7 Mainstream Movies With Subversive Themes That Slipped Under The Radar

Many movies (and TV shows, of course) have been larded up with propaganda to demoralize us and indoctrinate the public in politically correct thinking. The efforts range from fairly subliminal to annoyingly preachy. Sometimes classic Soviet films (such as Battleship Potemkin and Alexander Nevsky) are more fun to watch, despite being openly Communist. The key is the “openly” part, as they weren’t trying to hide it. Better yet, they weren’t trying to manipulate the audience with guilt and make them feel bad.

The shifts in Hollywood’s ideological leanings—from the beginning, to getting taken out to the woodshed in the 1950s, and to the present day—is a long story. As things are now, it’s likely to stay on the leftist tangent indefinitely. This won’t change until some filmmaker figures out that there’s a lot of money in movies that make the audience feel good, rather than insult it in one way or another. Given Hollywood’s cultural Marxist lineup and tight control, this will have to be from an indie effort or a foreign studio. Another possibility is that they’ll shrivel up and die from low interest, but that seems unlikely now. The suckers keep buying tickets.

Movies, like any creative effort, mean different things to different people. Sometimes films do convey a partially positive ideological message without intending to do so. The following either weren’t very political to begin with, or had a leftist subtext yet backfired to some degree.

1. The Matrix (1999)

The film: This one is a science fiction action movie as well as a kick flick. It covered new territory, a rarity these days now that Hollywood is running out of original ideas. It’s also the pioneer of spinning the camera around while someone jumps up and delivers a martial arts blow in slow motion. Overall, the sequels weren’t bad, but didn’t quite have the same sparkle as the first and left too many unanswered questions.

This modern classic introduces the idea of a world where things aren’t as they seem. The concept isn’t entirely new; certain religions (mainly Eastern) teach that the universe as we know it is an illusion, a small subset of a total reality we couldn’t make sense of in its entirety, or a dream of the Creator. All that’s interesting, but other than a measure of solace, it’s not too helpful to help us get by in our day-to-day lives. In any event, it opens up questions about the nature of reality; a bit like Plato’s allegories in The Republic.

The good stuff: The movie’s premise is that robots keep us ignorant throughout our lives while exploiting us as an energy source. (The latter part is a bit hokey; Hollywood needs some decent science consultants.) Anyway, our world isn’t like that, but there are indeed some disturbing trends about which the public is kept in the dark: finance, globalism, shadowy billionaire clubs influencing politics, democracy turned into a show resembling professional wrestling, and the like.

Notably for us, the movie gave us the red pill / blue pill terms representing the way of knowledge and the way of ignorance. It also gave us the “Matrix” metaphor for the unreal-reality image of the world as seen through the lenses of cultural Marxism, consumerism, and so forth.

This brings us to another matter: is it better to accept the ugly truth about things, or go on in blissful ignorance? I know what my choice is, but far too many people don’t want to listen to things that might challenge their comfortable world view. However, someone who avoids the truth simply lies to himself. The good news is that when an idea subversive to the orthodoxy gains critical mass, getting the truth out to the public has much less resistance from the barrier of willful ignorance.

The leftist reaction: Occasionally a lefty will note that it’s ironic that a movie with a largely non-White cast and created by a couple of transsexuals would be a source of inspiration for deplorables like us. To that, I say, so what? Those aren’t the reasons why we watched it, or anyone else for that matter.

2. They Live (1988)

They Live (1988) was another film decades ahead of its time

The film: A drifter puts on some special glasses and discovers a shocking truth: the world is being controlled by ugly aliens. Further, they’re exploiters keeping the world in a state of ignorance. It’s not exactly a big-budget whiz-bang science fiction epic, but that doesn’t get in the way of delivering the premise.

The good stuff: The subversive elements are basically the same as in The Matrix, but it strikes considerably closer to home. We don’t actually have skull-faced aliens—or space lizards, for that matter—running the show, of course. However, there are indeed a number of insanely wealthy figures acting behind the scenes. They throw their money around to subvert democracy by buying politicians, to push globalist policies with their secretive billionaire clubs (such as David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, and Bilderberg Group), to stir up trouble, and to wreck Western civilization.

Indeed, the movie’s image of plutocratic extraterrestrials exploiting humanity and controlling us through subliminal messages seems rather like champagne Socialists and the media establishment. It does also lend itself to (((politically incorrect))) interpretations for similar reasons. John Carpenter, the director and screenwriter, denies that’s what he meant. He says it was about crass commercialism and money-grubbing corporate culture, and I’m inclined to take his words at face value. Indeed, the subtext is moderately leftist, with obvious themes of class struggle and colonialism. Sometimes liberals are on the right track.

The leftist reaction: They occasionally get a little squirmy over this one.

3. The Fellowship of the Ring (2001), The Two Towers (2002), The Return of the King (2003)

The films: This was a great high fantasy series, with good acting and lots of landscape porn. A rich cultural tapestry is woven by the loose correlation between the Hobbits and the early Victorian British, Rohan and the Saxons, Gondor and the Byzantines, the elves and the Norse ljossalfar, and the dwarves and the svartalfar. The story is close enough to the books to satisfy (most of) Tolkien’s fan base, but appealing to the general public too.

The series features themes of good versus evil, struggle and sacrifice, perseverance and triumph, as well as a subtle public service announcement about the dangers of meth addiction. What’s there not to like? Indeed, the series is morally uplifting in a way that few movies are today. Finally, it’s pretty hard to get three films in a row with consistent results, but they knocked it out of the ballpark.

The good stuff: Parallels to today’s situation are hard to escape. Some evil and very powerful figures plan an invasion of the civilized realms by hordes exhibiting extremely bad manners. If the homelands are overrun, they’ll be extinguished and darkness will fall forever. Few know what’s really at stake, and motivating their apathetic leaders to start protecting their own people (which is any government’s first duty) is a very arduous task. Other than that, Wormtongue would make quite a Washington lobbyist or a Eurocrat, now wouldn’t he?

The leftist reaction: There’s been a bit of frosty grumbling. Still, they can’t really say too much about it. A few notes by Tolkien were a bit politically incorrect by today’s standards, but he pointedly stated that he wasn’t writing allegory.

4. The Phantom Menace (1999)

Now that we’re wrapping things up with the Milky Way, it’s time we planned our leveraged buyout in the Andromeda Galaxy.

The film: Here we have the first of the Star Wars prequels, anticipated by the fanbase for a generation. There are some things to be said for it, such as the underwater scenes and the part-Byzantine, part-Romanesque architectural style on Naboo. Natalie Portman does an okay job as the teenage Queen, with her main superpower being her ever-changing wardrobe.

Even so, the screenplay was mediocre, with many WTF elements; you can’t really blame the actors for the results. It’s basically a turkey: too much deliberate kiddie appeal, the major characters don’t really shine, the midichlorian thing was unnecessary, slavery in a high-tech society with lots of robots doesn’t make sense, and of course JarJar. (In the sequel, if that retarded amphibian had been the one blown to bits by the bomb, the audience would’ve stood up and cheered.) Even despite all that, it’s a cinematic epic compared to the Star Wars Holiday Special.

The good stuff: The galactic council scene was quite a circus, a reminder of Washington political farce with all the bloviating, hot air, babbling lobbyists, and refusal to act sensibly. (As for the EU, Nigel Farage and a few others like him do an effective job of speaking the truth, but still the Eurocrats can’t be bothered to attend to their government’s first duty.) As for Palpatine—the Phantom Menace himself—it turns out that he’s both running the revolution as well as positioning himself for leadership in the government. Playing both halves against the middle—sounds familiar?

The leftist reaction: JarJar was criticized for seeming too Jamaican, and Watto was criticized for seeming too Jewish. Myself, I think they were just too dorky.

5. Crash (2004)

The film: This one is a tear-jerking drama set in Los Angeles. Ethnic conflicts are at the forefront, though some of the characters mellow out a little toward the end. One damn thing after another happens because everyone’s so raaaacist. Overall, the movie reeks of moralism more than a televangelist’s used underwear.

The good stuff: Even despite all the preachiness, this illustrates one of the main problems with multiculturalism: many cultures means many conflicts. The more the film went on, the more dysfunctional everything seemed. What else is going to happen when you pack people from all around the world, who have differing values and little in common, into the same space? Leftists believe the answer is doubling down on their suicidal population replacement policies while singing “Kumbayah”.

The audience, of course, is supposed to think “this conflict wouldn’t be happening if everyone wasn’t so raaaacist.” Well, it also wouldn’t be happening if Los Angeles (like many big cities today) wasn’t a multicultural pressure cooker. It wasn’t always that way, and it didn’t happen all by itself.

The leftist reaction: It won three Oscars. In fact, it was chosen for Best Picture over Brokeback Mountain, but not without some cattiness about the decision.

6. Blazing Saddles (1974)

The film: This one is a little different, from before Hollywood got so pozzed out. It’s a comedy Western with something in it to offend everyone, which is pretty much the point, and the results are hilarious. Liberals actually used to have a sense of humor—whatever happened to that? It would be damn near impossible to get a movie like this greenlit these days. Although Hollywood is running out of ideas and rebooting old movies (all too often not an improvement), don’t expect a remake of this one any time soon.

The good stuff: The point here isn’t all the up-to-eleven political incorrectness. Rather, it’s the realization of how much things have changed. Conservative viewers weren’t standing up and shouting “Amen” about the stereotypes; liberal viewers weren’t spazzing out with rage. Everyone just took it for what it was. When you watch it now, you realize that there was once a time when people could just laugh it all off.

The leftist reaction: Back then, it got three Oscars nominations. These days, it would send hordes of triggered SJWs running for the nearest safe space.

7. The Last Samurai (2003)

The film: This one is set following the Meiji Restoration when Japan transformed from feudalism to the Industrial Age in a single generation. Undoubtedly it was a bumpy ride, and the movie has parallels to real events. An American military advisor is captured after an ill-fated battle and comes to see that he’d been fighting on the wrong side. The combat scenes pull no punches. When the Gatling guns come out against the cavalry for the final battle, it’s the end of chivalry. This was a foretaste of the insane carnage of the First World War, the beginning of our society’s century-long roller coaster ride to hell.

