An Open Letter To Women Who Still Believe In Feminism

First of all, you might wonder, how dare anyone criticize feminism? You’ve been told that it’s a noble quest for equality. What possibly could be wrong with that? The truth is that feminism stopped being about equality long ago. If it was just about equal rights under the law, American feminists would have declared the job done following the Equal Pay Act of 1963, then celebrated the golden peace between men and women ever since. It didn’t quite work out that way; read on and I’ll explain why.

I’m here to discuss radical feminism, which is the only variety that gets much attention and media access. Since the Second Wave arose—beginning in the mid-1950s, and kicking into high gear in the mid-1960s—feminism has been telling you that we live under a patriarchy, men are responsible for all your problems (“the personal is political”), we’re a bunch of evildoers, and so forth.

I have some bad news for you. These demagogues in your movement have been lying to you all along. They haven’t stopped lying despite being disproved again and again. That should tell you everything you need to know about their dishonesty and lack of character.

Lies, damned lies, and statistics


Likely you’ve heard that domestic violence is the worst around the Super Bowl. They lied to you. They wanted to convince you that we’re a bunch of cavemen who get so worked up about our brutal games that we’re inspired to slap you around. The truth is that domestic violence is wrong, no matter who’s doing it. You might be surprised to know that it’s not just men responsible for that. In fact, on average, lesbian couples have the most turbulent relationships of all.

Then there’s the “wage gap” lie. Surely you’ve heard that women make only 77 cents on the dollar compared to what men make. I first heard that one in the 1980s, and feminists are still telling us that. The truth is that men work longer hours (more overtime), in dirty and dangerous jobs that you don’t want to do, and study nerdy majors that pay well but have little interest to you. Want to make more money? Quit retail and drill oil wells, mine coal, or drive an eighteen wheeler. For the big money, I hear commercial fishing in Alaska and underwater welding pays pretty well.

They also told you that one in four coeds are raped in college. That one is a very dirty lie. The real number, according to Justice Department statistics, is 61 in 10,000. (In the general population, this is 76 in 10,000 among the 18-24 demographic.) One felony is one too many, of course, but the number certainly isn’t 2,500 out of 10,000. Overstating that by orders of magnitude was pure demagoguery.

They lied to you. They wanted you to fear us, hate us, and think we’re a bunch of savages. Also, they wanted more money for their programs, supplied by taxpayers and private donations. It’s hard to ask for a budget increase if they admitted that 9,939 out of 10,000 coeds will go through college without needing their services.

This all ties into that “rape culture” scare, which is more vile demagoguery. Since it’s a felony everywhere, the culture certainly doesn’t approve of it. Actually, that (along with other violent crime rates) has declined sharply since the 1990s. Don’t count on feminists to tell you this good news, much less thank conservatives for pushing the legal system to get tougher on crime.

Although diminishing, it remains a problem. Unfortunately, feminists have declared discussion of practical prevention measures off-limits. (If making a particular crime a felony doesn’t reduce the rate to zero, then what’s wrong with discussing how not to be victimized?) Instead, feminists bolster their misleading narrative with lots of false allegations. Ruining people’s lives with phony charges isn’t justice.

Think about it a minute. We’re bigger and stronger than you. If we really were savages, we would be doing whatever we wanted to you, especially if that truly was approved by our culture. The reason you don’t have to pepper spray someone every day is that the vast majority of us are actually decent, civilized people. There are a few exceptions; they end up going to prison, and rightly so, where they’re despised even by the other criminals.

More feminist lies you’ve heard

At least these men have their male privilege.

At least these men have their male privilege.

You’ve been told that you’re living in a patriarchy. So what were the practical implications, back when that was actually true? You had certain roles; actually, we did too. It was all on us to provide for you and the kids; be it by working on an assembly line all day, in a coal mine, digging ditches, or under the hot sun tilling the fields. If we didn’t, then we shamefully failed to do our duty. We got drafted in wars to protect you. We let you have first place on lifeboats. Meanwhile, women were tending the children and doing housework. All told, it wasn’t quite such a bad trade-off for women.

A hundred years ago, it was true that we had patriarchy; now we certainly don’t. Still, they keep lying to make you discontented. There’s been a lot of talk about “male privilege” too. That’s more baloney.

They also told you that marriage and motherhood makes you a failure, or that you’re wasting your potential by not spending your prime years in a cube farm. (Do feminists think the next generation will come from a cabbage patch?) Meanwhile, your TV tells you that being “slutty” is cool (music videos especially) and meaningless promiscuity is super (Sex In The City, etc.)

The fact is that sex is a great bonding experience, but the more people you do it with, the less effective the bonding is. (Yes, that applies to men too.) They even told you that walking away from your family is no big deal.

We care about what all this is doing to society, and doing to you. It’s actually pretty ironic that we—even with our critical perspectives—care about you more than the feminists. They only want to use you as a pawn in their sociopolitical chess game; more on that later.

How feminism affects the social scene


Now take a look at what your wonderful movement has done. Today, there are men who are giving up on women and their hostile attitudes. We’d prefer a good relationship, but if that isn’t happening, there are several safety valves for the dysfunctional sexual marketplace.

Some men are “going their own way” and saying to hell with you; and others by different means. Some guys are “herbivores” and don’t even bother to approach you. Countless men meet their sexual needs with pornography. Other men are finding mail order brides, or sometimes flee the country to get away from our toxic social environment. A few join the gay community; finding it to be better than nothing. Now, there are even those who turn to sex robots.

You may be shocked by all this. You may be tempted to call them names or question their character. Still, Ms. Feminist, think carefully about it: maybe your sisterhood is the problem. What your movement did to society is quite unfortunate; it didn’t have to be this way.

Countless women like you have been led to believe that being snarky or nasty is “empowering”. Actually, we have no use for that. Sure, some of us know how to play these games and deal with all that. As for the rest, your attitude is a complete turn-off. Although some of you want to make talking to you a crime, we know that women really do want to meet high-quality guys. That’s not going to happen if you have a nasty attitude; men have standards.

When we’re young and innocent, guys just want to cherish and love you. (It would be great if we could get back to all that, but we can’t do it all by ourselves.) Receiving hostility and crazy behavior affects our feelings toward you. It’s often difficult to see things from another’s perspective, so take it from these guys:

If all that shocks you, consider that actions have consequences. Decades of feminist negativity have made society a colder and more mistrustful place, and this has backfired on you. The screwed-up social scene that your sisterhood brought us greatly hurts your chances for a decent, long-lasting relationship.

Let me add another thing. If you spend your 20s partying and “finding yourself” as you’ve been encouraged to do, don’t expect Mr. Big to be waiting around patiently to sweep you off your feet after you’ve aged and decided it’s time to settle down. Actually, many Mr. Bigs used to be those nerds you wouldn’t have given a second look to back in college.

I could go further into how feminism led to more divorces,and more broken homes, which in turn worsened poverty and crime, ultimately making things worse for you. However, all that’s another subject entirely.

Why feminism changed


We don’t appreciate all the vilification, and hopefully you don’t appreciate your sisterhood’s leaders lying to you. Still, perhaps you might be thinking, “Maybe the feminists lied, but surely they meant well. They were concerned about real problems but exaggerated them.” The truth is that their intentions were anything but noble. Let’s explore some of them.

First, here are some actual quotes from your sisterhood:

“Feminism is the theory, lesbianism is the practice.”

“The simple fact is that every woman must be willing to be identified as a lesbian to be fully feminist.”

“Female heterosexuality is not a biological drive or an individual woman’s erotic attraction or attachment to another human animal which happens to be male.”

Some of them were frustrated lesbians who wanted to distort the sexual marketplace so they’d have a better chance of getting into your panties. Pretty noble, huh?

Also, the social engineers in the corporate-government complex wanted to get women out of the home and into the workforce for more productivity and tax money. Increasing the labor pool also lowered the cost companies pay for salaries; that’s basic microeconomics. I’m sure that spending your days in a cube farm feels pretty liberating, though!

Finally Second Wave feminism—the radical variety—was heavily influenced by Communism. Feminism became one of many fronts of a variety called cultural Marxism. This is not to say that most feminists these days are Communists—in fact, most of you are just as unaware of how this happened as the rest of the public. Still, you’re unwittingly participating in an ideology purposefully designed to bring down civilization. Unfortunately, it’s working as designed.

Think about it

1950s 1960s Laughing Teenage Boy and Girl Sharing Drink Together With Two Straws In Soda Shop

All that might seem pretty shocking, but by all means, do the research. The purpose of Second Wave feminism was about creating deep divisions in society and wrecking families. For the last fifty years, it’s stirred up discord, making you distrust and even hate us. Did you think that was really about empowering you?

The leading feminists have been using you, and others like you, all along. This sort of thing has ruined the natural trust and affection between the sexes. In a healthy society, men and women get along together. We used to love each other. Let’s try to get back to that. A growing number of young women are rejecting feminist indoctrination. It’s time to join them and free your mind.

