Real Men Make Sandwiches

All real men should have the ability to cook, and cook well. The ability to make a mean grilled cheese sandwich and survive off frozen pizza’s and mac n’ cheese is a trait that men need to abandon upon graduation of college (or age 22 if you skip college). Yes, when you are relaxing at your house during the week, or even need a quick meal, they are acceptable. Having the ability to cook real food however, goes a lot further in life than most young men can imagine.

Young Women Can’t Cook

I mentioned this first because this is a troubling trend I have noticed in women age 26 and under as of late. It is also noteworthy because accepting this fact early on will help you to understand why you as a man need to know how to cook. Young women just simply can’t cook to save their life. It’s actually quite appalling that my mother’s generation were great cooks, and my grandmothers generation had excelled to the point where I was convinced that my grandmother used witchcraft to concoct such amazing meals. And then you have women in my generation who can barely boil water without burning down the kitchen.

The building up of the “American princess” is what I blame this problem on. As the expectation was that men would buy dinner, they simply never learned how to cook because after all they could go on seven different dates their entire life and never cook dinner themselves.


It’ll Get You Laid

Cooking a decent meal for a woman is an easy way to get laid. Especially if you keep her around for conversations while she can watch you cook. Trust me this is probably one of the most under-rated alpha traits known to men. Often times there is confusion between buying a woman a meal and cooking one. Buying her dinner puts her on a pedestal. Cooking her a meal puts you in the category of being a capable individual. Add in the fact that by cooking you’re offering a trait 90% of other men don’t have, or don’t display goes a long way in terms of how a woman will view you. Most importantly, you get her to within mere feet of your bedroom.



Knowing how to cook properly greatly assists with your ability to have a great physique. Fitness is the combination of diet and exercise in it’s simplest form. If you don’t feed your body right you won’t get the proper results. There are pre-cooked alternatives out there such as Nutrisystem, however the cost is over double what I spend on groceries myself for the month. If you can cook well you’ll build muscle a lot easier.

gym diet2


Directly relating into the above, knowing how to cook will simply save you money. I eat steak dinners 2-3 times a week. At an average restaurant I’d be paying $20+ for an 80z steak meal. Cooking at home brings my average cost to $7 or less. Cooking for yourself will save you money, boatloads of it. This in turn means more “play” money, whether it be going out of on weekends, or taking extra vacations.

Being able to cook an amazing meal is rewarding on all levels. Like mentioned before, it can get you laid, and it can also help you with your fitness gains. Being able to cook a great meal as a man however, will also help your confidence. There will, at some point in your life, be a moment where cooking will play a pivotal role for a situation to assert your dominance as a man. And when that time comes you’ll be able to grab the bull by the horns and Superman whip it against a wall. And immediately after that moment happens, you’ll be glad you learned to cook. And you’ll be proud to say you’re a man who cooks well.

Read Next: The Kitchen Is A Window To A Woman’s Soul

240 thoughts on “Real Men Make Sandwiches”

  1. I spent my first 8 years of adulthood working in kitchens.
    Always loved it, and its a skill that has served me well ever since.
    I do not know how a guy can truly operate with no cooking skill. It’s like being able to drive a stick. Every man should be squared away about it.
    Further, there’s no excuse since there are a million youtube videos etc
    Even if you just master a handful of particular dishes, it will get you a long way, and will make it possible to attempt other meals because you learn the basics.
    Any red-pill man should be able to do his own laundry, clean his own house, and make his own food.

    1. Totally true. Independence is a key trait of Men. I think being able to care for oneself is paramount to living a fruitful life. The only time I’ll cook for a woman, however, is if she has invested herself in me…good article…

    2. I’ve noticed that men who fail to take care of themselves tend to strikeout with women as well.

      1. I see you’ve come to RoK strictly to to Troll. I too like to live dangerously

      2. I see you’ve come to RoK strictly to to Troll. I too like to live dangerously

      3. I see you’ve come to RoK strictly to to Troll. I too like to live dangerously

      4. I see you’ve come to RoK strictly to to Troll. I too like to live dangerously

      5. I see you’ve come to RoK strictly to to Troll. I too like to live dangerously

      6. I see you’ve come to RoK strictly to to Troll. I too like to live dangerously

      7. I see you’ve come to RoK strictly to to Troll. I too like to live dangerously

      8. I see you’ve come to RoK strictly to to Troll. I too like to live dangerously

      9. I see you’ve come to RoK strictly to to Troll. I too like to live dangerously

      10. I see you’ve come to RoK strictly to to Troll. I too like to live dangerously

      11. I see you’ve come to RoK strictly to to Troll. I too like to live dangerously

      12. I see you’ve come to RoK strictly to to Troll. I too like to live dangerously

      13. I see you’ve come to RoK strictly to to Troll. I too like to live dangerously

    1. For extra nutrients and mojo, prepare them Tartare or carpaccio style. You get more carnitine & carnosine when it’s raw.