The good stuff: Aside from a few minor sour notes, it’s a deeply conservative film. On one side are some rather decadent opportunists who want to transform Japanese society haphazardly, all in the name of “progress” and of course lots of money. On the other side are very traditionalist warriors bound by a strict code of honor who call bullshit on that. And so the tragedy unfolds. There’s something to be said for dying righteously, though I prefer victory.

If you liked this one, Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters is worth a look too.

The leftist reaction: Mostly it was babble about the “White savior” trope and whether or not a non-Asian film studio had any right to depict Japanese society. The good stuff went straight over their heads.

Honorable mention

Office Space (1999): It’s a fine satire about corporate bullshit. Some people have quit their cube farm jobs after seeing this one.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956 and they keep doing remakes): It’s not political, despite claims from both sides. Still, if you’ve ever had friends whose brains got hijacked by the cultural Marxism mind-virus, you totally can relate to the pod people scenario.

The Wizard of Oz (1939): “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!”

Read More:  10 Hollywood Films For Men That Leave Today’s SJW Movies In The Dust

390 thoughts on “7 Mainstream Movies With Subversive Themes That Slipped Under The Radar”

  1. Nice list. Early high fantasy like tolkien’s was more black and white; the overall conflict was good vs evil, not the main character’s feelings and insecurities (even though frodo was kind of a bitch). Crash was way too preachy for my liking, if anything it supports leftist ideology more than not. Enders game is a good one too, dealing with the use of propaganda and lies on kids at an early age (ender was 6 when he first killed some one in the book) to mold them into obedient drones before they are self reliant enough to make their own decisions.

    1. When obama was first elected i had the day off during the inauguration (not because of it, just happened to work out that way for me) and I was in a bar with a buddy of mine and, of course, they had the procession for the inauguration on the TVs.
      When Obama started his walk up the stairs a very afternoon drunken kneeman jumped up on a bar stool and started screaming at the top of his lungs “THE SHERIFF IS A NEAR” over and over again.
      The room was mixed into three groups. People who didn’t get it and were just annoyed with me (largest group), people who were really into the moment and just annoyed with me (second largest group) and people who couldn’t stop laughing (a very small but vocal group of people.

      1. Ha.
        Watched start of blazing saddles while at my babymamas house UES last weekend.
        Even i was ahocked 12 trigger words in first scene…
        Would melt the average self hating white antifa

        1. Yeah, on top of it being an excellent movie in general it really has that NFW attitude but Lee how ya gonna do me dirty and trek all the way up to my hood without having a drink ?

        2. Yea.
          Was your fault i was there.
          Was in the country – bored.
          You talking about central park.
          So drove in with kids…
          Next time

        3. Ha! Always happy to be blamed. You couldn’t have asked for a better day. I did a few spins around the great loop and then laid out for a bit under the cherry blossoms behind the met. Great park day

  2. Saw Blazing Saddles when it came out in ’74. It was my first date with a woman I had recently met. Needless to say, I haven’t seen or heard from her in 43 years.

    1. Saw it with my mother in 1974…I was 14…she thought it was hilarious…

  3. One minor quibble for me regarding the Last Samurai was the wife of the fallen samurai who winds up with the Cruise character- could something like that happen 150 years ago?
    Ive posted this before, but this is a truly subversive pic which new received a mass release:

  4. “The Wizard of Oz (1939): “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!””
    the wizard always makes me think of the late David Rockefeller: “you want a human heart Mr Scarecrow? Well I just used my last one, but hang on I’ll speak to the chinese ambassador and ask them to kill me a prisoner…”

    1. The Matrix is just the mainstream and ethnically diverse version of Dark City, which is far superior:

      1. And here I thought I was edgy with Equilibrium. Definitely adding Dark City to my list.

      1. I swear to god..I believe in destiny now.
        I just watched They Live again today and just purchased Das Ding aus einer anderen Welt (The Thing) also made by John Carpenter three hours ago.
        And then this article gets published….

        1. Quite interesting, although I’ d disregard the science thingy because few people can understand it. The last point is a bit obscure though, I thought that the thing is sexless in it’s nature.

        2. Today I went to the local stoner-rare-movie-and-game shop and grabbed Falling Down. What a great statement. Really interesting when compared to its liberal counterpart God Bless America. They Live is another subversive gem, time to find that one too and complete the thoughtcrime film grand prix.

        1. my point was that it’s possible to see that jewish influence is somewhat inordinate without obsessing over it and losing focus on everything else

        2. You know who is losing focus?
          All the people who focus on Islam and mass migration. Jewnopolous, Molyjew, Paul Jewseph Watson and so on. The whole alt-light.

        3. It’s not at all clear that Carpenter meant the ‘aliens’ to be jews, indeed he may well just have meant elites in a more general form. But even if he did intentionally portray jews as an alien race of exploiters / parasites it probably wouldn’t be a particularly helpful way to go about things, not least because it immediately de-humanises every jew and makes them complicit in this ‘control system’. I don’t know what Milo etc’s motivation is. I’m not sure it matters. It seems to me perfectly reasonable to point out that jews as a whole tend to have a level of influence that may be problematic for any kind of representative democracy. The same could be said for any financially elite group though
          As for distractions, yes, the elites, whoever they are, are masters at getting us to look in the other direction.

        4. controlled opposition brother.
          the cucks will name anything and everything in the known universe until naming (((them))).
          you try to explain to people especially white people and they will have none of it. they will instantly accuse you of all the buzzword names in the book.
          recently i have been getting to the point where i am so redpilled i am beginning to see that hitler was a good man who knew about the international jewry back than. and the allies stopped him only to be cucked for decades after.

        5. You are royally fucked living there. Are you aware that you could go to jail for your comments here? Do you use security measures?

        6. I have VPN but I don’t use it at the moment because it’s setup on my old notebook.
          It’s a great, advanced VPN, no mainstream stuff, that’s why I need the specific configuration from my old machine but I’m too lazy to transfer the files 😉

        7. Repression of free expression in a western nation is intolerable.
          How can we help? Pressure google in the usa?

        8. I don’t think there is anything that can be done.
          The state of germany is beyond repair.
          It’s under full zionist controll for more than half a century.

  5. An argument could be made that the concept behind creating The Matrix was actually taken from the original Total Recall movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. There is a scene halfway through the movie were a representative (or agent) of the company is sent to convince Quade that he is in fact living in a dream world and in order to return to reality he must swallow a red pill. That’s a few more specific details than I am willing to leave to coincidence. Somewhat more coincidentally, Schwarzenegger also played a character named Matrix in the movie Commando.

    1. In fact, the entire plot from The Matrix comes from Dark City (1998).
      Total Recall (the original) is a good movie, back when movies were not filled with political correctness.

      1. Saw the new total recall….

        I tried alcohol, copius amounts of tobacco and tried to wash my breath with a tremendous quantity… of tea! Still I have not forgotten it.
        And no it is all on Earth with the bad gal played by the now aged and sunburnt Beckinsale (Loved her in Underworld… her skin was as white as mine!) and not in Mars, so we don’t even get to colonise, this might have been good for whites… Curse be on you leftists and the criminal parasited you empower and much more to the hatefull that push you that I won’t name but everyone, I think, here knows to whom I refer too!

        1. I watched it too. The photography is good, trey tried unsuccessfully to copy Blade Runner, but’s good anyway….Kate Beckinsale, even aged is smoking hot but her gogrrll character is disappointing. And yes, the original is better, loved the bad jokes and the killings:

        2. She still is but contrast her with her pre-solarium young self from underworld and you see the difference. Her character was a disaster from every point.
          that thing ended the film for me, you either go full flying cars or not.
          The new film now had next to nothing to do with the old one except the very basic concept!

        3. founded it saw it… I am left speechless…
          Yes underworld was dead stupid but at the very least… entertaining, that can’t be said about most modern films…

        4. but her gogrrll character is disappointing.

          It was eye-rolling. At least I got a good laugh out of it.

      2. Most of both the matrix and dark city comes from intro to philosophy notes taught by, I assume, some adjunct who was really into baudrillard but didn’t quite understand it himself much in the same way that the Nolan batman trilogy reads like an 19 year old kids interpretation of an overly eager and not particularly intelligent adjuncts attempt to make Nietzsche interesting to teenagers.

        1. If you want to go that deep….I’m not familiar with Baudrillard. What I can extrapolate from the plot of both movies is some bad digested Plato, some bad digested Hinduism (the concept of Maya), a little bit of bad digested Gnosticism, among others.
          I found the ‘nietzschean’ [sic] references in Nolan’s trilogy completely superficial at best; and the movies are frankly boring to me. However, you and me have completely different interpretations of Nietzsche, so its useless to discuss that.

        2. Despite our different readings of Nietzsche we have come to the same conclusion about the movies so at least there is that!!
          You aren’t wrong about what you see in Matrix but Baudrillard gets there first in his book Similacra and Simulation and, frankly, does it a lot less ham fisted and with much more intelligence.
          I don’t know if the movie writers were that ham fisted because of their lack of depth or because of their total understanding on how to play to a mass audience. I would have more respect for the later than the former

        3. oh btw, while I understand how you would see a “bad digested hinduism” I would actually argue (at least when it is fleshed out in Baudrillard, that rather than a mere case of bad digestion the diversions from the doxy of hinduism represent superior descendant

    1. I always thought that the Dwarves were Scots.
      Does Ginger = Scots?
      Certainly not Jews, like some say. The hobbits were Jews, getting everyone else to fight their battles for them.
      Elves = Englishmen.
      The Oliphant riders were Arabs/Turks/Central Asians.
      All IMO, of course.

      1. No the Elves are the Japanese – helping the Humans in the fight against mass migration (invading orcs) and supporting Aragon with a nice waifu.

        1. OK. I can see that.
          But I agree 100% that the Orcs & Urukhai are sub saharan Africans. That one is very obvious.

        2. Yes.
          Well, I don’t know who the Hobbits are (your argument is valid) and I don’t know who the Dwarfs are exactly but the rest is really obvious.

        3. Of course the Elves are Japanese: unemotional, reserved towards outsiders, the males seem androgynous but can be brutal when the situation warrants it, and many foreigners have a fascination with them.

        4. Wow, you make it way more obvious. We are onto something here. 😀
          I need to write a huge blogpost on the real LOTR plot when I’m on vacation in July.