Read Next: Open Letter To Fat Girls

250 thoughts on “An Open Letter To Women Who Still Believe In Feminism”

  1. “I live in a rape culture”
    “I’s not OK to slut shame”
    I know that female logic is an oxymoron but yeah…

    1. If any feminist reads this, I think a bit of mansplaining is necessary. You accuse us of wanting sex nilly-willy but you fight for the right to have sex nilly-willy.

      1. It’s because they want only women to have the right to have sex ‘willy-nilly’, without having any responsibility or having to pay any price whatsoever, like the way they always accuse men of being able to have sex.
        The only thing is that those men were always the most powerful, most wealthy, or most handsome of a society’s male population.
        It’s the same old story: they want to have the all of the rights and privileges of their own sex, as well as the rights and privileges of the most handsome, rich, and powerful men, while having to not bear any responsibilities or duties of either sex.

  2. I cannot begin to tell you how screwed feminism is. A president is like the ancient Roman pontifex maximus – he sets the tone for the national culture. The next 8 years will be defined by Trump. To add to that, SCOTUS will be far more conservative, the GOP controls Congress, most governors mansions, and nearly enough state legislatures to call a constitutional convention. Right-wing politics will shape this century. And this is a WORLD WIDE phenomenon.
    Surrender now, feminists. Maintain some dignity. Otherwise you will be crushed. Think Russian Cossacks and Pussy Riot. You remember, don’t you?

    1. You are mostly correct, but I’m not sure about SCOTUS. Schumer has vowed to filibuster any picks that aren’t left leaning and McConnell and the boys don’t have the stomach to stand up and fight.

    2. “Surrender now, feminists. Maintain some dignity. Otherwise you will be crushed”
      Just crush them. Don’t wait. Negociate only with those who shows real signs of understanding and make autocritiques. And keep them under surveillance.

    3. The Elites overplayed their hand.
      They had all the pieces in place. All they had to do was wait a little longer. Hispanics were reaching parity with Whites in the US, many Conservatives accepted gay marriage(ie, Dick Cheney), 20% of the population being born outside the country was the norm in Western Europe.
      But they got impatient. Crammed the trannies down everyone’s throats(I couldn’t care less about two consenting adults getting married, but some mentally-ill man in the locker room with my daughters is where I draw the line). Demanded a million Muslim immigrants a year for Europe. Attacked Whites in the media. Meanwhile, their useful idiots started turning on one another. A sign of the times: A Muslim massacred a bunch of gay Hispanic men at a nightclub in Florida and Black Lives Matter hijacked the vigil.
      Now, the sleeping giant has awakened.

      1. Trump = The Spice Agony?

        On top of that, Fidel Castro has died. I think we may have reached Peak Cultural Marxism.

        1. I think we have also reached the peak feminism, it will soon be in its death throes and discredited for all the damage it has wrought on the western family and men.

        2. Small change @log. Not just western family (or white) MEN, Almost every major powers in world are infected & damaged by femicuntism; including my Home Country, Bharat (aka India).

        3. I didn’t realise it effected ciu tries outside the west. It won’t be as far gone in India though as it is here so you have a better chance to tackle the breakdown .

      2. You can’t make “social justice” happen because society’s losers have conflicting grievances that they can’t reconcile. Moreover, they have started to fight each other over dividing up the pile of wealth they want to confiscate produced by generations of white Americans’ labor.

      3. David Rockefeller isn’t going to live forever. The fucker just got his 7th heart. He wanted to see the fruits of his labor.

        1. Moreover, what kind of person wants that? Using up a heart that could go to a more deserving patient in order to be a barely-ambulatory centenarian for a couple more years… If he keeps it up he’ll see his children start to die of old age, and that must be a huge mindfuck.

        2. Reports of his heart transplants are likely false.
          Anyway that is the only benefit I suspect Trump’s election will have. David Rockefeller won’t live to see the conclusion of the project that began before he was born, but he’s been around for most of it.

      4. Thank goodness they did overplay their hand as we are sleepwalking off the cliff face. I’m so glad Trump won in the US, I only hope it’s not too late for Europe…

    4. Nothing will be rolled back.
      At the very most advancement of the feminist agenda will slow to a near stop. Then in four or eight years Trump will be gone and the agenda will be advanced again at full speed. The break will cement the gains and allow more advancement of the agenda later.
      This is how it always goes.
      The office of the president is still limited. The system is strong. Even if Trump wanted to roll things back, and there is no evidence he does, a pause is the best he can do.

  3. Feminists’ public panic attacks in response to the early victories of the Trumprising look like the behavior of guilty women. They know they have based their lives on lies, myths and fantasies; they can’t sustain their delusions any more; and the older ones, the sterile cat ladies, see no path for their redemption now.

    1. I only wish I was more cognizant of the event as it occurred.
      Would have schadenfreuded quite a bit…
      Perhaps concerned they will lose their privileges and relegated back to equal rights with men…

    2. What it comes down to in the end is a more stable society with better technology and healthcare, takes the burden off families to have 10-12 children, which leaves a traditional mother with little to do. Having 2-3 kids can wait until 30+ or if it’s done in the mid 20s, by her mid 30s she’s at a loose end.
      While the feminism movement was started by a bunch of do gooders and the ugly feminist types that wanted her place at the man’s career table (as stressing, tedious and dangerous as that might be, i appreciate it can look quite exciting to an outsider looking in) – there is a very real problem in that women do need to keep themselves occupied and can be productive, educated bread winners, not least since they have way way more time on their hands that 100 years ago.
      Here in lies the problem and it’s pushed on us all too quickly, largely due to two world wars that presented a need to put women into the work place while men were on the front lines. Rolling it back is going to be somewhat difficult.
      Obviously you wouldn’t hire a guy in a wheel chair to be a motorcycle courier. Obviously you don’t hire a 60 year old to join the marines. There are limitations on what anyone can do according to their biology and even their race and it is a valid consideration.
      There’s an enormous difference between being prejudiced and being realistic. It’s got to this insane state of affairs (emperor has no clothes) where no one can make a decent judgement about anything – speaking your mind – rational conscious perception is almost banned. Trump was like the little boy who stood up and called it all out. Simple as that.

      1. One year have passed since I finally left my office work and I am so happy now… I started freelancing from comfort of my house, for a company I stumbled upon online, for several hrs daily, and I make much more than i did on my old job… My last month payment was for 9k dollars… The best thing about this gig is that now i have more free time for my kids…

        1. So…coincidentally you & Jenny Hernandez upstairs look the way you both do & you both ‘stumbled’. Uh huh.

    3. If I had a kid or kids graduating from a public university I think I would probably file a lawsuit demanding a refund.

  4. Triggly Puff is mad she cannot work in a coal mine. She is confined to the world of fawning feminists and lesbians.

  5. Women will never read this or even if they do, accept it. They are too far gone. Only thing you can do at this point is educate the still uncorupted girls so they grow up into red pill women.

    1. but what is a red pill woman going to look like at 35, after she’s had her 2.5 kids and they are now 10-12-15 years old, moving away from mommyville at an ever increasing speed… what’s she to do with herself now ? endless coffee mornings and gossip and fucking the gardener ? that was what the 1960s looked like. meanwhile the older husband who is in his prime working years… 40-45 at the peak of his career, busy like hell making paydirt… he doesn’t have the time of day to entertain a restless woman whose hitting the wall and doesn’t have anything to occupy her time….

      1. Get a part time job in the afternoon as a bank teller, cashier or such. She will have time to make breakfast and dinner for the family.

        1. Yeah. JJ seems to have a real bee in his bonnet about this; it’s not become CEO of a major company working 80 hours OR do nothing. Part-time jobs that fit around family life have always existed for women. Many families survive (d) quite nicely and happily like this until loony feminists told them that their part-time and (usually) lesser paid jobs were not good enough and they had to do Same full-time work as the menz. Meaning latchkey kids and women as stressed about their careers as men. Fucking feminists love to destroy familial harmony.

        2. yes you are right…. it’s pure snobbery for a mother whose fulfilled a major accomplishment of having children to want to run a high flying career as well… there are plenty of things for her to do with her time, if she’s not too stuck up and simply wants to earn a crust, or has a little imagination and creativity.
          in a sense there is an element of ‘second class citizen’ but in another sense there is an element of first class mother and wife – which is what men need women to be aspiring to.
          a few sterile old matrons who wanted to break the glass ceiling were a necessary sacrifice to stop the herd element in all women getting out of control.
          unfortunately it’s not possible to cater to every single person on the planet. if you were born female, sterile and super intelligent, well that is unfortunately your lot in life… make do and get on with it…. plenty of women in the 1800s managed… plenty of men had to overcome bigger obstacles than that.

  6. You know, the feminist heavy-hitters of the past at least had a set of values, an ideology. Camille Paglia, for instance, is an intelligent person. A worthy opponent.
    Modern feminism just seems like a mob of misfits looking for affirmation. The porn star wants to be told that she’s “empowered” because her job is being filmed letting men jerk off into her eyes for the enjoyment of bitter incels. The morbidly obese woman wants to be told she’s beautiful. The slut with herpes goes on Facebook and reshares articles about how the stigma of STDs needs to end.
    I don’t even think they know what they’re fighting for anymore, when they’re out protesting Ayaan Hirsi Ali for being “Islamophobic” or screeching about how lesbians are “transphobic” if they don’t want to get jiggy with a mentally-ill man in a dress.