        1. There are actually quite a few “cheap” cuts that are overall better than “expensive.” The advantage of having a butcher father for me was learning good cuts that were cost effective. steak 5 nights a week can cost the same as chicken breast if you shop properly.

        2. There are actually quite a few “cheap” cuts that are overall better than “expensive.” The advantage of having a butcher father for me was learning good cuts that were cost effective. steak 5 nights a week can cost the same as chicken breast if you shop properly.

    1. Grilled PB&J or Grilled PB and Banana! just don’t have a heart attack on the crapper like Elvis.

    2. Grilled PB&J or Grilled PB and Banana! just don’t have a heart attack on the crapper like Elvis.

    3. Grilled PB&J or Grilled PB and Banana! just don’t have a heart attack on the crapper like Elvis.

    4. Grilled PB&J or Grilled PB and Banana! just don’t have a heart attack on the crapper like Elvis.

    5. Grilled PB&J or Grilled PB and Banana! just don’t have a heart attack on the crapper like Elvis.

    6. Grilled PB&J or Grilled PB and Banana! just don’t have a heart attack on the crapper like Elvis.

    7. Grilled PB&J or Grilled PB and Banana! just don’t have a heart attack on the crapper like Elvis.

    8. Grilled PB&J or Grilled PB and Banana! just don’t have a heart attack on the crapper like Elvis.

    9. Grilled PB&J or Grilled PB and Banana! just don’t have a heart attack on the crapper like Elvis.

    10. Grilled PB&J or Grilled PB and Banana! just don’t have a heart attack on the crapper like Elvis.

    11. Grilled PB&J or Grilled PB and Banana! just don’t have a heart attack on the crapper like Elvis.

    12. Grilled PB&J or Grilled PB and Banana! just don’t have a heart attack on the crapper like Elvis.

    13. Grilled PB&J or Grilled PB and Banana! just don’t have a heart attack on the crapper like Elvis.

    14. Grilled PB&J or Grilled PB and Banana! just don’t have a heart attack on the crapper like Elvis.

    15. Grilled PB&J or Grilled PB and Banana! just don’t have a heart attack on the crapper like Elvis.

  2. Totally agree with this. Real men cook, but you should never cook for a woman. Real men cook nourishing food for themselves, if some ho is in the vicinity and wants some, sure, she can partake, but if she wants to eat oreos and Ben and Jerry’s don’t sweat it.

    1. Agreed, cook for yourself because it makes you independent and healthy. However, I’ve been seeing this shit more and more in the manosphere lately, that it’s a good idea to cook for a woman, and that idea needs to be squashed pronto. If you cook for a bitch, you ARE a bitch. I can’t imagine a more beta gesture. You are setting up the expectation that you will not only be the “man” in the relationship, but you will be the “woman” as well. She will take full advantage of your beta ass after that.
      Why wouldn’t you make HER cook you dinner at her apartment instead? That way you can judge her on her housekeeping skills, and on her kitchen skills. You can make it known she is being screened for her feminine traits. If she fails on either count, she’s pump and dump. That is what an alpha does: he screens HER, not the other way around. Capiche?
      Who do you think is more likely to get laid? The beta bitch who invites a date over for a carefully planned and prepared dinner, or the alpha bad boy who has her meet him at the bar, shows up late, dumps a couple shots down her throat, then suggests they head back to his apartment?
      If there is one lesson you should learn from the manosphere it is that you should never do ANYTHING kind or generous for a woman until she has proven herself to you for a long time first. Even then, reward her sparingly. When I see writers suggest otherwise, I know they don’t really get it, and I am suspect of all their writings from then on.

      1. The man who cooks bangs the 9. the dude who acts like a jackass at the bar gets a 6. There’s a huge difference between being an alpha and being an ass hat. beta’s regularly get them confused

        1. eh, whatever. I totally disagree. And I think real world observation is firmly on my side. If being a nice caring guy who goes out and shops for ingredients, then meticulously prepares a nice meal, would get you laid, then there’d be no reason for PUA, yeah? All the betas out there would just cook their way to pussy, yeah? LOL. Tingle generators are always counter-intuitive, which is the whole reason the manosphere was needed. Keep reading it.