        5. Japs are a good call for the Elves. I always read the elves as french for almost the same exact reasons though.

        6. They also don’t reproduce enough, have extended lifespans, and are gradually going extinct.

        7. Also japs like the elves live thousands of years hence Japanese people looking 30 when they are 60

    2. This is the first time I read someone stating an analogy that I have observed for years (Orcs = Africans). If anyone has spent an amount of time among Sub-Saharans and their descendants, the behavioral similarities to orcs are striking.

  6. Regarding Crash, I’ve noticed that with the Oscars. Both Crash and Slumdog Millionaire get crapped on and it seems like part of the reason is that they beat the “gay-agenda” movie at the Oscars (Brokebutt Mountain and Milk From His Boyfriend’s Cock respectively).

      1. They couldn’t find a species stupid enough. Apes had to take the role for the cause.

    1. Hahaha!
      They were teaching the nogs to sing a real song!
      Not that “Cole Porter” crap!

  7. #4 In an episode of the Big Bang Theory, Howard Wollowitz compared the Galactic Council meetings to CSPAN but with aliens. And he does have a point. Not only did I find these scenes boring, but in a way, our legislature seems pretty alien to me. And I’m not just saying it because some of our legislators do look pretty extraterrestrial. For instance, Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, Bernie Sanders, John Lewis, and definitely Nancy Pelosi.

  8. The trilogy of the Lord of the Rings are maybe the only recent movies completely clean of cultural marxism and political correctness.

    1. I thoroughly enjoyed all 3.
      And not a single un-madeup nog in the cast.
      Imagine that?
      And the females were feminine, even Eowyn. She was not a shrill feminist warrior. She did her part quietly and secretly.
      And after the battle went back to her proper place.
      As a contrast, I will mention Independence Day 2. I could not sleep this morning, so watched in on cable at 5 AM. Nogs as leaders, females as top fighter pilots. ASININE!!! What a shit show that was.

      1. Both Independence Day movies are utter PC propaganda flicks.
        In the first we have the black ‘cool’ pilot (I have yet to meet a black pilot) and the neurotic jew saving the world. I watched it as a teenager, and hated it then.
        In the second we have asians, gogrrllls, neurotic jews, gay scientist, miscegenation, etc, etc, etc. I watched it (via yify, I’m not paying for that crap) only because morbid curiosity, and regret it.

        1. i have never seen either of them and other than knowing black pilot and scene where white house is blown up couldn’t tell you anything and still I can tell they were both utter bullshit propaganda nonsense. Your gluttony for self torture is on one hand admirable and on the other hand insane. Why do you put yourself through this stuff???

        2. I was talking the other with a friend about that, and the conclusion was morbid curiosity, like watching a rotten corpse: It is ugly, has stench but I somehow want to watch….

        3. I can respect that. I avoid rotten corpses and PC movies alike but I absolutely understand the fascination some have with looking at the rot.

        4. I didn’t see those movies and probably will never ! Anyway, in the second movie, you said “we have asians” ! OMG ! I didn’t expected this from @Joseph !!
          I can understand general/typical “dislike and/or grudge” but something “specific”; Hmm, hard to understand. Again, every person has HIS own opinions and I respect that, even though “negative” !!
          PS: By the way, this is my personal experience with fellow “Asians” in overseas; they Suck and are Terrible !!

        5. Good point on the proper role of women in movies once the PC crap is nixed. But what role should blacks play in movies?

        6. Never thought about it, but you’re right. I don’t think I ever met a pilot in the military that wasn’t a white male, except for one woman.

        1. agreed! The problem was never that women can’t be heroic when put into a situation where it is absolutely necessary, of course they can. The problem is when that is universally extrapolated into women are kick ass warriors.
          Eowyn was heroic when there was no choice other than being a hero or death for her and the people she loved. But when she was riding to battle disguised as a man she was scared shitless and when her moment of heroism was over she went back to life as normal.
          Women are amazing creatures who are capable of great deeds when there is simply no other choice. Mothers have been known to display feats of super human strength to save their babies. This does not mean they are super heros with access to this power all the time and giving them the idea that they are is one of hollywoods favorite preoccupations.

        2. Based on your other posts, I was surprised at this one. You simultaneously put women on a pedestal while putting them in their place. Kudos, sir.

        3. I believe women belong on a pedestal for sure….so long as they behave themselves. Thank you for the kudos. I really do love women…all of them…It is the men who put them on a pedestal regardless of what they do that are the problem. Once you knock some sense into a woman and she begins to act right you put her right up there….the old carrot and stick….

        4. Eowyn is the embodiment of what Western women should be. I am a hard drinking, whore chasing Omega loser. But if I was ever able to attain a decent female, I would want someone like Eowyn. A girl I can teach to handle my 870, and be able to use it if am not around to do so.

        5. “hard-drinking, whore chasing Omega loser” Damn, that level of self-awareness though….that made me laugh. Also your read of Eowyn is spot on, in the books she ended up marrying Faramir (he was more hard core in the novels).

        6. Self aware.
          Oh yeah, hyper self aware I would say.
          Since I was 5, or least least as far back as I can remember. I always knew what others thought of me. “My place”, so to speak.

        7. I’ve begun to acquire that too, not entirely sure how I feel about it. Almost makes me want to grind to a near-Alpha level just to spit in their faces.

        8. IIRC from the book, Eowyn succumbed to her wounds and died on the field not far from her father.

        9. “I am a hard drinking, whore chasing Omega loser”
          I gotta see your business card…

      2. “And not a single un-madeup nog in the cast.”
        That’s because all the nogs are orcs!

      3. Wasn’t the black guy in ID2, who was not only adroit at killing the aliens but spoke their language, originally an African warlord “by trade”?

      4. Should blacks even have a role in movies anymore? And if so, what role should TPTB put them in?

        1. Rocket scientist, computer whiz, fighter pilot, chief of police, President, even God.
          Their natural roles.

      1. They could have thrown in some Orc rapes for good measure too…But then Rated R…not so big of an audience.

        1. Tolkein went out of his way to avoid mentions of sex. Closest thing is probably that Elrond’s wife got ‘tainted’ by Orcs.

        2. Yeah, that is what I was thinking about.
          And when you consider it, would have been ridiculous if the orcs/urakhai would not have raped the females after overrunning the cities.

        3. Naw, as artificial beings they could be dickless asexuals only interested in eating you.

      2. Hated The Hobbit trilogy. They basically ripped the book to pieces and transformed the pieces in 6 hours of political correctness….what offended me most was the warrior gogrrrll character (played by the smoking hot Evangeline Lilly) who is nowhere in the book.

        1. Btw, I was watching “Gone with the wind’ recently, there were a few scenes that would make today’s Leftists have a heart attack and uncontrollable butt heart sensations

        2. LOTR are my favourite movies together with those Carpenter flicks (They Live; The Thing – both about jews).
          But The Hobbit was a desaster. I hated it from the first minute on. And the CGI…oh, don’t get me started on that one..

        3. The interesting thing about that flick is the male/female relationship, especially the character Rhett Butler; however, the film promotes in a very subtle way, ‘anti-racism’. If i’m not wrong, the black landwhale earned an Oscar for her ‘acting skills’ there.

        4. Even while Carpenter denied it, They Live is clearly about jewish control of the world. I sincerely don’t think that The Thing is political in any way, but its a good movie….in fact I have enjoyed most of Carpenter’s films.

        5. Many people from 8chan think The Thing is more antisemitic than They Live but I agree with you – They Live is much more obvious. I mean, it depicts the (((MSM))) so accurately that The Thing just can’t keep up with that jewish stereotype.

        6. there was absolutely no need to make 3 huge feature length movies based on a book where essentially 2 things happen. This was straight up monetizing on momentum. A single 3 hour movie with half the budget that the three movies collectively used could have been awesome, poignant and an instant classic. I can’t blame them for milking the franchise for money…after all we aren’t communists…but still, its sad that they didn’t do a better job,

        7. Jackson did an impeccable job with the Trilogy. They are almost completely faithful to the books, beautifully made, very good choices in actors, etc, etc. In the Hobbit the craving desires for 1) money (as you said) and 2) spread PC propaganda turned a book into 6 hours of crap.
          I have loved Tolkien since my early teens, and I took it very personally against Jackson with The Hobbit.

        8. I totally agree about jackson with the trilogy. If any complaint I wish the cut scenes on the directors cut from the DVDs made the movie even if they did push run times to 4 hours.
          I was also let down by jackson with the hobbit but to be honest, from the moment the project was announced as a 3 movie production I knew exactly what to expect. By the time they actually premiered I went in with the attitude that “it has swords and elves and knights so i am totally going to watch it, but I already know I am not going to like it.” I guess that made the blow easier.

        9. Movies like The Hobbit, Prometheus, Prequels, etc have me convinced that the majority of directors have no clue as to why they were ever actually successful.

        10. The Thing is probably my favourite of all horror movies.
          I haven’t seen They Live, but the cover image reminds me of Network. I’ll check it out.
          This scene from Bulworth really caught me off guard when I first saw it. A candid scene where he meets with the (((donors from Hollywood))).

        11. Probably right. I can never tell if Lucas has no idea why he was successful or if he just doesn’t give a shit and wanted to make boat loads of money. Off hand I can’t think of a single good prequel. Lord o mighty did you see the abortion that was the Indy prequel?

        12. I think I saw part of it, can’t really remember. Gonna tell you a nasty little secret, I’ve never watched a whole Indy movie.

        13. Ha. No nasty secret. I’m just into that kinda nerdy shit

        14. I’ll get around to it after I finish watching all of the James Bond movies.

        15. It’s about a news reporter that sees through the bullshit and goes insane.
          This is the most iconic scene if you don’t want to watch the whole thing.
          But I’d say it’s another red-pill classic.

        16. Ha, just watch the connery ones and the one with lazenby 3 times each and save yourself seeing roger Moore in bell bottoms

        17. Really? Moore???? I would put him as third favorite. Oddly enough, my least favorite bond, Timothy Dalton, is the closest to the Bond in the Books.

        18. I have only read “Live and Let Die”…..
          And yes, It is Moore, then Connery and then (sue me) Brosnan. Hate Craig.

        19. I am indifferent to brosnan and Craig both. Can’t find it in my to really like or hate them. Like I said, if you read through all the books (From Russia… is, I think, the best of them even though Dr. No is my fav movie) Dalton really nails the literary bond. No opinion on Lazenby? Even though short lived I felt he did an excellent job.