    1. yes it’s a bit like a penny stock that’s gone to $100…. no one really knows why they buying into it any more and at that point it’s ready for a crash…
      the original feminism had a point – why should women be talked down to, and be unable to go into higher education and join higher level careers just because they are women….
      the 1 in 1000 women, that doesn’t or can’t have kids, and is highly intelligent and can be productive – OK, it does make some sense.
      the problem is the 999 out 1000 women that would be better off as stay home moms and loyal wives, don’t manage to find enough satisfaction in that role any more, because technology made it too damn easy…. so what do you do with these women ? what should they do with their time… the devil makes work for idle hands as well we can see…

      1. If women are capable they should start their own business and grow it into a Walmart, Microsoft, Apple, Ford, Boeing etc. It can’t be done because you need 80 hours of work a week along with logic and discipline. Women lack all of those abilities.

    2. Yes, the early ones had some legitimate cause & were of the type you could bring to a table & have a civil discussion with. Some sensible & intelligent ones in that bunch even if they were still prone to the odd typical blind spot now & then. I think there are still a number around like that if you know where to look. But they get shouted down & bullied into staying in line by the rabid members of their cause or denounced as traitors to the sisterhood for applying common sense & logic. In as far as a woman is able & willing to apply them anyway.

      1. My oldest sister, now in her 70s, is one of those. She was and is a women’s lib supporter, but detests modern feminism. Preaches that no one is keeping women (or men) to their old roles; we only do it to ourselves, patriarchy does not exist. She says that a woman that goes to a man’s hotel room at 3 in the morning wearing only a nighty is asking for sex, and no rape is possible (Mike Tyson). She is a strong independent woman that would never allow anyone to label her as a victim.

    1. My eyes flashed with interest on the name & profile picture but sorrow sank in as I read ‘her’ generic scammer text. Ah well….

  7. The feminist movement went for a bizarre power grab these last few years, and they learned an ancient lesson when their mad bids for ascension were met with Icarus-style endings. They serve well as a warning to those who try to rise above their condition: Your wax wings shall melt and you will be crushed.
    They also thought social media was going to be their fancy new sword and central rallying point. That completely blew up in their faces, too. They will feel the hangover from their clumsy, blood-drunk, man-hating victim mentality for years to come.
    Some say you have to compliment them for their bewildering, iron wills. They’re not the first to feel oppressed, not the first to feel this futile way about their lot in life. They live like Icarus, and in the narrative of Icarus their third-wave feminist rise was defined by hubris, which then faced skepticism, staggering setbacks, and humiliation.

  8. it’s futile.
    I think going galt on everything feminist. No consideration, no discussion, no inclusion. Find a way to survive without contributing.
    was just in the book store. picked up a feminist “rag” -on the jacket:
    “Every month, the women would huddle in a friend’s apartment to share sexist job frustrations and trade tips for how best to tackle them.
    But the problems of today’s working world are more subtle, less pronounced, harder to identify—and harder to prove—than those of their foremothers. ”
    we all know of the toxic environment for men in the workplace.
    So now, they cannot see the overt oppression. but it must be there, and must be destroyed…

    1. Women nowadays have it so good that they can’t justify their “Victimhood” any longer, or stay relevant enough to justify societal or government support. Since they can’t find anything based in reality to complain about, they either exaggerate a miniscule problem to stay ‘relevant’, or create an imaginary ‘problem’ out of whole cloth (e.g., ‘male privilege’, ‘microaggressions’).

  9. A bit OT, but after Fidel Castro’s Raul dies, in another generation Cuba will become something like a normal county again with a market economy; perhaps Mr. Trump or his sons could build a luxury hotel and resort there.
    People will look back on the Castro brothers’ careers, see how their projects have turned to ashes, and wonder what all that communist utopianism really accomplished in the long run.

    Though I’d like to think Trump can pull a “reverse Ozymandias” so that his legacy will have more staying power over the long run than the Castros’: take a declining civilization and make it great again.

    1. Finally, Cuba can become the banana republic it was always meant to be lolz … does Cuba really matter? How many people live there? 5 million? Less? It’s not exactly Israel … it was useless 100 years ago and it will remain useless.

      1. At least progressives will stop this nonsense of looking at Castro’s Cuba as a model for their perverted notions of a just society.

        1. I doubt it. The retards who believed in Soviet Communism (and their “Useful Idiots” in the Democrat Party, the media, and the education system) are still doing their best to get it established here.

  10. For them I ‘ll say only what heraklitus said of his brethren for exiling his friend Hermodoros for being declare, by them, as the best citizen of Ephesus: “All of this generation should hang themselves through their own will and surrender the city to the children to rule”. he also tried to further his beliefs among children because he believed not anymore to his colleagues. Fun fact: He would also be seen playing an ancient version of Jacks.
    For feminists today there is no hope as their lives where ruined by their parents, they ruined their own lives and right now they are ruining the lives of their own offspring.They have been measured by the way they run their own lives.

  11. Tagline for this article says “Read this was an open mind” on the front page. Might want to fix that.

  12. I think a lot of men are going MGTOW … whether they are aware of the title or not.
    I haven’t dated in 2 years. I don’t interact with women beyond what is necessary at work. I just don’t have the desire. I don’t flirt with women, I just treat them as sexless objects, neutral comrades.
    I’m not the best at reading IOI, but I do have women coming onto me. I just pretend I’m oblivious or autistic. At a recent academic conference, I had some older woman (40 ish) who seemed interested in me: kept talking to me, wouldn’t leave me alone, asked for my card, wanted a photo of me with the poster I was presenting, etc … I just pretended to be oblivious. I get women invading my personal space at the gym, working out right next to me when we’re the only people in the whole gym. I just ignore these women.

    1. Personally, I’m not getting back into the game until I get my business sorted out, which is probably a few months of R&D, paperwork and fundraising.
      But I once had a cougar compare me to Keanu Reeves. It is fun to be oogled at. Heh.

    2. I’ve become the same way. After doing hundreds of approaches when I was 19-25, I just don’t fucking care anymore. Girls don’t bring any value in life other than sex. They don’t phase me at all anymore, It’s not that I hate them I just don’t care much. I couldn’t imagine dressing up nice for pictures, meeting her family and all that other bullshit, I don’t care to be that chump.

    3. I think it’s because women’s ROI is getting very poor. We know what we are in for on the burden/obligation/risk side and what the possible upside is and it’s just not that worth it. It’s getting to the point where women have to be much better, much more attractive, much nicer, whatever to overcome the negative side of the equation which may have nothing to do with them personally.

    4. Mystery. Your indifference to them draws their attraction. Now if you were some fawning needy mangina, you’d be repelling them.

    5. Women are a net loss and men are figuring that out en masse. They dont have very much to offer us. The only women that get my attention are 9s and 10s. Its not that I’m really picky or full of myself but the only way it seems worth it to go through all of the unnecessary bs, is if she’s young, hot and polite. I get nothing out of spending time with aging, bitter, ungrateful females.

  13. I remember when I was younger, I definitely was a romantic. Romantic in the sense that I was truly idealistic: I dreamed of finding my soulmate, someone who would truly understand me and appreciate me for what I was … all of that was when I was a teenager and before I had any real experience with females. Later, after gaining experience, I realized that it is men who are the romantics not women and that women don’t really love men: they just see them in terms of their functionality and they are pretty much interchangeable from the woman’s perspective.

    1. “I remember when I was younger, I definitely was a romantic.”
      That’s to be expected. What’s truly embarrassing is when you see grown men who still have not learned. On some level, I can’t say I truly blame women for fleecing these dummies. Theses beta males are practically begging for it.

  14. The feminist anti-family indoctrination is not limited to the recent in-your-face approach of SJWs. It is also present in more subtle but more pervasive forms.
    Think of the the books you had to read in high school English class:
    The Scarlet Letter: Hester Prynne had to wear a scarlet A for committing adultery. Think back to the details: She fucked around with the Reverend after she thinks her husband was lost at sea. Her husband went to sea to provide for her only to end up inside a whale’s stomach before it puked him out or stranded on some fucking island for years or some shit before he managed to crawl his way back to her only to find her with some other man’s child!
    And the whole message of the novel is about how she was the victim of an intolerant oppressive society!
    What about her husband? That guy is the real victim. Go to sea hunting narwhales only to find your wife got lonely and needed some D?
    The novel could have had a more positive message: She keeps it in her pants, stays loyal, and is reunited with her husband after he’s been missing for years.

    1. Also, think of Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House or Truman Capote’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s or Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire – what do they all have in common? They center on women being disillusioned with family life and seeking excitement and shunning tradition.

      1. You really think all of these are chosen for their literary merit? lolz
        They are chosen for the subtle messages they convey.