        2. Well i suppose it comes in how you use it. The art of cooking helps with game but if your pickup line is hey let me cook for you that’s pretty sad just like buying a woman drinks and assuming it’ll get you laid. It comes to a combo of things but I will say cooking has gotten me laid. It’s not a primary move, but it has worked. I guess it just comes with learning. You have to know when it’s ok to cook.

        3. if the man has a specialist skill in it or it’s his joyful hobby or something, and he pulls it like a counter move that is in conflict with his otherwise dominant and leading character, maybe then it’s ok as a rare treat for a man to cook…
          Otherwise it amazes me how even this very fundamental feminine duty throughout all human history has also been twisted into something that a man is supposed to offer in the western world, it’s even worse than buying her dinner / drinks to offer this as a mainstream activity to a woman…

        4. Your real world observation is a bit off. The nice guys don’t get laid because the girls won’t even come to their house in the first place. Before the cooking part, you kind of have to approach and get her interested enough to come to your house alone. Nice guys don’t do that, nice guys don’t get girls in their house unless they’re in some sort of group. They still wouldn’t get laid if cooking a meal for a girl at your place had a 100% hit rate because they wouldn’t get past the first step of “girl at your place”

        5. Well it’s a mix. Every man should be able to cook well and use it in addition to regular game. he should also be able to fend for himself. marriage is anti-red pill however whoever decides to get married should have a wife who cooks and cleans.

        6. Well it’s a mix. Every man should be able to cook well and use it in addition to regular game. he should also be able to fend for himself. marriage is anti-red pill however whoever decides to get married should have a wife who cooks and cleans.

        7. Well it’s a mix. Every man should be able to cook well and use it in addition to regular game. he should also be able to fend for himself. marriage is anti-red pill however whoever decides to get married should have a wife who cooks and cleans.

        8. Well it’s a mix. Every man should be able to cook well and use it in addition to regular game. he should also be able to fend for himself. marriage is anti-red pill however whoever decides to get married should have a wife who cooks and cleans.

        9. Well it’s a mix. Every man should be able to cook well and use it in addition to regular game. he should also be able to fend for himself. marriage is anti-red pill however whoever decides to get married should have a wife who cooks and cleans.

        10. Well it’s a mix. Every man should be able to cook well and use it in addition to regular game. he should also be able to fend for himself. marriage is anti-red pill however whoever decides to get married should have a wife who cooks and cleans.

        11. Well it’s a mix. Every man should be able to cook well and use it in addition to regular game. he should also be able to fend for himself. marriage is anti-red pill however whoever decides to get married should have a wife who cooks and cleans.

        12. Well it’s a mix. Every man should be able to cook well and use it in addition to regular game. he should also be able to fend for himself. marriage is anti-red pill however whoever decides to get married should have a wife who cooks and cleans.

        13. Well it’s a mix. Every man should be able to cook well and use it in addition to regular game. he should also be able to fend for himself. marriage is anti-red pill however whoever decides to get married should have a wife who cooks and cleans.

        14. Well it’s a mix. Every man should be able to cook well and use it in addition to regular game. he should also be able to fend for himself. marriage is anti-red pill however whoever decides to get married should have a wife who cooks and cleans.

        15. Well it’s a mix. Every man should be able to cook well and use it in addition to regular game. he should also be able to fend for himself. marriage is anti-red pill however whoever decides to get married should have a wife who cooks and cleans.

      2. Bud….You have it so wrong. When you have a woman to your house, YOU are in control…knuckle head. Not only that but you have the opportunity to cheaply fill her full of alcohol (and as mentioned move her on to your room). The best choice is Cava demi-sec (Spanish semi-sweet champagne). I am 37 and have banged about a dozen sub 25 year old hotties in the last 2 years based on cooking at home. They think you are a nice sweet guy…but you have to play with them, get a few drinks in them and they are VERY willing at that point. My close rate is easy 80% on the girls that have come over to my house to eat.

  3. I agree totally. Knowing how to cook is one of those essential skills like typing and exercising. Vast majority of chicks can’t do shit in the kitchen, so we’re on our own. But that’s fine…

    1. No its not fine. This generation of women, because they cant cook, will end showing it when they hit middle age. TV dinners and take out food, can you imagine what they will look like 20 years from now, what their husbands and kids will look like? We’ll end up with even higher obesity rates. No not knowing how to cook and being too lazy to cook, isn’t fine.

      1. And that’s why 40 year old men pick up 20 year old women while VERY FEW 20 year old men end up with 40 year old women.

      2. And that’s why 40 year old men pick up 20 year old women while VERY FEW 20 year old men end up with 40 year old women.