        20. I think I would like Moore better if he retired a little earlier. Those later movies (moon raker ugh) where he was simply too old to be a convincing bond were atrocious.

        21. Lazenby was not bad, but lacks something…..
          Dalton was good, but not enough to make it to my top. What I like about him is certain IDontGiveaFlyingFuck attitude.

        22. I liked Moonraker. The basic premise is fascinating: wipe out the humanity to start anew with perfect specimens……that’s like a wet dream for me. the movie itself was a little bit silly, especially that freak Jaws.

        23. But jaws is so great…he was in a few movies…lol. He just died not to long ago. I get the premise there is good, just something about that movie hits me as a little too campy

        24. The Hobbit also robbed Gandalf of his mystique.
          In LoTR, Gandalf so rarely openly displays his abilities that I started to suspect that he had none. In The Hobbit, he engages in Harry Potter-esque wizardry battles and gets beaten badly.
          …and the less said about Robert Plant Radagast the Brown, the better.

        25. Indeed. I enjoyed the LOTR movies and was pleased they attempted to maintain what were depicted in the books, a herculean task in itself, but The Hobbt movie was unwatchable. I got half way through it on a trans-Atlantic flight and turned it off.
          PS- Nice Godfather reference.

        26. The old Rankin-Bass Hobbit animated film is way more interesting, fun, and faithful to the book.

        27. I was able to watch but I can watch anything with swords. I see the dungeons and dragons movie for god’s sake.
          On a side note, Guy Ritchie’s King Arthur movie looks pretty good.
          Was wondering if anyone would catch The Godfather reference!

        28. I’m bit of purist when it comes to Tolkien, so it was my own personal peculiarity why I didn’t like it. And you are absolutely correct regarding the motivation of Jackson. When I learned he dragged Hobbit to 3 films, I knew it was about milking the purse when the crowd was hooked, which didn’t bother me, but it was way off base with the book.
          I like some of Ritchie’s work, desipite hearing that he is an unsufferable twat, so I will have a look. I always did like Boorman’s “Excaliber” which isn’t well known these days.
          You watched the D&D movie? Ouch. I used to play D&D as a teen, but even I didn’t bother seeing the movie.

        29. I never played but I’ll watch any movie with fantasy trope. As for Richie I liked both of his movies I saw quite a bit (snatch and lock stock and two smoking barrels). I just assume everyone associated with any movie ever is an insufferable twat. The politics don’t bother me I tend to not pay attention to the actor/directors/whatever “real life”

        30. I’m more pleased with the RoK community every day. Logical conservatives that also understand what a travesty The Hobbit trilogy is.. Then again I guess a person with a good head on their shoulders could only come to that conclusion.

        31. I remember hearing about that. As then like now, I’ll skip it. I want to be entertained not preached to.

        32. Watch the Tudors. Based on a true story and pretty good. “What loss, your grace, is to man most irrecoverable?”

        33. I think part of it has to do with the fact these directors get so ‘big’ that there is nobody around with the balls or power to tell them what they are putting on film sucks.
          Redlettermedia did a great “review” of the Star Wars movie Phantom Menace. Stated in that review is that during the original Star Wars, there were additional people who had a lot of input. By Phantom Menace, it was almost 100% Lucas with nobody around to challenge him.

        34. Neither was Legolas/Galadriel. Or knowing what happened between Gandalf and Necromancer. They had to pad it out to make three films. I’m not even mad. They just wanted a dwarboy/elfgirl romance.
          Elfboy/dwarfgirl would’ve been called pedophilia naturally.

        35. Suspecting no abilities when he beat a balrog?
          Hobbit always had gandalf go SSJ in end battle. No prob there. Necromancer battle was invented though.

        36. Different film but they did both. IIRC they never completed their LOTR film(s.) The Hobbit is superior. Lots of songs, though. You can find it on YouTube.

      3. The Hobbit suffered from a problem similar to the Phantom Menace: do we want to make a serious adult movie, or pander to children? And neither even committed to a single course, vacillating back and forth even in a single scene.

    2. was actually thinking that myself after watching them. No blacks,hispanics or asians thrown in for good measure no ridiculous female leads with the exception of liv tylers character but as they say the exception proves the rule.

      1. While the role was expanded, the height of her contribution was essentially being a courier.

    3. There was a fair bit of PC, like the films using a woman to subvert the “no man can kill me!” power of an adversary.

      1. Her line was “I am no man”.
        The prophecy of the witch king being that he could not be killed by a man.

      2. To be honest, I didn’t find Eowyn’s role PC. Look at the comments of Automatic Slim and lolknee about it, they are spot on.

        1. IMO the character per se isn’t PC, but that scene was.
          It subverted the use of “man” as a gender-neutral term, and was hamfisted/”cheesy AF” to boot.

        2. Spun for political correctness, and to take the wind out of the movie’s sails.
          It struck me as a weakness of Macbeth, but at least it was handled more sensibly there, no possibility of “soda justice”.
          …Eowyn only got the “kill shot” because Merry set her up for it. Seems like the rules were bent to get around that prophecy.

    4. Of course LoTR was! The novels were written well before the 1960s when all of this PC nonsense started.

    5. Lord of the Rings was PC as shit because they cut Tom Bombadil and his happy submissive wife in FOTR. They also cut Sam’s happy submissive wife in ROTK. Submissive wives aren’t allowed. Only women permitted are demigod elf queens and prophecy fulfilling warriors better than all men.

      1. I don’t think that cutting Tom Bombabil was PC. That part of the book is directed to young audiences so is not a loss.

  9. I wonder what the SJWs would say about “The Honeymooners”?
    What with Ralph always threatening to send Alice to the moon, and all…

    1. Wouldn’t Ralph need help from the black women who worked for NASA to do that?

      1. Yes, that’s right.
        Like that ape-faced she-boon who played the fed troop leader in “Suicide Squad”.

    2. That’s probably why reruns haven’t been on television since probably the eighties lol

      1. They still play them, but only on Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Years for some reason. At least here in NY, that is.

        1. They used to come on Ted Turners channel in the 80s but I haven’t seen them since.

    1. Hmmm….
      Not so sure what is going on there.
      I prefer the Steven Segal film, where he kicks the crap out of the Jamaican street gang.

      1. I love old Segal movies, cant believe he got so fat lately. That’s not how I remember him.

        1. The Aikido/Hopkido/Whatever moves are extremely cool. Not sure how realistic, but cool nonetheless.

      2. you mean the one where he decapitates a jamaican yardie. I’m surprised he got away with a whole film killing black drug runners

        1. Yup, that’s the one.
          I think “they” allowed it because one of the good guys was black.

        2. Also, Segal is partially of the tribe himself by blood and it gives you certain privileges

      3. (((Steven Segal))) He is like a tranny: he’s jewish but a rightwing and considers himself japanese.

        1. That might be why he didn’t want any with him made after the 1970s. I didn’t either.

  10. Off-topic, but Le Pen just tied in the French election with that shit-eating cuck who married a 60-year old.
    It’s on.

    1. odds for le pen are still 5/1 at the moment, so not tied as far as the bookies are concerned

        1. yeah, I know. I put a small bet on le pen, but it’s worth remembering the media / the pollsters etc like to wrong-foot everybody. People already distrust the polls, so I’m thinking this could be a a kind of double-bluff if you know what I mean

        2. I dunno man, that would include the assumption that they actually learned their lesson the first two times. I’m just not comfortable giving them that much credit yet.

        3. my point is more about them seeking to deliberately wrong-foot people. I’m not saying the elections are fixed, but the media, the polls etc are all about wrong-footing & suckering people. The one thing I don’t think they like right now is to simply meet expectations. They want it to be a rollercoaster ride of terror that keeps us guessing

        4. Melenchon’s supporters won’t vote at all. Fillon’s supporters will partially defect to Macron. Gotta wonder where Le Pen will find the manpower to make up the difference.

        5. basically If I am to speak realistically she will probably lose close to 40% of the vote. The problem is that the demographic change in France will outdo the effect of the sure-to-be-a-disaster Macron rule… I believe that Melenchon’s supporters could partially vote for Le Pen. The only thing sure at that time is that Macron’s supporters will support him :b . The situation is desperate because it starts to show that nationalistic populism might have reached past it’s peak.

    2. Sadly, she’s not going to win, they are not going to let it happen…..and if she loses adieu France due to the current demographic trend.

      1. You wouldn’t believe how many times I was told that “they” weren’t going to let Trump win either. Here we are, several months into the first term of the first meme to ever be elected president.

        1. Trump is an opportunist, Le Pen is a zealot (in a good way). Different kinds of folks.

        2. I think trump ran for ego and what he thought was best, but not for opportunity. He took a major personal risk and deserves respect for that. Most billionaires are low key.

      2. Trump is an opportunist, Le Pen is a zealot (in a good way). Different kinds of folks.

      3. Britain isn’t going to leave the EU, and Trump won’t win the election either.

    3. Problem is in the run off all the left wing cucks will unite behind this faggot and defeat Le-Pen…
      France is gone IMO…

        1. This situation is different IMO. France has an incredibly powerful left wing sentiment that will make them all turn against Marie Le Pen..
          But I hope you’re right!

  11. Zulu, otherwise known as “Black Lives Don’t Matter”:

    Could you imagine trying to remake this movie now?

    1. Actually, yes I can!
      The zulus suffer gut-twisting atrocities by the english who all rape them and abduct their kids and fight dirtily being drunk all the time. Then saka says some mandela shit and then they win with next to no loses and they even make the mistake to let the survivors live, who again come back and rape their wives.
      Moral of the story: white man – bad man!

    2. Classic
      But now SJW are rewriting history:
      “The may have committed war crimes at rorks rift”

  12. I’ve wondered about the slasher movies with multi-racial casts where the slasher murders the nonwhite characters, and only the pretty, innocent white girl character and perhaps her white boyfriend survive.
    You also see this in science fiction movies like Aliens.

    1. You mean they once actually had movies where the white girl had a white boyfriend????

        1. I have to say, I always hated Sigourney Weaver. 9 feet tall, butt ugly, and masculine as the day is long. I wanted that Alien to tear her apart in that 2nd movie.

        2. 15….
          Tongue Wagging!!!!
          Just checked. HL was born in 61.
          Alien came out in 79.
          So she would have been 17 or so during filming.
          Legal here in NY!!! Tongue Wagging!!!