        1. yes, but you have to ask WHY ?
          a.) the ugly ones that were jealous of pretty women being happy… (a small %).
          b.) the ones that couldn’t have children.
          c.) the smart ones that could actually compete on a male level (eg. Thatcher).
          d.) the lesbians that wanted more pussy for themselves (ie. keep women away from stable relationships).
          but the largest group by far – is the red pill women that saw they’d wasted their 20s, getting married and having kids, and were now stuck with no education and nothing to do. Husband busy like mad at the prime of his career, no need to have 10+ kids, children growing up – too many hours in the day doing nothing. it’s jailbird syndrome.. .gossip and malcontent – and to some degree they have a point…. take up a hobby i suppose, start a business – but not everyone is entrepreneurial.
          the biggest support for feminism came from disaffected women who had their perfect marriage and their perfect kids and had way too much time on their hands and wished they’d done things differently.
          that message from the 70s and 80s has turned into a giant chinese whisper and become completely distorted – but those women did have a point.

      2. The feminist is not just the blue haired tattooed 20 year old. It is also the older school marm with her summer reading list designed to inculcate certain thoughts in the minds of her students.

      3. They all encourage young impressionable female students to spurn traditionalism and seek excitement and fulfillment outside of the family and beyond children.

      4. Things won’t change until parents stop being so trusting and start questioning their childrens’ teachers’ motives.
        Fuck listening to authority. Fuck doing what teacher says. Parents need to tell their children: when a leftist teacher starts spouting anti-family or feminist propaganda, call them on it. Shout them down. Throw the book on the floor and refuse to cooperate.

      5. I tore the pages out of A Doll’s House in class, one by one, as we read it, way back when I was in HS in the early 90’s. My “fiance” had just dumped me because she wanted to fuck around. It was my first real dose of the true nature of women and I found that story an intolerable reflection of my circumstances and couldn’t stand that shit. The teacher kind of paused, and the rest of the class looked a little scared. No one said a word, during or after. They probably thought I was a psycho. I was not, however I was a Sir White Knight extraordinaire, and this lesson in the nature of women spanked me hard and broke my heart. I never forgot.

        1. Darth, true nature of women? you just need a more conservative woman, One with a more moral upbringing. I admit there are fewer and fewer as girls are pressured to think screwing around is a modern dating requirement and if they don’t want to, there is something wrong with them. ( A lot of men reject women who don’t ‘put out’ straight away, we can’t win?). The education system sexualises our kids younger and younger and never mentions morality of any kind.
          I have brought my daughters up to think more of their bodies than that, like I was. Somehow men screwing around doesn’t seem as distasteful as women doing so, even to me, I’m not sure why I think that ?
          There will be girls whose hearts were similarly broken by the guy who left to screw around…

        2. I ended up, 20+ years later, happily married with a much more morally upright woman from abroad who had a father that was OCD about maintaining her virtue. We now have two daughters, a good house, etc. So let me rephrase my original statement…”The true nature of most modern Euroamerican women.” I’m sure there are some good ones left, but the one I had way back in high school was a feminist, women’s studies type. I looked her up a while back, and she is now post-wall: fat, ugly, single, and works in human resources, which is no big surprise. Almost the textbook pattern. Oh and she supports the fat acceptance movement and is a single mother.
          “A lot of man reject women who don’t put out straight away…” True, a lot of men looking for quick sex reject women who don’t put out right away. I used to reject ones like that when I was a growing stag in high school/college, because patience is not the name of the game for men of that age. Ones who want a quality relationship might be more patient to claim a good one.

        3. Omg that girl did you such a favour, imagine how unhappy you would be if you had ended up with her! She is probably not a very happy woman herself. Why is it that feminists are often so unfemenine? I think they are almost ‘lost’ as women. I was always one of the virtuous ones and the men who were genuinely interested in me , the woman rather than a quick shag have treated me with love and respect so I have no complaints against men personally. I think deep down men are repulsed by women who have had a lot of sexual partners actually? It’s about upbringing and sadly so many parents leave that to the education system. Parents have to take responsibility, I am a bit ocd about my own daughters virtue myself and they are scornful of their female friends who are used and tossed aside on a regular basis…

        4. Sadly, it seems that a guy has to have his heart broken — and broken good and HARD — to smash those “rose-colored glasses” about women and women’s true nature. The only good thing about it is that it puts you on the path to The Red Pill of Truth. “Better an Ugly Truth than a Pretty Lie”, you know…
          “Been there, done that, and got the T-shirt too” — practically the same thing happened to me when I was nineteen. And I never forgot my lesson, either.

    2. But there’s no drama if she keeps her panties on and stays loyal to her husband. Besides, he has such an exciting life being at sea and seeing all those exotic foreign lands! (sarc/off)

  15. Anyone see Anthony Dream Johnson’s takedown of his psychopathic ex-wife Marilee? Apparently she worked as an escort on the side during their relationship.

    Sheesh, Johnson, couldn’t you pull a younger, similar-looking woman with a lot less sexual experience, good moral character and a pleasant personality?

    1. I don’t see the big deal here. He was with a woman who was basically like every women I’ve ever had a relationship with…man up, Anthony.

  16. If you want to see a healthy gender dynamic, look at young modern Asian couples (Chinese or Korean). Heterosexual relationships among Whites are dysfunctional.

  17. American society has become sick. I remember just 10-15 years ago when I was in middle school / high school: the girls were actually sweet and nice. Strange how when we were just on the threshold of adulthood, just becoming sexually aware and sexually capable, girls wanted to date guys. Now, as an adult, the women seem completely indifferent to getting a boyfriend or dating. You would think it would be the other way. That when they were young, they would be tentative or reticent.

    1. I’m around the same age. I feel lucky to at least have gotten out of high school before all of this sjw indoctrination became cultural status quo. Kids these days don’t know how good they could’ve had it.

    2. It’s mostly because when they are young, they haven’t been fully programmed yet and still have some biology whispering in their ears.

      1. yes, but the dilemma is that unless you’re planning on having 10+ kids… you go for an old school virgin marriage and have kids young – she’s going to be bored shitless and wishing she’d done something more interesting with her life by 30. – this is what my mother’s generation discovered when they had their 2.5 kids in their 20s and hit 35, they were just stuck in limbo. kids grow out of their mothers quite quickly. “mommy” becomes a bit of a nuisance – something to break free from….. all the 60s / 70s / 80s moms that had kids young…. were fucking the milkman and the neighbor in their 30s because they had nothing to do – devil makes work for idle hands… it was exciting to get a divorce and find a new lover.
        maybe it can be turned around, and women can get married young and have kids young and go into education and a career at an older age, but remember they have to compete in a corporate (read male orientated) environment that operates on performance and survival of the fittest.
        also having kids actually takes hell out on a woman’s body and brain power. after having 3 children even if she’s only 28, she’s not going to be able to perform in higher education and compete at a high corporate level. it’s a tough one…. it’s a tough problem to solve – something that any man who is arrogant enough to think they have all the answers by going backwards and getting a young hottie wife and having kids – is going to find out they face a rude awakening.
        it’s not as simple as reversing roles back to 1920 or 1800… technology has taken all that away and it’s taking away male roles at an increasing rate also. robots will annihilate the working class male in the next 10-15 years. he’s going to be even more at a loose end than the 2.5 kids 1960s mothers were…
        feminism was an answer and a rallying call to the young bored mothers than had their 2 kids and then at 30 something had nothing to do…. it was natural for them to second guess things and tell their daughters to go to university, travel the world, do something when you are young – it made sense, even if the cause an effect made a huge mess….
        there needs to be a new kind of solution – not just shove women into the work place – but a real solution to child bearing, marriage and being productive and feeling fulfilled in life. no one likes sitting about doing nothing all day. that’s where a part of the feminist movement comes from.

        1. Have three or four kids spaced out over about a decade so that the mom is a dedicated mom from age 25 to 50. Get her involved in arts and community projects and most importantly an upright religion. They still exist if you aren’t too lazy to seek them out and sacrifice some physical comfort for. Modern culture has destroyed the community and spirituality that women require to function properly in.

        2. The seven year itch is real the cure? Be succesful and make her life full of pleasant surprises and adventures with you and your family. Looking at how people whom are well off; they have very few problems finding attractive women and keeping them (First Lady Melania Trump anybody?) Because they can provide excitement and adventure with no problems.

        3. That is a very good point, searching for a new solution.. All that talk of female boredom was reminding me of the song “Mother’s Little Helper”..

        4. Well said.
          I’ve always felt there was a middle ground between 18-20 year old brides/mothers(we’ve seen how well that works out for military families) and 35 year old ones who are all sorts of damaged by their two decade long rumspringas. 26 seems like a good age. College/tech school, then several years to travel, work, etc.
          I’d like to see 32 hour workweeks aligning with school hours be more of a thing for “pink collar” jobs. The trouble with modern jobs is that they’re either some goofy poverty-level part-time/weekend crap or want to consume your entire life.
          I’m less enraptured by the SAHM thing than many RP men. Though perhaps I’m biased – it just made my mother depressed and she’d take long naps and watch TV. If you actually study family dynamics throughout history, most wives worked on the farm or helped with their husband’s business and childcare divided among members of the extended family.
          I wonder if hobbies are the answer. It’s amazing how many women don’t really have any. In my mind, the most fulfilling hobbies are the ones where something is actually being produced. IE, knitting, furniture restoration, and gardening.