      3. And that’s why 40 year old men pick up 20 year old women while VERY FEW 20 year old men end up with 40 year old women.

      4. And that’s why 40 year old men pick up 20 year old women while VERY FEW 20 year old men end up with 40 year old women.

      5. And that’s why 40 year old men pick up 20 year old women while VERY FEW 20 year old men end up with 40 year old women.

      6. And that’s why 40 year old men pick up 20 year old women while VERY FEW 20 year old men end up with 40 year old women.

      7. And that’s why 40 year old men pick up 20 year old women while VERY FEW 20 year old men end up with 40 year old women.

      8. And that’s why 40 year old men pick up 20 year old women while VERY FEW 20 year old men end up with 40 year old women.

      9. And that’s why 40 year old men pick up 20 year old women while VERY FEW 20 year old men end up with 40 year old women.

      10. And that’s why 40 year old men pick up 20 year old women while VERY FEW 20 year old men end up with 40 year old women.

      11. And that’s why 40 year old men pick up 20 year old women while VERY FEW 20 year old men end up with 40 year old women.

      12. And that’s why 40 year old men pick up 20 year old women while VERY FEW 20 year old men end up with 40 year old women.

      13. And that’s why 40 year old men pick up 20 year old women while VERY FEW 20 year old men end up with 40 year old women.

      14. And that’s why 40 year old men pick up 20 year old women while VERY FEW 20 year old men end up with 40 year old women.

      15. And that’s why 40 year old men pick up 20 year old women while VERY FEW 20 year old men end up with 40 year old women.

      16. exactly. why do you see more and more women even in their 20s packing on the pounds already? becuase they dont’ and cant cook for themselves!

  4. My ex couldn’t cook to save her life. It was skill not learned from her mother, who herself grew up in the age of modern convenience– if it didn’t come out of a can or box or package heat-to-serve, then it didn’t get cooked.
    I learned to cook out of necessity for both my enjoyment of food and my health. As consumer foods products became increasing toxic and unhealthy, my otherwise healthy body experienced problems for the first time. I couldn’t understand why I was experiencing classic symptoms of metabolic syndrome X when I thought I was eating relatively health. Of course at that time I was working long hours in my profession while I let my clueless wifey make poor choices with diet and food. For her, food had to first be unhealthy delicious, then convenient, and fast. You know the lifestyle of a mother with two children to raise is just soooooo demanding that there’s no time for wise planning, shopping and food prep. How can a mommy be expected to take on such a burden.
    So, I started with French technique, just watching Julia and Jacques as a good foundation from which to learn the basics. I also practiced my knife skills. Once I had down the differences between saute and braising, roasting v stewing, and what meats need which cooking methods, I had enough technique to tackle just about any cuisine I wanted to learn. I’ve learned enough technique, ingredients and dishes from the major cuisines to entertain just about anyone’s palate, be it aged prime rib, to Thai fusion. My current quest is finding the best ways to cook for one, or two healthy and economically.
    I agree, learning to cook is just another way for a man to own his destiny. It’s a great way to entertain and be the man, beyond the BBQ grill.

    1. BBQ grill however is still the best method. Nothing beats kicking back some brews, eatin some good food and chilling by a fire.

    2. BBQ grill however is still the best method. Nothing beats kicking back some brews, eatin some good food and chilling by a fire.

  5. Thank fucking god this article was written.
    I’ve been cooking relatively well for 12 years (just a year shy after I got into pick-up) and totally attest to this being a rock-solid skill to learn. Even when I wasn’t in tip top shape with my attraction with women, this helped big time.
    So many guys, for whatever dumb reason, think that cooking is for women. Cooking is the manliest of skills: you take raw material and make something useful & beautiful out of it.

  6. Most of the good cooks I know are men. I have been cooking since before I was in high school. Every woman I have ever cooked for has looked at me with awe and wonder. And it really is easy to learn and there are lots of opportunities to practice – you probably eat a couple times of day anyway…
    Someone needs to give dannyfrom504 a heads up so he can share his wisdom on this matter.

      1. 50 years ago, yes, because culinary schools didn’t admit women.
        Now, it’s wrong. Walk into 100 restaurant kitchens. You’ll find plenty of women working.
        And in earlier societies, women passed the recipes down to one another. Sedlar, of Rivera restaurant in LA, even thanks the Mexican grannies who made his career. It’s on his menu.

        1. One could argue that men put in the effort to pursue careers while the new age of women (or as i call it the lazy generation) tend to try to find simple ways to “get rich quick.” I’ve met quite a few women who have tried culinary school, not because they’re expert cooks but more or less because they have failed direction in life and no desire to actually get a regular degree and earn promotions. The food-network is also partially to blame.