        3. Thought 18 was the legal limit. I think I remember that angry guy from SVU (back when I watched television) throwing 18 year olds through interview windows because they snogged a 16/17 year old.

        4. NY = 17
          Conn = 16 (Tongue really wagging!!!!)
          Angry guy = Stabler. He had teenage daughters. I have found that most “normal” guys, once they have teenage daughters, morph into Stabler. But with a pot belly and not able to back it up…

        5. Yup.
          They had her as a “Borderline Personality”.
          Just like 90% of all American girls.

  13. John D’angelo.
    Fighting Back.
    The theme from “The Warriors” is playing, for some reason. I like it.

  14. No menton of Falling Down?
    Falling Down came out back when the internet had barely started so it was either ignored by critics or panned. It tore into the leftist bash white male narrative (although with some subtlety by introducing plot complications such as whether D-fens might have been psychotic.)
    Not only did it undermine that narrative but it also portrayed Los Angeles as a hellhole due to diversity and leftism and also tore into the white knight protagonist cop character (who only grew a set of balls by putting another guy down.)
    Truly amazing film that communicates the red pill philosophy in under 2 hours.

    1. Over the years, I have had more than one coworker tell me that I remind them of that character…

    2. I agree totally, if you mean the red pill philosophy is that a failed husband who loses his job should respond by dressing in military gear, going on a murder spree, and then trying to kill his wife and child so that he feels manly again.

      1. Actually, if you read what I said, the film is ambiguous in that it suggests he was psychotic but also shown that it was unlikely he’d hurt the wife and child. In one scene, a cop asks her: “Did he ever hit you? Threaten you in any way? Threaten the child?” and she says no. He is protective of children throughout the film including a little girl he meets while hiding from the police on a golf course. He does allude to how in some cultures (ironically, Islamic cultures) that they kill disobedient wives to piss of his ex and carries a gun at the end of the film.
        Indeed, it’s highly likely that he was telling the truth to Prendergrast that he didn’t know what would happen next (not that he was going to kill the wife and child but after getting to see his daughter for the birthday party, with the cops on his tail, what would he do? Go on the run? Kidnap the daughter and wife and flee?) That is uncertain not only for us as the viewer but also perhaps for the character himself. Yes, Pendergrast says that he thinks that D-fens was going to go on a murder suicide binge but note that Pendergrast has (as portrayed by the film) spent his life as a beta male despised by his colleagues, emasculated by his wife (whose miserable with him even as she has no other prospects available), and for the first time in HIS life, feels like a “man” by chasing down “the bad guy” as D-fens now sadly describes himself. Which is the point of the film: That D-fens up to that point in his life had been peaceful and PORTRAYED as violent, even with a restraining order against him having done NOTHING WRONG (by the ex wife’s admission) other than perhaps lose his temper and yell a little at a birthday party in a video and lose his job (due to the GHB military cuts at the time.)
        In regards to the murder “spree”, let’s see: His first violent encounter is with a Korean shopowner who threatens him with a baseball bat. After that, he’s attacked by Hispanics over a “turf conflict” and using the baseball bat to beat up his attacker, acquires a butterfly knife. It’s the hispanic gang that then goes on a murder spree. So far, he’s largely been a victim fighting back. After acquiring the rocket launcher and bag full of guns, he then becomes the agressor and blows up the construction site and threatens a whammyburger (note, no on-screen fatalities). He is then attacked by the military surplus storeowner and then threatened with being turned in to the cops and THAT is his first, and only, murder in the film.
        Note that this film isn’t just a “white male” weepathon but also shows sympathy for a black man whose in a similar situation to D-fens (the “economically unviable” protester) and also the plight of men in general (Pendegrast as an emasculated beta male and the tooth gapped Whammyburger manager whose just trying to put in a day’s work) On the other hand, there are the men that D-fens becomes (“the bad guy”) such as the Hispanic gang members who decide to heck with playing by the rules.
        On the other side, consider the fantasticly acted female roles: Angie, Pendegrast’s “partner” is likeable and sensible in contrast to his (and D-fens ex) wives who are bitchy and passive-aggressive respectively.
        Of course, as a tragedy it’s not meant to be taken literally as red pill philosophy (go on a “Murder spree” and then commit suicide by cop) but rather as an illustration of how society is set up to exploit nearly all of the men in the film rather than support them in their difficult roles as protector and breadwinner. This goes for nearly all the male characters in the film including the Korean storeowner and even hispanic gang member with a girlfriend.
        But this is all red-pill wisdom. For the blue pillers, wisdom is bashing white guys and thinking that as soon as they’re all gone, Malmo and East L.A. will become a Swedish socialist paradise (circa 1975). Now that would make a pretty funny movie if it wasn’t so true.

        1. Jeez Louise….EXCELLENT critique of the film!!! You should be a theater critic!

        2. I disagree that the film is ambiguous that “D-FENS” will kill his family. Prendergast says “you’re going to kill your wife and child!!” and D-FENS sees himself, in military fatigues, keeping them there at gunpoint, and HE realized that Prendergast is right. That, I believe, is why he decides to kill himself.
          If this is “red pill wisdom,” it is the fallacy of red pill wisdom, in my opinion. D-FENS loses his wife, child, and job, so he’s “exploited by society?” Lots of guys get divorced and/or lose their jobs without resorting to a murder rampage. Likewise, if Prendergast doesn’t have the respect of his police chief and is pushed around by his wife, LOTS of guys deal with problems like that in ways that don’t involve gunning down someone.

        3. Er, do you THINK before you type. Let me Dr Evil quote EXACTLY what you said:
          “LOTS of guys deal with problems like that in ways that don’t involve gunning down someone.”
          Yet, that’s precisely how Pendergrast got his balls back: By gunning down a “bad guy” who was armed with a water pistol. Yes, we know as the viewer that Pendergrast didn’t know that but this is precisely the opposite of what you just said.
          Next, simply because Pendergrast declares something and D-Fens acts in shock doesn’t confirm it’s correct. Note that Pendergrast’s question included the statement: “What do you intend to do next?” and _I_ said that up to that moment, it’s likely that D-fens hadn’t considered it himself because he’d been too busy outrunning the police.
          And, indeed, you ARE correct that most guys lose their jobs and get divorced without resorting to murder which is precisely why the blue pill works. Imagine if most men were like, say, Muslim refugees and see how long the feminist/leftist welfare state would last. Men such as D-fens and Pendergrast are mocked and belittled precisely because they are civilized (which I just said.)
          Learn to read, please.

        4. Thank you. I had written a pretty good review on IMDB but I think SFC made me up my game.
          But the real credit goes to the writers for a (unusually) good screenplay and the producers getting something done that was almost as unlikely then as now to be put on film.
          Another great film that I think doesn’t get the kudos it deserves (and this will shock you) is “The Toy” with Richard Pryor. It’s a comedy and certainly starts out that way but it evolves into an economic class film (devoid of reference to race) between a rich man who loves his spoiled son so much that he “buys” the time of a poor man to play with him and the poor man decides to set the son against his father for his own agenda.
          The father, portrayed by Jackie Gleason, rather than destroy his son for the great harm done to him minimizes the damage, BUYS off the poor man to make a point (that power is what drives the world we live in) and even the poor man comes to respect the rich man for having such unconditional love for his son.
          Falling Down is many things but it is also the representation of the love of D-Fens for his daughter and his unfathomable anguish at being unemployed and unwelcome at his daughter’s party because he’s not a provider (as his wife tells him on the phone.)
          SFC, I’m the father of a daughter and aside from the points I made above, I’ll add that the last wish of D-fens is to possibly get an insurance payout for his daughter rather than rot in prison.

        5. I understand that in the movie, “that’s how Pendergast got his balls back,” but Falling Down is not a documentary. Pendergast was not a real person. The fact that something happened to (fictional character) Pendergast does not back up or refute “red pill philosophy.” Not clear on how you think this is connected with “Muslim refugees.” Everything I read about Syrian refugees in the U.S. is that companies are eager to hire them because they can reliably pass drug tests.

        6. So you’re saying “It’s just a movie, man, so it doesn’t matter”. Agreed. But based upon the script and dialogue as I explained above, I stand by my claims.
          If a company wants to hire these Syrians, I guess it’s no longer an issue of issuing them iphones before they carry out workplace shooting since the government found a software company that can decrypt them for 10 grand. The executives usually have corner offices with strong security…

        7. I remember “The Toy”.
          I believe the kid actor became a bit screwed up later in life, with porn & drugs & what not.

        8. The movie was about a guy committing suicide after being prevented from seeing his child by a vindictive wife. The policeman acted as all police do in a divorce, ‘man can’t see child situation’, they ‘protect’ the woman by harming the man. Society always claims the man is a danger, that’s how modern society and modern court systems behave, ALL divorced men are considered a danger to their own family.
          I can’t see any hint in the movie that he was ever a danger to his child or former wife..

        9. There are hints and this introduces complexity and ambiguity in the film:
          1) Pendergrast interviews D-fens mother and asks him if he has anger issues and the mother indicates yet. Note that D-fens may have been angry that the mother treated him badly (after all, he was now reduced to moving in with her after being kicked out of his own home.)
          2) D-fens does threaten his wife with murder, indirectly, by citing how in “some cultures” (such as, where the Syrian refugees are from) it’s acceptable for men to kill disobedient WIVES. Note, he never said anything to threaten his daughter in any way.
          3) The wife has a restaining order on him but admits to a cop that she didn’t have a lot of cause for it but the judge gave it to her anyway because, hey, eff the ex-husband.
          Based upon all that, Pendegrast may think a murder suicide is possible but as the viewer we clearly see that was highly unlikely.

        10. Funny story. My lawyer had the police show up at his home and kick in the door for some reason and Larry went to the door with his 358 long pistol. The cops had their guns training on him, he asked for ID and they provided it, and he put the gun away.
          He laughed and said if it was a woman cop, she probably would have panicked and blew him away.
          The cops chatted with him, reviewed his legal credentials, and left without incident but DID confiscate his pistol for safe keeping until he could claim it later. He offered to me to pick it up (and keep) but the local property manager kept putting me off. I suspect they were trying to keep me from claiming it and the strategy worked. I never did get the gun back for him or me.
          I dealt with police officers at other times in Southern California and all were reasonable and professional albeit at times trying to entrap me (just doing their job.) By remaining professional and tactful, I escaped charges of DV among others.
          My lawyer is right that the female cops and employees of the police really seem to have a ‘hard on’ against men. But that was in California at the time. I got pulled over by a policewoman for an illegal u-turn in Virginia and after a friendly chat, she let me off with a warning. Perhaps she felt sorry for me after seeing my car. 🙂

        11. Your reviews are bang on. I love that movie and agree with all your points.
          I think the “psychotic” bits were probably added to ensure that the audience didn’t think that a regular man could go to that level. He’d have to be “psychotic” and therefore unlikely and not something to worry about.
          Or perhaps the writers wanted to get their idea across while adding a “safe” way to present it.