        5. JJ you talk a lot of sense. I think in general humans are more selfish now, less prepared to sacrifice their own personal fulfilment. Partly due to lack of faith in an afterlife (need to make most of this one) and our own cultural point in time. I did the career early and had children in my late 30s gave up the career to stay home. No regrets, it worked well still married (25 years together). But I had to sacrifice my personal ambitions to be the stay at home mum. It was/is worth it but for intelligent women who could have exciting careers, it does take sacrifice. However my husband too made sacrifices, he took on the financial burden of providing for the family and having the stressful job that delivers that. I care for him and the kids so he doesn’t have to do cooking and household chores but there are no easy one size fits all answers.
          Legally things need to change to level the playing field so men do not lose their children, money and assets if relationships fail. Feminism has undoubtedly gone too far and most thinking women when confronted with the facts can see that as well. I’m glad to see sites like this where men are organising, unbowed and fighting back. Just like men should!.

        6. Hobbies and volunteering, working part time, doing further education are all ways I have managed to occupy myself and make a small contribution to family finances. (The stay home housewife) and so have a number of my friends.

        7. Yes we do need communality, stay home mothers find comfort in each other’s company and the children have others to play with. Spirituality too plays a role. All you suggest helped keep me sane…but a lot of this is more applicable to middle classes, who can afford to have the mother at home! It’s not even possible for many families.

        8. One of the reasons it’s no longer possible for lots of people to have their wives stay at home (mine, sadly, is one of these women) is because so many women have become “empowered” with dead-end careers and end up stealing wages that should have gone to men with families to feed.

        9. Also wages have not kept pace with the price of housing in Europe and the U.K. especially so few can manage on a single income….my father was able to buy a house on an average salary on one income, that is not possible on an average salary today in many parts.

    3. yes, it definitely flipped very hard in the last 10 years… I recall in the early 90s, when i was first dating, i never had to have game or approach because girls would come after me. They’d sit on my knee in the bar, come over and dance with me at a gig or in a disco, kiss me out of the blue. there was nothing to do but show up. i remember one night i had 3 girls on tap in the same club, the biggest game i had to run was keeping them in different corners of the building… no smart phones, no mobile phones, no real dating – just go out and show up – and they would too… it’s more socially based and much clearer definitions, way less games.
      there was no girl DJs, very few girl bands, studying science or anything serious was not infested with femmy witchery, most well paying roles were absolutely male dominated…. then the computer came along and it was not necessary to have a typist, secretary, assistant, PA etc.
      all the great technology that men have invented has liberated women more than it’s liberated men… we’re on to the next project, space rocket, warp drive etc. while they’ve had a field day and over run the management and board rooms.

    4. Sounds to me like all you guys are being rejected and are blaming that on the “feminist movement”, instead of, say, women realizing we don’t have to put up with sexist and controlling men. How dare we have our own minds and choose to be independent.

  18. Feminism is bad for society but good for business, that’s the choice that was made.

  19. I know this shirt is pro-feminism but I would totally rock this shit, especially if I had some tape or paint to put a checkmark beside B.

    1. C) Because freedom of speech is the foundation of liberty.
      D) Because identifying with “isms” is for malleable sheep.
      E) Because I have balls and a brain.
      F) Because hunting witches for the state is like, soooo passé.

        1. Considering most Western women’s domestic skills, I’d trust a man to cook it better. (In fact, I’d be able to cook it better.)
          Don’t trust your food preparation to someone who not only hates you, but also doesn’t know how to boil water.

      1. G) Because I don’t let weak turd shaming language from the ugly deny the reality of my wanting to slay hot pussy.
        H) Because you’ve had equal opportunities since the 1960’s but without obtaining equal results mostly because you suck.
        I) Because the larger than life ones among you have your own gravitational pull & rival the great heavenly bodies of the cosmos far surpassing any need for equality with men.

    2. What a stupid look on his face.
      Like a dog showing he did a good job and thinks he earned a treat. What a pathetic example of a man.

    3. WHAT a mangina! “Good dog!”
      That shirt needs only one choice: “I have a brain and can think for myself”.

  20. The only ones who can save themselves are the girls in their teens and 20’s. They still have a high SMV, the ones in their thirties and up are completely fucked. What were these women thinking when they decided to never marry or have children? What are they going to do when they hit 50 years old and realize ” I’m going to die childless and alone.” And they still have another 30 plus years to go after 50 of being alone and childless. I think we are going to see a spike in female suicide pretty soon.

    1. 1. Aquire a shit-ton of cats.
      2. Aquire a shit-ton of antidepressants.
      3. Campaign against ageism.
      4. Go to local bars & seek out drunken bottom-feeders like Waldo.

    2. The sexual marketplace has gotten so bad for men, that the number of thirsty, sexless males is at an all time high. These girls have no problem finding a beta to pick up the pieces after they have aged. We might actually see some kind of revolutionary change if women were forced to die alone.

  21. Whenever I hear a female whining about the “oppressive” patriarchy, I always ask her why, in the 200,000 years since the advent of modern humans, no women ever found the strength and courage to break from men to establish their own successful strictly matriarchal societies based on supposed womanly values and ideals. By this I mean matriarchal societies created solely by women which could rival the patriarchy in infrastructures and technologies, and to which whiny females could immigrate. As is typical when the female victim mentality narrative is challenged, I am usually attacked on a personal level in vile terms and/or they commence a screeching diatribe denigrating men and blaming “evil” men for their own female gender failings. Often they will bring up a few primitive patriarchal enclaves with matriarchal components or matrilineage as evidence of “girl power” matriarchal societies. Although those societies were not created by females and are still based on the female exploitation of males, I still usually ask why women aren’t immigrating to them in order to escape the patriarchy. Again, these females only get angry and instinctively attack. Those women do not want to give up the comforts and opportunities provided by the patriarchy even if they don’t appreciate them. Any woman who rails about the patriarchy should have to explain why a successful strictly matriarchal society has never existed. The only valid answer is that hateful females have always been too weak and cowardly and so chose to survive by exploiting the hard work and innovation of men.
    Women revel in chauvinism, misandry, and collective victimhood. That’s their power. That’s true feminism.

    1. yes, only the beehive is run by females who just keep the males for mating….. it seems to work for honey bees and it’s not found anywhere else.

        1. Don’t forget that the worker bees are all non-fertile females, who also don’t reproduce. Only the queen bee mates — once — and spends the rest of her life laying eggs.
          I wonder how many Western females would want to actually spend their entire lives doing that — nothing but working, with no family of their own, no love, no companionship?
          It’s funny, but — whether they agree with this or not — when they became man-hating feminists, they signed up for exactly that.

      1. That’s part of “their” evolution and very existence. Of course, a good satire, that is !

    2. Women in Western society are living in the most privileged time in human history. They have access to healthcare, employment and all sorts of ‘equality’ like never before and all protected under legislation. But it will never be good enough as they continue to moan about being oppressed by evil white men.
      They really are like spoiled little children.

      1. Exactly! What I find most ironic is that women cannot list any positive contributions made by men especially without negative qualifiers and gender comparisons. For instance, they may acknowledge that men invented and developed the airplane but then they’ll have to qualify it with something like, “But they use them to drop bombs” and, “Women make better pilots (in their chauvinistic perceptions)”, yet they have benefitted the most from exploiting the hard work and innovation of men. By the way, women were not the first programmers, a woman did not invent the windshield wiper, and a woman did not discover Kevlar.

        1. But men use computers to launch missiles, kevlar to absorb bullets and shoot more of them, and windshield wipers to oppress raindrops!!

        2. Well said Keith. They are so ungrateful. Right from the “Tissue Paper” they use to wipe their ass h**e to the Keyboard they type comments with and to this “Disqus Platform”; everything were created by MEN.
          PS: J. Marion Sims, Father of modern GYNECOLOGY !!!

        3. Well I am all too aware that every building I see; every road I drive upon; every electric cable, gas main, water pipe etc was laid by/built by men by and large. Not to mention the collection of refuse – all men again. So next time a woman says that ask her who she thinks created the built environment. The sensible feminist Camille Paglia, says that if there were no men, women would still be living in grass huts!

        4. I’ve heard that too. Women are so innately hateful that they can neither appreciate nor acknowledge the many, many positive contributions of men. Instead women cherry pick and focus on the negative in order to rationalize their hateful and opportunistic gynocentric agenda. If women were capable of the same level of innovation that men are it would have manifested itself long ago. Now that modern man-made technologies have mitigated female deficiencies women are suddenly poised to assert their perceived superiorities even as they denigrate men and blame men for their own female gender failings. It’s the male qualities that females harp about that built our modern world. I’m with you. I appreciate, and am amazed at, all of the modern conveniences and comforts that masculinity has brought us.

        5. Women also didn’t invent tampons or forceps (which lowered the rate of women dying in childbirth)…

        6. Sorry. I was primed for battle. My issue is with women who rail against the patriarchy and denigrate men as if it is their right. I find that offensive. As I said, I’ve had vile things said about me, as well as my family and pets, for merely trying to discuss these things. I rarely bother with the pleasantries anymore.