    1. the only reason men allowed women to cook, was because they were tired when they got home from the hunt. of course men cook better. men do almost everything apart from nit picking fine details and complaining, much better.
      a larger frontal lobe and better hormone balance allows that.

    2. Funny, in my social circle here in California, it’s the women who do all the cooking. Very old-fashioned like. And yet we’re young.
      Nationwide, my hunch is that more American girls will start cooking from scratch again if/when the economy totally goes in the shitter. It’ll be necessary to attract the highest value (read: highest paid) man.

  7. This article is spot on. Independence is sexy.
    In addition, cooking can be a huge DHV. I’m not a great cook by any means, but I can safely say I’m better than 90% of my demographic and that gives me a huge leg up when I invite a girl over for dinner. Some Ceviche, home made sushi or even some random indian dish, a cup of wine or 2 and that is a guaranteed notch.

    1. The “leg up” you are noticing is merely the girl’s perception that you are a good beta provider. It should never be mistaken for sexual arousal, passion, or lust.
      If your goal is to find a gold digger to spend your money and cheat on you with bartenders, then by all means, keep cooking women dinners.

      1. if you want to find a gold digger keep buying her dinner and shots. I cook because i’m hungry, she’s there because I don’t wanna eat left overs and I feel like having sex

      2. The leg up i’m noticing is in terms of notches. I doubt “beta provider” flags are helpful in racking up notches.
        But you are right, nothing spells out good beta provider like a 5$ meal and making the girl bring over a bottle of wine. Cooking cheap food is a crystal clear and unequivocal way of displaying how amazing a provider you can be and how much you are gonna spoil her.
        Seriously, listen to yourself. A guy can’t do something remotely nice for someone else or he’s a beta? Especially when that something is furthering his goal of getting him some poon and has literally no cost to him? Come the fuck on.

  8. When I take off my shirt, women ask if I work out every day.
    The truth is, I spend 5-20 minutes working out 4 days a week. But I spend 60-90 minutes a day, seven days a week, in the kitchen, making my meals from scratch.

    1. When I got into PUA, I stopped eating any processed or pre-prepared food. I haven’t eaten anything I haven’t cooked myself from scratch in over three years for any meal. I’m 45 pounds lighter, about $100 a week better off financially, and, at 42, have women in their early 20’s approaching me first. Who knew?
      I see cooking as a sign of male competence, like knowing how to change the oil in your car.
      At the supermarket, I’ve noticed the single mom’s load up their grocery carts with nothing but crap for their children, and largely use sugar and fat as a quick placating tool because they’re too lazy to discipline.
      Yesterday, a single mom feeding her two year old child a preprocessed chocolate cookie at the checkout, looking over my trolly, actually asked me “What are you going to do with all those vegetables?” This is why a man has to know how to cook: women either won’t do it, or will just slow poison you.

    2. Not to mention the time cost of going to a restaurant, standing in line, ordering, waiting, paying out. While food prep seems a chore it is still less time than going out to eat.

      1. cost to cook a good meal for two $15. Effort 30 min. Cost in restaurant $50+. time 1hour 15min

  9. Lots of good points.
    Another thing to consider is in an LTR, it shows a woman that you don’t need her around. “I can cook better than you, because I am better than you. What else you got to offer me to keep you around?”
    Cook for yourself, never for her.

  10. Oh I make sandwiches… for myself.
    With boyfriends neither party even cares about this. We cook when we want, or whoever has the time to. I don’t care if I do more than he does, cause we’re on the same side here.
    It’s women who keep “score”, like it’s some chore based tug-o-war. I’ve witnessed a recently married friend’s wive go berzerk when he asked her to cook one night, she started listing every single night she had to cook, going back like a month, jesus.
    It’s almost like they’ve been told that cooking = men chaining you to the stove and taking your shoes.

  11. I can cook like a bastard but I don’t cook for women anymore. I’m so sick of them catching feelings for me I have to edit out certain behaviors.. such as: me cooking us a meal, letting them spend the night after sex, or seeing them two nights in a row. Unless I’m drunk, I do not break these rules. Regardless, some still try to push past just getting dicked-down and ask for exclusivity… and then it’s time to edit them out.

    1. doing anything with women involves an extremely fine line. For example as soon as a woman says she doesn’t want a relationship and you agree that you don’t she’ll spend the next three weeks trying to make you her boyfriend. They’re nuts.

  12. real men make sandwiches ?
    toast and butter one blonde….
    put some a few slices of your finest meat in,
    and a add a well creamed brunette on top.
    tip: for desert, feed them a double chocolate delight and some whipped creampie.

