating wand and dreaming about being savagely and brutally fucked by a man who doesn’t take their shit. What a great world for some of us.

    1. No greater proof that feminism is nothing but a world wide shit test. An attempt to separate the wheat from the chaff.

      1. Yup, feminism happens when men stop putting standards on women. Naturally selfish creatures want it both ways for everything.

        1. You have any idea how many white-knighting manginas are there in India. My knowledge in game will come very handy indeed!
          Reminds of the the saying, “In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.” And I have both eyes…

        2. India sounds interesting, strong British influence, strong Muslim influence, strong Confucianist/polythiestic influence. I don’t find the women there that attractive, but it stands to reason that there would be interesting dynamics.

        3. True, the majority of women are not attractive. but there are 600 million women in the country so there are bound to be a lot of women who are good looking. I see it as an issue of scale rather than ratio.

        4. I have been thinking about this. When we say women who are we talking about. When I say “she is a 7” is this a scale that starts at homeless women covered in shit and ends at supermodels? I mean, that kind of seems insane. Like you say there are 600 million women in this country. When I say “women” unless I specifically note other wise I mean “women between the ages of 18-35 who are, at the absolute very least, attractive enough to fuck so long as you don’t have to put any effort into it and at the very top end hot enough to be ont he cover of sports illustrated swimsuit”

        5. In my mathematical mind, I line up all the girls in your group and order them from worst to best, and follow the normal curve. A “10” is the best in 10,000 (follows the chart nicely in my engi-nerd book here) #10 best would be a nine, #102 – eight, #618 – seven, #2206 – six, #5000 – five, # 7794 – four, # 9382 – three, #9898 – two, #9990 – one, and the ugliest would be a zero. Because looks subjective, the best in 10,000 is nearly the same as the best in the world, so I do hand out the coveted “10” to the few that deserve, otherwise the sigma would bunch up most everyone into the 4-6 zone.

        6. I like it, I just thing there has to be more subjectivity padded into it. For instance, the judger. Forgetting the limitations of subjective taste, brunettes v blondes, big tits versus smaller tits etc, let’s take the subjectivity of the SMV of the man. When Jose the dishwasher who makes less than minimum wage thanks to a technicality in the restaurant business, hasn’t bathed in a week, is 30 pounds over weight and speaks no English says “she is a 7” that is not the same as when, say, Leonardo DiCaprio who is a famous movie star and notorious for banging like every single fucking Victoria secret model in the last 20 years, says “she is a 7” The scale on the side of the judger is more subjective than simply personal preference. The current model 1-10 scale simply doesn’t allow for that in a meaningful way. Further, another problem is, if lunch lady doris at the age of 70 with her hair net and cigarette dangling from her jowels is the lowest on that scale…a 1…then it is not fair to say that, lets say, a prime Christie Brinkley is a 10. If lunch lady doris is a 1 then prime Christy is like a 48. I think that the scale itself from 1-10 ought to only apply to women who are fuckable. Like a 1 is the lowest on the scale you would still have sex with. That addresses the later problem, but still not the former problem regarding subjectivity of the judge.

        7. That is a matter of preference, but I think it is reasonable to give most women a few years in the “7” spot as they are in their 20’s. Even lunch lady Doris will go home to her feeble husband, taking him out of the “competition”, even though you have nothing to do with her.

        8. perhaps the scale is logarithmic like the decibel scale or the richter scale?

        9. hmmm, interesting. So you are relegating it to women in their prime. Because if, say, my grandmother, as she is now, is on the 1-10 scale in any place then there is simply no one in the universe I can fuck.

        10. It is worth considering. I think the scale is fundamentally flawed. Of course it leads to fun arguments over what a 7 is but there really ought to be a better way to codify judging a woman based on her looks. I mean, if I say “she is a 7” what do you really know about her. You know she is someone that I would fuck if there was minimal effort expended in doing so. If I say “she is a 3” you know it is someone I wouldn’t fuck no matter what. None of this is actually saying anything about the woman and none of it takes in to account the a) Subjectivity of experience b) the subjectivity of taste c) a codified range of 1-10 and a lot of other moving parts.

        11. I generally advocate a binary system (attractive or not attractive).

        12. Maybe I said it wrong, I am taking a cross section of ALL women. Doing so accounts for the competition. Your average woman will have a lifetime average of 5, maybe peaked in the upper 7’s in her early 20’s, then degraded to a 3 or so with time. An average guy, because his peak is much broader, will achieve a 6 or so, but decline to around a 4 when he is old. Christie Brinkley may have started out as a 10, and is still around an 8.

        13. I think you are on to something Jim. So, in a nutshell, if I say that Mary Sue is a hard 7 what does that tell you about Mary Sue that isn’t directly related to what you know about me?

        14. Yup, all it would tell me is you take a random sample of 10,000 women of all ages and order them from prettiest to ugliest, she is about as good looking as the #618th. She would be in the 94th percentile.

        15. I am working on randomly sampling 10k women but I am getting older and really, baring some kind of medical break through or me becoming wildly rich and famous in the next year, don’t think I will get there.

        16. Sounds tiring, Do me a favor, and stay away from the bottom 50%. That would be a 40 year old, overweight mother of 2 or so.

        17. I think we have lots of different things here. The preference/status (your DiCaprio example) can be thought as measurement error – different instruments (people) measuring the same things with a(n) (un)known bias. But considering a perfect, unbiased measure (mean/median population preference) we can surely assign a number to it, if there’s interpersonal agreement on what each number means; that’s for me the actual problem.
          I think originally the scale was thought to represent the whole female fertile population. Realistically few guys would bang anything below 3 or 2 using this scale of reference. However, 5 is also thought as the minimum “bangable” number, and than the scale is distorted to the right.
          The quest for the populational curve in various measures was serious as shit in early statistics. Maybe there’s a need for a similar enterprise here. I humbly offer my poor analytical skills for this, rating in loco as many naked young girls you can convince to join this scientific effort.

        18. I tell you, I would love to create article on this. Problem is coming up with a truly representative cross section of 10,000 photos to sort through, order, and pick out the representative pictures.

        19. I think you are exactly right with your comment on measurement error and different instruments measuring the same thing with unknown bias…however, since all human beings are subject to it it needs to somehow be accounted for.
          I also think that narrowing to “fertile female population” would be great. If I look at a 65 year old homeless woman with no teeth and covered in her own shit and say “she’s a one” I have irreparably ruined the scale. 5 is minimal bangable if we set parameters for who gets on the scale, but if not then you would need to be a 12 on the 1-10 scale just to get a bone ya know.
          I feel this would be the most valuable think tank since the manhattan project.

        20. I’ve got a sure fire way of losing a girl, just let her know how much you know about the game. They shriek inside. “Fuck, this guy knows, like everything we pull.”

        21. Yeh but only because she has had a shit ton of work. An 8 might be pushing it too.

  32. We all know that these bitches like attention even though they say they don’t.
    Remember, they are women after all.

  33. From my experience, if you choose to live, and hit on women, in a metro area you maximize your chances of running into this kind of nonsense.
    I turned my back on metro areas (and suburbs) years ago and cannot think of one area of my life that has not been drastically improved. The heart of cultural rot is metro areas.

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