        7. Excellent point. Often when I bring up my extreme disagreement with women who rail against men and the patriarchy, they will claim that giving birth makes women superior. They see this as a mystical gift. I then remind them that they incubate, give live birth, and take care of our young because they are mammals, just like the females of over 5000 species of mammals. They are hardly unique. Then I point out that unlike any other mammals ever in existence, human males have developed sciences and technologies which benefit us all, including amazing advances in anesthetics, septics, surgery, and obstetrics which have significantly decreased the infant mortality rate and increased the average female lifespan. Those women, of course, are neither impressed nor appreciative. Instead they become even more angry because I burst their chauvinistic and misandristic bubble.
          Women are great as long as one panders to their innate chauvinism/vanity, misandry, and collective victim mentality. Women need constant affirmations and assurances. But challenge their gynocentric narrative and they’ll go all psycho bitch on you. Some guys can deal with that. I can’t.

        8. That’s ok I can well imagine how offensive it is for half the population to be referred to as dangerous rapists because they are male and to have all mens’considerable accomplishments swept away. Not just the built environment but in the arts, philosophy, music, medicine. I’m not saying women are not capable of many of these things themselves, but far fewer have had the tenacity and possibly the freedom, education or physical strength to have done so.
          I know far more very good men than bad. For every not so nice man I have met, there were at least 25 nice ones. However is could be a reflection of how I treat men myself? I’m not sure what universe feminists live in that they know so many ‘awful’ men.
          The emasculation of western males by decades of feminism, single mothers, urban metrosexual lifestyles and a feminised education system is terrible for men’s mental health, wellbeing, life chances and the normal functioning of society. Feminists don’t seem particularly happy though do they? The happiest females I know are the ones with nice husbands or boyfriends. My single friends are all a bit lost and desperate for a good man.

        9. Yes and jealous single women love to take shots at traditional wives for not being “strong and independent.” Meanwhile, those types are lonely and riding the cock carousel.
          I knew an obese single mom who enjoyed telling me that she could take care of herself and she didn’t need a man. What made me laugh is that handsome men would use her for sex but they wouldn’t be caught dead with her in public.

        10. Nor did women invent the automobile, nuclear energy, the cure for polio, electricity, space travel, ships, the artificial heart, the Great Wall of China, skyscrapers, highways, bridges, canals, the theory of relativity, physics, mathematics, lasers, the Great Pyramids, philosophy, universities, elevators, atom splitting, radar, the telephone, television, gasoline, x-rays, democracy, etc. Also, don’t forget that over 1.1 million American men have fought and died on domestic and foreign lands to protect the freedoms that you enjoy today.

        11. There are 7 or 8 billion humans on this planet. As far as I know all of them had came from a birthing. Don’t think any of them hatched from an egg. Big fu#king deal giving birth. Most women fantasize about being a mother from an early age. I don’t buy any victim nonsense about a woman having a baby.

        12. It’s a no win situation for both genders. I don’t hate women but I despise radical feminists.

        13. Most of these jobs that the “educated” women have are in the service sector. They create or produce very few tangible items.

      2. Girls today are spoiled. Most are never taught how to cook and clean because their mothers refused to cook and clean. Basically, they are unable to care for themselves much less a family. I know more guys who can cook then girls who can cook.

        1. When I was a child, I hated my mother for insisting that I learn to cook and clean. I also resented my parents for refusing to allow me to become promiscuous as well as forbidding me to date until age 18. I thought they were applauding patriarchy. I told my mother that I would never be a “slave” like she was. My parents are still married after over 40 years.
          Now that I am married to a wonderful traditional man, I have apologized to my mother for my insolent attitude and thanked her for giving me an edge over the competition in today’s dating world. She never stops bragging about how clean my house is to others and teasing me about my immature phase of feminism. My husband always says that he married me because I was different from the spoiled sluts who couldn’t even boil an egg.
          I feel sorry for men these days. Most women have been indoctrinated by the toxic ideology of feminism. That movement was never about giving women rights. It was always about hating men and marriage.

        2. There’s the fundamental difference between men and women and a window on to who dominates this society.
          Most women find men who will do something for them or pay to have someone do it for them. Most men just learn to do it themselves, make enough money to pay for someone to do it, or go without.

        3. One thing is for sure; there is no need for you to be sorry for men. Instead, you need to feel sorry for other women:
          =who think they are equal (forget about the ridiculous “superior”) to MEN
          =who walk bare chested, do slut-walks, do porn for living and yet blame MEN for objectifying
          =who bask on the “hard work and efforts” of MEN, since the evolution began but never accept & acknowledge that fact and are always “ungrateful”
          So cooking for the “Family” (guess that includes the woman herself !!), keeping the house clean (guess she lives under the same roof !!) is being a “slave” !!! OMG !!! Who is paying for the Home (Rent/Mortgage) !? Who is providing for the Food !? Who is giving her ON-DEMAND, UNCONDITIONAL and FREE (Yep, Absolutely FREE) SEX !?
          You should be really thankful and grateful to GOD for such a Hardworking, Caring and Loving MAN. Anyway, our best wishes to you Couple.

        4. It’s an open letter to feminists so expect some female comments. Calling his humble darling a bitch when she is actually anti feminist is just dumb! Or do you just blindly hate the female of the species?

        5. Yes, I agree with you. I was just young and foolishly allowing the feminist rhetoric taught at school to affect me. Thank God I grew out of that nonsense. I was never so indoctrinated that I became promiscuous and walked around bare chested though.
          There are few activities that bring me more pleasure than seeing my husband enjoy a meal that I prepared.

        6. I blocked that fool a long time ago because he attacked me for no good reason. The only “bitch” is him since he enjoys starting arguments with random women; very unbecoming and catty behavior from a man. Maybe he’s upset that he isn’t Alpha enough to find a traditional woman.
          There is absolutely nothing to be gained from posting false comments so what would I gain from lying?

    3. Imagine for a moment we’ve always been in a matriarchal society. What society isn’t one where men are exploited to the benefit of women?
      Who actually runs a society may not be as it initially appears.

      1. “If you want to discover who rules over you, find out whom you are not allowed to criticize.” — Voltaire

    4. Couldn’t have put it better myself. And the more thoughtful members of womankind know it as well.

    5. The various forms of men checking out is a natural reaction. We’re done being sacrificial scapegoats. There have been multiple articles written about it now (usually under some variation on the title of “where have all the good men gone?”). Watching segments of the female society start to panic is rather amusing. Especially those past the wall, when they realize that the promises of “having it all” amount to decrepit boxes of dust. More and more the shrill cries of “just man up” and take it, are falling on deaf ears. We are quite capable of creating a number of satisfying responsibilities without a lamprey attached to our necks. This article is spot on. I can’t think of much it missed. Other than, if you think western women have had it oh so terrible, just wait until the new demographics from the middle east and central America increase in significant size. Then their BS about western men today will seem like a fairy tale.

      1. So true. Western c***s are the MOST privileged c***s on planet Earth. Asian c***s (especially in Bharat / India) were & are also privileged (culture and tradition), but because of demographics (weather, lifestyle, income etc.), some of them had to be less privileged but that’s quite plausible.

      2. Curious how blind some of these strident harridans are willfully blind to the fact that in many mid easter and asiatic societies, women are basically chattel.

        1. That’s because it’s much easier to attack a population of men who have been socialized from birth to not physically or verbally attack women.
          But those times are ending here in the West; women are now beginning to hear “it’s not the 1950’s anymore, and you wanted ‘equality’, so now you’ve got it” from the men whom they have been hating on for over forty years…and they’re getting scared. Although the majority of men have (so far) refused to physically attack women, they are also refusing to protect strange women in public.

        2. The worst thing you can do to these nasty PC harridans is to give them exactly what they’ve been asking for.

        3. True…men are finally speaking out about how these harridans only want to cherry-pick the aspects of “Equality” that give them only the advantages and none of the liabilities; the last thing that they want is REAL “Equality”!

        4. I wouldn’t stop to help a woman change a flat tire for less than $200, and only then if I had a fellow passenger to film the event. $300 if it’s raining.

  22. The elites have to give us enemies so we aren’t focused on fighting them. So make women fight men, by claiming men have so many advantages(when really its an elite few that do, while the bottom of men suffer the worst of anyone, highest suicide rate, job death rate, fewest romantic options, etc). And they set the races against each other. They’ve caused a cycle of violence among blacks by the minimum wage(which is anti young inexperienced men in general). See the Nobel prize winner Milton Friedmans talks on this in youtube. So a young man often has few choices other than crime, and when he invariably gets caught, he now gets a special training in jail and becomes a career criminal because the work world is shut to him. Black men actually had higher employment rates in the 50’s than whites. If you think Black men are really selling drugs because they make so much money, you should check out Freakonomics analysis of a drug gangs accounting books that they acquired. The guy on a street corner selling crack probably has the worst job in America. He’s actually making less than minimum wage and has a extremely high rate of death or incarceration. So here we have Black men being violent and criminal, and blaming the man for their situation, and whites looking at all the blacks who are violent, and saying there must be something wrong with them. Then you have the militarization of the police by the elites, and George Soros funding Black Lives Matter. So who is the real enemy?