        12. Exactly. One of the paradoxes of modern political correctness is that the average white guy such as D-fens has his behavior checked by society for the slightest sign of discontent lest he blow up but in reality, other men go through far worse and just pay off their child-support and keep their mouths shut. SFC (largely) said: “Lots of men go through this and don’t shoot someone” but that’s just it: It’s a testament to how amazing men are that we can be put through this pressure and contain ourselves, isn’t it? How long would d-fens or Pendagrast’s old ladies survive with their attitudes in non-western cultures?
          Consider D-fens wife who would run to the phone the second that her husband looked at her the wrong way. The policeman merely asked her if he had done anything to merit a restraining order and she admitted that she just “felt” it. Did she create a self-fulfilling prophesy?
          So ironically, while the whole ambiguous psychotic thing may appear to detract from the picture, it also adds a dimension to it about how this exists in real life in how ordinary men are MADE into the mosters they are portrayed as.
          I often love to trot this out against feminist rape-hysteria types. “There’s a rape culture!!!” they shriek. I retort: “Well, if there wasn’t any rape you wouldn’t have anything to whine about and then nobody would care about your rants and then you’d be miserable, wouldn’t you? So aren’t you just as happy about this rape culture as anyone?”
          They are stunned that instead of white knighting and running to their defense to give them what they want, I laugh them off. They start to sputter in shock, cry out for a different white knight, and then leave in disgust. It’s hilarious.
          What’s neat is that even if the writers’ intents were to not make this into a “normal white guy takes out his frustrations on politically correct society” film to make it more politically correct, what they did HELPED the film in certain ways.
          Sometimes I just don’t get a particular scene but others do such as the whammyburger. At first, I thought it was rather contrived with him deciding to hold an entire restaurant hostage over not getting breakfast but in hindsight, I like the scene because it’s D-fens going from white collar guy just reacting to now going full gangsta like the hispanic gangs. I felt that the scene was distracting from his “just want to go home to the kid and get past all this” but now see that D-fens was evolving.
          Another one of my favorite films is Groundhog Day and there’s a scene where the protagonist realizes that there is an advantage to his situation and decides to go dark. He robs a bank, tricks women into sex, goes on a high speed chase with the police (and perhaps even darker stuff not appropriate for a PG film). This all ties into how the culture that has been unfairly bashing normal men for generations may just wind up creating the monsters they fear. Most leftists secretly know that right wingers are the most polite folks out there and play this lucy and the football game. Perhaps that’s what scared so many reviewers of the film: whether by writers’ intent or not, it illustrates that times can change for the worse not only for D-fens, but others around him.

        13. I loved the whammyburger scene. It was the first true rebellion D-Fens had against was he felt was a lie sold to him. In a way I guess you could say it was the lie of the American Dream. In the pictures, he sees a juicy burger, and in reality, he gets this sad looking, overdone burger that’s not even half of the one in the pic. It was his first act of rebelling against that system of lies. I thought it was massively important to the story. D-Fens and the guy from the Army Surplus store actually remind me of the difference between normal white guys (and non-whites who like white culture), and those 1488 style people, who think the Jews are 100% at fault for all the ills of the world.
          Both are frustrated, but that frustration comes out in different ways.

        14. I’m chuckling at a double-think process of the left in that they portray guys suh as the Army Surplus racist guy as a loser (and in this film, he largely is. The store didn’t have any customers and the guy didn’t seem particularly well educated) but at the same time, where are the evil white CEO racists? Aren’t most of them either raging leftists or amoral financial opportunists such as Carly Fiorina?
          The Jew bashing is remarkably similar to that of marxist ideology against crony capitalists: They have a monopoly, blah blah blah. After all, D-Fens was largely regarded as a member of the white male ruling class who was seen as a crybaby loser by the left.
          Of course, in the whammyburger scene we can interpret D-fens in several ways. Were the writers coming up with a silly scene to connect the bag of guns to his later appearance with Army Surplus guy? Or the intepretation you made (that he was finally growing a pair against the system) or perhaps I just think that this wasn’t a rebellion so much as him hitting the “point of no return” that he told his wife about on the phone: He had just shot a gang banger in the leg in public and stolen a huge bag of guns. Up to that point, he hadn’t been identified by the police or anyone else. He hadn’t yet “crossed the point of no return”. After he shoots the Army Surplus guy, he does feel that he’s now officially capable of anything. But between that point and him acquiring the bag of guns, he may have felt that he could have just gone on with his day and dropped off the bag of guns and perhaps gone home to his mother and pretended nothing had happened.
          So perhaps that was his mood when he wandered into the whammy burger for breakfast: He had this bag of guns and didn’t think anyone was going to identify him yet so perhaps grab some breakfast and think about it. Right? Then his disgust with his place in the system overall gets to him. As he said, he had to call his boss by his last name for years and even as a customer here, he’s powerless. So eff it he decided. He’ll go gangster. Would the hispanic gang banger have put up with this passive aggressive nonsense from his girlfriend?
          Another similar theme was in Breaking Bad. Walter White went unidentified as Heisenberg for most of the series but he had crossed the line and murdered. This had a profound effect on his mental state as compared to schlepping for a car wash in his part-time and watching his ideas making money for someone else. Compare and contrast to Blue Piller Jessie who calls everyone “bitch” even as he’s a whining pussy for the whole show (purple pill?)
          So in the whammyburger scene, I get the impression that at that exact point in time, his plan was to go home and tell his wife she was taking him back. Period. Sure, he’d tell her, go call the police and say he broke the restraining order and get him thrown into jail for a month or so and when he gets out, she better have her obituary written. Her move.
          Consider how that ultimatim compares to Pendegrast answering his wife’s call after she screeches at him and he tells her to shut up and cook dinner and keep the skin on the chicken and she acquiesces. This is after he finally got his balls back after getting a decent case to take someone else down.
          In other words, both of them got the red pill.
          For D-fens, this plan fell apart when the female detective confronts him at the Venice beachhouse and he shoots his way out. Now he knows that he has been identified so his ability to stand up to his wife and remain with her legally was not going to happen. Not having anything else better to do, he visits his daughter anyway. He probably was going to hope to enjoy a last ice cream with her before going on the run.
          So it’s clear based upon the series of events that Pendegrast’s accusations were unlikely. And as I told SFC, this was coming from a guy who just got his balls back an hour or so ago and thinks the worst of “bad guys” (when being a ‘good guy’ to him meant that he never even raised his voice to his wife transforming her into a worthless bitch.)
          Ironically, the one most stereotypical, one dimensional, overrated character in the whole film was the Army Surplus guy. The left claims to deplore stereotypes but basically any white white male who isn’t a leftist, is secretly the Army Surplus Guy who worships Hitler. If you don’t wear a pussy hat and go to the women’s protest, you’re a neo nazi. Oh, and also you see things in terms of black and white. 🙂
          Consider this Heineken commercial:

          The right wingers show that they are willing to be reasonable and compromise just as D-fens largely was willing to consider the point of view of the Korean guy (who asks how much money the USA gave Korea and D-fens laughs and admits he has a point.)
          So what I think the left really hates about this film is how D-fens wasn’t a total caricature similar to Archie Bunker or Joey (who actually also had a lot more depth than they intended). The film raised uncomfortable issues they want to pretend don’t exist.

        15. I don’t see 2 as an indirect threat. I think he is highlighting how good she has it and trying to make her feel bad for exploiting a situation that gives women the benefit of the doubt.

        16. YES YES!!! Agree with everything. You’ve clearly analyzed the movie far more than I have. I did catch all the cues, just never thought about them much. It’s clear the nazi guy is a caricature of how all “alt-right” white people are seen by the left. D-Fens was the correction to the stereotype. The whole idea was “he’s not legit, I AM legit!”.
          The scene with the black guy in the same situation seals it. It’s not an “angry white guy” film. It’s an “oppressed human being finally fighting back against the ridiculousness that was oppressing him” film. It could have been the black guy, and it needed to be someone with balls to not fear the consequences (hence the slightly psychotic streak). By osmosis, the cop learns to grow his own pair of (smaller) testicles for once.

        17. The latest hysteria from the left now is over two alt-righters making an “ok” sign in the white house. That’s a secret “nazi” Pepe code, don’t you know? 🙂
          So now I’d like to see the alt-right perhaps co-opt some other social meme and watch the left start seeing boogymen under the beds: Frozen princesses.
          The Frozen princesses are ideal Aryan facists: They use magic powers to enforce their Nordic supremecy. So just imagine if Pepe fans started buying up all the Frozen merchandise and showing it off: Elsa lunchboxes, Elsa backpacks, that stuff is EVERYWHERE!
          So then the average leftist would have to confiscate all their daughters’ cherished Frozen gear and burn it. But it wouldn’t stop the problem: Frozen is a bigger merchandise glut than Mickey Mouse or Star Wars.

        18. Hmm, now you’re on to something. I might photochop something with this idea if you don’t mind.

      1. I’m amazed it was made at the time. Douglas made a film soon after “Disclosure” about a MALE victim of sexual harassment from a woman (portrayed by Demi Moore) who used affirmative action to get ahead along with becoming as bad as the rest of the corporate good ol’ boys (managed the plant overseas badly and tried dto make Douglas’s character into a patsy). Douglas wound up being saved by getting tips from an older woman executive who wound up getting his promotion which his character didn’t mind since he had his job and reputation saved.
        This was highly controversial at the time since at that very moment, the feminists were in a fresh rage about “sexual harassment” and making up claims that women were all victims in the corporate world and men were all privileged. This film was like pouring water on their fire. Since it was made a year or two after Falling Down, the feminists seethed against Douglas. He also made a film “The War of the Roses” portraying Kathleen Turner’s character as a bitchy housewife that wound up generating a divorce battle that got them both killed (a kind of dark comedy.)
        The Douglas family made several “red pill” type films over the years and I have a special place in my heart for them since Douglas’s family hails from Odessa, Ukraine.