  13. Like the old saying of “white men can’t jump”… the new saying is truly, “young women can’t cook.” I had no female roommates in college, and without exception, all the guy roommates knew how to cook at least 2-3 meals very well. All the girls I’ve dated had almost no clue.
    However, it’s never worked well for me in terms of impressing the ladies. Yes, they compliment the meals basically every time, but that’s about it. Then again, living in L.A., the ladies are just a bit more jaded than in other places.

    1. That’s because only a beta would invite a new date over to his place and cook her dinner. L.A. women have very finely calibrated beta-detectors, which is why this bullshit won’t fly there.

      1. L.A. women want the guy who drops $300 a plate on a meal while they act bitchy the whole time. 90% of game in LA is status symbol based, it’s the closest thing you can get to Moscow in the U.S.

  14. Great post!!!
    Spring/summer is my sandwich making season!
    Sourdough bread
    Mozzarella cheese
    Garlic Aioli spread
    Roasted chicken
    Lightly toasted.
    I alo beleive then a man should be able to make a good ommlette and breakfast potatoes.v
    And, make a steak, And, pasta sauce. And, bbq.
    And, a good salad and a few vegetable dishes.

  15. I know a lot of different men, aged 20 to 45, and guess what – they ALL can cook pretty damn well.
    Why? Because they had to. Girls on the other hand, are allowed to live at home without lots of ‘social frowns’ and when on their own, YUP they’ve got PLENTY of dinner dates paid for by lots of thirsty mo fo’s.

    1. it’s gotten worse in the day where they get handed daddy’s credit card

  16. “Any red-pill man should be able to do his own laundry, clean his own house, and make his own food.”
    This would make you an omega, a lesser beta at best.
    Alphas do NOT have to cook or clean the house; thats what women are for.
    If you dont have a wife (girl friend) to do all this shitty work, you will pay a maid.
    An alpha trait is the ability to get enough money so minor tasks such as cleaning will never be on your agenda.

    1. Real men are self-reliant. Haven’t you ever heard the saying, “if you want something done right do it yourself?”
      That might have been alpha in the 30s, but nowadays most women are useless except for fucking.
      Besides, if you’re making enough money to pay someone else to do all of your menial tasks, that means the government is taking a shitload of your money and handing it over single teen ghetto moms in the form of food stamps and housing assistance. Way to man up for those sluts!!!!!!!

    2. Nope. It’s all about the independence. Alpha isn’t the railroad building tycoon, its the drifting cowboy.

  17. personally i find tongue very tasty in my sandwich
    and don’t forget the finely sliced beef (curtains)
    anyone for some milk ?
    or would you prefer lemonade ?
    if you’re desperate i have a bag of chopped liver, but you might have to think carefully to get that one.

    1. Your wit has clearly been under-appreciated by the other readers. Well done sir!

    2. Your wit has clearly been under-appreciated by the other readers. Well done sir!

    3. Your wit has clearly been under-appreciated by the other readers. Well done sir!

    4. Your wit has clearly been under-appreciated by the other readers. Well done sir!

    5. Your wit has clearly been under-appreciated by the other readers. Well done sir!

    6. Your wit has clearly been under-appreciated by the other readers. Well done sir!

    7. Your wit has clearly been under-appreciated by the other readers. Well done sir!

    8. Your wit has clearly been under-appreciated by the other readers. Well done sir!

    9. Your wit has clearly been under-appreciated by the other readers. Well done sir!

    10. Your wit has clearly been under-appreciated by the other readers. Well done sir!

    11. Your wit has clearly been under-appreciated by the other readers. Well done sir!

    12. Your wit has clearly been under-appreciated by the other readers. Well done sir!

    13. Your wit has clearly been under-appreciated by the other readers. Well done sir!

  18. Bah so now we have to fucking become everything both a man and a woman is supposed to be..we goddamn have to be everything from astronauts to master chefs just to get basic pussy..whereas all women have to do is spread their legs..nice equality.

    1. “We” don’t have to. “Betas” are the only ones who have to do that shit.

    1. Seriously though, you need good quality cookware, some decent knives, a “crock-pot”, a rice cooker, a steamer, and a bread machine.
      Learn to make beef stew, noodle soup, rice and rice soup, steamed fish, ham and bean soup, and texas style chili. A little industrial, but with a little food prep knowledge you can eliminate costly restaurant fare from your diet and save a lot of money.
      With a bread machine you will always have something to eat. I know, it’s not “paleo” but I am built like a stringbean so it doesn’t matter.