    1. I’d say the enemy is technology….. too much technology in the hands of a society that has no real life goal other than getting rich…..
      100 years ago those same black men were working in the fields. Now we have tractors with GPS, one man can harvest food for an entire city.
      100 years ago those same men were working on construction, now a few skilled men operating machines do the work of 500.
      So there’s a huge amount of spare time and spare human productivity, and the only goal to aspire to is getting rich. If we aspired to enlightenment (that may be a worthy or a terrible goal I don’t know), but those men would be in monasteries meditating all day instead of selling drugs… which basically provide the same effect as meditation without the positive benefits.
      There’s just too much time to kill. Too many people for too few jobs. There weren’t huge drug problems and gangs and etc. in 1500 because there was too much work to do, just to have a bowl of food at the end of the day.
      It’s basically the mice utopia, which goes to hell and destroys itself. paradise is it’s own type of hell.

    2. Walter Williams has a great documentary he did in the 80’s on YouTube that goes into that.
      Minimum wage, and LBJ’s Great Society is what had lead to the destruction of the Black Family and the ensuing destruction of the culture.

    3. “So make women fight men, by claiming men have so many advantages(when really its an elite few that do, while the bottom of men suffer the worst of anyone, highest suicide rate, job death rate, fewest romantic options, etc).”
      So much this. So many times when I’ve heard this privilege thing and wanted to say just because I share a gender and a similar skin color with David Rockefeller doesn’t mean I have the same privileges. However in polite company that can’t be done any longer.
      Fedgov and those who control/influence it has used the native population and blacks to do their social experiments on. We can see what their aims are by their results. Now they have spread it to the general population.

  23. I used to do the club scene but finally realized that the women who are into that scene are some of the worst pieces of crap on this planet. Snarky and nasty pretty much covers it alright. It’s impossible to have a normal conversation with half of them as they look down at you as if they’re the queen and you a peon. It makes me miss the 80s when women were sweet and gentle…and effeminate.
    Just read this article the other day and it goes into the same things, about how women were so much different in the past:
    I think we forget just how different women were back then. Our society reminds me of that novel 1984 where the narrator is one of the only people who remembers how great everything was in the past and how free they were. Everyone else is born into a sort of slavery.
    We’re living this nightmare today as most of the younger generations think our society is completely normal when it’s anything but that. And I’m not just talking about women, but how much better everything was just 30 years ago: film, music, freedom…really everything.

    1. it’s the double edged sword of technology… we can’t be miserable old men and say it was much better in the past, because every generation says that…
      in 1990 if you want to know anything about someone on the other side of the world, you had to pay 3 months wages for an airline ticket, a day’s wages for a phone call, send a snail mail and wait a month for a reply, or head to the local library and read some books. About the best I could do in London in 1989, to get information about Australia was buy a travel guide of which there was like 2 different books to choose from, costing 4-5 hours of wages, or look at a copy of a yellow pages at the central library – 4 hour journey back and forth and make a few photo copies of certain parts….. it was very cut off and isolated….
      you can’t wind back the clock to 1850 and say it was better…. it was bloody aweful… 50% of people died before they were 50. women died in child birth, children died ALOT so women had 10+ kids to make sure a few survived. it was brutal. men worked 12-18 hour days to the bone in manual labor in all conditions… just for a crust….. sleeping rough, herding livestock and planting fields…. it was no fun….. no fun at all.

      1. Who wants to live in the 1850s??? The 1950s…sure. But I wouldn’t want to go back any further than that.

        1. yeah, but 1950 was a bubble moment… post war, all kinds of new technologies just surfacing but not actually in full flight yet….
          1995 to 2000 was also a pretty amazing time and then the internet turned into a big brother monitoring tool….. .it couldn’t stay where it was for long…

    2. See the newspeak word “sexcrime”
      Goodsex is the normal intercourse between man and wife,
      for the sole purpose of begetting children and without physical
      pleasure; all else is sexcrime.

  24. Good article. I suspect it is in vain though. Women are like children, you can’t expect them to fully grasp the concept of personal responsibility.
    It’s easy to cast blame on women and expect them to fix the situation themselves. It’s not going to happen though.
    Men will fix this. Just like always.

      1. As with any job, they just want the title, the bragging rights, the credit, the perks, the benefits, and the pay — what they don’t want is the work, the accountability, and the responsibilities.

    1. For GOD sake bro, lets stop this “Women are like children”.
      A pussy randomly kicks MEN on their genitals, apparently for no reason and goes un-punished, identity not revealed, not on the list of offenders/criminals and gets “rehabilitation” on Tax Payers Money !!?? “are like children” ? really !?

      1. Not sure what you are trying to say mate.
        If you are implying that I based my statement “women are like children” on something that I read in the above article you would be incorrect. 27 years of experience and observation are what I based my statement on.

        1. I’m getting the vibe that you are a man-child. As are the rest of the boys on here. This is adorable.

    1. That’s because they can’t commit the arsons, assaults, and vandalism that males paid protesters are better at

    1. If there was ever any doubt to the fact that they’re trying to break up families…here’s your proof.

    2. Chelsea Handler only has the opportunities to spew chauvinism and misandry because men created amazing infrastructures and technologies for her and her ilk to exploit. What a hateful and hypocritical sex females are. Man power made girl power possible.

    3. She is the stuff of nightmares. If a man said these things, she and her miserable friends would call him selfish, self centered, and immature.

      1. She’s the bitter bitch in the bar making life hell for everybody around her, both men and women alike.

        1. When you also find these women in positions of authority at the workplace, they also make life hell for everyone else around them (especially for men, but for women, too) and drive out all the workers with any ability and talent.

  25. The problem assuming the left and feminist have any logic, reason or sanity.
    Its easy to just assume that you will kick them in teeth when you get your chance. Also, the FBI statistics are incredibly even farther away than the numbers above. Basically, your arguing with ignorant female trolls on a mission to control the narrative.

    1. The trouble is that feminists would rather believe a proven lie, than EVER EVER EVER EVER humble themselves and admit the truth that they were wrong.

  26. This is another excellent article that I will be having my daughter read, and then I will discuss it with her. Despite the best efforts of those at her school and social groups to corrupt her more traditional thinking, she’s mostly okay, but I can always use more opinions of others to help reinforce what I’ve tried to teach her – to be traditional, feminine, modest, and to think with something other than her hormones. We shall see in a few years if I have succeeded…

    1. IMO the best way is to point out older single women to her – in their 30s and 40s and childless.
      Tell her that’s the eventual path of ‘independence’ from family and wifehood.
      Her youthful beauty is a temporary gift and very valuable, that she should use it wisely.

      1. Brilliant idea! I will begin doing that a lot. Also, I can point out a lot of women who got married in their mid-thirties and are now going to very expensive and heartbreaking infertility treatments because they waited until mid- to late-30s to start a family.

        1. I personally have NO sympathy for these women. They made their choice to believe the lie that they could bear healthy children into their forties; in fact, they shouted down and spat verbal poison at those who tried to warn them that they were mistaken and making a bad decision.

      2. The problem is that those single childless women in their thirties and older completely lack any sense of humility and introspection. They are puffed-up with arrogance and pride, and would rather drag a new generation of women into being “Useful Idiots” for a group of ugly, man-hating harridans, than EVER publicly admit that they made a mistake.

    2. What grade is she in? And do you ever ask your daughter if she’s being taught femenist beliefs at school?

      1. She’s a junior in high school, and I know the school teaches SJW crap. It’s a private parochial school (our public school is the county’s rape capitol and does a shitty job teaching!), but most churches are infested with feminist, SJW nonsense. Yes, we talk a lot – it’s my job to deprogram her from the attempted brainwashing the school attempts.

  27. Brilliantly written. That’s the thing that eats me up – we care about women more than the feminists. The feminists know playing on a woman’s resentments (towards men) gives Them more power. But they don’t really care about the negativity they sow into the lives of women who read their negative accounts of men. If you’re a guy, and a woman way over-reacts to what you say, you have to realize it’s not just you; there’s a good chance that woman has been exposed to one feminist column after another playing on certain resentments she has (we all have bad experiences with the other gender from time to time); and creating a fear and anger towards men that’s just waiting for some incident to push her over the edge.
    We can’t keep going on like this. Men are patient. But it isn’t unlimited. I just hope enough women realize we all have a stake in seeing eye-to-eye before its too late.

    1. Women only care about the ‘end of our patience’ when it backfires and negatively effects THEM — remember the “Costa Concordia”?