      2. Sure it could, because it still proposes that the guy who cant take it anymore is the problem, not everyone/everything else….

    3. Perfectly said! This film is pure brilliance and remains one of my favorites to the day.

    4. American women might think that finally they have gained equality, and they have—the equality to be abused by police just like men. As John Whitehead reports, women are forced by police to strip naked, often in public, and have their viginas explored as part of a “drug search.” When I was a young man, society would not have tolerated any such intrusion on a woman. The officer and police chief would have been fired and if not prosecuted for rape, would have been beat into bloody pulps by the enraged men.

      1. And now… he got it! (At McD’s at least.) My wife and I get breakfast sandwiches (at lunch) all the time.
        But not at WhammyBurger. 🙁

      2. I always fantasize about wrestling the bat from my local convenience store owner when I see a can of soda comes to $1.50…

    5. Falling down was a decent movie. But it still had to pander to the narrative by including a crazy gun loving white supremacist Douglas character had to put in place.

      1. I thought about that as well and here’s that I think was GOOD about that character:
        The first objection the average SJW (even for that time) would make is that D-Fens is a bitter white supremecist crying about losing his privilege. But the presence of two characters challenges that accusation: the “not economically viable” black guy (basically D-fens in the same outfit, but black) and the army surplus racist guy who disgusts D-fens.
        This situation is a neat allegory for men (black or white) to take the red pill: It doesn’t matter if you’re a totally non-racist or even non-white: The system (and particularly the left and feminism) will chuck you under the bus regardless. That’s why so many blue piller guys have such a low self-esteem: When they’re just waiting for their turn to take one to the back of the head, what kind of life do they lead?
        And heck, even the identity groups today that think that leftism is going to support them forever should note that their turn will come eventually when they are no longer needed either. As soon as the will of the people is broken, then that’s that. Then that zyklon B canister will get reused to cull the excess population but there will be nobody left to stop them. That’s the dream of the globalists.

    6. I remember (((Gene Siskel))) talking about how terrible Falling Down was. In hindsight, I now realize what a left-wing POS Siskel was – completely incapable of sympathizing with the goyim. I’m sure if the movie was about the struggles of Chaim Goldstein, then Siskel would have loved it.
      At least Ebert had the cajones and integrity to call it for what it was – a great film about the modern struggles of the white, American Chirstian male.

    7. Can’t wait for the new Ocean’s 8 movie with an hilarious all female cast, that’ll educate my insensitive white ass.

    8. One of my favorite movies, despite its flaws, its not too often you see a movie depicting how bad the working class man gets shat on.

  15. Roots 2017
    Your name is Toby
    My name is Kunta Kintae and I identify as a polyamorous pansexual female.

    1. I was in 6th grade when the “Roots” miniseries came out.
      The other kids in class were talking about it. But not me.
      My father would not watch it.
      He was a negligent father as far as training me to be like him, but at least he got one thing right.

      1. Ha. Not sure when that came out. I have still never actually seen it. Was it in the 70’s?

        1. yeah, so i was only in kidergarden when it came out. Good on your dad on this one.

        2. Oh, he absolutely had his good points.
          Business owner. Leader of his group of friends/relatives, great provider. An ultra-alpha if there ever was. But very self centered and did not give one shit about training me to be like him, or at the very least, getting me away from the wicked witch of Westchester — aka my evil witch of a mother.
          Maybe I complain too much here. I suppose compared to some others guys I am not doing so bad. But still, I wonder, what if…

        3. I find that generally everyone has a story that is not as bad as some and worse than others. No sense in feeling bad. We all have our tales and we all tell them and each one has unique points which enrich those who are paying attention!
          Wicked Witch of Westchester. Lol

      2. We watched some of it I suppose because we only had three channels in the Stone Age .

        1. Yup, I remember those days.
          In NY We had:
          2 – CBS
          4 = NBC
          5 = WNEW (then WNYW, now FOX)
          7 = ABC
          9 = WOR
          11 = WPIX
          13 = PBS

        2. I grew up in Wilkes-Barre and in 1972, I was one of the first families to have cable TV, a dishwasher, a garbage compactor (who has THOSE now? 🙂 and a microwave oven (we got in 1980).
          My Ukrainian born wife first used a dishwasher and microwave oven when she met me. As far as she was concerned, it was like getting into a Soyuz. 🙂 Now she’s used to them. 🙂 (Note: Ukraine at that time did have them, but they were uncommon because the VAT and other taxes are so damn high.)

        3. As a kid, I used to go on summer vacation to my cousins’ mountain house in Monroe Pa.
          Do you know where that is? Near Binghamton NY in Northern Pa.. I remember going past Wilkes Barre on the interstate on the trip up there. Great memories…

        4. I know where Monroe is, but never went there. The best thing that happened to Wilkes Barre was getting flooded in 1972. Federal disaster money revitalized the region but the local democratic corruption (and corruption in general, check out the film “kids for cash”) along with a remote location (in between Philly and New York, but a massive 3 hour drive) resulted in an economic collapse. It’s now officially the most “unhappy” place in the United States.
          There are some beautiful buildings and architecture including the Post Office, bridge (similar to something out of Paris) and a high school with stained glass windows.
          These were the ORIGINAL “blue state” Democratic voters a century ago now treated with disdain by the left. I’m happy to say they finally got off the oxycotin long enough to vote for Trump. Nice to see they figured out what I and Archie Bunker figured out in 1975.

      3. Roots was pretty good in that it portrayed Kunta Kinte as a man who refused to give up his identity and yearning for freedom ONLY until his son was born and he accepted life as a slave rather than abandon his child and wife.
        Now think about that. This wasn’t some unconscious decision to accept slavery like blue pillers make in order to get basic cultural acceptance. This was a man making a supreme sacrifice for his daughter.
        Think about all the men who make such sacrifices for their families and are even mocked for doing so: Men who work at bad jobs they hate because the pay is better and they want to keep a roof over the kids’ heads. Men who go to war because they believe they’re doing the right thing. Compare and contrast to modern feminism’s libertine lifestyle of personal pleasure and gratification that results in single mother’s abusing and neglecting their children even with state aid.

        1. I will say this.
          Bringing them here was a SIN.
          A great sin.
          Against them.
          And even more so, against US!

        2. Agreed. Since most whites don’t deserve white guilty anymore than a black man should be arrested for being the same color as a criminal suspect, what we observe in the post “de-segregration” era is that it’s not working out very well for EITHER of us. If it could have worked, it certainly wasn’t due to the opportunistic, scummy left that decided to scapegoat working class whites who most likely never owned (or traded) in slaves.

        3. Reparation: buy them a ticket home.
          Job done, everyone happy.
          I’d even pay for a ticket myself, sure I can find many others to donate tickets.

        4. Abraham Lincoln was planning just that until an idiot decided to shoot him at Ford’s theater.

        5. Here in Scotland I used to be able to go a whole year without seeing any black faces. They’ve become somewhat more common in recent years but it is still unusual to see black people here. I don’t consider Asians to be black as some people do.
          Even so Asians make up a very small percentage of Scotland’s population. Scotland is well over 90% white. Blacks and Muslims find Scotland too cold and our weather depressing, Summer seems to be just around the corner yet it never fully arrives. Cold wet Summers occur regularly and we often get wall-to-wall leaden skies. In Winter it doesn’t get fully light until almost 09:00am and it is inky dark by 3:30pm.
          If anyone is interested in knowing why Scotland voted to remain in the EU in the Brexit vote while England voted to leave. First we get something like 0.01% of the immigrants that the English get. Second we get more out of the EU than we put in.

        6. I’ve lived in Glasgow. You have numerous middle easterners and Asians there. Be cautious and don’t allow the English to drive more liberal immigration laws home.

        7. No immigrants in Scotland cos it’s a shit place to live. Cold, windy and rains nearly every day!

        8. There are thousands of muzrat invaders in Glasgow, in fact the city was home to one of the most horrific anti-white murders in British history, that of Kriss Donald ..

        9. It’s a shame the killers of Kriss Donald didn’t find Scotland too cold & depressing ..

      4. My favorite “Roots” story – I was picking up a black chick for a date and her family’s watching Roots as I enter the house. I am introduced to her father at the exact moment the Scottish guy is beating the holy shit out of Kunta Kinte….
        I like to think I still made a good impression…

  16. Another film many may have missed with a great deal of red pill wisdom:
    Outsourced is a feel good Hollywood film about an outsourced, stereotypical white male manager who goes to India to manage a call center handling customer service for mid-western “rednecks” buying USA patriotic merchandise.
    On the surface, it’s a classic fish-out-of-water film where he befriends the locals (making them seem warm to us) and grows in the process along with a romantic relationship.
    But looking more closely, a few intersting things: The protagonist and the poor of India he befriends are the only really decent people in the film. The rest are portrayed as cheap opportunitists: the “redneck” customers told by the Indian call center that a USA product would cost “twice as much” (they would never give out that information) who then continue to purchase kitsch they don’t need anyway. The local manager who offers “hospitality” to stay at his home and befriends him (not knowing anything about him) only to cash in later when the protagonist gives him his job. Even the love interest is probably amoral and proudly manipulted him twice when she claimed that English was a “native” language of India to minimalize the offense felt by the mid-western customers and later claims that a USA product would cost twice as much (not intending to actually provide the information where to buy the product). Hmmm…. a handsome manager who could get her a green card and out of an arranged marriage or in the very least, a sexual harassment lawsuit she could cash in on?
    But perhaps the most interesting character is the director who outsources the whole call center to India and later, to China, who has NO other morals other than cutting costs (or appearing to) to justify his own bonus. After all, how much does it really cost to run a call center for a small catalog? Couldn’t that have been outsourced to another firm entirely making his own salary redundant? Oh, wait, that would be cutting his own throat. So this is an American who has no scruples or morals but has advanced in our society. The lesson appears to be that the only decent men in the film: The protagonist manager and the poor guy he helps, wind up out of work at the end of the film.
    The ultimate red pill lesson.