      1. There’s surprisingly quite a few amazing meals out there that take zero effort. People just have to learn to READ.

      2. There’s surprisingly quite a few amazing meals out there that take zero effort. People just have to learn to READ.

  19. dude, i OWN the food porn aspect of this community. been posting recipes for 2 years. been telling dudes that cooking WILL get you ass. glad to see you guys are catching up. better late than never.
    and it’s not sandwich….it’s sammich. lol.

  20. To all the fools saying “cooking isn’t alpha?” Who the fuck cares, honestly? It’s convenient, it’s cheap, it’s rewarding. By cooking every so often, an otherwise quality of life zooms upward. Oh yeah – and cleaning? Cleaning isn’t alpha? Again, who cares? Want to live in squalor? Then clean your goddamned apartment.
    The chicks angle – cooking for them is just a sideshow. Why does a man do stuff? He does it FOR himself. I for one, cook for myself because I want to and I keep my room clean because I want it to be clean. I don’t do it to impress some chick.

    1. Well home cooked meals are the best but I still prefer someone else cooking for me because I’m lazy.

    2. Well home cooked meals are the best but I still prefer someone else cooking for me because I’m lazy.

    3. Well home cooked meals are the best but I still prefer someone else cooking for me because I’m lazy.

    4. Well home cooked meals are the best but I still prefer someone else cooking for me because I’m lazy.

    5. Well home cooked meals are the best but I still prefer someone else cooking for me because I’m lazy.

    6. Well home cooked meals are the best but I still prefer someone else cooking for me because I’m lazy.

    7. Well home cooked meals are the best but I still prefer someone else cooking for me because I’m lazy.

  21. I am taking Athol Kay’s advice: doing your laundry and occasionally cooking sends the ideal kind of message: you are independent, you could live alone, you are not like a child who always needs a mom to take care of him, this is a fairly alpha message, besides, it sends some beta good vibes: I care about not overburdening you with housework.
    Just do it consciously and don’t overdo it. Don’t clean, the nest-making belongs to women. Whenever you cook, it is large chunks of grilled or roasted meat, sending the “hunter” message, good for the muscles and if she wants something more sophisticated, she is welcome to cook it. Or, restaurant. Doing your laundry is simply an independence message, it is something fairly close to personal grooming, you won’t ask her to shave you either, right? And one tip: if you pull on the seams of wet shirts, you won’t really need to iron them, which is something both men and women hate to do today.

  22. looking at how guys look in big US cities (ripped) and how women look (fat fat fat)- its indeed true than men are able to cook or at least buy the right type of food, whereas women… uh, i mean dumb bitchez cannot handle the most fundamental thing in everyones lives… healthy food.

    1. go big, eat big, be big. or in women’s case eat shitty, live shitty, look shitty.

  23. I’m a great cook, put most restaurants to shame – trouble is I can never be bothered cooking a gourmet me if it’s just for me. Same with chefs, when they cook a meal for themselves fried eggs on toast is the most common one they make.

    1. Precisely. I don’t cook very complex meals often because it’s usually for myself. I’m a great cook and like to cook, but if it’s just me then I tend to keep it simple.

    2. Precisely. I don’t cook very complex meals often because it’s usually for myself. I’m a great cook and like to cook, but if it’s just me then I tend to keep it simple.

    3. I’m like this with grilling (which is good to note since summer is upon us). I love making a rack of ribs but if it’s just for me it’s just not worth the effort.

  24. I never got laid more often than when I learned to do two things — how to mix a few great drinks, and how to cook popular food — for a party, not just single-serving meals (basic food prep is a life skill that every man should have, so you’re not dependent on women or fast-food garbage).
    Cooking for yourself makes you a grown-up. Cooking for a group of people makes you the fucking king.
    About a month ago, I went to a beach party with my CrossFit gym. It was the first cookout I’d been to in a long time, and it was a group I didn’t know very well. I showed up with the BBQ trays, and worked the grill, doling out the ribs, burgers, chicken and sausage. The BBQ sauce was homemade (incredibly easy, much better than the stuff out of a jar). It took no time at all. The women made the salads and poured the drinks, and I was the man with the meat. A lot of pussy was thrown around that day.
    Every geographical region has its own version of this. It’s not hard.
    There’s a charity tennis tournament I play in every year. You show up, raise some money for the kids who have shit lives, and you help out. One of the main jobs is preparing the food. The biggest swinging dick in this social circle is a guy who owns half a dozen restaurants. He is in charge of the grill every year, and the guy gets more ass thrown at him than anyone I know.
    At next year’s event, I’m going to set up a deep fryer and be his wingman, and when he finally decides to hang it up, I will be the grill-master.
    Don’t be the guy who only shows up so he can eat other people’s food and drink other people’s liquor. Be the guy who makes it all happen.