  28. “The truth is that feminism stopped being about equality long ago.”
    It was _NEVER_ about equality. Never. Women would never lower themselves to equality in society. It’s about their demands of superiority and preference changing with the times.
    Early feminism (suffrage) came from the upper classes where women decided they wanted to do things like their fathers did. Lower class women didn’t want to do what their fathers did. All these supposed restrictions had been born out of protecting women. Keeping a house was usually not as bad as the back breaking dangerous work men would do.
    Women didn’t want to work in the mines with a pick and shovel. Now that men have developed mechanized mining equipment where they can sit in an air conditioned cab, now they want to be able to choose working in a mine running that equipment. So now their demands change.
    Same with being in the military. The less harsh it gets the more women are interested in being able to have the choice. You won’t find many women wanting to work in WW1 type conditions.
    Same with sexuality. As technology allows their demands change but even in the 19th century a man could be arrested and go to prison for consensual sex under the “seduction” laws. Much the same as today’s after-the-fact rape laws where the woman changes her mind or a parent disapproves and changes consensual sex into rape after the fact.
    Women have had the upper hand from the beginning. All that changes is their point of view of the world. What they feel is the best for them now. What’s the best trade-offs they can get away with. And as time goes on we see women’s responsibilities, duties, and obligations in society go away while their entitlements increase.
    Feminism has never been about equality. Never. It’s always been about freeing women from burdens and more resources flowing their way and more choices for them. Women have never been in the subservient position. Some women may have objected to this or that trade off. But in the net, that feminist past never existed. Not from the POV of most women then.

  29. AWALT. They were good at manipulating us into paying for them to raise a screaming baby that half the time wasn’t even ours. They never actually loved us. They’d take a bullet for the screaming baby. If they had an outside option they wouldn’t piss on us if we were on fire.
    No more. A man in search of love and loyalty will find it in other men and dogs. Women are useful as warm holes for come. Nothing else.

  30. There’s been a lot of talk about “male privilege” too. That’s more baloney. I think it could be argued that men certainly had more power in society, at least on the surface. However, with that power comes responsibility. Unlike the power without responsibility western females are seeking and getting now.

    1. Men have so called privilege because we’ve earned it. It was men who forged ahead and created society that made the life of women what it is today. If they have an issue with that then they can go and live in Somalia or some other backward third world shithole.

      1. Agreed! Men have always been the providers, the protectors, the creators, and the innovators. Life was primitive. Men changed that. Women benefitted. Women still whine. Man power made girl power possible.

  31. This is a good article, but certain quotes from the article read like the typical “feminism was once a noble quest for equality, but modern feminists take it too far” argument.
    Quotes from the article:
    “feminism stopped being about equality long ago. If it was just about equal rights under the law, American feminists would have declared the job done following the Equal Pay Act of 1963, then celebrated the golden peace between men and women ever since.”
    Unless this was meant as sarcasm, then I have to point out that there was no “golden peace” between men and women to be had from the “accomplishments” of early feminists. In fact, the women’s suffrage (right to vote) movement was what set cultural Marxism into motion in the U.S. After the 19th amendment was ratified, politicians now had to appeal to female voters as well as male, and it’s no secret that women vote leftist and are swayed by emotional arguments far more than men. This not only affected the outcome of every presidential election since 1920, it also affected what kind of person could even RUN for president. A no-nonsense tough guy with a military background (which describes many 18th and 19th century presidents) could no longer get elected, since he was not “fun” and “sexy.” Instead, we got leftists like Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama.
    “The fact is that sex is a great bonding experience, but the more people you do it with, the less effective the bonding is. (Yes, that applies to men too.)”
    Yes, it applies to men, but not in the same way. One of the reasons why so many women become sluts is because women themselves are attracted to men who bang a lot of girls. A woman will think to herself “I am attracted to men with a little sexual experience. As long as he’s not a total man-whrore, it doesn’t bother me. So men must be attracted to women with a little sexual experience, too. As long as I’m not a total slut, he should be okay with it.” The problem is that they don’t realize that male attraction and female attraction are different. A woman does not value purity and chastity in a man, while a man values those qualities in a woman very strongly.
    So if you say to a woman “having sex with too many people is bad for men and women alike,” she will then say to herself “well I don’t really mind if a man is experienced, so he shouldn’t mind if I’m experienced.” Women need to be aware of the differences between male and female sexuality.
    “For the last FIFTY years, it’s stirred up discord, making you distrust and even hate us.”
    More like 100-150 years. The 19th amendment was passed in 1920. The feminist movement had been active for at least 50 years before that. In fact, the word “feminism” was coined by French socialist Charles Fourier in 1837, nearly 180 years ago.

  32. I wonder if Trump will offer tax credits to marry women over 30 or forgive student loans after 3 kids(same father)?

    1. First and foremost is to disband the divorce industry. Take the money out of the divorce lawyers and judges.

    2. Marriage is viable for men ONLY after ‘No-Fault’ Divorce and ‘domestic violence’ laws are repealed, and women are held accountable for perjury and slander (at a minimum); otherwise, there’s not any point to it.

  33. This is a great and well thought out open letter. True and true.
    I’m going to challenge readers from a paradigm that was everywhere 100 years ago during the more patriarchal period mentioned and explain why feminism is so rampant today. I’ll also clearly point out the cause. It’s very simple to do.
    The last generation to have Christian moral restraint was the WW2 generation. America’s founding was Christian. No, not the US Constitution, America’s real founding. Christianity was removed from America’s government. From there, the Churches became impotent over the centuries due to non Christian rulers and “laws”.
    The moral principles that governed America’s hearts is gone. Gone! People want the kind of America that used to exist but don’t want Jesus who made it that way. They want some of His moral principles to be present in society for their own good, but not Him or His rule. Let’s talk about morality but avoid talking about that morality coming from the Bible. We don’t like that at all and definitely want to avoid a theocracy at all costs! What a horrible thing that would be.
    Feminism isn’t going anywhere. Logic and reason does not penetrate a wicked person. That old book of wisdom my people ignore tells the story of a woman named Eve and her curse for original sin. In English it says, “Your desire will be for your husband, but he will rule over you”. In Hebrew the meaning is captured: A spiritually non-regenerated woman will constantly harbor an inner desire to rule over her husband. In other words, she wants to be the man. The head. The boss. Only a woman who has been born again and subject to the Holy Spirit has a renewed heart and the kind of submissive personality to serve and obey her man. Not a secular girl. Not a Muslim girl. Not a Jewish girl. Not a Buddhist girl. Not an Alt Right girl. Only a Christian woman. Our forefathers understood this and built a great Western society on such principles. Trump isn’t going to bring that back for you. Neither is the “red pill”, the “manosphere”, “game”, or the best logic and reason of men.

  34. Feminism has NEVER been about equality, because equal rights requires equal responsibilities. The suffragettes (feminisms ugly grandmother via turd world adoption) was about getting the vote for free while men still need to consent to the draft today. More recently, the equal pay act required employers give females the same salary despite the fact that WOMEN COST MORE TO EMPLOY due to the extra sick days and time off they take compared to men, not to mention all the costs associated with pregnancy which have pretty much all been shoved onto men’s shoulders via regulations and taxation redistribution. Women are a net drain over their lifetime and yet we are supposed to swallow that they are strong and independant, which only happens through gubment gibsmedats paid for overwhelmingly by men.

  35. I did my time in a “cube farm”. After six years, I decided to get married and have a family. Never been happier and have never looked back.

  36. If you look at the Steve Crowder videos on Youtube when he
    talks about feminism, it should be clear to all, through his confrontation episodes, that “feminism and Satanism” are one and the same!
    If you look at what they stand for: the opposition to all forms of morality; their open, sacrilegious and blasphemous attacks against Jesus Christ; and their exaltation of every mode of immoral behaviour and practice. This, in itself, should expose to us all that feminism is not at all about equality or equal rights for women.
    I have been told that the best Satanists are those who do not know that they are, and feminism is incontrovertibly a vehicle for it. No differently than what Communism, Progressivism, Humanism, Racism, and Marxism – are!
    What better proof than these image only links?

  37. Why strawman the shit out of it? Why?
    Because you want the very worst aspects of feminism to be the heart of the matter, fucking easily dismissed that way.
    As for the fucking statistics and lies, I honestly don’t know what to believe anymore. I try to do my goddamn due diligence and track down how it was recorded etc. I try to account for my biases and what I want to believe. Hard to tell most of the time.
    Problem with feminism is that it’s only one lens, maybe illuminating to a certain degree
    but not the whole story and always overreaching, pushing a goddamn narrative.
    Like you cunts are. Pushing a goddamn narrative.
    Jeah but it’s the one true narrative.
    Keep pushing then.

  38. The purpose of Second Wave feminism and all leftist crap is to bring down fertility rate.
    Fact: societies are most prosperous when they are most populous.

  39. feminism may not be relevant in the western world, but there are many other places in the world where women lack rights. Firstly, to get this straight, I am not claiming victimhood. however, I believe that women are EQUAL to men- they have the right to pursue happiness. at least before, feminism has given me the right to vote, and more opportunities that I am thankful to have. I think that people on this website believe that if someone Is a feminist, then they cannot cook, clean. cooking and cleaning are necessary skills to have anyways. I even look down on men who cannot cook for themselves. I do not understand why men are still so threatened by woman. Maybe someone can enlighten me.

  40. This writer seems to be operating under the idea that feminist women WANT guys like him to love them. You can’t use the argument that ‘you’re not going to get a guy’ to try and convince a feminist to stop. That’s not what they’re going for.

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