  17. “Oz” (the book) was political satire. The characters represented political figures and controversies of the day.
    Dorothy was “Theodore” spelled (sorta) sideways, as in Theodore Roosevelt. Both were young and caught up in a whirlwind of events. Teddy did become President after an assassination.
    The Witch of the East was Big Banking and the Witch of the West was Railroads. Family farmers were stuck to the land (Scarecrow). When the businesses “took a bath” (bankruptcy), they were liquidated. So was the witch.
    One of the major issues of the day was Coinage of gold and silver. In the book, her slippers were silver. The movie made them Ruby Red to show up on the Yellow Brick Road that led to nowhere (bricks of gold).
    Gold and silver are both measured and sold in ounces (Oz).
    The flying monkeys were strikebreakers. Tinman was idle factories. The Lion was possibly William Jennings Bryan and The Wizard himself could be almost any politician. He left in a bag of hot air.
    The Emerald City … What else do politicians see except GREEN?!
    I have never figured out who/what the apple trees were.

    1. I always heard the wizard was William Jennings Bryan, and the cowardly lion the American worker unaware of his true (collective) strength and afraid to assert his rights. But whatever. Oddly, I’ve never heard who Toto is supposed to be.

  18. You’d think Soros could afford some plastic surgery. Those eye bags of his are epic…

    1. I heard a great description of eye bags like those, but it has to be imagined in your mind’s ear being said in a Southern accent for the full impact. Bags? More like young suitcases!”

  19. Crocodile Dundee. Outback hick goes to the Big Smoke, realizes it’s all a load of cr*p, then heads back home again with the good looking shelia!

      1. Man, I totally forgot about this movie until a month ago. That girl is a ringer for my wife. And I did not ever know this until a month go.

      2. I thought the end where he walks on top of the crowd like an Australian Shepherd does on the backs of sheep had excellent symbolism. We are just sheep if we allow ourselves to be treated as such.

  20. Sometimes, I think we really do live in a Matrix. No matter what we do, things always end in favor of (((those))) in charge. The whole world in still plugged in and we are like the small group of rebels fighting to survive. Taking the red pill means two things:
    (1). You realize that it is impossible to change the world, so you focus on changing yourself.
    (2). You take one for the team and turn yourself into the next Hitler.
    Hitler was the only man in modern history to challenge the influence of the Jews. He also happens to be the most hated man in the world. Coincidence?

  21. As for Palpatine—the Phantom Menace himself…

    As George Lucas said, “Jar-Jar is the key to all of this”
    Even if you don’t subscribe to the Darth Jar-Jar theory, is Palpatine really the Phantom Menace? Every viewer of Star Wars 6 knew Palpatine was the villain going in, and George Lucas stringing viewers along for 3 whole movies of dramatic irony doesn’t compute IMO.
    I’d suggest Kingsman: The Secret Service. Then again, since ROK recently ran an eerily-Malthusian article about the earth being overpopulated, maybe there’s a reason for the omission of this movie that was so subversive that it literally detonated 0bama on-screen?

    1. George really screwed up in making Jar Jar so over the top goofy. Had he been able to go with the original idea, (and Jar Jar not been so annoying) it would have been an excellent series. Switching gears in in episode 2 really made it awkward. 3 was better.

      1. As annoying as Jar Jar is, if he had been given iconic lines on par with Yoda’s, could he have been remembered with more fan fondness?
        For all his failings, not seeing “Darth Jar-Jar” 100% through is Lucas’ greatest.
        Yoda went from “annoying, addled hermit” to “jedi master” in a few minutes. Assuming “Darth Jar-Jar”, Lucas made JJ’s transition take at least 1 full movie. GL overestimated his abilities with that, he’s not known for his long-term planning.

  22. They Live is a great movie! “Rowdy” Roddy Piper’s fight with Keith David is epic!
    the plot is pretty much what people round here say about (((you know whos’s)))

  23. They didn’t “escape” the control, silly.
    These movies are promoting occultism and Gnosticism in a dialectical way.
    You have to study how the elite works.

  24. On the Matrix:
    “created by a couple of transsexuals ”
    Indeed – probably one of single, weirdest things about the entire movie and its phenomenal cultural influence. I’m still trying to figure that one out.

    1. Long before the movie came out, I remember discussing this subject with my brother. They just put it in some machine based, technology theme. Not that new.
      As far as the Red Pill/Blue Pill, that can be attributed to themes like in Alice in Wonderland.

      1. “As far as the Red Pill/Blue Pill, that can be attributed to themes like in Alice in Wonderland”
        Good point, but the directors of the movie did do a good job of spinning the story to interface with modern times.
        I just didn’t imagine it would be coning from a couple of freaks.

  25. On Blazin Saddles:
    “The leftist reaction: Back then, it got three Oscars nominations. These days, it would send hordes of triggered SJWs running for the nearest safe space”
    Some would, but a lot of SJWs would just take to the streets and find a way to have faggy-liberal bitch fest; distrupting people’s lives. In some areas like San Francisco one might see a gaggle of progressive fags setting parked cars on fire, while a Nero-like mayor just stands idyly by and allows it to happen.

  26. Although a TV series, I think one that was totally overlooked is “Married With Children”. Al Bundy, even though he was a stereotyped dopey dad, had many instances of throwing the feminist agenda back in their faces, and the creation of “NO MA’AM”. (National Organization of Men Against Amazonian Masterhood) This really was the start of the manosphere, and emphasized the importance grouping together to combat feminism.

    1. A few additional observations:
      1) The actor who portrayed Al seems to be an ok guy, but he’s now on a show that advocates values precisely OPPOSITE of Married with Children. Married with Children made a parody of family values type shows but at the same time, venerated them (who would want to be in the Bundy family?)
      2) It was a right wing religious fundamentalist that generated a lot of noise about the show and censure some episodes. I’m reminded of how Trump also got a lot of heat for his p*ssy remarks from the religious prudes.
      3) NO MA’AM was portrayed as a bunch of losers (Al himself was a loser who works at a shoe store) and this didn’t help the men’s movement or red pillers much.

  27. No mention of any Star Wars prequel can go without saying that if Jar Jar Binks had turned out to be the uber-Sith Lord it would have been a much better movie.

    1. Refusing to go through with “Darth Jar-Jar”, but leaving most of the pieces of the puzzle in the films (despite ample opportunity to edit them out), strangely enough made Lucas into a better writer.
      It’s the only time Lucas’ work could be described as “subtle” or “ambiguous”.

  28. Really surprised to see “The Last Samurai” on here… because while it is one of my favorite all time films… I’ll admit it’s far from original in terms of it’s premise.
    But damn, Tom Cruise KILLS it in that role. His narration though out the film is on point and really helps to illustrate his transition from a detached, alcoholic drifter only concerned with money to a rigid, honor-bound “living off the land” warrior who ends up opposing the people he used to support.
    Also as an honorable mention… I think 007: Casino Royale should be up there. It illustrates a mans transition from starry eyed lover who puts his woman on a pedestal (can’t blame him… Eva Green is an absolute 10 in that movie) to a cold, determined agent more in touch with the harshness of reality. I’m thinking of writing my own article on that one and sending it over here to ROK. Maybe in time..

    1. IMO Casino Royale subverted the masculine aura of Bond (“subtly” reinforcing that via its gratuitously homosexual torture scene).
      Did anyone really ask to see the dapper badass Bond start out as a dewy-eyed, damsel-in-distress bitch? I know I didn’t; Bond didn’t need an “origin story”.
      Oddly enough, the origin story of Austin Powers was more credible to Bond.

  29. I have actually seen blacks argue that the lack of black heroes in the Lord of the Rings movies actually makes them identify with the Uruks.

  30. V for Vendetta was made for leftists but turns out it resonates better with modern conservatives

    1. Interestingly, libertarians plain don’t like it. Because they think it’s wrong to destroy a tyrannical government’s property. Or even the ropes of a thief who has tied them up.

  31. The Last Samurai is simply one of the most underrated films to come out of Hollywood. There is so much in that film and it is also stunningly beautiful to watch. If I ever have son, that will be his singular education on how to become a man. Hate Tom Cruise all you want, the guy is on point on screen in playing that character. Ken Watanabe is a superb mirror of true masculine presence and authority. There is just… so much…

  32. Boy no doubt whatsoever on #6. No way in hell something like that would get by in today’s climate.

  33. I’m not sure that the subversive themes of these movies flew under the radar. They have been discussed ad nauseum since they came out. Appreciate the mentions though.

  34. Dark City is an underrated classic that deserves to get mentioned. The movie shows the world elites chemically altering people’s memories in order to keep them in a narcoleptic state. It basically plays out like the Matrix in more poetic fashion rather than a stylish kung fu flick.
    The first X-Files movie also drops some pretty deep shit. The elites sell out the entire planet to (((aliens))) who are slowly prepping for colonization, its kind of metaphorical for the destruction of the western world we see today.

  35. Off topic but Hans Zimmerman’s soundtrack for the samurai movie is fucking great. Thought I’d mentioned it.

  36. Red pill or not, if it makes money, Hollywood will spend the cash and make it happen, the plebs won’t notice anyways, they got their popcorn.

  37. The Breakfast Club showed us that chicks still go after losers and jocks, not the wimpy nerds.

  38. What about Idiocracy? The first minutes of the movie are a fine introduction to the topic of eugenics and dysgenics. Leftists have been trying to appropriate it by linking the President Camacho character with Trump but they have obviously forgotten the main thrust, i.e. the dysgenics problem, not to mention that President Camacho is black and a kind of African king, not someone wearing orange.

  39. Paul haggis – director or “Crash” created walker Texas ranger. Suffice to say he is a personal friend of Chuck Norris. I was hoping some conservatism would rub off

  40. The movie’s premise is that robots keep us ignorant throughout our lives
    while exploiting us as an energy source. (The latter part is a bit
    hokey; Hollywood needs some decent science consultants.)

    The original script called for a neural network, essentially a giant supercomputer built from millions of human minds. The simulation would keep them occupied while their brains were used. This makes a hell of a lot more sense, but was nixed by the Weinsteins or whatever because they felt nobody would get it. Now, the movie seems a bit bizarre, but still has elements of the original intent.

  41. “Idiocracy” (from Mike Judge, who brought us “Office Space”) is one of my all time favorites but maybe does not qualify because:
    1) It is openly subversive – although it may seem more like a documentary nowadays since it was such an accurate depiction of our world in 2017. We actually have a President Camacho now, for example.
    2) It was not a huge success when it came out but has since become a cult classic.

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