  25. Being able to cook in general is just another tool used by an independent person. Do people like this only think about getting laid or what? This whole “a real man does/will/can..” is getting old.

    1. It should be common knowledge but the fact is there’s a bunch of lazy morons out there. just read some of these comments and it becomes pretty obvious that some of these still people still go to their mother’s house for laundry ever sunday.

    2. It should be common knowledge but the fact is there’s a bunch of lazy morons out there. just read some of these comments and it becomes pretty obvious that some of these still people still go to their mother’s house for laundry ever sunday.

  26. It seems like a lot of the SWPL ones are control freaks about what they eat anyway, they all think they’re allergic to this or need gluten free that, and rhat’s assuming they aren’t vegetarian/vegan which adds a whole nother level of pickiness. The more Food Network they watch, the more difficult they are to cook for. I basically gave up on cooking for my woman, if that’s alpha then great but I just have other things to do rhan get caught up in white girls’ first world food problems.

  27. Dumb title… by trying to hard to make a reference to a sexist joke, you completely missed the point of being able to cook instead of just being to throw together a sandwich… Wow

  28. Would any of you be interested in me featuring a post with recipes that take zero effort but make you look like a genius?

  29. Real men tell women to get their asses in the kitchen to do this for them

  30. People joke about those George Foreman grills, but they work. I’ve used the $30 job I bought from Walmart to cook things you would ordinary have to heat up on a baking sheet in the oven, like frozen fish fillets. You can even bake a can of biscuits in it, though they’ll turn out flat because the weight of the top grill keeps the dough from rising. .
    I’ve also discovered that you can bake corn bread in a crock pot. Has anyone else ever done that?

    1. George Foreman grills are one of the first things every person should buy for cooking at their place.

  31. There are two skills I want to pick up before I turn 30: learning and mastering two languages and learning how to cook. Great goals for any young man to achieve.

    1. It gives me great satisfaction that I’m female and I beat you at both fields by the age of 22.

  32. One rule I DEFINITELY have when it comes to relationships: the woman must know how to cook. I will not marry a woman who doesn’t know, or can’t or won’t learn how to cook. It’s that simple. My mother cooks, and cooks well. I appreciate her food more than anything. That should be the template for all single men.

  33. “Mikael holds a BA in English literature with a writing emphasis,” and yet he can’t seem to understand how to use apostrophes…interesting.
    Since apparently you focus your attention on “self improvement,” maybe spend some of that time working on learning proper English. It demeans whatever argument you’re making when you can’t communicate it properly, and are making grammatical errors that most of us learned not to make back in elementary school.

  34. Look, honestly, the whole “build up of the American princess” thing on this website is getting ridiculous. It seems like the people who write and subscribe to this site have all dated the same woman. Over and over again you guys describe a woman who demands respect without any merit, or can’t cook because she expects to be taken out, or wants to get married because of financial security, etc. Well, what about the other women that are out there? I mean, I can’t cook, but it’s not because I get taken out frequently, or because I think that it makes me a hip female. I simply do not have the time to perfect that craft. And, I don’t demand any respect for just being a woman. I work very hard, every day. Yes, admittedly I have a “masculine” career (I’m a civil engineer) but that’s simply what makes me happy. And isn’t that okay? Like, the freedom to pursue happiness? Why do I not deserve any respect for working hard and honestly earning money just because I don’t fulfill some traditional roles as a woman? Does it really matter all that much if I don’t cook, or that I drop off my laundry, or that I hire somebody to clean my home? Does that make me a bad woman, or a bad person in general? I’m confused. I don’t want to dispute anything you fellas are saying, but I just feel terrible for being a woman after reading some of the stuff on here. Or to be exact, I feel bad for being a woman who isn’t a stay-at-home mom and who is a master chef and who isn’t a slave to her husband.

    1. There are two types of people in this world; those who eat to live and those who live to eat. A busy career is a poor excuse not to learn to cook. You make time. It’s about your health and vitality, it’s about building up the knowledge you need to understand what you are putting in to your body. It’s about the joy of understanding what you eat, what goes in to creating it instead of shovelling overpriced junk in to your mouth. It’s sad for you if you place career over the finer things in life. It’s nothing to do with the fact that you are a woman but everything to do with the person that you are. Woman who can cook are awesome. A woman who can cook is a woman who loves life and loves herself and therefore had the capacity to love others.

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